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How the money tree blooms - we care for the plant correctly. How to care for a money tree

Crassula, or Crassula, is a popular indoor plant that belongs to the Crassula family. More than 300 species are found in nature. The most common succulents are annuals and perennials. herbaceous plants and shrubs.

Crassula is easy to care for and is very popular among gardeners. The “money tree” is found in many homes. In offices, one might say, it is a necessary attribute, like a hole punch or a kettle.

People believe that the “money tree” has a good sense of the financial situation of its owners and can attract prosperity. In Feng Shui, this tree receives a lot of attention. Where should it be, what ribbon should it be tied with, and so on. We will leave this question to the Feng Shui sites. Let's return to the plant and consider how to properly care for the flower. After all, if you don’t care for it correctly, it will wither, and what prosperity after that!

Crassula belongs to the genus Crassula. These are the most diverse plants there can be. Even aquarium plants belong to this genus. Let's consider caring for the most popular plant of this genus - the tree-like crassula. Crassula belongs to the succulents. Even a novice gardener who has no experience in growing indoor plants will not have any trouble caring for the plant.

Location and lighting

Indoors, the fat plant should be placed on south-eastern windows, even Feng Shui recommends this. You need to beware of direct sunlight, as this will cause the leaves to turn red, wither and fall off. The leaves of the “money tree” can also fall due to lack of fresh air.

In the summer, Crassula can be taken out to the balcony, where it will be quite comfortable, and besides, fresh air will only be beneficial. In winter, it is better to move the plant to the south side.

Watering a flower

On very hot days you need to water twice a week. At normal temperatures, once is enough. Carefully watch the earthen lump, do not let it dry out too much, but do not flood it either. It is very important not to overwater the fat plant, and at the same time, so that the soil does not dry out. Perhaps this is the most important point when caring for crassula. In winter, the flower needs to be watered even less often - about once every two weeks.

Temperature for Crassula

In spring and summer optimal temperature The fat content will be 20-25 degrees. In summer, it is advisable to take Crassula outside; the plant needs fresh air. The most suitable temperature in autumn and winter is 15 degrees or less, but not lower than 4 degrees. Crassula can overwinter at room temperature, but in this case there is a high probability that its leaves will begin to wither and fall off.

Important! Crassula should not be placed near radiators or heating devices.

Plant nutrition

You can feed the flower in the summer; twice a month will be enough. Fertilizer for cacti and succulents is good. The rest of the time, the fat plant needs to be fed only once a month, and the concentration of the fertilizer should be diluted by half. Fertilizing should only be applied to moist soil, so feed Crassula after watering.

Crassula transplant

It is not recommended to replant Crassula often. It is necessary to replant a flower only if it has grown greatly or the bush needs to be divided, at least once every 2-3 years. It is best to transplant Crassula in the spring. Regular purchased soil for cacti and succulents is suitable for this.

Note! Don't forget to ensure good drainage.

Crassula propagates by dividing the bush or by cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

When propagated by cuttings, they are placed in water to germinate roots. For faster root formation, you can add charcoal to the water. If desired, the cuttings can be immediately rooted in the ground, but it is still better to germinate them first in water. After the Crassula cuttings have given roots, they are planted in small pots with soil made from leaf and turf soil, with the addition of sand in equal proportions. Next, pots with small crassulas must be kept at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. Watering is carried out once a day. This is the most common and easiest way to propagate Crassula.

Propagation by seeds

Propagation by seeds is less common among gardeners, although caring for sprouted seeds is exactly the same as for cuttings.

It turns out that the Crassula can bloom, but this phenomenon is quite rare. Even experienced florists they cannot always get the Money Tree to bloom. If you have never seen beautiful white flowers bloom on your plant, then most likely the problem lies in the lack of illumination of the fat plant. Crassula especially often begins to bloom during its active growth.

So that the fat woman has a beautiful and decorative look, it is necessary to form its crown. To do this, you need to trim heavily overgrown tree branches. The cut must be made so that four leaves remain on the branch.

Diseases and pests

  • If Crassula is infected by a spider mite, a barely noticeable web forms on its leaves and stem. In such a situation, a soap solution or medications Fufanon, Fitoverm will help.
  • When attacked by scale insects, yellow and brown spots appear on the leaves. Crassula must be treated in the same way as for spider mite infestation.
  • If the plant is affected by mealybugs, then it is necessary to carry out treatment procedures with a solution laundry soap, and if it doesn’t help, then you need to use insecticides. You can also try to get rid of the scale insect using a piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

  • The greatest danger for the fat woman is excess moisture. If the soil is too moist, the roots and even the base of the trunk may rot.
  • If the fat plant does not have enough moisture, then the leaves may become lethargic.
  • If you water the fat plant cold water, then the leaves may even fall off.
  • Crassula does not tolerate drafts, which can cause the leaves to dry out and fall off.
  • Direct sunlight should not fall on the bottom (base) of the fat plant.

Medicinal properties of Crassula

According to Chinese Feng Shui, the fat woman brings good luck and success in financial matters. In addition, Crassula is a symbol of wealth, and it is not without reason that it is called the Money Tree. But in addition to Feng Shui, the fat woman has medicinal properties: purifies the air, relieves stress and tension, improves microflora, thereby reducing pathogenic formations in the room. All this generally has a positive effect on human health.

Growing Crassula at home (video)

Crassula tree, Crassula or money tree is a plant that has become widespread in the apartments and gardens of many of our compatriots. In European countries it appeared towards the end of the 17th century, and its peak of popularity occurred at the beginning of the 19th century. From our article you will learn what types of crassula there are, how to plant a money tree, what conditions are necessary for its growth, and much more.

Types of Crassula

There are about 300 varieties of money trees. For the most part they belong to succulents, although herbaceous, aquatic and creeping species are also found. The most commonly bred types of Crassula are:

    • Crassula oval. The fleshy leaves are rich green in color and have a characteristic shine. In the wild, Crassula ovala can reach a height of three meters, while in an apartment or house it stops growing after reaching 0.6-1 m. This plant differs from its fellows in that it has characteristic aerial roots on the branches and trunk.
  • Crassula arborescens. It was this variety of plant that received the name “money tree” due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves to coins. Outwardly, it is similar to Crassula oval, but has a more rounded shape of the leaves and a bluish coating on them. A flowering money tree is a rarity, but this variety is still able to please its owners with flowers after it reaches ten summer age.
  • Crassula minor. A small plant with rounded leaves with a reddish border.
  • Sunset Crassula. This variety has reddish-yellow streaks on the leaves.

Advice! If you want to enjoy original look multi-colored Crassula sunset leaves, grow it under bright sunlight in a greenhouse, as in simple home conditions its leaves turn green.

  • Crassula tricolor. This plant is distinguished by beautiful white stripes on a green background and red-pink edging.
  • Crassula crescent. One of the few flowering varieties of Crassula. Characterized by large umbrella inflorescences of a reddish color. IN room conditions This type of money tree blooms in July-August.

Money tree: care and reproduction

This plant is propagated by the vegetative method - leaves and cuttings.

It is best to plant Crassula in shallow pots, the bottom of which is covered with a drainage layer (small pebbles, expanded clay). Before planting, the soil must be moistened and a small depression formed in it. Place the shoot in it and dig it in lightly.

Please note that there is no need mature plant It’s better not to disturb – it will be enough to replant the fat plant once every three years. But while Crassula is still young (up to three years of age), the money tree should be transplanted annually, preferably in the spring.

Which soil should you choose?

The indoor money tree grows excellently in succulent soil. If it is difficult to find it on sale, you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, you will need to combine sand, humus, leaf and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:4.

Advice! You can also add small pieces of charcoal to this mixture.

Does the fat woman need feeding?

Like many other plants, the money tree requires vitamin and mineral feeding. And if in winter and autumn Crassula does not feel an urgent need for it, then in spring and summer it will not hurt to feed it. To do this, use universal fertilizer for succulents 1-2 times a month. Best time for feeding - immediately after watering.

As for humidity, the fat plant is relatively unpretentious and grows well in both humid and dry air. However, as a preventative measure, it is recommended to spray the plant once a month with a spray bottle (especially during the heating season).

Crassula (crassula) is a plant from the Crassula family.

More than 300 species of this plant grow under natural conditions.

They are distinguished by a variety of forms: hanging, ground cover, bush, tree-like.

In indoor floriculture, this succulent has become popular for its unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance.

The following species are cultivated at home:

Crassula arborescens known as the "money tree". Subject to necessary conditions it can be grown up to 1.5 m in height. After reaching 10 years of age, it may bloom with white or pinkish flowers.

Crassula spatula has tetrahedral creeping stems on which aerial roots grow. This species requires regular watering all year round.

Cooper's Crassula- a low-growing herbaceous species of Crassula with thin shoots forming clumps. Flowering occurs in summer. The pale pink flowers exude a sweet scent.

Crassula lycophyte (mucous) It is a highly branched subshrub. The decorative appearance of the plant is given by its small pointed leaves located on the stem in the form of a tile. The shoots of young plants are erect, but with age they lie down. This Crassula blooms with single, inconspicuous flowers of a pale yellow color. It grows very quickly and is easily propagated by cuttings.

Purslane Crassula known as Crassula oval or ovoid. Can grow up to 1 m. Blooms with pink or white flowers.

Although Crassula does not require care, knowledge of it is still biological features will create conditions suitable for its cultivation.

Money tree - care at home: reproduction

The money tree is propagated at home by cuttings and seeds. The vegetative method is the easiest and most acceptable option. You can cut Crassula all year round. To do this, select a mature shoot or large leaf and separate it from mother plant and leave it to dry for 1-2 days.

Money tree cuttings

Root cuttings in water or soil. Charcoal is first added to the container with water for disinfection. The cuttings will take root within 14-20 days.

When rooting in the ground, drainage is placed in the prepared pot and a substrate of garden soil and sand is added in equal proportions. The planted cuttings are covered with a jar or glass. The seedling must be ventilated every day. Water it in small portions or spray the soil with a spray bottle as it dries.

Propagation by seeds rarely used at home due to the large investment of time and painstaking care. This process is done like this:

The dishes for sowing are selected to be earthenware without glaze, which prevents air and moisture exchange;

The soil for sowing is made up of leaf or garden soil and sand in equal proportions;

Crassula seeds are small. After sowing, they are sprinkled with sand;

The bowl with seedlings is covered with film or glass;

The plantings are ventilated daily (the soil should be moist, but not wet);

The emerging shoots are plucked and placed in a well-considered place;

When the seedlings grow to 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into separate pots.

Crassula transplant

The fat plant is replanted once every two to three years as the roots entwine the clod of earth. Doing so better in spring by transshipment method. Pots must be wide and stable, since the above-ground part of the plant is quite massive and heavy, and the root system is weak. Be sure to provide drainage at the bottom of the new pot to prevent root rot.

Money tree - care at home: watering, fertilizing, lighting, humidity

Location and lighting

Crassula, like all succulents, needs bright and diffused light. To do this, the plant is placed on southwest and southeast windows. In winter, on the contrary, move pots with crassula to the south side or use additional lighting, otherwise, with a lack of light, the plant will stretch out and the leaves will become smaller. In summer, she will enjoy the fresh air on the balcony or terrace. In this case, it is necessary to provide shading from direct sunlight.


The root system of the money tree is small and sensitive to waterlogging, and the crown is quite heavy due to the accumulation of moisture in the leaves. Pots should be selected based on these plant characteristics. To ensure the stability of the fat plant, the containers for planting should be wide, shallow, heavy with drainage holes. Drainage from expanded clay or clay shards is required.


In spring and summer, the optimal temperature for the Crassula will be +19-25ºС. In autumn and winter the plant will be comfortable at +14-17ºС. Therefore, it must be moved away from the batteries central heating. Maintaining this regime helps stimulate the flowering of the money tree.

Air humidity

Crassula plants are not demanding on air humidity, but its sharp fluctuations affect the appearance of the plant: the leaves will turn yellow and begin to fall off. Crassula is sprayed on hot summer days for hygienic purposes - to wash away dust. In other seasons, you can do this by wiping the leaves with a soft, damp sponge.


The money tree easily tolerates infrequent watering due to the moisture reserves in the fleshy leaves. Excessive soil moisture leads to rotting of the root system. In the spring-summer season, Crassula is watered once every 3-5 days. In this case, the earthen lump should dry to half. In winter, 1-2 waterings per month are sufficient. Water for irrigation is used room temperature.

The soil

Crassula can grow even in nutrient-poor soil. The best solution for growing it is a ready-made mixture for cacti and succulents, which can be purchased at flower shop. If this is not possible, then it is made from turf or leaf soil, sand and humus (4:1:1).


Crassula is fed monthly in spring and summer with fertilizers for cacti. Do this only after watering, otherwise there is a high probability of burning the roots. During the cold season, fertilizing is reduced to half the dose recommended in the instructions.

Trimming and pinching

In order for the money tree to please with its lush crown, it is necessary to pinch the shoots. This procedure is quite simple: 3-4 pairs of leaves are left on the stem of a young fat plant, and the rest is pinched off. Branching will begin at this point later.

If an adult, overgrown plant is pruned, then the cuts are made straight along the node (in the place where the leaves grow) and treated with charcoal. To ensure uniform development of the crown, turn the pot with Crassula from time to time.

Money tree - care at home: why doesn’t it grow and dies?

At proper care Crassula is rarely affected by pests. Among them, the most common uninvited guests of Crassula are scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids.

Defeat by scale insects characterized by the appearance of yellow-brown spots on the leaves. The affected areas are wiped with an alcohol solution at intervals of 5-7 days.

When spider mite The leaves first turn yellow, then a brown crust forms on them. The insects themselves are noticeable - they are small reddish-brown spiders. To combat them, plants are sprayed soap solution, and in case of severe damage by insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Karate).

Mealybug wash off the leaves with a sponge soaked in garlic tincture or alcohol. If the roots are damaged, then the plant is watered with Mospilan, Fitoverm or Vermitek.

Does much more harm to the money tree improper care.

If the money tree stops growing, then you need to find out the reason: inspect the root system for the presence of rot and pests. When the growth of a young plant stops, it is transplanted into a small pot: until the entire earthen lump is absorbed by the roots, the above-ground part of the fat plant will not grow.

Lack of lighting causes the plant to stretch, its stems bend, the leaves become smaller and fall off.

If the fat woman is standing in direct sunlight, then burns of the leaves are inevitable - they turn black.

Excessive soil moisture– one of the most dangerous factors in the death of Crassula. At the same time, the leaves change their color (darken), become lethargic, and fall off. Root rot begins, signs of which are the appearance of a white-pink coating on the root collar and softening of the trunk. In this case, it is necessary to examine the root system of the plant. If it is not entirely damaged and healthy roots are preserved, then the plant is transplanted into a new pot. In this case, the rotten parts are removed to healthy tissue and the wounds are sprinkled with charcoal. If the plant withers away early, then the only option is to cut the cuttings and grow the plants again.

Moisture deficiency and prolonged heat Crassula also causes leaf fall. The leaves wrinkle and dry out, become flat, and brown spots appear on them. Upon resumption correct mode watering the plant is restored.

Have the leaves turned red or have a clear red border on them? This phenomenon, with the exception of varietal characteristics, is typical under prolonged and bright light (often observed in spring). In order for the plant to turn green again, it must be removed away from the window.

Crassula not blooming? For house plant This is fine. At indoor growing Crassula rarely pleases with its flowering. To do this, she must be at least 10 years old. It is also necessary to ensure a winter dormancy period with a decrease in air temperature and limited watering. Some gardeners, using known fact that when there is a threat of death, the plant begins to multiply intensively, to stimulate flowering, stressful conditions are arranged for it (inappropriate air temperature, long absence glaze).

To the question “Do you know what the Crassula or Crassula plant looks like?” most will answer "no". But if you ask if they have ever seen " Money Tree", then most often you will hear a positive answer. This plant, popular among gardeners, is also popularly called the "tree of love", "tree of happiness" or "monkey tree". The trunk of this plant is very similar to the trunk of a tree, and the densely growing rounded thick leaves are similar with coins, which is why people most often call it money tree.

Feng Shui says that if you care for it properly, it will bring great wealth to your home. That is, the more beautiful fleshy leaves there are on the money tree, the better your financial situation will be. Also, many claim that the Crassula plant is a powerful neutralizer of all negative and negative emotions, filling the house positive energy. At the same time, it is believed that such good result You can only gain from a money tree if you grow and cherish it from the smallest seed from the bottom of your heart, that is, you will not achieve anything by acquiring an already adult individual.

Origin of the money tree (crassula).

The homeland of the money tree (Crassula) is considered to be Africa, or rather its tropical, arid Southern and Southwestern parts, as well as Madagascar and South Arabia. Decorative deciduous Crassulaceae belongs to the genus of Succulent plants (English: Succulentus) and the family of Crassulaceae (English: Crassulaceae).

Varieties of Crassula.

Scientists have identified about 300 species of this plant, but at home the most common ones are:

  1. Crassula arborescens (eng. Crassula arborescens). This plant is popularly called the money tree. It has a thick woody trunk with many branches on which round, fleshy leaves grow densely, associated with coins. IN good conditions this plant can be quite large (up to 1.5 m in height and width), and, having reached 10 years of age, it can even bloom.
  2. Cooper's Crassula (eng. Crassula Cooperi) is a succulent perennial turf-forming inhabitant of sandy soils South Africa. Like other plants of this species, it has sessile plump leaves, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm in length and 1 cm in width. It usually blooms from August to September, but does not set seeds.
  3. Crassula spatulate (English Crassula Spathulata) with long tetrahedral underdeveloped creeping shoots on which aerial roots grow. This plant has small, rounded, spatulate leaves with serrated edges. The spatula loves water, so it needs to be watered regularly throughout the year. In winter, so that due to lack of light this plant does not sprout unsightly shoots, its temperature should be from 14 0 C to 18 0 C.
  4. Crassula moss (English: Crassula Lycopodiaies) occurs naturally in the arid tropics of Southwestern Africa. This plant has long shoots that are densely covered in a tiled manner with small pointed dark green leaves. The flowers of this plant are small and yellow or yellow-white in color. They appear in the axils of the leaves.

money tree also called Crassula Ovata and Crassula Agrentea. The leaves of these plants are green or dark green with a red border. Also, some types of money tree have shiny or silvery leaves with red spots on the back.

The money tree, which is shown in the photographs, has been growing in my home for several years and is called Crassula arborescens.

Caring for a money tree at home.

In fact, caring for this plant, popular among gardeners, is very simple.

Watering the money tree.
This plant loves water very much, so in the summer it needs to be watered at least 1-2 times a week, but under no circumstances should it be overwatered. The soil should not be very wet, like a swamp, and dry, like the surface of a dried-out swamp. Watering should be moderate. As soon as you see that upper layer The soil begins to dry out, be sure to water your money tree. During dormancy (in winter), it needs to be watered rarely, about once every couple of months, but if the plant is located above hot battery, then this can be done more often.

Cleaning money tree leaves from dust.
Unlike some indoor plants, such as, for example, fat plants do not look forward to new sprays, so most often a soft cloth is used to remove dust from the leaves.

Air humidity for money tree.
Humidity is not of great importance for the Crassula, so even dry room air does not harm the plant. Still, once every 1-2 months you can spray the plant with a spray bottle, a shallow watering can, or bathe it in the shower, after covering the ground with a plastic bag.

Lighting for money tree.
Crassulas are light-loving plants that adore short-term baths in bright sunlight, both in winter and summer. But don't overdo it, as direct sunlight can damage the leaves. They may turn red or even brown. This is harmful for green fatworts. If in winter the money tree grew in the shade, then in the spring it is gradually accustomed to the sun, periodically shading it from the bright sun. Window sills with windows facing an unshaded east, north-west or south-west side are best suited for growing. The northern side is very dark for the Crassula, and when growing it on a southern windowsill in the summer, it is necessary to constantly monitor the plant and, if necessary, shade it, blocking it from the sun.

Temperature conditions for the money tree.
Crassulas love fresh air, so in summer the plants can be taken out to the balcony or to the garden under a tree. If this is not possible, then in a well-lit room the money tree can be placed in a cool place (20-22 0 C), for example, lowered from the windowsill to the floor. In winter, the plant benefits from relative cold (10-12 0 C), but not lower than 7-8 0 C.

Feeding the money tree.
The fat woman is not at all whimsical, so she is fed only in the summer, that is, during the growth period. Do this no more often than once every 2 weeks. In winter, this plant does not require any fertilizer.

Soil for a money tree.
Crassulas prefer loose soil, for example, store-bought substrates intended for cacti. If you want to make your own soil for a money tree, then use the following ingredients:

  1. Sod land - 1 part;
  2. Deciduous soil - 3 parts;
  3. Peat soil - 1 part
  4. Coarse sand sifted from dust - 1 part.

These proportions can be slightly adjusted, for example, if the fat plant is already an adult, then more turf land can be taken, for example, not 1st part, but 2nd. It is recommended to add birch coals or brick chips to the soil as a loosening agent. Drainage is required for the fat plant. For small plants, place 1-2 layers of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, and only then the soil and the plant itself. This will prevent acidification of the soil, since excess water will be absorbed by expanded clay, which will gradually return it to the plant.

If the money tree is mature and has an impressive size, then to create drainage in a large pot, instead of expanded clay, you can use medium-sized stones, or put one large one, and then fill it with any non-rotting material, for example, pieces of polystyrene foam, wine corks, etc.

Transplanting a money tree.
The main and rapid growth of the fat woman occurs before the age of three. It is during this period that the plant requires annual replanting. In subsequent years, it is better not to do this unless absolutely necessary, since after each transplant the plant gets sick. It is recommended to replant an adult money tree no more than once every 3 years. Use the soil described in the article above.

Also, a money tree requires good drainage, which is also described in the “Soil for a money tree” section.

Formation of a money tree.
The growth and development of the fat plant must be controlled, since some shoots can be long and massive, while others will stop growing altogether. Because of this, the money tree may be lopsided. For the uniform formation of the crown of the Crassula, it is necessary to pinch it correctly, for example, by pinching off 2 leaves located at the end of the shoot, you will achieve the appearance of new branches from this place.

Money tree propagation.
Crassulas reproduce very easily. This is done with leaves, cuttings and, less often, seeds. To propagate, cut a leaf or cutting from the mother tree and dry it for several days. This is necessary so that the cut is covered with a fabric stopper. After this, simply plant the future tree in the ground (see “Soil for a money tree”), in which it will take root.

Problems when growing a money tree.

As I wrote earlier, the fat woman - unpretentious plant, which rarely gets sick or is attacked by insects. And yet, this is a living organism, therefore, in order not to lose the plant if any of the following signs appear, I recommend urgently starting to eliminate them.

Money tree leaves darken, wrinkle, fall off, or lose their shine.
Most often this can happen either due to too cold water for irrigation, or due to its lack. Damaged leaves must be removed.

The leaves turn pale and wither.
This occurs due to excess moisture in the soil.

Dry brown spots have appeared on the leaves of the money tree.
This often happens due to lack of moisture.

Soft brown spots have appeared on the leaves of the money tree.
It could be fungal disease. Frequent ventilation and the use of antifungal drugs are recommended for treatment.

The base of the money tree stem rots.
There is a very high probability that this root rot. If the roots of the fat plant are not dark and soft, that is, not dying, then as a treatment I can only recommend replanting it in a clean pot with new soil, removing all rotting parts. If this does not help, then it is better to cut off the top part and start growing a young tree from it in new soil.

The stem of the money tree becomes not beautiful and ugly.
This may be due to poor lighting, winter waterlogging or improper formation.

Money tree pests.

This plant is practically not attacked by pests, but if this happens, then most often it is first affected by a variety of bacteria, which gradually kill the fat woman. Then, on a diseased and weakened tree, they can settle in the axils of branches, leaves and other places. root and mealybugs.

A weak money tree can be attacked by whole colonies of scale insects and false scale insects, get rid of them by rubbing the stems and leaves with a spirit-garlic infusion.

Crassula can also be attacked by spider mites , gradually wrapping a cobweb around the plant and sucking out all the vital juices from it.

The money tree root may be affected nematodes, which are not difficult to notice with the naked eye. If you notice such pests, you must immediately remove the affected parts of the plant.

Also, the tree of happiness can be attacked by aphids, which it is recommended to get rid of by special means sold in flower shops.

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The countries of Africa, Central and South America, Madagascar and other parts of our planet are rich in strange flora. There, in the wild, many species of grass, shrubs and trees grow. which people transported to places with a harsher climate. As a result, it was necessary to create special conditions for their cultivation. This is how houseplants appeared. The money tree has a similar story.

origin of name

The leaves of the plant are collected in a basal rosette, they are sessile, petiolate, and have a round shape resembling a coin. The leaf blades are covered with thick skin, and inside there is pulp. It is precisely because of the external structure of the leaf and the associations that arise in the human imagination that the plant has received several names among the people - fat plant, money tree, fat plant, tree of happiness, tree of luck.

Folk signs

It is believed that a fat plant growing in a house can attract prosperity and financial wealth. It’s not for nothing that the plant received such a name. It is for this reason that many gardeners grow a money tree, the care of which turns out to be quite simple.

There is an opinion that a rotting, diseased tree of good luck has the opposite effect. That is, its owner may face failure in business and loss of money. To prevent this from happening, the fat woman growing in the house should always be well-groomed and healthy.

Sometimes it happens that a money tree, which seems to have been cared for according to all the rules, still withers and even dies. It turns out that it is very sensitive to psychological atmosphere, which reigns in the house. If residents constantly experience stress and discomfort, then the same condition is transmitted to the green pet. Over time, the flower can not only get sick, but also die for no apparent reason.

Watering the plant

How to care for a money tree? This question is most often asked by people who decide to start growing plants. There are several main tips regarding watering, replanting, feeding, and propagating the fat plant.
The flower reacts very sensitively to the presence of moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to know the rules for watering the plant and strictly adhere to the recommendations.

The money tree flower needs little moisture. In winter, it should be watered no more than once a month or completely eliminated, and in summer it should be done once every 2-3 weeks. In addition, the plant does not like spraying. The procedure can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves or cause them to rot. Spraying is recommended to be used only in cases where it is necessary to remove dust and other contaminants. After watering, moisture should never remain in the tray of the pot. The water must be drained. If the soil in the pot does not dry out and remains wet for a long time, this means that the substrate or container is not selected correctly. Perhaps the soil is too compacted or the flowerpot is too large.

Lighting conditions

Excessive or insufficient quantity sunlight- a condition to which everyone immediately reacts houseplants. The money tree will actively grow and develop if it is placed in a room with windows facing south.
But at the same time, it is necessary to protect the fat woman from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned, which will lead to their death. To prevent this from happening, you can use partial shading of the window, thus accustoming the tree of luck to bright light.

This advice applies more to plants that have green leaves. It is in fatworts of this type that when direct sunlight hits the leaf blades, the latter acquire a dark brown tint or reddish edges appear on them along the edge.

An exception may be the variegated Crassula. This is a species that requires plenty of sunlight. It is also believed that for the money tree to bloom, it is also necessary a large number of light, including direct sunlight.

There are known types of Crassula that feel good on western or eastern windows. It is possible to place the plants not on the windowsill, but near the window openings.

A north window will not suit the tree of luck at all. After some time, the fat plant will lose its attractiveness - the stems will stretch out, the leaves will become thin. It is even possible for them to fall off.


It is well known that temperature changes are very painful for many indoor plants. The money tree is one of those plants that benefit from changes in temperature during the day.

In winter, the fat woman feels good even at 7-10 degrees Celsius. But the optimal temperature for its growth and development is 16-18 degrees. At higher winter temperatures, the plant withers, sheds its leaves, and loses its decorative effect.

In the summer, it is best to move the fat plant from the windowsill to the floor, where it is cooler. In summer, the money tree can be placed on the balcony, in the gazebo, or in the open-air garden.


Every gardener needs to know how to replant indoor plants. The money tree is no exception, and it has its own replanting rules.

As a rule, a tree is replanted for the first time after purchasing it in a store. From the shipping container, the fatty mushroom must be placed "on permanent place residence" - in a suitable flowerpot. But this should be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after its appearance in the house. This is due to the fact that the money tree must adapt to new conditions, so you need to provide the green pet with a gentle regime, excluding any negative impact on him.

A wide, shallow pot is the best container suitable for planting Crassula. In such a “dwelling”, the roots of the tree will develop well, delivering the necessary nutrients to the leaves and stems.

A young plant requires changing the pot after a year. The old money tree is replanted after two years. At the same time, the leaves and roots of the fat plant require special care. Its leaves are very fragile and break off easily. The root system is quite weak, its location is superficial. After replanting, very careful watering is required, as there is a possibility that the fragile roots may be damaged, which will lead to their rotting.

Soil selection

There are no special requirements for the soil intended for planting crassula. Any types can be used. But ensuring drainage is a mandatory condition that the plant requires. The money tree, as mentioned above, is sensitive to excess moisture, so a drainage layer in the pot is simply necessary. It may consist of expanded clay, cork or other non-rotting material.

Top dressing

Some gardeners, when caring for money trees, ignore the procedure for feeding them. Experts do not advise forgetting about this.

Crassula (money tree) requires feeding only during the period of active growth of stems and leaves. This occurs from late spring to mid-summer.
The product is applied to the soil no more than once a month. For feeding, use universal or special fertilizers. Those intended for fertilizing cacti are well suited.

Plant propagation

The money tree flower is very easy to propagate yourself. Planting material can be obtained by separating part of the stem with leaves from an adult flower. After that, the shoot needs to be wilted a little, then placed in the soil and covered with a glass or plastic container on top. After a few days, the new plant takes root and begins to develop.

You can root a leaf in the same way. It produces aerial roots, so propagation by leaf is an even easier method than by cuttings.

There are known cases of propagation of Crassula by seeds, but this option is used quite rarely by amateur gardeners.

Susceptibility to diseases, their signs

The question of how to care for a money tree should be of interest to every amateur gardener. Since the health of the plant depends on compliance with these rules. Although the fat plant is very resistant to diseases, they are still possible.
The signs by which you can determine the presence of a disease in a flower are as follows:

  • rotten leaf plates;
  • darkened trunk;
  • "balding" of stems;
  • spots of brown or white on the surface of leaves and shoots.

Causes of plant diseases and measures to eliminate them

Excessive watering can lead to the appearance of rotten leaves on the fat plant. The money tree falls for the same reason. Darkening of the trunk also occurs from excess moisture. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to stop watering. Within a few weeks, the fat woman can recover. If this does not happen, then the plant will need to be replaced. You can restore it from a cutting, obtaining a new money tree.

Cases of pets being infected by fungi are also known. Brown and whitish spots appear on the leaves and stems of the Crassula. In this case, the home money tree must be treated with a special solution produced by industry.
To protect the fat plant from diseases and preserve its decorative appearance, it is necessary to carefully monitor the development of the plant and immediately respond to all undesirable changes.

Money Tree. Bloom

The structure of the flower of the plant and the color of the petals depends on the type of Crassula. And it turns out there are several of them. Sometimes the flowers are collected in inflorescences or have a single arrangement on the stem. Their color is white, yellowish, pink, rarely red and bluish. In some species, the petals change color during flowering.

The presence of direct sunlight is one of the necessary conditions for the money tree to bloom. Plant care and flowering are closely related. There are cases when plant growers could not get flowers to appear on the Crassula plant. Some of its species bloom only in nature; this does not happen at home. Most often, the plant pleases its owners in the spring.

Description of species

The money tree belongs to the Crassulaceae family, which has about 350 species. Most of them grow in the Southern Hemisphere in Africa and South America.

Representatives of the family are very diverse in their appearance, size, growing conditions. For example, some types of Crassula grow only a few centimeters, while the shoots of others reach a height of 3-4 meters. Such flowers are difficult to grow at home.

People consider the Crassula tree to be a tree that brings happiness. But you need to know that its leaves contain a large amount of arsenic and are completely unsuitable for consumption. They can cause severe poisoning.
As already mentioned, leaves different types butterworts have different colors: dark green, light green with a whitish coating, gray with a reddish border along the edge of the leaf blade. Crassulas with variegated leaves are also quite common. At the base of the leaf blade, white aerial roots are formed, which over time acquire a brown tint.

A plant such as Crassula could not go unnoticed by lovers of indoor floriculture. Several types of money tree are successfully grown at home. The most common Crassula is oval, ovoid, oblique, silvery, medicinal.

The ovoid butterwort is sometimes called the tree butterfly. These plants have a lignified trunk, the height of which can reach 1-1.5 meters. At favorable conditions content, these indicators may increase.

The club moss is a species that is completely different from the usual money tree. It is used as ground cover plant, since it has shallow roots and a small stem height. To grow a lycopod-shaped crassula together in the same container with another plant, choose one so that they are similar in terms of growing conditions.

Today there are known varieties of Crassula bred artificially. Some of them are interesting because they are distinguished by their dwarf size, unusual leaf color, crown shape and other characteristics.