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From what gardnerella in women. Gardnerellosis in a woman: symptoms of the disease and causes. Weak immunity is one of the causes of the disease

Bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis in women is quite common. This is an infection that in women is caused by a special bacterium - gardnerella vaginalis. A small amount of these microorganisms is completely harmless to the body, but as soon as their number begins to increase due to a decrease in lactobacilli, the first signs of the development of gardnerellosis appear. You should not be ashamed of this female disease, because it does not belong to a sexually transmitted disease, does not depend on the observance of intimate hygiene standards, and can develop at any time in women of different ages. Even small girls who do not have a single sexual contact are capable of having a rather adult female disease - gardnerellosis.

It is impossible to find a female person who would have an absolutely sterile vagina. Only newborn girls do not have any microorganisms in their genitals at all, but already about a week after birth, the composition of their microflora begins to change. Before puberty, for about everyone, it normally has an acidity of pH 5.0.

Everything is different in the body of adult females. They constantly have various organisms in their vagina, so the acidity of the environment decreases (pH 4.0-4.5). Some of the bacteria are completely harmless and must be present in the microflora (lactobacilli), others, like gardnerella vaginalization in women in the photo, under favorable conditions become a real threat and lead to changes in the microflora.

Every healthy woman has a certain amount of lactobacilli in her vagina. These are her protective bodies. They regulate the level of acidity, determine the composition of microflora, fight microorganisms that can harm health. When once lactobacilli lose their activity, this is immediately noticed by harmful microorganisms that were previously oppressed. This is where the time comes to come to the fore gardnerelle. Its norm in a healthy woman is about 103 -105 CFU / ml, as soon as this figure increases, there is a threat of developing gardnerellosis in the woman shown in the photo. They can develop very quickly, but they do not show any resistance. In this case, the female disease manifests itself, then subsides a little. This condition is called chronic gardnerellosis in women. During chronic gardnerellez bacteria go deep into the genitourinary system and move into the urethra or cervix. It can last for several years, until one day, during a random examination, the doctor diagnoses the disease.

Causes of gardnerella in women

An excessive increase in the number of vaginalis bacteria in women is the cause of gardnerellosis. Its quantity increases significantly due to a sharp decrease in the number of lactobacilli. This disproportionate ratio in the vagina between the two groups of bacteria can occur as a result of antibiotic treatment, menopause, or diabetes. It leads to dysbiosis. This is nothing but gardnerellosis. The number of lactobacilli can decrease when using intimate hygiene products that cause dry skin. Excessive care of the female genital organs also does not bring anything good, but can cause a large number gardnerella vaginalis in women.

Sexual contact without a condom with a man who had previously had an affair with an infected partner and was infected also causes gardnerellosis in a perfectly healthy woman.

Among other reasons involved in the appearance of a gardnerella infection in women, one can distinguish:

Symptoms and signs of gardnerellosis in women in life and in the photo

Not all even adult ladies know how gardnerella manifests itself in women, and therefore they do not even find obvious signs in themselves in time. When visiting a gynecologist, patients sometimes complain about bad smell from the vagina, which is somewhat reminiscent of the stench emanating from rotten fish. At this time, they do not even realize that these are the first signs of gardnerella in women, and such a bad smell appeared as a result of the active breakdown of amines under the influence of anaerobic bacteria on them.

In addition to an unpleasant odor, other symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are also known. Quite often, a sign of the disease is previously uncharacteristic discharge. Not all of them are the same color. It happens that the discharge is grayish-green or yellowish. Very rarely, the discharge can be white, then they are called white, or transparent. Their consistency is like a cream. They stick to the walls of the vagina and hold tightly to them. The number of bacteria in vaginosis is rapidly increasing, so the discharge becomes more and more abundant. Doctors consider such vaginal discharge to be pathological, so they will have to be dealt with immediately, reducing the amount of gardnerella in the body.

Often, vaginosis occurs against the background of inflammation of the genitourinary system. Then, to the mentioned signs of a female disease, other symptoms of gardnerella in women are added. The inflammatory process is accompanied by a strong burning sensation or itching, which becomes especially noticeable during intercourse or immediately after it.

Causeless violations of the menstruation cycle, the appearance of mucous impurities in the bloody discharge, resembling flakes of pus or pieces of cottage cheese, can also become a sign of gardnerella vaginalis.

Approximately 25 - 30% of women who had gardnerellosis had absolutely no symptoms in the photo. This is a common occurrence in the disease, but it cannot be said that the absence of symptoms is a safer course of the disease. On the contrary, when a woman notices symptoms of gardnerellosis or at least feels discomfort in the genital area, she goes to the clinic and tries to start treatment as soon as possible. If the disease is asymptomatic, this often happens, you can expect various complications, which will be much more difficult to cope with than with a disease detected in the early period of development.

According to the symptoms, gardnerellosis resembles other sexual infections, therefore, it is possible to correctly establish the diagnosis only after taking a smear.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women with drugs

Before starting the treatment of gardnerellosis in women, each doctor suggests that his patient undergo a diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of other microorganisms that may also be involved in the disease. The most common and accessible is the study of vaginal discharge, if any, or a smear for cultural inoculation from the mucous membranes of the vagina, the results of which determine the amount of gardnerella and lactobacilli in the microflora. Based on this ratio, the doctor decides how to cure gardnerellosis in a woman using topical preparations and auxiliary procedures such as baths, douching and others.

The treatment regimen for gardnerella in a woman is built taking into account the form of the course of the disease, the reaction of her body to drugs, the patient's condition, and even the cause of the disease. The most effective drug in the treatment of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman is metronidazole. Let not scare patients who have already treated trichomoniasis with this medicine, such a doctor's decision in choosing pills, because this drug is ideal for combating many sexual infections. And when the question is how to effectively treat gardnerella in women, feel free to use the drugs according to the scheme indicated by the doctor.

Beware side effects metronidazole, patients will learn how to cure gardnerella in women with other drugs. You can use klion or efloran, but metronidazole is also an active substance in their composition. Alternatively, choose drugs with clindamycin: clindamycin, dalacin.

When deciding how to treat gardnerellosis in women, doctors prescribe suppositories for the treatment. Suppositories with metronidazole are considered very effective. They create a high concentration of a drug that fights the virus in the vagina, and thus contribute to a quick recovery by reducing the amount of the virus. In addition to the treatment of gardnerella in women, suppositories are also effective for candidiasis, which is often found in pairs.

When choosing how to treat gardnerella in women, many opt for creams. That's enough too effective means which are inserted into the vagina twice a day. Your doctor may recommend creams or gels that contain metronidazole. It is flagyl or metrogil. The course of such therapy usually lasts from 5 days and can reach 10 days if a woman has chronic gardnerellosis.

As an alternative group of creams are preparations with clindamycin. Just once a day for a week, it is enough to inject dalacin into the vagina to reduce the concentration of the virus.

Although the amount of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman's body has decreased due to antibiotic treatment or the use of suppositories, it is too early to talk about complete recovery until the required amount of lactobacilli in the microflora is restored. For this, the doctor prescribes drugs that contain lactobacilli.

Treatment of gardnerella in women with traditional medicine

Since it does not apply to sexually transmitted infections, herbal preparations are quite effective in treatment. For baths, both tinctures bought at a pharmacy and herbal decoctions prepared at home are suitable. Effective in this fight are calendula and chamomile, thyme and oak bark, wormwood and yarrow, celandine and eucalyptus, birch leaves and mint. These same herbs can also be taken as a tea to strengthen the immune system.

At home, you can make tampons soaked in carrot juice and apple cider vinegar. For 1 tampon, a tablespoon of carrot juice and half the same spoon of vinegar are taken. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes after taking hygiene procedures and douching.

Doctors recommend taking baths with salt and potassium permanganate during an illness in the presence of abundant discharge. This solution kills bacteria and helps to significantly reduce their number. If it is impossible to do such baths daily, you can use the same solution for tampons that are inserted into the vagina in the morning and evening. Medical workers are very wary of douching and do not often recommend using them in the treatment of gardnerellosis in women, because such a procedure helps to wash out the beneficial microflora from the vagina, which is already insufficient there.

To prevent bacterial vaginosis, traditional medicine recommends drinking tea made from sage more often.

Some consider gardnerellosis not serious female disease and wait until it passes by itself without the use of drugs for treatment. The imbalance can recover on its own over time if the causes that caused it disappear (for example, the use of the IUD or condoms with lubricants is stopped), but this self recovery microflora can take a very long time. Think about whether you want to endure such fetid odors, reminiscent of illness, and communicate with your spouse, having unpleasant discharge?

Gardnerellosis is a disease that develops when a pathogenic bacterium enters the human body. The causative agent is gardnerella, which is easily transmitted sexually. The risk group includes men and women who are sexually active and do not have a permanent partner.

If a person has suspicions of the progression of bacterial vaginosis, a consultation and examination of a doctor who treats sexually transmitted diseases is needed. Special attention should be given to the choice of drugs. With a negligent attitude, the course of the disease can be aggravated by the occurrence and development of complications. Answering the question of patients how to treat gardnerellosis, doctors are of the same opinion: local therapy can defeat the bacterium. It is enough to correctly apply the ointment, capsules, tablets, gel or suppositories prescribed by a specialist.


Self-medication can adversely affect the general condition of the body and reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

The final diagnosis is made after studying the results of the patient's tests. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of medicines for the treatment of disease. One of the most effective is the drug Trichopol with gardnerellosis. Vaginal tablets are prescribed for use once a day with a dosage of 500 milligrams, for 1-1.5 weeks.

No less effective is the treatment with Metronidazole gel at a concentration of 0.75% (introduction is performed into the vagina), and the course of treatment does not exceed 5 days (if the procedure is performed twice a day).

Of the oral drugs, tinidazole is most often prescribed, with gardnerellosis, progressive long time in organism. The dosage and course of therapy is determined by the attending physician, which is due to the presence of side effects in the medication. If Clindamycin was prescribed, it should be taken throughout the week at a dosage of 300 milligrams.

Bacterial vaginosis is also diagnosed in women during the period of bearing a child. Most of them avoid therapy, fearing to harm the fetus and convincing themselves that the bacteria will leave the body on their own. Unfortunately, this statement is not true, and the microflora is not capable of self-restoration.

How to treat gardnerellosis during pregnancy will tell the leading gynecologist for sure. Doctors also note that when carrying a fetus and correct selection medications, the disease is easily treatable, but antibiotic therapy is an exception.

If there is a sharp increase in the number of gardnerella, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If a dilemma arises as to how to treat gardnerellosis in pregnant women, then suppositories or Klion are better suited. No less effective in the treatment of pregnant women are methods traditional medicine but only after doctor's approval.

From options baths and douching are excluded, and only washing with antiseptic solutions prepared with herbs is practiced. After delivery, a woman must undergo a full course of treatment for the disease. When a doctor diagnoses gardnerellosis, it is almost impossible to do without antibiotics. The drugs of this group are indicated to combat a disease that occurs in an acute or chronic form.

When a patient goes to the clinic in a timely manner, the first thing he is prescribed is pills (they are effective in the initial stage of the disease). The next stage is restorative, aimed at increasing the number of lactobacilli. Depending on the rate of reduction of bacteria that harm the body, the duration of the course of treatment will be determined. When the number of microorganisms has been reduced to a minimum, antibiotics will be completed.

In each clinical case, the doctor will determine how to cure gardnerellosis based on general condition patient and after examining the analyses. This approach will protect against drug intolerance in patients with hypersensitivity to certain components. To consolidate the result, immunotherapy and procedures to restore the natural microflora are carried out at the end. To protect the body from re-infection, diet and lifestyle should be adjusted.

How gardnerellosis is treated can be found out exactly from the list below:

  • Azithromycin - broad-spectrum tablets. Prolonged use leads to the accumulation of the active ingredient in the blood, followed by its activation in the lesion.
  • Tiberal is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug, the release form is tablets.
  • Ornidazole - effective in the fight against anaerobic microbes, is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and injections.
  • Imidazole is an effective antimicrobial drug available as a cream, injection, and vaginal tablets.
  • Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal drug with antibacterial activity, produced in the form of tablets with a dosage of 250 milligrams.

In the treatment of the disease, a diet aimed at a balanced diet is very important. So that the body receives everything necessary elements and was recovering, he needs: fermented milk products, poultry and fish. Don't need to be neglected fresh fruit and vegetables. Cereals, nuts, beans, oils (linseed, olive, corn) are very useful.


To keep all the components in the right form, it is better to give preference to steaming or practicing a raw food diet.

It was also said that the disease is amenable to traditional medicine therapy. The basis of therapy is the oral administration of tinctures, the installation of therapeutic tampons and baths. These recipes are suitable for the treatment of men and women.

Suitable for decoctions: sweet clover, marshmallow root, pine and birch buds, nettle leaves, mint, St. John's wort and eucalyptus. Prepare according to package directions and take 3 times a day before meals. The recommended single dose is 100 milliliters.

Tampons are made from a mixture apple cider vinegar(1 teaspoon) and carrot juice. The resulting solution is applied to gauze folded into a swab and injected into the vagina for 20 minutes. It is not recommended to do the procedure more than once a day. The second version of the mixture includes aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. Such a tampon is shown to be left overnight. To relieve unpleasant symptoms (pain, itching, burning) will help baths from oak bark, chamomile and leaves walnut. Treatment of gardnerellosis in men is prescribed by a doctor, after a thorough examination of patients and study of the test results.

As with female representatives, in the absence of complications, local therapy is sufficient. The duration of treatment is 14–21 days (the drug is determined by the doctor). With clearly expressed symptoms, Doxycycline or Trikaside is prescribed, they are taken until a complete cure. A man must follow a diet: no spicy, fatty, spicy and salty foods, as well as alcohol. Sexual contacts and exposure to the sun for a long time are also prohibited. Hilak, Laktovit or Bifilakt are shown as immunotherapy.

Candles from gardnerellosis: scheme and duration of treatment

The medical name for the well-known thrush is gardnerellosis. To combat it, candles are best suited. They differ from tablets in a directed action, which means they cope better with the disease.

Below are suppositories from gardnerellosis, which are often prescribed by doctors:

  • McMiror;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Clindamycin;
  • Candles with metronidazole;
  • Betadine.

With their help, an optimal environment is created in the vagina, and pathogenic microorganisms gradually die. Vaginal suppositories for gardnellosis are allowed for use by women during the period of bearing a child. Thus, the birth canal is cleaned in the third trimester.

Suppositories with metronidazole or tinidazole are highly effective in gardnellosis. They are recommended to be administered once a day, in the morning or evening for three hours. The duration of therapy is at least 7 days, depending on the patient's condition.

It is recommended to start treatment no earlier than 2 days after the end of menstruation. On the forum, patients who were treated for gardnerellosis with candles leave only positive feedback about the drug. As a prevention of sexual infections, doctors recommend that you always protect yourself when in contact with a new partner. Also, not the last role in the prevention of the disease is assigned to the control of the state of immunity, because infections do not join a strong organism. You should beware of hypothermia, because any inflammation of the genitourinary system will provoke dysbacteriosis, and gardnerellosis will progress against its background.

Genital hygiene is an integral part of prevention. If a man or woman has a suspicion of developing thrush, or gardnerellosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. The disease is easily transmitted sexually, so it is very important to protect yourself from promiscuity. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on the patient's approach to the implementation of medical recommendations.

Gardnerella (bacterial vaginosis) is a very common infection these days. According to statistics, more than 20% of sexually active women suffer from this disease.

The thing is that gardnerella is always present in the microflora of the female genital organ.

But with a sharp increase in the number of these bacteria, the vaginal microflora is disturbed, which leads to the development of infection.

The question of whether this type of vaginosis is precisely the disease that, like many, is sexually transmitted, still does not have a clear answer from physicians. However, bacterial vaginosis requires immediate treatment, and this is not even discussed.

Gardnerella itself is not pathogenic, but it leads to the emergence of other pathogens that are more dangerous to women's health. Gardnerella performs the function of preparing the soil for harmful microorganisms. When these microorganisms begin to multiply at an accelerated pace, the products of their metabolism adversely affect not only the vagina, but also penetrate the urethra.

The disturbed microflora for gardnerella is the cause of occurrence No. 1. Bacteria that have grown in such a “favorable” environment cause inflammation.

Is bacterial vaginosis contagious?

Certainly. It is patients who are very actively sexually active who most often encounter this disease. You can avoid the transmission of vaginosis by using contraceptives, especially if you are starting a relationship with a new partner. This statement does not mean at all that a man is “contagious”. It is possible that the microflora of a man will be alien to your body. This will lead to dysbacteriosis, and then to gardnerellosis.

Treatment this disease is no different from other sexually transmitted infections. Regardless of the confirmation of the disease, both partners must undergo a full course of treatment with the drugs prescribed by the doctor, one of them.

It is possible to get sick with gardnerellosis, even if there was no fact of infection as such. The disease can develop due to the use of antibiotics or topical contraceptives. Many cases of gardnerella development have been recorded after taking the following drugs: Terzhinan, Betadin, Polygynax.

It is possible to disrupt the microflora of the vagina with prolonged stress, diets, and intense physical and emotional stress.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Every woman should know the first signs of the onset of the disease, because it is necessary to start treatment and take special drugs as early as possible.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are much more noticeable than in the representatives of the stronger sex. Vaginal discharge may be yellow, green, white, clear, or white-gray. They have a uniform consistency, creamy or watery, often foamy.

The labia swell, redden, itching and burning appear during urination or during sexual intercourse. The main symptom of the disease is the smell of spoiled fish.

In addition to secretions, gardnerella in women cause an internal inflammatory process, which also entails itching, pain and burning in the vagina.

In men (in 90%), gardnerella does not cause any discomfort. In rare cases, the presence of the disease can be judged by painful urination. Even less often there are abundant discharge from the penis, burning and itching.

If any minor symptoms of gardnerellosis appear in women, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Experts say that it is possible to cure the disease the first time only at an early stage of development.

Complications and consequences of the disease are varied.

Urethritis, prostatitis, infertility threatens men. And women often develop inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. The vulva, the vagina, the cervix, everything is at risk. The result is endometritis and adnexitis, which will bother you all your life.

If we talk about the consequences that appear immediately, then this is a sharp decrease in immunity and a high risk of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Gardnerellosis is often found in pregnant women. Often a woman becomes infected even before the conception of a child, and during pregnancy, pathogenic microbes exacerbate. The reasons are as follows: during pregnancy, the immune defense of the body drops sharply and hormonal changes occur. These factors affect the microflora of the female vagina, and if a girl has a minimal risk of getting sick with gardnerellosis, the body does not act to the benefit of the hostess.

Diagnosis of the disease

Nowadays, gardnerella in women can be detected on early stages, fortunately, for each specialist it is possible. Women at the first suspicion should immediately contact a gynecologist, and men - a venereologist or urologist.

First, the patient is examined, the symptoms are evaluated. The most common complaint is discharge with a sharp unpleasant odor. If the symptoms of gardnerella are not so well expressed, then a laboratory analysis is carried out, which allows you to identify the pathogen.

The analysis is a general smear with microscopy. Examining the cells of a sick person under a microscope, you can see a thick layer of microbes, which indicates the fact of the disease. Another analysis to confirm the disease is the measurement of the pH of the vaginal environment. You can finally make a diagnosis after a reaction to isontril (exactly the substance that emits a terribly unpleasant odor).

If the diagnosis is confirmed, ask the doctor to conduct an examination for the presence of inflammatory processes in the vagina (sowing of vaginal discharge, analysis for dysbiosis, PCR).

Gardnerellosis in women during pregnancy is the most common disease, but do not despair, the main thing is to cope with the disease in a timely manner. Drugs for treatment must be prescribed by a doctor, since many drugs are prohibited, including antibiotics.

Usually, doctors prescribe the following drugs for treatment: Metronidazole, Clindamycin. Both one and the other drug is available both in the form of a gel for external use, and in the form of tablets. Treatment and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician. It should be remembered that these drugs are incompatible with alcohol. After completing the course of treatment, take the tests again, and then monitor your health and prevent relapses.

Prevention of the disease is quite simple:

  • Take good care of your health.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Lead healthy lifestyle life (do not overwork, eat right).
  • Avoid casual sex.
  • Use condoms.
  • Within 2 hours after the "suspicious" sexual intercourse, use antiseptics.
  • Avoid douching and drugs containing 9-nonoxynol (contraceptives).

Constantly monitor your genitals, keep them in perfect cleanliness. At the first appearance of any symptoms, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate!

Bacterial vaginosis is a disease that often occurs in sexually active women. In the vast majority of cases, pathology appears under the influence of bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis (Gardnerella vaginalis). Strictly speaking, gardnerellosis is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection, however, sexually transmitted diseases provoke the development and aggravate the course of bacterial vaginosis of a similar etiology.

Gardnerella is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism, that is, it is present in small quantities on the mucous epithelium of the vagina. Taxonomically, these pathogens are classified as facultative anaerobic flora. In other words, their life cycle proceeds without access to oxygen, however, unlike other anaerobes, gardnerella can also tolerate aerobic conditions.

Outwardly, gardnerella are similar to small sticks with oval ends, their size rarely exceeds 1.5 microns. Previously, pathogenic microorganisms Gardnerella were considered representatives of the genus Haemophilus (they were called Haemophilus vaginalis).

However, in the mid-1980s, they were proven to belong to the Bifidobacteriaceae family. The vast majority of cases of Gardnerella are Gram-negative, although a Gram-positive stain is occasionally possible.

"Inhabiting" the mucous epithelium of the vagina, lactobacilli, as a result of the destruction of glycogen, produce lactic acid. It determines the pH value in the range of 3.8 - 4.5, which prevents the reproduction of various microorganisms. In addition, lactobacilli have an enzymatic effect, so their level serves as a kind of indicator of the state of the female genital organs. Bacvaginosis develops against the background of the replacement of microorganisms of the genus Lactobacillus by an association of pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic bacteria.

Gardnerella vaginalis produces specific catabolites that inhibit the functional activity of local immunity and leukocytes. As a result, bacteria penetrate deep into the vaginal mucosa, affect the overlying sections of the genital tract, and spread to the urinary tract. In addition, the development of gardnerella contributes to the reproduction of other flora (staphylococci, streptococci, klebsiella, E. coli, klebsiella, etc.).

Gardnerella bacterial vaginosis is the most common infection among sexually active women aged 18-45. According to different authors, the incidence of such an infection ranges from 30 to 80% in the structure of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in the fairer sex. Such inaccuracy in the numbers is due to the fact that in a third of women gardnerellosis is asymptomatic.

Gardnerella vaginalis: transmission routes, factors provoking the development of pathology

Some doctors are inclined to believe that gardnerellosis is sexually transmitted. However, in this case, the question of the presence of these bacteria in a small amount in the vagina of girls and virgin girls remains open. Therefore, experts believe that this disease can be safely attributed to polyetiological.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of pathological concentrations of gardnerella vaginalis:

  • promiscuity, especially without the use of proper protective measures (condoms);
  • concomitant sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.);
  • a variety of therapeutic and diagnostic intravaginal manipulations (douching, especially if it is therapeutically unreasonable, colposcopy, etc.);
  • abortions;
  • taking drugs that impair the functioning of local immunity (corticosteroids, antibiotics and fungicides, including local action in the form of ointments and suppositories, cytostatics, chemotherapy);
  • extragenital diseases that negatively affect the state of the immune system;
  • improper diet with a predominance of too sweet foods and a deficiency of sour-milk products;
  • use of topical spermicides;
  • the use for hygiene purposes of pads, tampons, intimate products with too much high content synthetic perfume fragrances and allergens;
  • wearing tight underwear with a synthetic gusset;
  • hormonal disorders caused by both natural causes (pregnancy, childbirth, period breastfeeding), diseases or the intake of appropriate medicines;
  • chronic fatigue, emotional overstrain and exhaustion;
  • diseases and conditions accompanied by a violation of the microflora of the digestive and genitourinary tract;
  • malformations and anatomical features of the structure of the vagina;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • foreign bodies in the vagina and uterus (spirals, caps, etc.).

Infection with gardnerella vaginalis does not occur through sexual contact. However, the development of this disease is closely related to the characteristics of sexual relationships. The risk of bacterial vaginosis increases with an early onset of sexual activity, the presence of a large number of sexual partners, a high frequency of urogenital, rectogenital sexual contacts, etc.

Gardnerella infection: symptoms in women, diagnostic methods, possible complications

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis provoked by Gardnerella are nonspecific. Many sexually transmitted diseases (for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis) can occur under the guise of gardnerellosis. Incubation period infection is from 3 to 10 days, but on average - a week.

Symptoms characteristic of the pathology are:

  • quite abundant, sometimes foamy discharge from the vagina, at the initial stages of the disease they are homogeneous, gray-white in color, but later acquire a thicker consistency and a yellowish tint;
  • the characteristic unpleasant smell of stale fish, it intensifies after sex, during menstruation, after washing with soap, such a sign is due to the breakdown of amino acids produced by anaerobic gardnerella;
  • itching and burning, but only a third of women with bacterial vaginosis complain of these symptoms.

The occurrence of an unpleasant "fishy" odor from the vagina, combined with abundant discharge, is the reason for contacting a gynecologist.

Diagnostic criteria for gardnerellosis are:

  • plaque, evenly covering the mucous membrane of the vagina and external genital organs, while pathophysiological signs of the inflammatory process occur extremely rarely;
  • pH values ​​above 4.5 after carrying out pH-metry separated by the vaginal epithelium;
  • a positive result of the amino test, this is one of the express diagnostic methods, which is carried out by mixing a vaginal smear with a 10% potassium hydroxide solution on a glass slide, in the presence of gardnerella, a strong smell of rotten fish appears;
  • detection of cells characteristic of bacterial vaginosis after microscopy of a Gram-stained smear from the vagina.

Instrumental methods for detecting the disease supplement the data of the anamnesis and complaints of the patient. Gardnerella infection requires differential diagnosis with other urogenital pathologies caused by gonococcus, trichomonas, chlamydia, opportunistic microorganisms. For this, PCR tests are prescribed to detect the DNA of bacteria.

Without appropriate treatment (and sometimes against the background of drug therapy), gardnerellosis is prone to a chronic relapsing course. So, six months after the first episode, the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis reappear in a third of patients, and within a year - in 50 - 70% of women. Such violations of the composition of the physiological microflora of the vagina often leads to persistent recurrent candidiasis and other lesions of the urogenital tract. Sometimes gardnerella is also found in the bladder in the process of identifying the causes of cystitis.

IN last years there was information that anaerobic pathogens of bacterial vaginosis secrete nitrosamines. They serve as coenzymes of carcinogenesis and can cause dysplastic and dystrophic processes in the cervix. They, in turn, can cause a variety of pathologies, including malignant cell transformations.

Gardnerellosis in women: features of the course and therapy during pregnancy, manifestations of the disease in men

Often, bacterial vaginosis, provoked by bacteria of the genus Gardnerella, occurs during pregnancy. As a rule, this is due to concomitant changes in hormonal balance. For early detection of pathology, regular gynecological examination is mandatory, especially in women at risk (with previous or concomitant sexually transmitted infections, chronic inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary system, etc.)

But to date, a clear connection has been established between the development of such a disease and infertility, an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, and premature birth. In addition, in the absence of therapy, gardnerellosis is dangerous for early rupture of amniotic fluid, intrauterine infection of the fetus, and various inflammatory lesions of the uterus in the postpartum period.

Therefore, with the appearance of secretions of a characteristic consistency and with a specific odor, it is necessary to urgently begin therapy. Most medications for bacterial vaginosis are contraindicated in the first trimester. Therefore, on this stage even doctors recommend using folk remedies.

Starting from the second trimester, gardnerellosis in women is treated with:

  • Clindamycin (Dalacin, Clindamycin) in the form of a cream or suppositories of 5 g or one piece, respectively, at night for 3 to 5 days;
  • Metronidazole (Metrogil, Metrovagin, Trichopolum, Trihosept, Flagyl) cream (0.75%), suppositories - 2 times a day intravaginally or tablets of 0.5 g twice a day, the course of therapy is 5 - 7 days.

In men, gardnerellosis is usually asymptomatic. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex are carriers of the infection. However, if immunity is weakened as a result of any diseases or taking medications, there is a risk of developing bacterial urethritis (inflammation of the urinary canal) or balanoposthitis (damage to the head of the penis, foreskin).

Similar pathologies are manifested in the form of burning during urination, discharge with an unpleasant odor from the urethra. Often note the appearance of a grayish-white sticky coating on the glans penis, redness and slight swelling of the skin in the area of ​​the foreskin.

How to treat gardnerella: drug and alternative therapy, restoration of local immunity, methods of prevention

Anaerobic pathogens of bacterial vaginosis are highly sensitive to various antibacterial drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones, penicillins (but only in combination with clavulanic acid), macrolides. Tetracycline antibiotics (for example, Minocycline) are less active against Gardnerella. However, most experts believe that the use of potent antimicrobial agents for the treatment of uncomplicated vaginosis is unjustified.

Therefore, first-line drugs are:

  • Nitroimidazoles(Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Tinidazole). They are used orally, intravaginally in women and topically in men. Dosage and duration of treatment is determined individually. As a rule, take Metronidazole (or its analogues under other trade names) 2.0 g once or 0.5 g twice a day for a week. Ornidazole drink 0.5 g twice a day for 5 days, Tinidazole - 2.0 g once. Preparations of this group in the form of suppositories or ointments are used twice a day for 5 days.
  • Lincosamides. Of the drugs in this class, clindamycin is the most effective. It is applied topically (applied to the glans penis or inserted into the vagina) once a day at night for 6 days. Oral administration of 0.3 g twice a day for a week is possible.

Additionally, doctors emphasize that metronidazole is absolutely incompatible with alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from taking alcoholic beverages for the entire duration of treatment and for 24 hours after its completion. Clindamycin creams and suppositories can damage the latex used in condoms and vaginal diaphragms. Therefore, during therapy with this drug, it is better to give up sexual life (sexual contacts with gardnerellosis without a condom can aggravate the course of the disease).

Some patients prefer to treat bacterial vaginosis and urethritis with alternative medicine methods.

  • Pour 3 tbsp. dry herb celandine with a liter of boiling water, squeeze a few cloves of garlic, insist for 3-4 hours, strain and use for douching.
  • Pass pine and juniper needles through a meat grinder (take in a ratio of 1: 1), squeeze out the juice from the resulting slurry, moisten a regular swab in it and insert it into the vagina overnight. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, alternate with gauze or cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of onion and horseradish juice. The course of therapy lasts 12 days.
  • Mix 10 g of lavender herb, bird cherry flowers and Chernobyl, 20 g of calendula herb, sage and cudweed, oak bark, birch leaves, 30 g of chamomile flowers. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a liter hot water, wrap the dishes with a towel, leave for 2 - 3 hours, strain and douche at night for 2 weeks.
  • Buy yarrow and eucalyptus tinctures at the pharmacy, mix and drink 25 drops in 50 ml of water three times a day on an empty stomach.
  • Mix equal proportions of mistletoe and yarrow herb. Brew a couple of spoons with half a liter of boiling water, insist overnight and strain. Can be used for douching or taken orally 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  • Grind a tablet of Trichopolum into powder, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of onion gruel. Apply the resulting mass to a swab and insert into the vagina at night. Alternate with tampons with calendula ointment (available at the pharmacy).
  • A tablespoon of tansy baskets is poured with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool to room temperature and strain. The solution is used for douching.
  • Mix in equal proportions black poplar buds, calendula and chamomile flowers, eucalyptus and bird cherry leaves. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons, pour a liter of boiling water, insist overnight and strain. First, douche with this solution, then insert a swab with lanolin-based propolis ointment into the vagina (if it is not in the pharmacy, you need to mix 10 g of crushed propolis and melted lanolin). The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. In parallel, you can drink a decoction of wormwood.
  • Pour a tablespoon of bird cherry fruits with 300 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Drink 1/3 three times a day half an hour before meals. Also, this solution can be used for douching.
  • For men, for the hygiene of the penis, the following composition is recommended: half a liter of chamomile decoction, 1 tbsp. soda, 5 drops of potassium permanganate and 2 drops of iodine.

However, treatment does not guarantee re-infection. Its likelihood increases if provoking risk factors are not excluded. You can increase the activity of local immunity with the help of drugs designed to restore the normal composition of the vaginal microflora. They are used both in the form of suppositories and in the form of tablets.

In order not to face the problem of how to treat gardnerella, it is better to engage in the prevention of infection in a timely manner. It is necessary to minimize the wearing of tight synthetic underwear and clothing, especially in the hot season. Panty liners and sanitary pads should be changed at least every three hours. Too frequent and unnecessary douching should also be avoided. In addition, you must adhere to the rules of safe sex and use condoms.

There are many causes of gardnerellosis in women. Consider where gardnerella comes from in women, what are the symptoms and methods of treating gardnerellosis disease. Women of any age periodically experience discomfort in the vagina associated with a violation of the microflora. This pathology is called dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). One of the varieties of pathology is gardnerellosis, caused by gardnerella.

  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • Symptoms of gardnerellosis
  • Women's diseases
  • Gardnerellosis in pregnant women

Bacterial vaginosis

The vagina, the female genital organ, is inhabited by microflora, which consists of beneficial, non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic organisms. The latter include the fungi Candida and the bacterium gardnerella vaginalis. They are no more than 1-2%. Beneficial bacteria include lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (about 99% of them). They create an acidic environment where harmful bacteria cannot grow.

What are gardnerella? It is a genus of anaerobic bacteria that has a single species, Gardnerella vaginalis. For men, these microorganisms are not typical. Infection occurs, as a rule, during sexual contact, and men often do not even feel the effects of these bacteria on their health.

If gardnerella actively begins to multiply in women, the cause must be sought in a decrease in the acidity of the vaginal environment. There is an imbalance between the representatives of the microflora. main reason the occurrence of gardnerellosis in women is vaginal dysbacteriosis. However, scientists have shown that other pathogenic bacteria are also involved in this process. Therefore, bacterial vaginosis in women is considered a mixed infection and is called bacterial vaginosis.

The disease caused by gardnerella - infection of the genital tract - is not a sexually transmitted disease, although you can get infected during sexual intercourse.

To prevent the disease, you should strengthen the immune system, monitor the health of the urinary organs, and have safe sex. Intimate hygiene products should be used correctly, douching should be avoided, and antibiotics that cause dysbacteriosis should not be abused.

Reasons for the development of gardnerellosis

There are several reasons for the development of the disease. If gardnerella vaginalis is detected, hormonal failure may have occurred or immunity has weakened. Other causes of gardnerellosis in women are as follows:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Changing of the climate.
  • Use of ectopic contraceptives.
  • Taking antibiotics, spermicides, oral contraceptives.
  • Frequent douching with antiseptics.
  • Diseases of the internal genital organs, including the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Gynecological operations.

The development of infection may be the result of improper use of tampons during the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Signs of gardnerella in women appear 3-4 days after the onset of dysbiosis. Gardnerellosis in women has the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Itching, burning in the vagina - the first signs of gardnerellosis.
  2. The appearance of white discharge or gray color. They are sticky and foamy. The unpleasant smell of discharge resembles the smell of fish.
  3. Urination may become more frequent, become painful; the portion of urine decreases.

In a smear from the vagina, an increase in the number of gardnerella is recorded (this can be seen in the photo).

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women can be observed for a long time: months and even years. Discharge from the vagina becomes yellow-green, acquire a curdled consistency. With a long course of the disease and no treatment, complications of gardnerellosis occur: the occurrence of genital tract infections (chlamydia, colpitis), a number of other inflammatory diseases develop.

Sometimes there are no symptoms of gardnerellosis, then the woman becomes a carrier of the disease, posing a danger to sexual partners.

The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are similar to those of the following diseases:

  • gonorrhea;
  • fungal infection of the genital tract;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of nonspecific etiology.

Therefore, differential diagnosis is necessary to exclude these diseases.

Women's diseases

Gardnerellosis in women is not an inflammatory process, but creates the prerequisites for the development of a number of diseases of the female genital area:

  • diseases of the cervix: inflammation, pseudo-erosion, cicatricial deformity, ectropion, dysplasia;
  • inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis, colpitis);
  • salpingitis;
  • endometritis.

The risk of contracting diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact increases. If all the doctor's recommendations are followed, gardnerellosis passes quickly and does not cause complications.

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women

Gardnerella in pregnant women is often fixed due to hormonal imbalance associated with the restructuring of the body. Gardnerellosis in women at this time has an aggravated symptomatology: abundant discharge, having an unpleasant odor, burning in the vagina, pain during sex.

The disease can give severe complications:

  • premature birth;
  • inflammation or rupture of the membranes of the fetal bladder;
  • postpartum endometritis.

In addition, the infection can be transmitted to an infant during childbirth (usually a girl). Therefore, women in whom vaginal microorganisms have caused gardnerellosis or another bacterial infection are under the special control of an obstetrician-gynecologist. For preventive purposes, the infant is prescribed drug therapy.

How to cure gardnerella in women

When a woman begins to feel discomfort in the genital tract, you need to be tested for gardnerella and other microorganisms. If gardnerellosis is diagnosed in a woman, a gynecologist or dermatologist-venereologist is involved in the treatment.

An important diagnostic task is to establish the cause of the imbalance in the microflora of the female vagina. Only after receiving the results of the necessary tests, the doctor prescribes adequate therapy. The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that gardnerella bacteria are resistant to most antibiotics, so it is dangerous to self-medicate.

The treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in a woman consists of 2 stages:

  1. Elimination of infection in the genital tract with antibiotics. They are applied topically in the form of ointments, gels, vaginal suppositories or tablets, for 10 days.
  2. Restoration of the vaginal microflora with the help of bacterial preparations. Appointed vaginal suppositories with lactobacilli.

Additionally, the following drugs are used in the treatment of gardnerellosis:

  • Immunomodulators.
  • Antifungal drugs.
  • Vaginal tablets and suppositories with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration.

Simultaneously with bacterial vaginosis, intestinal dysbacteriosis can be observed. Then probiotics are prescribed: Linex, Bifidumbacterin and others.

When a woman's recovery occurs depends on how to treat gardnerellosis. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription, do not interrupt the therapeutic course, do not self-medicate. During the treatment of gardnerellosis, sex is prohibited.

It is important to follow a diet: an increase in the diet of fermented milk products, limiting alcohol, fried and spicy foods. A good addition to drug therapy are the methods of traditional medicine.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women involves re-smear to monitor the effectiveness of prescribed drugs and their possible adjustment. At the end of the therapeutic course, tests are taken, and then after another 1.5 months a smear is taken for the presence of a harmful microorganism. If the analysis is negative, only then bacterial vaginosis is considered cured.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in pregnant women

A very difficult question is how to cure gardnerellosis in pregnant women, because many medicines are prohibited for them. The treatment regimen for gardnerella for women carrying a child also takes place in 2 stages. Initially, the number of harmful flora decreases. Antibiotics are prescribed only in the first and second semesters for local use.

At the second stage, lactobacilli are normalized. Antifungal agents are used along with probiotics to improve the vaginal microflora and prevent the secondary occurrence of infection.

During treatment, the doctor monitors the number of gardnerella. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

The question arises: is it possible to completely cure gardnerellosis in pregnant women? Full-fledged, high-quality treatment until the complete destruction of the infection can be carried out only after pregnancy and childbirth. Prior to this, symptomatic treatment is usually carried out, avoiding antibiotics in the 3rd trimester. Treatment of gardnerellosis in pregnant women at home using traditional medicine is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Gardnerella in women causes discomfort in the urogenital area, leads to diseases of the genitourinary organs, infertility. A timely visit to a doctor and the implementation of his recommendations guarantees complete elimination of the infection in 2-3 weeks.