Water pipes      06/26/2020

Sandblasting machine: how to assemble a unit at home. How to make a simple sandblasting machine with your own hands, spending a minimum of money Do-it-yourself sandblasting machine from a spray gun

Today, many people have heard about sandblasting, but few people fully understand how it all works. Although this method of surface treatment was invented quite a long time ago and is widely used in our time. This material will help you understand some of the intricacies of sandblasting. What does it consist of, how does it work, what pressure is needed to work? These and other issues are discussed in detail below. Particular attention is paid to the protection of the worker who uses the sandblasting machine. A few words have been said about the main parameters of sandblasting, which should be taken into account when choosing such equipment. An example of how to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands is also given.

Scope of sandblasting machines

You should start with the area where sandblasting is used. The most well-known application of this processing method is for cleaning metal during body repair or automotive repair. Devices for such processing have high pressure, with the help of which residues are knocked off the metal surface with a sand stream old paint, soil, rust or scale.

Sandblasted metal lasts much longer after painting, largely due to the fact that such cleaning is better than other methods of removing metal coating. Small grains of sand cut into the surface being treated at high speed, thereby knocking down even those traces of corrosion that are located in small pores or cracks, where they are difficult to reach with traditional tools.

In addition to the quality of cleaning from old coating and traces of corrosion, sandblasting leaves behind more smooth surface. There are no scratches that occur after using brush cleaning, or using sandpaper with large abrasive particles. This makes it much easier to apply the first layer of primer and improves the quality of its adhesion to the metal.

Besides body repair, sandblasting is widely used in other areas of human activity. This is how large ships, parts and products are cleaned in factories. In addition to metal, this processing method is also applicable to other types of materials, for example, for cleaning wood, brick or concrete products.

Sandblasting machines are used to create specific effects on wood or glass. Wooden crafts after processing they can acquire all sorts of patterns. Sandblasting is used to frost glass, which is used in decorative purposes, for example, for engraving in the form of different patterns. Some sandblasting machines can be used to drill holes in glass, which can be round or other shapes.

Any sandblasting machine consists of the following elements:

  • compressor creating required pressure air flow;
  • storage receiver;
  • a gun through which a stream of sand is directed onto the surface to be treated;
  • container with sand or other abrasive material;
  • automation and control system;
  • connecting hoses.

The automation system is designed to control the pressure in the supply to the gun. There is also an automated compressor emergency shutdown system in case of problems in the work area. For example, when the work gun was accidentally released from the hands or in the event of a sandblaster falling.

The control system ensures that the compressor is turned on and off. Also, with its help, the equipment is switched to idle and operating modes. Sometimes it is located not only in the working area, but also in areas of additional sandblasting service. For example, the equipment can be controlled by an assistant who monitors the level of sand in containers. He does this either independently or at the command of the sandblaster.

Connecting hoses are a very important element of sandblasting. The power and performance of the device depends on them. When selecting or manufacturing sandblasting hoses, the pressure they can withstand is taken into account. An equally important parameter is their diameter and internal resistance. The productivity and power of sandblasting is significantly affected by the length of the hoses.

Operating principle of sandblasting machine

The operating principle of sandblasting may vary slightly depending on the type, but most of them work as follows:

  • the compressor creates air pressure that accumulates in the receiver;
  • when the pressure required for sandblasting is created, the air flow is supplied to the gun;
  • after air is supplied to the gun, a vacuum appears in it, which draws the abrasive substance from the container. Sand can also be forced into the gun;
  • then the air-sand mixture is ejected from the gun with high acceleration and directed onto the surface to be treated.

Some sandblasters may work differently, but the operating principle described is the most common.

Types of compressors for sandblasting machines

It is worth saying a few words about compressors, with the help of which the pressure required in terms of power and performance is created. The most common of them are piston ones, since their power is enough to simple devices with low performance requirements.

There are also screw compressors. This type is considered more productive, which is why they are used where constant pressure with high performance is needed. Such compressors can work even with small storage receivers. Their performance is quite enough to provide pressure to the working gun in real time.

Main settings

Now a few words about the main parameters of compressors for sandblasting machines - power and performance. In this case, the first characteristic is measured in units of pressure that the compressor can create.

A device that can produce 9 atmospheres is considered more powerful than one that produces only 6 atmospheres. The optimal figure is considered to be 7-8 atm. Moreover, on the compressor, in the sandblasting machine and on the hose nozzle, the number varies depending on the size of the nozzle.

An important indicator for sandblasting compressors is their performance. This parameter shows the amount of compressed air that the device can produce in a certain period of time. Capacity is usually measured in liters of air per minute. Accordingly, the volume of sand that can be supplied to the work area per unit of time.

Other parameters of compressors are considered secondary, and therefore, when choosing equipment, they are not particularly paid attention to. These include the power consumption of the electric motor, uninterrupted operation time, and the number of revolutions per minute. The power and productivity of sandblasting also depend on these parameters, however, when choosing, they still focus on the main indicators.

Popular models of compressors for sandblasting are presented on the market by such certified brands as Abac, Berg, ChKZ, Ceccato, Atmos, Remeza, Alup, Kaeser, Fini, ZIF.

Features and characteristics of the pistol

For a pistol, the main parameters are:

  • its performance;
  • operating pressure;
  • nozzle diameter;
  • method of capturing an abrasive composition.

All of these characteristics, except the last one, depend proportionally on the compressor and the design features of the gun itself.

For example, with a larger nozzle diameter, the gun's performance will be greater. However, at the same pressure values, the nozzle with large diameter will have less jet power. This means that a larger amount of sand will be supplied, but its acceleration speed will be lower.

These parameters are selected depending on the task facing sandblasting. For example, when processing brick or concrete walls, wood products and so on, less jet power is required, while productivity is needed as much as possible. But when processing glass, metal and other hard surfaces, a jet with high acceleration is needed.

Personal protection for sandblaster

When working with sandblasters Special attention is given to the personal protection of the sandblaster. This type of material processing poses several dangers to human health.

The first of them is grains of sand flying out at very high speeds, which can reach 700 kilometers per hour. Many particles ricochet off the surface being treated, which can cause serious injury to the skin. To protect yourself from their effects, you must use the following personal protective equipment:

  • special shoes;
  • overalls made of durable material;
  • leather gloves;
  • protective helmet.

Sand dust and other particles knocked off the surface being treated have a negative effect on the respiratory system. To protect against this harm, a helmet for working with a sandblasting machine is equipped with autonomous source air. Air usually comes from outside the work shop and is forced into the helmet for breathing. Sometimes self-contained air supply systems are used, similar to those used by scuba divers.

Well, the last, no less dangerous source of harm to health is noise. Its creation involves a rather loud compressor, a whistling stream of compressed air and the noise of sand hitting the surface being treated. If you remain under the influence of all these noises for a long time, you can very quickly get injured in your hearing aid. To protect against excess noise, special sound-absorbing headphones are used, mounted in the sandblaster’s helmet.

Room for working with a sandblasting machine

When working with a sandblasting machine, it’s a good idea to take care of creating necessary conditions in the workroom. Main enemy sandblasting is excess moisture, because when sanding is carried out, productivity can be significantly affected by its moisture content. Therefore, first of all, care is taken to remove excess moisture from the room. Also for this purpose, professional sandblasting machines are equipped with air dryers, which is taken and supplied from the compressor to the working gun.

No less important factor is the purity of air from impurities. In addition to cleaning it in the workroom, filtration is used directly in the devices. The suction flow is cleared of oil and other impurities, which ensures better mixing with sand and supply to the working area.

Also a camera for sandblasting should be able to be easily cleaned of sand residues. If you work with sandblasting at an amateur level, then you should choose a room for this where the sand will not interfere. After all, it will be very difficult to completely remove it. It is best to equip a special sealed chamber for this work and use it only for these purposes.

DIY sandblasting machine

In conclusion, a few words about a homemade sandblasting machine. Making it at home is quite difficult, taking into account following points. First, you need to select the appropriate compressor. Compressors from trucks are often used for this.

The compressor must have sufficient power. It must produce enough pressure to complete the task. Secondly, you should select a receiver for the compressor. If the compressor has a relatively low capacity, then the receiver will have to be assembled from several separate containers in order to provide the necessary pressure reserve.

You can use ordinary gas cylinders as a receiver for homemade sandblasting. They endure high pressure, are easily connected into a single system and have a low cost.

A little more difficult with a working pistol. There are ready-made, factory-made options on the market, but they do not always have positive reviews. They often have to be modified to achieve the required jet power or required performance. These parameters are influenced by the method of sand sampling and the diameter of the nozzle, as mentioned earlier. Based on this, they achieve the necessary indicators, which still need to be adjusted to a specific compressor and receiver.

The same goes for hoses. When choosing them, you should try to ensure that they are as short as possible, withstand the pressure generated by the compressor and do not have leaks at the connections. All these parameters will help achieve higher power and performance of a homemade sandblasting machine.

When opening workshops or large industrial enterprises, effective cleaning equipment is required metal surfaces. The market for such equipment is very extensive, but its prices are not always affordable for a novice entrepreneur or craftsman. To save money, you can assemble the sandblasting machine yourself. The device has modest dimensions, but it can cope even with old corrosion and contamination.

Features of the sandblasting machine

Sandblasting units are truly universal - they are used both in large enterprises and in living conditions. This is possible thanks to the versatility and compactness of the devices.

You can buy it for work ready product, but this solution has its drawbacks:

  • High price. Sandblasting machines are produced using automated equipment, which affects the price not in favor of the buyer.
  • Guarantee period. Cleaning equipment is constantly in contact with dirt and other unfavorable conditions, which creates enormous stress. But sandblasting equipment rarely has a long warranty period.
  • Device functionality. It is not always possible to purchase a device with indicators suitable for your requirements. This applies to power, dimensions and additional functions.

Today there are many companies that rent out sandblasting machines. If your work requires regular use of such equipment, renting it will be too expensive.

Thus, the task of assembling a sandblasting machine with your own hands seems to be the most profitable solution for both private and large businesses. In addition, by making the unit with your own hands, you will learn the specifics of its operation, which will facilitate its further operation and repair.

Construction of sandblasting machines

Before you start manufacturing sandblasting equipment, you need to familiarize yourself with the diagram of its device. To assemble the device, you will need a lot of equipment and tools, the rental or purchase of which must be taken into account before starting work.

In many ways, the design of a sandblasting device resembles a spray gun. But it is impossible to replace one device with another in operation due to a number of differences between them.

A compressor is a generator of air flow of the required pressure. It supplies the flow to the sandblasting lines. From there, the flow goes to the main hose, next to the abrasive material intake sleeve, where, thanks to the vacuum from the air stream, the abrasive enters the line and is mixed with the air flow. From here, the abrasive and air are sucked into the nozzle and fed through the hole to work surface. For minor works such as glass frosting, it is recommended to purchase a sandblasting gun.

Important! For normal operation of the device, a receiver is required; it removes excess moisture from the air flow.

Among other things, the device includes hoses, electronic components, and a tap system. The configuration of the device depends on the dimensions and purpose.

Parts for sandblasting machine

For self-assembly device, you need to purchase a set of ready-made parts. Below is a number of available components, which can be purchased in any specialized department of the store:

  • a tank for abrasive (sand), a gas cylinder is suitable, it is designed to work with high-pressure substances;
  • trim water pipe(2 in.) with sand plug and thread.
  • gas dispenser hose with a length of 5 m and a diameter of 1 cm;
  • ball valves for hydraulics s 111;
  • rubber reinforced hose from 2 m long and with a diameter of 1.4 cm;
  • fittings for fixing hoses;
  • sealant for threads (fum tape or other);
  • collet;
  • steel fitting DN 15 and 3 “bochata” type adapters.

The price of components depends on the region and brand of the product. On average, the total cost for all parts ranges from $35 to $40. The price for factory sandblasting machines will be many times higher. After purchasing all the components, you can begin assembly.

Step by step assembly

If a propane cylinder serves as a container for the abrasive, it must be prepared. First, the gas is vented from it, after which the edge of the brass is cut off with a grinder or a hacksaw. To be on the safe side, a compressor pumps out the remaining gas from the cylinder. A freon container used as an abrasive cylinder does not require any preparatory work.

The sandblast assembly stages are as follows:

  • In place of the cylinder tap, an entry hole is made corresponding to the diameter of the cut water pipe (2 inches). Opposite to this hole, another one is made - in the middle of the bottom of the vessel, with a diameter of 1.2 cm. Then the water pipe is welded.
  • At the bottom of the cylinder, a steel fitting DN 15 is welded to the second hole. The seams must be sealed. It is also recommended to weld a tripod or wheel system to the bottom to make it easier to carry the device.
  • Taps and “bottles” are screwed onto the pipes from below and above. The thread is sealed with thread sealant.
  • Fittings are attached to the ends of the tee; a reinforced hose is attached to one, securing it with a clamp. They attach to the second copper tube, and a hose is attached on top.
  • On back side the cylinder, a collet and a nozzle are installed. For this it is better to use finished device made of tungsten.
  • A tee and a tap with a vessel for abrasive are attached to the hole for supplying air flow.
  • The tee holes are connected to the cylinder and the compressor.

If you follow the instructions exactly, you will get a sandblasting model that is not inferior to purchased analogues. Once assembly is complete, you can connect a sandblasting gun to the device.

Note! For accurate operation of the unit, use only high-quality parts.

If you have any difficulties with assembly or find shortcomings during operation of the device, watch a detailed video explanation of the operation of a do-it-yourself sandblasting machine:

If a device based on a gas cylinder seems cumbersome, then a simpler unit can be made. Typically, such products are used for applying sandblasting patterns on wardrobes(photos of the works are presented below).

To make a lightweight design you will need a small vessel - this will do plastic bottle. To connect the dispenser to the cylinder you need a ball valve and a tee. The unit is assembled according to the principle described above. The process will not take more than an hour, however, parts will have to be changed frequently due to rapid wear.

Externally, such a unit resembles a sandblasting gun or spray gun. For ease of use, a handle is attached to the nozzle. At frequent work The nozzle will have to be changed or cleaned frequently.

As you can see, these are rather large products, both in weight and in cost. Is it possible to make a 1-2 liter sandblasting device from scrap materials, spending a minimum of money? This is quite possible, especially if you have a spray gun at hand.
In everyday life, they can be used to clean rusty metal tools and parts. metal gates before painting, removing dirt from the surfaces of house and garden paths, tiled or cemented.

Manufacturing process of a simple sandblasting machine

We present step by step instructions for the manufacture of homemade sandblasting, which works on the principle of an ejector (spray gun).
Step 1. You need to buy or borrow an air gun rated for pressure up to 4 MPa, a plastic 0.5- or 1-liter bottle, a fitting, hoses and drills. We will mention other materials and tools as they are used at the appropriate step.

Step 2. We twist the cork from the bottle, and cut the remaining band on the neck with a carpenter’s knife and remove it. Screw the lid tightly into place.

Step 3. Using an electric drill and a 5 mm drill, drill the neck of the bottle in diameter on both sides, right under the cap itself.

Step 4. B drilled holes Carefully insert the tube from the kit into the air gun. We determine on it the place where the bottle with sand will be located. It should be closer to the air gun. This will ensure greater structural reliability, better balancing and ease of operation.

Step 5. We take the tube out of the holes in the bottle and use a marker to mark on the tube the place where an oblong hole will be cut to allow sand to come out of the container.

Step 6. Using a metal file, we make an oblong, narrow hole on the tube, carefully cleaning its edges.

Step 7. We return the tube to its place again, and the hole cut with a file should be directed downwards, and the bottle will be located vertically above it.

Step 8. Fill the places where the tube enters and exits the bottle with suitable glue, firstly, to ensure the strength of the connection, and secondly, for sealing, so that during operation of the sandblasting device the air supplied by the compressor does not escape outside.
After waiting for the glue to completely harden, you can begin testing the sandblasting machine by first pouring dry sand with a particle size of no more than 0.5 mm into a bottle, and connecting the gun with a hose to a compressor that is able to provide a pressure of 4 MPa (bar).

Step 9. Point the gun tube at the dirt garden path, adjusting the air pressure, and therefore the sand flow, using the handle on the tool. The cleaning efficiency is obvious.

Step 10. Let's try to remove rust from pliers that have been lying somewhere for a long time, exposed to water or humid air. By directing a stream of air mixed with sand at the rusty spots of the tool, we achieve its complete cleaning. After this treatment, the metal surface acquires a noble matte shade.

For information: household air was used as a source of compressed air. air compressor, on the control panel of which there is a knob for adjusting the air flow, a flow meter, fittings for connecting hoses and a pressure gauge indicating the pressure in the system.
As a cleaning agent, along with fine sand, you can use finely crushed walnut shells.

Work safety

Particles of sand or its substitute fly out of the nozzle of a sandblasting device at a speed of tens of meters per second and, when reflected from the surface being cleaned, can damage unprotected parts of the body, especially eyes and hands.
Therefore, when working with a sandblasting machine, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: goggles or a shield, a respirator, gloves, and long sleeves. It is advisable to carry out the work on outdoors or in a room with effective supply and exhaust ventilation.

A sandblaster is an effective piece of equipment that can be useful in many situations. With the help of such a device, characterized by its compact size and light weight, you can clean various surfaces from dirt and old coatings, remove from metal structures traces of scale and pockets of corrosion.

Of course, you can purchase a separate sandblasting machine or take a unit with a compressor, but in conditions of lack of funds it is quite possible to assemble a sandblasting machine yourself

Due to their versatility, sandblasting machines are equally successfully used both on large industrial enterprises both in small repair shops and in everyday life. To become an owner, you can choose one of several ways. The simplest of them is to buy a serial sandblasting machine in a specialized store or on the construction market. This option is simple, but will require serious financial investments from you, since such equipment, manufactured in a production environment, is quite expensive.

There is also the possibility of renting a sandblasting machine from organizations providing similar services. The disadvantage of this option is that long-term rental of this equipment will be very expensive if you need a sandblasting machine on a regular basis.

Very often, to make homemade sandblasting, a regular sandblaster is used. gas cylinder

Air supply unit Sand supply valve-regulator Procedure for making the neck (a thick rubber gasket would not be superfluous)
Nozzle - spark plug insulator inserted into the valve A piece of fittings for easy unscrewing of the neck Connect the compressor - the installation is ready

In the latter case (if you do not want to spend a decent amount of money on purchasing a sandblasting machine), you can make it yourself. To do this, it is not enough just to look at a photo of such equipment or a video of its operation - you will need a drawing or at least detailed diagram sandblasting machine. Naturally, in order to do sandblasting yourself, you should prepare all the necessary structural elements such a device.

How does a sandblasting machine work?

Having taken up the manufacture of a sandblasting machine, you must carefully study the principle of its operation, prepare everything necessary tools and its design elements. A homemade sandblaster, if assembled correctly, is practically in no way inferior to serial equipment in its capabilities. At the same time, make a device that allows you to effectively perform work on cleaning surfaces made of various materials, possible with minimal financial costs.

A homemade sandblasting machine, like a serial one, operates on a principle somewhat reminiscent of the operating principle of a conventional spraying device paint and varnish materials- spray gun. Meanwhile, there are still differences in the operation of such devices, which does not make it possible to replace them with each other.

The main element of any device for sandblasting is a compressor, which is necessary in order to create an air flow with the required pressure in the installation lines. Passing through the main hose past the hose for collecting abrasive material, the air flow creates a vacuum, which causes the abrasive to begin to be sucked into the main line and mixed with the air stream. The already formed flow of working material, consisting of air and abrasive, enters the nozzle, through the hole of which it is supplied under high pressure to the surface being treated.

Thus, for normal operation of a sandblasting machine, its design must include not only a compressor, but also hoses of the required diameter, electrical cables to provide power to the working unit, connecting fittings, taps and dispensers.

In addition to the compressor, the most important element of a sandblasting installation, which largely affects the efficiency of its operation, is the nozzle, which ensures the formation of an abrasive jet with the required characteristics. At home, you can only make a ceramic nozzle, for which you use old spark plugs from which the metal electrode is removed. Serial nozzles, characterized by increased wear resistance, are made of steel coated with boron carbide or tungsten carbide, less often - of ordinary steel, cast iron and ceramics (such products quickly lose their characteristics under constant exposure to abrasive material).

Accessories for a homemade sandblasting installation

To assemble a sandblasting machine with your own hands, as mentioned above, you need to prepare all the components of such a device. Some of them can be found in your garage or home workshop, and some can be purchased at any construction market.

One of the important elements of a sandblasting installation is the container from which the abrasive will be supplied to the system. To make such a container, an old gas cylinder is suitable, which is made of high-quality metal and can withstand even significant mechanical loads (from a gas cylinder, by the way, you can also make a receiver for a compressor, if the latter is not equipped with one).

In order to fill a container for abrasive material, it is necessary to weld a piece of pipe to a metal container, in the upper part of which a special neck, used as a funnel, is fixed for ease of filling.

There is always some gas remaining in an old gas cylinder: watch the video on how to safely disassemble the cylinder.

When making a sandblasting machine on your own, special attention should be paid to the choice of compressor. High-quality and reliable compressor units, which can be suitable for completing such a device, are quite expensive, so if you want to save money on their purchase, you can make a compressor yourself, using inexpensive components.

In particular, to make a mini-compressor, the power of which will be quite sufficient for sandblasting at home, you can use ready-made compressor heads from a brake pneumatic drive cars of the ZIL (130-157) and MAZ brands. Such heads must be equipped with a receiver (it can be made from an old gas cylinder), a drive electric motor, and a frame on which all structural elements will be attached.

To equip a homemade sandblasting unit, the assembly process of which is well demonstrated by numerous videos on the Internet, you will also need:

  • ball valves, which must be highly reliable and durable (which is why it is better to choose such products from trusted manufacturers);
  • reinforced rubber hose (at least 14 mm in diameter) capable of withstanding high pressure and constant exposure to abrasive material;
  • gas hose, through which compressed air will be supplied, not yet mixed with abrasive material (the diameter of such a hose must be at least 10 mm);
  • fittings, which will be used to connect hoses to system elements, as well as collet-type clamps;
  • FUM tape, which is needed to ensure the tightness of the connection of all structural elements of a homemade sandblasting installation operating under high pressure.

Sandblasting machine assembly

Using photo, video and regular assembly instructions homemade apparatus for sandblasting, you will spend significantly less strength and time to manufacture such a device.

The first thing that needs to be done when starting to manufacture a sandblasting machine is to prepare a reservoir from which abrasive material will be supplied to the system. For the manufacture of such a container, as mentioned above, it is optimal gas will do balloon. It is better if it is a cylinder that previously contained freon. At the top of such a cylinder there is a brass part, which should be carefully cut off with a hacksaw. To ensure safety when performing welding work It is necessary to remove the remaining gas from the cylinder, for which you can use a compressor.

In the prepared and cleaned cylinder, two holes must be drilled, one of which (located in the side of the container) will be used to supply abrasive material, and the second (at the bottom of the cylinder) will be used to drain it. Nozzles with threaded ends are welded into the holes drilled in the cylinder for connection with all other elements of the system. When performing such an operation, it is necessary to ensure that the welds are as tight as possible.

Since the sandblasting machine must be mobile, small wheels should be welded to the bottom of the abrasive tank, as well as to the compressor frame. If you want to make the sandblasting process more efficient, the abrasive container can be equipped with a special vibrator, which will minimize the risk of lumps of this material getting into the system.

All sandblasting machines work due to the fact that their design uses a special nozzle, which ensures not only the supply of the abrasive mixture, but also its formation by mixing the abrasive with the air flow. The principle of operation of such a nozzle is that it is simultaneously supplied with air and abrasive material coming from a special container through the supply hose.

That is why the design of such a nozzle should have two fittings, one of which is connected to the compressed air supply hose from the compressor, and to the second - a supply hose from a container with abrasive material. Such a system works only after high pressure air is supplied to it.

Supply of abrasive mixture to the surface being treated in sandblasting machine provides a nozzle, in the inner part of which there is a hole of the appropriate diameter. Conventional nozzles from a washer or spray gun cannot be used as such an element, since they are not designed to work with abrasive materials.

It is best to purchase factory nozzles for such purposes, which are durable because they are made of wear-resistant materials in compliance with all technological requirements. It is almost impossible to make such nozzles at home, since this requires special equipment and qualified personnel.

Once all the structural elements of the future sandblasting installation have been prepared, you can begin its assembly, which consists of the following steps.

  • The hose from the compressor and the hose through which the abrasive material flows are connected to the fittings of the sandblasting unit nozzle. Inside such a nozzle, these components are mixed, resulting in the formation of an abrasive mixture used for processing.
  • To adjust the flow parameters of the abrasive mixture, taps and dispensers are included in the sandblasting system.

In order for all connections in the system to be highly leak-tight, they must be made using FUM tape.

To get a more clear idea of ​​how to assemble a sandblasting machine on your own, you can study this process using photos or videos that are easy to find on the Internet.

Problems associated with the use of a homemade sandblasting machine can only be caused by the fact that its configuration and assembly were carried out incorrectly. If you choose the right elements to equip such a device and take its assembly seriously, then it works no worse than serial devices.

Self-made sandblasting units can be additionally equipped with an air recirculation system, which can significantly increase the efficiency of their use. With the help of such devices, you can perform better processing even at home.

When starting to assemble a homemade sandblasting machine, you should keep in mind that the main elements that influence its performance are the compressor and the nozzle. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the search for these system elements.

The choice of compressor to complete a sandblasting machine is influenced by a number of factors, the main of which is the type of material being processed. Selecting a nozzle that will be equipped with a self-made sandblasting machine, depends on the type of both the material being processed and the abrasive used.

Naturally, self-made devices designed for sandblasting, in their own way technical specifications inferior to serial models, although they allow such processing to be carried out efficiently and quickly.

Thus, if similar device If you need it to perform regular intensive work, it is better not to save money and purchase serial equipment that will fully comply with all the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

Air-sand jet treatment is used in many areas of technology. The principle is that an air jet with sand flies out of the gun at very high speed. Sand is an excellent abrasive, which, when it hits the surface hard, changes it. To carry out this process, a sandblasting machine is required. The device can be used for grinding, removing paintwork, and tuning a car.

Using this method, you can engrave, degrease the part, and make the glass matte. Sandblasting technology You can make any hole in the glass. You can go the thorny and more classic route - use sandpaper. But then it will take a lot of time. And with the help of sandblasting equipment, many jobs can be completed in a matter of minutes. The device can be purchased at any hardware store, you can make it yourself in a home workshop. For a skilled person this will not be difficult and will not take a lot of time. And the savings will be obvious.

Equipment and materials

How to make homemade sandblasting at home? The process will require the use of a number of parts and devices. And this does not depend on its type or design. Here are the most basic and frequently encountered items:

  • metal tubes,
  • spray gun,
  • hoses for sandblasting machine,
  • receiver compressor,
  • plumbing fittings,
  • plastic bottle,
  • nozzle,
  • ball valve

Almost everything from this list can be found in household. You only need to buy a simple compressor. It is not expensive and will not affect the cost of the product. The device must be equipped with a receiver: it provides a uniform air flow with a constant amount of pressure created. This is very important point— the nature of the unit’s operation will depend on it. It is advisable to purchase a factory nozzle as it is very difficult to make it yourself. Homemade ones quickly fail and are ineffective.

Types of sandblasting machines

The layout and type of the device determine the principle of its assembly and design. If its functionality includes processing of glass surfaces, a sandblasting chamber will be required. Its dimensions are tied to the dimensions and geometric shape of the object being processed. If you need to sandblast surfaces for painting or priming, you need a unit open view with a separate room. The frequency of use of this device is of great importance. If you work a lot and often, then you should pay due attention to the power indicators of your invention - it must be large!

Sandblasting work at home can be:

  1. Engineering type. In this design, air and abrasive move separately, along different sleeves. And already at the tip they mix. This design is simple, but the parts being processed themselves must be small. After all, the force of the air jet with sand is much less than the standard one.
  2. Pressure type. With this type, air ends up in the installation and in the abrasive dispenser. Compressed air and sand form a jet that flies out of the nozzle. The nozzle gives direction to the flow. Its power and strength are great; in a short time you can process a large surface.

Creation of a basic sandblasting machine

A primitive sandblasting gun is easy to construct. There is also a design version in the form of a handle with two fittings and a nozzle. Air flow flows through the first of the fittings, and abrasive material is drawn in through pressure through the other. The tip through which the mixture flow passes should preferably be made of boron or tungsten carbide. Tips made of this material are resistant to abrasion and can be used for two shifts in a row. And expensive ones: ceramic or cast iron will lose their qualities much faster from a strong flow of sand.

The pistol body, to which the handle with fittings is connected, is made to match the parameters of the tip. The plastic bottle is fixed on top. It is necessary as a container for abrasive material. After all assembly operations, the gun is connected to our compressor - a source of compressed air flow.

The principle of operation of this technique is simple - the air flow goes into a plastic bottle and is directed to the tee. Mixed with the abrasive, the air is pushed into the upper compartment of the tee. It is quite possible to install a faucet that can regulate the abrasive flow with the air mass. This design can be assembled in one hundred minutes.

Sandblasting chamber

It is necessary for processing compact products and workpieces; it is a container or cube that you can actually build yourself or buy. To do it yourself, you will need metal corners, a steel plate more than a millimeter thick, and welding equipment. For increased comfort, you can use a stand. The container (chamber) must have a glass window to monitor the procedure. It is more advantageous to place it at the top. The process involves operations with the workpiece. To do this, it is important to make a pair in the façade wall along the entire length of the device. round holes. They are needed for threading rubber gloves into them. They will require increased strength - otherwise they will have to be changed frequently.

The glass will also be subject to wear and tear and a replacement kit must be purchased in advance. A wire grid is installed at the bottom of the container, and a groove is welded below. The used sand will be poured along it into the prepared container. The gun is placed in the chamber, and the air flow passes through an opening in the chamber body.

The sand suction hose is placed in a container filled with it. Sandblasting chamber can be equipped with lighting and ventilation. The workpiece is placed into the chamber through a small door that can be made anywhere. You can also cut small holes for working with large workpieces. These holes should be covered with a tarp.

Sandblasting unit from a fire extinguisher

This is a very original and smart solution. All you need is the body of the item itself. An iron tube with threaded ends is inserted into it. There are two holes in the body of the former fire extinguisher - at the top and bottom. Air flow will flow through the tube into the housing. A groove is drilled at one end to suck in the abrasive. The individual components of our device can be connected by welding. A nozzle is screwed onto the lower end of the tube, and the upper end is connected to the compressor hose.

The abrasive poured into the body of the device penetrates through a groove in the iron tube into its lower part. The air pressure from the compressor forces the sand to rush out of the tip of the manufactured apparatus in a strong stream. You can make the body of the device not only from a fire extinguisher. A gas cylinder or other similar device will do.

Abrasive material

Conventional sand is not designed for sandblasting - it has different sizes grains of sand and many impurities. This fact will quickly put the device out of working order. And the surface being treated may suffer. For high-quality work, it is best to buy sandblasting materials at a hardware store; they are not expensive. The price is acceptable even in a crisis. Many people take regular river sand, but before using it, they first pass it through a fine sieve.

The operation of a sandblasting machine of any design must be guided by certain principles and rules:

  1. Wear parts must be replaceable.
  2. The nozzle should not be very narrow. The minimum diameter is 3 millimeters. How more powerful unit- the larger its diameter.
  3. Work only outdoors or in a workshop. The process is accompanied by heavy dust.
  4. Take care of your health, use glasses and a respirator.

Understanding the principle of operation of the device and having engineering savvy, you can make a device from many items. Perhaps your original sandblasting device will become a new “word” in this technology for processing various parts.