Well      06/16/2019

What to do if the door frame swells from flooding? Why the door sweats and how to get rid of excess moisture: instructions for solving the problem How to cover a wooden door so that it does not swell

At the moment, interior doors and street entrances made of wood are one of the most popular solutions in both residential and public buildings. They have advantages such as environmental Safety, external attractiveness, relatively low cost and long term operation. However, there is one “but”: they do not tolerate changes in humidity very well.

If moisture condensation is periodically or constantly observed in the room, if water, for example, jets from a shower or atmospheric precipitation, directly hits the canvas or box, then sooner or later the homeowner will encounter difficulties or even the inability to close or open the door. And it is not always possible to cope with this problem on your own - you may need to call a professional carpenter.

Why does a wooden door swell

An undesirable change in the geometry of a wooden interior door may be associated with the following violations of production technology:

  • bad or wrong (too fast) dried wood;
  • poorly glued elements;
  • poor treatment with moisture-proof coatings.

If you purchased a door with such defects, then perhaps the best solution would be to replace it. But first, you can try to fix the existing problem, and then try to normalize the humidity in the room, cover the canvas good varnish and hope for the best.

What can be done with a swollen door

First of all, you need to check if your wooden interior door has “led” or if the problem is in the box. If the problem with the box is to carefully process it with a planer a little in protruding places, if everything is fine, then you can try to do the following:

What not to do when restoring a swollen door

  1. In no case should you dry the door itself and the rooms that it connects with powerful hair dryers or heaters.
  2. If the door is planed with a planer or other tool, you need to treat parts of the entrance or interior wooden door with a moisture-proof compound, even if you plan to repaint everything in the near future.
  3. Do not let things take their course: over time, the door will swell even more.

If it is obvious that it is difficult to cope on your own, it is better to immediately call a master who can quickly and efficiently reanimate your door.

Swells and stops closing wooden door. What to do?

    The door swells from moisture. This means that the humidity level in the room is high. In this case, you need to adjust the ventilation in the room. It is even possible to dry the door with a fan heater. If this is the front door, then you need a porch or a canopy over the door so that rain and snow do not fall.

    So that the door does not periodically swell, it is necessary to make sure that the moisture that does this does not get on the door. But it is still possible to protect the door from moisture. But first you need to wait until it comes back to normal and starts to close. If there is no time to wait, then go through the ends with a planer so that the door starts to close normally, and then cover it with two layers of yacht varnish. He will definitely not allow moisture to penetrate the door, but at the same time give it a solid and rather beautiful coating.

    In the village, my parents had a similar problem. During prolonged rains, when the humidity of the air increased greatly, the wood of the door swelled and it closed very poorly. I had to use a planer to remove what was preventing the closure. Such a cosmetic operation is almost imperceptible and does not harm much. appearance doors.

    But it is better, of course, in the summer, in dry weather, to put a few words of drying oil or varnish on the surface of the door. A lot depends on the material, for example, oak, alder and cedar swell less than softwood trees. You can also put a door made of MDF, which does not absorb moisture.

    Try to remove the door from the hinges, put washers on the hinge pins and hang the door on the hinges again. Perhaps raising it higher due to the height of the washers will solve your problem and you won’t have to saw anything off. But if it starts to cling to the top, then you will definitely have to cut.

    So that the wooden door does not swell, which then stops closing, it is necessary in the hot summer season, when the door dries well, soak it with a special compound.

    Such substances are sold in stores and prevent the tree from absorbing moisture.

    On extreme case need to be polished several times.

    It's bad if the door is painted. It is necessary to try to remove the paint in the place of swelling of the door in order to treat the tree with drying oil or another moisture-proof substance.

    This is all because of the humidity in the house - first you have to remove it. Next, dry the doors and fit them to the size of the door frame. And it’s better to replace it altogether, since it has probably already received a lot of damage and will not serve for a long time.

    To begin with, if possible, try to remove the doors and dry as best as possible. Then apply several coats of varnish. However, this will not completely prevent swelling. Well, for reliability, it is better to comb the door a little from the bottom. Everything should work out. Well, if another problem arises, then comb it again, try to adjust the curtains, twist them to another place (move a little).

    The wooden door swells and stops closing due to the fact that it absorbs moisture. Since wet wood tends to increase in size, and shrink when dried.

    Therefore, this should be dealt with in two ways. Protect the door from moisture. For example, making a visor from the rain. And protect the door itself from absorbing moisture. Painted with a thick layer of paint.

    And before that, in order for the door to close normally, you should walk along its ends with a planer. Just no frills. Since the door has dried out, it can significantly decrease in size.

    Of course, the best thing to do is to do it in a house (apartment) so that there would be no excess humidity, but there are a lot of problems there. And so there is only one way out, when swollen with a planer along the end of the door, take a walk when the gaps swell, but if you constantly swell, then if it swells, it will be so, you will have to fight the humidity in the room ..

With the constant use of doors, we often encounter situations where the product closes and opens with difficulty. In this case, we are looking for the reason why the interior door swelled. There may be several reasons for this: high humidity indoors, loop deformation, mechanical damage canvases, draft houses and others. Below we will consider the main factors leading to the deformation of the door, as well as recommendations on what to do if the door is swollen.

Causes of swelling of the door

warm room. The wettest room in the house is the bathroom or toilet. Critical operating conditions are not reflected on the canvas in the best way, leading to its swelling and deformation. As a result, the door does not close, its operation becomes impossible.

Can be distinguished the following reasons, along which the doors in the bathroom swelled:

  • high humidity in the room;
  • the canvas is not protected from moisture;
  • the presence of chips on the coating of the door, point damage, deep scratches;
  • temperature difference in adjacent rooms between which the door is installed (condensation);
  • insufficient sealing of the door;
  • lack of insulation of the door (especially the entrance);
  • incorrectly selected gaps between the box and the canvas;
  • the apartment or house has poor thermal insulation.

Doors made of wood or MDF tend to absorb water more than other analogues. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the integrity of the moisture-proof coating, refresh it as regularly as possible.

How to deal with and prevent door swelling?

If the door is poorly sealed, condensation forms in the cracks, which will lead to deformation. When asked by consumers how to avoid moisture on the doors, it is recommended to hermetically seal each door seam, and insulate the entrance leaf with high quality.

If you are puzzled by the question of what to do so that wooden doors do not swell, you need to prevent the following critical points:

With a comprehensive identification of the causes of moisture and their timely elimination, as a rule, the question no longer arises: what to do when a wooden door swells.

What to do with a swollen door in apartments?

When you see that interior doors are swollen from moisture, you need to take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. First you need to determine which element of the interior product has undergone deformation: a canvas or a box?

In order to identify the bursting of the box, it will be necessary to measure the element along the diagonal and height, and then by the rule to identify the presence of bulges on the vertical parts. If the swelling of wooden doors in the apartment happened in the area of ​​​​the door frame, you should proceed as follows:

  • dismantle the deformed casing;
  • remove mounting foam;
  • install the platband in its original place.

Thus, there will be free space, door frame will return to the previous positions, the problem will be settled. After that, you need to check if there is moisture treatment on the box. In the absence of such, a layer of varnish should be applied.

If the door in the bathroom is swollen, then you can fix it as follows:

  1. take off door lock;
  2. sand the end of the door with sandpaper, removing a small amount of material. In this case, care must be taken not to remove too much in order to avoid the appearance of a large gap;
  3. since the layer of the array was removed, it will be necessary to deepen the hole for the lock a little, then it will sit perfectly in its groove;
  4. set the lock to its original position;
  5. next, impregnate the door in the bathroom with a stain or a special varnish. You can not cover all the products, but just walk along the end where the cleaning was done.

After these steps, the door will work flawlessly.

How to protect the door from moisture?

The most logical and easiest way to prevent the door from swelling is to impregnate the canvas with a moisture-resistant varnish. This event will help address several important issues.
Firstly, the hydrophobic layer will completely protect the material of the door leaf from moisture. Secondly, protective covering will not allow the door to dry out in the event of a dry microclimate.
Together with practical aspects, the application of varnish gives door leaf aesthetics and gloss. Compliance with all the above recommendations will help to avoid the problem of door swelling.

03.09.2016 104460

The accumulation of condensate on the surface is a common phenomenon that more often overtakes the owners country houses. This negative manifestation should be eliminated as soon as possible after detection. Sweating design will not be able to protect normally interior spaces from the cold and becomes unusable due to deformation and getting wet. Why do front doors sweat so often and how to deal with it?

Causes of fogging

Metal structures are subjected to fogging more often than others. The reason is the high thermal conductivity of the metal (300 times higher than that of wood). The metal itself, which is not equipped with thermal insulation, does not retain heat in any way - it spreads through the thickness of the material and leaves the premises outside (or vice versa in summer).

As soon as there is a temperature difference in the street and inside the room, to which, the latter cools down, giving the "extra" temperature to the street. When air comes into contact with the first, moisture falls out, which is the condensate of the entrance metal door.

Three reasons why the front door sweats:

  1. Poor thermal insulation of the structure or its complete absence.
  2. Incorrectly installed internal slopes.
  3. Excessive humidity levels in the rooms.
Condensation formation on metal structure- one of the main problems encountered in the process of operation. It needs to be dealt with quickly and calmly.

What are the consequences of the phenomenon?

Some people don't consider sweating front door problem, they do not care about the reasons why the front metal door sweats. However, this phenomenon spoils comfort and seriously harms the structure itself. List of negative effects:

  • Increased risk of freezing, which presents an even greater danger.
  • Growth of energy losses in the process of heating (fogging door gives off heat).
  • , boxes and the canvas itself up to failure.

If you do not eliminate the causes of fogging in time, you will have to purchase a new one. This will be a lesson for life, but you can go the easy and economical way.


There are five proven ways to get rid of condensation. It is recommended to resort to all of the following at the same time:

  1. Engage in the manufacture of insulation. Since the metal itself is a poor barrier to retaining heat, you need to take care of its insulation. The metal parts of the structure that face the inside of the room should be isolated - they can be filled mounting foam and then cover with cladding. Another option is to install a rubber seal around the entire perimeter of the box and canvas.
  2. Insulate. Perfect option- close up with plasticine, but in this case it is impossible. We discard this option and purchase a special overlay for the keyhole. In inactivity, it tightly closes the lock, and in order to insert the key, you need to move it to the side.
  3. We seal the gaps. The gap between the box and the opening must be tight. Check if it is? Otherwise, you will have to re-fill the holes with mounting foam.
  4. We paint the door. We are talking about a special "energy-saving" paint, which is popularly referred to as. Getting on the surface, it creates a thin film that does not allow heat to pass through, thereby preventing the surface from fogging.
  5. We install the vestibule. This is the most effective method of all those mentioned here. Even uninsulated outer door if there is a vestibule, it will not be subjected to fogging. The advantage of the method is overshadowed by the complexity of execution - it is necessary to set the input, and these are the next costs and construction debris in the house.

It is not recommended to install the second metal doors into the vestibule, since they will carry heat into the vestibule - the same situation will turn out as it was. To avoid repetition, wooden canvases should be installed as additional ones, since they do not conduct heat and leave the vestibule cold, which in turn prevents the entrance from fogging.

How to prevent fogging?

There are three reliable ways to eliminate fogging, but it is best to prevent it in advance. The following recommendations will allow you to forget about problems with condensate forever:

  • Check the quality of the installation of the structure during its installation. No gaps should be left between the box and the opening - even a small gap of 1 mm can lead to partial fogging and further freezing of the entire structure. Metal parts should be directed outward. It is easier to prevent mistakes during installation than to dismantle the door after a while (sometimes you have to do this in winter) and eliminate the causes of fogging.
  • Refuse to install a peephole and insulate the keyhole.
  • Make sure you have a vestibule. As mentioned earlier, the vestibule is a 100% way to prevent condensation on the surface of the door, even in severe frost.

It is also recommended to place heaters near the door. They will warm the canvas and the box, preventing the formation of condensate. But do not neglect this method and furnish the door with heaters - follow the measure.

Eliminate the causes of door sweating immediately after manifestation, and then you will not face the need to replace the structure due to its failure.

03.09.2016 70778

in an apartment or own house many elements that perform different functions. Among them - internal doors for rooms installed between rooms. They separate rooms, protect from extraneous noise or unnecessary light. In addition, these devices perform a decorative role, complementing the interior, making it complete.

Classification of interior doors

In construction practice, there are different interior designs.

  • Swing. This is a common option in typical apartment buildings. It is traditionally resorted to in the construction of cottages or suburban households. Structurally they are:
  1. single leaf;
  2. semi-soluble;
  3. bivalve.
  • Folding. A similar design option is resorted to when the surrounding space in the rooms is limited. Such devices consist of narrow accordion-type elements.
  • Between adjacent rooms, a compartment is practiced. They can be sliding if there is only one sash and sliding - if there are two sashes moving in different directions.

According to the type of material from which interior structures are made, they can be;

  • plastic;
  • MDF door;
  • from solid wood;
  • Chipboard, fiberboard or caracas with honeycomb filling.

During operation, door structures are subjected to loads and external influences. As a result, repairs are needed. interior doors.

When the need for repair arises

Door structures for internal use have a list of common damage that occurs during operation:

  • the handles are loosened and the locks do not close;
  • sagging of the door leaf occurs;
  • the material from which this device is made swells, solid wood structures are most susceptible to this;
  • the components of the door dry out;
  • the veneer covering the structure peels off or cracks;
  • there is a crack in the door glass.

How to troubleshoot a door handle

You can repair handles yourself. For you will need the following tools:

  • Phillips and flat screwdriver;
  • wrench.

The first reason is the weakening of the self-tapping screws that secure the outer covers that cover the internal mechanisms of the lock. To fix this problem, a loose self-tapping screw is tightened. If it does not tighten, you must:

  • unscrew the screws;
  • remove the cover;
  • insert wooden sticks into the holes from the screws;
  • put on the cover and tighten the screws.

If the cause of the malfunction of the handle is in the internal mechanism, it is necessary to disassemble the external decorative overlays, using wrench remove the handle and pull out this mechanism.

Carefully inspect the lock and if it cannot be repaired, then you need to take a new one and install it in place of the faulty one.

What to do if the door won't close

Correct functioning door structure creates a comfortable home environment. Discomfort appears if the interior door does not close. This annoys the owners and leads to damage to the door leaf or frame.

The reasons that the interior door does not close well can be:

  • incorrect installation of the door frame or its distortion during operation;
  • swollen;
  • The door does not close due to incorrectly installed hinges:
  1. Using a level (best of all - laser, it has high accuracy) and a plumb line to determine the correct installation of the box. In case of distortion, the door leaf is removed from the hinges, the trim is removed. Then the box is aligned in . Modern builders attach it to anchors, so you need a screwdriver so as to eliminate the skew. Then close the gaps formed and install the door leaf in place.
  2. If it is swollen, then you need to remove it. Most often this happens with solid wood products. In this case, you can repair the interior door with a planer. To do this, you need to make cuts with a planer on the side of the door leaf that interferes with closing. Sometimes it is required to cut wood from the canvas on all sides. When processing a wooden door leaf with a planer, care must be taken during cuts so as not to damage the structure at the gluing points constituent parts doors. Place cuts to cover the same tinting or paint, which processed the entire door.
  3. Repair door hinges needed if they are planted deeper than necessary from the front edge of the door leaf. Often, when operating this design, the hinges bend or the fixing screws loosen. When determining such a defect, in order to eliminate it, it is necessary to rearrange the loops to the right place. If the hinges are deformed, replace them. When performing this work, you will need a Phillips screwdriver for self-tapping screws.

How to eliminate sagging

Having discovered that the interior door has sagged, you need to find out why this happened. The reasons here can also be different:

  • loose fastening of the hinges;
  • hinges deformed due to heavy load;
  • the door sagged due to the skew of the box.

Having determined that the door leaf is warped due to poor fastening of the hinges, it is necessary to fix them. To do this, you need to remove the door. Tighten the screws with a Phillips screwdriver. To make the fastening strong, you can replace the screws with longer ones.

If the screws in the nests are loose, then you need:

  • remove loops;
  • fill the vacated holes with wooden glazing beads, you can pre-lubricate them with glue;
  • attach the loops to the previous attachment point and tightly wrap the screws;
  • hang the door in place.

The deformation of the loops occurs due to improper selection of fittings. The hinges are found to be weak for the actual weight of the door. In such a situation, it is necessary to change the fittings to a more durable one.

There may be such a situation that the door sagged due to improper installation of the hinge. In this case, you need to deepen the half of the loop in wooden surface, cutting out the necessary recess with a chisel.

You can make this recess in the door or frame, depending on the need.

When, according to the results of the inspection, it turns out that the fault of the sagging is the skew of the box, then it is necessary to dismantle it. Do-it-yourself interior door repair is also possible in this case.

If immediately after the installation of the door structure, they functioned normally, then the changes occurred due to the settlement of the house. In this case, the order repair work will be as follows:

  • remove the canvas and platbands;
  • release from fasteners and pull out the door frame;
  • if it is severely deformed, replace it;
  • using a level and a plumb line, expose the box and secure it with anchors, three pieces on each side;
  • try on the door and attach the hinges in accordance with its new position;
  • hang the door leaf and check the correct closing;
  • put the trims in place.

Veneer repair on interior doors

On a door structure covered with veneer, various damage- from scratches to cracks and even peeling of some parts of the surface.

Repairs are made, depending on the severity of the damage, using polish or glue.

  1. If scratches appear on such a surface, the repair of the veneer will consist in rubbing the damaged area with a polish.
  2. You can repair a crack in veneer using PVA glue or door varnish and sawdust. Putty is kneaded from them, with which the crack is rubbed. After such a procedure, it is necessary to cover the repaired place with a tinting composition to match the color of the canvas. If the crack is large, with spalling of some sections, then it is better to replace this section of the veneer with a new one.
  3. If the veneer is peeled off, it must be carried out with the door leaf removed.

An adhesive solution for wooden surfaces is prepared in advance.

In the place where the veneer has peeled off, the voids found are filled with glue, and the surface on which the veneer will lie is also smeared with glue.

The peeled off part is pressed against the door leaf and covered with tracing paper. On top of it, oppression is laid to pressurize the surface.

Experience shows that a person with minimal technical skills is able to do it with his own hands without much difficulty.

The main thing is to notice the defect in time and not delay its elimination.