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Boarding list. On methodological recommendations for the preparation of dendrological plans and transfer statements. What affects the cost of the work

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The future image of the land plot cannot be imagined without careful planning of the planned plantings of trees, shrubs and flowers. It is for this purpose that a dendroplan of the territory is being developed in landscape design. It helps to see a sample of the area being created.

A dendrological plan is a drawing on which all green spaces, rooms and paths located on the site are applied. This is required in order to tie plants to the boundaries and buildings of the site. Each plant on the dendrological plan has a symbol and its own number in accordance with the transfer sheet.

Why you need to make a dendroplan

Careful planning of the territory helps its spectacular landscape gardening. In addition, it is important that green spaces do not interfere with each other in growth and development. Need to know correct location trees, because the final effect of landscaping completely depends on this. That is why the compilation of a dendroplan can only be entrusted to a competent specialist.

The dendroplan and the transfer sheet show the location of all green spaces located on the site. Each conditional designation of trees and shrubs is indicated by an ordinal number and is entered in the planting list.

The checklist contains a list of all plants. In this document, you can find information such as the properties and quality characteristics of green spaces. In accordance with this information, the plant is given an assessment, which is then converted into a compensation value.

When is a dendrological plan needed?

Drawing up a dendro project is required in the following cases:

A high-quality landing plan will help to avoid additional costs for landscaping and landscaping.

Compilation rules

To draw up a correct dendrological plan, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Let's consider the main criteria necessary for a high-quality dendroplan.

Assortment list of plants

An obligatory appendix to the dendrological plan is the assortment list. This accompanying document contains information about those plants that are planned to be planted on the site. With its help, you can navigate the cost of planting material and the necessary landscaping work.

Plants listed in the assortment list are divided into the following groups:

  • Coniferous trees and shrubs;
  • Deciduous trees and shrubs;
  • Fruit trees and shrubs;
  • creepers

In turn, each of these groups is divided into a specific species and variety. All green spaces are indicated in the assortment sheet. In addition, each plant has its own serial number. In addition, the name of the planting and its qualitative characteristics are prescribed in the document, and green spaces have accepted symbols in landscape design.

Green space checklist

When carrying out new construction, an additional checklist must be attached to the landing plan. It is a table that describes the trees and shrubs located on the territory.

As a rule, the following information can be found in the tree counting sheet:

  1. Plantation number;
  2. Plant name;
  3. Quantity;
  4. The size of the green space;
  5. The current state of the plant;
  6. Further actions regarding the plant;
  7. In case of felling, the compensation cost paid by the developer is indicated.

When creating a dendroplan, a landscape designer shows how the site will look in a few years, at the moment when all the plants take root and show their decorative properties.

A well-executed dendrological plan takes into account the characteristics of each plant. With its help, you can organize an effective appearance your garden area.

We determine the landing area

The planting area for a single species is determined by the overall size of the flower garden and the area allocated for it. The number of plants is determined by the planting area and plant size. There are certain rules for planting plants. So, 2-3 large or 5-7 medium-sized perennials can be placed per 1 sq.m; annuals are planted depending on their size in increments of 15-30 cm. The distances between the bulbs vary from 5 to 30 cm. With a decrease in the distances between plants, the feeding area will decrease, and hence the decorative effect of the entire composition. Let's apply these rules to our flower garden. In it, we plant two groups of daffodils and marigolds, 10 pieces each (since these are small plants). But the giant onion, which forms a large rosette of leaves, we plant at least 3 pieces. Astra annual, although she has quite large flowers, we plant in the amount of 10 pieces - it occupies a fairly large area in the flower garden. Five pieces each fall on the plantings of powdery sage and upright marigolds. We plant such large perennials as hosta, delphinium, gelenium, New Belgian aster, one at a time. But smaller perennials - aquilegia, rudbeckia - it is better to take 2 pieces each.

The final stage of work on the flower garden project is the preparation of the landing list. When working on it, it is convenient to use materials from reference books on floriculture, which indicate the detailed characteristics of all plants.

First, on the left side, all selected plants are entered into the planting list table (preferably with Latin names and variety names) and their serial numbers that correspond to them in the plan. Then, for each plant and for each season (or by months), the peak of decorativeness is noted, that is, the time of flowering or decorativeness of the leaves. It is advisable to do this in a color corresponding to this plant. This table will help you to choose desired plants according to the time of flowering and decoration.

In the next column, the height of the plants is noted, which is also very important for drafting a flower garden. Sometimes they give two heights (before flowering and after), and sometimes - sizes (bush diameter and height) through a dash. The number of plants in the flower garden, corresponding to the planting area, is reflected in another column.

You can enter additional columns that reflect the depth of the roots, the belonging of plants to different groups (annual, perennial), etc.

The finished planting list should fully reflect all the characteristics of the plants used for this particular flower garden and correspond to the previously drawn up plans for the placement of plants and their seasonal decorative effect. You can start work on drafting a flower garden (if the location, configuration, type of flower garden is determined, taking into account the ecological characteristics of the site) by compiling a list of plants and filling out a planting list, without temporarily putting down the number of plants. This will make it easier to work on the flower garden plan, as the characteristics of the plants will be visible, then the planting list and planting plan will be finally adjusted.

Annex 2

Stamp filling example

Course work

What is needed for a beautiful view of the garden plot? You don’t need to direct all your efforts to creating such beauty, but it’s better to find out all the nuances of drawing up a dendroplan. The site's dendroplan is part of landscape design, which is a drawing where the boundaries of the entire territory, buildings, crowns of plantings, contours of flower beds are marked. Dendroplan helps to determine how to compose spatial compositions and give the site an artistic appearance. The dendroplan is the main document with which landscaping is carried out, therefore its second name is the landing plan.

Site dendroplan

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Dendroplan is one of the most important design documents that are attached to the landscape drawing of a garden plot. In the photo you can see the dendroplan. Dendroplan makes it possible to take into account important aspects, such as the stylistic direction of the garden, its characteristics, various planting features. Its important component is that the dimensions of plantings on the plan coincide with their maximum size. It is necessary to take into account the distance between landings during the landing, since during the landing their dimensions are not yet equal to the dimensions that are noted in the dendroplane.

Rules for compiling a dendroplan

Consider the rules for compiling a dendroplan:

Characteristics of climatic conditions in the region and soil features

The choice of landings is based on these features, otherwise you will not receive blooming garden. It is necessary to take into account the need for landings in moisture and warmth. You should also pay attention to the existing terrain of the site.

Landing in a dendroplane


Plantings that are selected for planting in the garden must fit into the existing environment, as well as correspond to the features of the buildings nearby, once built or newly built in this area. Through the types of plants and the method of planting them, you can make a shadow in the contours of some objects located in the summer cottage. You can get harmonious and natural naturalness in your garden through careful organization of the territory, which is carried out through structural plant species.


Ignoring the compatibility of plants will not work, because in the world of vegetation there are rules for compatibility. During observance, they are located near other specimens perfectly complement each other. For example, spruce can be planted next to, for example, rowan. As a neighbor to a pine tree, you can plant an oak tree. Larch can be planted next to fir.


During planting, plants must be provided with freedom of access to them for further care. Plantings should not look boring, and do not try to plant as many varieties of plants as possible. During this approach, it is not possible to have a beautiful view of the site. In this case, the compilation of the dendroplan will be ugly.


For the site to have blooming view at different times of the year, it is necessary to pay attention to the flowering period of the plants that are planted. picking up unpretentious varieties plants, you can minimize the care of the cottage, while you do not worsen the attractiveness of its appearance. To do this, you can choose a plant like rose hips, which can complement the style of the site very long time through a long flowering period.

Dendroplan drawing details

The dendroplan and the counting sheet are a drawing with the help of which a landscape design plan is drawn up, where all plantings are marked, which will be planted in the summer cottage.

Site marking

The choice of tree varieties is made in such a way that their appearance is in harmony with the style of the garden. The development of a dendroplan should be carried out taking into account the compatibility of seedlings according to their biological characteristics. In addition to plantings, the drawing includes different zones and their borders, paths and the location of buildings. That is, you can indicate on the plan everything that should grow in your country house.

The dendroplan of the territory in the country takes into account such important points, How:

  • characteristics of the location and stylistic solution of the territory in the garden;
  • different features of the landings on it;
  • soil composition, illumination of the territory, and so on.

Among the characteristics of such a drawing, one can note such important points as: the dimensions of the plantations, which are characteristic of adult plant varieties. This allows you to take into account the distance between landings during landings, since at this time their dimensions are smaller than those indicated in the dendroplan.

When compiling the documentation, it is necessary to draw up a schematic picture of the territory where the vegetation is located. It is designated as a fraction, in the numerator of which the serial numbers of wood are indicated, and in the denominator - the number of plants of this species that are included in group plantings. If the tree is single, then there is no denominator. A properly drawn up drawing of a dendroplan will make it possible for your garden to look great. When creating a dendroplan of a park area, it is necessary to take into account how the whole composition will look as a whole.


An important point: shrubs that serve as a decorative element should also be useful for the owner of the cottage. In addition, they must carry out the function assigned to them to form the entire territory.

When choosing materials for planting in a dendroplane, such important fact as frost resistance of plant varieties. It must be taken into account, based on the characteristics of the area where the landscape design will be created.


The assortment sheet of the dendroplan is a mandatory document included in its kit. It includes a list of planted crops that are most suitable for giving. The landscape designer must certainly take into account the wishes of customers. The dendroplane with the balance sheet basically exist together as one. Such a statement sometimes acts as an application.

The transfer sheet for the dendroplan consists of the following data:

  • variety and decorative form of trees that are planned to be planted in the garden;
  • number of each landing;
  • features of each variety - height, type of root systems, decorative characteristics;
  • crown projection;
  • the number of vegetation of each variety;
  • the name of the plantings in your garden.

The plantings are recorded in the dendroplan's transfer list in a specific order - by category. Among the first group, coniferous varieties can be noted, in the second - deciduous, then - fruit varieties.

A complex of landscape works in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of an analysis of information about the area with the development of a dendrological plan (dendroplan). Decision-making regarding planting new trees and shrubs, replanting individual specimens, as well as cutting down must be not only justified, but also supported by permits - a logging ticket.

Company "Promterra" carries out pre-project preparation of materials, develops a dendrological plan, is engaged in issuing logging tickets and counting sheets with subsequent support during the passage of state expertise in the Department of Natural Resources in Moscow and other cities of the country. The company's specialists perform a full range of environmental works for construction.

Terrain dendroplan

A dendrological plan is a topographic drawing of the area under study, on which information about the available green spaces (bushes, trees, lawns, flower beds) is applied with the help of special designations. When planning subsequent work (planting, cutting, transplanting, cutting crowns), relevant information is also applied to it.

The need to draw up a dendroplan is determined by regulatory requirements. The main legislative document is the Law on the Protection of Green Spaces in Moscow dated 05.05.1999. No. 17. Any decisions taken subject to agreement in government bodies. Failure to do so may result in fines or legal liability.

The dendrological plan of the site makes it possible to visually assess the future landscape of the area. The drawing is used as a guide, which clearly indicates the places of work, their volume and varietal characteristics of plantations (species, size, diameter, etc.).

Development of a dendrological plan

Before starting the development of the drawing, specialists go to the site and conduct field studies, as well as draw up a tree topographic plan of the territory (tree tree). This makes it possible to assess the state of the area in terms of the quality of green spaces, the quantity and individual characteristics. The dendroplan of the site is drawn up on the basis of the collected information with the inventory documentation attached.

The transfer sheet is a table of the established form, which indicates a number of characteristics of green spaces:

  • name (species);
  • height, stem, diameter;
  • notes on the condition of trees (diseases, dead trunks, pests, frost cracks);
  • compensation cost;
  • recommendations for felling, transplanting or trimming crowns.

If landscaping is planned on the site, an assortment list is also compiled. It indicates information on the species assortment, varieties, quantity, decorative forms. Each instance has its own separate place on the site and a serial number. Plant names must be indicated in two languages ​​(Russian and Latin). To systematize information, it must be grouped in the following form: coniferous, deciduous, fruit plants and vines.

The need to create a dendroplan

The dendroplan and the green spaces counting sheet are determined by legislative norms. An expert opinion on the existing green spaces is necessary when construction works ah, carrying out repairs or laying in the area engineering communications, beautification of the territory. The Department of Natural Resources (DP&EP) is an expert organization at the state level, which makes the final decision on the possibility and scope of work.

If it is necessary to develop a dendrological project for a site, specialists draw up a layout drawing or a tree topographic plan, schematically indicate the landing sites, taking into account the standard distances between trees and shrubs. The cost of a dendroplan at the stage of engineering surveys for construction projects depends on the requirements and area of ​​the study area, as well as the need to accompany an examination in the DPiOOS to obtain permits.

Download documentation and templates for engineering dendrology

    Dendrological statement

Dendrological plan (project)

The name "Dendroproject" has entered the practice of landscape gardening and construction, but it is not accurate enough. The basis of this name is Greek word"dendron", which means tree. But the arboretum is a project of landscaping and placing on it not only trees, as one might conclude from its name, but also other plants used in landscape gardening and landscaping: shrubs, lianas, lawn grasses, flower plants (flowers).

A garden layout plan usually shows the placement of paths, structures, and major groups of trees and shrubs. These groups are indicated as shaded outlines, separate circles, or other symbols. The task of the dendroplan is to decipher the content of these symbols, it must clearly indicate what and where is planted. Basic The landscape of the garden is created not as a result of the placement of structures, paths, and sites that are its constituent elements, but as a result of the spatial and volumetric placement of vegetation and its combinations. Therefore, the dendroplan is an essential part of every garden, park and other landscaping project.

The choice of plant assortment for landscaping the garden and its placement in the garden depends on a number of factors: the purpose of the green object, the contingent and the number of visitors, climatic and microclimatic factors, relief, soil, hydrological conditions, the presence of water bodies, the vegetation on the site, the surrounding landscape designgarden, etc. All these factors must be taken into account when drawing up a dendroplan.

Dendroplans are compiled by different methods:

In the note to the statement, the features of the placement of plants in the group should be noted. For example, the curtain consists of birch and mountain ash. Against mountain ash, in the note it can be, if necessary, marked: placed along the edge. If the curtain consists of several types, then the note may indicate: place in a uniform mixture, etc.

Landing list

curtain number

Name of plants

Curtain area m kV.

Quantity, pcs.




Berlin poplar

Hedge(50.0 X 0.6) in 2 rows every 0.5 m

Acacia yellow

Phlox paniculata, etc.

The placement of shrubs should be noted when they are used to create a hedge, as indicated in the example planting list above.

When determining trees, shrubs or flowers in each clump, it is necessary to measure its area and find in the special literature data on the feeding area required for the designed plants, or find data on the standard placement of trees, shrubs and flowers.

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Dendroplan. Software development best price from Art-Green Design.

The dendrological plan of the site occupies an important place among the project documentation; it is an appendix to the master plan of the landscape project. In fact, this is a drawing in which the landscape designer indicates all the plants that are planned to be planted on the land, indicating their number, variety, specific characteristics. It is no secret that green spaces are the most important part of the landscape design itself, they allow the landscape designer to realize all his ideas, to create an excellent composition of plants, lawn areas, ornamental gardens and ponds, cereals, recreation areas and other elements of your garden.

To better understand your garden idea, the landscape designer will prepare a Planting Assortment List. This is a summary table, which indicates the name, variety, size of plants included in the Dendrological plan. Each type of plant is complemented by a photograph taken during the flowering period of the plant or in its normal state.

Of course, not a single dendrological plan is a dogma; in the process of implementing a landscape project, some plant species for objective reasons (for example, there are analogues similar in properties best quality) can be replaced without damaging the overall composition.

Site dendroplan. What to pay attention to?

The future appearance of the territory depends on how well the Dendrological plan is drawn up. A competent specialist will not only select vegetation that will ideally fit into the surrounding world and reflect the wishes of customers, but will also be optimal for the existing climate, care conditions and soil composition. However, often the composition of the soil can be changed locally by arranging a larger than usual planting hole and composing the soil mixture of the required quality. This is a very important point, because otherwise all the splendor planted may not survive the first frosts, hot summer days or close proximity to a reservoir.

Of course, a tree or shrub purchased from a nursery usually has a well-developed root system and the soil "in a coma" contains fertilizers and trace elements. But for good growth roots need to have a significant amount of soil in which the root system can develop. It is not enough to dig a hole the size of a plant lump and mechanically “move” the plant there: it can exist for some time, but it cannot grow normally. Therefore, a competent process of organizing plantings in accordance with the Dendrological plan is very important. You should pay attention to the fact that all flower beds, shrubs and trees should be appropriate, i.e. fit well with the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden and not conflict with each other. For example, spruce feels great next to rowan and birch, pine - with juniper and oak. In addition, all "green elements" should be located so that it is convenient to take care of them: watering, loosening the ground, shaping them, and applying various fertilizers. It is also important to take into account seasonality, so that the landscaped area is pleasing to the eye for most of the year.

In addition to survival and beauty, when drawing up the Dendrological site plan, the cost of planting material acceptable to the customer is taken into account based on the size of the budget.

Dendrological site plan. Compilation features.

In dendrological terms, the size of all plants is indicated already in the adult state. This is done so that in the future there are no problems with the illumination of the site, and trees and shrubs were initially planted at such a distance so as not to interfere with the growth of other plants and each other.

By the way, you can’t do without drawing up a dendroplan if the main goal is not landscape design, but development, which is located in the green space. Cutting down and replanting trees in this case can only be done with the permission of government agencies. In the Department of Natural Resources, the Dendrological Plan is the main document, on the basis of which one can obtain the so-called logging ticket, which gives the right to the above works.

Development of a dendroplan from Art-Green Design

The company "Art-Green Design" offers the development of a dendroplan at an affordable price. Our team will take care of all the necessary preparatory work- topographic survey, soil analysis, site illumination and will bring to life all the wishes of the customer and the author's beauty of your garden!

The conceived image of the site with orchard, flower beds and flower beds cannot be created without careful planting planning. This is what a landscape designer does first of all when he draws up a dendroplan of a site - a drawing on which the contours of all green spaces are plotted at the time of their greatest growth. In addition, it depicts the boundaries of the site, functional areas, house, outbuildings and paths. This is necessary in order to bind the plants in the drawing to hard lines and hard surfaces.

The dendroplan is necessary for the visual representation of the spatial composition of the created landscape, as well as for the implementation of landscaping work.

The development of a dendroplan and the selection of plants for the site must be carried out not only in terms of aesthetics. A rational approach is required, which takes into account the composition of the soil on the site, the maximum size of plants, and climatic conditions. The type of root system of plants, as well as their shade tolerance, is also evaluated.

Several types of plants are usually grown in the garden, therefore, when compiling a dendroplan, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility in the same area. If competing species grow in the same area, the death or suppression of weaker plants cannot be avoided. Therefore, when compiling plantings, a landscaping specialist or landscape designer will certainly strive to form a phytocenosis on the site - a natural community of plants that do not compete with each other.

If you need to draw up a dendroplan of your suburban area, you can do it yourself, having previously studied the material, or entrust the work to a landscape designer. But in order to obtain a permit for new construction, when reconstructing buildings or laying communications, it is necessary to develop and agree on the dendrological part of the project. This is a rather difficult task that is best left to professionals. We advise you to contact Dendroplan.ru:, because. she has been specializing in dendrology services for a long time and really competent specialists work in it.

Symbols on the diagrams

Single plants on a dendroplane look like a circle, the diameter of which in plan corresponds to the crown diameter of a mature tree or bush. Group landings are depicted in the form of geometric figures, which they will correspond to during the period of maximum growth. Each plant in the dendrological drawing is assigned a numerical value. Sometimes it can be in the form of a fraction, in which the numerator indicates the number assigned to the plant in the assortment list, and the denominator indicates the amount of planting material. If the denominator is absent, then this is the designation of a single plant.

The dendroplan of a park or site used for landscaping the territory must be supplemented with an assortment list.

Assortment list - list of planting material

The assortment sheet details all types of plants used for landscaping. This document is a table, in the columns of which are entered:

  • specific name
  • height
  • fit rate
  • quantity

Sometimes recommendations for plant care (watering, lighting, etc.), flowering or fruiting time, and the price of planting material are included in the assortment list.

Plants in the assortment list are recorded in a certain order. First come coniferous trees and shrubs, then deciduous and fruit trees followed by decorative and fruit bushes, and then - curly, heather and ground cover plants. If there is a rock garden on the arboretum, then the plants that will be planted on it are entered in a separate statement. Annual flowers are also entered in a separate statement, which will fill the voids in the garden until the main perennials grow.

Dendroplan and transfer sheet

To obtain a permit for new construction, it is imperative to develop a dendroplan of existing plantations, with support in the form of a transfer sheet. This is a table describing the trees or shrubs growing on the site.

The bill of lading states:

  • plant number (corresponds to the number on the dendroplane)
  • specific name
  • quantity
  • dimensions (diameter, height)
  • condition (dry branches, damage, etc.)
  • further actions (to be cut down or not)
  • Compensation cost for felling (paid by the developer)

The transfer sheet must be drawn up for new construction, reconstruction or repair of the territory, when it is planned to cut down existing plantations

A professionally compiled dendroplan, which takes into account the compositional and species features of plantings, will allow you to organize the space of the garden and create its structure.

Zoning rules and planning

Dendroplan- this is a scheme for placing trees and shrubs on the site, both existing and planned in the garden project. Based on the approved sketch, the contours of all buildings and site boundaries are applied to the dendroplan, seats plants, the crowns of trees in the period of maximum flowering and the contours of flower beds are depicted.

Attached to the dendrological plan Assortment list of plants, containing information about the number, name, type and variety of plants planted according to the dendroplan.

Factors that are important to consider when compiling a dendroplan

Drawing up a dendroplan is a creative process that only experienced landscape designers can master to perfection. When creating a dendroplan, it is important to correctly arrange the plants, taking into account many factors:

  • General appearance of the territory
  • Taste, lifestyle and preferences of the owners of the site
  • Architectural style of buildings
  • Site relief
  • Soil conditions at planting sites
  • Illumination of the site and its individual zones
  • Compatibility of plants, their absolute winter hardiness for a given area
  • The color palette and color of plants, the time of their flowering

An example of a well-composed dendroplan is a garden in the forest, built by us contrary to many stereotypes. Excellent knowledge of dendrology, combined with garden engineering solutions, allowed us to fit a magnificent modern garden into the ecosystem of the forest area. When creating it, it was necessary to take into account both the survival rate and compatibility of newly planted plants, and the safety of the existing forest. You can see the work of the Portfolio "Garden in the forest"

The dendroplan of the plot occupies one of the most important places among all the project documentation attached to the general landscape plan of the garden plot. A dendrological plan is a drawing on which all plants planted in a garden plot are marked.

When creating such a plan, there is a careful selection of plants that will be fully combined with common style design of a garden plot, as well as with each other, depending on biological characteristics.

In addition to plants, the dendroplan includes images of various buildings, including paths, planned extensions, boundaries and zones.

An example of a dendrological plan for a garden plot

Thanks to the creation of a dendroplan, many important points can be taken into account in time: the features of a garden plot, the ecological and biological characteristics of plants, and much more. Perhaps the main feature of the plan is to recreate the maximum size of plants (in adulthood), which must be taken into account during their planting.

An example of a dendroplan of a garden plot with an arbor and a hedge (plant sizes are indicated in their adult form)

Drawing up a dendroplan, of course, is not complete without a professional specialist. All seats, as a rule, are indicated by a fraction, in the numerator of which is the serial number of the plant in accordance with the assortment activity, and in the denominator - the number of plants of a certain type (if the plant is single, then the denominator is absent).

A dendrological plan is necessary if trees are planned to be transplanted or cut down during repair and construction work. In the future, the dendroplan and the transfer sheet are submitted to the Department of Natural Resources. The conclusion and the felling ticket, which must be issued by the Department, are the necessary documents that give the right to transplant or cut green spaces. If in the process of work damage or destruction of plants occurs, then the developer must pay their cost, as well as carry out landscaping to compensate for the harm and damage caused.

In addition, the plan is necessary during the work on landscaping the site.

Drawing up a dendroplan is included in the list of works that are recommended to be done simultaneously with geological survey work. If there is no plan, then it is simply impossible to comply with the standard distances between the structure and the axes of plants, as well as the regulated intervals between green spaces.

If the dendroplan is drawn up on time and professionally, then you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses during landscaping and landscaping.

Dendrological plan made by specialists Back to the table of contents

The future appearance of the site, as well as the proper development and longevity of plants, depends on how well the dendrological plan is drawn up. When drawing up a plan, the flowering periods of plants, the size of the crown of trees, etc. should be taken into account.

When developing a landing plan, the following factors should be considered:

  1. development conditions. Climatic and soil conditions should be as suitable as possible for all selected plants. Landing should be carried out taking into account the actual terrain, as well as the needs of plants for moisture, sun and warmth.
  2. Compatibility. Plants intended for planting should be equally suited to both the environment and the general architectural style buildings located on the site.
  3. Compatibility. Planting plants must be carried out in accordance with certain compatibility rules, which are not recommended to be violated. For example, pine is best planted next to juniper and oak, spruce - with birch or mountain ash, and wild rose and fir - with larch.
  4. Availability. Plants should be located in such a way that access to them is as convenient as possible. In this case, caring for them will not be accompanied by any problems, and the appearance of the site will only benefit.
  5. Seasonality. Compliance with the timing of flowering plants, as well as the right color combination will help to make garden plot even more beautiful and well-groomed. To carry out correct calculation, you should know the geographical latitude at which the garden plot is located.
  6. Landscaping cost. One of the most important factors influencing the preparation of a dendroplan is the wishes of the customer and his budget.

If you are thinking about how to make a dendroplan yourself, then it is best to give preference to professional computer programs. Thanks to their use, it is possible to perfectly combine the landing and actual site plans with each other, which will allow an objective assessment of the effectiveness of certain landings.

In this video you can see how to properly arrange a dendroplan in the Our Garden program

A mandatory accompanying document for any dendroplan is an assortment list, which should include a list of all plants planned for planting. The assortment list can significantly save the budget allocated for the purchase of planting material.

Plants in the assortment list are distributed into groups, in a certain sequence:

  • coniferous trees and shrubs;
  • trees and shrubs of fruit species;
  • deciduous plants;
  • creepers.

An example of an assortment list

Within one group, plants are divided into species and varieties, which are indicated in the statement under an individual assigned number. The name of the plant is always written in the native language and Latin, in addition, it is required to indicate the number of copies. The list of characteristics of the plant, which are indicated in the assortment sheet, includes: decorative features, variety of the root system, plant height, projection of its crown.

The result of effective landscaping of the site is a thorough planning of the landscape. Of no small importance is not only the beautiful and convenient location of the vegetation, it is necessary that it does not create obstacles for the growth and development of the neighboring one. In addition, before starting repair and construction work, you should know where and how trees grow. It is for such purposes that the correct and competent compilation of a dendroplan is required. In our article we will tell you what it is and what it is "eaten" with.

It is worth mentioning right away that only professionals should make up a dendroplan! To do this, you need to contact the relevant company.

Dendrological or, in other words, a planting plan is a part of landscape design, which is a drawing in which the boundaries of the entire site, structure, plantation crowns, and flowerbed contours are marked. Such a drawing allows you to clearly understand how to compose compositions and give the site a beautiful and functional view. In fact, the dendroplan of the site is the main document with the help of which all landscaping work is carried out without exception.

This type of planning makes it possible to take into account such important aspects as:

  • plot style;
  • features of the territory, such as the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination;
  • vegetation biocharacteristics;
  • wishes of the owners of the site.

On the dendroplan of the site, all green spaces are clearly tied to specific lines and hard surfaces.

Self-compilation of a dendroplan is a very difficult task and often leads to serious miscalculations. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to professionals. In this case, you will receive a unique personal plot that will suit you. In the course of drawing up the dendroplan, the landscape designer will take into account all the features of landscape compositions of vegetation, compiling it so that the site is not only beautiful, but also functional.

Assortment list

There is also an integral and mandatory document when drawing up a dendrological plan for a personal plot, they call it an assortment list. This should indicate the range of plants most suitable for your site. In addition, it allows you to correctly draw up a project estimate. Filling in the assortment sheet, the specialist distributes all types of plants into groups with a clear sequence.

At the very beginning of the list are conifers and shrubs. Further fruit-bearing trees and bushes. And only after that larch trees are brought in, and at the very end - creepers.

The full names of plants (and in Latin as well) must be entered into the assortment list without fail, and the number of copies of each species required for planting is also indicated. Also, the document should reflect all the characteristics of each plant, such as height, species features, type of roots, etc.

During the work on landscaping the space, it becomes necessary to draw up a planting plan. Plants have the ability to suppress each other, so you need to know their mutual compatibility and place them at the right distance. A well-drawn dendroplan allows the designer to create harmony on the site. It helps to plan the purchase of seeds and seedlings, entering future plantings into the finished project in advance.

When planning the arrangement of a water supply system or other engineering communications, it is not enough to have a landscape drawing of the site. Builders need to navigate according to the finished dendroplan. Often pipe laying is not possible without the consent of local governments. To do all the work according to the law, you will need to pre-order the compilation of a dendroplan. Without a site plan, it is impossible to start cutting down existing trees. Only after the arboretum project is drawn up, the regulatory authorities issue a logging ticket.

A large scale of 1:100 is used in cases where it is necessary to indicate tree species, parameters of height and thickness of the trunk. At this scale, each tree is drawn separately by the designer. A 1:500 dendroplan differs in that all green spaces are marked only with circles of different diameters. Circles have different meanings:

  • A tree ready for felling is completely painted over.
  • A transplant is indicated by half a circle.
  • If the plant needs to be saved, it is marked with an empty circle.

Each tree is marked with a 3 mm circle. Those trees that are of particular value are distinguished by large geometric shapes. Several shrubs of the same type can be identified by a common oval without going into details.

Young growth, which is planned to be preserved, is outlined with a simple outline. Each group of plants must be identified by a number. Each number is then displayed in the legend of the plan, where it is deciphered by a detailed text. The legend indicates how many bushes of this type are united in a circle. Residential and non-residential buildings on the plan are indicated by Roman numerals, and greenery is indicated by ordinary numbers.

The dimensions of the circle indicate the future scope of the crown, allowing you to more accurately determine the place that the tree will occupy in the future. When the number is given as a simple fraction, the bottom number is the total number of bushes of the same plant species planted together.

When drawing up a plan, offsets of no more than half a meter are allowed. If the error is greater, then the dendroplan is of poor quality. On the plan, it is not necessary to indicate all cardinal points, it is enough to mark the north with the Latin letter N.

Properties of green spaces

The master of landscape design is faced with the difficult task of combining plants with each other. The desired beauty does not always correspond to harmony, since plants planted too close can inhibit the growth of neighbors.

When compiling a dendroplan, many rules must be taken into account. Form landings, keeping in mind future image site. Each young plant will grow, which means it will take up more space than at the time of planting. Exist computer programs, which show what any tree will look like in a year or five years. This gives good opportunity see the future of your garden and make adjustments to the planting plan.

The compilation rules provide for the placement of paths in order to have convenient access to each type of planting. Tracks are designated by one color, most often gray or pink is used. Asphalt sites are distinguished by their color. When planning plantings, it is advisable to prevent littering by self-sowing over a large area. Over time, a crowded sector will require more and more effort and attention. Shrubs planted too close not only interfere with each other, but also spoil the appearance. A well-designed graphic design avoids unnecessary work in the future, when greenery will have to be taken care of all year round.

A landscape designer can add care tips for each plant to the assortment sheet. This document will act as an assistant who can be consulted about the irrigation regime, spraying of each tree or shrub.

This sheet lists in detail all the plants to a single one. The list often exceeds two hundred lines. Opposite each plant are the parameters:

  • Type: tree, shrub or flower.
  • Diameter.
  • General condition and damage.
  • Altitude current and predicted.

When compiling the statement, the type of tree is not indicated, but the state is described: how alive or dried it is. Is there visible damage on it and an array of dry branches. How old is a tree or shrub. Depending on this, its approximate cost is calculated. This figure is added to the compensation that the developer will have to pay in case of damage to plants during the work.

The checklist should show the developer the fate of all green spaces: whether they are subject to cutting, replanting, or must be preserved in their current location.

Filling out the statement, you need to follow a certain order. Plants are added differently than they were planted in the space of the site. In the document they are divided into separate categories. The transfer sheet allows you to pre-distribute planting material, since an inexperienced gardener will easily get confused if the size of the plot is large enough.

Modern computer programs make it possible to shift examples of dendroplanes into a three-dimensional plane for improved visualization of your site. Each plant can be assigned a number right on the picture, and then apply filters. Then the pile of numbers can be hidden and only plants can be seen. And for a professional, you can leave a version of the plan with all the numbers.

The dendroplan of the site is detailed drawing on which each significant plant is marked. It must be compiled during construction, engineering work. Drawing up assortment and transfer sheets is an integral part of the work of a landscape designer. A professionally designed dendroplan helps to better imagine the future look of your garden.

Landing drawings serve to show and carry out in nature the places of planting trees, shrubs, flower and herbaceous plants. The drawings show the layout of the object with all the elements. Places for planting plants with reference to permanent baselines, rectangular borders, paths, edges of sites and structures, to the ends of buildings. Garden lawns, slope edging, flower beds are depicted in a chosen graphic manner. Tree and shrub groups, massifs, curtains, alleys are designated as a fraction, in the numerator of which the species number is indicated according to the explication of the assortment, in the denominator - the number of specimens. The landing drawing contains a list of landing operations.

Landing list

No. p / p Breed range Landscaping component area, m² Number of plants, pcs. Landing type
trees bushes flowering plants
Pedunculate oak group
Norway maple group
birch drooping group
horse chestnut group
field maple group
Oak red group
Robinia locust group
willow smith group
Linden small-leaved group
Common bird cherry group
Hydrangea paniculata group
Svidina white group
black elderberry group
Bagryannik group
Petunia flower garden
Marigold border, flower garden
Phloxes flower garden
Pelargonium flower garden
tulips flower garden
sedum flower garden
Begonia flower garden
Viola flower garden
Cotoneaster brilliant flower garden
Juniper Cossack flower garden
Thuja "danica" flower garden
Thuja "smaraght" flower garden

The balance of the territory of the design object

No. p / p Name of elements Footprint
m 2 %
Plantations: a) trees: - groups - row planting - single b) shrubs: - hedges - groups 0,5 0,2 3,8 0,1
flower beds 0,9
Lawns 68,8
MAF 0,3
Roads 14,4

2.2 Flower decoration

Placement and layout of vegetation on the territory of the facility is one of the most important tasks of design and construction and should be addressed in conjunction with other architectural and planning issues. Methods for placing plantings on the territory of the object depend on the general planning decision and the placement of the road and path network, sites for various purposes.

The object of landscaping is a school, so it is necessary to choose such an assortment of flower plants so that it not only decorates the territory with its decorative qualities, but is also not expensive. The areas where flower beds are designed are well lit.

On the territory of the Rozhdestvensko-Hava school, it is planned to create four flower beds, one alpine hill and a border around the perimeter of the territory near the school building.

To create a flower garden, you need to prepare the soil.

Soil preparation. Of great importance is the soil on which the flowers will grow. It should be loose and moist (but not waterlogged), have an adequate supply of batteries. Soddy soil, clay, manure, peat, humus, compost are added to sandy soils, lime is added. On rocky areas, it is better to plant flowers in specially prepared grooves filled with a full-fledged soil mixture. Clay (heavy) soils are improved by adding sand, lime, ash, rotted leaves and manure. On waterlogged soils, flowers are planted only after the installation of closed or open drainage. Podzolic soils are depleted and structureless, and therefore require particularly careful preparation. They are limed, organic and mineral fertilizers. When digging, you need to gradually increase upper layer, be sure to make lime, manure, peat and humus. The soil for planting flowers must be prepared in advance: dig, loosen, level, remove weeds and their roots, apply fertilizer. Manure and compost should be introduced in the fall, humus can be applied in the spring. Application rate organic fertilizers- one bucket per 1 m 2. When digging, these fertilizers can be laid at the bottom of the furrow, or they can be evenly scattered on the surface and then dug up. If there are no organic fertilizers, then you can replace them with mineral ones. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied to the soil during autumn digging, nitrogen - in the spring when loosening the soil. 50-60 g of phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied per 1 m 2 of a flower garden in autumn, 30-40 g of nitrogen fertilizers in spring.

It is necessary to dig or loosen the soil in the spring when it is already dry enough and does not stick to the tool. But it must not be allowed to dry out - in this case it is difficult to break up lumps, and plants planted in such soil will feel bad.


When landscaping the school grounds, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for students. To do this, we designed a recreation area; it is necessary to place benches, canopies from the rain, install garbage bins, notices, signs.



Document as amended by:
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 18, 03/29/2006);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow www.mos.ru, 05/27/2016).

Approved, the requirements for the symbols of green spaces on dendroplans during the development of project documentation are defined. However, the dendrological plans and green planting lists submitted by design institutes do not have a single approved form, which creates difficulties in their verification.
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2016 N 290-PP.

In order to streamline the submission of documents when developing project documentation, the Moscow Government


2. Department of Nature Management and Protection environment the city of Moscow to be guided by the methodological recommendations (clause 1) when agreeing on project documentation for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings, structures and utilities and improvement projects.

3. Moscomarchitecture to bring to the attention of design organizations methodological recommendations (clause 1) for guidance in the development of dendroplans and green plantings.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the head of the Department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow Kulbachevsky A.O.
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2016 N 290-PP.

Mayor of Moscow
Yu.M. Luzhkov

Application. Guidelines for the preparation of dendrological plans and transfer statements

1. General Provisions

1.1 Dendroplan is a topographic plan showing the placement of trees and shrubs, obtained as a result of a geodetic survey, accompanied by a transfer sheet.

1.2. Dendroplan is compiled:

When developing design documentation for construction, overhaul and reconstruction, including landscaping facilities. In this case, it provides a choice of rational placement of the designed construction objects in order to maximize the preservation of healthy and ornamental plants;

When issuing a passport for an existing object, it serves to visually display the actual location and accounting for green spaces of this object.

2. Dendroplan as part of design documentation for construction

2.1. The development of project documentation for construction, overhaul and reconstruction, including landscaping facilities, is carried out on the basis of a geo-base ordered by the customer in Mosgorgeotrest with an inventory plan of green spaces for the entire building site (Appendix 1 to the methodological recommendations).

2.2. Inventory plan - topographic survey with information about the number of trees, shrubs and lawns on the site.

All trees that have reached a diameter of 8 cm at a height of 1.3 m are taken into account.

On the inventory plan, coniferous and deciduous trees of the 1st group (spruce, pine, larch) are distinguished, if necessary, broad-leaved and small-leaved trees can be distinguished.

2.3. On the basis of the received geo-base and inventory plan, the design organization develops a development project (stroy master plan), which determines the main planning decisions and the volume of investments, incl. for compensatory landscaping. At the same time, the volumes of clearings and transplants are determined in general for the development site, and the compensation value is calculated.

At this stage, the number of trees and shrubs that fall into the construction zone is determined without specifying on the inventory plan (without developing a dendroplan).

The inventory plan is valid for 4 years, after which it must be updated by a dendrologist based on the results of a field survey.

2.4. After approval of the design and estimate documentation for development, overhaul and reconstruction, including landscaping facilities, a working draft is developed with clarification of planning decisions, engineering communications and construction organization. At this stage, a dendroplan is developed, on which work areas are highlighted, all tree and shrub plants to be preserved, cut down and transplanted are applied with symbols, in accordance with clause 3.2 of this appendix.

When developing a dendroplan, the numbering of plants of the inventory plan is preserved.

The form of the dendroplan is given in Appendix 2 to the guidelines.

2.5. The geo-base for the development of the project and the preparation of the dendroplan must be the first copy from the original, because each subsequent copy leads to a distortion of the situation with an error of 0.5 cm on the plan or up to 2.5 meters in kind.

2.6. The construction plan should show existing buildings, structures, planned construction and reconstruction facilities, access roads, crane runways, storage areas building materials, placement of amenity camps and other temporary structures, engineering communications indicating the security zone and the zone of work, storage sites for vegetable soil, wheel washing points, storage of industrial waste.

When developing a building plan, the standards for the distance from structures to the axis of plants must be observed (table 1).

Table 1. Distances from structures to the axis of plants (MGSN 1.01.98)

Table 1

Distance reference limits

Minimum distance
to the axis of the plant, m



The outer wall of the building and structure

The outer wall of the school building or
kindergarten buildings

Axis of tram tracks

Sidewalk and garden path

Edge of the carriageway, edge
reinforced roadside strip and
ditch edge

Mast and support of the lighting network,
trams, columns of galleries and flyovers

Slope and terrace base

Sole and inner edge of retaining

Underground communications:

gas pipeline, sewerage

heat pipeline, pipeline, heating network

plumbing, drainage

power cable and communication cable


The given standards refer to trees with a crown diameter of not more than 5 m and should be increased accordingly for trees of a larger diameter;

When planting trees and shrubs near the outer walls of buildings, structures, children's institutions, it is necessary to observe the normative levels of insolation and natural light.

2.7. The building plan, combined with the dendroplan, is agreed with the balance holder of the territory, the head of the district council, the APU of the administrative district and is approved as part of the design and urban planning documentation in the prescribed manner.

3. Symbols for trees and shrubs on a dendroplane

3.1. The symbols for trees on the dendroplan are used by the standard ones used in Mosgorgeotrest and must strictly comply with the symbols established by the Rules for the Creation, Maintenance and Protection of Green Plantations and Natural Communities of the City of Moscow, approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 10, 2002 N 743-PP.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on June 7, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2016 N 290-PP.

On the dendroplan, existing trees and shrubs located in the area of ​​the construction site and outside it in the directions of engineering communications, roads, etc., are indicated with special signs.

Trees to be conserved are marked with an open circle, trees that are cut down are marked with a full circle, and trees that are replanted are marked with a half-filled circle.

3.2. Size symbol tree on a dendroplane - 3.0 mm. Color - black and white.

If the drawing is heavily loaded, the size of the circle can be reduced to 2.0 mm.

3.3. Trees should be specially highlighted on the dendroplan:

Particularly valuable;




The selection of trees is made in the form of an enlarged circle around the tree or in color.

3.4. Multi-stemmed trees are denoted by a single tree symbol.

3.5. Group plantings of trees and shrubs, if it is impossible to designate them with separate circles (in the case of dense plantings), are indicated by an oval, the size corresponding to the area of ​​​​the site (on a scale) occupied by the group.

3.6. Coppice and self-sowing are designated similarly to shrubs by a contour with the assignment of a serial number.

3.7. The error of placing the symbol on the dendroplan is allowed 1 mm (0.5 meters in kind).

3.8. Each plant applied to the dendroplan has its own serial number corresponding to the number in the transfer sheet.

3.9. Dendroplan can be produced on electronic or paper media M 1:500.

3.10. An example of a fragment of a dendroplan is presented in Appendix 2 to the guidelines.

4. Checklist

4.1. The checklist of green spaces is compiled in the form of Appendix 13 to the "Rules for the Creation, Maintenance and Protection of Green Plantations and Natural Communities of the City of Moscow", approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 10, 2002 N 743-PP, with the addition of the details of the object (name and postal address) , order number, correction factors and summing up the totals in accordance with paragraph 4.13 of these guidelines (Appendix 3 to the guidelines). The transfer sheet is made on paper and magnetic (or electronic) media.
(Clause as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 7, 2006 N 156-PP; as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 26, 2016 N 290-PP.

4.3. The first column of the counting sheet indicates the serial number of the tree or shrub corresponding to the serial number on the dendrological plan.

4.4. The second column gives a description of the species composition of trees and shrubs corresponding to the serial number, indicating the multi-stem. Stemness of trees is determined by the number of trunks in the butt part (the place where the trunk goes to the root).

4.5. The third and fourth columns indicate the number of trees (shrubs) recorded under this number. The results for the third and fourth columns are summarized at the end of the counting sheet and determine the total number of woody plants located in the work area.

4.6. The fifth column indicates the diameter of the trees that fall into the work area. The diameter of a tree trunk is determined with an accuracy of 2 cm at a height of 1.3 meters from the ground, accepted for the taxation of green spaces of category 1A (urban parks). The diameter of the barrel is indicated in the counting sheet in even numbers (4, 6, 8 ... etc.).

4.7. The sixth column is filled in if there is inventory data on the age of plantings or, in some cases, on annual rings, the number of whorls in coniferous trees or by taking samples (core) of wood with a drill.

4.8. The seventh column indicates the height of the tree, which is determined by the highest point of the crown vertically. Height measurement is carried out visually when there is an object nearby, the height of which is known or using an altimeter. The error in measuring the height of a tree should not exceed 2 meters for trees over 5 m high and 0.5 m for trees up to 5 meters high.

4.9. The eighth column gives a qualitative description of the state of the tree (shrub) - good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, emergency, dead. The shape of the crown, the percentage of dry branches in the crown, breaks of skeletal branches and tops, previously performed types of crown pruning, the presence of root shoots, mushroom bodies, signs of colonization by stem pests, hollows and frost cracks on the trunk, mechanical damage to the bark, the angle of inclination of the trunk from the vertical are indicated. , damage to the root system, branching of the trunk above the butt, etc.

4.10. When large-sized trees are assigned for transplantation, the height of the trunk from the butt to the beginning of the crown is indicated in the state characteristic. The optimal height is considered to be not exceeding 3-4 meters. The higher location of the lower skeletal branches does not make it possible to work on crown formation in the process of preparing trees for transplantation.

4.11. The decision on the preservation, replanting and cutting down of trees and shrubs is made based on the location of the plant on the building plan, its decorative value, trunk diameter, height and condition characteristics and is indicated in the "conclusion" column (ninth column).


Tree replanting is not possible under the following conditions:

Availability of utilities under transplanted trees (ISS-TLF);

The presence of shells and temporary structures around the trees to be transplanted;

The impossibility of the entrance of equipment;

The impossibility of forming a clod of earth provided for by the norms near thinned trees (high density of plantations, growth of trees on construction waste. Near the foundations of buildings, fences, etc.).

4.12. The last column of the balance sheet contains the following information:

Compensation cost for destroyed green spaces, calculated in accordance with the methodology approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 29, 2003 N 616-PP "On improving the procedure for compensatory landscaping in the city of Moscow";
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on June 7, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of May 26, 2016 N 290-PP.

Justification for exemption from paying the compensation cost if trees grow in the area of ​​engineering communications, in the five-meter zone of demolished buildings, low-value and self-sowing plantations, self-sowing hardwood has not reached a trunk thickness of 8 cm or green plantations are subject to cutting down for sanitary conditions (dead, emergency).

4.13. At the end of the balance sheet, the results are summarized:

Whole trees and shrubs;

The number of trees to be preserved, replanted, cut down with the allocation of the number of valuable and low-value species;

Number of trees and shrubs cut down without payment of compensation cost:

a) in security zone engineering communications;

b) in a 5-meter demolition zone;

c) emergency and dry, self-seeding and shoots;

Areas of destroyed lawns, grass cover, flower beds;

Compensation cost for destroyed green spaces;

The cost of compensatory landscaping.

4.14. The transfer sheet indicates the cost of compensatory landscaping for destroyed green spaces, calculated in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the amount of payments for cutting down green spaces and for carrying out compensatory landscaping in the course of urban planning activities in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 29, 2003 N 616-PP "On improving the procedure for compensatory landscaping in the city of Moscow".
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on June 7, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2016 N 290-PP.

4.15. The transfer sheet is signed by a dendrologist and a representative of the design organization, indicating the date of compilation of the transfer sheet.

The transfer sheet is certified by the seal of the design organization.

Annex 1 to the Guidelines. An example of a green space inventory plan


preserved trees

replanted trees

felled trees

account number

retractable grass cover

Transfer Statement N

name of the property

Mailing address

Order number

Correction factor for the location of the object (Km)

Water Conservation Value Adjustment Factor (Kv)

Name of breeds

Quantity, pcs.


Age, cm

Height, m



Calculation of compensation



state of green spaces

production cost

Total trees and shrubs

To be preserved:



To be transplanted:



To be felled:



Of which: on engineering communications



within 5 meters



emergency and dry




self-seeding (up to 8 cm)


The area of ​​the destroyed grass cover / lawn /

The area of ​​destroyed flower beds

Compensation cost

The cost of compensatory landscaping


Representative of the design organization


Annex 4 to the Guidelines. Calculation of the compensation cost for destroyed green spaces and the cost of compensatory landscaping

The application has become invalid since June 7, 2016 -
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2016 N 290-PP. -
See previous edition

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"