Well      03/07/2020

Layouts of a guest house with a frame-panel bathhouse. Projects of guest houses with a bathhouse. Prices for guest house bathhouse

Excellent house sauna made of timber Full construction inexpensively considered one of the most versatile buildings offered by SK Domostroy companies. The design of such a building can be different, but its main feature is that it combines the opportunity to take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse and the comfort of a country house.

Advantages of purchasing a turnkey log bathhouse guest house project

This is one of the most unique offers that exist on the construction market today. SK Domostroy sells projects of bathhouses made of profiled timber, which can also become guest houses. Moreover, the price for such construction will not exceed the cost of a regular bathhouse.

Projects of such baths represent a full-fledged two-storey house. The bathhouse itself is located on the ground floor. A steam room with a stove, a dressing room, a washing room - all following the classic traditions of Russian baths.

On the second floor of the house there is a first-class recreation room, which can be used as a living room or a guest bedroom for guests. Thus, clients of SK Domostroy can buy not only an excellent bathhouse, but also extra bed for receiving guests.

IN last years Bathhouses made of timber have become popular. Quite quickly, people appreciated the practicality and convenience of this design. Moscow has been built up with similar housing options for ten years. The main fans of houses made of timber are summer residents and lovers of country life. This is truly a small-sized housing, having only usable space. Such an object is no longer an auxiliary structure. It can fully be considered the main building on your plot of land. The main advantage is the low price compared to brick.

The device requires special knowledge. It is more advisable to entrust the installation complex design construction company. Mir Ban is one of the leading companies in construction and installation work. We will make your dreams come true! We will build a bathhouse according to individual dimensions.

The basic operating principle of the Mir Ban company

Thanks to the work of our craftsmen, we create comfort and coziness. When preparing the project, we take into account: lifestyle, wishes. We value individuality, which is why we like to build non-typical bathhouses. The main material in our work is timber. Photos of our projects scattered all over the Internet. Lovers of country life prefer timber in construction. Over the years of work, we have been able to hone every action at all stages of construction, so we create an object within two months. After this period, you can begin interior decoration, which we complete over several months. At the same time, we take into account all the details and discuss all points of interest to the customer.

To have a bathhouse that will serve you for decades. Call us now. Soon guest bath will delight you with beautiful interiors.

A guest house-bathhouse is a real outlet for those who live and work in the city. A holiday in such a building, for example, near the capital, costs fabulous money, but many are willing to pay it. Because a weekend with friendly company, light steam and wonderful conditions is much more pleasant than even a flight to the hot islands. And this wonderful building can be erected with your own hands, on any site! And therefore, for Russian craftsmen, who rarely fail at anything, taking on such construction is a sheer pleasure. And now we’ll tell you what and how.

Bath house: a tribute to fashion or practicality?

A bath house for guests is not just a residential building in which a steam room is built somewhere, and everything else - the decoration, layout, design of the premises - is no different from an ordinary dacha. No: a bathhouse-guest house is a structure with one concept of style and architecture, where the organizing and semantic center is the steam room, and everything around adapts to it and its special mode of operation. Including interior design.

But let's immediately define the concepts. Thus, a guest bathhouse differs from a regular bathhouse with a relaxation room in that you can even live in this one. There is:

  • kitchenette;
  • full bathroom;
  • separate bedroom;
  • well-established water supply and wastewater disposal system;
  • constant and maintaining optimal temperature.

You can come here with guests and stay for the whole weekend, or live at least two summer months like in a country house. But from full guest house with a sauna built somewhere there, this option has the following important points:

  • a bathhouse with a washing room, a font and a dressing room is the starting point for the entire project;
  • all this stuff takes up more than half of the entire living space, and not an unnecessary “corner”;
  • All materials for construction and finishing are selected exclusively environmentally friendly, because... The sauna-house is intended, first of all, to heal the body and spirit.

Thus, the guest bathhouse-house is not used constantly, but periodically - as a “visit”, and therefore it is very important to think about how it will be heated in the absence of the owners, and how to prevent such unpleasant situations as burst pipes.

Subtleties of design and layout

So, what are modern guest bathhouses like? In most cases, they are built from environmentally friendly timber and have two floors. Communications and amenities should be there, but at a minimum: shower, bathroom, kitchenette and hallway, and as little as possible is allocated for all of this square meters. As the designers say, as long as it is there, but not distracting. But the rest of the area is divided approximately in the following proportion: 50% for the steam room, swimming pool, plunge pool, shower room and dressing room, and 50% for the guest bedroom and spacious lounge. And everything is finished in the same intended style.

When planning the interior space of a guest bath house, strictly follow all building codes, rules and recommendations experienced builders. The most important thing is to make such a bathhouse completely fireproof and protect the rest room furniture from excess steam and moisture. Therefore, no matter how much you would like to save a couple of valuable square meters on the dressing room, do not do this: there must be a vestibule between the steam room and the exit to the living area.

And finally, do not give in to the persuasion of your friends to do something non-standard in such a building against building regulations, because “So and so has this, and everything is fine, no one got burned.” Remember: first of all, you are building a steam room, and only secondly - a residential house.

And you can read in more detail about all the subtle nuances of electrical installation, steam and waterproofing of Russian baths on our website in the same section. Now let's look in more detail at how to build different guest bath houses: both expensive and fashionable, and compact and cozy.

Project #1 - modest but tasteful

In a guest house with a bathhouse, it is customary to arrange a separate full bathroom, with hot and cold water. And to do this, you can immerse a special pump with a filter in a pre-dug well, install a boiler or storage water heater. Place the heater itself directly in the washing room, and from there take the pipes to the toilet and kitchen part of the house.

Yes, on your own Construction Materials you will have to spend a lot. But we will reveal secrets 5 different options construction of a guest house-bath: starting from a budget frame, which you can build yourself in one vacation, and ending with a “manorial” house on two floors, with a swimming pool and a veranda.

Other projects of bathhouses with a veranda can be seen in the article

Here, for example, is an excellent project and its implementation:

Project #2 - for those who love a luxurious vacation

The ideal option for a guest house-bathhouse for a small family, where guests will periodically visit, is 6x6 m in area and residential attic. Frame technology- Inexpensive and anyone can do it. It does not require any additional equipment or crew; such a bathhouse can be built slowly and independently. At the same time, checking each stage personally, being sure that everything was done conscientiously and no one stole anything, which is why then nothing will “accidentally” break or rot.

If you want to look at the most beautiful baths world, we advise you to read the article

Build such a steam room using the “Platform” technology. Its essence is that even walls that have not yet been sheathed will not wobble, because:

  1. In each external wall two jibs are cut in opposite directions.
  2. The outer walls are firmly connected to the inner ones, and on top they are tied with a second board of the top trim to each other. It is the second board that gives the desired result.
  3. The entire frame is nailed from below to a common solid floor platform, and is also connected at the top by a solid platform of the upper floor.

This technology is also good because immediately after the walls are built, you can finish them: no shrinkage or caulking is needed, as in the case of log houses. More details about this project:

  • Even a shallow strip foundation is suitable for such a building. Be sure to make an additional transverse strip between the washing room and the steam room. Equip a small technical basement inside the foundation: here you can bring water in and out, place filters, a hydraulic accumulator and other communications.
  • External racks frame walls make it 150 mm wide, and interior walls– 100 mm.
  • Insulate the ceiling, floor and walls of the attic in such a bathhouse with basalt slabs, preferably Rockwool Light Butts, and the internal walls with the ceiling of the first floor - Rockwool Sound Butts, which also provide good sound insulation.
  • In this project, the floor of the entire first floor is laid with practical porcelain stoneware, and the roof is covered with Finnish flexible tiles. As for the decoration of such a house, lining is traditionally suitable for the interior, and a blockhouse is suitable for the exterior.
  • The most convenient staircase for a bathhouse is a rotating staircase with winder steps. Divide the attic into at least two separate rooms - at least a hall and a guest bedroom.
  • The dimensions of the steam room in this project are 2x2.7 and the ceiling height is 2.55 m. The total volume in the end is 13.8 cubic meters.
  • For a winter bathhouse, it is important that the floors are warm. To do this, place underfloor heating mats with temperature control. Moreover, preferably with remote control - after all, people do not come to the guest house every week. So, in your absence, the floor temperature should be set to 5°C, and for weekends with friends – up to +20°C.
  • Install convectors on the second floor. Place all temperature controllers in a separate vestibule block near the electrical panel. Then install a device for remote on-off switching there. This way you will have peace of mind about your bath house even if you are away for a long time.

The result: a fairly rigid frame structure, which is what is needed for a guest house-bath.

Project #3 - a great holiday (emphasis on the exterior)

This is the point that is usually the least known. How to decorate a bathhouse-guest house? It's clear which is better modern siding. More decor? Why... The end result is a building that is quite cozy and comfortable from the inside, but which on the outside still looks ridiculous and cheap. And you won’t always have the desire to come to such a place - after all, we love it when everything pleases our eyes.

But it’s enough just to see similar projects in glossy magazines, and it becomes clear: the ready-made bath houses from advertising look amazing and are so attractive because they have a well-thought-out exterior: the external design of the bathhouse and the space surrounding it. And this: a beautifully decorated pond in front of the steam room, stylized garden furniture, good selection exterior finishing buildings and decorated elements and successful lighting design.

Even without any special investments, you can significantly change the area on which your bathhouse stands: lay out “rural” stone paths using a stencil, plan a couple of benches from driftwood and varnish them, install Garden swing, hang stylized lanterns, dig a shallow pond (using a ready-made bowl), plant conifers perennial shrubs. And the bath house itself should not be decorated with a bright cheap façade of a poisonous color, which only looks at least somehow in the catalogue, and not with “torn” brick pieces (which is a fashion that has long since passed), but at least give it the appearance of a real Russian steam room: with siding with high-quality timber, carved elements and a corresponding weathervane. Place the same barbecue on the attached terrace and a huge barrel of water.

This is a guest bathhouse-house - where it’s good to relax and you can feel the real Russian spirit in everything! Take a look at this project, for example:

Project #4 - bath house with a residential attic

Often a bathhouse is also built as a guest house with only a residential attic. What to do if the planned budget is not enough for a larger area and extensions. But it doesn’t matter: the main thing is to organize the space correctly, and not only a summer bedroom can be on the attic floor.

First, immediately divide this room into two separate zones. Therefore, even at the construction stage, “raise” the second part of the attic with a podium in three steps - this is both impressive and practical. Make the same steps in the middle, and built-in ones to the right and left of them drawers. In them you can store bed linen, dishes, and everything else you need. There will no longer be a need for cabinets or bulky chests of drawers, and the attic itself will become visually much larger.

Next, organize a recreation area on the raised part: there may be cushioned furniture, sofas, night lights, toys. In order to cover this area, use ordinary Japanese screens or install sliding panels, which are now in fashion.

The second part can be reserved for communication with guests: a billiard room is set up here, a plasma TV is mounted on a bracket, and a minibar is installed. Do not place bulky furniture - only small poufs or soft frameless chairs will do, or even just throw blankets on the floor, because on weekends it will always be warm due to the fact that there is a steam room underneath it.

You can see in detail how such a bathhouse is built in our photo instructions:

Project #5 - modern style is everything

In a guest bath house, the entire interior design is a single concept. Even the bedroom, not to mention the rest room or dressing room, should have a similar finish and style as everything else. The most suitable materials for this purpose are lining made of natural wood, wooden floors and soft textiles.

A recreation room in such a building is intended primarily for spending time with family and friends, and therefore its main attributes are a large massive table, a huge plasma TV, a predator skin on the wall, rough wooden shelves and upholstered furniture.

There can also be a kitchen in such a house, but then a minimum of space is allocated for it, and it is enough to install only a couple of modular elements. But there should not be such premises as a library, a children's room, a spacious bathroom or a dressing room.

You can take a closer look at the process of building such a bath here:

If you wish, you can separately place a billiard room, a swimming pool, a gym and a “Japanese” attic in the bathhouse-house, where there is no furniture, and aromatic herbal teas are drunk directly on the rug in the middle of the floor.

Yes, and one more thing: when building a guest house-bathhouse, immediately think about where you and your friends can leave their cars overnight. This could be a separate spacious garage, or it would be better to allocate a good-quality basement for this purpose under the bathhouse itself. After all, it is usually only after the completion of a large-scale and expensive construction project that many new owners begin to remember this important aspect. And they grab their heads.

Listen to our advice, experiment, plan – and your dream will become a fashionable reality!

How wonderful it is to gather all your family and friends at home. But it can be a problem how to accommodate everyone and so that no one is left deprived.

Then the project guest house with bathhouse great option. You can view them and choose the option that suits you best. Well, if you haven’t found it, then our designers really work wonders. From the smallest and most cozy buildings to truly majestic houses.

Many problems, one solution

Firm DomaSV has many years of experience in the construction of baths and we understand many of the nuances. Perhaps you have a desire to install a bathhouse, but you also like to receive guests. But you don’t want to turn your site into a densely built-up area, then the solution is obvious, construction of a guest house baths will easily solve this problem.

Such a project has many advantages, such as:

  • You will have a great bathhouse and a wonderful home
  • Your guests can relax peacefully and no one will disturb them
  • Remarkable space and cost saving

And believe me, your loved ones will have a great time visiting you.

Right choice

Projects of houses with a bathhouse under one roof This perfect solution and many have already understood its benefits. Every year the number of orders for their execution is only growing and the demand is increasing. And no wonder, having your own home and even a bathhouse far from the city is an excellent vacation for the whole family. Well, if this is also for the price of just one building, then their popularity becomes clear.

After all, if we take everything apart step by step, we will see that construction of a turnkey sauna house price much more profitable than each building separately:

  1. The savings on materials are quite significant.
  2. Less labor hours are spent.
  3. Advantageous space saving.
  4. All communications need to be brought into one place, and this is really not a small expense.

By ordering a project from DomaSV, you can be confident in the quality of our work. Hundreds of people who have been living in the houses we built for many years and those who literally moved in yesterday. They leave only positive reviews about our company. Among them there are those who ordered house bathhouses made of timber turnkey projects for yourself. And they were all satisfied.

How we are working.

One call and our specialist will come to your site, take all the necessary measurements and then, based on your wishes, we will offer you a project or create a unique one just for you. With our experience, no matter what you have in mind, everything will be in perfect harmony.

After your approval, a detailed estimate is calculated which you can familiarize yourself with. It is quite transparent and clear.

Well, all you have to do is accept the object and there will be no delays or hidden surcharges. We are also engaged in the construction of combined bath houses, projects of which will soon be added to our website.

Well, in conclusion we want to say. Those who chose guest house with bathhouse projects from the company DomaSV They have been having a great time outside the city for a long time. And they will not have problems with the house for many years to come.

In addition to a residential cottage, a guest house is often built on the site, if its area allows. It can be as simple as possible with a living room and a terrace. But options with a separate sauna are more popular. It can be equipped not only with a recreation room or billiard room, but also with a bedroom, or even more than one. The design of a guest house with a bathhouse is selected taking into account the nuances of its operation. Please note that designers recommend making the façade in the same style as the cottage built next to it.

Features of the guest bath house project

The guest house is not usually used for permanent residence, therefore, when designing it, the architect takes into account that it must warm up quickly in the event of an unexpected arrival of guests and retain heat well for a long time. If it is combined with a sauna, then additional vapor barrier is required for this room. This helps prevent dampness from occurring in adjacent rooms. Fire safety rules are also taken into account.

Typical projects for a guest house with a bathhouse are: small houses area from 53 m2. When choosing a suitable layout, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • frame walls are considered one of the most energy efficient, this material is environmentally friendly and affordable;
  • You can save useful space by reducing the size of the stairs leading to the second floor;
  • It’s convenient if the house has at least a small kitchen, where guests can cook or heat food at any time without distracting the owners;
  • in addition to the steam room, it is worth highlighting a separate room where there will be a large bathroom or jacuzzi, this is a pleasant relaxation after the sauna;
  • A terrace is a must; here you can install furniture and relax in the summer in the company of noisy friends or admire a romantic sunset in the fall.

You can select a ready-made guest house project with a bathhouse using our catalog. There are many layout options available here, from small cozy houses before two-story cottages, which at proper insulation Can be used for year-round use. And those who want to receive exclusive solution, we recommend ordering individual design. In terms of price, the project plan will be a little more expensive, but the architect will be able to take into account all the client’s wishes regarding the location, size and purpose of each room.