Shower      06/16/2019

How to congratulate a woman in French style. The original Moulin Rouge party script. Eel in garlic sauce

In order to organize a French party at home, you have to work a little. First, you need to arrange a little France at home. Since the view from our window can only open to the Ostankino tower, you can change this view yourself. This can be done using photographs of views of France downloaded from the Internet, printed on a printer and attached to the window. Also on the walls of the room you can attach French posters and announcements, also obtained on the Internet. The French are very romantic, so when decorating a room, candles will not be superfluous.

French Party Menu

The most difficult thing in this situation is

that dealing with treats for guests will be very difficult. Don't worry, you won't need a French translator. Everyone knows that French cuisine is very peculiar, so you need to purchase a cookbook of French dishes in advance. For a snack, baguettes and croissants with all kinds of fillings are perfect. Various cheeses And bacon wouldn't hurt either. It is desirable that there was a melon on the table. You must also submit White bread with salted butter. Of the most famous dishes, you can cook meat or cheese fondue. You can also cook onion soup in French, but keep in mind that such

The food will not be to everyone's taste. If it is possible to order frog legs from a restaurant, then this will be a real entertainment for those who have never tried them. It is important to have on your holiday table various seafood, such as oysters. WITH alcoholic drinks it's not easy either. Of course, you should take care of French wines, champagne or Normandy cider in advance.

Outfits from France?

With clothes for such an event, everything is also clear. It should be bright and colorful, as the French love. Of course, it should not be like, for example, in a gypsy party. Be sure to have elegant scarves, berets, various colored socks or leggings. Men, in their elegance, should not be inferior to ladies in anything. A couple of volunteers can dress up as mimes with white paint or heavily powdered faces. These people will have to spend some time in complete silence, talking to others only with the help of body language. As background music for a feast you should definitely choose French performers. Finding them is very easy. Edith Piaf, Gilbert Beco, Charles Aznavour, Joe Dassin, Mireille Mathieu, Patricia Kaas, Lara Fabian are perfect. Of course, for a feast, you should choose beautiful non-rhythmic compositions that will only be a background and will not interfere with the conversation. And when it's time for dancing and fun, the same performers, only with fun songs, as well as soundtracks for various French films, are perfect.

What to do at a French party?

As an entertainment, you can try to communicate exclusively on French, provided that you stock up on phrasebooks in advance. Such entertainment will not let any of the participants in the dialogue get bored, unless, of course, the guests have studied French. You can also collect as much as possible in advance interesting facts about France and offer the guests a game of “believe it or not”, fines for the guest who answered the question incorrectly are at your discretion. Do not forget that one very beloved game in France is loved by everyone in our homeland. Of course, I'm talking about pantomime or our Crocodile. If you do not want to have a noisy party with games and dances, then you can all watch French films together. Remember the great old comedies with Pierre Richard, Gerard Depardieu and Louis de Funes. Great comedies to watch with friends are also two films starring the unsurpassed Sophie Marceau - Boom and Boom 2.

Charming, elegant, sophisticated, harmonious and, of course, stylish! A French party is a great theme for a wedding, birthday or bachelorette party. But first you need to decide which France you invite your friends to.

Regardless of the topic chosen, overloading with details is not welcome. Everything should be appetizing, light and airy, like a fresh croissant!


This option will fit into a modest budget and is suitable for a party at home. The color scheme is blue, white and red. On the ceiling are garlands of flags, colorful paper pompoms, serpentine. On the walls are city landscapes, photos and figurines of sights.

A minimum of complex details, stylization through the play of color. Decoration can be informal (purchased decor, balloons, disposable tableware, fast food) or sophisticated, despite the variegation of the flag.


country party in french style- the most popular theme for weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. far from economical option, many details, complicated preparation. Although if the party takes place in a restaurant, outdoors or in country house with an initially suitable interior, the task is greatly simplified.

Colors - any pastel colors. You need artistic taste, a certain accent and a competent combination of shades to convey the romantic atmosphere of Provence.

Fortunately, everything has already been thought of for us - look at some photos of interiors in the style French Provence, and choose a color spectrum for your party decor.

Photo zone in the style of French Provence for a top-level party:

To create an entourage you will need:

  • openwork blankets, textiles - furniture, windows, tables, garland ribbons, curtains. Natural fabric, vegetable patterns ( small flower or large peonies - perfect);
  • bouquets of peonies, lavender, lilies, tulips or wild flowers in elegant vases. ampelous plants in tubs / pots (on walls, upper shelves). There should be a lot of greenery and flowers at this French party;

  • watercolor paintings, embroidery, decoupage. Books by French writers/poets, postcards with views, desk lamp, floor lamps, caskets - atmospheric retro little things that create a mood;
  • "rustic" dishes on the shelves- clay, wood, wicker. And on the table - elegant porcelain, thin glass;
  • buckets, garden tools, baskets. You can put huge bouquets in buckets / baskets or put any fruits / vegetables that are in harmony with the chosen color scheme;

It is not necessary to completely fill the container, just the top layer over the foam "plug".

  • The bicycle is one of the symbols of French Provence. You can bring a real one to the party (preferably an old one that has been gathering dust for a long time in a country barn), attach a basket, put fruits and a newspaper inside, and lean it against the wall. Or make compositions (planters, sold in garden stores):

  • the birdcage is another recognizable element. Inside, you can populate paper birds or put candles, decorate the table with miniature cages, hang large ones instead of ceiling lamps that do not fit into the interior. Cells can be drawn or made from paper.

Le petit Paris

At this French party, all the decor is in shades of pink and black plus white. Simultaneously innocent and piquant atmosphere, depending on the placement of accents. The theme is popular for children's parties, and for magnificent celebrations.

An example of an immodest budget in the photo is a lot of expensive textiles, decoration with fresh flowers. But even without much spending, it’s really possible to have such a party:

  • for background use paper wallpaper if the color of the walls is not suitable;
  • hang pompoms, fans and other decorations made of corrugated paper;
  • cardboard Eiffel Towers can be bought or printed and assembled;

  • tulle or other airy fabrics in compositions to decorate dishes;
  • balloons, satin or lace ribbons, inverted umbrellas on the ceiling (real or paper);
  • mannequins (miniature fake ones are also suitable, but always in fashionable outfits). You can put a dressing table, hang pictures (portraits of actresses, singers and simply elegant French women);

  • download silhouette pictures from the net. The query "Paris/France silhouette vector" has everything, you don't even have to rack your brains over associations. Any characters! True, many pictures are protected by watermarks, but in this case it does not matter.

Cut out of colored paper along the contour, glue on walls, mirrors, dishes, make garlands. Black silhouette on a pink background or vice versa.


Don't forget to consider a French party invitation - cheerful blue-white-red, subtle pastel shades, or sweet pink with black/gray openwork. A simple postcard, printed or handmade, is ideal. without fanaticism - nothing superfluous is needed, conciseness and high style are in priority.

Write a couple of phrases in French, at least a greeting. Use an ornate font.

Instead of a cardboard rectangle, if it seems boring to you, you can make an invitation in the form of a birdcage, a bicycle, eiffel tower, silhouette of a fashionista, mannequin. Or send a postcard as if from Paris (print stamps), make a fake ticket, passport.


Depending on the theme chosen, French party attire can be as simple as traditional blue/black stripes or as traditionally elegant as suits for men, flowing mid-length dresses for women. Specify the color scheme in the invitation to make it easier for guests to decide.

The priority is natural fabrics, simple silhouettes, comfort and high style. In general, nothing specific, choose clothes in accordance with the level of organization of the holiday. In make-up, the emphasis is on the lips, the hairstyle is without negligence, but complex styling is out of place (natural beauty is welcome). Emphasize the image of a drop of French perfume and accessories:

  • beret, miniature hat;
  • a scarf or scarf around the neck is appropriate for both men and women;
  • openwork gloves, socks, striped or mesh stockings / tights, elegant jewelry without pretentiousness.

For artistic guests and animators, costumes of a mime, an artist, a sailor, a baker or any French celebrity are suitable.

If you don't want to burden your friends with finding the right party wear, buy/order themed T-shirts for everyone. Or ask to come dressed certain color and prepare accessories for everyone - scarves, handkerchiefs, berets, false mustaches as elements of a costume or as props for a photo shoot.

Menu, serving

Any format is appropriate, from a traditional feast to a buffet table. Be sure to organize a sweet table, even if the party is for adults - the French love all kinds of desserts, chocolate and pastries.

Tablecloths, dishes, cards for decoration to match the interior. Use any of the symbols listed above to create an atmosphere. Make cards with the names of the dishes in French.

If you do not find suitable dishes, help out white porcelain and clear glass. Plates / glasses can be decorated with stickers, ribbons, acrylic. The main thing is to withstand the color scheme of the party, and this is easy.

With the help of colored glaze, mastic and sprinkles, it is easy to decorate a sweet table completely in accordance with the theme. Buy dragees, marmalade, sweets of the desired shade. Make jellies, cookies and other desserts that are easy to color.

Looks interesting candy bar imitating a French cafe- print or draw a background, attach a canopy, put suitable furniture, flowers. Simple examples cafe styling:

It is desirable that the menu includes seafood, a lot of fruits and vegetables, homemade cakes. For the sake of laughter, you can serve fake (or real?) Snails and frog legs. Chop a classic (not ours, but traditional) Olivier, buy several types of cheese and feta cheese.

It is not necessary to fanatically adhere only to french cuisine, but for the entourage, prepare a few national dishes. Recipes are on the net, everything is quite simple. For example:

  • bouillabaisse (fish soup)
  • galantine (meat aspic)
  • duck confit (stewed legs)
  • cutlets de voly (from chicken breast, similar to Kyiv)
  • classic quiche lauren with breast or other filling (a cloud of delicious pie recipes)
  • eclairs, croissants (you can definitely buy this), creme brulee, macaron cookies.

Beverages- cognac, champagne, wine, cider. Non-alcoholic - hot chocolate, milkshakes, natural juices.


The French are a cheerful and liberated people, so any contests within the format of your party will do. The kids will love it creative games and active fun. Young people will have fun if you include a few spicy games in the script.

No French party script is needed - sit back, relax and enjoy immersing yourself in a romantic atmosphere!

We offer thematic contests that you can supplement with any active, alcoholic, dance games.

funny associations

As usual, the guests take turns calling any associations to the word "France". But everything should happen quickly, no more than 5 seconds for reflection. Nothing came to mind? It is necessary to compose a toast so that it includes the association named earlier. And pronounce this toast in the French manner, burr.

Until you get bored in a circle or right through: if you fail, you are out. And so, until the most savvy "Frenchman" remains.

Tasty France

Blindfold try desserts, sauces, sweets and guess what it is. For example, 10 identical opaque containers are tried in turn. Who can guess more flavors?

Eiffel Tower? Easily!

Build the highest tower out of cups, cubes, cards, etc. Each for himself or split into teams.


And what about without them in the country of mimes? Prepare association cards, preferably with a margin. The guest draws a random card, depicts without words. Who guessed - draws the next card.

You can split into two teams and have a competition-competition. Count the time it takes to guess (the host has a stopwatch). Then the cards are drawn one by one. The team that manages (at the end of the time to sum up) faster than the opponents will win.

Montmartre? And it's easy!

The purpose of the competition is to draw a birthday person in the style of a cartoon or caricature. No need for complexity - a leaf and a simple pencil, 5 minutes of time. With humor, of course! The winner will be determined by the organizer or the birthday person himself.

If you are not celebrating a birthday or the hero of the occasion may be offended by such art, draw the presenter, yourself, a neighbor on the left, or simply from any photo.

sensitive nature

The Princess and the Pea, i.e. on a stool. And all sorts small items under a napkin Guests should “feel” something with their fifth point and guess what lies there.
Eiffel coquette

A drawing of a tower on whatman paper, whatman paper on the wall. Velcro bows with double-sided tape. The goal is to glue the bow as close to the top as possible. Blindfold the guest, unwind, put face to face. The winner is the one who, despite poor visibility and strong wind (what a height!), will cope with the task.

For girl girls, arrange a fashion show, a photo shoot in the style of "I'm a model" or design lessons (decorate an accessory). Check the guys for dexterity, romance, ingenuity - the Frenchman simply must be a real man! At the table, hold a quiz on the knowledge of thematic facts (not just boring historical ones, but some curious ones).

There are entire collections of suitable music for a French party on the net - retro, modern, pop, rap and any direction. Download some songs for dancing and just for the background - with the help of music it is easier to create the right atmosphere.

At the end of the party, you can watch a French film. Or do something romantic - decorate a common greeting card, release lanterns into the sky with wishes. A colorful end to the scenario will be a huge French-style birthday cake.


  • movie tickets, music CDs;
  • books (novels, poetry), watercolor miniatures;
  • accessories, souvenirs (key rings, mugs, stationery);
  • good chocolate, alcohol, perfume, sets of sweets. Of course, everything is in an elegant French style, even at the expense of exquisite packaging.

If you are waiting for guests and want to impress them with something unusual, then try organizing a French-style party. First of all, you should decide who exactly will be invited to the holiday. Since the theme of France is multifaceted, the idea of ​​a party can develop in several directions.

If you want to celebrate a memorable date with friends, try organizing a romantic French-style atmosphere for your guests. Muted light, an abundance of candles and flowers will help you with this, all kinds of compositions with floating candles in the middle of flower petals look very beautiful.

Print out two or three beautiful romantic paintings by French artists and arrange them harmoniously in the room. Soft smooth music will set you in a romantic mood.

Suggest that guests wear something chic with expensive jewelry and accessories for the holiday.

Serve the table with a snow-white tablecloth and good tableware. Prepare meat in French, fondue, light snacks (cheese, seafood, salads). Champagne or good wine will complement the exquisite menu.

Children's holiday

The organization of such an event will be especially useful for children learning French. The room can be decorated with balloons, views of Paris, images of characters from French fairy tales, or photographs of your favorite TV series characters (for example, “Helen and the guys” for older children).

All invitees can be invited to communicate in French either all the time or at certain moments, and at the end of the evening, give the most knowledgeable a small book or a CD that tells about the country. Help the kids show their own taste in choosing clothes by inviting them to play in famous couturiers, and then all together choose the brightest and most extravagant guest. It will be good to use the most unusual traditions and the most famous historical facts this country. Souvenirs and delicacies with French symbols will be suitable as prizes for the winners.

French cuisine is perfect for organizing a children's buffet: tiny cakes, crispy croissants, elegant tartlets will appeal to all participants of the holiday. From drinks, kids will like unusual fruit cocktails and grape or apple juice.


Since France in the minds of many beautiful ladies is associated with fashion and style, there will be no shortage of ideas for organizing a bachelorette party. Traditional red-blue-white colors or images of the most beautiful outfits and jewelry of famous French brands are suitable as decoration (by the way, this can be a great topic for discussion or a riddle contest).

Any music that reflects the mood of your party will do. In clothes, girls will surely want to impress each other, so offer them the opportunity to express themselves not only in their own costume, but also organize a contest “dress a friend with Parisian chic”.

Cooking treats will not cause difficulties: cheeses different varieties, olives, seafood, fruits and, of course, all kinds of salads will make your table festive and acceptable even for the most desperate diet fans. Light young wines perfectly complement the feast. You can end the evening by watching a romantic French movie or some interesting fashion collection.

The most important thing when organizing a French-style party is a sincere interest in the culture of the country, a sense of taste and a desire to please guests. Good luck and good mood!

A wedding is a wonderful and long-awaited holiday for two loving hearts. It is on this day that they will official husband and wife and will be able to continue sailing together on the waves of love, and so you want to make the beginning of this journey beautiful, original and romantic, so that both the heroes of the occasion and the guests will remember. We offer a wonderful idea - to organize and hold in the French style. We hope that Wedding scenario "Parisian tango" will help to arrange a bright and beautiful holiday.

Stylistic design of the hall;

Jewelry in the form of a set balloons and flowers;

A model of the Eiffel Tower, which can be miniature and installed near each guest seat or in the form of one large sculpture on the table for young people;

Tablecloths with French landscapes, phrases, drawings of croissants or city sights;

The suit of the groom, and the dress of the bride, it is desirable to keep the image of the host in the French style;

The menu includes dishes of real French cuisine;

Notify the guests that the holiday will be themed and appropriate outfits for ladies and suits for gentlemen are desirable.

Scenario of the wedding "Paris tango"

Solemn music sounds - the newlyweds enter the hall

Presenter: Dear guests of our city, your airliner has just landed at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. We are glad to welcome you in our city, where the weather is always clear, good mood and romance is in the air.

A waltz performed by Mireille Mathieu is turned on and several couples of the guests who were already present in the hall go to waltz. If necessary, you can connect professional dancers.

Presenter: I am glad to welcome you, dear newlyweds and distinguished guests, in the most famous city of France - Paris. We invite you to take your seats for a walk around the capital, filled to the brim with romance, love and anticipation of happiness. Together with our newlyweds, we will visit the most remarkable places in the city, but before that, we would like to hear instructions from the parents of our main travelers.

Parents of the young give their speech, preferably prepared in advance, in order to exclude an awkward moment on this exciting day - children.

Table contest of wishes "Love in French"

Presenter: Since the holiday is taking place in France, I suggest that everyone present learn a little the language of this country.

(distributes to several guests pre-printed wishes to the young in French, written in Russian letters).

presenter(referring to those who received the postcards): Dear guests, you have the honor to be the first to congratulate the young people, and even in the language of the country that hospitably received us on its territory.

(Guests say wishes to young people in French, it will be more fun if you ask them to do this with sweets, marshmallows or marmalade in their mouths).

presenter: Did everyone understand what our guests wished to the young? I congratulate you and sincerely join in the congratulations.

Mini-quiz "Sights of Paris"

Presenter: How nice to hear such kind words, I hope they will accompany (names of newlyweds) throughout life. And now I propose to go on a tour of the beauties of Paris. (referring to the bride and groom) Young do not mind? Then let's go! But first, it would be nice to remember the main ones. I have prepared a number of questions, and those who know what is at stake, feel free to raise your hand for an answer.

The most famous museum? (Louvre)

The name of which cathedral is mentioned in the romantic love story of a hunchback for a gypsy? (Notre Dame Cathedral)

The name of the most popular cabaret? (Moulin rouge)

The most common products of this country? (croissants, cheese, wine)

The most visited place for children's entertainment in Paris ? (Disneyland)

The correct versions are awarded with small prizes and the winners are given the right to congratulate the young.

Toast and cries: "Bitter"

presenter: After such a kiss, a romantic mood involuntarily rolls over and we also want love, kisses and compliments, right? Why deny yourself this pleasure - a competition for the best compliment is announced.

Auction "French compliment".

The male half of the guests is invited to compliment the bride, then the groom is invited to do so.

presenter: Now it is clear why (groom's name) chose (bride's name). She really is the best! Just "unearthly beauty", let's say it in unison to her

Table chant "Bride of unearthly beauty"

Mini-quiz "The meaning of a kiss"

Nice music sounds , leading speaks on her background.

presenter: Paris is the city of passion and love. Here on the streets you can meet hundreds of thousands of couples who are madly in love. See how happy our newlyweds are? Our newlyweds are quite worthy to be in the center of this wonderful city. But they say that everyone who truly loves is ready for the craziest deeds for the sake of love. Not paying attention to the people around them, they can kiss each other without stopping, because every kiss, touch and even just a glance gives them a lot of unforgettable sensations. What do you think is the meaning of every kiss?

The presenter asks questions guests:

What does a kiss on the neck mean? (I want you)

What does kiss on the lips mean? (I love you)

What does a kiss behind the ear symbolize? (I flirt with you)

Can you name the meaning of a kiss on the shoulder or hand? (You are the lady of my heart)

(guessed - encouraged)

presenter: It is quite clear that the kiss of the newlyweds at the wedding means all this combined. That's why I want to see it again! Bitterly! (hall supports)

Musical competition "Songs about kisses"

presenter: For the French, every kiss is a “kiss of the soul”, because with its help it is easiest to confess your feelings and tell a person about what is happening inside, what emotions and storms are raging in your chest. When that very union of souls comes, each of the lovers has their own song about love and a kiss. By the way, how many songs do we know about kisses? Does everyone remember their content? Now songs about kisses will sound, while the song is playing, you pass a heart to each other, someone with a heart in their hands will stop the music, he should sing the following lines of the stopped song.

The game is being played. They alternately include the song “Kiss, kiss” performed by P. Narcissus, “I kissed him” by A. Pugachev, “I am ready to kiss the sand” by V. Markin, “Autumn kiss” by A. Pugachev and others.

French Breakfast Contest

Presenter: In the morning, the inhabitants of Paris prefer to drink coffee or juice, tasting croissants with jam along the way. We have everything you need to prepare breakfast, and we offer our girls to make breakfast for their significant other as quickly as possible, with a light French walk and in such a way that the contents of the tray look very attractive. Who will be the most skillful and feminine Parisian, she will win.

A competition is being held. An incendiary musical passage sounds for each participant, the newlyweds choose the best "Parisian"

presenter(referring to guests) Dear travelers, which of you can name the famous symbol of the most romantic country in the world? Right! Eiffel Tower. Now it’s hard to believe, but at first this building terribly annoyed the Parisians and several times the inhabitants of the city decided to demolish it, but fortunately for travelers around the world, and the French themselves, it didn’t get to the point and, soon, the Eiffel Tower became a real attraction and a place of pilgrimage for all lovers.

Competition "Eiffel Tower"

Guests are divided into two teams and receive a lot of uninflated balloons, adhesive tape and scissors. The number of teams and people in them is not limited, and the task is to inflate balloons and form a structure in the form of the Eiffel Tower using adhesive tape. Whoever builds an air building first wins.

Presenter: Our teams did a great job, don't forget to take a selfie with the sights in the background.

(you can invite everyone to kiss against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower)

Competition "Tango on the Champs Elysees"

Leading: Another attraction of Paris and a favorite place for visiting tourists are the Champs-Elysées, and it is through its expanses that I invite our couples to stroll to the rhythms of tango.

While the music is playing, the couples waltz, and as soon as the signal sounds, they freeze, while tilting their lady for a kiss. The couple that can stand as long as possible in an unusual position will win.

All participants are awarded small prizes, and the winning couple is given the right to invite the newlyweds to walk with them under the "Arc de Triomphe"

Entertainment "Walk under the Arc de Triomphe"

The host quickly builds a living corridor from the guests (several couples), the couples stand facing each other and join hands. The newlyweds pass under it, each of the guests tells them their wishes. A pair of winners solemnly accompanies them.

The script should be supplemented with traditional wedding moments, games with the newlyweds, congratulations, dance entertainment - at the discretion of the organizers.

Perhaps for the entertainment program of the wedding "Paris Tango" the ideas of the script "In the French side" will also come in handy (thanks to the author Potanina E.A.)

(download the document by clicking on the file)

It is not necessary to go to Paris to enjoy the French atmosphere. A few ideas on how to place accents in the apartment to feel the French spirit!


Decide on the color scheme of the holiday. The colors of the French tricolor, pink and black or lavender to take you to Provence for the evening?


Don't forget about Balloons!


Parisian architecture is familiar to everyone. Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris, Moulin Rouge - decorate the room with paintings or photographs depicting French landmarks.


Ready-made hanging decor in black and pink colors is the way out if there is no time to select paintings and photographs on your own.


Think over a photo zone, do not forget about thematic photo props. Then after many years you will remember exactly what the theme of the holiday was.


Use a slate board.
Write on it the name of the birthday man, how old he is. Wish the guests happy holiday or bon appetit in french!

A French party invitation can be blue, white and red, like the flag, or black and pink. Instead of a simple rectangular postcard, you can make an invitation in the form of the Eiffel Tower, a bicycle.
Or send a postcard as if from Paris - print stamps.


Make a Parisian passport in the name of each guest.


Who will refuse tickets to Paris? Everyone with a ticket! Don't forget to include your departure date and dress code.


delicious invitation
Put small cookies that reflect the theme of the holiday in a bonbonniere in the form of the Eiffel Tower.

Choose serving from color scheme holiday. To make guests not only tasty, but also beautiful, read our ideas.


Thematic disposable tableware is a way out for those who want to relax after the holiday, and not wash the dishes!


For serving dry treats (popcorn, candies, corn sticks), these plates are suitable!


Small gifts for guests can be arranged as follows.


Turning simple cocktail straws into themed ones is easy!


Eiffel Tower toppers make cupcakes even more delicious.


The table path will show your guests the way to the festive table.


When it comes to the French party, the Eiffel Tower is never too much! Do not forget to put the figurine on the festive table.

Traditional French style usually includes: horizontal stripes, berets, hats and neckerchiefs. Clothing can be both very simple and elegant - suits for men, dresses for women. Include your dress code preferences on invitations to make it easier for guests to decide.


The most active guests can try on the image of mimes, decorating them with white paint or heavily powdering their faces.


Lace, beads, feathers, red lipstick. Black, red or pink color in the form and you are beautiful!


Don't forget the fan!


A horizontal striped jacket, and you are a real Frenchwoman! Simple, elegant and comfortable.


The idea of ​​​​a man's image for a French party.

How does France taste? What to treat guests at the French party, except for frog legs and Burgundy snails further.


Cheese is the pride of France. Their delicate taste and aroma, a cheese plate is what you need for a French party. Include in its assortment the most famous cheeses: camembert, brie, roquefort, goat cheese, emmental and others.


Or have a cheese fondue.


Baguette sandwiches are a simple and satisfying treat. You will need: the baguette itself, salami, brie cheese or any other, tomatoes and cucumbers.


Dilute the amount of cheese desk light vegetable snacks.


Traditional onion soup or French-style meat for hot.


If you don't want to cook complex dishes, cook quiche lauren. The famous French shortcrust pastry pie with cream and egg topping.


For dessert - meringues, croissants, profiteroles, eclairs and creme brulee.


Do not forget about the most popular French cookies - macarons.

Cakes are prepared according to a rather complicated recipe, although all you need to cook is egg whites, powdered sugar, ground almonds and food coloring.


Drinks - of course, French wines.


Do not forget about the main dish of the holiday - a birthday cake.


I believe, I do not believe.

You can start playing at the table. The rules are simple: the presenter pronounces a fact about France, the guests collectively decide whether it is true or not.

Examples: Is it true that Louis XIX was the King of France… for 20 minutes?

Is it true that in France it is against the law to call a pig Napoleon?

Is it true that the French government awards medals to large families who "successfully and with dignity raise their children"?


Guess the melody.

We collect in one place the songs of famous French performers: Patricia Kaas, Joe Dassin, Lara Fabian, add music from French films to them: Taxi, Asterix and Obelix, Amelie, 1 + 1 and invite guests to guess what is what. Memorable souvenirs for everyone who guessed!


Stereotypes about France.

We continue to play at the table. The task is to remember as many stereotypes and typical ideas about France as possible. “In France, they eat croissants for breakfast and drink coffee, and frogs and snails for lunch.” The guests voice their ideas in a circle. Who within 10 seconds will not be able to name anything - out! The competition continues until the winner, the main connoisseur of France, is determined.


French accent.

Each guest must give his or her name in French. You can modify the name or focus only on pronunciation. It is especially important to pay attention to grasing (pronunciation of the "r" sound as the French do). The funniest one wins!


Construction of the Eiffel Tower.

It's time to stretch. Every Frenchman should be able to build the Eiffel Tower, they are taught this already in elementary grades. Divide guests into teams.

Props: 100 paper cups. The task is to build a tower out of them.

Which team will cope faster, using all the glasses, that one wins. For creativity - the prize of audience sympathy.



Or Crocodile in our opinion. A word, phrase or phrase is guessed (at the discretion of the facilitator or participants). One of the players must show what was hidden without words, only with gestures, facial expressions, and postures, that is, pantomime.

You can agree to think of words only in French subjects. For example: cheese, croissant, wine, Arc de Triomphe, mime, Eiffel Tower, grapes and Gerard Depardieu.


Fashion show.
Choose the best party look!


Frog hunting.

Volunteers-hunters are called - two people. The rest remain in their places. The leader passes near those sitting and distributes cards with the image of animals to them. Hunters do not see the contents of the chips. One guest receives a token with a frog.

At the command of the host, those sitting begin to make the sounds of the animals that they got in chorus. Someone barks, someone hums, someone grunts and only one of them croaks. The task of the hunter is to take the frog by the hand as quickly as possible.


Living picture.

Each guest or couple receives a printed image of a painting kept in the Louvre. The task is to reproduce its plot as realistically as possible. Viewers evaluate which of the couples was closest to the original.

Examples of paintings for "revival":

    Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa;

    Reni Guido: Hercules fighting Achelous;

    Pico Francois-Edouard: Cupid and Psyche.


French cinema.
Collect quotes from French films and invite guests to guess.


French Kiss

The term "French kiss" originated in English language around 1923, as a condemnation of the too liberated French nation. In France itself, this kiss is called the “kiss with the tongue”, or the “kiss of the souls”. There is a deep philosophical meaning in this. The French say that if you do everything right, you can feel how the souls merge together.

One player is blindfolded. Someone from those present kisses him (on the lips, cheek, hand, depending on the company). The task is to guess who kissed.