Toilet      03/28/2019

Bath oil - SPA treatments at home. Aromatherapy in the bathroom. What aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on a person

There is nothing more beneficial than an essential oil bath that has useful properties. This Eastern tradition of taking a bath with sea salt, with different decoctions, with flowers, oils, has taken root well with us, so you can significantly improve the condition of your body. Each of them has its own characteristics, they can soothe, fill with health, rejuvenate, remove toxins and toxins, and with the help of them you can quickly get rid of subcutaneous fat, such problems as cellulite.

Benefits of taking an essential oil bath

When taking a bath, the chemicals rich in oils are able to penetrate deep into the skin through the pores and begin to actively affect the entire body. It is also useful to inhale them, this can be done with the help of evaporation that comes from the bath. You can take a full bath for the whole body, or you can make small baths for the legs, separately for the hands, thus getting rid of swelling, fatigue, filling the limbs with strength.

Basic rules for taking baths with essential oils

To achieve an effective result, you need to correctly perform this procedure, be sure to listen to the recommendations of professionals:

1. A useful and pleasant bath with essential oil should be taken after you have bought it, the body should be clean, so the pores will already be open.

2. It is very important to cleanse the face before the procedure, so the pores will be ready to receive useful substances.

3. There should be little water in the bathroom, the body should only be half covered with it.

4. It is very important to take into account the temperature of the water, in no case should it be hot, but warm. Optimum temperature from 35 to 37 degrees. Remember that if the bath is hot, essential oils evaporate quickly and the bath is no longer effective at all, and it can negatively affect a person, it becomes difficult for him to breathe, blood pressure rises, and the heart beats faster.

5. Before adding essential oil to the bathroom, it must be mixed with the main oil - jojoba, olive, it is also recommended to do this in a tablespoon of honey, milk, sour cream, kefir.

6. The bath must be prepared and taken in a room that is closed so that the aromas of the oil do not disappear, which, through inhalation, have a positive effect on the body.

7. It is impossible when taking a bath with essential oils use other hygiene products - shampoo, balm, soap, gels, creams, lotions, etc. So the bath will become ineffective.

8. The procedure should last no more than 15 minutes. The course of treatment is up to 10 baths, it all depends on your goal and what effect you want to achieve.

It is very important to follow all the above rules, only then it will be possible to achieve amazing results. It is also very important to pay attention to different oils, because each of them has its own beneficial properties.

Essential oils for the bath

1. With the help of eucalyptus essential oil, added to the bathroom, you can tidy up the skin condition, get rid of excess bacteria that are the cause of the inflammatory process, and with the help of them you can improve the well-being of a person.

2. A bath with will help you relax after a hard day's work, calm you down and set you up for a pleasant and sound sleep.

3. A bath with orange essential oil improves metabolism in the body and skin cells, so you can quickly lose weight, freshen up, and most importantly get rid of cellulite.

4. Lemon essential oil added to the bath will help cheer up, increase attention, help you concentrate, tune in to work, it is especially good to take it after a lot of stress and a hard day at work.

5. A bath with essential oils will restore the functioning of the whole organism; you can also add oil from pine and pine needles to it.

6. Business bath based on ylang-ylang essential oil, it is suitable for people who are constantly working, they are surrounded by worries, they are in a hurry somewhere. With the help of this bath, you can relieve stress, calm down, forget about work, get rid of fatigue, depression.

Types of baths with essential oils

Each oil affects the human body in its own way, if a person wants to lose weight, you need to consult a specialist, he will definitely select the composition of essential oils for you, with which you can achieve the desired result. Most often, a bath with orange, grapefruit, cedar, cloves, lemon, fir, fennel, pine is used for weight loss. They also help in the fight against cellulite.

For a soothing bath, lavender, chamomile, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, marjoram, Linden blossom, with the help of them you can get rid of stress, relax, calm down.

If you want to achieve a rejuvenating effect from a bath with essential oils, you need to add oil from, geranium, lotus, mimosa, rose. They have an invigorating and tonic effect. Also, for filling with energy, it is good to use essential oils of cardamom, basil, mandarin, lime, orange, rosemary, yarrow, thyme.

Thus, baths with essential oils have been popular since ancient times, even in Ancient Egypt Cleopatra loved to take a bath with the addition of oils prepared on the basis of flowers, so she ensured that her skin was always smooth, delicate, velvety. Essential oils can penetrate the skin into the bloodstream and the entire human body. When a person inhales essential oils, it affects the sense of smell, which is responsible for transmitting impulses to the brain. Essential oils in the bath bring pleasure, and most importantly health. With their help, you can calm down, relax, get rid of everything negative, they also have a positive effect on sexual life, improve metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on nervous system help with insomnia. Every woman after such a bath acquires inner and outer beauty.

Cosmetology and perfumery have long used essential oils, because they have a wide range of positive effects. One of the most common and useful options aromatherapy are baths in which essential oils are added. They have a complex effect on the body, since aromatic oils during procedures penetrate both through the skin and through the respiratory system.


Baths with essential oils have many beneficial effects. Depending on the chosen oil, such a bath will help to relax or, conversely, restore vigor. As a good cosmetic product, it will positively affect the condition of the skin, help to cope with cellulite, stretch marks and excess weight.

Some essential oils have an anti-stress effect, the addition of others helps fight wrinkles, and others help to cope with a cold.

The effect of the bath is warming, and cooling, and even exciting. It's all about the combinations of essential oils used. Due to the sedative effect of certain baths, such procedures help to eliminate insomnia and calm down. It is worth lying in a bath with essential oils for muscle pain or overwork, and for stimulating sexual function.

Harm, overdose

The harmful effects of aroma oil baths can be caused by an overdose of essential oils. If you add excess drops, the procedure may result in a headache or skin irritation.


Essential oils are not for everyone. During pregnancy, take baths with them should be careful. Since some oils can harm pregnant women (mint, geranium, jasmine, orange), it is better to avoid aromatherapy altogether. It is not advised to carry out such baths and nursing mothers.

Contraindications to taking baths with aromatic oils are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • angina;
  • acute inflammation;
  • epilepsy;
  • some skin diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • chronic liver or kidney disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis.


Procedures can be carried out:

  • for the whole body;
  • locally in the form of sitz baths;
  • locally for legs;
  • locally for hands.

Often, aroma baths are carried out in courses, for example, a lying bath is recommended to be taken in a course of 10 to 20 times.

For sitz baths, smaller dosages of essential oils are used - two or three drops. Such procedures are often therapeutic, so they are performed for cystitis, for the healing of postpartum sutures, for vaginal discharge or hemorrhoids.

Hand or foot baths with aromatic oils are used when full procedures are not possible, for example, with increased pressure or skin damage. Aromatic foot bath will perfectly relax after a hard day's work. It is recommended for athletes, and will also help reduce leg pain.

Thanks to hand baths, you can also get rid of pain and improve joint mobility.

If you add lemon oil to your hand bath, you will whiten the skin on your hands and strengthen your nails.

Description of the procedure

For a full (lying) bath with the addition of essential oils, you must:

  1. Get water in the bath.
  2. 15 drops are enough for 200 liters of water. Since the essential oil does not dissolve directly in water, it should be mixed with milk, kefir, vegetable oil, honey, alcohol, cream, or mixed with sea salt before adding it to the bath. Such a solvent for essential oil is taken in the amount of 1-3 tablespoons. It mixes with aroma oil.
  3. The resulting mixture is added to water and mixed.

The average duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is repeated every day or with a break (in 1-2 days).

To make a sitz bath 2-10 drops of aromatic oil are added to warm water (approximately + 37 + 42 degrees), after dissolving it in cream. Then the lower part of the body is immersed in water up to the waist. The first procedure is carried out for 2 minutes, and then the stay in the water is gradually extended to 10 minutes.

To make a hand or foot bath, draw in a container hot water, to which add aromatic oil in the amount of 5-6 drops. Keep hands or feet in water with aroma oil for 10-20 minutes.


When taking procedures, follow the rules:

  1. The optimal concentration of aroma oil in the bath is 1 drop per 10 liters of water.
  2. Children and the elderly need to take a bath with a lower concentration (2-3 times).
  3. The first procedures are carried out with minimal dosages - about 4-5 drops of essential oil per 150-liter bath. Gradually increasing the amount of added oil by 2-3 drops, bring to the dosage prescribed in the recipe. By the end of the course, it is recommended to gradually reduce the concentration of essential oils (each procedure by 2-3 drops).
  4. If the bath is planned to be both relaxing and soothing, the water is heated to +37+38 degrees.
  5. In order for the bath to have a tonic effect, it is better to leave the water a little cool (+30+34 degrees).
  6. The adaptogenic effect of the bath is manifested at a temperature of +32+34 degrees, and for an erotic bath it is recommended to heat the water up to +36+38 degrees.
  7. The highest water temperature is used for anti-cellulite baths (+38+40 degrees), as well as procedures after exercise (over +40 degrees).
  8. Take a bath with aromatic oils not immediately after eating, but after 1.5-3 hours. It is recommended before the procedure hygienic shower and complete cleansing of the body from cosmetics and impurities.
  9. Do not use during procedures such cosmetical tools like soap, shampoo or gel, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the bath.
  10. After the aroma bath, it is not necessary to rinse so that the essential oils continue to affect the skin when the procedure itself is completed. Just pat your body dry with a towel or put on a bathrobe. Do not be active after the procedure, it is better to give the body a little more rest, drink tea.
  11. Use natural essential oils for the bath, because only they have a beneficial effect.

Leave synthetic analogues for flavoring clothes and rooms. natural oil you can recognize by the high price and the dark bottle.



If you have worked hard or actively worked out in the gym, a bath will help to relax a tired body, in which a combination of mint oil with juniper oil, verbena oil with ginger oil, lemon balm oil with cinnamon oil is added. Take 1-2 drops of each oil.

Another relaxing bath recipe before bed includes sandalwood (two drops), tangerine and chamomile (four drops) mixed with milk (500 ml).

A bath of four drops of verbena oil, two drops of rosemary oil and two drops of tea tree oil will help relieve physical stress after a sports workout. Dissolve these oils in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grape seed oil.


One of the essential oils often used in the fight against cellulite are citrus oils (orange, lemon, grapefruit), which are combined with oils coniferous plants(cedar, pine, spruce, fir and others).

Basic anti-cellulite baths:

  • For an anti-cellulite bath, pour grapefruit, cypress and orange oils mixed in 100 ml of dry wine (two drops each), as well as juniper oil (1 drop) into the water.
  • lemon bath with anti-cellulite effect provides for the addition of lemon (3 drops), juniper (2 drops) and cypress (2 drops) oils.
  • An effective recipe for cellulite is such a citrus bath: aroma oil of lemon (take 3 drops), add grapefruit, tangerine and orange oils (add two drops each). Add all ingredients to almond seed oil (1 tablespoon).
  • Mix two drops of orange oil (can be replaced with grapefruit oil) with two drops of black pepper oil and three drops of juniper oil.
  • Combinations of essential oils against cellulite are also effective, which are mixtures of oils of lemon, juniper and fennel or geranium, rosemary and cypress. Take 2 or 3 drops of each oil.
  • Make a bath based sea ​​salt. Take 100 g of salt and add grapefruit oil (4 drops), vetiver oil, anise and mint oil (1 drop each) to it.


If you want to cheer up, get a boost of strength and energy, get rid of irritability and increase tone, opt for citrus, rosemary, sage and verbena oils. For a tonic bath, just 3-4 drops of any of these oils are enough. Increases efficiency and bath with the addition of tea tree aroma oil.


The oils of neroli, sandalwood, jasmine, geranium, sage, juniper, myrrh, nutmeg, rose, cedar, ylang-ylang, patchouli can tune in to a romantic mood, increase sensuality and give a pleasant aroma to the skin before intimacy. The main thing, before preparing such an aroma bath, ask about the preferences of your partner so that the smell is pleasant for both of you.


Essential oils are able to tighten the skin and have a rejuvenating effect. This effect has been noted in frankincense, lotus, myrrh, jasmine, geranium, sandalwood and mimosa oils.

For weight loss

Baths for weight loss with the addition of oils of citrus, geranium, coniferous plants cleanse the skin well, affect cellulite, and help eliminate excess weight. Do not forget to change the aromas so that the effect of losing weight is preserved, and the body does not get used to it. Dissolve in bath salts (two to three tablespoons) one drop of lemon oil, two drops of cedar and cypress oils and three drops of juniper oil.

Vanilla, anise and lavender oils are noted for their ability to dull the feeling of hunger. Peppermint and lemon oils, as well as patchouli or tea tree oils, will help to establish a metabolism. By adding ylang-ylang, rose or rosemary scents to the water, you will improve the performance. internal organs. The removal of excess fluid will be facilitated by a bath with oils of cardamom, geranium, grapefruit or cypress.

Ylang-ylang, fennel and grapefruit oils have the ability to accelerate the breakdown of fats.

If lemongrass, rosemary or black pepper oils are added to the water, in addition to stimulating weight loss, the skin will also be tightened.

From fatigue

Those who are irritated and very tired should lie down in a bath with the addition of essential oils of geranium, rose, lavender or sandalwood. To prepare a bath with lavender, add 3-4 drops of this essential oil to it. In this bath, you will restore strength and calm down, and after it you will fall asleep easier. Another good recipe anti-fatigue bath includes a mixture of eucalyptus, mandarin and clove oils, taken 2 drops each.

From depression

Oils of bergamot, basil, ylang-ylang, orange, sandalwood or mandarin are good for uplifting and helping to cope with depression.

Prepare one of these recipes:

1) 4 drops each of basil and lemon oils and two drops of rosemary oil - mix with 2 tbsp. l. bath salts.

2) Add 6-7 drops of rose oil to your evening bath.

3) Try a bath with bergamot and grapefruit oils, taking 4 drops each.

From insomnia

Baths, in which the following mixtures of essential oils have been added, can eliminate sleep problems:

  • Oils of chamomile (4 k.), neroli (2 k.) and sage (4 k.).
  • Two or three drops of spruce and mint oils, as well as lavender and tangerine.
  • Oils of lavender (4 k.), mimosa (2 k.) and chamomile (3 k.).
  • Two drops each of melissa and rose oils, as well as valerian, mimosa, dill and lavender.
  • Five drops of lavender oil and alpine spruce aroma oil.
  • Oils of lemon (3 k.), rosemary (5 k.) and anise (2 k.).
  • Dissolved in 100 ml of red wine aroma oils of leuzea (3 k.), sandalwood (3 k.) and orange (1 k.).
  • Added in 1 tsp. almond oil chamomile (5 k.) and lavender (10 k.) oils.
  • Three drops of lavender and marjoram oil.

With oils

With lavender oil

As you can see from aroma bath recipes that help with difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep, lavender oil has a calming effect and a beneficial effect on sleep. A bath with this essential oil helps eliminate fatigue, gain strength, provide deep sleep and is recommended for nervous overload. Lavender oil can be combined with rose, sandalwood and frankincense. The use of foot aroma baths with lavender oil will eliminate the problem of sweating and bad smell legs.

A warm bath with fragrant essential oils is not only a relaxing treatment. IN Ancient Rome and Greece, it was used for healing, rejuvenation and beauty of the skin of the body. The procedure continues to be popular today. Essential oils added to warm water have a calming and relaxing effect. They help restore health physical forces relieve tension in strained muscles and fatigue.

The benefits of essential oils when added to the bath

Baths with the addition of essential oils are considered highly effective in improving the overall physical and emotional state. Such procedures are carried out not only at home, but also in spas.

At correct selection oils and observing the simple rules for preparing aroma baths perform the following functions:

  • improvement, improvement of well-being, elimination of symptoms of some chronic diseases;
  • physical and moral relaxation, getting rid of chronic fatigue;
  • improvement appearance bodies (increasing skin elasticity, smoothing it, eliminating minor cosmetic defects like age spots, moisturizing and toning, reducing the appearance of cellulite);
  • improvement of the psychological state (one group of aromas is able to give strength, replenish energy reserves in the body, the other helps to fall asleep soundly, the third awakens sensuality).

Certain types of essential oils (geraniums, etc.), when added to warm water, are able to remove headache provide relief from arthritis. Rose and sandalwood oils increase libido.

Women regularly taking aromatic baths provide significant assistance with hormonal changes in the body. Such procedures will benefit both during puberty and at the onset of menopause. The difference lies only in the types of essential oils.

Aroma baths promote mental recovery, reduce irritability, help calm shattered nerves, find inner harmony.

Types and features of oils for water procedures

Essential oils are obtained from different kind plants, so it is easy to get lost in a wide range of aromatic oils. Depending on the prevailing properties, all oils are divided into groups:

  • erotic (rose, ylang-ylang, nutmeg);
  • soothing (bergamot, mandarin, linden);
  • restoring and toning the skin (mimosa, rose, geranium, lotus);
  • eliminating cellulite (clove, grapefruit, lemon, pine);
  • tonic (vervain, ginger, thyme);
  • struggling with signs of a cold (eucalyptus, lavender, juniper).

In addition to pure oils, you can make your own aromatic compositions by mixing a few of your favorite varieties. It is important that the number of components in such a mixture does not exceed 6, otherwise beneficial effect weakened by its use.

Rosemary and Lavender Oils Don't Work Together

Depending on the consistency, essential oils are produced:

  • in standard liquid form;
  • in the form of solid bars (tiles) using solid base oils (coconut, cocoa, shea butter), beeswax, etc.

Massage oil tiles gently cleanse and moisturize the skin

Each bottle of liquid essential oil comes with a handy dispenser that allows you to measure required amount facilities. Tiles are made on a fusible base, which begins to melt when it hits the surface of the skin. The bar can be crushed and then dissolved in water, or it can be rubbed into pre-cleansed, slightly damp skin, do not rinse.

The subtleties of the correct use of essential oils in the bathroom

A full session of aromatherapy is easy to carry out at home, adding to warm bath(40°C-45°C) essential oils. For the procedure, you do not need to purchase additional accessories (aroma lamps, incense burners). Under the action of heat, the dissolved oils are quickly absorbed into the pores of the skin, leaving no greasy marks. At the same time, you can enjoy the healing power of aromas.

The optimal dosage of oil or composition per bath for one adult is 9-10 drops. However, it is best to start with 6-7 drops, gradually increasing their number (with each new session, add 1 drop to the previous dose). Such precautions are necessary to test the reaction of the body. Some experts in the field of aromatherapy offer to calculate the individual dosage of oils based on the volume of the bath. Approximate norm: 1 drop of oil mixture per 20-25 liters of liquid.

For children and the elderly, the aroma bath is prepared by reducing the dosage of essential oils.

For babies and children under 3 years old, 1-2 drops of oil diluted in 1 tsp are enough. milk added to bathing water; to kid preschool age(from 3 to 6 years) increase the dosage to 4-6 drops per bath. by the most the best varieties essential oils for babies will be chamomile and lavender. They contribute restful sleep and take care of delicate skin.

Oils are added to an already prepared bath when the tap is turned off. It is better not to use the Jacuzzi functions. Pouring an oil mixture into a stream of water while taking a bath is fraught with the fact that the volatile components of the ether evaporate quickly, and the benefits of the bath are reduced. A similar effect is observed when starting a hot tub. Before diving into the bath, doctors advise taking a refreshing shower.

When the required dose of essential oils has already been added, the water is mixed so that the oil is evenly distributed throughout the volume.

It is necessary to select varieties of essential oils, guided by your own preferences. Annotation about their beneficial effects on the body serves only general recommendation. All funds should be highly concentrated (90-100%).

The correct use of essential oils is to add them not in their pure form, but in combination with a base (emulsifier):

  • vegetable or cosmetic oil (dilution at the rate of 1 ml of ether per 5–6 ml of base);
  • liquid natural honey (1–2 tablespoons);
  • low-fat kefir (2-3 tablespoons);
  • oatmeal;
  • a handful of sea salt, etc.

If you decide to dilute the usual assortment with a new type of oil, you must first conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, 1 drop of the product is applied to the skin of the forearm or near the elbow, and then the condition of the skin is monitored throughout the day. Discomfort, redness skin they say that the use of this type of oil must be abandoned.

Aroma bath is taken 1.5–2 hours after a meal, it should not be done on an empty stomach. It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure daily, the optimal interval between aroma sessions is 1-3 days.

To enhance the positive effect of taking a bath will help:

  • refusal to wipe with a hard towel (at the end of the procedure);
  • a cup of warm green tea or herbal decoction, where you can add 1-2 tsp. honey.

After the aroma bath, it is advised to put on a loose, not restricting movement, made of natural materials clothes. An ideal choice would be a terry dressing gown made from 100% cotton. An oily film on the body left after taking a bath means that the esters were not properly dissolved (without an emulsifier, etc.). They try not to leave it on the body, because instead of benefit, you get the exact opposite effect.

After taking the aroma bath, it is better to put on a terry dressing gown made of 100% cotton.

Types of baths and recipes for their preparation

Depending on the method of taking a bath, there are:

  • full (general) - almost the entire body is immersed in water, the person is in a prone or reclining position;
  • local (partial) - designed for a specific part of the body (upper or lower limbs.);
  • sedentary - the lower part of the body is immersed in water.

An experienced specialist should choose the method of taking a therapeutic bath. If the procedure is planned to be performed as a cosmetic or relaxing, the method of taking a bath can be selected at your own discretion.

The optimal amount of essential oils depending on the type of bath is:

  • for a total of 8-10 drops, for children and the elderly, the figure is halved;
  • for local and sedentary - 4 drops.

Preparation of baths for hands and feet

Partial baths are done at any convenient time or at the end of the day. They become a real salvation when it is impossible to fully lie down in a fully filled bath. According to the mode of action, they can be therapeutic or cosmetic.

Hand baths, depending on the oils or compositions added, are capable of:

  • eliminate joint pain;
  • improve finger mobility;
  • strengthen nails, improve their appearance;
  • restore and brighten the skin of the hands.

Hands especially need regular care, because it is this part of the body that is constantly in sight. Therefore, baths with essential oils are recommended to be done regularly. Suitable as an emulsifier:

  • sour cream or cream with a fat content of 20% or more;
  • liquid natural honey.

Preparing a local bath for hand skin care is very simple. To do this, pour warm water (40-50 degrees) into a deep bowl, and then mix 3 drops of one of the selected essential oils with the emulsifier:

  • fennel,
  • pink,
  • geranium,
  • lemon,
  • tangerine,
  • neroli,
  • hyssop.

Emulsified oil is added to water, and then hands are immersed there for 15–20 minutes.

After the bath, a light non-greasy cream is applied to the skin. Can be used instead of water in winter herbal decoctions(daisies, strings, etc.).

The original oil bath, which is taken cold, will help to strengthen the nails, prevent their delamination and brittleness. For its preparation take:

  • 2 drops each of lemon and frankincense essential oils;
  • 3 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 1 tsp jojoba oils and wheat germ.

All components are mixed together, then poured into a shallow bowl and fingers are dipped there. Nails should be completely immersed in the mixture. After 5–8 minutes, the hands are removed from the bath, each finger is lightly massaged for 1–2 minutes.

Foot baths are very helpful at the end of the day. They are recommended to take:

  • people who sit or stand a lot while working;
  • athletes (athletes);
  • with constant pain in the lower extremities;
  • with increased sweating of the legs;
  • with dry skin of the feet;
  • with insufficient blood circulation.

Aromatic bath composition will help to make the heels soft, get rid of roughness and dryness of the skin of the feet:

  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang oil;
  • 1 drop of patchouli;
  • 3 drops of lavender oil

You can forget about the repulsive "ambergris", you can reduce sweating of the legs by adding 3 drops of lavender and lemon oil to the bath.

For local baths, it is allowed to use water with a temperature above 45 degrees. The recommended dosage of essential oils is 5 drops, based on a basin of water (8–10 liters). Sea salt (10 g per basin of water) can act as an emulsifier for good dissolution of oil mixtures.

Hands or feet are kept in water for about 15 minutes, then wiped dry with a hard towel, after which a light moisturizer is applied.

Video: winter foot bath with essential oils

Easy Recipes for Relaxing Baths

A win-win essential bath composition to help you sleep soundly includes:

  • 10 drops of chamomile oil, which helps relieve tension;
  • 10 drops of tangerine oil, which lowers blood pressure;
  • 14 drops of lavender oil - effective remedy with insomnia;
  • 8 drops of frankincense as an aid to the respiratory system.

The prepared mixture is stored for 6-7 days in a tightly closed glass or ceramic bottle, away from sunlight. It is enough for 2-3 baths, but the beneficial effect is in no way inferior to a modern sleeping pill.

With prolonged depression, lethargy, severe fatigue a bath with the addition of oils will help:

  • clove,
  • tangerine,
  • eucalyptus,
  • lavender,
  • one of the sedatives.

All oils take 2 drops each, add 4 drops of lavender oil there, and optionally 3 drops of one of the soothing oils (pink, etc.).

For essential oils to be beneficial, they must be dissolved in a base substance, such as sea salt, and only then added to water.

To restore your vigor, to increase your tone, a water procedure with such a mixture will help:

  • 4 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 5 drops of verbena;
  • 5 drops of thyme oil.

To get rid of cellulite, increase skin elasticity and general relaxation, prepare the following composition:

  • a couple of drops of cypress and lemon oils;
  • 10 drops of bergamot and grapefruit esters;
  • 3 drops cinnamon;
  • 1 drop of mint and anise oils.

All oils are dropped onto 100 g of coarse sea salt, which is then wrapped in several layers of gauze. The resulting bag is lowered into a bath filled with water. It is not necessary to wait for the complete dissolution of the salt, since the oils already interact with warm water will give a positive effect.

For relaxation and good night oils are taken for one bath:

  • 5 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops of mimosa ether;
  • 3 drops of chamomile.

Lavender, chamomile and mimosa oils added to the bath will help you relax after a hard day's work.

The procedure with the following composition will help to calm the nervous system, find calmness and serenity:

  • 2 drops of iris;
  • 5 drops of lemon balm essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lavender

During the off-season, many people complain about how difficult it is for them to wake up in the morning. A special aromatic bath mixture made from lavender and alpine spruce oils (5 drops each) will help to correct the situation, add vitality.

To remove the negative accumulated during a hard working week, a water procedure with the addition of:

  • 1 drop frankincense and tea tree oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus oil.

Lovers of pampering can prepare aromatic "bombs" for the bathroom with their own hands. This will require:

  • 12 st. l. baking soda;
  • 3 art. l. coarse sea salt;
  • 6 art. l. citric acid;
  • 10 ml base oil (vaseline, olive, castor);
  • 5-6 drops of fir oil;
  • 3 art. l. dry milk;
  • dried rose petals;
  • silicone or plastic molds (halves).

Fragrant bath bombs are easy to make with your own hands

First, dry ingredients are mixed in a non-metallic container (powdered milk, soda, salt and acid). Then oils are added there and lightly sprinkled with medical alcohol (2-3 drops). After that, mix quickly. The finished mass should not crumble.

Petals are placed at the bottom of the molds, and then gradually filled with the prepared mixture. After the first layer is laid, it is pressed down with fingers from above, a new one is placed on top. When the molds are tightly filled to the top, the contents are carefully removed from them and left to dry on a cotton napkin for 20-24 hours.

After a day, the halves are connected in pairs, tightly pressing one to the other, and then dried for 10 days. Ready-made "bombs" are stored, wrapping each with cling film.

It is enough to add one such "bomb" to the bath and wait 8-10 minutes until complete dissolution, and a relaxing effect will be provided. A nice addition will be an improvement in the appearance of the skin of the body.

Aromatic bomb, immersed in the bath, will give relaxation after hard working days


  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, angina pectoris, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • with liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis);
  • with oncology;
  • with epilepsy;
  • at diabetes various types;
  • with skin diseases (mycosis, weeping dermatitis);
  • in the postoperative period.

It is better to postpone a bath with essential oils during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.. But in the remission phase, such a procedure will help the body recover quickly.

A variety of essential oils or their mixtures, added to a warm bath in small quantities, help to relax, gain strength, improve well-being, and relieve fatigue. You can take a shared bath or carry out water treatments separately for arms or legs. The type of oil is selected in accordance with the goals of the procedure, the needs of the skin and individual taste preferences.

Bath ... how many hopes we sometimes place on it. In the morning, it should help wake up, cheer up, charge the body with energy and vitality. In the evening, a bath will help you relax, relieve fatigue and stress after a hard day's work. And on weekends, you can just enjoy the bath procedure, relaxing and relaxing.

Meanwhile, in the East, they have long learned to use the bath with benefit, getting the desired effect from taking it. The whole thing…. in essential oils. Aroma oils (they are also essential oils) are successfully used in alternative medicine and home cosmetology.

At right choice essential oils when taking a bath will help to relax or, on the contrary, cheer up, thereby enhancing the effect of the bath itself.

The effect of aroma baths on the body is determined by the penetration of oil into the open pores of the skin, as well as by inhalation of air. That is, with the help of inhalation, so essential oils are volatile substances. Conventionally, aroma baths are divided into general (for the whole body) or local (for example, for hands or feet). For a general bath, 6-8 drops of the selected oil will be enough, for local ones - 3-4 drops.

How to take a bath with essential oil?

  1. Before starting the bath procedure, you should take a shower and do it first, thereby opening the pores and preparing the body for taking a bath.
  2. Next, you should take a full bath of warm, but not hot water. The optimum temperature is 35-36º, with more high temperature the essential oil will evaporate quickly.
  3. The essential oil should be dissolved in the base oil before adding (jojoba oil or olive oil) or diluted in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or sour cream. Cream, kefir or is also suitable.
  4. Do not open the door while taking a bath, as this will quickly lose the aroma.
  5. It is not recommended to use shampoo, gel or soap while taking aromatherapy, as this will significantly reduce the effect of the essential oil.
  6. The duration of the aroma bath, as a rule, is 10-25 minutes. Apply every other day, a course of 10-15 procedures. For a preventive effect, it is enough to use a bath with the addition of essential oil once a week.

How to choose an aroma bath oil?

The essential oil is chosen depending on its properties and the desired effect. Essential oils can be combined. But combine wisely.

Do not mix oils that have different, opposite properties. For example, tonic oils - myrrh, lemon, rosemary and relaxing - cedar, lemon balm, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood.

In addition, when combining different oils, you cannot mix more than 5-6 oils at the same time. So you not only do not achieve the desired result, but also run the risk of provoking allergic reactions of the body.

By the way, before using any essential oil, you should test for skin sensitivity and allergies to the selected product.

Properties of essential oils for the bath.

So, properties of some essential oils most commonly used for bathing:

Lemon - invigorates and promotes increased concentration.

Rosemary - activates vitality organism.

In the evening, a bath with essential oils of lavender and frankincense will help relieve fatigue and muscle pain.

Before going to bed, it is good to take with the addition of chamomile and lemon balm oils (3-4 drops each).

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Today, as before, a bath with essential oils brings soothing pleasure, leisurely relaxation and rest without fuss. In a warm fragrant bath, lit only by candles, our body and brain get maximum peace and time for meditation.

Soothing bath essential oils are used as the most the right way to relax, calm the nerves, relieve tension in the muscles. Taking a bath with fragrant oil is as old as the world. The ancient Romans knew that the best way to end a hard day is aroma bath, which is a cure for any stress.

Studies conducted in Japan have shown that just 10 minutes in the water is enough for a person to get an improvement in physical and mental condition.

Using essential oils in your bath is the easiest way to use them. The warmth of the water helps the skin absorb the essential oils and inhale their fragrance at the same time. The very fact that water procedures make us relax and quickly recuperate speaks of the therapeutic effect of fragrant aroma oils.

Aromatic bath oils must be added to the water in compliance with certain rules:

  1. The maximum amount is 10 drops per bath.
  2. Begin the course with 6 drops. As the procedures are performed and the skin reaction is observed, the dose is adjusted to the maximum.
  3. Do not add essential oils when collecting water or turn on the jacuzzi during the procedure. Otherwise, volatile substances quickly enter the air. Add drops of aromatic oil only to the bath filled with water.
  4. The water is stirred to ensure even distribution of the ether.
  5. The temperature should not be hot, but rather comfortable and pleasant for the body. Optimal 38°C, residence time in water 20 minutes.
  6. Resist the temptation to add an extra drop. Remember: more is not better. Essential oils are very concentrated and their effect lasts for a long time.
  7. The essential oil is pre-mixed with any base oil or shampoo and only then added to the water. If desired, it is diluted with honey, kefir, milk or dripped onto a handful of salt.
  8. Before using an ether unfamiliar to you, a patch test is required.
  9. Before the water procedure, a hygienic shower is taken.
  10. Meals should be at least 2 hours before water procedures which are held regularly with breaks of 1-2 days.
  11. To enhance and continue the effect after a bath with aromatic oils, the body is not wiped with a towel. You need to put on a terry bathrobe, lie down and drink herbal infusion or a cup of your favorite tea.

Advice! If you are preparing a bath for babies or toddlers, 1-2 drops of chamomile or lavender diluted in a teaspoon of milk are sufficient before adding to the water. Such a bath will soothe, promote sound sleep and drive away germs. Children from 2 to 6 years old can already add four to six drops.

The benefits of aroma bath

Aromatic bath oils truly work wonders. You can use them not only in spas, but also at home if you wish, and this option is more accessible and convenient. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately, especially if they are designed to relieve fatigue and relax after a working day.

  • Essential oils are healing. Certain compositions are capable of relieving the symptoms of many diseases, ameliorating flare-ups, and treating.
  • The cosmetic effect of bath oils is important for women. The main goal during the procedure is smooth, firm, elastic skin without cellulite, age spots and peeling.
  • tone and positivity. Bright, pulsating and invigorating aromas awaken, energize, make you actively live every day.
  • Help with hormonal surges. A few minutes in fragrant water will make you feel like a renewed woman, calm, balanced and self-confident.
  • You get a guaranteed deep night's sleep if you take a bath in the evening. Only a specially prepared composition can provide a similar effect of good rest: chamomile essential oil (10 k.) to relieve tension, 10 k. tangerine to lower pressure, 14 k. lavender against insomnia, 8 k. frankincense to deepen breathing.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties are ideal for the treatment of muscle and headaches, rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Increases libido. Some essential oils for the bath can set you on a “certain” wave, enhance sensory perception. Favorites: sandalwood oil, noted in India as a powerful aphrodisiac; a rose associated with the romantic heart chakra; ylang-ylang is known for its ability to increase sexual energy.

To whom aroma baths are contraindicated

Be sure to check out the list of diseases that do not allow you to take aroma baths. Please note that this procedure is also not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Contraindications for diseases:

Types of oil baths

Depending on the desired effect, disease or purpose of the bath, prepare:

  • General or complete when the procedure is for the whole body. Take a prone position.
  • Partial or local. The impact is only on a certain part of the body, immersing the hands or feet.
  • Sitting baths.

The specialist recommends the number and frequency of the procedure to obtain a therapeutic effect. Baths with essential oils for cosmetic or tonic effects are carried out in any form, with self-selection fragrance you like best. But do not forget about the rules of the aroma bath.

What essential oils to choose for the bath?

When you get involved in this amazing and magical world of essential oils, you are a beginner and not always sure what kind of bath oil you need and how to use it to get the effect.

There are whole groups of aromatic substances that are similar in purpose. Choose for yourself the oil that you like in terms of its aroma and effect. By the way, the same oil can simultaneously have several properties.

Bath oils properties:

  1. Tonic group of oils. This includes: lemon, verbena, rosemary, sage, grapefruit, ginger, geranium, lemon balm, mint, thyme, patchouli, nutmeg.
  2. Soothing, relaxing: rose, sandalwood, orange, bergamot, neroli, lemon, mandarin, myrrh, lavender, jasmine, linden.
  3. Anti-cellulite action in oils: grapefruit, cloves, cedar, pine, fennel, orange, lemon.
  4. Relieve cold symptoms: sage, tea tree, rosemary, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, fir, chamomile.
  5. For youthful skin and soul: rose, jasmine, mimosa, lotus, sandalwood, geranium, myrrh.
  6. Exciting and erotic esters: sage, neroli, juniper, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose, neroli, nutmeg, patchouli.

How to use solid bath oil

Versatile and easy to handle, the tiles are made from natural ingredients. The basis - vegetable oils With high content stearic and oleic acids, responsible for skin hydration and elasticity.

The oily texture allows it to contain a high percentage of essential oils. A certain technology gives liquid plant bases a solid consistency, which greatly expands the product range. The main structure-forming substance is: shea butter, cocoa, cupuaçu, almonds, avocados, etc.

Solid bath oils have a brittle, fusible texture. Upon contact with the skin, they instantly begin to melt. If you are interested and purchased such a bath oil, then you need to know how to use a solid product. At your request, it is either rubbed into clean, damp skin of the body, or a piece is dissolved in water by rubbing it with your fingers.

Try both options and decide for yourself what you like best. With direct "soaping" of the skin, most of the valuable elements penetrate into it, the oil structure of the tile nourishes and cares for the body. A few minutes of massage and rubbing with fragrant "magic" give joyful moments of pleasure. Do not rinse with water, wrap yourself in a soft bathrobe and leave yourself with a great fragrance and luxurious oil.

Aromatic bath recipes

Soothing bath, for depression and fatigue

2 k. Oil of cloves, mandarin, eucalyptus. Lavender 4 k. Sandalwood, geranium, rose, incense - any one of your choice. Dose - 3 drops.

Invigorating - for tone and vigor

Rosemary, verbena, sage or lemon. Dose - 4 drops. Verbena 5 k., thyme 5 k.

For insomnia and irritability

Lavender, mimosa, chamomile 3 k. Mandarin, mint, lavender, spruce 3 k. Sandalwood 8 k. and rose 2 k. Neroli and lemon balm 4 k. Marjoram 3 k., Lavender 3 k.

For joint and muscle pain

A mixture of 2 oils is used: cinnamon with lemon balm, ginger with verbena, juniper with mint. Each take 2 drops. Cedar oil 8 k.

Anti-cellulite bath with oils

Lemon, cypress, juniper 2 k each. Grapefruit and bergamot 10 k each, geranium 8 k., Cinnamon 3 k. Orange, grapefruit and cypress 2 k each. Peppermint, anise and vetiver 1 k each, grapefruit 4 k. , 100 g of sea salt.

Bath with oils for weight loss and harmony

Juniper 3 k., Rosemary, geranium and sage 1 k. Juniper, fennel and lemon 3 k.

To raise libido

Neroli 4 k, ylang-ylang 3 k. Patchouli 5 k., rose 2 k. Sage 4 k., ylang-ylang 2 k., neroli 2 k.

Therapeutic bath for colds

Tea tree 7 k., milk 1 tbsp. spoon. Tea tree 4 drops, lemon 2 drops, thyme 2 k. Lemon 4 k., Pine 4 k., Tea tree 2 k.

Fragrant is both an unusual gift and an excellent care product for … ? And it depends with what oil you make soap!

The beauty industry does not stop for a moment, constantly producing new products for body and face care, pharmacists are testing effective drugs to prolong the activity and youth of the body. But interest in essential natural oils not only does not disappear, but is growing at a rapid pace.

This is understandable: they have been used for centuries, the benefits have been proven, side effects negligible. The oils are natural, economical and have a chic aroma that can immerse you in dreams or make you move rapidly towards a new day.