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Size sofas for the living room. Which sofa is better to choose for daily sleep. Photos hang incorrectly

It seems that the most important thing in choosing a sofa is not to make a mistake with the size and find a color in harmony with the decor. However, a small living room makes its own adjustments. You can buy the first sofa you like, but it will crush the living room, and it will seem that there is even less space in it. Therefore, we will tell you the tricks that designers use when choosing furniture.

What is little space?

Freeing up space under the sofa is not enough. To make it look proportional, you need to have a place in front of the sofa equal to its longest side, multiplied by two. For example, if you want a two-meter sofa, then make sure you can look at it from a distance of four meters, or does the size of the room not allow this?

So, you need to buy a smaller sofa?

This is the first conclusion that comes to mind. Yes, a compact sofa will solve the problem of scale, but will not solve the problem of seating the family in front of the TV or of sufficient length. bed. Therefore, start from the actual length you need, but choose according to the tips below.


First, prepare your surroundings. Well-lit objects appear smaller than those in partial shade. think over good lighting around the sofa. Let the light fall on it at an angle of 45 degrees to illuminate all planes as much as possible.

Rounded corners

All designers know that a square looks bigger than it really is, and a circle looks smaller. Use this illusion: buy a sofa with rounded corners and smooth shapes. Then he will, as it were, direct the energy into the form and will not try to capture the entire living room.

Division into sections

The sum of several sections seems to be less than the whole. The sofa can be modular or have several dedicated seating cushions. At a minimum, it is worth using a backrest made of individual pillows, and not a solid one.

The pattern solves the same problem: a large strip or a cage. Be careful, too small a pattern, on the contrary, expands the volume of the sofa. To find a happy medium, just rely on your feel of the furniture.


A sofa standing on neat legs is perceived as less massive, as if floating in the air. The reception is also good because more of the floor is visible, due to which the living area seems larger.

Color solution

We should not forget about our perception of color. It is important not only with the rest of the items and the decoration of the living room, not only the psychological impact of color, but also the effect of approaching and moving away. Deep cold hues like blue, cyan, color sea ​​wave, purple visually distance the object. Warm red, yellow, orange - bring closer. So for the sofa it is better to choose a cold shade of color.

The darkness/lightness of the color is also very important. Dark color, despite the fact that it removes the object and makes it visually smaller, it also absorbs light, which reduces the surrounding space. It is better not to make the sofa completely black, but black vertical elements are allowed. If you make an object, on the contrary, too light, it will appear larger by itself. Therefore, it is better to choose the golden mean.


Another important point when choosing a sofa in a small living room - its proportional combination with other items. It is better to put the sofa on a large carpet and not to hang too small images above it - the contrast of sizes will affect the visual proportions of the sofa.


For a small space, choose a sofa upholstery that is smooth and reflects the color as much as possible. Velvety textures and patent leather work well with this. Too textured fabric, such as fleecy or rough, will visually make the sofa heavier.

Photos: cinemagraphs.com, homebnc.com, shopify.com, roommatesdecor.com

Before heading to the store for a new sofa, you need to clearly define the purpose for which it is being purchased. The answers to this simple question may be the most unexpected. It is clear when such furniture is necessary for sleeping and relaxing, but sometimes a new sofa is needed to emphasize the status and wealth of the owner or create a special atmosphere in the interior. How to choose a sofa that meets all the requirements and wishes?

Types of sofas

Sofas are divided into several types depending on their purpose: for a bedroom, hallway, children's room, kitchen or office. Each of them has its own characteristics, which should certainly be considered before buying. Sofas are also divided according to the type of retractable mechanism.


There are a lot of devices for transforming a structure today. If you plan to use the sofa as a bed infrequently, then the clamshell mechanism will do.

One of the lightest mechanisms is considered to be roll-out. But when unfolding it, you need a lot of space.

The simplest and cheapest option is the "book". Along with the advantages, this mechanism has a significant drawback. When transforming, a certain margin to the wall is required.

Today there is a more advanced version of this mechanism - "Eurobook".

Today, many do not know how to choose the right sofa. First you need to study the quality of the furniture. I must say that the widely held opinion that the best furniture is Italian will not be entirely appropriate here.

Today, the condition of such elements as the frame, filler and upholstery will serve to assess the quality. You can choose the design of the future sofa in accordance with your personal preferences. But experts recommend taking into account the general interior of the room, where this piece of furniture will then be placed.

Many people wonder - how to choose the color of the sofa? In this case, you need to focus on the walls. depending on gamma finishing material, the color of the sofa is also selected. Here you need to consider how the tones will be combined with each other so that the product is not lost against the background of the walls. It must also be said that in design all the details are interconnected. This means that even minor changes can lead to changes in the entire interior.

For those who prefer universal options, manufacturers offer models with a wooden frame. Upholstery of such products is performed, as a rule, in a classic style. Such models are combined with almost any design. If preference is given to modern products, then here you need to pay attention to sofas made in the Hi-Tech style. But at the same time, experts recommend observing the measure. It should be remembered that not always trendy products will be appropriate in the interior.

sofa upholstery

In the store, the buyer can be offered many options for upholstery of the sofa model they like. The most popular among them:

textile upholstery - the cheapest, but short-lived. It will last for 5-6 years of operation, then the textile upholstery will have to be changed. The situation can be saved by removable covers that can be removed and washed in a typewriter;
leather upholstery - expensive, but very durable. The service life of sofas with such upholstery is not limited. A leather sofa is ideal for an office, library or living room;
artificial leather - an alternative to genuine leather, used to somewhat reduce the cost of the sofa. The service life of such upholstery is less than leather;
flock - a cheap and effective type of upholstery fabric. The service life of the flock is very short. The material easily attracts dirt and dust, it is highly electrified. It can be washed, but cannot be cleaned with chemicals;
jacquard - strong, durable, has a high cost. Wet cleaning is not allowed;
velours - soft velvety material, easy to clean, but wears out quickly;
tapestry - synthetic wear-resistant upholstery material;
cotton - natural, but short-lived material;
microfiber - flock coated with teflon. Thick, high quality and durable.

If there are small children or animals in the apartment, it is recommended to choose a sofa with microfiber or flock upholstery. For a child’s rest, it is better to choose an upholstery made of natural material; a sofa for a sofa can be upholstered with wear-resistant synthetic fabric.


The choice of frame should be given special attention, because it is he who is the invisible basis of any sofa. The frame can be made of wood, metal or chipboard.

The wooden frame is strong, durable, but quite expensive. Price for sofas wooden frames set depending on what type of wood was used in their manufacture. The most expensive are beech, oak, walnut and ash. Frames made of birch and trees have a slightly lower cost. conifers. Regardless of which wood was used, it must be well dried. Otherwise, the sofa will begin to creak and possibly deform.

Metal frame - durable, reliable and has modern design. When choosing a sofa with such a frame, it is necessary to carefully examine all joints and welds. Anti-corrosion or chrome coating is welcome.

The chipboard frame is short-lived. It is not necessary to count on the long service life of such a sofa, most likely, after a few years of operation it will have to be repaired or even thrown away.
Frameless sofas do not have a rigid base and easily take the shape of the body of a vacationer. Such sofas are unpretentious in care, safe, practical and are ideal option for the children's room.


Relaxing on a sofa with a soft and at the same time elastic filler can become comfortable. Modern fillers are different types. The most popular among them are:

holofiber - modern anti-allergic filler of upholstered furniture, hollow fiber in the form of a spring. Does not lose shape and does not absorb odors, easily tolerates cleaning;
foam rubber - the cheapest of fillers. It is applied in the form of small pieces. After 1-3 years, the foam filler is crushed, loses its original qualities and becomes unusable;
polyurethane - not much more expensive than foam rubber, but it retains its qualities much longer, does not crumble and does not wrinkle. By far the most common filler;
periotek - material based on polyester fiber. Sufficiently high-quality, wear-resistant, provides instant reversible deformation;
spring block as a filler is necessary in case of orthopedic problems. To avoid displacement, the springs must be firmly fixed in a vertical position;
multilayer filler consists of several layers of different materials. As a rule, the lower layers are the thickest, densest and most durable, the upper ones are soft.
Knowing how to choose a sofa, you can purchase exactly the model that will best meet the needs and tastes of the owners, and also fit well into the overall interior of the house.

Which sofa to choose

Here you will have to build on the purpose of the sofa and the room where you plan to "settle" it. Each room has its own requirements for upholstered furniture, because the functions assigned to it are different:

To the living room

For a recreation area, it is better to choose a large corner model With high backs and armrests, as well as soft and deep seats. The frame is wooden, it is possible with additions from pressed boards. Order the upholstery material to your taste, but it is better that it be natural and breathable fabrics like linen, cotton or wool, preferably with the addition of synthetic threads. It is allowed to use plush, velor, flock or velvet.

In the TV-zone it is better to put a straight sofa for 2-3 seats. The frame can be anything, but metal allows manufacturers to make furniture more compact. The softness of the pillows, the owners can choose to their taste, as well as the height of the back. But the material is better to take dense and easy to clean from stains - few people watch TV without a plate of sweets and favorite drinks. Genuine leather or any of its substitutes is suitable; polyester and acrylic can be advised from fabrics.

To the nursery

The child needs a compact and bright sofa, completely made of safe materials: solid wood and hypoallergenic lint-free fabrics (linen, cotton, chenille). Behind good quality you have to pay - it is better to look for children's furniture among the goods of well-known and expensive brands. It is also worth paying attention to the shape and features of the decor of the sofa: there should not be protruding corners and hard edges, which the child can be injured during games.

To the kitchen

For the dining area, look for special kitchen nooks with high seats (50 cm from the floor) and not too soft pillows. It is advisable to choose a metal frame - chrome-plated, painted or stainless steel. Wood is acceptable, but will require careful maintenance. It is better that these are moisture-resistant varieties like oak or larch, although such furniture is only made to order.

Many families make do with chipboard or laminated MDF boards. If you are ready to completely change the soft headset in 5 years, this approach is justified. Just look for a sofa with high cutouts on the legs and carefully glued edges - the floor in the kitchen is often washed, and when water seeps into the thickness of the slab, the pressing swells and quickly becomes unusable. IN small room immediately take a sofa with internal boxes or drawers under the seats. It will be possible to store utensils and cereals in them, completely unloading a whole cabinet in the working area.

Before buying a kitchen sofa, take an interest in the characteristics of the upholstery. It should be moisture resistant, not accumulate odors and be easily cleaned of dirt. Eco-leather, microfiber, most synthetic fabrics will cope well with this task, and stains will not be visible at all on a colorful and durable tapestry. You can buy a model with linen or cotton upholstery, if the fabric is treated with water-repellent impregnation.

How to choose the right sofa

  1. Having considered the external advantages of the sofa, do not hesitate to try it out in practice. You can sit on it or even lie down. Believe me, those who are interested in buying and are confident in the quality of their goods will not interfere with this.
  2. You will immediately feel its elasticity, dense packing without lumps, which indicates that you have a good product in front of you. If the sofa has a comfortable support for the head, a sufficiently large angle between the back and the seat, which has a slight slope, then it will be comfortable to be on it.
  3. Try unfolding and reassembling the sofa several times, checking if the device is jamming. remember, that sliding mechanism from silumin is cheaper and lighter than steel, but its strength leaves much to be desired.
  4. You should also pay attention to the "facade" located behind. It must be fabric. This is important, because it allows you to put the sofa anywhere, and not just against the wall. In addition, the cheap fabric on it is evidence of bad taste and not quite high-quality work. You can order sofas yourself, with pockets for newspapers and various small items covers to be washed and then there will be no problems with cleaning the sofa.
  5. The best, but also the most expensive, is Teflon-coated upholstery. It practically does not get dirty. So, spilled drinks do not leave traces, just flowing down it.
  6. In general, stains planted on the sofa are best removed in professional dry cleaners or special stain removers. This should be done carefully: apply the product on a cloth and without rubbing it into the upholstery, remove the stain by moving your hand from the edge to the center.

Which sofa is better to choose, you decide, by and large. However, given the recommendations, you can do it efficiently, without regretting the purchase later.

When it comes to choosing a sofa in the living room or any other room, you should not succumb to momentary emotions. Many people think they know exactly what kind of sofa they want in their living room. But, the range of furniture today is so large that when you come to the store, your eyes run wide from abundance. model range, varieties of styles, colors, upholstery material, design solutions and sizes. Therefore, before going for a sofa for the living room, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main selection criteria, this will help you clearly understand which sofa you need and, in turn, save time and money. You don’t want to buy a sofa that doesn’t fit into the interior of your room, or is the purchase not practical?

What questions should be answered when choosing a sofa in the living room?

According to statistics, people change furniture only a couple of times in their lives. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain the maximum balance of aesthetics and functionality. It is necessary to identify what requirements the sofa must meet and in what conditions it will be used. To do this, answer the following questions:

  • What are the dimensions of your living room and how do you plan to arrange it?
  • How many people will sit on it?
  • How often will it be used?
  • Will it be used as a sleeping place, how often?
  • Are there children or animals in the house?

Identification of needs will allow you to determine the size, shape, availability of folding mechanisms and their types, as well as upholstery material. Now let's talk on the basis of what criteria you need to choose a sofa in the living room.

The main criteria for choosing sofas for the living room

Decide on size and shape

First of all, arm yourself with a tape measure, a sheet of paper and a pencil, take measurements and draw a detailed plan of the room. Thus, you can decide on the size, shape and place where the sofa will be located. There are no standard sizes of sofas, there are solid and modular models, consisting of several constituent elements that can be added or removed, as well as interchanged. So, for example, if the sofa is angular, then if necessary, you can change the side of the ottoman (corner part). Modules can be used as armchairs. The most difficult thing is to choose a sofa in a small living room, if you plan to purchase a folding model, then you also need to take this into account, since more space will be required when unfolded.

It is recommended to measure the width doorways. Otherwise, it may happen that a brand new sofa never reaches the living room, stuck in the doorway, like Winnie the Pooh. When choosing furniture, do not forget to think about the method of its delivery to the place of operation.

IN one-room apartments or studios, if the living space has an oblong shape, then the sofa can play the role of a partition, dividing the room into working area and a recreation area. Take this into account when planning the arrangement of furniture.

If you plan to sleep on the sofa, then the size of the bed should be about 50 cm larger than your height.

Mechanisms of transformation, their types. What to give preference when choosing a sofa in the living room?

Transformation mechanisms are divided into two types: for daily use and guest options. Of course, you can sleep on both, the point here is that the latter are less reliable and not suitable for daily use, the mechanism will quickly become unusable. Also, they are not designed for large weight and regular loads, the structure is deformed. Therefore, if the sofa in the living room will serve as the master's bed, the choice must definitely be made in favor of structures designed for daily sleep.

The main types of transformation mechanisms suitable for daily sleep:

  • Dolphin. Quite a reliable mechanism, suitable for daily use, quickly and easily unfolds. The second bed is located in a retractable platform. It can often be found in corner models.
  • Eurobook. Simple and convenient mechanism. The seat is pulled forward, and the back is lowered in its place. Suitable for every day.
  • Tick-tock (Pantograph). It's sort of like a Eurobook, except the seat has to be lifted up to push it forward.
  • Click-clack. To unfold the sofa, you need to raise the seat to the second click, then you can lower the back, and then the seat.
  • Pull-out mechanism. It consists of several parts. To unfold, you need to pull the loops, the last part emerges from under the middle one, similar to the Dolphin mechanism.
  • Book. This is the most popular type of folding mechanisms. The principle of operation is that the seat rises up until it clicks, and the back takes a horizontal position. Then the seat is lowered and a berth is obtained.
  • Accordion. When unfolded, a flat and comfortable bed with an orthopedic base is obtained. The accordion often has a removable cover. To decompose such a structure, you need to slightly raise the seat and pull it towards you and the mechanism will straighten itself.

If you do not plan to sleep on the sofa every day, then you can choose a sofa model for the living room with mechanisms such as:

  • French foldout. The design is very much like a regular folding bed. The mechanism is hidden under the seat cushions. To unfold the French cot, you must first remove the pillows.
  • Sedaflex. It is also called the American clamshell. The principle is the same as the previous version, only a little more reliable.

At the same time, it should be noted that the name of the mechanism alone does not indicate the quality of the sofa. When choosing a sofa in the living room with a folding mechanism, pay attention to the design. It must be free from defects. Carefully inspect the connecting parts.

What should be the upholstery of the sofa in the living room?

The next step in choosing a good living room sofa is choosing the upholstery. It performs not only decorative functions, but also practical ones. This milestone and there can be no mistake, otherwise beautiful sofa will quickly lose its original appearance.

Conventionally, the upholstery of the sofa can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Textile. If you have children or pets, then it is better to opt for fabric upholstery. She has a huge decorative choice. All types of fabrics are wear-resistant, and some have anti-vandal qualities - your kitty's claws will not cause mortal harm to the decor. The main types of fabrics that are used in the manufacture of sofas are: folk, chenille, velor, jacquard.
  • Artificial leather. High-quality material is difficult to distinguish from genuine leather, has excellent abrasion resistance, which cannot be said about cheap material. Poor-quality artificial leather dries out over time, loses its elasticity and bursts. As a result, in a couple of years, the once beautiful sofa in the living room will look like a mangy cat.
  • Genuine Leather. Durable and resistant to wear, at the same time, in order for a sofa made of genuine leather to retain its original appearance, it must be looked after. Also, this material is expensive.

Sofa upholstery for the living room is something you should not save on. Padding will cost much more than several thousand overpaid rubles for better upholstery material. Also keep in mind that although leather models look expensive and presentable, they are not very practical. So, for example, sitting on such a sofa, your body will sweat. And if you need a model not only for gatherings in front of the TV, but also for daily sleep, then a not too pleasant surprise awaits here - the sheet will slide off it. So, before making the final choice in favor of one or another upholstery material for a sofa in the living room, decide once again in what conditions the product will be used.

Choosing a filler for a sofa in the living room - what criteria should it meet

The level of comfort and durability of the sofa largely depends on the filler. The most reliable is the spring block, it copes well with high loads and provides flat surface seats. The most popular is polyurethane foam, it is comfortable to sit on, easy to get up, it is soft and adapts well to the shape of the body. The types of fillers do not end there, there are a number of others: Latex, Hollofiber, Struttofiber, Sintepukh, Sintepon. To avoid sitting on the sofa, you need to try to choose a high-quality filler, which is quite difficult. Here you should be guided by the following rule - sit on the sofa, and then get up and see how quickly it takes its previous shape. The faster the better. If the filler is in no hurry to recover, then during operation gray hair will soon appear on the seat, in other words, this is not the best option.

For a rational choice of a sofa, you should first find out what types of sofas exist. What are their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

There is no strict classification of types of sofas. In this review, I will be guided by the fact that sofas can be classified depending on their design and functional (purpose of the sofa) features. So let's go.

What sofas are depending on the design

In this section, I have selected the most significant design differences between types of sofas. These can be attributed

  • the ability of the sofa to change shape and size without unfolding - in this part, I divided the sofas into stationary and modular
  • the ability of the sofa to transform - unfold
  • types of sofas depending on the type of filler
  • types of sofas depending on the fabric for upholstery sofa (I think this indicator is the least significant)

Now about each constructive difference sofas in detail.

Stationary, modular and island types of sofas

On this basis, sofas can be divided into three groups - stationary, modular and island. Let's figure out which ones are better.

Stationary sofas

Stationary sofas are sofas that have a fixed size. They do not allow you to change the shape and size of the product. Usually, a stationary sofa is placed along the wall. Often back wall the sofa has a more economical finish (for example, felt), which differs from the main upholstery.

In turn, stationary sofas can be divided into:

Direct sofas - usually used in small spaces. There are folding and non-folding

Corner sofas - there are also folding and not folding .Corner sofas require more space.

  • To the virtues stationary sofas can be attributed to the fact that when unfolding the sofa turns into a comfortable bed. You can use this sofa for both sitting and sleeping. The prices for such sofas are also quite lifting.
  • disadvantage stationary sofas is a certain massiveness and not the possibility of changing the shape and size.

Modular sofas

A modular sofa consists of parts - modules that can be combined in different orders and create a single product. You can also use sofa modules as independent furniture elements.

Of course, such models are mobile and suitable for creative individuals. You can change the configuration and general appearance of the sofa. Due to the compact size of the modules, modular sofas are easy to move and transport.

  • Advantages of modular sofas mobility in every sense, transformation and change general view products
  • To disadvantages can be attributed to the fact that such sofas often do not have a bed and have a higher price than stationary sofas, the range of modular sofas on sale is much smaller than the range of stationary sofas.

This type of sofas is used to organize places to relax. At the same time, the sofa is not placed along the walls, but far from them. The sofa forms a semblance of an island. Island sofas have an attractive look from all sides. In shape, they can be round, semicircular, oval and rectangular. The use of an island sofa requires that there is sufficient free space in the room. The approach to the "island" should be free from all sides. Island sofas come in a variety of sizes. From one or two local to 5-6 local versions.

  • Advantages of island sofas mobility, stylish and unique appearance
  • Flaws sofas do not have a bed, require large spaces, have a high price

Conclusion: if you need a sofa to organize a sleeping place, then you need a stationary type of sofa. If you want to organize seating and daytime activities, take a look at the modular versions. An island sofa is good if there is a lot of space in the room.

Design features of sofas allow you to create sofas various forms. Detailed description possible forms of the sofa in this article.

Types of sofas depending on the ability to transform

Sofas are folding and not folding.

This type of sofa contains a transformation mechanism in the design, which is located inside the sofa body. There are more than a dozen sofa folding mechanisms. You can read more about all the mechanisms of transformation

When the sofa is folded, the mechanism is not visible. The mechanism allows you to convert the dimensions of the sofa. Usually folding sofas are needed to organize a place to sleep. Folding sofas can be both angular and straight.

  • Advantages of folding sofas the possibility of transformation increases the functionality of the sofa - a sofa during the day, a bed at night. Pull-out sofas can contain additional drawers for linen hidden inside the sofa
  • The lack of pull-out sofas associated with the reliability of the mechanism itself and the frame of the sofa. If the transformation of the sofa is frequent, then its wear increases. You need to carefully choose a reliable mechanism and a high-quality sofa frame when buying it.

Sofas are not folding

From the name it follows that this type of sofa cannot be converted into anything. Typically, these models are used to organize seating. Non-folding sofas can be used in pairs and or together with armchairs, creating a seating area, for example around coffee table in the living room. Normally, such a sofa will work in your kitchen or dining room. If the area allows, you can use it in the hallway

  • Advantages of non-folding sofas: compact size, low price
  • Disadvantages of non-folding sofas: weak, limited functionality

Conclusion: if you need a multifunctional assistant, as in advertising all in one bottle, then you need a folding sofa. If the functions are more modest - just sit, then you can save a lot by buying a non-folding sofa.

Types of sofas depending on the type of filler

On this basis, two main groups can be distinguished.

Sofas filled with spring blocks

In such sofas, the filler is a structure made on the basis of metal springs. The springs can be connected in blocks or independent. Also, the spring block can have a common metal frame. This type of sofa is good for sleeping. Spring blocks have a long service life and are comfortable to use.

Sofas with filler without springs

As a filler without spring sofas can be:

  • foam rubber
  • PPU - polyurethane foam
  • latex
  • polystyrene balls

Conclusion: the choice of filler type depends on the functional purpose of the sofa. For sleep, it is better to use sofas based on spring blocks or with latex filler. If you want to save a lot, foam rubber will help you, but then the sofa will have to be changed very quickly. PPU occupies a middle position. It will do a good job of solving problems - a sofa for sleeping and for sitting.

There are a lot of upholstery. Read about the intricacies of choosing upholstery for sofas.

Fundamentally, upholstery can be divided into

  • natural (cotton, leather, tapestry, jacquard, silk)
  • semi-synthetic - consist of a combination of natural and synthetic fibers (flock, chenille)
  • synthetic - consist entirely of artificial components (artificial leather)

But, I think that among others design features sofas upholstery fabric plays the least value. Because it's the easiest to replace.

General conclusion on upholstery: look at them last more important design sofa than its appearance. The choice of upholstery type depends on the purpose of the sofa.

Look at this sofa and think about where it can be used. After a short evaluation, it turns out that there are not so many possibilities for using it.

You can find a classification by purpose, which is based on the types of premises in which the sofa will be used.

What will we get as a result

  • Living room sofa
  • Bedroom sofa
  • Sofa for kitchen, dining room
  • Sofa for children
  • Sofa in the hallway
  • Sofa in the office or library
  • Sofa for loggia and balcony

It seems to me that such a division is not very correct. Yes, it has the right to life, but the same sofa can be put in any of the rooms. The question is different. What would you do on this sofa - sleep, eat or just sit. Do you understand what I mean? You can eat in the living room and sleep in the kitchen.

Therefore, I would single out three key groups of sofas by purpose

  • Seating sofa
  • Sleeping sofa
  • Sofa for sitting and sleeping

Conclusion on the purpose of the sofa: look at the functions that the sofa will solve in your particular case and choose based on this understanding. Do not rush to the marketing tricks of sellers - like This sofa for the living room - buy it and you will be happy. And you want to eat and sleep on it, and in this example there will be happiness, but the seller who "sold" you an unnecessary sofa.

Video - types of sofas, what to look for when choosing

Finally, I offer a short video clip. Everything that I have already told above once again for consolidation. Only now it is already "video language".

That's probably all. I hope my findings help you.

From this article you will learn:

    What to look for when choosing a sofa in the living room

    Which frame is better

    Which upholstery is more practical

    How to choose a sofa style

    What to rely on when choosing the color of the sofa

    Where to order the best sofas

It is necessary to acquire furnishings consciously and without haste, for example, the selected sofa should be durable and at the same time as comfortable as possible. Being the central part of the room, upholstered furniture in the living room not only fulfills its direct function, but also focuses attention on itself. From our article you will learn how to choose a sofa in the living room, what nuances to pay attention to so that the purchase is successful and makes the whole family happy.

The main criteria for choosing a sofa for the living room

How to choose the right sofa for the living room? Take a responsible approach to business, do not rush into the choice. After all, your new sofa is an expensive purchase, and it will serve you for many years. IN small apartment this item attracts all the attention, and its shape and shade should fit the interior of the room.

Pay attention to the following points when buying upholstered furniture:

What will the sofa be used for?

To understand how to choose a sofa in the living room, you need to find out the purpose of purchasing upholstered furniture. Will there be guests on the sofa? Or are you planning to use it as a bed? Is it important for you to sit comfortably on it while watching TV? Perhaps you are rarely at home at all? Need to buy upholstered furniture for a nursery or kitchen? Answer these questions. This is the only way to choose the optimal sofa model.

Most often, upholstered furniture that is comfortable to sit on is not suitable for sleeping on it, since the seat is too soft and sloping. Be prepared to compromise if you are going to use this piece of furniture for sleeping. When choosing a model, consider all the details, for example, the growth of households. Yes, for tall man the sofa should be long and not low, otherwise it will be inconvenient to get up from it.

On the contrary, if the sofa is intended for a children's room, it is better to choose low models, without sharp corners and edges, upholstered in durable fabric.

How to choose a sofa in the living room so that it is comfortable to relax on it? Buy models with wide seats, soft back and armrests.

Shape and dimensions

Not sure how to choose the right sofa for the living room, the size of which allows you to turn around? First, decide how many households you plan to place on it. The most popular are triple models, the size of which reaches two meters.

In the case when you often have guests or you have a large family, it is better to opt for a corner sofa: it can accommodate 5-6 people. Its main plus is that, if necessary, it turns into a great place to sleep. In addition, with such a sofa, you do not have to buy armchairs or chairs for the living room.

Looking for a custom model? Then a semicircular sofa is exactly what you need. Such upholstered furniture will attract you and your guests. This piece of furniture will look perfect in front of a home theater: every viewer will be comfortable while watching movies. If you have a studio apartment, then corner or semicircular sofa models are the best fit for zoning the dining room and hall space.

If you live in a small apartment, it is recommended to purchase a multifunctional sofa. For example, a transforming sofa can play the role of both a bed and a workplace. And furniture with built-in drawers will perfectly cope with the storage function.

Do you think that your living conditions do not allow the use of these innovations? One way or another, but bulky sofas with voluminous decorative details are not the best purchase for standard-plan apartments, because the rooms in such houses are small. Tidy minimalist sofas without unnecessary details will ideally fit into a limited space.

Frame and filler

The frame is the basis of the sofa, it is to it that the mechanisms, upholstery and filler are attached. The strength of the core determines how much weight it can withstand: the stronger it is, the more people can sit on it.

The life of upholstered furniture depends on the quality of the frame. The sofa frame can be made from:

    solid wood. This natural material is durable and has a long service life. Most often it is used to create expensive sofas in a classic style.

    Chipboard. This material is used in in large numbers models. Durable, resistant to shrinkage and economical, chipboard is not afraid of moisture. Of the minuses - its low environmental friendliness, short service life, as well as massiveness. Chipboard is used to create models of economy class sofas.

    MDF. This material is somewhere between natural wood and chipboard. The wood fiber frame has all the advantages of wood, but its cost will pleasantly surprise you.

    Multilayer plywood. A frame made of such material will serve for many years due to its increased strength, resistance to drying out and cracking. Remember: the strength of the frame directly depends on the thickness of the plywood.

    Metal. The service life of such a frame is practically unlimited. The metal frame is quite light, which means that sofas of non-standard shapes can be made from it.

Ideal frame material wooden beam with metal inserts for added strength.

How to choose a sofa in the living room so that it lasts as long as possible, but at the same time is comfortable in daily use? Decide on a filler. The best option- spring block: it is not afraid of a lot of weight, creating a flat surface for sitting.

A common material is polyurethane foam, it is comfortable to sit on such a sofa, it is convenient to get up, because the filler material adjusts to the shape of the body.

In addition to those listed, there are many other fillers: latex, holofiber, struttofiber, synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer. You can avoid the appearance of sitting places by choosing a high-quality filler, so approach this issue responsibly. Use this advice: sit on the sofa, then stand up. How quickly did the seat surface become flat again? The faster the filler takes its former shape, the better it is. Otherwise, after a few months of operation, stale places are formed. Conclusion: you should refrain from buying a sofa with this filler.

The ideal filler is spring blocks "bonnel" or "snake", which are used both independently and in a combined form. Such a product is in no way inferior in quality to a bed with a real orthopedic mattress. On top of the spring block is a thermal fiber, which is a layer of horsehair or coconut.


Dreaming of a luxurious sofa? Don't skimp on luxurious upholstery of the highest quality. It is she who will experience all the charms of the "sofa life": the sharp claws of pets, the pranks of children, sitting adults, spilled coffee, and so on.

It is clear that a snow-white sofa covered with suede looks great in furniture showroom. However, during operation, it will instantly come into an unsightly appearance. Before deciding on the upholstery material, think about the intensity of use of upholstered furniture in your home? Do you have children? Pets? Do household members like to snack while sitting on the couch?

It is customary to subdivide sofa upholstery into three categories:

  • Textile.

Fabric upholstery is the best option when you have kids, cats or dogs. The range of this material is extensive. Upholstery fabric is wear-resistant and can have anti-vandal characteristics: now your cat will not be able to spoil the furniture. Usually, folk, chenille, velor, jacquard are used for sofa upholstery.

  • Eco-leather.

This high quality material is indistinguishable from genuine leather. It is resistant to abrasion. You should not save on artificial leather: buying a sofa made of low-quality cheap leather, you risk getting dry, inelastic, cracked upholstery as a result. And your new luxurious furniture will look terrifying in a couple of months.

  • Genuine Leather.

Has a long service life, wear-resistant. However, such upholstery will have to be regularly looked after, in addition, at a cost this material is considered quite expensive.

Tip on how to choose the right sofa for your living room: don't skimp on upholstery. The fact is that it is better to spend money on high-quality material than to pay for a complete upholstery of upholstered furniture after some time of its operation. Do not forget also that, despite the luxurious appearance leather sofas, their use is impractical in real life.

One of the disadvantages of such upholstery is that your sweaty skin sticks to the sofa. Are you planning not only to rest on such furniture, but also to use it as a bed? Be prepared for the fact that the sheet will constantly slide off. Therefore, before choosing an upholstery for a sofa, we recommend that you analyze all the nuances of its use in the future.

Does the selected sofa model fit the interior design?

What is the style of the renovation in the living room? Doubt your choice? Then it is best to purchase a discreet sofa. It will stay in your home for years to come, and if you want to update the interior, just add bright accents with new covers or pillows.

Acceptable price

It is the sofa in a standard apartment that is the most expensive piece of furniture. The cost is determined by its size, the transformation mechanism used by the filler and upholstery. Not the last role in price formation is played by the brand and the country of production.

So, ordinary domestic-made sofas, upholstered in flock, with polyurethane foam filler, the dimensions of which are 180–200 cm, with the “book” transformation mechanism, will cost you about 6,000 rubles.

Sofas unusual design type "eurobook" and "dolphin" with a spring block and fabric upholstery of 3-4 categories will already cost from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. The price for a standard corner sofa with the same parameters is 13,000–20,000 rubles. Do you want jacquard fabric upholstery combined with leatherette? Prepare from 30,000 rubles or more. The maximum cost of a sofa is not limited by anything. For example, Italian-made models upholstered in natural fabric can cost several hundred thousand rubles.

You buy upholstered furniture for many years. High quality sofa comfortable rest, restful sleep, comfort in your living room. It is not recommended to save on the purchase of this piece of furniture, as this will negatively affect the quality of your life in general.

A comfortable sofa is not always multifunctional. Therefore, let upholstered furniture be the most suitable for you - find a compromise between convenience and functionality.

Which sofa to choose in a small living room

How to choose the right sofa for a small living room? Pay attention to the size of upholstered furniture: will it block the entrance or access to cabinets, balconies? Will your sofa clutter up the room? The best solution is to make a schematic plan of the living room and this object on a scale - so you can visually determine its ideal dimensions.

Make sure that the chosen model will pass through the doorway and will be conveniently laid out. A straight sofa for 2-3 seats is perfect for a small living room.

All sofas are divided into stationary and modular. The production and sale of the latter takes place in separate parts, which you can combine according to your preferences.

When purchasing a sofa on which you will sleep daily, pay attention to the transformation mechanism. Currently, there are many methods on the market, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages. Based on the manner of unfolding, the sofa can be with a berth parallel to the wall. There are also models in which the back acts as a headboard.

  1. Book.

In another way, such sofas are called "click-clack" and have been used for a long time. You simply raise the seat of the sofa until it clicks, then lower it. As a result, you have a flat double place to sleep. The advantages of the click-clack mechanism are that it can be quickly expanded and folded, the spring block can serve as a filler. Disadvantages: it is important to provide a gap between the wall and the sofa, otherwise it will be impossible to decompose the model.

  1. "Eurobook".

“Eurobook” is similar to “click-clack”, but the transformation mechanism in it is more perfect: pull the seat forward, while folding the back into its place. Benefits: Reliability, ease of unfolding, resulting in the perfect sleeping space. If you plan to use the sofa every day, the Eurobook is perfect for you.

  1. Sofa.

The transformation mechanism is as simple as possible: push the bottom of the sofa, lay out the seat on it (in the form of a mattress folded in half). Such models are durable and easy to use.

  1. "Dolphin".

This transformation mechanism has appeared recently. The seat does not move anywhere: we put forward the second half of the bed using a special loop - it simply emerges from under the seat. You will quickly adapt to this method of unfolding, and it will be easy and comfortable to use it. Among the shortcomings: there is no place to store clothes. Most often, the dolphin mechanism is used in corner sofas.

  1. Withdrawable mechanism.

A sofa with a roll-out mechanism allows you to make a spacious sleeping place, perpendicular to the wall, with minimal investment: roll out the lower part of the sofa forward, placing pillows and mattresses from the kit into the resulting recess. If we compare such a model with others, then the bed will be quite low.

The advantage of such furniture is the strength of the roll-out mechanism. The downside is that when there is a carpet under the sofa, after a short operation, tracks from the wheels will form on it. To prevent this, it is recommended to replace the original sofa wheels with silicone ones.

  1. "Accordion".

Such a sofa unfolds similarly to the previous one - perpendicular to the wall. Raise the seat until it clicks, pull it forward. Then comes the back, consisting of two parts. The advantage of this model is a large bed, while the sofa itself does not look bulky. Minus: hinges that can loosen over time and come out of the frame. Also, the bed does not have a headboard and the mechanism is difficult to use.

  1. "American cot".

The mechanism is hidden under the seat. When unfolding such a sofa, you get a real bed, because the base this device- a reliable metal frame on which a thick mattress is located. The main plus is that when assembled, the sofa has a fairly wide seat.

  1. "French Folder".

This mechanism is similar to the previous one, but it is smaller and easier to use. This sofa is ideal for guests as a spare bed.

Before you buy a sofa, check if everything is in order with the mechanism, how easy is the sofa to unfold? On the market there are models with armrests that fold out according to the “click-clack” principle. The weight for which they are designed is up to 50 kg, so only children can sit on them. In fact, these parts of the sofa often break and are short-lived, despite the fact that they look quite presentable.

What style to choose a sofa for the living room

A lot of time has passed since the creation of the first sofa, and now this piece of upholstered furniture looks completely different. So, in addition to standard models, they began to produce new ones, excellent in design and design.

Depending on the shape and design, sofas are divided into the following types:

    Classic Straight- standard design sofas, which are optimally placed along the walls if the room is small, or in the middle of the room, if the area allows.

    corner stationary and modifiable sofas are recommended to be placed in the corner of the living room. The latter can be easily and simply turned into classic straight models.

    Sofa island. Such models are ideal for placement in the middle of the living room. They are used to divide the room into functional zones.

How to choose the right sofa for the living room? Choose a model based on style. So, upholstered furniture can be classic, baroque, modern or minimalist. Smooth lines and shapes, a lot of draperies and buttons are inherent in classic models. A baroque sofa is usually finished with intricately patterned material, it has carved armrests and high legs. A product in the style of minimalism - most often rectangular, with an ascetic design, often without armrests.

Upholstered furniture in modern style fits perfectly into almost any interior. The simplicity of the forms of this type of sofa is ideal for other pieces of furniture that can be made in art deco, minimalism or modern style.

Antique interior items look good in a room with intricate architecture: a bay window and an alcove. Such a sofa will look advantageous in old houses, for example, Stalinist buildings, with an authentic historical design.

  1. French style.

If your living room is made in a classic manner, then a modern sofa model will fit perfectly into it. On the contrary, in a painted room finished with molding, it is better to put upholstered furniture in the Baroque or Rococo style. Chic upholstery materials, gilding, curved legs - all this will form a single whole with the interior design. A win-win option is to follow the general style of the entire living room so that the furniture is ideally suited to the era and style.

  1. English style.

This direction includes voluminous upholstered furniture with round armrests and a “skirt”, as well as legs made of wood. In this case, the sofa becomes part of a traditional permanent composition: a carpet is usually placed in front of it, and lamps and chairs are placed on the side.

  1. German style.

Laconic shapes and traditional details - models of sofas from the 1950s are the best fit for this style. You will not lose if you get the most luxurious model that could only exist at that time.

No opportunity to buy an antique sofa? Opt for a discreet modern model with strict forms. For her, you can pick up suitable vintage pillows and rugs. completeness german style can be given by using many other interior items: armchairs, a coffee table, an antique console.

What material to choose a sofa for the living room

Not sure how to choose the right sofa for the living room with small area? The main rule is that upholstered furniture should match the interior of the room. Let's say you bought a laconic sofa with a simple shape - just pick up the upholstery of an unusual texture.

Materials that fit perfectly into a classic-style living room are tapestry, jacquard and chenille. Is your room decorated in a minimalist style? Then use black leather, wool or cotton in dark blue or deep gray for upholstery. Your living room is designed in a modern style, do you have children or pets? In this case, an economical flock or microfiber is ideal. Country-style sofa covers can be made from linen, cotton fabrics or viscose.

There are also artificial fabrics for sofa upholstery. Below we list their main types and advantages:

    Chenille. It is easy to clean and does not lose its shape.

    Flock. The surface of the fabric is piled, so this upholstery requires careful operation and specific cleaning.

    Tapestry. A practical material that is most often used for upholstery of sofas. It is wear resistant. You can choose a fabric of any shade.

    Velours. This upholstery is easy to clean, but it is subject to abrasion.

    Arpatek. Strong material, it is easy to clean, practically does not fade during operation.

    Microfiber. Strong material, practical thanks to the Teflon coating, does not shed or fade.

    Jacquard. The fabric is known for its unusual intricate patterns.

The upholstery of the sofa can also be made from natural fabrics such as linen, cotton, silk and wool. They hold their shape very well, but wear out very quickly. It is worth buying furniture with such upholstery only for a bedroom or nursery. For the living room, a sofa with artificial upholstery is most often purchased.

Companies producing modern sofas use a variety of materials belonging to a certain category, depending on such characteristics as the country of origin, the composition of the material, the complexity of the technological process.

  1. Manufacturer country.

It is more expensive to make fabrics in Europe than in Eastern countries for a number of reasons. For example, in the countries of the East, the labor force is much cheaper, the company's expenses for rented space, electricity, and transportation are much lower. Therefore, most European companies transfer production to Asian countries and make high-quality upholstery fabrics at a fairly low cost, therefore, they will sell them much cheaper. Evaluating the above, we note that the price of fabrics from Turkey and China is lower than similar materials produced in European countries.

  1. Fabric structure.

Upholstery material will be the more expensive, the more natural components it contains. For example, natural silk will cost you indecently if you decide to use this material as a sofa trim.

  1. The complexity of the technological process.

For the manufacture of fabrics for upholstery, technical processes are used that differ in their complexity and material costs, time and labor costs. It is clear that the more complex the production process, the higher the final cost of the product. Here are facts to prove it:

    The use of "flock on flock" technology or secondary flocking instead of the usual one - this significantly increases the cost of the material.

    Making a pattern on fabric using a loom, for example, jacquard weaving technology (rather than using thermal printing), which also increases the final price of the product.

    Using double twisted yarn (rather than standard) also increases the cost of the material.

The weight of the material is also reflected in the value of the goods. So, in the manufacture of fabric for the upholstery of a sofa, more threads are needed than in the manufacture of light matter, which means that their price will differ. A secondary factor that increases the cost of heavy materials is the increase in the cost of transporting them.

How to choose the color of the sofa in the living room and place accents

What color sofa to choose in the living room so that it best suits the interior design? First of all, it is worth considering wall color. Imagine that in your living room they are made in pastel shades, then the upholstery of the sofa should be bright and colorful.

Remember that the richer the tone of the finish, the more upholstered furniture will be striking against the general background. And, conversely, when the walls of the living room are colored, and the room itself is quite dark, it is best to use furniture with light covers. Obviously, not the best option is a sofa to match the wallpaper, as it will simply merge with them.

Before choosing a sofa in the living room, decide whether it will be used decorative pillows . With their help, you can focus on certain shades. Usually these are achromatic colors that act as a background, but in their pure form they do not seem as expressive as we would like.

You can create a memorable interior in the living room with the help of accent pillows, which are ideal for sofas in white, gray, black, cream or brown, as well as upholstered furniture with green upholstery. It is not recommended to use decorative pillows on sofas in red, orange or yellow flowers, or made in shades of blue, lilac and purple.

What color sofa to choose in the living room? Win-win - all shades brown.

It is this color that is an excellent backdrop for many warm and cozy combinations. You can use orange, yellow, green, pink with it. Combinations with blue and lilac look unusual. It is also worth noting that a brown sofa looks great against the background of beige or cream walls, which can so often be found in the interior.

Gain popularity grey colour finishing sofas, and it includes both light gray and rich graphite. Laconic, suitable for everything, this shade favorably emphasizes the outlines of upholstered furniture.

Add bright accents to the gray sofa: red, yellow, lilac. Practical gray is perfect for a family with small children or pets, because stains or wool are almost invisible on a sofa of this shade.

A black sofa will look good in a spacious living room, where there is a lot of light and a minimum of other decor items. If the living room is small, then the best partner black - white, use red, turquoise, lilac or yellow shades as accents.

Get creative by combining bright accents with sofa upholstery green colors. It makes a great backdrop against which you can use pillows in red, pink, yellow, orange or blue. A winning combination of green and brown.

Red sofa- the ideal solution if you want to create a comfortable environment at home. It goes well with gray, beige or light green walls.

No less common color for sofa upholstery - blue. This shade will allow you to relax, as it has a calming effect on the human psyche.

It is impossible to imagine interiors in a marine theme without the use of all shades of blue. Since this color belongs to the cold range, it is recommended to combine it with warm tones: red, yellow, orange.

How to choose a sofa in the living room? Follow these guidelines to help you find the perfect upholstered furniture:

    A voluminous sofa will visually make the living room smaller. IN small rooms it is recommended to have compact sofas of medium size.

    Check that your sofa filler is multi-layered.

    Best Option filler - holofiber. This material perfectly holds and restores its shape.

    It is better that the upholstery of the sofa is zippered - this facilitates the cleaning process.

    Optimal material for sofa cushions- felt, feather, fluff, batting.

    When buying an economy class sofa, ask what is under the foam rubber. It is better if it is a spring block made of steel, then the service life of the product will be practically unlimited.

In this article, we have analyzed how to choose a sofa for the living room so that the purchase will please you for many years. Approach the purchase of a sofa responsibly, because its cost is quite high, and such upholstered furniture must withstand a long service life.

Take your time, thoroughly study all the advantages and disadvantages of the model you like. For a small living room, the sofa should be perfectly matched, because it is this piece of furniture that will focus on itself all the attention of the household and your guests.

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