Shower      06/17/2019

DIY Bath Bombs - The Best Making Recipes for Beginners! (75 photos). The Best DIY Bath Bomb Recipes

Effervescent bath bombs (or geysers) are a real hit cosmetics. They are able to turn ordinary bathing into a real spa treatment. They are pleasant, fun, and most importantly, convenient to use. When they hit the water, they hiss and seethe, and watching this is a pleasure.

And what a wonderful scent! Remember that aromatherapy can do real miracles: it can remove headache, improve mood, cheer up or, conversely, calm and relax, remove toxins, set in a positive way. Don't neglect it accessible means getting rid of life's difficulties.

The fatty oils contained in the bombs take care of the skin, promote its renewal and nutrition, fill it with youth and tone it.

Bath bombs are also a great gift that every woman is pleased to receive. So feel free to make them with your own hands, and more, to arrange a spa in your home and give this wonderful care product to your mother, girlfriend, colleagues, etc.

It is important that homemade bombs do not contain chemicals, but are made exclusively from natural ingredients. Of course, these can be found in stores, but at a low cost they ask decently for them. It is better to do it yourself, especially since it is very simple!

To make bath bombs with your own hands, we need:

  • 10 tablespoons of soda;
  • 5 tablespoons citric acid;
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of filler: it can be colored bath salt (with it the bombs will turn out beautiful and bright), sea ​​salt, oatmeal, coffee, milk powder and other useful ingredients;
  • 1 teaspoon of fatty oil (olive, coconut, burdock, pumpkin, etc.);
  • essential oils (2-3 drops per bomb);
  • dry chopped herbs (optional).

Tip: if you don’t want particles of anything (albeit useful ones) floating in the bath, choose components that dissolve in water (salts and milk powder are best); if you want to "scrub" - take insoluble components and enjoy the procedure with them

You can add food coloring in a small concentration to the bombs. Do not be afraid, it will not stain your skin and the walls of the bath, because its strength is not enough for this. But he will make our craft very elegant. So if you make geysers as a gift, feel free to use the dye.

We also need a spray bottle, disposable gloves and molds (you can use cookie cutters).

How to make a bath bomb?

We mix the first three components. If you took a large filler, grind it with a blender or coffee grinder. At the output, we should get a homogeneous mass (like a powder).

Add oil and all other ingredients. Mix well with your hands. She should fit well. If not, add some water from a spray bottle. Just don't overdo it! If hissing begins, add a little more acid and soda. From the resulting mixture we form future bombs for the bathroom.

Tip: If you don't have any cookie cutters, cut open an old tennis ball or use a Kinder surprise egg.

Press the mixture well into the moulds.

At the end of a hard and eventful day, I really want to relax so as not to think about anything and not worry. How nice it is to take a hot bath, add sea salt to it, aromatic oils, foam or bath bombs.

bath bombs can be called a cosmetic product that contains a combination of skin-friendly ingredients in the form of milk, clay, oils, herbs, etc. Let's talk today about how to create your own homemade bath bombs without spending a lot of money and effort on it.

DIY bath bombs

When something new appears on sale, we always try to get it in order to try it on, try it on, use it. Someone decides to give a lot of money for it, others, in turn, are looking for cheaper ways - for example, independent production or cooking. Why buy bath geysers for a lot of money if you can make them at home, and believe me, it will turn out no worse than those bought in a store.

Prepare without assistance extra costs bath water bombs not difficult, especially if there is an instruction and mass interesting recipes, from which you can choose a few that you like.

To prepare aromatic water bombs, you will not need to run around the shops all day in search of ingredients. Everything is quite simple here, so get ready for what most of the ingredients that you need to create a bomb, you have at home.

  • Bath bombs have recently gained their popularity, some call this spherical composition, a geyser.
  • We can say with confidence that bath bombs are healing products, which include various useful components that will help the body relax, and at the same time, positively affect the health of the body.
  • And yet, swimming in colorful water is very popular with children, so a bath with fizzy geysers will great option acceptance water procedures for the whole family.

Before, how to make a bath bomb, you need to decide on the aroma, color and composition of the cosmetic product in question, as well as the ingredients that will be needed for this.

Bath Bomb Recipes

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for such a remedy, and today we will consider the simplest and most interesting options for such bath geysers.

Of course, you can not bother and buy this product on the Internet, but:

  • Their cost in stores and the Internet is overpriced, and very much. You will understand this when you find out the cost of such bombs.
  • At self-cooking you will be sure of the composition and all the ingredients that are included in it.
  • By making a bomb yourself, you can choose both the color and the effect that they will bring to your skin and health.

  • In the event that a person is allergic, purchased bath bombs are contraindicated for him.

Let's make our own bath bombs to avoid allergies and high costs. To make a fizzy bath geyser, we need the following ingredients:

  • dry cream
  • baking soda)
  • oil

You can use vegetable or olive, the main thing is that it is fatty. It should be noted that it is considered non-allergenic olive oil, so those who suffer from various kinds of allergies, choose it better.

  • Dyes. Dyes suitable for food or dyes for bath accessories would be appropriate here. Easter egg paint is not used for this purpose unless you want to be dyed green or red like an Easter egg.
  • Essential oils. In this case, you decide for yourself which essential oil you want to use to make bombs. Focus on your preferences and possible allergies to components.

  • Lemon acid.

Bath bomb molds you can buy in the store or use simple shapes for baking, modeling, etc. You will also need a vessel, a vessel in which we will mix all the ingredients. It can be a bowl or a large bowl.

If desired, even the form in which ordinary candies are in the box can be used for bombs.

For convenience, when preparing bombs, you can use rubber gloves, kitchen, medical, garden. The main thing is that they are clean.


  1. It is necessary to "throw off" all the necessary ingredients in one bowl. In this case, the strand is not particularly important, but the proportions must be observed. So, in this case, everything is measured in tablespoons:
  • five tablespoons of baking soda
  • half a spoonful of dry cream
  • two and a half tablespoons of citric acid
  • sea ​​salt (half a spoon)

Sea salt is used in the presence of it and the desire of the "creator". It is better to use fine sea salt, you can color.

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. The liquid components will go into the bowl next:

You can use different bath bomb oils. You can add a few drops of one oil and a few drops of another, so that in total, their number is 10 drops.

  • half spoon of dye

You can choose any color of your choice.

  1. Mix all ingredients well. The consistency should be such that something can be molded from it without any problems. If the resulting mixture is too dry, you can add a little warm water. The amount of water should be kept to a minimum, so wet your hands and mix with wet hands, or add water by spraying with a spray bottle.

If you pour a lot of water into the prepared mixture, the reaction will immediately start, and the bomb will be spoiled.

This amount of the mixture is enough for 4 small candy-sized bombs or half a large ball-shaped bomb, so if you decide to make one large bomb, you will need twice as much of all the ingredients. Molds for large bombs can be bought at a specialized store.

Another interesting option, this is a two-color bomb. It must be prepared as follows:

  1. We prepare the mixture as in the previous version.
  2. When you have already mixed it with the dye, add another dye.
  3. Stir the mixture to the consistency of small granules so that it is not a homogeneous mass. The granules will be of various colors.
  4. We sculpt bombs of the shape you need from the resulting mixture.

As a result of this recipe, beautiful multi-colored bath bombs are obtained. To make such bombs even more interesting and beautiful, you can add various inclusions to the mixture: beads, rhinestones, sparkles, etc.

Making your own bath bombs is fun and interesting. The resulting bombs can be used to take baths or give someone a gift. This beautiful and useful surprise will please anyone.

Video: Bath bombs

Greetings, dear friends!
Today we will talk about personal hygiene and how to make everyday activities a particularly pleasant and interesting procedure. Most children enjoy bathing as it relaxes and relieves stress. After this procedure, sleep well. And washing can be turned from a hygiene procedure into exciting game. And baby bath bombs will help us with this.

Of course, every child receives the first bath immediately after birth. And in the future, taking a bath becomes a regular daily ritual. Hot water, soap and a washcloth already perfectly cleanse the skin. So what are bombs and why are they needed in the bath? Fragrant balls got such a formidable name because of their shape and ability to "explode" - to dissolve with a hiss and gurgle.

This is a nice addition that makes bathing fun and rewarding. Of course, children love to watch how, after lowering the ball into hot water, it begins to geyser, foam and hiss. If the fizz contains dyes, the foam will turn into a delicate color, and essential oils and flavors will give a delicious smell.

Bombs or geysers can be roughly divided into two groups.

On the effect on the CNS

  • soothing;
  • stimulating.

While soothing pops are recommended for excitable, anxious and emotionally unstable children who are prone to irritability. They will also help kids with sleep disorders. In contrast, stimulating, invigorating ones are good for slow, inactive children. Suitable for those who find it difficult to concentrate.

By production method

  • industrial, which can be bought at the store;
  • handmade - made by craftswomen taking into account all your wishes;
  • homemade - handmade.

Let's talk about how bath bombs are useful or harmful. If you buy balls in a store, you may be faced with the fact that the composition will contain various chemical additives: surfactants, dyes, flavors, preservatives. Surfactants are added to make the geyser foam more intensely, dyes give the bath bomb a pleasant color, flavors give a delicious smell, and preservatives help to keep it for a long time.

If natural paints, such as saffron, were used in the manufacture, then such a tool will not bring any harm. But more often in the industry they use chemical compounds, and this is not too good for the delicate skin of the baby. However, artificial flavors and fragrances can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, carefully study the composition when choosing a bathing product.

A bath bomb is more useful if it is made at home, because you select its composition completely from natural and healthy ingredients, taking into account the needs of your child. Undoubtedly, the process of making a bomb with your own hands together with children will become not only entertaining, but also a developing pastime.


The main ingredients of any fizz are the usual baking soda and citric acid. Of course, any housewife has these components in the kitchen, as they are often used in cooking. Almost always cheap and available. The action of the geyser is based on the fact that a dry mixture of sodium bicarbonate with acid, when it enters the water, gives a reaction and begins to spin, boil and hiss. This results in water softening. Lemonka is a good natural antioxidant, and the properties of soda to relieve itching and inflammation have long been known. In addition to the main components, you can add:

  • dry milk or cream
  • sea ​​salt
  • flower petals or ground dried flowers
  • emollients and essential oils
  • spices
  • cosmetic clay
  • vitamins

How to do it yourself

Of course, the manufacturing process is simple and accessible even to an older child. There is only one component that needs to be prepared without the presence of children, citric acid. To do this, grind its crystals with a coffee grinder into a homogeneous powder. Of course, it is better to do this in a mask or respirator, because tiny particles may irritate the respiratory tract. So, everything is ready, you can start. There are three manufacturing methods: with the addition of water, with the addition of alcohol and with the help of a spray bottle. The basic ratio of acid and soda is 1:2, i.e. for 1 tablespoon of lemon you need to take 2 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate.

Basic Rules

  • utensils for mixing should be well wiped;
  • it is better to work with gloves, because. high humidity hands can cause the main ingredients to react with each other;
  • you can take any mold - a cup of yogurt, silicone for baking, a mold from a children's sand set;
  • mix the dry parts thoroughly first, then add the liquid parts, rubbing well;
  • tamp the mixture very tightly;
  • remove from molds after at least 4 hours;
  • do not store for a long time, it is better to use immediately, storage in a dry room well wrapped in foil is allowed;

The properties of bath bombs depend on the additional components included in the composition. Add essential oils and herbs based on your child's preferences, desired effect, and possible allergic reactions. If your baby has diathesis or bronchial asthma- it is better to refuse the use of ethers altogether.


As an illustration, here are a few recipes for baby bath bombs, many of which you can easily make from improvised materials.


Promotes relaxation and soothes due to the menthol contained in mint. Undoubtedly, gives peace and improves sleep. First, mix all the dry ingredients, add the base oil to them and grind the mixture well. If it remains crumbly, add a few drops of water, rubbing thoroughly and quickly to avoid a reaction. At the end, drip mint essential oil. Then press firmly into the mold and let dry.

  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt;
  • 1 st. l. citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sodium bicarbonate;
  • 1/3 teaspoon base oil (olive, grape, castor);
  • ground dry mint;
  • a few drops of green food coloring;
  • 2-3 drops of mint essential oil.


Good for softening and nourishing the skin. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous case.
Take citric acid and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2, add one tablespoon to them. powdered milk or cream and one tbsp. cocoa. After that, stir well, add base oil and a few drops of vitamin E.


Of course, it stimulates activity, gives a joyful mood. Add 1 tbsp to the main mixture. cornstarch, and then 1/3 tsp. base and a few drops of essential oils of orange and sweet tangerine. A bright orange pleasant color will give saffron if you take it as a natural dye. If desired, drop 2-3 drops. cinnamon ether. The combination of cinnamon and citrus gives a warm, sweet, bright aroma.


Promotes relaxation and rest, as well as relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep.
Mix soda and lemon as in the first recipe, then add a tablespoon of sea salt, tsp. powdered milk, half tsp. castor oil, a few drops of lavender ether, 1-2 k. blue food or cosmetic dye.

In order to make multi-colored geysers, you need to prepare a mixture of several colors and pour them into a mold in layers or in random order. Use crushed dried flowers, cocoa or coffee, rose petals, saffron if you want to get variegated. Do not add coloring components if your plans are for a dye-free bomb. As a result, it will be dazzlingly white!


Sometimes it happens that during the cooking process, when water is added, the mixture immediately starts to sizzle. Then add the liquid drop by drop, trying to rub thoroughly. For this purpose, you can moisten the mixture from a spray bottle. However, you should not get carried away, otherwise the soda will react with the acid. And unfortunately, all the work will be in vain. Be careful, because the humidity should be such that the gruel is easily compacted and does not crumble.

Rest assured, your little one will love helping you make pops. Moreover, swimming with them will become his favorite pastime. However, we must not forget that although sea salt, oils and soda are good for the skin, it is not recommended to use such products on a daily basis. Enough 1 time in 2 weeks. Throwing a ball or figurine should be into hot water, only then it will work and reveal its properties completely. Keep in mind that you need to take such a bath at the end of washing. After all hygiene procedures with soap are finished.

We hope it was interesting and you learned something new for yourself. Subscribe to updates, share with friends and visit.

Karina Moroz | 04/08/2015 | 2815

Karina Moroz 8.04.2015 2815

In this article you will find step by step instructions How to make a DIY bath bomb.

Manufacturers want to extend the shelf life of cosmetics at any cost, so they add to them chemical substances such as preservatives. And even if the package says " handmade”, this does not guarantee that there is no “chemistry” in the composition.

Indeed, natural products are not stored for a long time. Goods, before getting on the shelves of stores, usually lie for some time in the warehouse. As a result, by the time cosmetics fall into the hands of the buyer, it may already deteriorate. To prevent this, manufacturers add preservatives, but the inscription “100% natural” is not removed from the labels so that the demand for products does not fall.

Unfortunately, such cosmetics do not bring any benefit, besides, they can cause allergies. Therefore, we recommend making your own home remedies, in particular bubbling bath bombs. This process will take you only 20 minutes, and staying in the bath will bring a lot of positive emotions.

bomb home cooking can be thrown into the bath in which a small child bathes. After all, you know that there are no dangerous "chemistry" in this product. And besides, it will be very interesting for the baby to watch the bubbling balls.

bath bomb recipe

We propose to make effervescent bombs with aroma, which, in our opinion, is the most versatile. You can choose the smells that you need or just like more. For example, lemon will cheer you up, and mint, eucalyptus and tea tree will disinfect the skin and help you cope with a cold.

So, you will need:

  • 200 g of baking soda;
  • 100 g of citric acid;
  • 40 g of whole milk powder;
  • 10 g grape seed oil;
  • 30 g solid coconut oil or another batter;
  • 10 ml of any essential oil (in our case, lavender);
  • a little peel from fruits or flowers of dry plants;
  • 1 large bowl;
  • a cup or small bowl;
  • silicone molds;
  • spray.

How to make bubbling bath bombs?

1. Mix dry ingredients

Pour the baking soda, citric acid and milk powder into a large bowl and mix everything well with a spoon or with your hands.

If you have any wounds on the skin of your hands, put on latex gloves. Otherwise, this "explosive" mixture will burn your hands.

2. Melt the butter

Put the butter in a cup or small bowl and pour in the grape seed oil. Melt the mass in the microwave or in a water bath. You should get a homogeneous liquid mixture.

3. Mix everything

It's better to do it by hand. Add the melted butter little by little to the dry ingredients and mix everything very quickly. At the same time, carefully rub each drop of oil in your palms. If you pour a lot of oil at once, the mixture will start to sizzle, which we do not need yet.

The finished mixture should have the consistency wet sand, from which in the palms you can easily mold any figure. If the resulting mass is dry, you can lightly wet your palms with water and quickly mix it, sprinkle it a little with water from a spray bottle or add a few more drops of grape seed oil.

4. Flavor the mixture

Add some essential oil to the resulting mixture. At the same time, mix each drop thoroughly, avoiding hissing.

If you don't want a lingering smell while taking a bomb bath, you can add just a few drops of ether. Also, keep in mind that all oils have odors of varying intensity.

5. Put in molds

Pour some dried herbs into each mold. Then lay out the resulting mass, firmly tamping it with your fingers. Let the molds sit for about 15 minutes to allow the mixture to harden slightly.

If the room is quite hot and humid, put the molds in the refrigerator.

After the mass has hardened, gently turn the mold over a wide plate or board and lightly tap it with your fingers. Bombs should drop. Place them carefully on a plate and let cool completely. This will take several hours.

Effervescent balls are ready to use.

Soda and citric acid contained in them exfoliate the skin well, milk moisturizes it, and essential oil saturates it. beneficial substances and gives a pleasant aroma. Take a bath with pleasure!

Based on materials from the site

You can perfectly relax, unwind, put your body and spirit in order if you take a bubble bath. Bath bombs have recently become fashionable, but those who have already tried this miracle know its extraordinary effect on the body. Today we will try to make such sizzling bath bombs with our own hands. The recipes for making them are easy and safe enough that you can make them with your kids and then try them out in a full bath!

Homemade bath bombs

To begin with, here is the simplest base recipe that can be used for children's games in the bathroom. After learning how to make the base of the bomb, then you can experiment with flavors. So, we will need:

  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • coarse salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • any vegetable oil.

An important clarification. Soda should always be 2 times more than citric acid, only in this case we will ensure the correct chemical reaction. Also don't forget to wear gloves!

Citric acid, soda and salt thoroughly, for several minutes, grind and mix in a cup. We make sure that there are no lumps! Now gradually add the oil, rubbing the mass with your hands. The mixture should be plastic, but at the same time dryish. No need to achieve the consistency of plasticine! The resulting mass is tightly rammed into a previously prepared container. The easiest thing at home is to take baking dishes or a container from Kinder Surprise. To make our workpiece fit tighter, you can add a little alcohol to it. Thus, the mixture will be moistened and compacted better. In no case do not use water for this - it will start the reaction, and alcohol will have no effect. Plus, it will evaporate quickly. Now we leave our bath bombs to harden for several hours. After that, we can easily remove them from the molds and they are ready to use! It is enough to throw a bomb into the bathroom, as it begins to hiss, releasing a lot of bubbles - this is gone chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide.

Bath Bomb Recipes

Now that we understand the meaning of making bath bombs (and have learned how to make them), it's time to bring some recipes for making them.

The general idea of ​​flavoring bombs is as follows: there is a base (we made it with our own hands a little higher), to which aromatic components (for example, essential oils) and, possibly, some dyes are added.

The choice of oil should not be thoughtlessly approached, because they have a different effect. For example, olive oil is good for dry skin, while coconut or almond oil is good for oily skin. Lavender soothes and relaxes citrus oils invigorate and invigorate.

Essential oils should be added drop by drop. When adding essential oils to the base, the bomb may begin to hiss. In this case, you need to quickly mix the mixture. If it doesn't help, add a little baking soda.

Below you will find some recipes for sizzling bath bombs.

Soothing Bath Bomb Recipe

This soothing bath bomb is based on lavender. Add a few drops of lavender oil and purple food coloring to the base. The complete recipe for a relaxing bath bomb looks like this:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • lavender oil - 10-15 drops,
  • purple food coloring - 5 drops.

Tonic bath bomb

Bath bomb with the addition of orange and cinnamon oils is an excellent tonic and cleanser for the skin. The recipe for the bomb is also quite simple:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • sea ​​salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • orange essential oil - 10-15 drops,
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5-7 drops,
  • orange food coloring - 5 drops.