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Why does the oven smoke: possible causes and their elimination. From what and why the stove smokes - we find out the reasons, we are looking for solutions on what to do

Smoke from the stove - establishing the causes

Despite centralized heating and widespread gasification, heating furnaces have not gone out of the everyday life of modern man. For many, dachas are heated in this way, progress in the form of a gas pipeline has not yet reached others, but others simply like to have a stove in the house, because the living warmth of the hearth has always created a comfortable atmosphere in the house.

It doesn’t matter for what reasons the owner drowns the stove in the old fashioned way, but if the stove smokes, then this is already a problem, and in order to eliminate it, it is necessary first of all to understand the causes of smoke.

So, initially you need to determine why the stove smokes and at what exact moments the smoke begins to partially or completely exit through the door. What is the weather like outside, cold or warm, windy or quiet, all these factors are of no small importance. Next, you should inspect the chimney for soot fouling, mechanical damage or blockage of the knee. You also need to inspect the blower. It would not hurt to go up to the roof and inspect the pipe riser for cracks.

Having made a major inspection of the furnace heating system, we can conclude about the reasons for the decrease in traction and smoke in the room. After all, in order to solve the problem, you must first determine why the stove is smoking, and only then take up repairs. Let's look at it separately below. different reasons poor traction and solutions.

External smoke factors

In order for the stove not to smoke, it is necessary that the chimney exit immediately from the firebox, without additional channels.

The causes of smoke from the door and blower can be absolutely simple. For example, over the roof has grown garden tree, it prevents the free outflow of air, and also reflects gusts of wind into the pipe, which creates a reverse draft and, accordingly, smoke exhausts inside. This problem can be solved by simply cutting the branches and freeing up free space in the radius of the pipe exit.

But it happens that the reason is not at all an external barrier to the free circulation of air flows, and if the stove starts to smoke in windy weather, then perhaps chimney located much lower than the ridge of the roof, due to which the air currents creeping along the roof sheet again prevent free air exchange. In this case, the pipe must be increased and the problem will be eliminated.

If the oven smokes damp and rainy weather, there could be several reasons for this. Each chimney is laid out individually depending on the height of the building of the house. Some smoke passages are quite long and intricately curved, with multiple elbows and a high riser. Other systems for removing carbon monoxide and smoke are simpler and work almost "directly". In such cases, a possible cause of poor circulation may be snow and rain entering the chimney, which causes dampness, and the passing smoke quickly cools, condenses and can create an air lock. In this case, a cap or umbrella is mounted above the pipe head. They differ from each other in the degree of shelter of the pipe. The umbrella is made of tin or metal and rises at a distance, protecting from rain and moisture. And the cap completely covers the chimney and is part of the brickwork, has side openings for the removal of gases and is mounted mainly to protect against bad weather and strong winds.

Causes of smoke due to burning and cleaning

Breakdown is one of the reasons for the smoke of the furnace, due to a violation of sealing.

Problems with the removal of gases and smoke may be of a different nature, independent of weather conditions. It happens that the stove smokes because of bad care and oversight. For example, a blower clogged with ash ceases to fulfill its function of providing and controlling traction force, which naturally affects the intensity of the fire and the removal of combustion products. If firewood, coal or peat have a poor oxygen supply during combustion, then an intense formation of smoke occurs, which simply does not find any other way out, except for all available slots. It is known that combustion products are heavier than air, and aeration of oxygen directs them outgoing flow. If the access of oxygen is limited, then the clouds of smoke will creep and enter the room.

Another reason that the stove smokes can be the fouling of the chimney with soot and burning, up to the complete blocking of the passage. To eliminate this problem, you need to clean the furnace, pipe and all moves. Specialized hardware stores today sell chimney cleaners. It is extremely simple to use them, it is enough to burn the purchased product in the oven and in the process of burning, the chemical elements will dry up the greasy soot and fumes, and burn out all the accumulated soot until completely shedding. But not always similar way cleaning gives a 100% result, and the stove smokes as before.

You can clean the smoke exhaust system the old fashioned way, mechanically. To do this, use various special metal brushes or old, obsolete brushes. A metal wire bent at the end is also used to clean the knee bends. The pipe itself is cleaned from the roof by lowering plumb lines or brushes.

The most common problems and their solutions

Another simple reason why the stove smokes during kindling may be the formation of an air cushion due to weather conditions, or due to prolonged downtime. It is easy to identify this problem. You need to light a match or a piece of wood in the firebox and see if the smoke goes away. If the smoke spreads or the fire goes out, then an air cushion may have formed in the pipe due to a decrease in atmospheric pressure or the occurrence of reverse draft when the temperature in the house is lower than outside. In this case, preheating the chimney will help. To do this, with the blower closed and the firebox door open, ordinary newsprint is burned inside. Five minutes of intense burning of a light material is enough to break through an air lock.

If, despite all efforts to preheat and clean the blower, the stove still smokes, then you need to climb to the roof and inspect the masonry. In most cases, from time and exposure environment plaster crumbles, the integrity of the brickwork is destroyed and cracks are formed through which air exchange occurs and the intensity of traction is disturbed. Moreover, this problem is fire hazard, since the wisps of smoke from the cracks carry sparks and can create a fire.

This problem is eliminated by covering the cracks formed with clay mortar and plastering outside and, if possible, inside the chimney. The solution is prepared with an average consistency, because too much clay will give new cracks when it dries, and a solution that is poor in content will simply crumble and crumble.

brick falling out

If the stove is cleaned, plastered, preheated, but still smoking, then you do not need to immediately call the stove. You can try to make a more detailed inspection and still determine the cause of smoke. Quite often, the cause can be a banal loss of a piece of brick from the masonry. This can create a problem when a brick falls into hard to reach place and it may be necessary to partially disassemble the chimney to get it out.

Armed with a flashlight, as far as possible, you should inspect the stove as carefully as possible in all corners. You can stick a mirror attached to the wire into the smoke passage in order to carefully look at the rising riser. Also, a curved wire is pushed through all available passages and thus clogging is determined. If you manage to find a moving object, then perhaps this is the problem and you can try to pick up a piece and push it out.

If all else fails and the stove is still smoking, then you can not do without the help of a knowledgeable stove-maker. Such a specialist is able to determine the cause of the smoke by the intensity of the draft, or by tapping to find a place in the masonry from where the ill-fated brick fell out, disassemble part of the furnace, remove the problem and fix everything.

Since ancient times, a stove has helped a person to heat a house and cook food. For example, the wigwam of the Indians of America included in its design a hole for smoke from a fire to escape. So housing of this type can be considered the beginning of a tradition. When the brick house was built, it became its obligatory attribute. Cooking on the oven is very delicious dishes. National cuisine often includes such recipes, and today the owners of the cottage harvest firewood, do not throw away dry branches - they use all possible resources of the earth, heat the house with their firewood.

Tradition, comfort, source of soot

Whether it is stone or iron, the stove is very comfortable. She creates an incredible atmosphere. How can there be a bath without it? Bath is not conceivable without a stove. What else will shape the climate here - dry the air, fill it with steam?

The bathhouse in all its diversity exists only due to the fact that once a person decided to build a stove, he was tired of admiring the fire. It has long been part of Russian folk traditions and is very popular in the 21st century due to its positive effect on health. Bath is an important part healthy lifestyle life. But what if the iron or stone oven breaks down?

When there is something wrong with the stove

If, instead of warmth and pleasant emotions, the stove for some reason began to smoke, cause discomfort, then something is wrong. It is clear that this should not be the case. Even if the room still breathes comfortably, this is just kindling, acrid smoke does not get into in large numbers inside, appearance designs will certainly spoil the soot. Opening the window door won't help.

It doesn’t matter if the stove smokes in the bath, the stove smokes in the country or the stove smokes in the kitchen, whether it is iron or stone - it’s time to act and act decisively. If the stove smokes in the bathhouse, for example, all the clients will run away. What kind of kindling and regular cleaning? This cannot be allowed. Soot and bath are also incompatible concepts. Even a small amount of smoke entering the room is an alarming signal.

To fix the problem, you need to know the reasons, figure out what is wrong here, why this is happening. If the business is at risk, it is certainly worth calling a specialist. When it comes to housing, a lot is up to the owner and it is easy to deal with the problem on their own. Knowing the causes of smoke, it is easier to objectively evaluate all the pros and cons, or take the risk of doing the work yourself, or trust professionals.

There are many reasons why the stove smokes. They all come down to one thing - no traction. In some situation, it is necessary to rebuild the stove, in another it is necessary to redo one element, and sometimes it is enough to warm it up well and the work will improve.

All stoves can be divided into new and long-running ones. Service life matters, because the reasons for smoking here will be different. IN new oven there is probably a defect. In the old and proven one, most likely, something has fallen into disrepair.

When the oven served for a long time and suddenly began to smoke

The most common cause of smoke in long-running furnaces is lack of draft or reverse draft. The first thing to do in this situation is to bring a match or a burning sheet of paper to the open furnace door. Smoke should be drawn out through this pipe to the street. If the fire does not pull into the chimney or back into the room, it simply froze, which means there is no draft.

  1. There is no traction. Why might she be missing? Probably a clogged chimney. Soot, pebbles - anything can interfere. It needs to be cleaned. It is really possible to do it yourself if you can climb onto the roof. Once upon a time, the owners themselves coped with the stoves, there was no such person - the master of stoves. The main thing is to avoid accidents and not damage the structure with excessive efforts. Possible sources of problems with the pipe are ash, cobwebs, litter and soot. They will inevitably collapse inside the stove, so you need to close the doors before climbing onto the roof and cleaning the chimney.
  2. Reverse thrust. In a situation where the fire of a lit match tends back into the room, and does not drag it into air vent, we are talking about reverse thrust. Cold air in the ventilation interferes with the normal circulation of smoke, becomes an obstacle, no worse than a brick. Opening the door will not fix the situation. To get rid of an air plug, you need to light the paper while cleaning and wait until the warm smoke pushes this plug out. Timed kindling is the best option.
  3. There is draft in the pipe, but there is no draft in the furnace. In this situation, it is necessary to carefully examine the channels leading from the furnace to the pipe. They either clogged and it's time to remove the ashes and rubbish, or they are damaged and reconstruction, replacement is urgent.
  4. The fire is weak, not orange, but red and smoke goes into the room. Again, the channels and the pipe are clogged, alas, most likely with very strong combustion products from damp firewood. One of the reasons why you should use only properly prepared firewood is the possible global destruction. If you burn the stove again, all the channels, clean them, the situation may improve. But when the burning did not help, you need to call the master. The furnace is probably damaged and will have to be rebuilt.
  5. The oven smokes when kindling. What to do if the stove smokes when kindling? High probability of design defect. Sometimes a pipe with a too small diameter or a first channel located too low becomes a source of trouble. You need to call a specialist. Kindling should not be accompanied by smoke, cause negative emotions.
  6. The stove starts to smoke when there is a strong wind outside. In this case, most likely, you will have to redo the pipe. It needs to be made higher.

Smokes a stove that was recently built

  1. If a brand new stove smokes. What to do with a new design that refuses to function? Of course, you should not be upset ahead of time. Not necessarily something is wrong. To accurately determine the causes, it is necessary to heat it for half an hour, then inspect the inside of all doors - if there is condensation on them, the stove has not dried out completely.
  2. The new stove has dried out completely and smokes. If it took enough time for the structure to dry, but it still smokes, the reasons are defects and it is better not to risk it - call a specialist to detect miscalculations.

When a new stove does not work well, you need to call a stove-maker from Gorgaz. He will draw up an act, write a conclusion, which will become a weighty argument - something like “smoking stove: reasons ...”. Only if this certificate is available, it is possible to talk about the failure of the company that built such a furnace to fulfill its obligations. Possible consequences incompetence and inattentive attitude are too serious here.

It is possible to bring an unscrupulous businessman to justice. This will help the Code of Administrative Offenses. If you want to make the stove yourself, as beautiful as in the photo, you should remember that the law does not prohibit this, but the chimney must be legalized.

Why is the stove smoking? Possible causes are looked for by everyone who has a heat source with a rich history at their disposal. Most modern citizens consider the oven a relic of the past, an absolutely uncomplicated object. In fact, this is a rather complex engineering structure. It happens that during operation the room is suddenly filled with volatile combustion products, and the sections of the furnace become black from soot.

If there was smoke

Practice shows that the "old woman" is still popular today. So the question is relevant. Potbelly stoves and other "heat depots" made of metal are in demand. They consist of a firebox and a chimney. It would seem to be simple. But why does the iron stove smoke? Possible reasons: narrowing of the chimney due to soot deposits, leaky door. have internal smoke channels that help to retain heat longer.

Part of the precedents that violate the course of the ancient process is the concern of professional stove-makers and chimney sweeps. However, there are such problems that the owner himself is able to determine.

So, everything was fine, and suddenly (and possibly in another place) it began to smoke. This should alert every sane owner: perhaps a depressurization has occurred, which is fraught not only with an increased waste of firewood or coal, but also with a fire.

Prevention is important

We repeat: to identify and eliminate the causes of smoke caused by a house, country or bath stove, you can use the services of professionals, but why not delve into the topic yourself if experienced craftsmen not nearby? Be that as it may, the owner of the furnace must remember: the problem is easier to prevent than to fix.

In order not to puzzle too often why the stove smokes, possible reasons must be nipped in the bud. Check at least once a year brickwork, clean the chimney. It is believed that the most suitable time for this is early autumn: it is still warm, there is no need to rush, if preventive actions are not carried out carefully enough, you can repeat the process, correct the shortcomings.

It happens that the owners are distracted by other tasks and postpone the inspection and cleaning until later. Or they bought a house with a hearth in a deplorable state. What to do in such cases? Increase attention to an important object! If you feel that at a stable temperature "overboard" you do not have enough of the usual daily amount of firewood (peat briquettes, coal), this is a signal for decisive repair actions.

Soot removers

Often people are interested in: why smokes. Possible causes are removable? When smoke appears from this massive object (as well as from any other "fire queen"), the first thing to do is check the draft. It is unacceptable that it be bad or absent. The ventilation effect, which is formed due to the temperature difference outside and inside the pipe, is something without which there is not and cannot be any “white” furnace. "Black" - pipeless, the oldest, they say, more hygienic, fungi die in it, but it is unlikely that a modern person is ready to wash or live in a "grimy" smoky room.

Over time, the walls of the smoke exhaust tunnel are covered with a layer of soot. It is believed that even a build-up of only three millimeters significantly reduces the heat transfer of the furnace. There are devices for removing soot. You can borrow it from your neighbors or make your own. Option 1: take a nylon washcloth from a thick thread, put it with a stone weight in an old string bag (strong mesh), pass the rope through the handles. And for cleaning!

The sequence of manipulations

Option 2: cut the steel wire into pieces commensurate with the dimensions of the chimney. Take a duralumin tube, drill holes in it, insert blanks into them. Make a loop through which the ruff can be attached to the rope. To make the tube heavier, fill it with sand (some fill it with lead).

First, clean the central outdoor chimney. Then proceed to clean up the ash and soot deposits that have accumulated in the over-oven space. The cast iron stove is very heavy, not everyone can lift it. If so, then use the option through the burner. The most difficult stage is the “flushing” of the smoke channels.

Some passages have so-called cleaning doors. Then things move faster. There are also inset bricks. If necessary, the bars that are not reinforced in the main masonry are removed, and after cleaning, they are inserted back. (It is important to mark them).

Restoration of air exchange

In your case, the chimney is clean, the doors are fitted, but doesn’t that make it easier? Then why is the oven smoking? Possible reasons can be found below:

  • The pipe does not have a protective cap. In windy weather, blowing occurs. Wait until the rampage of the elements is over, and take measures to install a saving "hat".
  • The cause of smoke from the stove door or blower may be a branchy tree hanging over the chimney. The barrier interferes with the outflow of air, gusts of wind are beaten off into the pipe. A reverse draft appears, the smoke does not go up, but into the room. Exit: remove branches in the near-pipe space. By the way, try the method if you are puzzled by finding the answer to the question of why the new stove smokes. Possible reasons are on the surface, one has only to analyze the situation, examine the area: is there a high wall nearby? This is also a risk factor in terms of air backflow. It is not necessary to destroy the barrier or cut down all the surrounding trees - protect the pipe with a cap.
  • The ridge on the roof is located above the pipe. This interferes with normal air exchange. Build up the pipe, and everything will go on as usual.
  • The masonry was destroyed by bad weather (evil winds, heavy rains, severe frosts are not in vain trying). The wind blows through the gap. Air pockets form. Traction is broken. In this state of affairs, urgent repairs are needed.

Defects in the door and combustion chamber

Many are interested in why the stove smokes in the bath? Possible reasons:

  • The cleaning door does not completely cover the hole. A temporary measure is to fill the gap with a suitable chipped brick, smearing the liner with clay, the main one is the selection and installation of an appropriate barrier.
  • In the case of using firewood, dry tomato and potato bushes, other plant residues from your favorite garden, as well as straw, hay, as fuel, you need to make the blower longer.
  • The combustion chamber is defective. In this case, smoke appears when the door is opened. It is necessary to take measures to increase traction. If there is a welded oven a row of bricks edged flush with the door frame fan will help. When the gas outlet channel is located below the furnace door (or at the level), a jumper made of bricks at the level of the top of the door, installed near the rear wall of the firebox, will help out.

Having studied the above cases, you will also find the answer to the question, why is the new Russian stove smoking? Possible reasons (in addition to design miscalculations), as a rule, are associated with the firebox, pipe, dampers, doors.

The chimney is clogged, there is moisture in it

If whitish smoke passes through a loosely closed summer stroke valve, check the pipe for branches, pieces of brick (could become clogged). Also make sure it doesn't need to be cleaned of soot.

In the case of filling the chimneys with moisture, drying is carried out as follows: the lowest opening for cleaning is opened, a mini-fire made of wood chips is laid out in it (fuel in tablets is suitable - “dry alcohol”). The entire furnace is heated at the same time. As soon as traction is restored, the opening is laid.

Why else is the stove smoking? Possible reasons:

  • the walls of the oven are leaky;
  • the gas collector is not large enough;
  • chimney section is calculated incorrectly.

Maybe your fireplace is part of a stove, and the gases go out into a single chimney. To avoid "chimney", start heating with the symbol of the hearth (fireplace).

Are the two stoves and their chimneys connected to the same pipe at the same level? Make a cut. Another option: connect one stove to a riser above or below (through an inclined chimney). Resinous soot is burned out right in the chimney (with dry chips, long stove matches).

In specialized stores there are tools that help keep the chimney in perfect condition. Follow the instructions, and you can easily remove soot and fumes.

The smoke rises into the chimney and flutters above the roof - which means that the stove is functioning normally, but if the clubs do not enter the chimney, but accumulate in the room, it becomes difficult to breathe, things and bedding smell of smoke, the efficiency of heating the room suffers. You can get out of the situation, but first you have to study the problem.

How to understand why the stove smokes? Possible causes of the phenomenon lie in improper kindling, accumulation of burning and soot on the pipe walls, and structural masonry errors. These and other reasons will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Causes of smoke in the old stove in the house

In this case, the cause of the uncoordinated functioning of the system can be a banal blockage of the blower with ash, as a result of which the draft has deteriorated. Scoop out the accumulated deposits with a poker and try to melt. Sometimes such simple manipulations help to deal with smoke, but if the problem cannot be fixed, carefully check the entire system and identify what led to the problem.

Untimely cleaning

There are more serious reasons why the stove smokes. Possible layers of soot or soot of 3 mm or more reduce heat transfer by up to two times and worsen traction. In some cases, this leads to a fire. Do not forget about the periodic and timely cleaning of the home brick oven!

General cleaning is carried out independently, armed with a thick wire or pole, with a rag tightly wound at the end. The device is lowered into the pipe and the walls are thoroughly cleaned.

With a small amount of soot, you can use special means. They are added to the firebox along with firewood and wood chips. During the combustion of such substances, special volatile compounds are released that contribute to the destruction of pollution. This, by the way, is one of the options for getting out of the situation when the stove smokes in the bath.

damp chimney

Condensation accumulates in systems that have not been used for several months. To get rid of the steam, open the lower soot cleaner and kindle a small fire in it from a flammable material: dry wood chips, paper, dry alcohol tablets. Having warmed up the chimney well, the damper is closed and they begin to heat in the furnace.

Using the wrong type of fuel

Why is the stove smoking? A possible reason is a large temperature difference with fuel that does not match the type of furnace. In slabs for coal, the length of the blower is equal to the size of the firebox. If you kindle firewood in such an oven, then cold air, gathering in the firebox, does not have time to warm up and goes back through the open door, saturating the room with burning and soot. To fix the problem - shorten the blower by laying one or more halves of a brick on its end (the amount depends on the length of the blower).

It is important to know that often the cause of smoke is improper placement of firewood inside a brick oven. If the fuel does not completely cover the grate, then the main air flows go past. As a result, the cooled flue gases go inside the room. You can eliminate the problem associated with the fact that the stove smokes during kindling by folding the logs in even rows so that they fit closely together.

Small defects on the inner surface of the walls

Eliminated the visible causes of smoke, but the stove still continues to smoke? Another reason for this is cracks on the walls of the chimney, furnace compartment. Cold air penetrates through these cracks, lowering the temperature level, as a result of which the furnace smokes. What to do to get rid of small cracks? For this you need:

  1. Clean the surface by widening the cracks with a chisel.
  2. Prepare a liquid primer by mixing cement with water, and carefully coat the cracks.
  3. While the treated surface dries, prepare a clay grout for plastering, taking 2 parts clay and 1 part sand. In order to increase the strength of the mixture, add 0.1 parts of asbestos. Add as much water to the crumbly mixture as needed to achieve a thick consistency.
  4. Cracks are filled using a triangular trowel, the surface is leveled and rubbed with a wooden float.
  5. Leave the plaster and wait until it is about 80% dry.
  6. A finishing layer of grout is applied on top, conducting self repair furnace, moving in the direction from the bottom up.
  7. After waiting for the surface to dry completely, moisten a wooden grater in water and wipe the remaining irregularities, performing smooth circular motions.

Remember that small cracks that form in tiled cladding are rubbed with a solution based on alabaster and chalk.

Loose bricks are another cause of smoke

Constant temperature fluctuations negatively affect the strength of the masonry of the first channels of the chimney or firebox, where cracks most often form, the glue that holds the bricks together crumbles, due to which they become loose. Such sections are transferred:

  1. First, high-quality material with perfectly smooth walls is selected.
  2. Damaged bricks are carefully removed from the damaged masonry, removing the remnants of the old mortar.
  3. The surface is cleaned using a metal brush.
  4. When repairing the furnace, a clay mortar is applied to the prepared surface, paying special attention to the lower parts of the recess (the place from which the brick was removed).
  5. A new block is laid, while watching exactly how the brick enters the niche. If trimming was carried out, then it is inserted into the groove so that the smooth side is inside - from the side of the exhaust gases.

It is important to pay attention to the weather in which the stove smokes in the house or in the kitchen. If such a phenomenon is observed only in the cold season, then the reason lies in the excessive thermal conductivity of the pipe and chimney. In this case, all seams on the outer parts are opened, re-coated with clay, and the surface is plastered. At the same time, a freshly applied layer of plaster should be 1-2 cm thicker than the previous one. Special purchased mastic can be used to coat stoves.

Reasons why a new stove smokes

Do not know what to do and how to eliminate the problem of the formation of puffs of smoke during kindling? In 90% of cases, the reason lies in a design flaw or a violation of the masonry technology in the process. As a result, the new furnace smokes.

Design features

To avoid this, the following requirements are put forward for stoves intended for space heating:

  • the opening of the chimney should be 14 x 27 cm for wood and peat stoves or 14 x 14 cm for coal stoves;
  • chimney height - not less than 6 cm (from the grate to the top);
  • the height of the chimney above the roof is from 70 cm, but not more than 50 cm from the end of the ridge.

An exception may be the case when the ridge is at a distance of more than 1.5 m, then it is possible to release the pipe to the same height.

Other causes of stove smoke

If you help solve the problem with smoke when it lies in the mismatch internal dimensions chimney to the necessary parameters, only a specialist stove-maker can, then you can deal with external violations without resorting to additional help. You can solve the problems associated with the pipe in this way:

  1. The work begins with a banal study of the area. High walls and trees near the house can create wind barriers. Air currents, blowing out the pipe, drive the smoke back into the room. One option with a 90% chance of solving the problem is to put on a special cap on the top of the pipe.
  2. A common cause of smoke is insufficient pipe height. Ideally, it is increased, but it is not always possible to make such a manipulation. If heating season has already begun, just put a metal bucket on the pipe, after removing the bottom from it.

Rules for putting a new furnace into operation

The duration of service and the smooth operation of the system depend on the correctness of its commissioning. Irregular use or incorrect ignition of the stove can also cause smoke.

If, at the end of the masonry, the materials are still damp, then this moisture must be removed, especially if the heating season is already approaching. The drying period of a new stove is 7-10 days in the warm season and up to 21 days in the cold season. The process is carried out in stages, starting with the ventilation of the room.

The drying procedure continues until the walls become uniform and the wet spots leave the surface of the screed. The absence of condensation on the metal parts of the stove indicates that excess moisture evaporated.

A week later, from the beginning of the airing, a small fire is made in the oven twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The volume of laying firewood is gradually increased. Do not try to speed up the process by resorting to a firebox that is too active. High temperatures can lead to cracking of the walls with inside and the formation of cracks in the masonry.

Remember that wood conifers when burned, they emit smoke, which settles in the form of tarry soot, which is practically not removed from the inner walls of the chimneys.

Now you know why stoves smoke. We also considered the possible causes of the formation of clouds of smoke and methods for fixing the problem with our own hands.

Often, owners of private houses and baths are faced with a rather serious problem - smoke from the heating stove.

There are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon - from a violation of the technology of erecting a device to a decrease in smoke draft. Smoke may be temporary or permanent, but in any case, it requires prompt elimination. First of all, it is necessary to determine the probable reasons why the stove smokes in the house and bath, and choose effective ways their elimination.

Causes of smoke in old stoves

If the age stove is smoking, then among the main reasons can be identified: draft tipping, soot sticking, damp chimney, unsuitable type of fuel material, deformation or wear of heating equipment.

Thrust overturning

If the stove smokes, this may mean a decrease or tipping of thrust. Such a process results from long downtime ovens. This changes the direction of movement of air masses, as a result of which the smoke is not removed outside, but remains inside the premises. If there is no draft in the chimney, the main reason may be a mechanical blockage of the channel for the removal of combustion products.

This phenomenon does not depend on the ambient temperature or the design features of the chimney system.

If there is no good draft in the heating furnace, then the following options are provided to solve this problem:

  • Open and warm up the chimney flue in the attic.
  • Open the cleaning door to warm up the chimney.
  • Place the ignited flammable material into the chimney.

Soot buildup

The most common cause of reduced draft is the buildup of soot inside the chimney, chimney, and stovepipe. Even a minimum soot thickness of 3 mm can lead to a decrease in heat transfer, a deterioration in traction and a fire.

The formation of soot is promoted by insufficient thermal insulation of the chimney or burning softwood. An affordable option to eliminate blockage is to clean the chimney system. Activities are held as follows:

  • A clean rag is wrapped around the free end of a metal rod, which is lowered into the pipe. After that, a thorough cleaning of the walls from contamination is performed.
  • With a slight sticking of soot, you can use special compounds that are added to the furnace to the fuel material. In this case, combustion is accompanied by the release of compounds that contribute to the destruction of existing contaminants. Most affordable option- coarse rock salt.

Raw chimney

Prolonged downtime of the stove leads to the formation of condensate in the chimney and further smoke in the heating equipment. To warm up the system, it is enough to open the lower iron damper to clean the surface of soot, and place a lit flammable material inside - sawdust, paper, wood chips or dry alcohol. After thoroughly warming up the chimney and leveling the draft, you can start kindling the stove.

Wrong type of fuel material

In some cases, smoke occurs due to the wrong choice of fuel, which is not suitable for a particular type of stove.

For example, coal or solid fuel units can easily smoke if dry wood is used for kindling, rather than coal or peat briquettes. Unlike wood stove, in such devices, the dimensions of the blower correspond to the dimensions of the combustion compartment, therefore, when using wood fuel, the cooled air masses do not warm up sufficiently and remain in the room along with the smell of smoke and soot.

The problem is solved by shortening the blower compartment or using the appropriate type of fuel.

The presence of deformations in the structure

Another obvious reason for the deterioration of traction is the appearance of deformations in the design of the chimney or furnace furnace. Cracks, potholes and crevices become a cold bridge, which leads to a decrease in combustion temperature. The fuel material burns worse, and the potbelly stove begins to smoke.

Self-elimination of such defects is carried out as follows:

  1. Preparation of a plastering solution based on clay, sand and asbestos in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.1, as well as a liquid cement primer.
  2. Thorough cleaning of the place with deformations to improve the adhesion of the solution to the surface.
  3. Surface treatment with cement primer.
  4. Filling and leveling of defects with a binder.
  5. Application finishing plaster on treated surfaces.

Important! Defects in the tiles are filled with a special solution of chalk and a building gypsum base. Elements with serious damage require replacement.

Structural wear

The next serious reason why the stove smokes can be structural wear as a result of long-term operation, negative impact high temperatures, condensation and soot buildup.

Violation of integrity can lead to the formation of cracks and holes that reduce draft in the chimney. Not only the design of the stove is subject to destructive effects, but also the chimney, the walls of which can be deformed under the influence of adverse temperature processes.

To eliminate wear, it will be necessary to restore the damaged areas. To do this, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Preparation of high-quality heat-resistant bricks for the restoration of worn areas.
  2. Removal of damaged elements from masonry. Surface cleaning.
  3. Preparation of a solution of clay and sand, application to the prepared base.
  4. Laying a new brick, leveling the surface.

Important! The new layer of masonry mortar should be 1-2 cm thicker than the old one.

Causes of smoke in new heating stoves

What to do if a recently installed stove smokes? Often the cause of smoke is structural inconsistencies, non-compliance with the technology of the masonry process, insufficient ventilation, and the absence of a junction box.

Incorrect chimney height

The main cause of smoke in new furnaces is the miscalculation of the height of the chimney. Heating equipment for a Russian bath and a private house must comply with the following parameters:

  • The size of the furnace pipe opening, depending on the type of fuel: 140 × 140 mm (coal) and 140 × 270 mm (peat briquettes, firewood).
  • The height of the chimney above the roof is 75 cm, the elevation above the ridge is 50 cm. If the ridge is more than 1.5 meters away from the chimney, then the chimney can be of the same height.

If the height of the chimney is insufficient to prevent smoke, then it can be increased independently.

Why does the stove smoke when the door is opened during the kindling process? A similar problem arises in the presence of serious design miscalculations: an incorrect section of the outlet pipe, a low location of the inlet channel, an unswept chimney. To eliminate the shortcomings, a major overhaul of the heating equipment will be required.

Violation of the technology for the construction of the stove and well

The required clearance of the chimney ensures quick and safe removal of combustion products. The minimum pipe diameter for a house is 15 cm, for a bathhouse - 10 cm. The height of the pipe and its installation location on the roof must correspond to the chosen design of the heating furnace.

In addition, the inlet to the first well (in the combustion chamber) must be located no lower than the top of the door, otherwise it may lead to smoke during each kindling of the furnace. You can correct the shortcomings only by restructuring the furnace design.

When assembling the chimney, the use of elements of different sections should be avoided, which can be the main cause of smoke in the furnace. The best option is a round pipe. Rectangular flue ducts can create excess air vortices and increase the deposition of soot.

Poor ventilation

Another reason why a new stove starts to smoke is poor ventilation. As a rule, when equipping a forced-type ventilation system, building owners provide for an exhaust hood only in functional rooms - a sanitary unit, a kitchen or a dressing room. However, a separate smoke channel should also be equipped in rooms where normal movement of air masses is required: in the steam room and washing room.

No junction box

If two heating stoves are installed in the building, for which a common flue system is provided, then smoke occurs as a result of the absence of a junction box.

To eliminate such a problem, it is enough to make a junction box with two separate channels or operate the furnaces in turn.

The junction box is a special brick partition located inside the common chimney.

Checking the quality of draft in the chimney

In order to decide on further measures to eliminate smoke from the furnace, it is necessary to check the quality of the draft in the chimney system. Verification is carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. Using an anemometer. High-precision professional device for determining smoke draft.
  2. Ignition of flammable material. The burning material is brought to the chimney grate - with good draft, the flame is directed upwards, with poor draft or its absence, it remains motionless.
  3. Visual check. If, when the furnace is kindled, the flame acquires a dark red tint, this indicates a decrease in thrust. Good draft provides a light, almost white flame.
  4. The presence of a strong smell of smoke. If pungent odors appear when the firebox is open, this indicates a mechanical clogging of the chimney system.

The full list of reasons why the heating stove starts to smoke is quite large. In each individual situation, it is necessary to take into account: the nature (temporary or permanent) and the duration of the smoke, temperature regime indoors, weather conditions, design features and equipment life.

Subject to the technology of arrangement and kindling of the furnace, the probability of smoke in the structure is minimal. But if the problem is still detected, then timely diagnosis and troubleshooting will ensure a long service life of the heating equipment.