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Wood heating boiler with water circuit. Water heating boiler on gas. Methods for placing a hot water circuit

Heating of a private house » Boilers and boiler equipment » Solid fuel boilers

Solid fuel heating boiler

Blue fuel is not yet available to everyone. It often happens that there is no gas supply line outside the city, so the question arises of finding alternative sources heating. Electricity is an expensive form of fuel. Ordinary wooden logs remain the most affordable and in demand, so heating equipment designed for this type of fuel is still relevant today. For heating country house easiest to use wood boilers long burning having a water circuit.

When choosing one or another ready-made model, it is important to consider several serious points:

  • First, you need to pay attention to the principle of operation of wood-burning stoves with a water circuit.
  • Secondly, it is worth taking into account the availability of additional equipment that can be used to increase the productivity of the installation.
  • Thirdly, it would be useful to take into account the positive and negative characteristics of long-burning boilers equipped with a water circuit.

By answering all three questions, you can decide whether it is worth choosing a similar option, whether it will be reliable in conditions harsh winters, or still give preference to equipment that runs on electricity or coal.

Features of fireboxes

Long burning boilers according to design features divided into two large groups:

  1. Boilers with one firebox equipped with bottom blast.
  2. Pyrolysis boilers, in which the combustion chamber has two parts and works with two blast options - lower and upper.

How conventional single-fired boilers work

Conventional wood-fired boilers are quite simple. They have a combustion chamber, a heat exchanger and a water circuit. The described device differs from a brick oven only in the presence of a coil, with which the liquid is heated.

The operation of the equipment is carried out as follows:

Model Isberg K

  1. As a rule, a long-burning wood-fired boiler is connected to an existing heating system.
  2. IN special camera firewood is laid, which, when burned, release heat.
  3. The heat exchanger accumulates it, and then heats the coolant passing through the coil.
  4. Physical processes make the hot liquid circulate, so the hot coolant enters the batteries and returns to the boiler cold water.

Note! Today, long-burning boilers that have a water circuit and work on wood can be equipped with a second circuit or an additional boiler can be connected to them. In this case, the efficiency of the system increases significantly, and it becomes possible to use hot water for technical needs.

What else can be added to the existing equipment?

The circulation of water in the system is provided by physical laws. When heated, any substance expands and moves up, and after it cools, the reverse process occurs. That is why natural circulation is possible. Ready-made models of wood-burning boilers are designed to heat a certain amount of water, and this criterion must be taken into account when choosing equipment.

Model Thermo Vesta

Sometimes experts advise installing circulation pumps to increase the efficiency of the installation. Practice has shown that their use increases the productivity of the boiler by about 2 times. But their installation makes long-burning wood-burning boilers volatile. In order for such equipment to work during a power outage, it is advisable together with circulation pump install bypass immediately. This is a switch that will allow, in the absence of electricity, to transfer forced circulation coolant to natural.

If it is necessary to provide both home heating and supply hot water in the kitchen and bathroom, experts recommend purchasing traditional long-burning wood-burning boilers, in the body of which the boiler of water heating equipment is already built. Such a model will cost much more than the usual configuration, but it will immediately solve all the problems associated with creating a comfortable microclimate.

Another important point! When choosing heating equipment, pay attention to one that will allow you to heat water for domestic needs without supplying coolant to the batteries. This feature will make it possible to use the unit in the summer. Typically, such options in their configuration have electric heating elements. Hybrid models are multifunctional. When the heating element is working, the long-burning installation is idle.

Pyrolysis boilers

Device diagram

If the heating of the house is carried out with the help of firewood, it is necessary to solve the acute problem of choice - to purchase a traditional or pyrolysis boiler with a water circuit. The second option differs from conventional installations in that it burns solid fuel and combustion products separately. Any pyrolysis boiler has a firebox consisting of two sections. Firewood is loaded into the first. In winter, they are usually damp, so when burning, water vapor is formed. So that it does not interfere with combustion, a second chamber is used. Hot gases move into it, and there they eliminate excess moisture under the action of a jet of secondary air. This is the so-called double blow method.

Two chambers are separated only by a grate on which firewood lies. Primary blowing passes through them from the bottom up. Therefore, the main difference that a pyrolysis boiler has from a traditional installation is the presence of two types of blast. The operation of this design is ensured by forced draft, formed by means of a smoke exhauster.

This setup works quite simply:

Type of pyrolysis boiler

  • Firewood is laid out on the grate.
  • After they are ignited, the door must be closed, after which the operation of the smoke exhauster starts.
  • A high temperature is formed inside the furnace, leading to the formation of wood and carbon monoxide, as well as volatile elements such as hydrogen and nitrogen.
  • All these substances enter the second furnace.
  • There, secondary air is added to them, in which all gases burn. The heat generated in this case again descends into the first furnace.

Thus, a high temperature is constantly maintained, which ensures the pyrolysis process. It creates heat that can be used to heat any coolant.

Advantages and disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers

When deciding between the two options, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of boiler.

We list the main ones:

Model Geyser T-20

  1. The double air supply, which distinguishes the pyrolysis boiler, allows you to increase the burning time of one firewood bookmark up to 12 hours. The laying of firewood in traditional long-burning boilers burns out within 3-4 hours. Therefore, more firewood is spent, and the stove has to be loaded more often.
  2. The pyrolysis process ensures complete combustion of the fuel. As a result, less ash is produced. Therefore, it is easier to take care of the stove, since you have to rake out the ashes less often and clean the gas ducts.
  3. In pyrolysis boilers, two-stage combustion reduces excess air in the furnaces, which increases the efficiency of the furnace and its efficiency.
  4. The presence of two furnaces allows you to control and, if necessary, regulate the combustion process. Due to this circumstance, such installations can be automated, like the operation of gas heating equipment. It is impossible to do this using a traditional wood-fired boiler.
  5. Large logs can be placed in pyrolysis boilers. Hence, there is no need to spend a lot of time and effort on chopping firewood.

So we can safely say that long-burning pyrolysis boilers equipped with a water circuit and running on wood are more economical than similar traditional installations.

Existing deficiencies

In fairness, it is necessary to mention the shortcomings of the described equipment:

Principle of operation

  • Pyrolysis boilers with a water circuit are 2 times more expensive than traditional counterparts.
  • They cannot work without a smoke exhauster, so this option is volatile. During power outages, the heating equipment will not work. And this must be taken into account where such problems are very common.
  • When buying pyrolysis boilers, carefully study the reviews about the manufacturer. It is noticed that individual installations demonstrate a discrepancy between the declared capacity. During operation, when laying in 40% of cases, the pyrolysis process is ineffective.
  • When using the described installations at half power, tar is formed, which clogs the gas ducts.
  • For the full functioning of a wood-fired pyrolysis boiler with a water circuit, it is necessary to mix hot water with the one that goes back to the boiler. If the return temperature is less than 60 degrees, condensate will form in the gas path, which will cause the development of low-temperature corrosion.


Boiler room in the house

For the operation of traditional and pyrolysis boilers, firewood is used - the cheapest type of fuel today. Such equipment remains relevant where the supply of blue fuel is not established. Compared to other types of heating equipment, long-burning boilers can be equipped with a water circuit, which will ensure efficient heating of any room.

Heating of the coolant occurs very quickly, and servicing the boilers is not so difficult. To install them, you do not need to collect various permits and certificates. The only condition for installation is the presence of ventilation and a working chimney.

Pyrolysis boilers are more efficient than traditional installations, but their merits should not be exaggerated. They also have many disadvantages. Therefore, in the final choice, you need to weigh everything and decide what is fundamentally important for the operation of the heating system in a particular case.

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Solid fuel boilers for long burning with a water circuit for domestic use

With the rise in gas prices, a significant part of the owners of private houses are looking more closely at solid fuel boilers. And in some areas it simply does not exist, and then there are not many options left to heat the home.

For many, this type of heating is associated with old wood-burning stoves that require constant care and maintenance. At the same time, the Internet is bloated with offers to purchase modern long-burning solid fuel boilers, which, according to the assurances of their manufacturers, can work without intervention from a week to a month with one load of fuel. Is it so? Let's try to figure it out.

Long-burning boilers with a wood-fired water circuit

Before buying such a unit, consider your ability to provide it with the appropriate fuel. Different brands of solid fuel boilers work with its various types and are often very demanding on quality. Some models can work with several types of fuel, but such versatility will either greatly affect the duration of its burning from load to load, or complicate the maintenance process, or radically affect the efficiency of the boiler. But rather - on all the mentioned characteristics at once.

Hence the reviews of their owners: from moderately positive to extremely negative.

The largest demand in Russia exists for long-burning boilers with a water circuit loaded with ordinary firewood.

This is due to several factors:

  • such boilers are often built into existing systems water heating circuits for houses instead of or simultaneously with gas ones;
  • systems of convection water heating of houses are more familiar and familiar to the Russian consumer;
  • the presence of large stocks of wood in the Russian Federation and, accordingly, the relatively low cost of firewood, or generally access to a free resource: woodworking waste, wooden packaging, etc.;
  • more simple ways storage and maintenance of fuel reserves than the same coal or fuel briquettes.

Let's make a reservation right away that the best models of such units are able to work on one load of firewood in ideal conditions from 10 - 12 hours to a day, depending on the capacity of the firebox, and eat from 40 to 80 kg of firewood. It is this parameter that ensures the duration of their burning. But not only them. There are a number of technical solutions that make it possible to increase the operating time of such a solid fuel boiler up to 3 times in comparison with the traditional one. Namely:

1. The combustion of wood does not occur immediately over the entire height of the bookmark, but in a given area (only from above or below). This is ensured by sealing the boiler and metered supply of oxygen to the required area.

It is pumped with the help of a snail with a self-adjusting damper.

It is controlled by an automation unit.

Without such pressurization, the boiler operates in the fuel smoldering mode, which increases the time for its complete burnout. True, its long stay in this mode leads to accelerated soot formation, which necessitates more frequent cleaning of both the boiler itself and the chimney. When the temperature drops below the set value, the blower fan is switched on and combustion intensifies.

2. In the process of burning firewood, charcoal and flue gases are formed. On the principle of afterburning their mixture with oxygen, the so-called. pyrolysis boilers.

In them, the flue gas from the firewood burning zone is diverted to the furnace, mixing with injected oxygen along the way, where it is burned out, which:

  • significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler (up to 90 - 95%);
  • reduces soot formation;
  • minimizes ash waste;
  • saves cash owner.

The latter is especially important, taking into account the high cost of all pyrolysis solid fuel boilers.

Often, the fireboxes of pyrolysis boilers are lined with fireclay bricks due to the high afterburning temperature (about 1200 ° C).

3. The products of combustion discharged into the chimney pass through the boiler's smoke circulation system connected to the water heating circuit of the house, in which the coolant circulates (often it is water).

Sometimes a heat exchanger is a water tank with a large number of pipes welded into it, through which gases are removed, giving up their heat to the water.

When choosing a long-burning wood-burning boiler, it is important to consider two points:

Firstly, the approximate calculation of the power of a solid fuel boiler offered by manufacturers, in which for every 10 sq.m. 1 kW should be allocated to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, it is advisable to double it, otherwise there can be no talk of any long burning - the boiler will work at the maximum of its capabilities, and devour fuel in constant boost mode.

Secondly, such boilers operate with a connection to the mains, which ensures the operation of the control unit, the snail-fan and the circulation pump in the heating system (at least). Therefore, for their correct operation, it is best to provide for the installation of an uninterruptible power supply unit with a high-capacity battery.

If you want to make a similar boiler yourself, then it is better to choose specific model and repeat its design solutions and features.

Boiler of long burning up to 7 days

They are also called "weeks". It should be said that such indicators, having impressive dimensions, they can really give out under ideal operating conditions, incl. small heated areas, and only with the use of high-quality coal, working mainly in the smoldering mode. Of the Russian ones, the Kemerovo long-burning boiler is close to such characteristics.

Also long-playing boilers are pellet boilers with large bunkers for pellets and their automatic feeding.

But the cost of a gigacalorie produced by the latter is much higher than that of other solid fuel boilers.

DIY solid fuel boiler

It has a funny name "bubafoniya", a simple design and a completely understandable principle of operation. The Baltic boilers of serial production STROPUVA, which have won well-deserved popularity among Russians, also work on the same.

Consider the scheme of its work.

In these boilers, air is supplied to the combustion zone through a pipe (7) and a piston (air distributor - 9). It is preheated by exhaust gases. Combustion occurs only in the upper part of the fuel tab, which can be played by:

  • firewood;
  • sawdust;
  • various fuel briquettes;
  • pellets (fuel pellets);
  • coal.

It is on the latter type of fuel that the maximum operating time of the boiler is achieved under standard conditions at one load: 3 - 4 days.

As the fuel burns out, the piston lowers under its own weight, providing oxygen access to the combustion zone. To load the firebox, it rises with the help of a cable 12, fixed with a hook 13. Loading is carried out to the level of the door for laying (8). The water jacket is located around the boiler body.

The design of this boiler is practically repeated by some other manufacturers, you can do it too, and this video is to help:

But there are simpler designs that work on the same principle.

In the process of lowering the piston, which serves as a device for supplying air to the combustion zone, as in the boiler described above, the flue gases burn out above it.

If the boiler is light and easily detachable from the chimney, then the process of removing a tiny handful of ash from its bottom is done by turning it over.

And if it is made of thick-walled gas cylinders or installed permanently, then to remove it, it is worthwhile to provide a hermetically closing door at the bottom of the container.

The adjustment of the air supply, and hence the intensity of the combustion process, is carried out by a rotary damper at the top of the supply pipe connected to the piston. Its very design can be different, but always with a gap for the free passage of air between it and the upper fuel level (for this, radially arranged ribs are welded).

Almost anything can be burned in such a boiler, but sawdust, small firewood and coal are best suited - anything that fits compactly and without gaps. For those who do not want to experiment with dimensions, we offer a simple drawing of a long-burning solid fuel boiler.

If such a boiler heats a separate room and is located in it, an external circuit can be built around it. It will protect you from burns and will act as a convector.

If you want to complete the water heating system with bubafonei, then this casing should be made closed and sealed, and the upper supply and lower return fittings for supplying pipes of the heating system should be inserted into it.

At the same time, do not forget to embed into it expansion tank open type so that trouble does not happen during intense combustion and boiling of water. Such a stove is able to heat a house with an area of ​​70 - 80 sq.m. with a one-time daily load of sawdust (coal - once every 2 - 3 days), if your house is well insulated.

For permanent use of sawdust as a fuel, the design of the boiler can be simplified, and for small houses, the heating system shown in the video, in our opinion, is more preferable than with a water circuit, and even cheaper - for sure.

There is an even simpler version of bubafoniya, and even an industrial one.

It makes no sense to describe the process of making such a boiler with your own hands, due to the primitive design.

And finally, a short video on a homemade pyrolysis boiler for home craftsmen with a high level of locksmith training and excellent skills welding work:

Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)


Solid fuel boilers for long burning with a water circuit for the home

Long-burning solid fuel boilers with a water circuit for the home are heating units designed for use in non-gasified cottages, houses and summer cottages. The low price of fuel, their use as a backup source of heat and the ability to burn gardening waste in boilers have made solid fuel boilers quite popular among suburban homeowners. Such equipment is especially relevant in the context of the continuing trend of increasing gas prices.

A solid fuel double-circuit boiler of long burning will provide not only home heating, but also hot water supply

According to their design, boilers with one combustion chamber using bottom blast and boilers with a two-piece furnace with bottom and top blast (pyrolysis boilers) are distinguished. Types of body of a solid fuel heating boiler with a water circuit: cast iron or steel.

The device of a single-circuit boiler, which provides for heating the coolant for the batteries of the heating system, has the following design:

  • furnace - a combustion chamber for solid fuels;
  • ash pan - a collection of waste generated during combustion;
  • chimney - a channel for the removal of exhaust gaseous combustion products;
  • shirt - a heat exchanger with water built into the furnace.

Types of fuel for solid fuel boilers

The principle of operation of the boiler is as follows: fuel is placed in the combustion chamber, which releases heat during combustion. The heat exchanger accumulates heat and gives it to the coolant, which circulates through the coil. Warm water enters the batteries, and the cooled water returns to the boiler.

The difference between a double-circuit solid fuel boiler for a house is that it has an additional heat exchanger (coil) used for hot water supply. This heat exchanger is connected to the water pipes, providing domestic hot water.

The modern boiler house is equipped with a double-circuit solid fuel boiler with storage tank for hot water

There are two methods for connecting and locating the DHW circuit:

  1. Flow heating mode. With this method, the hot water circuit coil is integrated into the jacket. The hot water coil is heated by the energy of the heat carrier of the heating system. The water moving along the coil is heated up to 45 degrees. The efficiency of such a system is up to 8 liters per minute.
  2. Accumulative heating mode. Such a system provides for a boiler (water heating tank) built into the chimney channel or the main heat exchanger. Heating is carried out by hot air or heat carrier of the heating system. Depending on the consumption of hot water, cold water is supplied from the water supply to the boiler and heated up to 90 degrees there. With this scheme, the DHW circuit is able to provide a volume of water 2 times the volume of the boiler, which will contribute to excessive fuel consumption.

The principle of operation of a solid fuel pyrolysis boiler

When water is heated, due to expansion, its natural circulation occurs: when it heats up, it moves up, and when it cools, it goes down. Long-burning wood-burning boilers can only heat a certain amount of water. This parameter should be taken into account when choosing a boiler.

Related article:

To increase the efficiency of the equipment, it is proposed to equip the boiler with a circulation pump. With its installation, the efficiency will double, but then the functioning of the boilers becomes volatile. If the electricity is supplied intermittently, it is recommended to equip the boiler with a switch (bypass) capable of converting the forced movement of water into natural.

Heating and hot water supply based on solid fuel boiler and solar panels make your home energy independent

Helpful advice! When purchasing a boiler, you should choose a model that will provide domestic hot water without supplying water to the heating system. This will allow you to use hot water during the summer season.

So that the boiler for long-term combustion of fuel does not work to heat radiators, but provides water heating for domestic use, it is equipped with an electric heating element. Such a boiler is called a hybrid and is a multifunctional equipment.

Connection diagram for a boiler with a water circuit in common system heating

Equipping boilers with additional equipment (for example, a fan to provide draft in the chimney, a pump for pumping hot water in pipes) makes the equipment energy-dependent, on the other hand, connecting to the network makes it possible to automatically control the process.

We offer to watch the video: "Do-it-yourself solid fuel boiler for long burning":

The device of a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler with a water circuit

A feature of the functioning of pyrolysis boilers is that in them the combustion chamber consists of two separate sections. Solid fuel burns in one section of the furnace, while combustion products burn in the other. When firewood (often raw) is laid in the first section during the cold season, steam is released when it is burned. To exclude its negative impact on the combustion process, use the second section of the furnace. It is into it that hot gas moves, which removes excess moisture using a secondary air jet. This method is called the double blow method. The two sections of the chamber are separated by a grate, where the firewood lies, through which the primary blowing passes. The operation of the pyrolysis boiler is facilitated by forced draft created by a smoke exhauster.

The design of the pyrolysis boiler with a water circuit

The order of operation of the pyrolysis unit:

  • solid fuel (firewood) is placed on the grate;
  • the boiler is ignited, the firebox door is closed and the smoke exhauster is turned on;
  • in the process of combustion, a high temperature is created inside the chamber, which contributes to the formation of charcoal, carbon monoxide and volatile formations of hydrogen and nitrogen;
  • all these products enter the second section of the chamber, where a secondary air flow is mixed with them and these products are burned;
  • the heat from the combustion of these products is re-supplied to the first section of the chamber.

As a result of this design of the boiler, a sufficiently high temperature is maintained in it, the waste from the combustion of firewood is thermally decomposed, forming pyrolysis gas. Thus, solid fuel is used rationally, and the heat from the combustion of waste is reused.

Pyrolysis solid fuel boiler with automatic fuel loading

For an unmistakable choice of a solid fuel boiler for heating a private house, it is necessary to analyze its characteristics:

  • in pyrolysis units, re-supply of air is used, which ensures the duration of the burning of the fuel bookmark, extending it up to 10-12 hours, and the burning time of a similar bookmark in a conventional boiler is 4 hours. From the point of view of efficiency, pyrolysis boilers are loaded less often and less fuel is consumed;
  • in pyrolysis boilers, firewood is burned with virtually no waste. Ash remains at a minimum. This, in turn, facilitates the maintenance of the equipment: it is not so often necessary to remove ash from the boiler and clean the flue;

Pyrolysis boilers use re-supply of air, prolonging the burn-out time of the fuel load up to 10-12 hours

  • two-stage combustion, which reduces excess air in the chamber, increases the productivity of the pyrolysis boiler;
  • in the presence of two combustion chambers, it becomes possible to control and regulate the combustion process. Pyrolysis boilers can be automated, which is completely impossible in conventional boilers;
  • pyrolysis boilers can take quite a lot of logs for ignition large sizes, which, in turn, saves time for chopping firewood;
  • light and affordable installation- does not require permits, do-it-yourself equipment installation is possible.

Simplified scheme for connecting automation to a heating system with a long-burning solid fuel boiler

There are many advantages to solid fuel pyrolysis boilers for heating a private house, but there are also some disadvantages that should be mentioned:

  • high price;
  • dependence on electricity - due to the use of a smoke exhauster;
  • in some cases, non-compliance with the declared power characteristics;

Helpful advice! Before you buy a long-burning solid fuel boiler, read the reviews about its manufacturer. Very often there are models with an inefficient pyrolysis process.

  • the use of boilers at partial capacity leads to the formation of tar that clogs the flue;

To extend the service life, it is necessary to periodically clean the solid fuel boiler

  • for the correct operation of pyrolysis heating solid fuel boilers with a water circuit, it is required to mix hot water with the liquid that enters the boiler again;
  • the return temperature must be at least 60ºС, otherwise condensate will appear in the gas path, which will lead to corrosion.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a suitable solid fuel boiler model:

  • unit power. If you purchase a double-circuit boiler to provide hot water, you should choose a unit whose power is enough to heat domestic water;
  • performance of the hot water circuit. It is necessary to calculate whether the volume of water heated by the boiler is enough for the household needs of the whole family;

Scheme of connecting the heat accumulator to the heating system

Helpful advice! To provide hot water to a house where a large family lives, you should purchase a boiler model with a built-in boiler or provide for the installation of a heat accumulator.

  • convenience and frequency of maintenance. Pay attention to how often you have to load firewood and clean the ash pan. Give preference to models with a volumetric hopper, where cleaning is done once every three months, and the burning time is up to five days;
  • materials from which the boiler is made. The equipment made of cast iron is durable (service life is up to 30 years). The hot water coil must be made of steel or copper.

Modern models of long-burning solid fuel boilers can completely replace gas units in heating and hot water supply systems of a private house

Modern models of solid fuel boilers for long burning can completely replace gas. In addition, due to high performance, they are environmentally friendly and economical. The purchase of a solid fuel boiler with a water circuit will be beneficial if all the requirements and parameters of this equipment are taken into account.



Long-burning wood-fired boiler with a water circuit: application, features and principle of operation

Villagers living in remote areas where blue fuel is not available choose wood-fired boilers instead of electricity. The same is done by residents of summer cottages and country houses, guided by the principle of economy. For heating use the most available material- wooden logs, coals, coke. Taking into account all economic costs, it will be cheaper than using gas cylinder. For heating purposes, most often birch and pine firewood is used.

There are 2 types of wood-fired boilers


Boilers of a simple direct combustion design with one chamber - a container. The devices are easy to use and reliable, but not very convenient to use. It is necessary to use only dry firewood, which quickly burns out in 6-8 hours, therefore, too frequent filling of fuel for the boiler is required. In case of incomplete burning of firewood, the chimney is clogged.

gas generating

Boilers with a unique pyrolysis technology that allows solid fuel to turn into a gaseous state and increases the burning time of the fuel. Models may be equipped with an additional camera. The combustion process goes on non-stop, fuel is laid once a day. The cost of such boilers is slightly higher than classic ones, but due to the economical use of firewood, high power, and increased equipment efficiency, it quickly pays off.

The organization of the work of a long-burning wood-burning device occurs by the method of pyrolysis. During combustion, the fuel sags, the fire zone smoothly moves from top to bottom, leaving almost no ash. Firewood is burned in doses and ignites with renewed vigor thanks to an improved method of controlling fuel combustion.

The most common materials for the manufacture of equipment are steel and cast iron.

Cast iron is little susceptible to corrosion, resistant to high temperature combustion, but are more expensive than steel. Due to the design, consisting of different sections, in case of their breakdown, it is possible to disassemble the equipment and replace the part that needs repair. The downside is the high sensitivity to temperature extremes, but if you follow all the nuances, the boiler can work up to 35 years.

Steel is often deformed, subjected to corrosion changes. If a cast-iron boiler consists of sections, then a steel one is always an all-welded structure. Coefficient useful action much higher due to minimal technological limitations. The average life of the equipment is up to 25 years.

Consider the components of a wood-fired boiler:

Long-burning boilers are improved by equipping them with a water circuit (DHW), which allows the heat emanating from the stove to be distributed throughout the house, evenly heating several rooms at once. In addition, hot water is provided at home, which is undoubtedly very convenient and economical.

The principle of operation of a heat exchanger with a water circuit.

After installation and connection of the equipment to the local heating system, the boiler is filled with water, the liquid moves along the heating system circuit by means of convection, without requiring the use of a water pump. When firewood is burned, water is heated, circulating through pipes and entering the radiators of the house. The cooled liquid, after heat transfer, returns to the boiler through the return, being heated, and the process begins anew. Such boilers are also called double-circuit: the first is used for water heating, and the second for hot water supply.

Most modern heat exchangers have just this way of organizing heating. There are certain points that you should pay attention to: hot water is also needed in the summer, and the stove is unlikely to be heated, so you should be puzzled by additional equipment for heating the liquid. At the moment, it is possible to equip long-burning boilers with an additional circuit or boiler, which assumes the presence in the boiler of a container with water heated by convection, which will increase the efficiency of the system many times over.

When installing equipment with a water circuit, the necessary safety requirements must be observed:

  • Ground the boiler body.
  • Install the boiler on a fire-resistant material, preferably on a metal sheet. It is desirable for them to upholster the walls adjacent to the equipment and pre-finished with heat-resistant materials.
  • The foundation must be concrete or asbestos.
  • Wrap the part of the chimney facing the attic with foil to prevent fire.
  • Equip the room with a good ventilation system.
  • Provide free access to the firebox door.
  • If you live in the house intermittently, use antifreeze to prevent pipes from freezing during the cold season.

What are the advantages of wood-fired heating boilers with a water circuit?

  • For residents of private houses with no gas supply, such equipment is the only heating system option.
  • The high performance of the heat exchanger is noted; a large area is heated quickly and efficiently within an hour after the boiler has been operating.
  • The affordability of the equipment in comparison with other heating devices.
  • Ease of operation, which allows you to perform installation and adjustment work without obtaining a special permit.
  • The availability of wood fuel for boilers in any locality and its low cost, which makes the equipment economical.
  • No connection to electricity due to the natural circulation of the device. The operation of the boiler on the water circuit is completely autonomous, which is extremely important in areas with interruptions and interference in the power grid.

There are few disadvantages, but they exist.

  • Absence automatic feeding fuel.
  • Low efficiency in comparison with powerful gas and diesel boilers.
  • Bimetal heating radiators dimensions technical specifications

Solid fuel boiler with water circuit - unit with self-powered, capable of high-quality heating of small apartments and fairly large areas.

As a source of energy, you can use firewood, peat, pallets, coal and eco-peas.

The device is perfect for installation in a house that does not have a supply to a central heating system or a gas main.

The main feature of such units is the presence of a water circuit. They can be single-circuit and double-circuit. The former are only capable of heating the room, while the latter are able to additionally prepare hot water for subsequent use.

Fuel is supplied manually or automatically, depending on the model. If this is automatic, then the boiler has a reservoir for placing raw materials. Fuel can be loaded into the system for a week without assistance.

Such models have a high price, so a person prefers to choose a hand-made boiler.

One bookmark of fuel is enough for 3-4 hours.

To compose an image of a solid fuel boiler with a water circuit, it is necessary to consider the principle of its operation:

  1. Setting the required temperature in the coolant, fuel supply.
  2. Heating of the heat exchanger in the water circuit.
  3. Received thermal energy accumulates from the walls of the water jacket and the water is heated.
  4. Regardless of the type of water circulation in the system (natural or forced), the house is filled with heat in a short period of time.

Device types

Each instrument has its own unique specifications.

But all models can be divided into several types, depending on the type of combustion process.:

  1. Traditional. Distinctive feature- the combustion process occurs from the bottom up. Fuel is loaded manually, combustion products are removed through a flue. The boiler does not require electricity to function.
  2. long burning. Features - the combustion process goes from top to bottom, fuel is laid from above. The unit is designed for uninterrupted operation during the day without "refilling". Due to the complex design, long-burning boilers have a high cost.
  3. Pyrolysis. Features - the presence of two fuel chambers: the first is designed for combustion solid fuel, the second - consumes the gas that was formed in the first. Advantages - high efficiency, minimum waste, environmental friendliness. But such boilers require special attention- they can only be installed in rooms with a humidity of 17-20%.
  4. Universal. Features — functioning on all types of solid fuel. If you change the burner, you can use liquid fuel. Models are equipped with a security system that eliminates spontaneous combustion or cessation of work.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • high build quality, reliability and safety of equipment;
  • long service life - some models can last more than 10 years;
  • economical fuel consumption, low cost of units and raw materials;
  • universality;
  • there is no need to perform regular technical inspection;
  • combustion products are recyclable.


  • wood-burning models have low efficiency - no higher than 80%;
  • the need to load fuel every 5-6 hours in models with manual feed.

How to choose and what to look for?

  1. Power. Here the buyer should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the model they like. Manufacturers indicate the maximum power, temperature, estimated area.
  2. Principle of operation. The main nuance is the number of contours. Units with one circuit only give out heat to the rooms, and with two, they additionally provide a person with hot water for domestic needs.
  3. Possibilities. The devices are equipped with various systems for controlling the combustion process and fixing the required temperature. Some modern models equipped with hobs on which you can cook food.
  4. Fuel type and cost. Here it is better for a person to build on personal preferences and financial capabilities. Fuel is considered economical in the form of coal, wood raw materials.

Popular manufacturing companies

Solid fuel boilers from Russian, German, Italian manufacturers are in high demand.

These are Viessman, Buderus, Ferroli, EVAN, Lemax. Below are the models that deserve attention.

Rating TOP-10 best models

Place Name Price
TOP 10 best solid fuel boilers with a water circuit
1 16 000 ₽
2 19 000 ₽
3 34 000 ₽
4 34 000 ₽
5 54 000 ₽
6 38 000 ₽
7 52 000 ₽
8 12 000 ₽
9 18 000 ₽
10 16 000 ₽

The best solid fuel boilers with a water circuit

Lemax Forward-12.5 13 kW

A distinctive feature of the model is the presence of a steel heat exchanger with long term exploitation. The single-circuit boiler is designed for heating residential buildings, cottages, administrative buildings.

It does not require power from electrical network .

The type of water heating system does not prevent the appliance from functioning normally.


  • power - 13 kW;
  • Efficiency - 75%;
  • fuel - coal, firewood, coke;
  • Max. heat exchanger temperature - 95 degrees, water pressure - 2 bar;
  • the presence of a thermometer;
  • type of fuel loading - vertical;
  • chimney diameter - 14 cm;
  • dimensions - 37x90x58 cm;
  • weight - 70 kg;
  • warranty - 3 years.


  • high level of safety and environmental friendliness;
  • impact-resistant heat exchanger, additionally protected by heat-insulating materials;
  • the case is made of steel 4 mm thick, which guarantees its strength and reliability;
  • easy connection of the unit to the chimney;
  • affordable price - from 14,900 rubles.


  • there is no system for cleaning the boiler;
  • poor ash adjustment.

Lemax Forward-20

Single-circuit boiler with vertical fuel loading. Thanks to its high power, it quickly warms up rooms in room and maintains the set temperature for a long time.

Attractive appearance allows you to install the device in any place and adjust it to the general interior.

It is also possible to connect to a water heating system with natural circulation.


  • power - 20 kW;
  • does not require electricity to work;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • Efficiency - 75%;
  • heat exchanger material - steel, max. temperature - 95 degrees;
  • fuel - coal, firewood, coke;
  • Max. water pressure - 2 bar;
  • equipment with a thermometer;
  • chimney diameter - 15 cm;
  • dimensions - 41x90x58 cm;
  • weight - 78 kg;
  • warranty - 3 years.


  • steel thickness 4 mm, which affects the durability of the structure;
  • convenient way to download;
  • efficient and fast heating of large rooms, the area of ​​​​which exceeds 200 square meters. m;
  • environmental friendliness of fuel;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • affordable price - from 18,900 rubles.


  • not detected.

ZOTA Poplar M 20 20 kW

Non-volatile single-circuit boiler with front loading of fuel. It is equipped furnace doors, which open horizontally and vertically, lockable.

The heat exchanger is combined with a removable damper, which makes the flue two-way.

Therefore, there is a significant increase in the heating area with prolonged heat transfer.


  • power - 20 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • Efficiency - 75%;
  • type of heating elements is optional, their max. temperature - 95 degrees;
  • fuel - firewood, coal;
  • Max. water pressure - 3 bar;
  • the presence of a thermometer;
  • chimney diameter - 15 cm;
  • dimensions - 44x84.5x97.5 cm;
  • weight - 140 kg;
  • warranty - 1 year.


  • good value for money - the buyer receives powerful unit for more than 30 thousand rubles;
  • simple use, ease of loading;
  • the ability to install gas burner in place of the screw door;
  • quick cleaning of the chamber and chimney due to the uncomplicated design.


  • the need to call the wizard if it is decided to supplement the unit with other functions;
  • fast fuel consumption: anthracite - 1.3 kg / h, coal - 2.5 kg / h, firewood - 3.3 kg / h.

Carbon 20 20 kW

Single circuit top loading model. Capable of heating rooms up to 200 sq. m. Does not require connection to electrical network.

Has a large fuel tank autonomous system downloads.

If you correctly operate the device, then it will please with its functionality and durability.


  • power - 7-20 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • Efficiency - 80%;
  • heat exchanger material - steel, type - optional, temperature - 65-95 degrees;
  • fuel - coal, consumption - 5.6 kg / h;
  • Max. water pressure - 3 bar;
  • the presence of a thermometer and a manometer;
  • chimney diameter - 15 cm;
  • dimensions - 46.5x97x105 cm;
  • weight - 176 kg.


  • long and stable burning;
  • easy cleaning of the boiler;
  • a single load of coal is 24 kg, and it lasts for 4-6 hours;
  • each detail of the structure is made of durable steel, which determines its service life;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.


  • requires a certain type of fuel - fine coal;
  • the internal part of the structure is affected by corrosion over time due to the formation of sulfuric acid condensate;
  • high cost - from 40,000 rubles.

Protherm Beaver 20 DLO 19 kW

The single-circuit boiler is characterized by high performance, the ability to heat a larger area, the presence of a two-pass cast-iron heat exchanger, not demanding in electricity.

The presence of 4 sections allows you to change the performance and complete the device to the optimal option.


  • power - 19 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • Efficiency - 90, 2%;
  • fuel - coal, firewood;
  • heat exchanger temperature - 30-85 degrees;
  • Max. water pressure - 4 bar;
  • chimney diameter - 15 cm;
  • dimensions - 44x93.5x64 cm;
  • weight - 230 kg;
  • warranty - 2 years.


  • simple durable construction made of cast iron;
  • the presence of a capacious combustion chamber;
  • after prolonged operation, the unit retains its appearance and performance;
  • fast heating of rooms, with long maintenance of the set temperature.


  • the massiveness of the boiler, which makes it difficult to move and install;
  • high cost - from 60,000 rubles.

Kentatsu ELEGANT-04 27 kW

The floor-standing single-circuit boiler is suitable for installation in rooms with any circulating heating system. It does not require connection to the electrical network, it can act as an independent source of heat or as an addition to another type of boiler.

All structural elements are made of cast iron, except for control levers.

The model is worthy of attention, has a good value for money.


  • power - 27 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • fuel - coal, firewood;
  • coolant temperature - 90 degrees;
  • Max. water pressure - 4 bar;
  • the presence of a thermometer;
  • chimney diameter - 18 cm;
  • dimensions - 45x94.7x70.9 cm;
  • weight - 198 kg;
  • warranty - 2 years.


  • simple operation and cleaning of the chamber, chimney;
  • ease of temperature adjustment;
  • fast heating, efficient heat transfer;
  • supplied assembled;
  • affordable price - from 38,000 rubles.


  • not detected.

Buderus Logano S111-2-16 16 kW

Single-circuit boiler with top loading of fuel, which does not require electricity for operation. The structure is made from impact-resistant steel, effectively maintaining heat in all rooms.

The power of the unit is enough for heating private and country houses, apartments, offices, service premises.


  • power - 16 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • Efficiency - 76%;
  • fuel - coal (recommended by the manufacturer), coal and wood briquettes, firewood, coke;
  • fuel consumption - 6.4 kg / h;
  • coolant temperature - 65-95 degrees;
  • water pressure - 3 bar;
  • equipped with a thermometer and pressure gauge;
  • chimney diameter - 14.5 cm;
  • dimensions - 60x87.5x73 cm;
  • weight - 160 kg;
  • cost - from 54,000 rubles.


  • the duration of the combustion process;
  • easy access to the chamber for fuel supply;
  • durable construction that is not subject to any damage;
  • easy installation, delivery assembled.


  • not detected.


Single-circuit steel boiler is designed for heating small spaces. Distinctive feature lies in cylindrical shape body, providing the greatest strength of the unit.

The fire chamber is equipped with a wide door therefore there is an easy loading of fuel and its subsequent cleaning.


  • power - 5-12 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open (capacity 50 l), control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • heated area - 80 sq. m;
  • Efficiency - 70%;
  • fuel - coal, firewood, peat, max. firewood length - 55 cm;
  • coolant temperature - 95 degrees;
  • water pressure - 2.5 bar;
  • equipment with a thermometer;
  • chimney diameter - 11.4 cm;
  • dimensions - 44x62x93 cm;
  • weight - 59 kg;
  • warranty - 1 year.


  • high level of strength and durability;
  • rapid heating of the room, with long-term maintenance of the set temperature;
  • good value for money - the buyer purchases high-performance equipment at a very pleasant price (from 15,600 rubles);
  • ease of cleaning and maintenance.


  • not detected.

Teplodar Kupper Practice 20

single circuit steel model Designed for space heating up to 200 sq. m. Heat exchanger from steel is designed for long term operation, maximum heat transfer.

The main difference is simple design with an attractive design.


  • power - 20 kW;
  • type of combustion chamber - open, control - mechanical, installation - floor;
  • type of heating element - pre-installed, power - 6 kW, temperature - 50-95 degrees;
  • water pressure - 1 bar;
  • equipment with a thermometer;
  • chimney diameter - 15 cm;
  • dimensions - 49x69x69 cm;
  • weight - 82 kg;
  • warranty - 3 years.


  • low price - from 18,000 rubles;
  • capacious firebox;
  • fast heating;
  • the ability to install a draft regulator;
  • it is permissible to insulate the side walls;
  • high build quality, durability and strength.


  • not detected.

Teplodar Kupper Praktik 14 14 kW

The single-circuit boiler became famous for its durability, not demanding in electricity. The model is different from the previous power indicator and the maximum heating area - up to 140 sq. m.

Attractive appearance allows you to install the structure anywhere in the room.


  • power - 14 kW;
  • camera type - open, control - mechanical, installation - outdoor;
  • type of heater - pre-installed,
  • material - steel,
  • power - 6 kW,
  • temperature - 50-95 degrees;
  • fuel - coal, firewood, peat briquettes;
  • water pressure - 1 bar;
  • the presence of a thermometer;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions - 42x65.5x63 cm;
  • weight - 68 kg.


  • affordable price - from 15,000 rubles;
  • great for heating private and country houses;
  • simple use, easy installation;
  • quick cleaning of the chamber and chimney;
  • keeping the room clean.


  • not detected.

Conclusion and Conclusions

Solid fuel boilers with a water circuit are a bargain for people whose house is not connected to central heating. Also, the units will be an excellent solution for heating country houses.

If you correctly approach the choice, you can get an effective and high-performance device with a long service life.

Useful video

From the video you will get acquainted with an overview of a solid fuel boiler with a water circuit:

In contact with

Gasification of private sectors is progressing by leaps and bounds. But until now, many settlements are heated by coal or firewood. And when the "blue fuel" will reach them is unknown. But the budget is not rubber. Looking at the rising prices for firewood, coal or pellets (pressed fuel), people clutch their heads. However, there is a way out of the situation - long-burning solid fuel boilers with a water circuit, saving both firewood and time. You need to heat once a day, and for some models even once a week is enough. Today we will figure out what kind of “miracle unit” this is, why it is so rarely necessary to heat it and how much such a boiler costs.

Read in the article

Solid fuel boilers for long burning with a water circuit: advantages and disadvantages

Long-burning solid fuel boilers for heating are an opportunity to provide a home with heat and create comfortable conditions for life, while consuming less wood or coal than when using a conventional stove. Such a unit has a lot of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • economy achieved by high efficiency;
  • the unit is easy to maintain;
  • low cost;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

Depending on the model, such units may be equipped with additional options that will facilitate the heating process. However, it is not without drawbacks, among which it is worth noting the need for periodic cleaning and loading of fuel (in comparison with gas and electrical equipment). But these shortcomings disappear if you compare the device with a conventional one. furnace heating.

The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler for long burning

The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler for heating a house is based on the properties of wood, to emit a gas called pyrolysis during combustion. IN wood stove this gas is not used in any way for a constructive reason. It is itself a fuel, which, when burned, produces a large amount of heat. Using pyrolysis gas, engineers managed to increase the efficiency of long-burning solid fuel heating boilers by minimizing open flames.

Classification of units: what to look for when choosing

The choice of a long burning boiler depends on several factors. The weight of the equipment is taken into account, but only if it is planned to place the device on the wall. The main attention is paid to the main parameters. To determine them, consider the classification of aggregates.

Fuel combustion method: which is better

There are two types of devices - volatile and non-volatile. Consider their differences, pros and cons.

A traditional volatile boiler is comparable in appearance to a conventional stove, which has a window in the upper part. Fuel is loaded into it. Firewood or coal smolders inside, there is no open flame, but the release of this heat is sufficient. At the same time, a special fan is periodically turned on, removing excess oxygen from the furnace. Due to the absence of an open flame, fuel is saved and the time interval between its bookmarks is increased.

Such a unit is equipped with an afterburner, providing an increase in efficiency up to 80 ÷ 85%. These devices are reliable and durable due to the simplicity of their design, but they have the disadvantage of being volatile. When the power is turned off, the fan stops turning on and smoldering does not occur. The solution would be to purchase a UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

What is a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler

Non-volatile devices are called pyrolysis devices. The difference from the previous version is that the fuel is first dried, after which degassing occurs. As a result, more than 80% of substances are converted into gas, the combustion temperature of which is 2 times higher than that of firewood. To understand how it works, we suggest watching a short video:

Advantages - efficiency (up to 95%), efficiency and autonomy (power outages are not terrible).

What type of fuel to choose

An important parameter for saving the family budget is the type of fuel that the unit will use. The choice here will depend on what is more profitable to purchase in a particular region. If a person lives where there is a lot of forest, naturally he will choose a wood-fired boiler. But it is worth noting that long-burning coal-fired boilers require bookmarks less often than wood-burning ones.

Number of contours: how important is this parameter

The choice for this parameter depends on the availability of hot water in the house. Double-circuit devices are more expensive, but they make it possible, in addition to heating, to organize hot water supply in a dwelling. If there is no hot water in the house, this factor is crucial, especially if small children live in the house.

Important! An additional circuit enables uninterrupted hot water supply only in the presence of cold water. If there is no running water in the house, there will be no point in overpaying.

Selecting a device for heating by power

The power of the unit determines the ability to heat a given area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Nothing complicated. We buy more expensive and there are no problems. But the question arises, why overpay for unnecessary power? Yes, and fuel for such equipment takes more. back side medals - insufficient power. In this case, the equipment will not warm the room to a comfortable temperature - and again, money wasted.

In order not to be mistaken with the power of a solid fuel boiler, we suggest using an online calculator. It will eliminate the error in the calculations that a person can make. All that is required from the user is to enter data in the appropriate fields and click the "calculate" button. The program will display the required equipment parameter in kW.

Calculator for calculating the power of a solid fuel boiler for long burning

Efficiency of solid fuel boilers of long burning

Efficiency is the most important parameter to which attention is paid. It depends on him how well the room will be heated, and how much firewood or coal will have to be purchased for the winter period. The higher this indicator, the greater the savings in the family budget will be received by the owner. But the cost of equipment with high efficiency is higher.

Good to know! By overpaying when buying equipment with high efficiency, you will save money later. Fuel over the winter will take less at the same temperature in the home.

How important is the volume of the loading chamber

The loading chamber should be as large as possible. It depends on how often you have to lay fuel. Models with small chambers operate on one load for 8÷24 hours, but there are those that do not require fuel for 5÷8 days. But here, too, much depends on the type of fuel. The most unpretentious in this sense are coal devices.

Important! Solid fuel boilers require long burning when installing a separate room, which means that the volume of the loading chamber will depend on the area of ​​​​the furnace. When purchasing a unit with a large load, you should consider whether it will fit in the room intended for it.

Also, many users of such boilers will be interested in the question of how much fuel the selected equipment will “eat up”. To do this, we also suggest using a special calculator.

Calculator for calculating the required amount of solid fuel

Send the result to my email

Types of solid fuel units for long burning

Such units are divided into three types: pyrolysis, pellet and boilers with the principle of upper combustion. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Unit with the principle of top combustion of fuel

The principle of operation of such a device differs from other types in that the coal in the chamber burns from above, and the flame goes down as it burns out. It happens like this.

An air supply pipe is installed above the fuel, at the end of which there is a bell. The flame from the top layer of fuel is supported by preheated air from the socket. As the coal burns, the telescopic tube lowers. Thus, the process is maintained until complete burnout. The heat exchanger with the heat carrier is located by a shirt around a fire chamber.

Such boilers are convenient in that they do not need to be filled frequently. One load (through the door on top) is enough for 5÷8 days. Ash is removed through the lower hatch. More expensive models are equipped with a door along the entire length of the cylinder. Here, the cost increases due to the complexity of manufacturing the unit.

Pellet boilers and their advantages over other types

Pellets are granules of compressed fuel. The advantages of pellets in shape and size, which allow you to automate the process of feeding into the furnace. Consider the advantages of this type of boilers.

Pressed pellets are cheaper than firewood or coal, which saves the family budget in heating season. In addition, an automatic solid fuel boiler has to be loaded less often, it requires less maintenance. The temperature in the room can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the fuel supply to the furnace. For these reasons, the popularity of pellet boilers is growing every year.

But, even after studying the information presented, it will be difficult for a person who has not encountered such equipment to make a choice. To resolve this issue, we will present a rating the best manufacturers, representing solid fuel boilers of long burning on Russian market.

Rating of manufacturers of solid fuel heating boilers for a private house

There are quite a few manufacturers of such products, but we will try to highlight the top three from them. It is gratifying that a Russian manufacturer deservedly rises to the first place in today's rating.

Manufacturer of solid fuel boilers "Teplodar"

The company presents a wide range of not only solid fuel boilers, but also other thermal equipment. This is one of the leaders in the market of such units not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. The quality of the consumer does not cause any complaints. Here is what Internet users say about this manufacturer:

Dmitry721, Ukraine: In the process of installing a heating system at one of the construction sites of our company, I first encountered the equipment of the Teplodar company. A solid fuel boiler Kupper OVK-18 was installed. With its average power, the boiler turned out to be very productive and with a fairly high efficiency. (According to the product passport, the efficiency is 80%). The first launch (ignition) was carried out on wood. Although the model is designed not only for firewood, but also for coal and peat briquettes. (…) With a high heat output, it is also economical. Structurally, the manufacturer provides for the replacement of the burner, which will allow the use of other types of fuel, but this has not been tested. Confidently working for the second season ...

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4183828.html

Representative of Germany "Buderus": competitor of Russian brands

The company appeared on the Russian market in 2004. It was the only warehouse located in Moscow. But already in 2008 the Buderus network grew to 25 representative offices. German quality, known throughout the world, has done its job - the popularity of solid fuel boilers of this brand is growing every year. However, although Buderus units can compete with a domestic manufacturer in quality, they clearly lose in terms of the price of equipment. The cost of boilers of this manufacturer is 3-5 times higher than Russian ones. And therefore - the second place of today's rating.

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4261815.html

"ZOTA" is another Russian in our ranking

Relatively young company founded in 2007. The manufacturer is constantly improving models, the cost of which is low. The ZOTA company could compete for the second place in the rating, but a not too wide range of models failed due to the company's youth. The quality of the units is at a decent level, although there were some shortcomings. Users complain about the lack of pressure gauges, small volumes of loading chambers and the complexity of maintenance.

At what price can you buy a long-burning solid fuel boiler

You can buy such equipment both in specialized stores and on Internet resources. Let's try to summarize the information on long-burning solid fuel boilers Russian production, as well as their foreign competitors, which we managed to collect by considering the characteristics of some models and their cost as of January 2018.

Photo Make and model Power / efficiency, kW / % Fuel type Average price (as of January 2018), rub.

Stropuva Mini S88/85 Firewood, briquettes56100

Conord KS-T-1111/80 Firewood, briquettes11800

Buderus Logano G221-2525/78 Firewood, coal, coke115000

Wattek PYROTEK 3636/90 Briquettes, firewood172000

Lavoro Eco С3232/85 Peat briquettes, coal69300

NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE20/80 Coal, coal briquettes35000

Galmet Top 1515/85 Firewood, briquettes, coal85000

Looking at the presented table, one can understand that the prices for Russian-made solid fuel boilers are much lower than their foreign counterparts.


Long burning wood burning boiler with water circuit

A long-burning wood-burning boiler with a water circuit for heating a house is selected for a specific room, taking into account all the operating conditions of the heating equipment.

How to choose a wood burning boiler?

It is necessary to pay attention to the following circumstances.

1. Performance should be selected, depending on the area that it needs to heat.
2. It is necessary to take into account the thermal insulation of the house.
3. Select equipment with good efficiency.

The mass of the boiler depends on the thickness of its walls, which is directly proportional to the number of years of service. If its walls are 2 mm thick, then the guaranteed service life will be up to three years.

With a wall thickness of 5 millimeters, it will last up to thirty years. It is necessary to analyze what size of firewood will be used. If you use short logs, then more effort and money will be spent simply on their harvesting.

Long-burning wood burning pyrolysis boiler for working on logs

An important parameter is the power supply of the house. All automatic solid fuel boilers will not work if electricity is lost in the house. At the same time, automatic boilers allow you to extend the burning time of firewood. The wood burns almost completely, with the formation of a small amount of ash.

Firewood should be conveniently placed in the firebox, ash should be easy to unload, and the heat exchanger should be cleanable. The equipment must be installed in a room with a separate entrance, or in a basement. Here it is desirable to provide a place for storing and drying fuel.

The higher the moisture content of the wood, the lower the boiler performance will be.

In simple and cheap models of devices, the fuel quickly burns out within three hours, the temperature of the coolant is not regulated. In more expensive models - all these shortcomings are eliminated.

Types of solid fuel boilers for long burning with a water circuit

Such equipment allows loaded firewood to burn more long time. These boilers can supply not only the heating system, but also heat hot water used for domestic purposes. All this increases the comfort of living in country house. After all, the constant presence of hot water in the tap makes homework easier.

Household models are compact. They do not take up much space and can be installed in any room. The main thing is that it be fireproof and equipped exhaust ventilation. The base for the equipment must be made of concrete. On the floor you need to lay a sheet of metal. The distance to the walls of the room should be at least 30 centimeters.

The cheapest option is a simple traditional boiler, in which the air supply occurs in a natural, unregulated way through an ash pan. The water circuit is heated through a coil. But such a boiler does not apply to long-burning equipment. Firewood quickly burns out, on average in three hours. It is impossible to regulate the temperature of the coolant.

More modern boilers for water heating, with an extended fuel combustion process, are more economical, they work longer without loading. They are made in several basic versions.

1. Boilers with an elongated furnace and metered air supply to the combustion zone by a fan, which is controlled automatically, taking into account the readings of the sensors. At the same time, the tree smolders.

2. Boilers in which the burner ignites the fuel from top to bottom, this also lengthens the burning time of firewood.

3. Units using pyrolysis, having two combustion chambers.

Boilers with metered air supply and different type burners

Long burning pyrolysis boiler Viessmann Vitoligno 100-S

1 - boiler control unit;
2 - tubular water jacket;
3 - volumetric combustion chamber;
4 - primary air supply to the boiler;
5 - secondary air supply to the chamber;
6 - primary air damper;
7 - secondary air damper;
8 - combustion chamber of gases from silicon carbide;
9 - fireclay brick;
10 - cleaning door.

Some models have temperature sensors and a fan that forcibly delivers a predetermined amount of air, creating an artificial effect of active smoldering. The coolant is heated by the burning of wood and the combustion of carbon monoxide. At the same time, fuel is saved in the amount of 10-15%, the burn-out time of one firewood bookmark is extended.

Pyrolysis boilers

Their firebox consists of two sections. Firewood is loaded onto the grate, the doors are closed and the smoke exhauster is started. It forms such a temperature in the first compartment, which allows the firewood to slowly smolder, with a lack of oxygen. This work allows the wood to burn three times slower.

A large proportion of the heat is given by the combustion of gases, which in ordinary boilers simply leaves through the chimney. You need to load the firebox less often. Fuel burns out almost completely. You can lay larger logs, which means less time to spend on preparing firewood.

These boilers are more economical. Only dry fuel, with a moisture content of up to 20%, can be used in them. The devices are non-volatile, but some models provide for the installation of electric heating elements, for example, in solid fuel boilers. See photo below.

Pyrolysis boiler "Kupper" "Teplodar"

Stages of operation of the pyrolysis boiler:

- firewood is loaded onto the grate and set on fire;
— doors are hermetically closed;
- the air supply damper opens;
- the process of air supply is controlled automatically, the circulation of gases is stabilized;
- an amount of air is supplied to the combustion chamber that allows the firewood to burn slowly.

There is less oxygen than usual, so CO gas is produced, not CO2. It is a producer gas that is suitable for re-burning with heat release. It is heavier than air, therefore it falls into the lower chamber, where it is utilized with additional heat release.

As the fuel burns more completely, the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere.

But the requirements for tightness and operation of the automation system are higher. The price of this equipment is more than usual. It is necessary to choose a reliable boiler manufacturer who makes high-quality equipment, with the correct calculation of this process.

Typically, the boiler furnace has double walls, or a special coil, inside which the coolant circulates. The second option is better for repair or replacement, in case of failure. Boilers can produce domestic hot water. This may be equipment with a heating circuit and a hot water circuit. Or the boiler should include an additional unit - a boiler.

Disadvantages of wood burning boilers

1. The efficiency of wood-fired boilers is 70-80%, with high fuel consumption. This is the lowest indicator of all types of heating equipment. Firewood needs to be loaded constantly. In the most simple systems this must be done every three hours. In long-burning boilers, this procedure is performed after 8 to 12 hours.

2. With each load, the ash tray must be emptied. Periodically clean the boiler, monitor the operation of ventilation systems. There is a lot of dust from firewood, soot and ashes also pollute environment. Therefore, for the system of such heating should be a separate room.

Long burning boiler Don

Connection, in parallel with a wood burning, electric or gas boiler

A solid fuel boiler for wood does not require large expenditures. A gas boiler can also be connected to its water heating system. If the water temperature drops, this equipment will automatically turn on and will not allow the system to cool down or freeze if there is no one to start the wood boiler. After all, the maintenance of such equipment is laborious. It is necessary to constantly replenish stocks of solid fuel, make sure that the firewood is dry, load logs, and clean it of ash.

It is undesirable to install a gas boiler in the same room as a solid fuel one, because this sophisticated equipment is afraid of dust and pollution.

It is better to entrust the installation and installation of the heating system to a specialized organization that will calculate the parameters of the system, select the right boiler, install equipment and piping around the house, install expansion and boiler equipment.

Connecting communications requires special welding and soldering equipment. It is necessary to properly equip the chimney, the boiler room. Let the experts do it. They will give a guarantee for the operation of the equipment in the complex. In case of factory defects in the operation of heating equipment, it can be replaced or money returned. In the case of self-installation, this will not be easy.

The main advantage of such heating is that a long-burning wood-fired boiler with a water circuit is inexpensive to operate, convenient and profitable equipment for any country house, cottage, building with several floors. The payback period of the equipment is several years, and it will work for a long time and reliably, using the cheapest fuel. Let's watch the video.

Firewood is the most affordable and inexpensive look fuel in our country. In addition, it is the most environmentally friendly fuel. To maintain the heat output, the manufacturer recommends heating the boiler with coarsely chopped dry logs. different varieties wood.

Buy a wood-fired boiler in our store at the price of the Ermak-Stoker manufacturer. The sizes of a fire chamber favorably distinguish our heating devices from analogs. The most inexpensive and budgetary model of the wood-burning boiler AOTV 8-E is designed for logs 50 cm long at a flow rate of 5 kg / hour in long-burning mode. The depth of the furnace of the most productive PRO 32-E unit is 62 cm. Due to the volumetric furnace space of the boilers, a large amount of firewood is possible for autonomous operation in the long-burning mode.

In the conditions of an economical mode of long burning with a minimum air supply, logs of firewood smolder in the boiler furnace, and the emitted wood gases burn in the afterburner. The result of the operation of the device is saving on heating with the maximum duration of the device. Economy mode makes full use of wood fuel reserves, reduces home heating costs and minimizes maintenance.

The heating system is heated through a water jacket, the coolant is distributed over a large heating area around the furnace. For easy control of the water jacket temperature, all models are equipped with thermometers on the front wall of the case.

Useful options

To avoid temperature fluctuations after burning firewood, the manufacturer recommends buying a heating element with a thermostat for your boiler. This option will automate the heating process and maintain heating circuit permanent comfortable temperature. The threaded coupling for the heating element is located in the lower part of the body.

By purchasing a draft regulator for a wood-burning boiler, you can automate the operation of the damper that supplies air to the furnace to control the set temperature of the coolant.