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Walnut pruning. Walnut pruning - how to do it, spring pruning scheme, rejuvenation of an old tree, video

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Walnut processing technology is a white spot in horticulture. In almost all reference literature, this culture, for some reason, is bypassed, or they say that walnut trees are literally untouchable: they cannot tolerate pruning, they can die from injuries, so the crown of the tree must be formed by yourself.

However, experienced gardeners know that in practice, walnut trees have a high shoot-forming ability, easily tolerate crown rejuvenation and quickly recover, even after winter freezing.

Yes, Walnut can live without pruning, but in order for it to bear fruit well, it must be pruned at the appropriate time. The fact is that in the crown of a walnut, without proper care, easily breaking forks can often form with sharp corners, and the branches at the same time grow too long. They are poorly covered with lateral branches, get fat poorly, sag, which reduces their strength. Due to the thickening of the crown, the death of fruit-bearing shoots increases, as a result of which the yield of the nut decreases. In addition, preventive work to combat diseases and pests is becoming more complicated.

Thus, walnut pruning is necessary to increase the volume and quality of the fruit, as well as to regulate the growth of the tree itself. Dormant buds wake up in the cut places and several annual shoots grow until autumn. When pruning, basically, branches are removed that thicken the crown, growing inward, because it is important that it receives enough light.

Pruning is done in autumn or summer. To do this, use a clean, well-sharpened pruner or knife so that the cuts are even, otherwise you can harm the plant. In the spring, pruning begins in March-April, when there is no threat of late frosts, but the plant is still at rest. At this time, the nut will more easily tolerate the removal of shoots, and the wounds will heal fairly quickly. It should also be remembered that it is impossible to form a crown at low temperatures, when the branches become brittle and are difficult to remove.

Walnut shoots grow mainly in May, and in June growth slows down, and the shoot grows in thickness. Growth stops completely in July, when the apical bud begins to form. Fruiting shoots finish growth later, and in wet weather they grow until late autumn. Therefore, it happens that unripe shoots freeze slightly in winter. All this should be taken into account when trimming.

Walnut seedlings are cut short, leaving only two buds at a height of 20-30 cm above the soil level. During post-planting pruning, it is necessary to remove the stem growth, which occurs near the grafting site and can be quite dense.

From the abandoned buds, two shoots develop, one of which must be removed. To bookmark the crown, a stronger and well-located shoot with a more obtuse angle of departure is chosen, and the second, using a pruner, is cut into a ring.

From the left branch, a new tree trunk is formed, the height of which should be no more than 1-1.5 m. As the shoots grow on the left branch, they begin to form the crown of the tree, choosing for this shoots with good angles discharge. When forming a crown in a tier, three branches are left with an interval of 10-25 cm; above this tier, an additional 2-3 single branches are laid.

The walnut crown is formed according to an improved longline and modified leader system. It is created on a trunk with a maximum height of 1-1.5 m. It is important that the height of the trunk be as small as possible.

In the second year after planting a walnut seedling, during bud break, the tree is cut to two buds, of which one will be a reserve. An annual shoot that has grown from a reserve bud is cut off almost immediately, leaving only single annual shoots. If the annual shoot does not reach at least 60 cm in the second year, it is again shortened to two buds in the third year in the spring, proceeding in the same way as in the previous year. After that, the crown shoots, as a rule, reach the required length and in the future they are no longer shortened.

After crown formation, pruning is usually not needed. Every 2-3 years it is necessary to cut dry and densely growing branches, which maintains the most favorable lighting in the crown.

On this moment, one of the most popular methods for forming a walnut crown is the method of the famous farmer and nut grower Nikolai Kiktenko, presented in the video below.

Evgenia Ivanova

ABOUT useful properties everyone knows walnuts today. Trees grow quite quickly and begin to bear the first fruits in five to six years. Walnut is a fairly branchy tree with a wide crown, which allows you to spend a pleasant summer day in its shade while reading your favorite book or in the company of friends. On the plots small size growing nuts is quite problematic. If you are lucky and your site is large enough, do not forget that in addition to planting, the tree will also need care. One of the important points is pruning the walnut.

This task must be carried out on a regular basis so that the tree is well-groomed and does not hurt during growth, and its crown is formed correctly. Pruning a walnut is a fairly responsible procedure. If you do not have special knowledge and have never carried it out before, then it is better to resort to the help of a specialist. In this process, it is important not only the presence of a special tool. You also need to understand which branches can be left intact and which need to be pruned.

This is explained by the fact that in addition to removing diseased and old branches, you are also tasked with the correct formation of the future crown of the tree. The growth of the nut will also depend on this. Thanks to pruning, you can influence the quality and yield of future fruits, as well as the development of the tree as a whole. Depending on the time of the year in which pruning will be performed, you can also control the development of shoots and set them in the direction of growth.

Walnut pruning in the spring is done much more often. You should start after the frosts stop hitting, but the nut is still at rest. During this period, walnut trees quickly recover from their wounds, so the risk of damaging the tree during pruning becomes minimal.

Common mistakes

Many people, not knowing how to cut a walnut, make mistakes. Make sure that the tool is well sharpened and clean. Otherwise, you will get crooked, uneven cuts that will only harm your tree. As with grafting, cut sites should not be treated with oil paint or garden pitch. Special studies were carried out, during which it was found that such processing not only does not accelerate the process of restoring the tree, but also brings additional harm. Wounds on a tree after pruning should heal naturally.

Walnut pruning should not be done in severe frosts. During this period, the tree has very fragile branches that are difficult to remove. Yes, and cropping in such weather, you see, is not a very pleasant thing.

It is possible to achieve ideal results in pruning only over the years, having gained experience. You should not be afraid of experiments, because only in this way you can improve your skills in this difficult task. It is important not to overdo it and not cut too much, because this can lead to the death of the tree, especially if it is relatively young.

Pruning an old tree

If you did not know how to prune a walnut or did not do it for any other reason, then you probably noticed a decrease in fertility. An old tree will produce nuts only closer to its crown. To fix this, it is enough to carry out anti-aging pruning. It is best to do this with the advent of early spring, so that by the onset of constant heat the tree begins to develop in a new way.

First of all, you need to cut down dry branches that are high. They thin out the walnut crown, which results in good light and air transmission. For pruning, it is necessary to choose a place where there is a branch to the side, so that after the procedure the branch develops not to the side, but upwards. After some time, new buds will appear in such places, which will subsequently provide you with a small amount of new shoots. A new fruit-bearing crown will be formed from them.

In this article, we have considered only the main features of how to trim a walnut. You can use this knowledge to carry out self-pruning. But if you still do not understand the rules for trimming a nut, it is best to seek help from experienced gardeners. Thus, you will not only not harm the tree, but you will also see in practice how the walnut is trimmed correctly, and experienced colleagues will certainly be happy to answer your questions in the process.

Walnut pruning: Video

The walnut is a tree that lives for over 100 years. The first harvest can be obtained already in the fifth year of the tree's life. But in order for it to bear many fruits, it is necessary to take care of it. Young trees need more care than adults. The most important is pruning the walnut. A walnut that is already 10 years old just needs to be trimmed. But not everyone knows how to cut a walnut correctly and what is needed for this.

Proper pruning is important for young walnut trees

Pruning by season

Walnuts need regular pruning, because this allows them to add strength and improve fruiting. If this is not done, then the tree will stop producing, fruits, and will simply die over time. The main pruning of the nut should fall on spring period. After the end of the frost, you can begin to form a crown. You just need to do it before the vegetation process begins. removed in the spring most of shoots. This allows the plant to actively develop and give new branches.

Walnut pruning in autumn is carried out in order to better prepare it for frost. During this period, all bad and dry branches are removed. This helps to prevent the appearance of ailments and insects in the spring. This pruning is also called sanitary.

Walnut pruning in summer should fall in mid or late July. During this period, sap flow will not be as active, so it is impossible to harm the tree. Walnut in the summer gives a lot of young shoots, which take strength from the plant. Therefore, most of them are recommended to be removed.

Walnut should be cut in autumn

Instrument preparation

Before cutting perennial plant need to know how to cut it properly. Walnut pruning is carried out using the following tools:

  1. Secateurs (removal of young shoots).
  2. Lopper (removal of a branch 50 millimeters thick).
  3. Garden saw (cutting branches 30 centimeters long).
  4. Chainsaw (for removing thick and old branches that prevent the nut from developing normally).
  5. Garden knife (cleaning wood from mechanical damage).
  6. Staircase (for access to high branches).

Pruning a walnut without these tools is not possible. Therefore, if such a tree appeared in your garden, then it is worth buying them, because this variety of walnut grows quickly and gives new shoots.

The formation of the crown occurs not only with the help of tools, but also in compliance with a certain technology. If you do not know it, then you can simply harm the plant.

Chainsaw effectively cuts wood of any thickness

Pruning and crown shaping

Walnut pruning starts from the first year of its life. During this period, a crown is formed, on which there are five branches. The crown is formed at a young age by removing newly appeared shoots. But this is only if the tree was not struck by some kind of disease or insect.

In the second year of life, the main formation of the crown falls. Pruning a nut begins with shortening the branches to the buds. One of them is the main one, and the second remains in case the first disappears. If both kidneys begin to grow actively, then one needs to be cut off.

After that, the crown is formed, so you can not touch the plant for several years. Is it possible to carry out some work with the tree after that? In these years, only shoots can be removed and sanitary pruning carried out. Cut branches can be used as kindling.

The diagram (a, b and c) shows the stages of walnut crown formation over the years

How to form a walnut crown: to cut a thick branch, you need to cut it a little with reverse side. This will prevent damage to the bark. When removing small shoots, it is necessary to leave processes, the length of which should be 2 millimeters.

If you decide to remove branches more than 2 centimeters thick, they must first be lubricated with pitch. Such manipulations will help prevent infection.

Walnut rejuvenation

If a nut long time do not cut, it ceases to bear much fruit. To remedy the situation, the tree needs to be rejuvenated. Spring is best for this, but be sure to wait for the onset of heat. This will allow the tree not only to rejuvenate, but also to form a new, beautiful crown.

Walnut rejuvenation begins with the removal of dry branches at the top. This manipulation will allow you to hit better sunbeams in the crown And this, in turn, will improve fruiting. Then we begin to form the crown again.

Many of you are aware of the many health benefits of walnuts. Its fruits are rich in vitamins and microelements, but also contain amino acids that the human body does not produce. In the shade of this noble, branchy tree, it is pleasant to relax on a hot summer day, read a book, sit with friends or have a picnic for the whole family. The main feature of the nut is that it grows extremely fast and reaches large sizes. That is why, if your site is not too large, most likely you will have to give up such pleasure as growing a nut. In case you are more fortunate and you have the opportunity to keep a nut, it needs appropriate care. In order for the tree to grow healthy, well-groomed and with a properly formed crown, it is necessary to regularly trim the nut.

High quality walnut pruning- a very responsible procedure. It requires special professional skills and knowledge. It is necessary not only to be able to use the tool, but also to know which branches are better to remove and which ones to leave. After all, the point here is not only to remove old and diseased branches, but also to form the right crown for it from the very beginning of the tree's development. good growth. With the help of pruning, you can regulate not only growth, but also fruiting, development, yield and quality of fruits. The timing of pruning is very important. By carrying out this procedure at a certain time of the year, it is possible to regulate the direction of growth of shoots and their development. Let's talk about this more specifically.

  1. We have repeatedly mentioned that cutting should be done only with a clean, well-sharpened tool. Otherwise, the cuts will turn out to be uneven, crooked, and this will only harm the plant. Also, in no case do you need to coat the cuts with garden pitch or oil paint as in vaccination. Based on some research, it has been proven that this will not speed up the healing process, but only aggravate it. Allow wounds to heal naturally.
  2. Do not prune in severe sub-zero temperatures. The branches of the tree become brittle, poorly removed. And the procedure itself in such weather is inconvenient to perform.
  3. In pruning a walnut, the ideal is achievable only as a result of sufficient experience. Do not be afraid to experiment, because in this way you will be able to better master this procedure. But also, it is important not to overdo it in this matter, not to cut too much - you can ruin the plant, especially at a young age.

To understand in more detail what pruning a walnut is, the photo will perfectly help with this:

Features of pruning some varieties

Basically, pruning is done as usual, without any special features compared to the rest of the garden. But still, there are certain differences, if we consider some varieties individually.

  • Eg, pruning Manchurian walnut must be done very carefully and accurately, as the tree does not tolerate this procedure very well. Most often, a stem of the required height is formed by trimming, thus giving desired shape crowns. You need to cut it only in autumn or winter, since in spring the nut suffers greatly from the juice released from the resulting wounds.
  • pruning hazelnut is reduced mainly to the formation of the crown. Usually 8-10 skeletal branches are left, and unnecessary shoots are removed. A high yield of such a plant is possible only if the crown is well lit.
  • Hazelnut pruning It appears in two main ways: by forming a bush and by forming a tree. Most often, with the help of pruning, they give the shape of a shrub. In this case, the branches are cut not very much in order to maintain abundant growth of young shoots in all parts of the crown and a slight decrease in the overall height of the plant.

Pruning an old walnut

Trees of this kind in natural conditions form a powerful tree-like plant. And if there was no appropriate care for the tree, over time the tree begins to bear fruit only in the upper parts of the crown. In order to correct this, the so-called rejuvenating walnut pruning. It is better to prune an adult walnut in early spring so that by the time heat arrives, the tree has already begun to develop in a new way. They cut off skeletal branches that are too high, thin out the crown quite strongly, providing good light and air permeability. The branches are cut in the place where there is a side branch, stretching them, unfold them up and to the sides. Over time, the influx of tree nutritious juices here will cause the awakening of young buds, from which a number of new shoots will subsequently grow. Of these, in the future it will be necessary to form a new fruit-bearing crown.

We have told you only the main features of walnut trimming. You can be guided by them during this procedure. But if, after reading this article, the rules for trimming a walnut still remain incomprehensible to you, we advise you to contact the specialists of our site for help. Our professionals have been working in the field of horticulture for more than one year, and they know all the subtleties in matters of handling plants. They will be able to tell you how to properly perform any garden care procedures, help you resolve any issues regarding this area and teach you how to properly handle plants. You have the opportunity to contact us by the specified phone numbers in the contacts.

Nut pruning video

Pruning an adult walnut tree is not the most difficult task, but it is important to approach it with all responsibility. To remove excess branches, only sharp secateurs and garden shears are used so that there are no creases at the cut points.

Pruning of any trees is necessary almost every year, depending on the growth rate of the branches. To understand whether you need to cut a walnut, just pay attention to appearance tree. Usually, even an inexperienced gardener understands that it's time to remove the excess.

Regular procedure increases fruiting, immunity to crop diseases. Anti-aging pruning is responsible for this. In addition, the event helps to get rid of some walnut diseases.

Basic schemes

It is possible to correctly form a walnut crown only after studying the basic schemes. Crown formation is a crucial stage in caring for a tree, on which not only the yield, but also the health of the walnut depends. A tree can be formed in several ways.

Improved longline

With improved tiered pruning, only 3 skeletal branches are left on each tier. The distance between them should be no more than 15 cm. In the autumn, the second stage is carried out - the lower tier of branches is cut so that nothing grows on the trunk at a distance of 1.5 m from the ground. It is advisable to cut the walnut so that it has 5-6 tiers of branches.

The distance between the tiers was 50 cm. And the top is completely cut off so that the branches grow in breadth, and not up.


The main principle of crown formation according to this type is the distribution of branches, which belong to the skeletal species, at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Before fruiting, skeletal shoots are left. And then their length is gradually cut.


Cup pruning not only helps increase yields, but also makes it easier to harvest from the tree. The stem with this procedure has a length of 1.5-2 m. Skeletal branches are left 3-4. The distance between them is about 50 cm.

The central branch is cut off at the base, and the top two are crossed with the bottom ones. Every year for 3-4 years, cupped pruning is done in the fall.

Features of anti-aging pruning

The rejuvenating procedure is carried out only on trees that have reached many years of age. For walnuts, it is 10 years. Before this period, the procedure is not recommended. You can rejuvenate a tree different types pruning. But there are a number of features that they all have in common.

Features of pruning old trees:

  • During the procedure, dry branches and part of the skeletal branches are removed.
  • The need for a rejuvenating procedure appears if the yield has decreased and the plant has grown greatly.
  • The procedure is carried out in early spring or summer.
  • Remove branches in places with side branches.

Anti-aging pruning stimulates the flow of nutrients to the plant, helps awaken the kidneys. The quality of fruits is also improved.

What tools will be needed

First of all, you will need a secateurs to trim the walnut. Before carrying out the procedure, it should be sharpened as sharply as possible.

Tools for work:

  • Lopper.
  • Scissors.
  • Brush cutter.
  • Hacksaw.

All tools must be well sharpened. For thick branches use a hacksaw. For thin shoots, garden shears are suitable. Branches of medium thickness are cut with secateurs.

The remaining tools may not be needed, but just in case, it is better to have them with you during the procedure.

Terms of work

There are several favorable periods when it is possible to form a walnut. Walnut pruning is carried out in spring, summer or autumn. The most favorable period for the formation of the crown is summer, and more precisely, July-August. Cuts after summer pruning heal faster, and the tree does not get sick for so long. Also during this period, the intensity of sap flow quickly returns to normal.

Pruning after winter

The first time of the year, the walnut is cut in the spring, after the warm weather has set in. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure until the positive temperature is established outside, even at night. In the spring, anti-aging pruning is carried out, which is aimed at crown formation and its renewal.

In the spring, the procedure is carried out in March-April. During this period, the nut tolerates the procedure more easily. The spring formation of the crown is carried out after the height of the tree is 1.5 m. Special attention should be given to the formation of a young seedling.

Green walnut pruning in summer

The summer procedure is aimed at removing branches damaged by diseases or pests. Formative pruning is also carried out in the summer, if it was not done in the spring. In the summer, the "haircut" scheme is used. This type has the best effect on fruiting. But in the summer, the walnut is pruned once every few years.

autumn pruning

In autumn, a sanitary procedure is carried out. Prune the tree after it has shed all the leaves. The procedure is carried out as early as possible, until the crown has had time to form in a chaotic manner. Cut dry and diseased branches. If the walnut is already an adult tree, then you will have to remove fairly large branches. And for the plant, this is a lot of stress.

The nuances of the operation

Before performing the procedure, it is important to study all the nuances of cropping. Since the procedure for a walnut is very stressful, it is important to approach the formation of the crown with all responsibility. The first time after planting a walnut seedling, the procedure is carried out in the second year.

How to shorten the branches of young trees?

If the walnut seedling is young enough, pruning is required only after the age of two years. And a lot of deleting branches during this period is not recommended. Another criterion by which you can understand that it's time to cut the seedling is that the height of the trunk has reached 100 cm. If the tree is below 100 cm, you should wait with the procedure. During this period, cup-shaped crown formation is suitable. 3-4 skeletal branches are left on the plant, which will be responsible for fruiting. And the rest is removed.

In the third year, dry or damaged branches are removed. Pruning during this period should not be intense.

Mature tree care

Crown pruning - milestone in caring for walnuts. But just forming a nut will not be enough. To increase productivity, you can not do without the organization of watering and fertilizing. The walnut does not like loosening the soil. Walnut belongs to moisture-loving crops, so it is watered twice a month with the onset of spring. One tree needs 4-5 liters of water. For irrigation use only warm water.

With the onset of August, irrigation is stopped. In the fall, watered if there was almost no rain. In this case, the walnut is moistened before the onset of cold weather.

Nitrogen is applied to the soil in spring and in the first half of summer. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are added to the soil closer to autumn. Green manure plants also have a beneficial effect on walnut growth. In summer, lupine, peas, oats, chin or clover are planted next to the tree. And in the fall they are dug up together with the soil. Green manure plants fill the ground with nutrients that are necessary for the walnut with the onset of spring.

Common pruning mistakes

Not having an exact idea of ​​​​how to properly prune, many gardeners make blunders, after which the tree only grows worse.

Common mistakes gardeners make:

  • Trim the branches with a dull and non-sterile knife or secateurs.
  • Treat wounds near a tree with oil paint or garden pitch.
  • Form a crown when it has already arrived cold weather autumn or when the frosts have not ended in early spring.
  • Delete too many branches.

Having studied in advance the rules for pruning a nut in spring and autumn, it will be possible to avoid gross mistakes and not harm the plant.

How to process large cuts on a tree

There is an opinion that it is better not to process the cut points on the branches at all and let them heal naturally. But still it is worth processing so that fungal diseases do not appear on them.

How to process cut points:

  • Sugar solution (2 tsp per 200 ml of water).
  • Honey solution (3 tsp per 250 ml of water).
  • A solution of potassium permanganate.

The surface of cuts on the branches of a plant has the ability to oxidize even in winter, so processing fresh cuts on a tree is necessary in any case.