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Rose alexander mackenzie encyclopedia of roses. Unpretentious park roses. How to avoid freezing shoots

Rose Alexander McKenzie (Alexander Mackenzie). Canadian selection: Svejda, 1985. The height of this Canadian rose is 150-200 cm, width 150 cm. The size of the flower in diameter is 5-7 cm. The rose blooms in two distinct waves, between which there may be single flowers, and its elongated dark strawberry -red buds in the shape of tulips resemble hybrid tea roses.

This Canadian rose has a slight strawberry scent. The flowers of this rose perfectly hold both heat and rain. Rosa Alexander MacKenzie withstands frost down to -35 ° C.

Rose for low maintenance gardens, requires little to no attention. All you need to do is spring pruning and make two top dressings per season.

Looks great alone on the lawn. You can not shelter for the winter. without cover (in middle lane Russia) parts of the shoots that are above the snow cover may freeze slightly (may not freeze). If this happens, the shoots are cut back to living wood. The rose grows rapidly and already in the current season a beautiful chic bush and blooms profusely.

Roses of any kind and variety are actively used to decorate the garden. Breeders have bred a huge number of varieties of these plants, which differ in size and color. Very common in compositions landscape design you can meet park roses. Let's talk in more detail about the features of growing this type of roses.

Alexander Mackenzie, scrub (Alexander MacKenzie)

A variety of Canadian selection, the bush is very tall and powerful, it grows up to 2 meters in height, the leaves and stems are moderately prickly. The flowers are pale, pink-red, double, medium-sized, old-fashioned. The buds are very persistent, able to endure adverse weather, the disadvantages will be sunburn and lack of aroma. The variety can tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees, rarely exposed to diseases, blooms all season;

Moje Hammarberg Hybrid Rugosa

It was bred in Sweden, the flowers are very large and fragrant, rich Pink colour with terry texture. The shrub is powerful and tall (1.5 meters), characterized by the presence a large number spikes. The variety is resistant to frost and disease, refers to re-blooming. A strong wind can quickly destroy blossoming buds;

Fishermans Friend (Fisherman's Friend)

One of the most popular varieties, belongs to the English selection, is a shrub, up to 120 centimeters high. The flowers are very beautiful and fragrant, painted purple or purple-raspberry, pleasing to the eye until September. The main feature will be the arrangement of spines throughout the plant, even on inside sheet. For easier frost tolerance, the shrub should be bent down or covered;

Pimpinellifolia Plena (Pimpinellifolia plena)

The variety is frost-resistant and does not require special care, shrub rather high (1.5 meters), densely covered with thorns. Flowering, during which fruits are tied, lasts only 12 days. The buds are fragrant, semi-double, delicate cream color;

John Davis

The variety was bred in Canada, perfectly tolerates the conditions of central Russia and blooms before the first frost. The shrub is very tall, can grow up to 2.5 meters, the shoots hang down slightly.. The buds are collected in inflorescences of 10-12 pieces, the roses themselves are initially painted in a bright pink hue, then they gradually turn pale.

Where did the name Park roses come from?

There is no such thing as a scientific classifier. They are better known in horticultural circles. This species got its name from appearance, tall and powerful shrubs look spectacular in large areas. They are also often used as hedges.

This variety includes wild rosehip and some garden roses and hybrids.

Description of plants

The shrub is very powerful and tall, can reach 1.5 meters in height.. Flowering usually begins very early, and already in late spring, early summer, the first buds may appear. The color of the flowers depends on the selected variety. The buds of park roses can be painted white, yellow, pink, purple and other colors.

Enjoy high popularity double roses, on one bud of which there are 150 petals.

One of the main advantages of these varieties is a beautiful appearance not only during flowering, but also after it. In autumn, the wild rose bush is covered with bright and eye-catching fruits.

motherland different varieties considered Canada, England, France, Sweden and other European countries.

  1. In the first case (Canada) roses are more unpretentious both in terms of weather and care, so they are often planted in areas with cold and unpredictable temperatures. temperature regime. They were bred by Canadian breeders specifically for the harsh climate of their country.
  2. Among European varieties , the most popular are roses bred by breeders David Austin, Kordes, Meyan and Tantau. These plants are less cold tolerant and may require additional preparation or shelter.

Features of this type

Just like all other types of plants, park roses have a number of distinguishing features:

  • many wild and cultivated rosehip varieties have good frost resistance;
  • shrub of this species is very powerful and wide, can be used both in single and in group plantings;
  • flowering starts much earlier than many other varieties.

Experts distinguish two types of such plants:

  1. Single bloom- these varieties bloom once a season and require the preservation of last year's shoots in their care. Differ in the increased frost resistance.
  2. re-blooming- on such shrubs you can observe beautiful buds throughout the season. By frost resistance this group is subdivided into:
  • hybrid roses(rugosa) - tolerate cold better than other varieties;
  • canadian roses- these shrubs easily endure winters in central Russia;
  • cultivars in need of crouching or shelter.

Park roses have a large number of advantages, the main of which is unpretentiousness to the climate.

Care and landing

Park roses are not whimsical to the soil and place of growth, so they can be planted in any area. The distance between the shrubs will depend on the chosen placement method (hedge or single planting).

Immediately after digging a hole, you need to add:

  • 2 buckets of humus;
  • complex fertilizers.

For planting such plants, it is best to choose autumn period. The algorithm of work is as follows m:

  1. Above-ground part of the shrub cut to 2/3 length;
  2. root collar should be 5-10 centimeters above the soil level;
  3. After burying the pit, the soil is plentiful watering and mulching.

Features of caring for roses in the open field

In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, the bush is watered abundantly and fed with mineral fertilizers. Further until the beginning of July, the plant is watered 2 times a week, then the amount of temporary moisture is reduced, and by August it stops altogether.

One of the main points for caring for park roses will be timely pruning. In the spring, you need to remove all frozen or diseased shoots. In the autumn period, rejuvenation is carried out, during which old stems, small shoots and non-flowering shoots are cut off.

If pruning is not carried out at all, then the shrubs will grow strongly, stop blooming profusely and lose their decorative appearance.

Preparing for winter

Many park roses tolerate winter well for open field without any cover. Also there are varieties that need to be bent down, that is, with the onset of cold weather, the shrubs tilt to the ground, dig a small peg nearby and fix the plant on it in a horizontal position.

But some species still need additional shelter, consisting of:

  1. Before the frost shrubs spud with garden soil or peat by 15-20 centimeters;
  2. The plant can wrap with burlap or kraft paper;
  3. Another way is more complicated, following it is necessary close the rose with a wooden box on which the film is additionally laid.

The choice of shelter method will directly depend on the variety and frost resistance of the rose.


There are several ways that you can quickly and easily propagate park roses.


  1. spring grooves break out around the bush where annual shoots fit;
  2. In places where leaves grow cut the bark a little;
  3. Then shoots are covered with earth and watered throughout the summer;
  4. They are dug up in autumn divided and planted for 1 year for rearing;
  5. If a plant can survive a whole season on its own, it put in a permanent place.


  1. In summer or spring it is necessary cut flowering shoots and divide them so that each has 3 sheets;
  2. Before boarding under the lower kidney make an oblique cut, and under the upper straight line;
  3. The bottom sheet is completely removed., and the upper ones are divided in half;
  4. Then 1/4 of a heteroauxin tablet is diluted in 200 milliliters of water and place the cutting there for 40 minutes;
  5. fertile land covered with 3 cm layer of sand and deepen the shoots there by 2 centimeters, after which they close it with a jar or bottle;
  6. Plants throughout the month sprayed daily;
  7. After rooting, the shelter is removed, and the cuttings are placed in the garden, sprinkled with dry sand and covered with spruce branches;
  8. A year later, from the surviving plants get good seedlings.

Root offspring

Own-rooted varieties can be propagated using root offspring.:

  1. Shoots can depart from such shrubs, which come to the surface in the form of single stems, for reproduction, shoots are selected that are at a distance of 70-100 centimeters from the main plant;
  2. A year after the appearance, it is necessary to slightly rake up the ground and cut off the offshoot;
  3. Then it dig and plant to a new place.


Own-rooted varieties can also be divided, for this it is necessary to dig up a shrub and cut the rhizome into several parts. Each of them will be suitable for planting as a separate plant.

Diseases and pests

Park roses are usually resistant to diseases and pests, and as a preventive measure, it is enough to cut, water and feed the bushes in time. But some diseases can still appear on the plant:

  1. powdery mildew- formed on shoots and leaves white coating. In this case, the plant is treated with soda (50 grams per bucket of water) or Topsin-M;
  2. bacterial cancer- a rose can be cured only if the disease was detected immediately. To do this, the roots with an outgrowth are removed, and the remaining ones are placed in a 10% solution. blue vitriol and then into a clay mash. Landing is carried out at a new place.
  3. Rust- yellow-orange spots on the green part of the plant, diseased stems and leaves are cut out, the shrub is treated with Hom;
  4. black spot- the treatment and course of the disease is similar to rust, only the spots form brown or black. In this case, Brodsky liquid also effectively helps;
  5. Park rose stricken with rust

    Preparations Aktara, Bison, Fufanon, Spark, etc. help from various pests.

    Park roses have become popular due to their majestic appearance and unpretentious care., soil and climate. Among all varieties, each gardener will be able to choose exactly the plant that he would like to grow.

Rose Alexander MacKenzie

  • Alexander MacKenzie ( spray rose). Canadian selection: Svejda, 1985. The height of this Canadian rose is 150-200 cm, width 150 cm. The size of the flower in diameter is 5-7 cm. The Canadian rose Alexander MacKenzie blooms in two distinct waves, between which there can be single flowers, and its elongated The dark strawberry red tulip-shaped buds are reminiscent of hybrid tea roses. This Canadian rose has a slight strawberry scent. The flowers of this rose perfectly hold both heat and rain. Rose Alexander MacKenzie withstands frost down to -35 C. Canadian rose will easily recover after pruning frozen ends. Disease resistance: powdery mildew+++, black spotting ++.

Alexander MacKenzie is named after the first naturalist to tour the entire Pacific coast of British Columbia. Blooms in clusters of 5-15 flowers. The flowers are bright red, double. The foliage is large and shiny. A shrub with arcuate curved shoots, it can be grown as a spreading shrub, or a low climber. Sometimes in the second half of summer it is affected by black spotting. The variety needs pruning of dead wood in the spring. (ARE)

The bush is upright, with gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. Elongated dark strawberry red tulip-shaped buds open into flowers classical form with downward-folding petals. The petals gradually fade to a dark warm pink. Lightly smells like fresh strawberries. Blooms in waves. After rains, the outer petals may turn brown and dry. Despite this, one of the most grateful roses. The variety is very disease resistant. (HR)

Rose series Explorer. Cup-shaped flowers with strawberry aroma. Glossy, almost waxy foliage. Very elegant upright shrub. Disease resistant. Very winter hardy. (GRCC)

This variety is distinguished by erect bushes that can reach a height of up to 2 meters. The flowers are double and the petals are bright red. Often this variety also has a slight aroma. Like many other garden roses, they are resistant to frost, so the bush feels great even in frost at -45 degrees Celsius.

Rose J.P. Connell

This wonderful rose is one of the few yellow varieties Explorer series. The flowers are medium yellow or lemon yellow, fading to cream, although the central petals remain yellow longer.

Slightly cupped, double, with an attractive circle of red stamens in the center. Appear one by one or in small brushes (up to 7 pcs). J.P. Connell almost thornless shoots, upright shrub. Black spotting can be a problem in humid climates. The bush is not very vigorous and takes several years to reach its size. This also reflects the nature of flowering: at first, the rose behaves like a single rose, then a couple of flowers appear in the second wave, and only when the bush gains strength, you can wait for a full re-bloom. (ARE)

Rose Parsley

This is a variety of roses, the petals of which have a bright white hue. The bushes themselves have a pyramidal shape, as well as a height of up to 2 m. The inflorescence has up to 12 flowers. The petals are semi-double.

RosaAlexander McKenzie - Rose Alexander Mackenzie.

The variety belongs to the Canadian Hardy Roses - varieties of roses bred specifically to survive the harsh Canadian winter.It blooms all summer, is disease resistant, requires minimal care and can withstand frosts down to -35 C. The rose of this variety is named after one of the very first naturalists who was able to travel around the entire coast of British Columbia, which runs along the Pacific Ocean. This rose blooms with brushes, on which there can be up to 15 flowers. The flowers themselves are bright red. The foliage on the bushes is large and shiny, which makes this rose even more noticeable among others.The bush has characteristic arched shoots. It can be grown as a climber or as a spreading shrub. The bush is upright and has gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. The buds, which resemble tulip buds, very quickly take on the appearance of a classic rose shape with petals folded down. They are overexposed to direct sun rays from a red hue can gradually fade to pink. Despite this, the rose Alexander McKenzie"is one of the most noble. The variety is very disease resistant. Well cuttings. bush height 180 cm . Lighting sun-partial shade. Flowering is abundant, continuous.

Rose Alexander MacKenzie has a red color. The height of the bush is usually about 150-200 cm. The width is about 150 cm, sometimes more, but quite rarely. disease resistance roses Alexander MacKenzie: Almost never gets sick.

Description: Alexander MacKenzie roses

Alexander MacKenzie is named after the first naturalist to tour the entire Pacific coast of British Columbia. Blooms in clusters of 5-15 flowers. The flowers are bright red, double. The foliage is large and shiny. A shrub with arcuate curved shoots, it can be grown as a spreading shrub, or a low climber. Sometimes in the second half of summer it is affected by black spotting. The variety needs pruning of dead wood in the spring. (ARE) Upright shrub with gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. Elongated dark strawberry red tulip-shaped buds open into classically shaped flowers with downward-curving petals. The petals gradually fade to a dark warm pink. Lightly smells like fresh strawberries. Blooms in waves. After rains, the outer petals may turn brown and dry. Despite this, one of the most grateful roses. The variety is very disease resistant. (HR)Rose of the Explorer series. Cup-shaped flowers with strawberry aroma. Glossy, almost waxy foliage. Very elegant upright shrub. Disease resistant. Very winter hardy. (GRCC)