Toilet      20.04.2019

The maximum temperature in the living room. What is the comfortable temperature in the apartment

In autumn and winter, when temperatures drop to 8 degrees and below, and keeps at this mark for more than five days in a row, local governments announce Start heating season.

Unfortunately, a rare service provider has clearly regulated heating system.
When the temperature in the apartment differs little from the temperature outside the window, or vice versa, the batteries are red-hot and even open windows do not really save, you should not sit idly by. Guided SNiPOM(sanitary rules and regulations), refer to public utilities with a claim.

Heating standard

To protect your own interests and in order to pay for quality, not numbers on the receipt, check out the existing regulations admissible and for the period heating season:

  • 25 degrees in showers And bathrooms rooms, as cold and high adversely affect human health. However, it is also possible 18 , And 26 degrees in extreme norm values. The same regulation is established for rooms that combine a toilet and a bathroom;
  • norm for residential premises - 20 — 22 degrees, let's assume a spread from 18 before 24 degrees;
  • V toilet And kitchen lower limit of normal 18 degrees, top 26 degrees;
  • V rooms located at the corners of buildings - from 20 degrees;
  • on the stairwells allowed temperature from 14 before 20 degrees;
  • cellars And attics - 4 degrees of heat.

Important: at the request of the customer-builder flights of stairs may not be heated if the apartments have heating systems. The same applies to areas with favorable climatic conditions, where the winter temperature does not fall below five degrees. ( SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning").

Families with children should take into account that for the healthy development of the child should be at least 21 degrees, for newborns - from 24 degrees and higher. If necessary, you can get the degrees with the help of autonomous heaters.

But if heating season came, and when you come home, you take off your fur coat and put on a sheepskin coat and felt boots - measure room temperature.

How to take measurements correctly?

First of all, stock up on patience and a thermometer. In each room with a frequency of 60 minutes, the temperature should be measured at an altitude of one and a half meters from the floor and meters from outer wall rooms. Be sure to compose Act measurements taken in 2 copies.

It should be noted that, according to Government Decree No. 354, at night the deviation can be up to three degrees from the norm, and in the daytime - from five morning until twelve night, it is forbidden to lower the temperature below the maximum permissible values.

Minimum 18 degrees for residential and 20 for residential corner rooms, in other rooms - according to the standards. Exceeding the maximum permitted temperature is allowed no more than on 4 degrees.

Advice: if an accident occurs on the heating main, the heat supply to the apartments should not be interrupted for more than 16 hours. During the month, the total number of hours without heating should not be over 24.

In case of violation temperature regime costs cooperate with neighbors and take measurements throughout the heating tower. The indicators of several apartments will be a strong argument for recalculating the cost of heating.

When the drafted act falls into the hands of representatives of the housing and communal services, a examination quality. Utilities will form a commission and conduct measurements on one's own.

Since it is not in their interest to recalculate for a service that does not comply with regulations, it may turn out that on the day the commission arrives, your apartment will look like a tropical paradise.

In this case, signed by neighbors will come in handy. Act. The possibility is not ruled out judicial conflict resolution.

Be sure to check the certificate of the device, which the commission will use to measure, register and verify it. The error of the device should not exceed the parameter in 0,1 degrees. The actions of the committee must be "Method of control" GOST 30494-96, paragraph 4:

  • measurements are made at outside air temperature no higher than 5 degrees;
  • in clear weather during daylight hours, measurements are not taken;
  • during manual measurements. temperature is recorded at least three times with an interval of 5 minutes;
  • in automatic mode, indicators are taken within 2 hours;
  • the average value of the measurements is taken as the final temperature.

When fixing the supply of services of inadequate quality, the restoration of the standard temperature regime is given no more than seven calendar days.

Note: in case of deviation of the maximum permissible parameters, the recalculation for heating is 0,15% from the cost of the service for each degree of deviation of the billing period.

It may happen that the heat supply to the apartment is in accordance with the design standards, but more comfortable it doesn't come from it. In this case, you should pay attention to the thermal contour of housing - everything that, one way or another, borders on the outer perimeter of the premises.

How to achieve the optimal temperature in the apartment?

First of all, make sure windows and doors are reliably join with walls. Even small gaps contribute to the cooling of the premises. If joints leaky, insulate with any improvised means, including cotton wool and adhesive tape.

Owners of modern split systems you only need to set a certain temperature parameter, and smart technology will provide a comfortable mode.

If the thermal circuit hermetic, and the operators of the boiler room conscientiously fulfill their duties, timely ventilation will save from stuffiness. So the degree will drop, and the rooms will be filled with fresh air.

For lack of a better way, you can use either gas. True, you will have to catch up with the temperature to the norm at your own expense, in addition to the heating bill.

On sale appeared thermostats, the principle of operation of which is similar to the algorithm of split systems, but the regulator is connected to the main coolant. Third party resources such as electricity, not involved

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From 01/01/2017, all employers and employees are required to comply with the new Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Physical Factors at Workplaces SanPiN (approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 06/21/2016 No. 81). They replaced SanPiN, SanPiN 2.1.8/, Appendix 3 to SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03. The updated sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (SanPiNakh) define the standards for the impact of such physical factors as:

  • microclimate;
  • vibration;
  • electric, magnetic, electromagnetic fields;
  • workplace lighting, etc.

Standards are the maximum permissible levels of factors. Their impact within the established limits on an employee working 8 hours a day (no more than 40 hours a week) should not lead to illness or deviations in his state of health (clause 1.4 of SanPiN

As indicated above, in connection with the introduction of new rules, some of the previously approved SanPiNs have ceased to be valid since 2017. For example, SanPiN "Electromagnetic fields in production conditions" (p. 2 of the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 06/21/2016 N 81). At the same time, for example, SanPiN continues to operate in the part that does not contradict SanPiN (Letter of Rospotrebnadzor dated February 10, 2017 No. 09-2438-17-16). Most actual question for both employers and employees - what should be the temperature in the room (at the workplace) according to SanPiN

Room temperature at the workplace: norms

SanPiN sets the optimal temperature values ​​​​at the workplace among the indicators of the microclimate. These include (clause 2.2.1 SanPiN

  • air temperature;
  • surface temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • air speed;
  • intensity of thermal radiation.

The standard values ​​for these indicators are determined separately for the warm and cold seasons. Cold is the time when the average daily temperature of the outside air is +10 °C or lower. If the temperature outside is higher, then this is a warm season (clause 2.1.5 of SanPiN That is, the temperature regime at the workplace according to SanPiN in summer and winter may differ, but not much. Indeed, at any time of the year, a person needs a heat balance with the environment (clause 2.1.1 SanPiN

What are the temperature standards office space? Different temperature conditions are provided for workers employed in different types work - depending on the energy consumption of employees. So, for example, workers in the clothing industry, like most office workers, are among those who spend the least energy during the working day - up to 139 watts. They perform category Ia work (Appendix 1 to SanPiN They have the following optimal performance microclimate (clause 2.2.5 SanPiN

Working hours in the heat according to the Labor Code

We indicated above what the temperature in the room is the norm. Is this the answer to the question at what temperature can you work indoors? Yes, but with certain reservations. Of course, the temperature for the working room in Labor Code not specified. However, it is noted that the employer is obliged to ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection (part 2 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And the norms established by SanPiN are one of the mandatory rules.

  • for individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for an organization - from 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

And violation of sanitary rules and hygiene standards entails a fine (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • for individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for an organization - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Or suspension of activities of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity for up to 90 days.

What temperature should be in the apartment in winter, and what - in summer? These questions relate to the concept of "thermal comfort", that is, to such a temperature in the room at which a person does not feel either cold or heat. Let's take a closer look at this topic in the article.

Key questions regarding thermal comfort

As summer ends and begins autumn period, many people wear warm shirts, jackets and windbreakers, and at this time there are old disputes about when to start the heating season in apartments with central heating, or what temperature the heater thermostat should be set to in houses with individual heating systems.

In addition to the question of what should be the air temperature in the apartment, other similar questions arise that relate to the temperature at the workplace, in public transport and at the entrances of houses. Some people freeze and wrap themselves in sweaters and jackets, while others continue to wear enough light clothing. This is because the sensation of cold or heat is affected by individual factors but also the factors environment. Let's consider them in more detail.

Outdoor temperature and air humidity

Considering the question, what room temperature should be in the apartment, first of all, it should be borne in mind that there are two main factors on which the answer to the question posed depends:

  • outdoor temperature;
  • humidity in the room.

The human body has the ability to adapt to the environment by adjusting its biological systems under external conditions. This means that the feeling of thermal comfort in summer and winter time will be different. So, in summer, our body is better adapted to high temperatures, therefore, in the apartment, these temperatures should be higher than in the cold season. That is, the whole idea of ​​comfort is to minimize temperature gradients outdoors and indoors.

As for the humidity of the air, that is, the amount of water vapor dissolved in the air, it should be said here that the perception of temperature by our body depends on it. Thus, the higher the humidity, the stronger man feels hot, although temperatures may be relatively low.

Temperature standards in Russia and the USA

The question of what temperature should be in an apartment in winter is regulated in Russia by GOST R 51617-2000 and SanPiN, according to which the comfortable temperature in apartments should be between 18 ° C and 25 ° C. This GOST also establishes what temperatures should be in different rooms, for example, low values ​​from the specified limit should correspond to the temperature in the hallway, medium values ​​\u200b\u200bto the temperature in the bedroom, and high values ​​\u200b\u200bare appropriate for the bathroom.

It is also interesting to cite the American standard for comfortable temperatures and compare it with the Russian one. The most common standard in the United States is the so-called ASHRAE 55. This standard provides a graphical representation of comfortable indoor temperature zones, taking into account the season and air humidity. According to the American standard, in winter the apartment should have temperatures of 21-24 ° C for humidity limits from 30% to 65%, while in summer for the specified humidity limits the comfortable air temperature limit is higher and is 23-27 ° C. At the same time, the ideal temperature is 21 ° C in winter, and 26 ° C in summer.

A comparison of Russian and American norms for the temperature in an apartment in winter shows that they are quite consistent with each other, if one adheres to the average values ​​​​in the indicated Russian limit of permissible temperatures.

Individual characteristics of a person and thermal comfort

Opening the topic of what temperature should be in the apartment, it is necessary to note one important point, which is as follows: the features of the perception of environmental temperature are different for different people. Thus, people who have more adipose tissue are more resistant to cold than those who have little fat.

In addition, recent studies have confirmed that women begin to feel cold and freeze earlier than men. The explanation for this fact is rather paradoxical: when the ambient temperature begins to decrease, the blood vessels that are in skin women, shrink and shrink, in this way female body begins to save heat and spends it on heating the brain and internal organs to a greater extent than on the peripheral zones of the body. However, the "cold" receptors are located on the surface of the skin, and since less blood has begun to flow to it, they give a signal to the woman's brain that they begin to freeze. In men, no such mechanism of thermoregulation has been found.

Human age and physical activity

What should be the air temperature in the apartment? In addition to the factors considered and the figures given, it is also necessary to keep in mind the physical activity of a person and his age. It is known that at an older age, many processes in the body slow down, so the comfortable temperature for an elderly person will always be 1-3 ° C higher than for a young body. On the other hand, the higher the activity of a person, the faster the metabolic processes in his body and the lower the temperature standards for him should be.

Why is it important to monitor the temperature in an apartment or house?

For a complete answer to this question, two fundamental points must be taken into account: human performance and energy costs.

It is well known that human performance depends on air temperature, and if the latter is unsuitable, then the quality and efficiency of performance various works will start to drop significantly. So, according to one American study, if the temperature in the room drops below 20 ° C, then people begin to make mistakes of various kinds 44% more often than at a temperature of 21 ° C.

Saving energy is one of the most pressing issues that every person faces. It has been established that an increase in air temperature for every degree in an apartment or house leads to an increase in energy costs by 7%. This means that in the absence of special requirements for maintaining a certain temperature in the room, you should always adhere to the minimum allowable values ​​in winter and the maximum allowable in summer. Recall, in answering the question, what minimum temperature should be in the apartment in winter, that it should be 21 ° C, so there is no need to set the temperature higher, for example, 23 ° C, otherwise you will have to pay 14% more for 2 ° C of heat, and the difference for the health of the body between the numbers is 21 ° C and 23 °C are absolutely none.

Many people wonder what temperature should be in a corner apartment. The recommended norms remain the same, however, since the corner apartments in houses are usually cold, the cost of heating them will be somewhat higher than for similar apartments in the middle of the house.

The issue of energy saving

When answering the question of what temperature should be in the apartment, it should be said that its optimal value in winter is 21 ° C. However, it is not necessary to maintain this temperature throughout the day. So, if a person goes to work and there are no people left in the apartment, then you can set the heater thermostat to a temperature of 15 ° C, but if a person leaves the apartment for several days, then the thermostat can generally be set to 5 ° C. In addition, the kitchen does not need to be heated at all, since it has its own heat sources (refrigerator, electric or gas stove) that will maintain the required temperature.

Modern technologies take care of a person in many ways, for example, many modern heating systems allow you to use the climate control mode, which itself will monitor the temperature in the room.

Concluding the topic of what temperature should be in the apartment, here are some tips that will allow a person to feel comfortable in the apartment, but at the same time save energy and cash for space heating:

  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to turn off all heaters, and ventilate the room in the morning, and then turn them on.
  • The heater cores must be kept clean. Also, there should be no objects near them that interfere with the free movement of air.
  • At night, it is recommended to close the curtains of the windows: in this way, you can save some energy.

And the first question that arises when dealing with a similar problem is what should be the temperature in the room. In order to correctly navigate the situation and make an adequate decision, it is necessary to rely on existing regulations. What determines the temperature regime in the apartment The air temperature in the room depends not only on the influence of the human factor, but also on external weather conditions. Influence of climate In different regions, external temperature indicators can vary significantly. Accordingly, the requirements for space heating standards in the southern and northern regions in the autumn-winter period will vary significantly. Dependence on the season In the summer season in high-rise buildings, the room temperature is practically never low when it comes to mid-latitudes and southern regions.

What temperature should be in the apartment during the heating season

Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2010 N 64. The values ​​\u200b\u200bof the optimal and permissible air temperature in the premises are given in Appendix No. 2 to SanPiN (“Optimal and allowable norms temperature, relative humidity and speed of air movement in the premises of residential buildings”). Name of the room air temperature in degrees Celsius optimal allowable Cold period of the year Living room 20-22 18-24 18-26Bathroom, combined bathroom 24-26 18-26Inter-apartment corridor 18-20 16-22Entrance hall, staircase 16-18 14-20Storage rooms 16-18 12-22 Warm period of the year Living room 22-25 20-28 The management company is obliged to provide temperature mode not only in apartments, but also in stairwells, attics and basements.

What temperature should be in the apartment in winter?

The temperature cannot be checked close to the floor or ceiling, nor to walls or windows. Inspection standard: 1 meter from the outer wall, 1.5 m from the floor. In the event that there are deviations from these requirements, the payment for this service should be reduced by 0.15% per hour of non-compliance with these standards.

If there are deviations from the norm If the temperature indicators should not be below the permissible level, then they can exceed the norm, but not more than 4 degrees. If the batteries do not warm up well, then you need to write a complaint to the DEZ with a request to check. The specialist who will perform the verification draws up 2 copies of the verification act, one of which will remain with the owner.
After that, the utility responsible for the situation must take measures to correct it. The measures are quite urgent and should be taken within 1-7 days from the date of signing the act.

What is the optimum temperature in the apartment in winter: the norm according to the law


The procedure in this situation is provided by the Rules for the provision utilities. The owner of the apartment should report the violation to the emergency dispatch service of the managing organization in writing or by phone. The dispatcher is obliged to register the appeal, while he must report his full name, number and time of registration of the message.


On the fact of the appeal, the Criminal Code conducts an inspection, having coordinated the time with the owner of the premises. Important: if the owner has not appointed his own time for the inspection, then it must be carried out within two hours from the date of registration of the appeal. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up. If the fact of providing a low-quality service is established, then the act indicates what violations were identified, what methods and tools were used to measure, the date and time of the audit.

All persons participating in the examination sign the document, 1 copy remains to the owner.

What should be the temperature in the apartment during the heating season of 2018

A rare person perceives the onset of cold weather with enthusiasm. For most, this means everyday fatigue due to a lack of vitamins and short daylight hours, an extra sweater on the body, and, as a rule, more than one, lack of sleep, a lot of inconvenience, and, finally, the desire to build a cozy lair out of blankets and rugs, in which to wait out the unfavorable for life season. In many ways, this condition can be due not only to the individual factors mentioned above, but also to the banal discrepancy between the temperature, whether it is on the street or in the apartment, to the needs of a person. “Sick building syndrome” and temperature norms Not many people know about it, but unsuitable living conditions, when it comes to the apartment in which they live, are not only tiring and inconvenient, but can also cause quite serious health problems to develop. and even chronic diseases.

What are the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin?

At normal temperature, a person should not feel the need to use warm clothes while in the apartment, but too high temperature readings are also unacceptable. The concept of comfortable temperature in an apartment is determined not only subjective feelings but also with established hygiene standards. We will consider them below. What temperature should be in the room in winter - the norm Optimum temperature air in the apartment during the winter period should be designed for a safe stay indoors for people of all ages and different state health.

According to the accepted sanitary and hygienic parameters, the temperature norm in winter should be in the range from 19 to 21 degrees. Exist established standards for individual rooms of the dwelling. How many degrees should be in the house depends on which section of the apartment we are talking about.

The temperature regime in the apartment is the norm (sanpin)


Moreover, they are determined separately for each room in the apartment. Thus, the permissible temperature in the living room during the cold season is 18-24˚С, and in the inter-apartment corridor - 16-22˚С. The temperature of water heating radiators should not exceed 90°C.

See also: Recalculation for heating - in what cases is it possible and how to do it? What can affect the temperature in the apartment? Temperature in living rooms depends on several factors. Not only hot batteries, but also the care of the owners to reduce heat loss will help maintain the required temperature. Therefore, it is important to know what measures to preserve heat in the room should be carried out and what to pay attention to:
  1. The volume of heating radiators. Obviously, the larger the battery, the warmer the room. But it is undesirable to arbitrarily increase the number of radiator sections.
  • 1 What determines the temperature regime in the apartment
    • 1.1 Climate influence
    • 1.2 Dependence on the season
  • 2 Comfortable temperature in the apartment
  • 3 What temperature should be in the room in winter - the norm
  • 4 Hypothermia, symptoms and consequences
  • 5 Overheating of the body, symptoms and consequences
  • 6 What to do if the temperature in the apartment is below normal in winter

In winter bad weather, you often have to feel discomfort when you are in an apartment, associated with a clear lack of space heating. In this case, it becomes necessary to find a way out of the situation by contacting the services responsible for maintaining the optimal temperature regime in residential premises. This moment becomes especially relevant if children or people with health problems live in the apartment.

On the contrary, on some days its indicator may exceed the optimal level, which should be within the limits not exceeding 25 degrees. At night, the temperature in the house is slightly lower than during the day. In winter, without heating, living quarters would be too cold, making it impossible to live in them.
In the cold season, you have to rely on the work of utilities. Temperature standards should not be lower than 19 degrees for any region. Comfortable temperature in the apartment Do you need help? Consult with our lawyer for free! Laws in our country change very often! Get the most up-to-date information by phone! Just call by phone from any region of Russia: Or contact our online consultant! The feeling of comfort in the room is associated with the absence of overheating and hypothermia.

The air exchange rate is a characteristic determined by the ratio of the air removed or supplied from the room per hour of time to the volume of this room. back to contents How to measure the coolant? The heat carrier in the central heating system is hot water flowing from the tap. You can measure its temperature different ways, but the simplest is to measure the temperature with a thermometer tap water poured into a glass. Pipe temperature measurement is also possible. The value of this parameter should be equal to 50-70°C.

back to contents Responsibility of public utilities for violation of the temperature standard If the temperature in the room is below normal in winter, what should I do? By law, citizens have the right to demand a reduction in heat payment by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance by the utilities of your management company with the temperature norm.
If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right or call the free consultation phone numbers: to the contents Room temperature standards -2000. Housing and communal services. Are common specifications". It requires compliance with a temperature range of 18-25 degrees Celsius.

Within this range, the norm is set for each type of room in the room. So, in the living room the temperature should not be below 18 ° C, and in the bathroom - below 25 ° C. Deviations to the lower side are allowed only at night (0.00 - 5.00) by no more than 3 ° С.

SanPiN, in turn, declares an upper temperature limit. For example, for a living room it is 24 ° C.

Causes of cold weather in the room:

  • parameters of the coolant at the entrance to the house. If the water temperature and its pressure are below normal, then it will naturally be cold in the house, and in this case all claims should be addressed to Thermal Networks;
  • coolant permeability. Perhaps an air lock has formed or a pipe is clogged with rust somewhere, this can also be the reason for the temperature drop;
  • various SNiPs.

    It is not news to anyone that most of of the modern housing stock in Russia was built during the Soviet Union. IN different years there were various building codes and regulations, for all kinds of engineering surveys, selection building materials And so on.

What temperature should be in the apartment in winter?

Interest in the temperature in a living room appears when people begin to feel uncomfortable.

The issue of comfort is not an idle one, because if the fact of a shortage of heat is confirmed, homeowners will be able to pay bills for heating not in full, but utilities get an extra incentive to fix the problem faster.

Ordinary angry calls to the housing and communal services will not achieve anything - verbal complaints have no power. You need to act competently and diplomatically, you need to know exactly what the temperature is in the apartment during the heating season, take measurements correctly and know where to go and how. In all the subtleties of heating, as well as hot water supply and air exchange, the article will devote further.

With the advent of the first cold snap, chilled residents apartment buildings I'm interested in the question: when does the heating season start? The answer will depend only on the weather outside the window.

There are certain rules, following which utilities supply heat to apartments:

  • In autumn, temperature measurements are taken for 10 days. And if the whole period was less than +8, it's time to turn on the heating.
  • In case of temperature fluctuations, when one day can be + 2 °, and after a couple of days + 10 ° - heating is not supplied.
  • In spring, the decision to stop the heating season is made on the basis of a five-day interval when the temperature was above +8 °C.

Also, do not panic if it turns out that your friends' house is already getting warmer, and your batteries are still cold. According to the law, public utilities have ten days to supply heating to all high-rise buildings.

The temperature in the apartment in winter, the norm according to the law

The norms of SNiP are the constitution for utilities. Violation of the standards that are prescribed there may result in administrative or even criminal liability for farm workers.

Air in the rooms. The range of temperatures that can legally be kept in our apartments, and be considered acceptable, is quite wide:

  • For residential premises, the permissible minimum is +18 ° C. During the five-day period, when the thermometers fall below -31 ° C, the norm will be +20 ° C. (Night or day, it doesn't matter.)
  • The minimum value is +20 °C in corner apartments. In a cold five-day period (below -31 ° С) +22 ° C.
  • The kitchen must also be heated to at least +18 °C.
  • The bathroom is warmer than the whole house + 25 °C.
  • Separate toilet +18°С.
  • Entrance hall, stairwells and pantry, if any, +15 °C.
  • Lift +5 °C.

Overheating, or excessive heat that is supplied to apartments, is also not desirable. This leads not only to the fact that people are forced to open windows and languish in the heat, but also steals their funds. After all, even if the consumer released heat into the street by opening the window, he will be obliged to pay for it, since payment is made for cubic meters.

Batteries. What should be the temperature of the batteries in the apartment? There are standards for the coolant in radiators (regulated in 2003).

The rates of water supply to the batteries depend on the conditions on the street and are valid only when bottom connection radiator pipes:

  • At t outside air + 5 ° - in the supply should be + 50 ° C, and in the return 39 ° С.
  • Outside the window 0 ° - in the supply + 65 ° C, in the return 48 ° C.
  • Outside the window -5 ° - in the supply + 78 ° C, in the return 56 ° C.

If t in batteries is lower than the established threshold by 3 °C during the day and by 5 °C at night, then recalculation of the payment must also be made.

With one-pipe heating system the norm of the coolant temperature is always slightly higher than in a two-pipe.

Hot water. In the cold period, an important factor is how hot the water is, really hot. According to the law, its temperature should be +60 - 75 ° С . Not only the feeling of comfort is important here, because if the water does not reach 65 ° C, bacteria can easily live and multiply in it, dangerous people's health. Hot water, on the other hand, does not go through the same high-quality treatment as cold water, just because it is supposed to be heated to 65 °.

Underheating also affects the finances of the owners. After all, the fee is charged based on the consumption at a certain temperature, but if the water is even slightly below the norm, residents have to increase its consumption and pay more.

To measure t hot water, a container is installed in the bathroom or sink, an alcohol thermometer is placed in it and running hot water is started.

The measurement process takes 10 minutes.

If during this time the temperature does not reach - this is a reason for the trial.

By the way, it may turn out that the heating plant is not to blame for the undercooling of hot water. Sometimes a decrease in temperature in the taps is caused by the illegal installation of underfloor heating by one of the owners in the riser.

In most cities there is an emergency service hotline, the dispatcher of which will help you contact heating networks, management company etc.

Air exchange rate

If in summer air exchange rates are a matter of fresh air and health, then in winter excessive air exchange can lead to large heat losses and hit the owner's wallet.

  • In a residential area with an area of ​​​​more than 20 m 2, 30 m 3 per hour is relied on for 1 person permanently staying inside.
  • In rooms less than 20 m 2 - 20 m 3 per person.
  • In a kitchen equipped electric stove this is 60 m 3, gas stove- 90 m 3 / hour.

Few people have the opportunity to independently measure the air exchange rate. There are several techniques. To take readings, a device called the “Air Door” is used. The device is located in any opening (window or door). The fan in the system pumps air and produces digital results with high accuracy.

Air exchange scheme

A technique for measuring the flow rate on the final filters with a hot-wire anemometer is also used. The volumetric air flow is calculated from the speed and area of ​​the filters. Such measurements can be influenced by many factors, so it cannot be called ideal.

Another way is when the entire volume of outgoing air is collected in a special casing - a balometer.

You can order the measurement of the air exchange rate in special laboratories and expert bureaus. The cost of the service will be 7 - 10 thousand rubles. – depends on the region and equipment.

On average, a comfortable temperature for living is considered to be a range from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius, but these are conditional values. determined by legal regulations.

Read about the features of making a burner for working out with your own hands.

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