Shower      07/02/2020

What to do if immunity is weakened. Causes of weakening, methods and means of strengthening immunity. Vitamin teas that strengthen the immune system

The main work of the immune system is regulatory - this is the management of various functions of the body, which provide correct work human body. Immune functions are implemented through many immune mechanisms that are closely intertwined.

Strong immunity is the most reliable protection against a huge number of germs, bacteria and viruses. They regularly enter our body with inhaled air, food or contact and cause a variety of diseases.

Some types of bacteria live in the body throughout life and do not pose a serious danger to humans. Moreover, they play important role in the normal functioning of certain organs, especially the intestines. However, against bacteria and viruses penetrating from the external environment, the body must actively resist. This resistance and

A complex, multi-level infection protection system capable of recognizing and neutralizing foreign and dangerous substances for the body. For example, if during a cold the temperature rises, a cough and a runny nose appear, then this indicates the body's fight against infection and this is one of the main signs of good immunity.


The working capacity of the organism depends on a huge number of internal causes of the functioning of the organism and the external actions of the environment. They are ready to both positively affect her abilities and negatively. In the 2nd case, this is a weakening of the immune system, the symptoms of which will be as follows:

  • Frequent respiratory colds and viral diseases. In relation to children, given more often 4 annually. Adults in this situation get sick more than 2-3 times
  • SARS with a long and languid course
  • Persistent pustular skin lesions
  • Recurrent purulent-septic surgical infections of soft tissues (boils, phlegmon, carbuncles, abscesses)
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes
  • A single impotence, pallor, etc.

All of these conditions are included in the symptoms of reduced immunity. Although, more relevant is the immune imbalance, which is manifested by various allergic and autoimmune diseases.


Signs of reduced immunity associated with lifestyle:

  • Unbalanced feeding that lasts for a long time
  • Hypovitaminosis and anemia
  • Incorrectly dosed physical overload, both in the direction of excess and hypodynamia

, associated with the presence of diseases:

Weakening of immunity causes, which are the main signal of its weakening. Initially, these are malnutrition, dysbacteriosis, chronic illnesses, stress, lack of sleep and long-term use of strong drugs.

Low immunity has various appearances:

  • are common colds
  • herpetic inflammatory processes
  • fever
  • lingering runny nose
  • constant exhaustion

Other manifestations that are included in the signs of reduced immunity include:

  • increased hair loss
  • chronic fatigue
  • severe allergic reactions to ordinary things that do not belong to specific allergens.

Causes of decreased immunity in women:

Signs of a decrease in immunity in women disturb a fairly large number of representatives.

The female body is extremely hardy and hardworking, although in the pace of life and the pursuit of the well-being of the family, no matter how annoying it may sound, at first the woman suffers, diseases begin to appear, constant lethargy, drowsiness, beriberi.


A woman now is a rather energetic unit of society: she is busy at work every day, she is a good housewife at home, and besides, it is necessary to remain a supermother in front of the children. How can a fragile organism resist here in this whole fuss of life, how not to break down and endure all the overloads?

All of these causes damage the body and immunity of women. Immunity is the ability of the body to rid it of harmful infections. Immunity deficiency leads to the development of inflammation and disease, a quick perception of other infections, and the work of the digestive tract is aggravated.

Even with a mild infection that has entered the body, a powerful inflammatory process can begin, and it can be cured only thanks to a course of drugs.

Predisposition to allergic reactions is also a sign of immunity. The lack of immunity in the body is associated with a number of the above symptoms.


Almost all diseases develop in the body because suitable conditions appear for this. Reduced immunity is the main one. The body loses its ability to resist microbes, viruses, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms - and a person becomes infected. A sharp weakening of the immune system causes its fall in men differ little from how the absence of immunity in an adult as a whole manifests itself.

Symptoms of increased immunity

The most common problem associated with immunity is its hyperreactivity, increased. This disease is too unsafe for a person, because it can bring a huge number of problems with well-being.

Increased immunity is a powerful unnecessary reaction of the body to infectious agents or to any harmful substance. In such scenarios, the immune system gives out constant interruptions and has the ability to respond inadequately, for example, to dust, plants, wool, and so on. In the common people, overestimated immunity is very simply called an allergy.

Overestimated immunity is extremely unsafe for humans, and, as mentioned earlier, it has the ability to contribute to the development of various diseases, which are rather difficult to get rid of. These diseases include asthma, eczema, hay fever.

Asthma appears as a result of unclean air, which a person who has a hyperreactive immune system breathes. Usually, with asthma, there is swelling of the airways, there is difficulty in wheezing, and a person feels suffocated.

Eczema appears as a result of hygiene violations, manifested by a rash and itching.

Hay fever is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The disease has the ability to cause dust and animal hair. Traditionally, such people are strictly forbidden to contact with pets.

What disease causes a person to lose immunity?

Many diseases can lead to a loss of immunity, but the most targeted, so to speak, affecting immune cells, namely T-lymphocytes, in the first place, is, of course, HIV. AIDS, as many mistakenly believe, is not a disease, but a syndrome, that is, a set of symptoms and manifestations of HIV infection that increase with time and further progression of the infection.

A pathology in which immunity is completely absent is congenital in nature and is called primary immunodeficiency.

Primary immunodeficiency has the main feature - inadequate susceptibility to infections, at that time as other manifestations of immune deficiency; the overestimation of the frequency of allergy and autoimmune manifestations, as well as the predisposition to neoplasia, is relatively not too great and very uneven.

Deficiency of what substance reduces immunity?

The most important vitamins for the immune system are A, B5, C, D, F, PP. Essential minerals: selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. Deficiency of trace elements necessary for a person has a detrimental effect on the entire body. Vitamins are especially lacking in spring and autumn.

If you don’t understand what to do when immunity has fallen, start small - lead the healthiest lifestyle: walk more on the street, do not only morning exercises, but also jogging. Be aware of the need for aqua exercise; start tempering; swim; stop smoking; stop drinking alcohol.

Alternative medicine

To maintain immunity by non-traditional means, it is better to include natural tonic drinks in your own menu.

Pour the juice squeezed from half a medium-sized lemon into a glass of boiled water, melt 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural honey. Drink this drink in half a glass 2 times a day.

The fall in immunity can be corrected by rubbing 700 grams of dark currant through a sieve, mix it with a honey substance (6 tablespoons of honey per 0.5 liter of water). It is recommended to drink this whole drink for 2 days, slightly warming up.

If you have a clear manifestation of weakened immunity, treatment can be carried out by the following means: melt 2 ml in 20-30 ml of water, drink the melted tincture 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. before eating. It is immediately recommended to drink 2-3 times a day, 1 glass of honey solution (1 tablespoon of honey per 1 glass of water). When combined with honey, the recognizable immunostimulating result of Eleutherococcus is greatly enhanced.

Medication treatment

Drug therapy of immunodeficiency states must be focused on the link in which the malfunction is located. It is impossible to allow uncontrolled intake of immunomodulators associated with an increased risk of immune imbalance and autoimmune aggression. Deficiency of cellular immunity is considered evidence for the appointment of thymolin, polyoxidonium, lycopid.

Treatment after taking antibiotics

It's no secret that drugs actually cause a decrease in immunity. Although we should not forget that the degree of its severity depends on the type and duration of taking these substances. If they were administered in a small course in the perspective of an acute illness, then there is no need to panic. Regular adherence to lifestyle advice will bring the immune system back to normal.

Another thing is if the reception was long and the body was very weakened against this background. First, the immune system of the intestinal tract suffers. Therefore, it is better to prescribe probiotics that restore the usual microflora. Particular emphasis is placed on vitamin substances and enhanced nutrition.

It should be enriched with protein and fortified food. the reception of immunomodulators must be coordinated exclusively with a competent specialist. Self-introduction into the natural and natural processes of the immune system has the ability to cause irreparable consequences.

We have already talked about immunity. Today we will consider this issue in more detail.

If catarrhal infections have begun to interfere with your life too often, it is necessary to take measures to increase the immunity of your body as soon as possible. Otherwise, along with a cold, much more serious illnesses will come when the infection weakens your defenses. It is immunodeficiency that usually leads to difficult bacterial, viral or fungal diseases.

If you want to increase the immunity of your body, it will first be useful to find out for what reason its defenses failed. Elimination of this very cause will lead to an increase in immunity.

What usually weakens our immunity? This:

  • unbalanced, monotonous or insufficient nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • prolonged infections;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • helminthiases;
  • lack of protein in the diet, its poor absorption due to insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas;
  • past trauma or surgery;
  • loss of protein in the urine, which is a consequence of kidney disease;
  • poisoning with poisons;
  • burns;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • pregnancy;
  • heavy bleeding or small but constant blood loss;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • the use of drugs that depress the immune system (most often - glucocorticoids);
  • elderly age;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergic diseases.

How to boost immunity without medication? Not every one of these reasons can be so easily eliminated, which is why it is necessary to know and apply universal methods to increase the body's defenses. There are many methods to increase nonspecific immunity, but none of them gives instant results. You will have to be patient, it is quite possible that at the very beginning of the path there will be no effect. So, here are the methods themselves.

hardening technique. It allows the body to adapt to the conditions that surround us, to have resistance to overheating and hypothermia. Hardening also helps to reduce morbidity; in general, it has a positive, restorative effect on the human body. But it should be remembered: hardening cannot be started abruptly. You can't go out in your underpants and immediately pour a bucket of ice water over yourself. You should start gradually, otherwise you can reduce immunity, not increase it.

Enhanced nutrition. Your diet should contain a large number of protein foods, as well as plant foods. Season vegetable salads with vegetable oil, because some of the vitamins dissolve exclusively in fats, and are not absorbed at all in their absence. If you are underweight, eat more often to eliminate it faster. Meat, eggs, dairy products should be in your diet every day. Take multivitamin complexes. Take advantage of poor digestion with enzymes (such as Mezim or other similar drugs, we advise you to consult a doctor before using them).

Active lifestyle. Walk outdoors as often as possible, walk, drive less, play sports. It has been noticed that those who constantly sit at home move little, get sick more often. Movement is life. Regular exercise significantly strengthens the immune system, which is why doctors recommend less sitting at the computer.

Concerning medical methods treatment of immunodeficiency, then to restore it, drugs from the group of immunostimulants are used. There are quite a few of them, they differ in the type of effect on the immune system, as well as in price. The cheapest and, at the same time, more effective are immunostimulants. plant origin. Each pharmacy sells them, these are: echinacea extract, tincture of lemongrass, ginseng, combined preparations that contain several tonic and restorative herbs at once.

Immunologists, as a rule, do not prescribe such drugs, since there are more effective drugs that are effective. They must be used strictly under the supervision of a physician in order not to spoil health. In addition, immunostimulants affect various parts of the immune system, which must also be taken into account when you select medications.

Thus, we have considered the most popular methods of increasing immunity, both non-drug (hardening, enhanced nutrition, active lifestyle) and medication. The result is guaranteed if you use everything in a complex.

Of course, the problem of reducing the immune defense of the body today is quite serious. It affects both children and adult patients. Therefore, many readers are interested in questions about what the main symptoms of a weakened immune system look like. What are the reasons for this violation? Can you spot it yourself? What treatments does modern medicine offer? Are there folk remedies treatment? This information will be useful to everyone.

Brief information about the human immune system

It's no secret that the immune system is a natural barrier that protects the human body from various infections that enter from the external environment. This system consists of many components, including the lymph nodes and blood vessels, as well as the spleen, bone marrow, and these organs closely interact with each other, providing protection from toxins, pathogens. Moreover, thanks to the immune system, the body recovers after illnesses, operations, injuries, etc.

It should be noted that immunity affects the work of other systems and organs. For example, it is closely related to the endocrine glands and can affect the hormonal background. That is why it is extremely important to notice the symptoms of weakened immunity in time and take appropriate measures.

Weakened immunity: causes and types

In fact, the decrease in the immune defense of the body may be associated with the influence of various factors of the external and internal environment. Moreover, the weakening of immunity can be both general and local. For example, stagnation of blood leads to a decrease in immune activity and increases the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases of organs in this area.

Reduced immunity may be related to lifestyle. In particular, malnutrition, hypovitaminosis, anemia, bad habits (including smoking, addiction to alcohol) lead to such a disorder. Risk groups include residents of regions with a high radiation background. In addition, disruption of the immune system can be caused by neurosis, lack of sleep, emotional overstrain, lack or, conversely, excess physical activity.

On the other hand, immunodeficiency can develop against the background of certain diseases. For example, risk factors include severe liver damage, blood disorders, infections, trauma, cancer, disorders of the excretory system, chemotherapy, chronic inflammation, long-term use of antibiotics.

Weakened immunity in an adult: symptoms

The presence of such a condition can cause many problems. Therefore, many readers are interested in questions about what the signs of a weakened immune system look like in adults. In fact, it is not so difficult to notice such violations - the problem is that many people simply do not pay attention to them.

First of all, it is worth noting an increased tendency to colds, which appear even from the slightest hypothermia. In addition, patients with a similar diagnosis complain of increased fatigue, decreased performance, constant drowsiness, bad mood, irritability, apathy, and depression.

A decrease in immune defense, of course, affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair - they become weak, dry and brittle. It is not uncommon for patients to notice dark circles or bags under the eyes. It is also believed that people with impaired immunity are more prone to allergic diseases.

Why is the child's immunity weakened?

Quite often, when examining pediatricians, they come to the conclusion that the child's immune system is weakened. Why is this disorder so much more commonly diagnosed in children? The fact is that in the first years of life, the baby's immune system is only developing. That is why children of preschool and younger school age more prone to different kinds infectious diseases, which is associated with a lack of nominal protection.

Symptoms of weakened immunity in children look the same as in adult patients. The child is exposed to various viral and bacterial diseases. Moreover, the baby eventually becomes less energetic, more sleepy, he has learning problems, etc.

It is extremely important to remember that in the first years of life the immune system develops. And here it is very important to follow proper nutrition the child, since together with food his body must receive a full range of vitamins and minerals. It's no secret that in the first few months of a baby's life, breast-feeding, since together with mother's milk, the baby receives not only nutrients, but also protective substances.

What is the danger of a decrease in immune activity?

Now that you have figured out how to understand that immunity is weakened, it is worth thinking about how dangerous this phenomenon is. If the immune system does not work, the body becomes more susceptible to various infections. Frequent hardly can come to someone's taste.

Moreover, improper functioning of the immune system affects the state of the whole organism, leading to certain disorders. Development risk chronic diseases increases, and infections are much more difficult to carry. In patients with a similar diagnosis, performance decreases. Constant weakness and drowsiness negatively affect the emotional state. That is why in no case should you ignore such a disorder - treatment and proper prevention are necessary here.

Drug treatment of immunodeficiency

If you notice signs of a weakened immune system, then you should seek help from a doctor. In this case, it is important not only to determine the presence of a violation, but also to find out its cause.

Of course, modern medicine offers a lot of means to increase and strengthen immune defenses, but only your doctor can prescribe you medicines. As a preventive measure, a specialist can prescribe a complex of minerals and vitamins. The intake of lacto- and bifidobacteria will also positively affect the state of the immune system - this helps to restore local immunity, restore microflora, and normalize digestion processes.

In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe drugs containing interferon (Velferon, Roferon, Ingaron), etc. Or drugs that stimulate substances in the body.


Of course, nutrition with a weakened immune system comes to the fore. So what should an effective and healthy diet look like? The diet should contain the whole complex of useful and including vitamins and minerals.

In fact, the diet in this case corresponds to generally accepted norms. healthy eating. The diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber, vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is very important to include fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) in the diet, as this helps to maintain the normal composition of the microflora.

Naturally, food is better to cook on a steam, on a grill or in an oven. But the number of fried and fatty foods should be limited. It is also necessary to abandon products containing dyes, preservatives, flavors and other harmful food additives.

Foods that contain large amounts of vitamin C, including citrus fruits and some other fruits, contribute to increased immunity. You need to monitor the water balance - you need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day (preferably clean water).

General principles for strengthening immunity

If you notice symptoms of a weakened immune system in yourself, then it's time to reconsider your usual daily routine and remember the principles of a healthy lifestyle. It is extremely important to maintain a normal sleep pattern, as constant sleep deprivation negatively affects the immune system.

An important part of the prevention and strengthening of immunity is nutrition, as well as physical activity. Every day, at least twenty minutes to devote to various exercises, go to the gym, etc. Try to spend time in the fresh air. Active recreational activities, including swimming, hiking, skiing, or at least walking in the forest, will also help restore the activity of the immune system.

Stress should be avoided, as nervous and emotional overstrain negatively affects the immune system, and also causes changes in the hormonal background.


Of course, hardening today is considered one of the most affordable and effective ways strengthening immune defenses. There is a mass various ways- it can be dousing cold water, contrasting souls, airy and sunbathing, walking barefoot, wiping with snow, regularly placing a bath or sauna, swimming in an ice hole, etc.

It is only worth noting that hardening procedures should only be started if the patient is completely healthy. In the presence of diseases, you must first undergo a course of treatment.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

There are other ways to cope with such a problem as a weakened immune system. Treatment can be non-traditional. For example, reflexology and acupuncture are considered quite effective, which help to activate the work of all organ systems, including the immune system.

Specialists also recommend regular preventive courses of therapeutic massage, which has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, and also helps to improve blood circulation and accelerate the removal of excess fluid along with toxins from the body.

Strengthening immunity with medicinal plants

Do not forget about folk medicine, which also offers a lot of means to strengthen immunity. After all, many medicinal plants possess healing properties, contain useful material including flavonoids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

For example, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, rosehips are considered useful for the immune system - you can make teas, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. from them. In addition, decoctions from sea buckthorn, yarrow, rosemary, nettle, elecampane will have a positive effect on health. Can cook alcohol tincture from purple echinacea, ginseng, etc.

Immunity is the body's natural or lifelong resistance to a certain kind of viruses and bacteria. Weak immune defenses are unable to resist the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, to improve health, it is important to follow the recommendations to improve weakened immunity.

Causes of weak immunity in adults

The importance of a strong immune system is due to the impact on the functioning internal organs and the implementation of the protective functions of the body. Human immunity is affected by both environmental conditions and the presence of chronic diseases, so the causes of weakened immune defenses are divided into two categories.

Causes related to lifestyle:

  • Unbalanced and unhealthy diet;
  • Abuse of bad habits;
  • Weakened immunity is formed in the absence of healthy sleep and tension of the nervous system;
  • Overuse of antibiotics or improper medication;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions in the place of residence;
  • Reduced protection of the internal environment of a person is associated with a lack of physical activity;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and useful minerals;
  • Inheritance of weak immune resistance.

Causes associated with the presence of the disease:

  • AIDS;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • chronic anemia;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Anorexia.

Signs of weakened body defenses

Weak immune defense of a person negatively affects the general state of health. If the immune system has fallen, the protective functions of the body weaken, which causes the penetration of pathogens. During this period, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Immune system problems can be identified by a number of signs.

Symptoms of reduced immunity:

  • Signs of weak human resistance are: irritability, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • Bad mood, accompanied by the development of depression;
  • A person gets sick more than seven times during the year, which are difficult to treat;
  • Open wounds do not heal well;
  • There are frequent headaches;
  • Weak immunity also affects the appearance of a person. Dry hair and skin, circles appear under the eyes, nails become brittle.

If one of the presented symptoms is detected, it is recommended to pay attention to the need to strengthen the immune system. For this, it is important to consult a doctor.

What to do if the immune system is weak?

If there are problems with the immune system, expressed in one of the symptoms presented, it is recommended that you first seek the advice of a doctor. To raise the body's weak defenses, it is important to know the cause of poor health. Based on the results of the consultation, the specialist will appoint a suitable solution in a particular case.

If immunity is weak, a specialist can prescribe:

  • Conduct an immunogram (blood test);
  • Prescribe a multivitamin complex for the prevention of diseases;
  • Write out drugs suitable for raising protective functions.

How to find out?

As noted earlier, if you find signs of a weak immune system, it is important to seek help from a doctor. To check immunity, a specialist may prescribe an immunogram. The test involves the delivery of blood tests to detect violations in the immune system in the laboratory.

After receiving the results of the study, an additional check of the body may be prescribed to clarify the cause of the weak stability of the internal environment. Based on the data obtained, an effective treatment is being developed.

You can get more information on this subject

How to raise?

Treatment of weak immunity implies an integrated approach to solving the problem. In the process of strengthening the immune system, the following can be involved: ways to increase the body's defenses:

  • Following general advice. To improve weak immunity, it is important to observe healthy lifestyle life. The treatment of weakened resistance of the body is promoted by physical activity, healthy sleep, walking in the fresh air, reducing nervous overstrain, exclusion from life of bad habits;
  • Folk remedies . In the process of treating weak protection of the internal environment of a person, widely used medicinal plants and herbs, vegetables and fruits enriched with vitamins and minerals. Strengthen a weakened immune system will help: cabbage, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, apples, bananas, beets, berries, nuts, citrus fruits, meat (red and white), seafood, dairy products, greens. In folk medicine, recipes based on: ginger, dried fruits, honey, rose hips, St. John's wort, raspberries, lingonberries, echinacea, ginseng, chamomile, eleutherococcus;
  • Vitamin complexes and drugs. Among the good multivitamin complexes for adults are: Multi - tabs, Vitrum, Duovit, Alphabet, Centrum, Complivit, Gerimaks. Among the good medicines to raise weak immunity, they emit: Cycloferon, Timalin, Polyoxidonium, Betulanorm, Artromax, Likopid, Arbidol, Vetoron, Proleukin, Vasoton, Mielopid.

Acquainted with useful information on this topic

The concept of immunity includes complex system ensuring the protective functions of the body against pathogenic microorganisms.

If this mechanism is disturbed, all human organs suffer, old diseases remind of themselves, new ones appear, and their treatment is delayed for an indefinite period.

What influences

A huge number of factors can affect the functioning of the organs of the immune system. It is not uncommon for weak immunity in an adult, what to do in this case is described below.

Sometimes lowering the protective barrier becomes a necessity in order to save a life. For example, during organ transplantation, so that there is no rejection of a foreign body. With the help of special drugs and radiotherapy, immune cells are irradiated, and a person is placed in a sterile box to ensure reliable protection from bacteria and viruses from the outside. As soon as the transplanted organ takes root, an active program to restore the immune system begins. Otherwise, a person will not be able to exist normally outside the walls of the hospital.

Immunodeficiencies can be caused by severe diseases transferred to childhood(rubella, measles). Complications after infection with these viruses make themselves felt throughout life (diseases of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system, meningitis, encephalitis).

If an adult has weak immunity during HIV infection, what to do in this case is determined by the attending physician, since the complex of prescribed drugs directly depends on the amount of virus in the blood, the stage of the disease and general condition sick.

At home

Conceived, its decline goes unnoticed, as they are attributed to fatigue or pressure drops.

There is a symptom complex of immunodeficiency, by which it is easy to determine the presence or absence of a problem:

  • a person gets sick more often than once every 6 months (tonsillitis, influenza, SARS, various inflammations);
  • constant feeling of drowsiness;
  • frequent runny nose;
  • the condition of the skin, nails, hair has worsened;
  • periodic pain in the teeth;
  • frequent failures of the menstrual cycle;
  • wounds heal poorly;
  • ulcers appeared on the mucous membranes (stomatitis, herpes);
  • rashes in the form of warts;
  • new allergies;
  • migraine.

If a person does not have current infections, but feels one or more symptoms of weak immunity, they should take care to restore it. Fortunately, this is easy to do on your own, without contacting a specialist.

  1. To do this, you need to establish a daily routine, try to eat by the hour, sleep from 23.00 to 6.00, do not forget about the rules of hygiene. An important aspect a healthy life is the regularity of airing the housing and wet cleaning. Dust is an accumulation of dirt and small pathogenic bacteria, inhaling them constantly, you provoke diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs.
  2. The house should not be damp and moldy fungi, if such areas exist, they must be treated with special antifungal compounds.
  3. Dry air is bad too. optimal humidity for a comfortable stay in the room should be 40-60%.
  4. In winter, batteries and convectors dry the air, which negatively affects the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. In this case, you need to use a special humidifier or a conventional spray gun.

Folk remedies and proper nutrition

Non-traditional methods of raising the protective functions of the body are based on the use of various products that have useful properties. Many of them in traditional medicine are considered dangerous and or simply useless. But some products do have a high degree of biological activity and will help overcome immunodeficiency.

The most accessible of them:

  • honey, perga;
  • herbal teas (chamomile, mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort);
  • rose hips, viburnum;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.

Proper nutrition is the foundation on which health is built. Fresh berries, vegetables and fruits should be the basis of the diet. Do not forget about healthy fats that are contained in fermented milk products (cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk), vegetable oils(olive, sunflower, flaxseed and pumpkin oil), fish (mackerel, herring, salmon, salmon) and nuts. Much has been said about the benefits of protein foods, but without it, the defense system reduces its activity, so to support it, you need to eat meat or animal by-products (liver, heart, brain), mushrooms, eggs daily.

The main thing at the same time is to maintain a balance, about 60% plant foods (in winter it can be partially replaced with cereals), 30% - meat and milk, 5-10% fats.

Bad habits and lifestyle

The world in which we live today already puts a huge burden on the immune system every second. A person regularly inhales exhaust fumes, consumes pesticides and GMOs in food, experiences stress and a lot of turmoil. In this case, the very drop of nicotine or alcohol can become the last drop for the body. The harm of cigarettes is obvious, in fact, a person regularly inhales poison, which settles in the respiratory tract and provokes the formation of tumors and lung failure. The nicotine and tars that tobacco is processed with reduce the ability of blood cells to transport oxygen, causing oxygen starvation and, as a result, tissue atrophy.

Alcohol leads to intoxication of the body and death of brain cells, talk about the usefulness of alcohol is just a marketing ploy of alcoholic beverage companies.

A healthy lifestyle involves quitting smoking and drinking. If you replace these activities with walking in the park or riding a bicycle, life will seethe with new colors, immunity will recover, a person will feel healthy, full of strength and energy.

Reduced immunity: treatment with drugs, sleep and homeopathy

You can increase with the help of drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor. The problem is that various interferon stimulants and other substances that activate the body's defenses can only be taken during the initial stage of the disease. This will help to cope with the infection faster and avoid complications.

If you take stimulants regularly, this will reduce the reaction of lymphocytes to destructive agents, that is, it will lead to a long and difficult to treat disease.

The main drugs that will help stimulate reduced immunity are infusions, powders and extracts of echinacea purpurea, ginseng or eleutherococcus. Various biogenic stimulants, extracts of proteins or donated blood.

How does sleep affect

All protective functions of the body are restored during sleep. A healthy and full night's rest is a guarantee of excellent well-being the next day. Scientists have proven that people who do not sleep well or go to bed late are sick, prone to neuroses and migraines.

Healthy sleep should last 6-7 hours, it is advisable to turn off all the lights so that the room is completely dark. The room should be comfortable temperature, breathe should be easy.

Interesting fact: scientists from one of the British universities proved that a person sleeps better if covered with something, whether it be a sheet or a blanket. People who during the experiment were not given something to cover themselves with, although the temperature in the room was normal, woke up nervous and not rested.


Controversy has been going on about this doctrine for a century and a half. But after repeated studies, it was proved that the drugs of this group are simply useless. A high degree of dilution does not allow in any way to affect the effectiveness of the drug. In the countries of America and Europe, the sale of such products is regarded as fraud, so they are often labeled as dietary supplements.


In winter, it is difficult to find the right amount of food rich in all the necessary trace elements. Synthetic vitamin complexes come to the rescue.

The most popular of them:

  • Vitrum- it is recommended to take only during the period of hypovitaminosis, it is well absorbed, contains a balanced complex of microelements.
  • Merz- remedy with high content B vitamins, as well as vitamin A and biotin. It can be taken as an aid in the fight against colds and other seasonal exacerbations.
  • Duovit- a vitamin complex indicated during periods of increased physical exertion or emotional stress. Approved for use during pregnancy. Contains vitamin A, C, groups B, D, E, trace elements: calcium, iron.

Vitamins must be taken in strictly indicated dosages, since they can provoke gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, diuresis disorders.

Prevention of colds

Reduced immunity is the first cause of colds and various kinds of inflammation. Prevention of its decline includes constant work on oneself. One of the best ways to prevent colds is hardening. Exist different ways such training (rubbing with a wet towel, going to the bath, contrast shower). You need to harden the body gradually, otherwise you can get the opposite result in the form of pneumonia.

During flu season, try to avoid public places, wash your hands regularly with soap, do not get cold and avoid drafts.