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Do-it-yourself low-power welding machine. We make a welding machine ourselves. How to make the most convenient transformer for welding: practical tips

It is difficult to do without a welding machine in construction, installation and repair. Usually purchase equipment in ready-made. However, you can go the other way: make the welding machine yourself, because a self-made device will save a lot of money and will become an exciting thing for those who like to craft.

About connection methods, windings and electrode

Exist different kinds welding machines. The most common mistake novice craftsmen make is the desire to immediately make a complex device. Schemes for the production of a welding machine are easy to find on the Internet, it is best to give preference to the type of equipment, the manufacture of which will not cause significant difficulties and will not take much time. Repairing your own welding machine will not bring big problems and a significant financial outlay for the person who made the equipment.

A logical question immediately arises: which welding machine better fit for work at home? Only small size. The best solution to the problem would be to create an apparatus from the devices already at the disposal of the craftsman. For work, a three-phase transformer is required. Primary must be connected. At the welding machine, this is done on the “triangle” magnetic circuit. This method is used only for the device, which is planned to be connected to a three-phase network with a voltage of 380/220 V.

The power supply and the specifics of the design of the apparatus are the task, the solution of which must be paid attention in the first place. If food and internal organization equipment do not correspond to each other, this will lead to the fact that the equipment, the creation of which took time and effort, will pose a danger to human life and health. If the welding machine will be powered by single-phase network 220 V, the transformer primary connection must be made differently. The extreme rods of the magnetic circuits of the apparatus are connected in an anti-parallel manner. For such a welding machine, a different principle of fastening the secondary windings is used: a fixed circuit.

If the device is powered by a single-phase 220 V network, it also differs in the features of the additional winding. It is wound on all the windings of the electric wire that the welding machine has. What is it for? During welding, stepwise changes in the welding current occur. They need a ballast, whose role is played by an additional winding. Its distinguishing feature: 40-50 turns. For a small-sized welding machine, a two-stage regulation of the electric power supply is most suitable.

Beginners often choose the wrong electrode size for the device.

In order to make a DC welding machine yourself, you need a high-power power source that is able to convert the rated voltage of a conventional single-phase network and provide a constant value of the corresponding current. This is necessary in order to create and maintain a normal electric arc.

For a high power power supply, the following components will be required:

  1. Rectifier.
  2. Inverters.
  3. Current and voltage transformer.
  4. Current and voltage regulators (to improve the quality characteristics of the electric arc itself).
  5. Auxiliary devices.

There is a simple rule to help you right choice: The stronger the electrical network and the thicker the wiring, the larger the electrode should be.
The main components of the welding machine:

  1. Transformer magnetic circuit.
  2. primary windings.
  3. secondary windings.
  4. Additional winding.
  5. Remote capacitors.
  6. Welding mode switch.
  7. Contact temperature sensor and alarm sound device.
  8. Welding mode switches.

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Why is concrete needed?

The body of the welding machine is an important issue. For the manufacture of cases of such equipment, it is customary to use specially prepared concrete. It should have a good indicator of plasticity. The one that is most easily accepted will do. desired shape and freezes as soon as possible.

The hull will require fine-grained sand and cement. The first should be 75% of the dry mix of concrete, the second - its fifth. The remaining 5% of the dry mixture is PVA glue and glass wool in a 1: 1 ratio. Instead of glue, water-soluble latex can be used.

Many novice craftsmen believe that making a welding machine is much easier than making its body. In fact, there is nothing complicated if you perform all the actions sequentially. Main mistake– Wrongly selected body thickness, it should not be less than 1 cm. The welding machine must be cleaned. Then the device is dried and only then proceed to the manufacture of the case. When the concrete has hardened, the welding machine must be processed from the outside. This requires an organic monomer.

For this task, styrene or methyl methacrylate is suitable. Once the concrete has been impregnated with the monomer, it is necessary to heat treat the surface. The temperature for these purposes must be at least 70 0 C. In this case, the polymerization of the monomer occurs. As a result of this procedure, a waterproof layer is formed on the body of the apparatus itself. After it, the welding machine will be protected from the effects of the external environment.

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The easiest way

Spot welding is most in demand in everyday life, but often a person simply does not have time to manufacture the complex interior of the welding machine. If it causes difficulties, you can resort to the most primitive solution to the issue. Check: what faulty household appliances are in the house.

If a microwave oven breaks down, do not rush to throw it away - with new electrical wiring, pieces of wood, clamps and tips - a spot welding machine can be made very quickly.

You will need:

  1. Washers.
  2. Self-tapping screws.
  3. Staples.

They must correspond to the intended dimensions of the welding machine. If the broken microwave oven the transformer is working, it will become the basis of the new home-made equipment.

No work with iron can do without a welding machine. It allows you to cut and connect metal parts of any size and thickness. Good decision- do welding with your own hands, because good models are expensive and cheap ones are of low quality. To implement the idea self-manufacturing It is necessary for a welder to acquire special equipment that allows you to hone the quality skills of a specialist in real conditions.

Types and characteristics of the tool

After everything the necessary conditions preparatory phase successfully observed, it becomes possible to make a model of a welding device with your own hands. Today there are many circuit diagrams, according to which the device can be manufactured. They operate in one of the following ways:

  • Direct or alternating current.
  • Pulse or inverter.
  • Automatic or semi-automatic.

It is worth paying attention to the apparatus belonging to the transformer type. An important feature of this device is its operation on AC power, which allows it to be used in living conditions. AC devices are capable of providing the nomenclature quality of welded joints. A unit of this type can easily find its application in everyday life. when servicing real estate located in the private sector.

In order to assemble such a device, you must have:

  • About 20 meters of cable or wire of large cross section.
  • High magnetic permeability metal base to be used as the core of the transformer.

Optimal core configuration has a rod base U-shaped. In theory, a core of any other configuration can easily fit, for example, a round shape taken from a stator that has become unusable. But in practice, winding the winding on such a base is much more difficult.

The cross-sectional area for a core belonging to a home-made household welding machine is 50 cm 2. This will be enough to use rods from 3 to 4 mm in diameter in the installation. The use of a larger section will only lead to an increase in the mass of the structure, and the efficiency of the apparatus will not become higher.

Manufacturing instructions

For the primary winding, it is necessary to use a copper wire with high heat resistance, since when performing welding work she will be affected high temperature. The wire used must be selected according to fiberglass or cotton insulation designed for stationary use in the high temperature zone.

For the winding of the transformer, it is not allowed to use a wire with PVC insulation, which, when heated, will instantly become unusable. In some cases, insulation for the transformer winding is made independently.

To perform this procedure, you need to take a blank made of cotton fabric or fiberglass, cut it into strips about 2 cm wide, wrap the prepared wire with them and impregnate the bandage with any varnish that has electrical properties. Such insulation in terms of thermal characteristics will not yield to any factory analogue.

Coils are wound according to a certain principle. First, half of the primary winding is wound, followed by half of the secondary. Then proceed to the second coil using the same technique. To improve the quality of the insulating coating between the layers of the windings, fragments of strips of cardboard, fiberglass or pressed paper are inserted.

Hardware setup

Next, you need to configure. It is produced by turning on the equipment in the network and taking voltage readings from the secondary winding. The voltage on it should be from 60 to 65 volts.

Precise adjustment of the parameters is carried out by reducing or increasing the length of the winding. To obtain a qualitative result, the voltage on the secondary winding should be adjusted to the specified parameters.

A VRP cable or a SHRPS wire is connected to the primary winding of the finished welding transformer, which will be used to connect to the network. One of the outputs of the secondary winding is fed to the terminal, to which the “mass” will subsequently be connected, and the second is fed to the terminal connected to the cable. The last procedure is completed and the new welding machine is ready for operation.

Small unit production

For the manufacture of a small welding machine, an autotransformer from a Soviet-style TV is easily suitable. It can be easily used to obtain a voltaic arc. In order for everything to work out correctly, graphite electrodes are connected between the terminals of the autotransformer. This simple design allows you to perform several simple jobs using welding, such as:

  • Making or repairing thermocouples.
  • Warm up to maximum temperature high carbon steel products.
  • Hardening of tool steel.

A home-made welding machine, created on the basis of an autotransformer, has a significant drawback. It must be used in accordance additional measures precautions. Without galvanic isolation from electrical network, it is a rather dangerous device.

The optimal parameters of an autotransformer suitable for creating a welding machine are considered to be an output voltage in the range from 40 to 50 volts and low power from 200 to 300 watts. This device is capable of delivering from 10 to 12 amperes of operating current, which will be sufficient when welding wires, thermocouples and other elements.

As electrodes for a DIY mini welding machine, you can use leads from simple pencil. Holders for improvised electrodes can serve as terminals that are on various electrical appliances.

For welding, the holder is connected to one of the terminals of the secondary winding, and the workpiece to be welded to the other. The handle for the holder is best made from fiberglass washer or other heat-resistant material. It should be noted that the arc similar device acts short enough, preventing the used autotransformer from overheating.

It makes sense to independently manufacture a welding machine when it is necessary to perform relatively small amounts of welding work at home. Knowing the basic principles of the apparatus, you can assemble it from easily accessible parts and materials.

First of all, it is worth determining what power welding current required at work. It is obvious that in order to process thin sheets metal up to 2 mm requires a much lower current intensity than for massive fittings. Depending on these characteristics of the material, the diameter of the electrode is selected. For welded parts up to 2 mm thick, an electrode 1.5 - 3 mm in diameter is suitable. Accordingly, for parts 3-5 mm - electrode 3-4 mm, parts up to 10 mm - electrode 4-5 mm, parts up to 24 mm - electrode 5-6 mm and parts up to 60 mm - electrode 6-8 mm. Having determined the diameter of the electrode, we select the required value of the welding current. For electrodes with a diameter of up to 1.5 mm, a welding current of 4o A is suitable, 2 mm - 70 A, 3 mm - up to 140 A, 4 mm - up to 200 A.

In any device, a transformer is used to form a welding arc from the mains voltage that directly affects the material. In professional devices, it is completed various devices to strengthen and improve the quality of the welding arc. In household home-made welding machines, you can limit yourself to a transformer without additional devices. The transformer consists of a magnetic circuit, which can be assembled independently from plates of special transformer steel, primary and secondary windings. The primary winding is connected directly to the 220V network. It can have special taps that allow you to adjust the intensity of the current at the output. But home-made devices, as a rule, are not complicated by such taps, but are initially tuned to a certain current power. Welding is performed from the second winding.

The power of the transformer is selected in accordance with the required intensity of the welding current. It is calculated by the formula Р=25Isv, where Isv is the value of the welding current, measured in amperes. The cross section of the transformer magnetic circuit (S) must not be less than P * 0.015, where P is the previously calculated power. The primary wire diameter is 1.13(P/2000) squared. The choice of secondary winding diameter depends on the current density, measured in A/mm2. At a current up to 100A, the density will be 10A/mm2, up to 150A - 8A/mm2, up to 200A - 6A/mm2. Thus, the exact cross section of the secondary winding can be determined by the formula 1.13 (I / j) squared, where I is the value of the welding current, j is the current density. The number of wire turns is proportional to the cross section of the magnetic circuit and is defined as W=S/50, where S is the cross sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit. The softness or hardness of the welding process depends on the external characteristic of the welding current, which, in turn, is formed by the magnitude of the voltage at the terminals of the output terminals. External characteristic can be steeply dipping, gently dipping, rising and hard. In self-made devices for manual welding it is advisable to use current sources with a steep or gently dipping characteristic. Current fluctuations when changing the welding arc are small, so such devices are ideal for welding in domestic conditions.

A welding machine made independently using carefully selected components can fully replace an expensive finished machine and reliably serve the owner for many years.

A welding machine is highly specialized equipment, but almost every man has had to look for a similar unit more than once in his life to repair home appliances or a car. It is easy enough to make a welding machine with your own hands, but it should be understood that the equipment is suitable for working on small structures. This will be arc welding from an AC or DC source.

Argon and gas welding require special knowledge and equipment. It is possible to make a gas generator at home, but if the master does not have a specialized education, there is a high risk of making a mistake. It is easier to rent an argon-arc welding machine, it costs ten times cheaper than making equipment yourself.

welding machine for home use- This is a simplified design with the simplest components and a simple assembly scheme. The main part is a welding transformer, which you can make yourself or use a household appliance assembly (for example, a microwave oven).

The welding inverter unit is arranged according to the scheme:

  • power supply;
  • rectifier;
  • inverter.

You can make a transformer yourself using spent wire cables and a copper tape of the required length.

If round copper wire is used in the transformer, the operation of the machine is limited to 2-3 welding rods. Transformer oil is used for cooling.

The seam on the parts to be joined is formed due to heat, the source of which is an electric arc that occurs between two electrodes. One of the electrodes is the material to be welded. A short circuit, which is required to heat up the electrode (cathode), will lead to a stable discharge with a temperature of up to 6000°C. Under its action, the metal will begin to melt. This is a rough description of the welding process for non-specialists who in everyday life just need to quickly fix the necessary profile, part.

Product package

Welding inverters are rarely made on their own. This electronic device requires repeated testing, specific knowledge and experience. It is easier to make a homemade product based on a transformer and, since it should work from a household network (usually 220 V), this device will be quite enough to perform minor home repairs.

The welding inverter for a 220 V network is assembled according to the scheme that is used for devices operating from an industrial three-phase network. You need to know that these devices will have an efficiency of 60% higher than equipment adapted to a single-phase network.

The welder is made from a transformer without additional components, the package includes:

  • transformer (you can do it yourself);
  • insulating material;
  • welding rod holder;
  • PRG cable.

More complex inverter products are equipped with:

  • transformer;
  • inverter;
  • ventilation system;
  • ampere regulator.

After assembly, the voltage of the secondary winding is measured: the values ​​\u200b\u200bshould not go beyond the parameters of 60-65 V.

Power supply for a simple welder

Homemade welding transformers are simple equipment for rare repairs. The stator can serve as a magnetic circuit. The primary winding will be connected to the network, the secondary winding is designed to receive an electric arc and perform work. The winding of the transformer consists of copper wire or tape (up to 30 meters).

Primary winding is done with a copper strip with cotton insulation. You can use a "bare" magnetic circuit and insulate it separately. Strips of cotton fabric are wrapped around the wire and impregnated with any varnish for electrical work. The secondary winding is wound after the primary is insulated. The cross section of the primary winding is 5-7 square meters. mm, secondary section - 25-30 sq. mm. After isolation, the parameters are tested: more turns may be required.

An inverter-type welding machine has a more complex device, can operate on a constant or alternating current and provides best quality seam. But if in everyday life you only need to spend spot welding(for example, when repairing household appliances), then the manufacture of an inverter welder is impractical. If a vacuum cleaner or microwave oven transformer is used, it is important not to damage the primary winding. The secondary winding in 80% of cases must be removed and redone so that the unit does not overheat.

Rectifier block

The rectifier unit converts the AC signal voltage to DC and consists of a small number of small parts:

  • diode bridges;
  • capacitors;
  • throttle;
  • voltage boost.

The rectifier is assembled on the principle of a bridge circuit, where an alternating current is supplied at the input, and a constant current is output from the output terminals. Both devices - a transformer and a rectifier for a welder - are equipped with a forced cooling unit. You can use the cooler from the computer power supply.

Inverter block

The inverter unit converts direct current from the rectifier into alternating current and outputs voltage up to 40 V, current strength up to 150 A.

The inverter works as follows:

  1. From the outlet, alternating current (frequency 50-60 Hz) is supplied to the rectifier, where the frequency is equalized. The current is supplied to the transistors, where the constant signal is converted into an alternating signal with an increase in the oscillation frequency up to 50 kHz.
  2. Lowering the voltage of the high-frequency flow at the step-down transformer from 220 to 60 V. This increases the current strength. Due to the increase in frequency, only the minimum allowable number of turns is used in the inverter coil.
  3. At the output rectifier, the last conversion of the electric current into direct current takes place with great strength and low voltage, which is optimal for high-quality welding.

In the welding device, in addition to the main stages, the current strength is adjusted, optimal ventilation is ensured. You can make an inverter yourself, guided by a detailed diagram.

Required Tool

To assemble the welding machine and manufacture, you will need the following tools and devices:

  • hacksaw;
  • fasteners;
  • soldering iron;
  • knife, chisel, tweezers and screwdrivers;
  • sheet metal for the frame;
  • electrodes;
  • assembly elements for transformer, asynchronous stator.

The parts of the device are assembled on a textolite basis; sheets of aluminum or industrial steel are used for the body.


All parts in the home-made manufacturing scheme of a transformer welder will be arranged in the following order:

A power filter and a rectifier can be excluded from the circuit, but the electric arc will be poorly controlled, and the seam will be of poor quality (uneven, with large torn edges that will require stripping).

Assembly steps:

  1. Winding transformer coils. For an inverter welder who will work on AC and DC, you will need a high-frequency transformer with a conversion module.
  2. Lacquering of the winding insulation.
  3. Assembly of the magnetic circuit. The best option- asynchronous stator from an electric motor with a power of 4-5 kW.
  4. Soldering coil and output connections.
  5. Checking the transformer.
  6. Assembly of the diode bridge and connection in the circuit. You will need 5 diodes of the KVRS5010 or B200 class.
  7. Installation of a cooling radiator for each diode bridge.
  8. Mounting the choke on the same board with a rectifier.
  9. Setting the current regulator on the control panel.
  10. Ensuring ventilation of the entire structure. Fans are installed in the body of the machine for welding around the perimeter.
  11. The output to the working electrodes and the holder is installed on the front wall, the power cord on the opposite.
  12. Between the board with the power supply and the power unit, it is recommended to set a threshold of sheet metal, a voltage capacitor that will stabilize the current in the arc.

Weight assembled apparatus For minor repairs from 10 kg. It is recommended to make a diode bridge with a choke in a separate case to reduce weight. This node will need to be connected to the welding machine of stainless steel. At AC voltage nets for iron profile welding, repair body work or point tacks, semi-automatic equipment is practically not required.

On alternating current

A homemade AC welding machine has the following advantages:

  1. Reliable seam. On alternating current, the arc does not deviate from the original axis, this helps beginners to make an even and high-quality seam.
  2. An easy way to assemble the device.
  3. Budget cost of components.
  4. It is necessary to connect only to a single-phase network, a household outlet is enough.

The main disadvantage of the contact welding machine is the spattering of metal during operation due to the interruption of the sinusoid of the electric arc and the rapid overheating of the transformer. For welding parts up to 2 mm thick, the electrode diameter should be 1.5-3 mm. Welding of sheets from 4 mm is carried out with rods of 3-4 mm at a machine current of at least 150 amperes.


Homemade DC machines are widely used for the home, but require skill, time and more small parts to assemble. Among the advantages of the equipment:

  • a stable arc allows you to cook complex and thin-walled structures;
  • absence of unclaimed plots;
  • no metal spatter, no deburring or seam cleaning required.

It is recommended that a complete do-it-yourself DC welding machine be checked several times for overheating of the transformer, capacitor and diode bridge in test mode before main operation.

into construction homemade devices for welding, you can make changes and constantly refine them. You can make a unit that would work on direct current, minimum design operating on an alternating signal with a minimum power of up to 40A, or a massive stationary unit for installation in the workshop.

Your own welding machine will always come in handy on the farm, albeit infrequently, but it is very necessary, and sometimes it’s just not possible without it. Especially if you are used to making things yourself. Therefore, do-it-yourself micro-welding, made from improvised materials and end-of-life household appliances, is just what we need.

We will not consider the option of buying a factory welding machine, as this will require money, but we will immediately follow the path of making home-made mini welding at home. There are several quite affordable schemes of welding machines for self-production, but the contact or spot welding machine seems to be the simplest and least expensive.

So that there is no doubt right away why we will describe exactly the option as, for this we will clearly define that for this we will not need theoretical knowledge of the electrical engineering course and virtuoso mastery of locksmith skills. Everything will be simple, clear and accessible.


The main part of all electric welding machines is a power transformer (if you do not consider modern electronic welding equipment also called inverters). Therefore, first of all, we will need to take it from somewhere and the most suitable and affordable option for this there will be an old broken microwave oven. And the bigger it is, the better for us. More precisely, the more powerful its transformer will be and the stronger our welding.

If you want to find an old microwave oven, it’s not a problem by looking for it either from your closest friends (those who are richer), or by looking at free classifieds boards, where they are often offered for a nominal fee. Of the insides of a microwave oven, we will be interested in only one detail - this is a high-voltage transformer.

Here we will immediately determine, without going into particular technical calculations, that contact welding made from such a transformer from a microwave oven will be able to generate a welding current from 800 to 1000 amperes. This current is quite enough to weld together strips of metal up to 2 mm thick, even from stainless steel, which is a difficult task for simple welding.

Preparation of the welding transformer

The high-voltage microwave transformer is a steel core, recruited from thin steel plates and located inside its two windings of copper wire. We need the winding that looks smaller, it is considered primary and will be wound from a thicker conductor. The other winding (the one that is larger in size) will be secondary and we simply do not need it. Here it is in the first place and must be dismantled from the transformer.

To do this, you need to disassemble the transformer, or rather, its core, which is made of steel plates, tightly compressed and fastened together by two thin welds. Here we need to cut these welds, for which you can use either a hacksaw or a grinder with a thin circle.

Keep in mind! There may be transformers fastened with an outer tin casing and bolts. In this case, simply unscrew the bolted connections and carefully open the casing. Everything, problems with further disassembly should not arise.

Perform this operation of disassembling the transformer very carefully, since we still need the primary winding, therefore, in no case do we bend or scratch it when removing it. But we don’t stand on ceremony with the secondary winding, it can be cut and pulled out with a hammer and a chisel in parts, it will be much easier.

As a result, we have a whole and undamaged primary winding of the transformer and its steel core in the form of two separated parts.

Next, we wind the secondary winding of our future welding transformer. Here we still have to buy a piece of new insulated copper wire with a cross section of 50 mm2 or about 8 mm in diameter. To do this, we take it and wind it around the central E-shaped magnetic circuit of the core, making two full turns. We will need all such copper wire, taking into account the output to the welding contacts of about 50 cm, the only condition is that the winding must be made so that it is the middle of the conductor.

Then we assemble the transformer, while the primary winding should remain in its place, and our new winding made of copper wire should be placed instead of the secondary. We fasten the two parts of the core using the usual two-component epoxy resin and clamp the entire structure in a locksmith vice for a day. After the epoxy has dried, the transformer is completely ready for operation. Photo

Construction assembly

Having made verification measurements with a simple tester, when connecting the primary winding to a 220 V network, we have a voltage of about 2 V on the secondary winding, but with a force electric current about 800 A (this is not measured, but calculated - here we take our word for it). This current strength is more than enough to make a strong welded joint of two metal plates.

Now we make the body. To do this, you can use any materials at hand, such as wood, plywood, sheets of durable plastic or galvanized sheet. The main thing is to place the transformer itself and the bottom contact on solid foundation, since one of the conditions is a strong contact of the welding electrodes with the surface to be welded, which, in turn, is possible with the application of great efforts.

It remains to make welding contacts and the mechanical part of our welding machine will be completed. One of the contacts will be at the bottom and it will be fixed, so it is better to make its base from a wooden block 30 cm long, so it will be easier to attach it to the base. At the end of the bar, using the manufactured bracket, we fasten the welding electrode, to which we connect one of the wires of the power winding of the transformer.

Welding electrodes for microwelding can be made with your own hands from a copper bar with a cross section of 5 to 10 mm in diameter, making a slight sharpening at the end at the point of contact with the surface to be welded. It is better, of course, to use tungsten rods or special electrodes for this. resistance welding from an alloy of beryllium bronze with additions of zirconium.

We make the upper contact in the form of a lever. For this you can also apply wooden block or not very massive metallic profile in the form of a tube of small diameter. The only thing is that on a metal lever, the design of the welding electrode attachment will be more difficult, since it will also need to be isolated. At the base of the moving contact lever, we must provide a spring so that the lever in the normal state is constantly in the upper position. To do this, you can use a steel spring or an elastic rubber band.

At the end we complete wiring diagram mini welder by connecting a wire with a standard plug for a 220 V network to the ends of the primary winding of our power transformer, and it is imperative to provide a 220 V switch. For this, both the old wire from the microwave oven and any switch designed for a voltage of 220 V and current strength of 5 A, it is better if it is a push-type microswitch (mic).

Important! Don't forget to isolate well electrical connections and contacts.

Everything, your own hand-made mini welder for a summer residence or at home is ready and, as it turned out, making it yourself is not so difficult. Now you can safely weld small flat parts from various metals, but for this you will need to practice and gain practical skills.

And also you can watch the video on how to make contact spot welding with your own hands and how you can use it.