Water pipes      08/21/2020

Coconut oil deodorized. Use of refined coconut oil. Soap “Sweet Citrus Honey”

As you may already know, many Asian countries have been using coconut oil for centuries. long history. According to research, coconut oil has been used to treat a variety of diseases due to its antimicrobial properties, and it is also used in cosmetics and cooking. However, not all coconut oil is created equal. Available different kinds for various purposes.

Kinds coconut oils.

There are 3 main types of coconut oil.

1. (Crude)Technical coconut oil.

This is an oil that is obtained from copra, the dried pulp of the coconut. Industrial coconut oil is not suitable for consumption as the pulp becomes contaminated and infected during drying. Technical coconut oil can be used for some technical purposes such as making soap or candles. It can also be processed in different ways depending on the end goal. As the name suggests, it is the most basic of the oils obtained from the coconut.

2. Refined, bleached And deodorized coconut oil

Industrial coconut oil is processed to produce a product suitable for human consumption. It is the most common variety of coconut oil and is currently used in cooking and Food Industry. However, due to the use of chemicals and high temperatures in the production of R.O.D. coconut oil the nutritional value of this oil is very, very low. In case of poor processing, there is a danger that some chemicals may remain in the product and cause harm when consumed. There have also been cases of mixing R.O.D. coconut oil with cheaper oils to increase volume and, accordingly, increase profits. Due to the fact that R.O.D. Coconut oil is odorless and tasteless, and it is very difficult to determine the content of foreign oils. This processing promotes mass production and, accordingly, achieving low prices. Unfortunately, although it remains relatively safe to use in cooking, it has lost its nutritional properties. After hydrogenation, as usually happens with R.O.D. oils, it also becomes dangerous.

3. Coconut oilVirgin

This is oil that is extracted from fresh coconut pulp. Virgin Coconut Oil is generally recognized as the most nutritious, healthful and safe of all coconut oils and possibly the healthiest of all oils used in cooking today. To classify virgin coconut oil, no heat or chemicals must be used during extraction, and there must be no additional processing. Humidity should not exceed 0.2%. Due to the fact that the humidity and free fatty acid content are so low, the shelf life is very long, at least 2 years. The end result is a completely natural, pure oil that retains as much of the nutrients of the fresh coconut as possible. Virgin coconut oil liquid in warm, and when cooled below 24 ° C it hardens; in average climatic conditions it is usually solid throughout the year. Virgin Coconut Oil also retains the wonderful aroma and delicious taste of coconut. Any coconut oil that does not retain its odor and taste has been processed in some way and is not Virgin.

Baraka Organic coconut oil belongs to the latter type, moreover, it is certified Organic by the European Union. This means that the coconuts used to extract the oils come from plantations that do not use chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, or genetically modified organisms.

Coconut oil Baraka Organic Bio

Refined oils are oils that have gone through several stages of purification. As a rule, they have no smell, no color, no taste. Therefore, you should not count on the pleasant aroma of Bounty candies when purchasing refined coconut oil. But it is not the smell alone that makes coconut oil valuable. In this article, we will understand the benefits of refined coconut oil, whether there is any harm from it, and also tell you about ways to use it.

Benefits of Refined Coconut Oil

More than 90% of the composition of coconut oil is saturated fatty acids, including such beneficial medium-chain triglycerides (more than 60%). The refining process does not destroy these fats, so they are present in the same composition in refined coconut oil.

Yes, refined coconut oil when taken internally will not amaze you with a pleasant taste and aroma (it simply does not have them), but you will be surprised when you soon discover that the result is worth it. After all:

  • In relation to this oil, the formula “fat does not equal fat” is correct, because Coconut fats are easily digestible, are not stored as reserves in adipose tissue and provide energy for a long time;
  • Medium chain triglycerides speed up metabolism, causing the body to burn 5% more energy (120 calories). This also promotes faster weight loss. In addition, refined coconut oil reduces appetite, allowing you to eat less;
  • fatty acids increase the number of ketone bodies in the body. They are known to serve as reserve fuel for the brain, nerve fibers, heart and muscles in extreme situations. Thus, studies show that medium-chain triglycerides, which are so rich in coconut oil, significantly improve the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease;
  • Coconut saturated fatty acids reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of “good” cholesterol, which is the prevention of heart and vascular diseases;
  • lauric acid, the content of which in oil can reach 50%, helps in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Therefore, consuming oil is a good prevention of various infections, including Staphylococcus aureus.

Everyone knows how effective it is in general, but few know what is remarkable about purified. Refined cold-pressed coconut oil is an excellent assistant in facial and hair care, and is considered almost the most popular component of care products. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gives the skin radiance, and prevents stretch marks.

The oil also performed well in hand care. Thus, it nourishes the skin of the hands, protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, wind, cold, and softens the cuticle.

Using oil in the form of masks, leave-in balms and hair sprays makes hair silky and manageable, seals split ends, and gives hair a well-groomed appearance.

Refined coconut oil's high smoke point (higher than unrefined coconut oil) makes it one of the best vegetable oils for frying.

Harm of refined coconut oil

Like any other product, if consumed excessively, refined coconut oil can cause harm in the form of allergies, stomach and intestinal upsets. Therefore, before you start using it fully, check your skin for the presence of an allergic reaction to the oil, and also carefully monitor the body’s reaction throughout the day when using the oil internally.

People with stomach and intestinal diseases should be especially careful and consult their doctor.

How to use refined coconut oil?

Refined coconut oil is useful to use internally, 1-2 tablespoons per day, to prevent cardiovascular diseases and diseases caused by various viruses.
Replacing sunflower oil with it will not only make your food healthier, but will also help you lose weight.

Daily oil pulling is excellent oral hygiene with effective whitening teeth, because Plaque does not dissolve in water, but in fats.

The purified oil is used in the form of creams, both in pure form and by mixing it with the usual daily cream or other essential and base oils.

Useful to use. In the morning, you won't recognize your hair if you apply a coconut oil mask to it all night. And oil applied to dry, clean hair will instantly give your curls a well-groomed look, remove frizz, and improve the condition of split ends.

During pregnancy, applying oil to your skin daily will prevent unnecessary stretch marks.
Using purified coconut oil as a foot cream will soften your feet and get rid of cracks and calluses.

With this article we wanted to show that not only unrefined oil may be useful. Purified coconut oil is in no way inferior to it in terms of basic health indicators (in coconut oil these are medium chain fatty acids). Therefore, this is exactly the case when there is no need to chase high prices.


Coconut oil is a product that is used for hair, body and face care.. Its natural composition allows you to improve the structure of curls, make the skin elastic and slow down its aging. The product has received such widespread use thanks to the saturated and unsaturated acids, vitamins and microelements contained in the composition.

Refined coconut oil is a purified, thick liquid that can be stored for 1-2 years and is less exposed to temperature changes. The refining process itself involves cleaning the product with water and chemical compounds. In this way, manufacturers “wash out” salts, minerals, phospholipids and metals.

Chemical composition of the product

Although the oil undergoes purification, vitamins, saturated, fatty and unsaturated acids remain in its composition. Let's list what elements are in the composition of purified cosmetics made from coconuts:

  • vitamins B, K and E that nourish curls and moisturize the dermis;
  • Omega-6 makes the skin elastic and improves nails;
  • caproic, caprylic and capric acids rejuvenate the epidermis, saturating it with oxygen;
  • lauric responsible for moisturizing dermal cells;
  • myristic improves product absorption and accelerates skin healing;
  • palmitic and oleic acids eliminate excess moisture of the epidermis;
  • stearic protects the body from sun rays.

Refined goods from Thailand are suitable only for hair, skin and nails care. It can be added to shampoos and serums for quick recovery. In online stores, purified coconut extract is indicated by the inscriptionsRBDorRefined.

Refined coconut oil: application

Coconut extract that undergoes refining is suitable for external use only. She improves appearance curls, restores them and prevents dandruff. Also, due to the high content of hyaluronic acid, the product moisturizes the hair well.

Cosmetics with coconut pulp are used to improve the health of the body. It is added to cleansing masks, balms and other cosmetic products.. It heals and restores rough areas of the skin: heels, elbows and knees. Thanks to minerals and moisturizing components, skin covering recovers and becomes elastic.

Processing methods

The product made from coconut pulp differs not only in its cleaning, but also in its processing method. For now, humanity has come up with two processing methods: cold and hot pressing. The content of vitamins and useful substances.

Cold pressing is divided into two stages:

  1. Separating the pulp from the coconut shell.
  2. Squeezing the pulp under a press.

The resulting liquid is not subjected to heat treatment, so its composition remains just as rich. Cold-pressed products have a special inscription “cold-pressed”. The only disadvantage of such products is the high price compared to hot-pressed products.

Hot or dry pressing method involves other processes:

  • the coconut flesh is separated from the shell;
  • the pulp is dried in the oven or in the sun;
  • the resulting product is placed under a press.

Due to the processing of pulp at high temperatures, cosmetics lose vitamins and minerals. But the hood, which undergoes a hot processing method, is cheaper and does not clog pores.

Refined coconut oil: benefits and harms

The benefit of a refined product lies in its composition and the effects of microelements. Due to saturated and unsaturated acids, you can cure skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. Vitamins and microelements eliminate acne, heal scars and treat herpes.

Elements of refined cosmetics improve the health of the scalp and curls. Thanks to the antibacterial properties of the product, dandruff disappears and hair becomes silky. Also, cosmetics made from coconut pulp improve the condition of nails on the feet and hands.

The harm of refined food lies in its ability to clog pores on the face.. Therefore, it is not recommended for those with oily and problematic skin. Also, some girls have individual intolerance to the product. To check product fit, apply it to the crook of your elbow. If there is no redness, use it to your health!

Refined VS Unrefined: which is better?

As described above, the differences between refined oil and unrefined oil lie in the cleaning and pressing method. The first contains less vitamins and acids, but is stored a couple of years longer and has a transparent color. Unrefined has a rich composition and is even used in cooking.. It is used by children and people who reset excess weight.

If you choose which product is better, refined and unrefined, decide on the task. If you want to purchase a product to support immunity, food additives and for frying, opt for unrefined ones. If you need to improve the condition of your skin and hair, choose refined coconut extract.

Articles on the topic "Refined deodorized coconut oil":

Coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil is beneficial not only for the skin of the body and face. Likewise, it has a positive effect on hair. Coconut oil can be used as a conditioner and helps effectively solve dandruff problems, sometimes better than special medicated shampoos. In its composition, coconut oil is similar to hair proteins; thanks to low molecular weight and a straight linear chain in the structure, it penetrates deep into the hair. Using pure coconut oil or coconut oil-based hair products makes hair soft, shiny and more vibrant.

Coconut oil in ice cream: good or bad?

Many people are prejudiced against ice cream with coconut oil, but in vain. After all, it has already been proven that coconut oil has a number of advantages over animal fats. The fats present in coconut oil can quickly crystallize, making the ice cream have a pleasant aroma and quickly melt in the mouth. Ice cream with coconut oil contains no cholesterol and is lower in calories than ice cream based on vegetable fats. Coconut oil forms a clean crystal lattice, which makes the texture of the ice cream very smooth. It also contributes to the ice cream's soft consistency and uniform density.

Coconut oil is a convenient oil for cooking

Coconut oil is great for frying, baking and sautéing a wide variety of foods at temperatures up to 350°C. They can easily replace butter by adding it to cereals, vegetables, popcorn and other dishes. An additional benefit of coconut oil in cooking is long term storage, and it remains solid during room temperature and does not even require refrigeration. Coconut oil is more convenient to use than, for example, olive oil during heat treatment of foods. Indeed, unlike olive or hemp oils, which are more suitable for dressing salads, coke oil does not emit smoke when heated and is less sensitive to high temperatures.

Coconut oil neutralizes the harmful effects of UV rays

It is very noteworthy that people living in tropical climates, such as the Philippines or Malaysia, who are constantly exposed to UV rays and generally do not use sunscreens however, do not suffer from skin cancer. Scientists have concluded that the reason for this is the active consumption of coconut oil with its high antioxidant capacity, which protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. At the same time, consuming coconut oil helps the body absorb vitamin D in the sun, which, in turn, helps prevent the development of osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

You can defeat age-related pigmentation with coconut oil

Age-related pigmentation, reminiscent of freckles, is a common companion to mature skin. However, it has been found that coconut oil (both internally and externally consumed) can slow down further pigmentation process and reduce existing spots. This is due to the fact that coconut oil prevents the formation of free radicals, which are the culprits of such age-related pigmentation. Coconut oil helps maintain the flexibility and strength of the skin's connective tissue, preventing it from sagging. Penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, coconut oil has not a short-term, but a long-lasting positive effect.

Coconut oil for weight loss

Due to its high triglyceride content, coconut oil burns subcutaneous fat. Medium chain triglycerides are quickly absorbed into the body and burned almost immediately. At the same time, they promote the rapid absorption of vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium and other minerals. Thanks to high content lauric acid (comparable only to breast milk), coconut oil reduces appetite and accelerates thermogenesis (calorie burning). Moreover, coconut oil also helps burn fat by stimulating the thyroid gland, which controls basic metabolic processes in the body.

Coconut oil helps fight tooth decay

Irish scientists have discovered that, as a natural antibiotic, coconut oil attacks bacteria that cause tooth decay. In this case, during the experiments, coconut oil treated with enzymes was used (similar to natural process digestion). It turned out that such “digested” coconut oil can even destroy streptococcus, which is the main enemy of healthy teeth. Today, scientists continue to study how coconut oil affects other bacteria in the mouth. Perhaps the discoveries made will make it possible to create a fundamentally new technology prevention and treatment of caries.

Coconut oil for those on a diet

Coconut oil is a reusable product in cooking and frying processes, as it does not lose its qualities as a result of repeated heating and temperature treatments. But the most valuable thing about it is that once it enters the body, it is almost completely absorbed and is not stored as fat deposits that everyone hates. This is why coke oil is number one on the list for those looking to lose weight. Using coconut oil in everyday food reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improves digestive processes.

If we talk about external use, then it is suitable for absolutely everyone, even pregnant women. The last category is especially useful for preventing the appearance of stretch marks and stretch marks.

Homemade natural cream

Commercial creams and cleansers often contain artificial ingredients that can irritate your skin. The Environmental Working Group, a consumer advocacy organization, found that 1/3 of personal care products. that she tested contains at least 1 acceptable or known carcinogen. When you make your own natural cream, you know exactly what substances you mix and then apply to your skin. Following the recipe, you will have a jar of moisturizing or cleansing cream in just half an hour.

You will need

  • Yellow beeswax 2 tsp.
  • Avocado, jojoba, almond, olive or any other vegetable oil 3/4 cup
  • Coconut oil 1 tbsp.
  • Liquid lecithin 1/2 tsp.
  • Vitamin E 1 tsp.
  • Essential oil 20 drops
  • Distilled water 3/4 cup
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1/2 tsp.

Homemade shampoo

Shampoo is the same as soap, only for hair. But making homemade shampoo is very useful and interesting. Of course, you can add a billion ingredients to your shampoo, but sometimes we don’t need any exotic shampoos at all or we can’t afford it. When preparing homemade shampoo, you can fully unleash your imagination and create a product that will make your hair luxurious.

Shampoo base

As in the preparation of most cosmetics You should start with some Castile soap. It is done solely on the basis vegetable oil, without the use of animal fat. Many Castile soaps use only a small amount of olive oil, but true Castile soap is made entirely with olive oil.

The exfoliating properties of Dead Sea mud make this soap ideal for rough skin. The aromas of spicy ginger and grapefruit will bring you true pleasure.

You will need

  • Coconut oil 2575 g (30%)
  • Olive oil 2575 g (30%)
  • Canola oil 1725 g (20%)
  • Cocoa butter 850 g (10%)
  • Castor oil 430 g (5%)
  • Sunflower oil 250 g (3%)
  • Shea butter 175 g (2%)
  • Rosemary extract10 ml
  • Water 1650 g (42% alkaline solution)
  • Alkali 1200 g (7%)
  • Dead Sea mud (liquid) 200 g
  • White grapefruit essential oil 60 g
  • Ginger essential oil 47 g
  • Bergamot essential oil 39 g
  • Clove essential oil 4 g

Cool. Cool. Just great. It couldn't be better. Whatever you call him, you will simply fall in love with him! It is so bright and fragrant!

You will need

  • Coconut Oil 2 lbs + 8 oz
  • Olive oil 2 lbs + 4 oz
  • Palm oil 2 lbs.
  • Palm Oil Flakes 12.8 oz.
  • Distilled water 3.04 lbs.
  • Lye 18 oz.
  • Patchouli Essential Oil 6 oz.
  • 3-4 tbsp: pink-lilac pigment, yellow #6, yellow #5
  • Liquid glycerin 8 oz.

When creating this recipe, I wanted a soap with a soft, creamy lather and a subtle creamy scent.

Combining infused olive oil with vanilla bean, unrefined cocoa butter, castor oil and balsam and jasmine aromas produced just that.

You will need

  • Olive oil (vanilla bean infused) 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Lye 124.746 g (4.4 oz)
  • Tolu balsam 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Copai balsam 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Jasmine essential oil (10% jojoba oil solution) 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Fluffy white clay (kaolin) 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Powdered sugar1 tsp. (5 ml)

This olive soap is a great choice for people with sensitive skin. It contains calendula, chamomile and oatmeal, which have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Typically, Castile (olive) soap base is made with just olive oil, but since I like it to be a lot of lather, I also add a small amount of coconut and palm oil.

You will need

  • Coconut oil 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Infused olive oil 540 g (19.048 oz, 60%)
  • Palm oil 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Distilled water 326.07 g (11,502 oz)
  • Lye 121.145 g (4.273 oz)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Sweet almonds/vitamin E (80:20 mixture) 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Honey 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Shredded oatmeal instant cooking 1/4 mug (60 ml)
  • Crushed calendula petals 1 tbsp. (15 ml)

Camellia oil has many beneficial properties. that's why I use it so often in my recipes. But if you like some other oil...say, avocado oil, hemp seed oil, apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, etc....you can replace camellia oil with them. Just remember to count everything on the lye calculator to get the required amount.

As for the coconut milk...if you don't want it, you can omit it altogether...just increase the amount of water. Or you can use other milk. For example, goat. What I love about homemade soap making is that I can make it out of anything I want!

You will need

  • Camellia Oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Coconut oil 180 g (6.35 oz, 20%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Distilled water 200 g (7.05 oz)
  • Coconut milk 97 g (3.42 oz)
  • Lye 125.3 g (4.42 oz)

Soap “Sweet Citrus Honey”

To create this unusual soap in the shape of a honeycomb, bubble wrap is used. The combination of beeswax, honey and sweet citrus fruits will give you a delicate and attractive soap. It's like drinking tea with honey cake.

You will need

  • Castor oil 90 g (3.17 oz, 10%)
  • Olive oil 90 g (3.17 oz, 10%)
  • Shea Butter 90 g (3.17 oz, 10%)
  • Grapeseed Oil 135 g (4.5 oz, 15%)
  • Cocoa butter 45 g (1.59 oz, 5%)
  • Distilled water 297 g (10.48 oz)
  • Lye 127.08 g (4.5 oz)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Beeswax 18 g
  • Liquid honey 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Aromatic oil “Marmalade” 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Oakmoss essential oil 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)

Soap with beer

This recipe uses beer instead of water. This makes the soap very foamy. I made it with Keith's Indian white beer (although any beer will do), all the oils were plant-based, and there is no palm oil. Beer soap goes great with citrus scents, so I added sweet orange, lemongrass, palmarosa and lycea cubeba.

You will need

  • Avocado oil 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Coconut oil 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Olive oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Shea butter 135 g (4.76 oz, 15%)
  • Flat Beer 326.07 g (11,502 oz)
  • Lye 126.28 g (4.538 oz)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Carrot root powder 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 3 tsp. (15 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 3 tsp. (15 ml)
  • Palmarosa essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)

Soap “Give me coffee!”

Enjoy this wonderful soap with coffee beans and oatmeal. Its exfoliating properties make it a must-have in both the kitchen and bathroom.

The spicy aroma of ginger, cinnamon and cloves, the juiciness of sweet orange and the exotic smell of patchouli will make this soap your favorite!

You will need

  • Shea butter 135 g (4.762 oz, 15%)
  • Coconut oil 225 g (7.937 oz, 25%)
  • Olive oil 315 g (11.111 oz, 35%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Palm oil135 g (4.762 oz, 15%)
  • Distilled water 324 g (11.429 oz)
  • Lye 125.248 g (4.418 oz)
  • Ginger essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Cinnamon essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 6 tsp. (30 ml)
  • Chopped oatmeal 2 tbsp. (30 ml)
  • Cocoa powder 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Finely ground coffee 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Powdered sugar 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp. (5 ml)

Soft coconut milk, moisturizing cocoa butter, avocado and apricot kernel oils make this soap so wonderful that you even want to eat it! This soap is palm oil free and contains lard, but if you want a plant based soap you can substitute shea butter, mango butter or palm oil.

You will need

  • Cocoa butter 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Coconut oil 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Apricot Kernel Oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Castor oil 45 g (1.587 oz, 5%)
  • Avocado Oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Grapeseed Oil 135 g (4.762 oz, 15%)
  • Pork fat 180 g (6.349 oz, 20%)
  • Distilled water 326.07 g (11,502 oz)
  • Lye 128.235 g (4.523 oz)
  • Coconut milk powder 2 tbsp. (30 ml)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1.5 tsp. (7.5 ml)
  • Lime essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Copai balsam 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Peruvian balsam 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Jasmine essential oil (10% jojoba oil solution) 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Ginger essential oil 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Titanium dioxide 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Powdered sugar1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Soap ribbons 200 g
  • Green mica for fine line
  • Ultramarine blue for fine line
  • Ultramarine blue 1/16 tsp.
  • Chromium hydroxide 1/16 tsp.

Soap “Lemon Verbena”

This recipe is for true citrus lovers. Fresh and tart, with plenty of foam and a great checkerboard pattern. With natural scent essential oils And natural color achieved with red palm oil and calendula petals.

You will need

  • Coconut oil 195 g (6.88 oz, 30%)
  • Olive oil 195 g (6.88 oz, 30%)
  • Castor oil 65 g (2.29 oz, 10%)
  • Red Palm Oil 195 g (6.88 oz, 30%)
  • Distilled water 214.5 g (7.57 oz)
  • Lye 93.25 g (3.3 oz)
  • Lemon essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Lycea cubeba essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Essential oil rosewood 1 tsp (5 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Palmarosa essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Lemon eucalyptus essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Citronella essential oil 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Cinnamon essential oil 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Calendula flower petals (crushed) 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Regular white soap flakes 300 g (plus or minus)

This is a luxurious cream soap with wonderful gentle foam. Carrot infused olive oil and titanium dioxide give that buttery color.

You will need

  • Shea Butter 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Cocoa butter 90 g (3.175 oz. 10%)
  • Coconut oil 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Olive Oil (Carrot Infused) 270 g (9.524 oz, 30%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Palm oil 90 g (3.175 oz, 10%)
  • Distilled water 326.07 g (11,502 oz)
  • Lye 123.565 g (4.359 oz)
  • Grapefruit seed extract 1 1/2 tsp. (7.5 ml)
  • Grapefruit essential oil 7 tsp. (35 ml)
  • Rosemary extract 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Titanium dioxide 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Apricot kernel oil 1 tbsp. (15 ml)
  • Powdered sugar1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Orris root powder 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Soap ribbons 200 g

Soap “Ram Runner”

This amazing palm oil free soap is perfect for the head of the household. Excellent cleansing, gentle foam and a wonderful masculine scent will make this soap your favorite.

You will need

  • Shea butter 90 g (3.18 oz, 10%)
  • Coconut oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Olive oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Castor oil 90 g (3.18 oz, 10%)
  • Pork fat 180 g (6.35 oz, 20%)
  • Distilled water 324 g (11.4 oz)
  • Lye 127.8 g (4.5 oz)
  • Copper mica 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Cocoa powder 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Cherry laurel water 5 tsp. (25 ml)
  • Sweet orange essential oil 3 tsp. (15 ml)
  • Clove essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)
  • Patchouli essential oil 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml)

Soap “Sea grass”

This fresh, bright, uplifting soap contains a blend of herbal scents of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender.

You will need

  • Castor Oil 27 g (0.95 oz, 3%)
  • Coconut oil 225 g (7.94 oz, 25%)
  • Olive oil 333 g (11.75 oz, 37%)
  • Palm oil 270 g (9.52 oz, 30%)
  • Apricot Kernel Oil 45 g (1.59 oz, 5%)
  • Distilled water 324 g (11.45 oz)
  • Lye 127.66 g (4.5 oz)
  • Rosemary essential oil 1.5 tsp. (7.5 ml)
  • Lemon eucalyptus essential oil 3/4 tsp. (3.75 ml)
  • Eucalyptus essential oil 2 tsp. (10 ml)
  • Lycea cubeba essential oil 3/4 tsp. (3.75 ml)
  • Lemongrass essential oil 3/4 tsp. (3.75 ml)
  • Lavender essential oil 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • White mica 1 tsp. (5 ml)
  • Ultramarine blue 1/4 tsp. (1.25 ml)
  • Chromium oxide1/8 tsp. (0.625 ml)

It's no secret that natural oils are one of the the best ways maintain health and external beauty. Coconut oil has gained popularity not so long ago, but it already has many fans who have experienced the wonderful properties of the product. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the beneficial and harmful qualities of the oil, as well as on the areas of its application.


The history of coconut oil goes back hundreds of years; it was successfully used in India and Asian countries, but only as an ingredient for dishes. When the product was brought to America, the scope of application expanded. The oil began to be added to various masks and hair shampoos, and skin care creams were made based on it. Today the coconut product is known everywhere. This oil is made by pressing fresh coconut pulp.

At room temperature, such pulp quickly becomes hard and contains the aroma characteristic of this nut. A unique property of the oil is its ability to foam well, so it is often used in making soap and making various gels and shower foams. There are three types of coconut oil: technical, refined and unrefined.

  • Technical oil– a product that cannot be used as food, since during processing some harmful particles are retained in it. This mixture is mainly used to make soap and other detergents.
  • Refined oil also called deodorized or bleached. They receive it after processing the technical one. This product can be eaten and used externally. It is worth noting that the benefit of this variety is small, since it evaporates after heat treatment. most of useful vitamins and elements. This product is odorless.
  • Unrefined oilthe best choice for those who care about their health. They are not used in its manufacture high temperatures, capable of destroying the natural composition of the product. This oil retains its unique woody-nutty smell and all the properties necessary for the human body. If the temperature is above 24 degrees, the oil becomes hard and can be stored for about two years.

The dominant element in the product is fat, accounting for 99%. This fat includes Various types acids, the most famous are palmitic, caproic, oleic, omega 6 and 3. The calorie content of the product is impressive - a little more than 900 calories.

Useful qualities

Beneficial features This product is difficult to overestimate; thousands of people have tried it on themselves, including those who are on a diet. Despite its huge calorie content, the oil’s properties are similar to olive oil, which is often added to salads. Coconut product can be eaten in moderation by those who are losing weight, because oil fats are not deposited in extra centimeters at the waist, but are quickly processed by the body.

Other useful qualities include:

  • strengthening the immune system, supporting the body during viral and bacterial infections;
  • improving brain function and blood circulation;
  • improvement of memory, concentration;
  • help in getting rid of problems with the stomach and intestines - the fats contained in the composition coat the mucous membranes and promote rapid digestion of even heavy foods;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, coconut oil is actively used in cosmetology; it will help not only smooth and rejuvenate the skin, but also restore the natural shine to the hair.

Harmful properties

Of course, such a fatty product as butter can be harmful if consumed in excess. Those who are allergic to nuts are at risk. At the slightest negative reaction of the body, use should be stopped immediately. In addition, you should not overeat. The daily norm per day is two teaspoons. Like olive oil, coconut oil promotes digestion and does not deposit on the waist, but only when used correctly.

If you exceed the norm, the hated kilograms will not take long to appear. And with them will come diarrhea, indigestion, pain and cramping in the abdomen.


Coconut oil is used both in cooking and in cosmetology.

In cooking

The product can be eaten by replacing regular sunflower or olive oil. If you are tired of standard oils, try coconut oil as a salad dressing; many reviews say that it turns out tasty and healthy. In general, the product is used:

  • as a replacement for conventional frying oils;
  • for preparing side dishes such as vegetables, purees, pasta;
  • as a basis for baking in the oven, slow cooker, deep fryer;
  • as an additive to different types porridge

In cosmetology

Coconut oil is an excellent alternative to expensive and not always high-quality creams. It is suitable for both dry and oily skin. Thanks to the presence of a whole range of acids, the skin of the face and body will always be moisturized and protected from the penetration of harmful organisms from environment. Oil is also good remedy for the treatment of acne, acne. It can be used either pure or in combination with other creams and oils.

If you prefer the first option, slightly heat a piece of the product and distribute evenly over your face. It is best to carry out this procedure at night. In the second case, coconut oil must be melted in a water bath. Then it is mixed with the main cream in a ratio of 1: 2. It is not recommended to store this product for a long time, the best option will make the cream at one time.

Important! If your skin is dry, the oil should be applied for several hours; for oily skin, the application should not last more than half an hour.

A good option There will be preparation of not only a mask and cream, but also a scrub. For example, you can mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with one tablespoon of coffee grounds. This scrub is applied to the face with light movements and washed off after ten minutes. Sugar, honey, and sea ​​salt.In addition, coconut product in cosmetology:

  • added to shampoos and rinses;
  • used as a means to combat stretch marks after weight loss or childbirth;
  • used after shaving and depilation, laser removal hair;
  • applied to irritated and sunburned skin;
  • used during massage.