Shower      04/14/2019

How to glue vinyl wallpaper (photo, video). How to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper: the choice of glue, wall preparation and gluing technology

When it comes to wall decoration in rooms where there is a high risk of contamination, then nothing is better than vinyl wallpapers, you can't imagine. It is this material that allows you to make wallpaper with a dense washable decorative coating, which proved to be at its best in areas such as hallways, and even bathrooms. In this master class from the site site, we will study the question of how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, and also draw your attention to all the intricacies of this wall cladding technology.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands

How to glue vinyl wallpaper: choose glue

The main property of vinyl wallpaper, which has a direct impact on the technology of their gluing, is a relatively large weight. Vinyl wallpapers belong to the class of heavy wallpapers, and for sticking them you will need a one with a high setting ability. In principle, this is not a problem, and practically does not affect the process itself. You can buy this glue anywhere. hardware store- it is called "Vinyl" or "Glue for vinyl wallpaper."

So, with the question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper, we figured out, it remains only to solve the question of how to properly prepare it. It's not difficult - we take a clean bucket and fill it up to half warm water. We arm ourselves with a small stick and, intensively stirring the liquid, pour the contents of the package with glue into it. You need to pour it quickly and evenly - so that you have time to stir it.

After the last granules of glue are in the water, set the bucket aside for five minutes to completely swell the glue. After this time, we perform repeated stirring and see what we got - if the glue resembles thick jelly in its consistency, this is normal. If it turns out jelly, then add water and mix well. That's all! The glue is ready to go.

How to prepare glue for vinyl wallpaper photo

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven fabric: do-it-yourself gluing technology

I want to make a point right now. There are several types of vinyl wallpaper - depending on the base, they can be made both on non-woven and on paper basis. From this, the technology of their gluing changes a little - vinyl wallpaper for walls on a non-woven base does not need to be smeared with glue. But sticking paper-based wallpaper without this step is impossible. But let's get back to business and thoroughly study the question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper?

If we are talking about paper-based vinyl wallpaper or non-woven wallpaper with a selection of a pattern, then they need to be cut into the necessary stripes. Everything is simple here - we measure the height of the walls, roll out the wallpaper on the floor and cut off the strip of the required length with a sharp construction knife. All subsequent strips are cut relative to the first one in compliance with the drawing step.

The next step is to smear the wallpaper with glue and fold each strip separately so that the glue does not smear front side. This is necessary so that the base of the wallpaper is thoroughly saturated with glue. You can spread many strips at once - then you will not have to be distracted by this work. If we are talking about non-woven vinyl wallpaper, then this step is not needed - you don’t need to smear them with glue at all.

While the wallpaper is saturated with glue, we smear the wall - here such an approach as with wallpaper is not suitable. Do not smear the entire wall with glue at once, as it tends to dry out. Therefore, we smear the wall with only one canvas.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands photo

Let's start gluing the first strip. In order for it to lie flat, you can pre-draw a vertical line on the wall using a level, relative to which to stick the first strip.

Vinyl wallpapering: leveling for the first wallpaper strip

We start gluing from above. We adjust the top of the canvas under the baguettes and thoroughly smooth the wallpaper canvas and at the same time align it with respect to the drawn strip.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper photo

You need to level it from the middle to the edges - for this purpose, either a plastic spatula or a dense roller is used.

How to smooth wallpaper on the wall photo

Difficulties with gluing the first strip, as a rule, do not arise. At the end of the process, excess wallpaper, both at the bottom and at the top, is cut off with a sharp knife.

How to trim the top of vinyl wallpaper photo

Gluing the second and all subsequent strips looks more complicated - here you will have to clearly fit the canvases to each other so that there is no gap between them. In this respect, gluing vinyl is much easier - they slide well on a surface smeared with glue. You just have to move them or move them away from the neighboring lane. The seam needs to be given Special attention- it must not only be carefully adjusted, but also properly glued. In principle, nothing supernatural needs to be done if the canvases are pasted evenly without folds.

How to glue the joints of vinyl wallpaper photo

The main problem that arises when pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper is the corners. The overlap of the canvas cannot be joined here, since the glue practically does not stick to the vinyl. The question of how to glue the corners with vinyl wallpaper is solved in only one way - by turning the canvas. You can, of course, try to make a joint in the corner of the room, but such numbers work only in the case of ideal. This is how the question of how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper is solved. Difficulties can arise only in the process of fitting butt-to-butt canvases. In all other respects they are in no way different from all others. We can even say that this is not the worst option in the work - it is much more difficult to stick or with silk-screen printing. Author of the article Alexander Kulikov

With the development of interior design technologies, many various kinds wallpaper. Today, vinyl material, which has a paper base, has become very popular. Such canvases have a high density, do not lose their attractive appearance for a long time. give the walls beautiful view you can, knowing how to properly paste them.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis

It is not recommended to glue paper-based vinyl without surface preparation and the material itself. To meter wallpaper lay down beautifully and evenly, held on for a long time, you need to take a few preparatory steps:

  1. First, clean the walls from previous coatings: old paper and plasters.
  2. The surface on which you want to stick the wallpaper, consisting of vinyl and paper, must be flat. Be sure to level it with special materials.
  3. Fill cracks and patch uneven areas using putty mixture.
  4. Eliminate the risk of mold by treating the walls with a primer against fungi.
  5. Please note that there are no drafts in the room, there are no air conditioners turned on. Such measures are required, since paper-based wallpapering requires absolute dryness of the surfaces.
  6. Before starting to glue paper-based vinyl wallpapers, cut them into canvases of the required size, leaving 10 cm in reserve. Lay face down, start applying glue. The surface will be well saturated if you fold the cut in half for a while with the adhesive mixture inside. If the pattern on the material is repeated, number each cut so as not to spoil the pattern.

Sticking paper-backed vinyl wallpaper

After completing the preparation of the material and leveling, priming the surfaces, proceed to gluing. To do this correctly and evenly, instructions on how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper will help you:

  1. You need to start gluing from the corner of the room. It is important to draw a straight line on the wall along which the first strip should be glued. You can mark it using special tools: level and plumb.
  2. Glue the wallpaper strip on top and start aligning down vertically. Smooth the surface of the canvas with a roller in the same direction to remove air bubbles and unnecessary glue.
  3. Making movements with the tool from the center to the edges of the cut, secure the edges.
  4. Wipe off excess adhesive with a clean cloth. If the border of the cloth does not stick well, brush a little with a thin brush, dipping it in glue.
  5. Wallpaper created from vinyl, by analogy with other heavy types, must be glued end-to-end.

What glue to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper

When sticking these canvases, it is recommended to use only a special mixture. The packaging of this composition indicates that the product is intended for vinyl or heavy materials. It is necessary to prepare the adhesive mass, strictly following the instructions indicated on the pack. It is important to maintain the correct ratio of powder and liquid so that the adhesive does not turn out to be too thick or liquid. mix required amount the contents of the package with water and let it swell a little.

A good wallpaper adhesive for vinyl can be selected according to the following criteria:

  • it is easy to dilute with water;
  • there are no lumps during cooking;
  • has a subtle, unsharp smell;
  • adhesive mass provides slip, which will make it easier to align the cuts when pasting;
  • the composition includes a component that prevents the appearance of fungi under the paper;
  • does not provoke the formation of spots;
  • may remain usable for up to 2 weeks.

In today's markets, glue for vinyl sheets represented by several famous brands:

  • "Moment";
  • "Express Vinyl";
  • "KMC-N";
  • Metylan;
  • Kleo;
  • Fintex.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

It is not very difficult to attach cuts to the protruding corners in the room. To do this, you just need to wrap the edge of the canvas over the ledge. But this technology is only suitable if the corner has smooth edges. Otherwise, you need to fix a strip of paper on one side of the wall with an allowance of 3 cm. The stock must be wrapped and attached to the opposite part of the corner. Cut the fixed allowance with a clerical knife so that a small edge remains. The next canvas is glued with an overlap, which should not be more than 5 mm.

How to stick vinyl on inner corner:

  1. Attach the first wallpaper to the wall with an allowance of 5 cm, which should be located on the opposite surface.
  2. Lubricate the protruding piece with PVA glue. Glue the second strip so that it does not touch the wall nearby.
  3. Smooth out the place of gluing with a special wide plastic brush or roller. If the adhesive comes out, wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  4. When the adhesive dries, use a paper cutter to cut through two layers of paper at once from the bottom up.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper back to back

Technology, how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper end-to-end:

  1. Having well glued a piece of paper with glue, attach it strictly along the line marked with the level.
  2. The sticker must be carried out so that there is a supply of paper of about 5 cm, located above and below.
  3. Sticking vinyl is complicated by the fact that the material has the ability to shrink during drying and high extensibility when glued. Therefore, when you press and smooth them, avoid stretching in width so that cracks do not form during drying.
  4. Glue the next cut exactly to the previous one so that the edges touch. Carefully roll the seams with a small roller.
  5. If, after drying, you find small gaps, try to eliminate them by slightly bending the edge of the canvas, smearing it with glue. Pull the wet vinyl up to the seam line.

Video: paper-based vinyl wallpaper sticker

In the early seventies of the last century, the so-called washable wallpaper first appeared, at the same time milk packaging was introduced to the market, both materials basically had a two-layer paper coated with vinyl chloride. Thanks to this, vinyl wallpaper appeared. The reviews of experts about them were, to put it mildly, bad, the main thing they were accused of was that they did not let air through at all, that is, they “did not breathe”. However, modern vinyl wallpapers are completely devoid of this drawback, since the plastic layer that is included in the “vinyl pie” has a porous structure, which allows full air to pass through.

Vinyl and interlining

Today, wallpapering in all rooms is a common thing. Their main quality - the possibility of cleaning and washing won over all prejudices. Today, non-woven wallpaper has also appeared on the market of finishing materials. Few people know that these are the same non-woven vinyl wallpapers, that is, their basis is fabric.

These wallpapers have their own advantages - they can be painted with water-dispersion paints, and the amount of painting reaches 15 times, and some manufacturers have wallpapers with the amount of painting 20 and 25 times in their assortment.

Their undoubted advantage is also the fact that foamed vinyl hides all the shortcomings of surface preparation, which means that it can either not be done at all, or done exclusively for sanitary purposes - perfect evenness is not needed, although there are also individual requirements. However, it should be noted that all vinyl wallpapers are divided into light and heavy wallpapers, they differ from each other in density, number of layers and weight. All of the above applies only to heavy wallpaper.

Stages of work

Anyone who has glued wallpaper in their apartment at least once knows that wallpapering itself is not a very complicated and time-consuming process. The process of wallpapering is also simple, only it has its own nuances. Since gluing vinyl wallpapers is most often taken by people on their own, it is necessary to remember their main difference from the usual finishing material. These wallpapers cannot be stretched in width, this is fraught with the fact that, having dried, they will definitely shrink, and instead of the correct joints, large gaps form on the wall. And since this phenomenon exists, it means that it is absolutely impossible to use a spatula when gluing.

It is best to work with such wallpaper using a rubber roller, it is convenient for them to roll and smooth the seams. And in order to reduce the stretching process, it is necessary to apply the adhesive composition on the wallpaper in a smaller amount, so the consumption of glue for vinyl wallpaper is much less than when gluing ordinary wallpaper.

Having finished gluing them, it is necessary to pay special attention to the temperature in the room - these wallpapers are not resistant to drafts and high humidity during the drying process.

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, you need to prepare the surface of the wall. This process is no different from preparing the walls for sticking ordinary wallpaper. Of the features - this is that in no case should you use PVA-based putty, the wallpaper does not tolerate this. And the second difference is that all manufacturers of these wallpapers recommend applying an additional layer of primer before gluing. But, this only applies to heavy wallpaper. For light wallpaper, the walls must be prepared very carefully, you can not leave cracks, bulges and other irregularities. Putty must be applied very firmly so that it does not lag behind in any case. Under light vinyl wallpaper, every roughness will be visible.

Wallpaper preparation

Since gluing vinyl wallpaper correctly means carefully following all the rules of the instructions that all manufacturers attach to their products, the wallpaper must be cut into strips, taking into account 100 millimeters that overlap (pasting ordinary wallpaper does not require this). If there is a pattern on the surface of the wallpaper, then its edges must be matched, for this the wallpaper canvas must be folded facing each other, while shifting each subsequent canvas by approximately 20 millimeters.

Gluing process

Vinyl wallpapers should be glued end-to-end, trying not to stretch them as much as possible. There are many opinions about where to start gluing vinyl wallpaper, but it is probably correct to start from the corner that is closest to the window (do not touch the corner itself). This can be explained by the fact that if you start gluing from the very corner or to it, then in case of violation of the vertical, it will stretch along the entire length of the room. To maintain the vertical, it is necessary to draw a vertical line along the level before gluing the first canvas, in order to subsequently focus on it. In the instructions for the wallpaper there are instructions on whether it is necessary to smear the wall with adhesive or only wallpaper sheets. This mainly applies to sticking a certain type of wallpaper.

Since it is very difficult to glue embossed vinyl wallpapers due to their thickness, it is in this case that it is necessary to coat the wall as well, and it is best to press them fur roller(And then, very carefully).

If the instructions for such special instructions no, then you need to coat the wallpaper canvas, let it rest for 10 minutes, because the glue should be properly absorbed into the body of the wallpaper.

Therefore, several canvases are smeared at once, so that the process is conveyor, while the first canvas is soaked, it is necessary to smear the wall with glue, but not completely, but in some places. Experts advise: in order for the glue to be better absorbed, it should be applied in an even layer, using a brush, carefully smear the edges. Then you need to fold the canvas with the smeared sides inward (from the top and bottom to the middle).

In order to glue all the canvases well, two people are needed - one, standing at the top, glues the upper edge, and the second at this time prevents the lower part from gluing, and monitors the observance of the vertical position. The strip is carefully pressed against the wall and carried out with a soft roller from top to bottom, trying to “drive out” all the formed air bubbles from under the canvases. If this is not done, then immediately after the wallpaper dries, cut them in the place of swelling and carefully re-paste, that is, immediately begin to repair. Excess glue is removed with a soft rag, trying not to get on the front side of the wallpaper, otherwise stains will appear.

In the corners

Masters say that it is impossible to glue wallpaper with a solid canvas in the corners, it also does not work, to combine two strips of wallpaper end-to-end in the corner (almost even vertically and perfectly smooth corners, no). It is necessary, before gluing vinyl wallpaper in the corners, to measure one of the panels so that it goes into the corner. And glue it like that, this will hide all the flaws of the corner. The overlap should be 50-80 millimeters.

In the door area, vinyl wallpaper must be glued on one side, it will not work on both sides at the same time. A canvas that captivates doorway, cut from bottom to top to the top door rail, and fully pressing iron from top to bottom. Carefully cut off the unnecessary edges of the wallpaper, and bring the next canvas to this pasted part (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ledge above the door frame).

To decide how to glue wallpaper in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bradiators, you first need to decide for yourself whether they need to be glued there at all. The process is complex, time-consuming, and takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people prefer to simply paint the wall behind them with paint matched to the tone of the wallpaper. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to glue the wallpaper completely behind the batteries, then this is done using a small roller on a long handle, after cutting the wallpaper into thin stripes approximately 100 millimeters wide.

To glue the wallpaper well at the baseboards (or in the ceiling area), you need to use a ruler to trim the edges. This is a triangular element that adjusts the edges of the wallpaper and trims them. Using it, you can be sure that neither the ceiling nor the plinth will get dirty, and the edges of the canvases in these places will be even and stick tightly.

Choosing glue

It is simple to answer the question of how to glue vinyl wallpapers with glue - they must be glued with special adhesives. On sale there are adhesive compositions specifically for gluing vinyl wallpaper and universal glue for the same purpose.

This adhesive can be used on all types of vinyl wallpaper, including paper based vinyl wallpaper. Its main advantages are increased sliding ability, which makes it possible to easily correct joints, and the fact that it does not form lumps. You can use it three minutes after it is diluted (dilute strictly according to the instructions), and you can store the finished mixture in a tightly closed container for eight days, provided that it is kept indoors room temperature. The builders think it's best glue for vinyl wallpaper.

Before wallpapering, you need to stick masking tape (construction tape or crepe) on the seams before cutting off the edges at the ceiling and floor in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards. This will prevent getting adhesive composition on the front side of the canvas.

All vinyl wallpapers are metallized and are good conductors. electric current. It is not excluded the possibility of electric shock to a person when the canvases come into contact with electrical parts. To prevent this, you need to cut the wallpaper away from any current sources.

According to the instructions, it is forbidden to glue wallpaper at a room temperature below 13 degrees. You can start work 2 days after reaching the optimum temperature.


After watching this material, you will better understand how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Gluing paper-based vinyl wallpaper is a fairly simple task, which hardly anyone would call too laborious. However, in order to understand in detail all the intricacies of this process, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some recommendations. Next, we will describe the main characteristics of paper-based vinyl wallpaper, give instructions for their competent gluing, having considered the most complex options. And also we will give advice on the correct choice of glue and give the latest fashion trends 2016.

The main characteristics of paper-based vinyl wallpaper

This kind wall covering is perhaps the most popular in Russia. This is due to its positive characteristics. The main one is the optimal ratio of cost and sufficiently high quality. So, this type of wallpaper is different affordable price and is considered relatively harmless to humans and environment. To do this, the wallpaper is specially treated with substances that prevent the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold. Thus, protection against allergens and harmful fungi is provided. In addition, such a coating is reliable and practical, easy to stick, and housewives should not be afraid to use it in the kitchen, since any dirt can be easily removed with detergents.

It also attracts a wide variety of textures, color solutions and drawings: such a coating can be chosen for every taste. What are these wonderful wallpapers made of? Such wallpapers are made on a paper basis, and the composition of the top layer includes polyvinyl chloride, which provides most advantages of this type of coverage.

Its main disadvantage of such a coating is that it does not allow air to pass through itself, which prevents comfortable ventilation of the room. Therefore, this option will be an unsuccessful choice for the bedroom, children's room and bathroom. The paper base of the coating is able to swell from the action of glue, therefore it is less durable than the non-woven base.

How to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper: technology

Having dealt with the advantages of paper-based vinyl wallpaper, let's move on to the most burning issue - their proper gluing. After all, all the advantages of wallpaper can be leveled by the wrong technology for applying them.

The general scheme for pasting the surface with wallpaper is as follows:

  1. preparatory stage;
  2. wallpaper preparation;
  3. gluing;
  4. formal final stage.

Preparatory stage

Before sticking paper-based vinyl, as with other types of wallpaper, you should carefully prepare the surface. To do this, make the walls even, eliminate even the smallest cracks, as well as the remnants of old wallpaper, if you are doing a secondary repair. In the latter case, you will also have to first remove the sockets and switches. Make sure air sources are isolated.

Advice! Treat the surface with a fungicide. This will help prevent fungal growth.

The second stage of work - the preparation of the wallpaper itself

Then you should prepare the wallpaper itself. To do this, measure and cut off the necessary strips, after adding about 10 cm to their length. Spread them on the floor and carefully coat with glue.

Advice! Number the strips so as not to get confused later in the sequence of their gluing.

Properly approach the choice of glue. It must be durable. It is better to give preference to the option with antifungal additives. The glue should indicate that it is suitable for the selected type of wallpaper. You can also use PVA glue. Read more about the choice of glue below.

Fold each of the strips in half. In this case, the pattern should remain outside, and the surface covered with glue should remain inside. Wait a while for the strips to swell, which will allow them to stretch a little. It is important that the swelling time of absolutely all strips be the same. This is necessary so that the junction between the strips is almost invisible.

Third stage. We proceed directly to wallpapering.

We begin to glue the wallpaper to the wall. In this case, it is recommended to glue the first strip from the corner. Use a level for this to prevent crooked sticking. It is advisable that you have an assistant who would be responsible for adjusting the joints. It is important to avoid getting glue on the front surface of the wallpaper. If you failed, then you should immediately wipe them until the glue has dried. In no case do not stretch the strips in width, otherwise it threatens the appearance of deformation. Instead, go over the wallpaper with a roller or a special brush.

Excess material should be trimmed. Make sure that the bottom edge of the wallpaper goes a little beyond the baseboard.

Final design stage.

Having coped with the main part of wallpapering, do not forget about the final stage.

How to stick vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis? How to prepare walls for repair? Do old coatings need to be removed? What glue to choose? In this article, we are going to answer these and some other questions.

Introduction to the material

Vinyl wallpaper usually refers to two materials that differ quite a lot in terms of performance.

  1. Foamed vinyl has a fairly significant thickness, is vapor permeable, and, if necessary, can be painted with water-dispersion paints. The main disadvantage is limited wear resistance: where the walls are often touched, the coating will quickly lose its original appearance.

Cat owners: This type of wall covering is not for you.
At any age, your pet will periodically sharpen its claws, and convincing him that walls cannot be used for this is an almost unrealistic task.

  1. Thick vinyl, on the contrary, is exceptionally resistant to wear, dirt and can be washed using any household detergent (except, of course, abrasive). Vapor permeability is much lower than that of foamed vinyl.

General Features

  • All wallpapers of this type are heavy, with a density higher than 120 g/m2. This makes it very difficult to stick them to the ceiling: the strips can fall under their own weight.
  • The material is glued without overlap, end-to-end. The instruction is related to the significant thickness of the coating and the limited adhesion of most adhesives to its front surface.

  • The price of a roll is noticeably higher than that of paper and non-woven, and starts at 400 rubles per roll.

Areas of use

There are no restrictions: paper-based vinyl wallpaper is possible in any room.

However, the features of foamed and dense vinyl should be considered:

  • For wet rooms (bathroom, toilet, kitchen), hallways and corridors, it is better to use thick vinyl wallpaper. The reasons are obvious: splashes and inevitable pollution will have to be washed off, and increased wear resistance will come in handy in this case.

  • Foam flooring is more suitable for living rooms and bedrooms. Increased vapor permeability will be to our advantage: ventilation ducts are rarely divorced in rooms; Meanwhile, up to a third of the water vapor leaves living rooms directly through the wall material.

Adhesive selection

What is the best glue for paper based vinyl wallpaper?

IN general case the so-called vinyl adhesive designed specifically for this type of coverage. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with polyvinyl chloride: its distinctive features- slightly higher viscosity and increased adhesive properties.

Is it possible to glue paper wallpaper vinyl glue? Yes, no restrictions; but the economic feasibility of the enterprise is rather doubtful: vinyl glue is noticeably more expensive than conventional CMC.

In dry rooms for gluing vinyl with your own hands, you can use, however, CMC, and even flour paste. They just need to be somewhat thicker than usual: too liquid glue simply won't hold the heavy canvas on the wall.

A special case: in the bathroom and in the kitchen on PVA.
Unlike wallpaper adhesives, it is moisture resistant after drying; however, it will be problematic to remove the wallpaper during the next repair.

Wall preparation

It is quite common: fragile and low-adhesive coatings are removed before plaster or concrete; and primed with penetrating soil. In wet rooms, an antiseptic primer is required: natural ventilation walls can become a breeding ground for fungus.

How to remove old coatings?

  • To remove paper wallpaper, it is enough to moisten them abundantly. Processing with a damp cloth or spray is repeated twice with an interval of 10-15 minutes; then the coating is removed in whole strips. Remains.

  • The washable cover can also be removed after wetting; however, before that, its surface will have to be rolled with a needle roller or simply make frequent cuts on it with a sharp knife.
  • The whitewash is again soaked with water and removed with a spatula.
  • Enamels based organic solvents are removed after treatment with a wash or heating with a building hair dryer.
  • Water emulsions are removed only by grinding. However, PVA glue allows you to glue vinyl directly on them - as long as the paint does not peel off.

Is it possible to glue vinyl on old wallpaper?

Yes, but with certain reservations:

  • If we are talking about a single-layer paper coating without a textured pattern.
  • If, when moistened, it does not move away from the wall and does not swell with bubbles. Before sticking the vinyl, the base, as we remember, is pre-primed with a penetrating primer: it will securely bind the paper to the plaster underneath.


We glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper in the same way as any other: the glue is applied to the wallpaper strip, after which it is leveled along the plumb line (first strip) or along the edge of the previous canvas, pressed against the wall and smoothed.

There are a number of nuances, however, at this stage.

  • Wallpaper with a repeating pattern is cut into strips, the length of which is greater than the height of the room and a multiple of the pattern step. So, for a rapport (drawing step) of 35 centimeters in a room 2.5 meters high, they will have to be cut at 280 (35x8) cm.

The excess is cut off after the sticker - along the corner or baseboards.

  • The paper base must be allowed to soak with glue before sticking. To do this, after it is applied, the canvas is folded in half and left for a few minutes. Why fold? Just to keep the glue from drying out.
  • The seams are smoothed and pressed against the wall as tightly as possible, without the slightest gap between the canvases. The lumens tend to expand on drying.

  • Until the wallpaper is completely dry, the room is not ventilated.


We hope that the proposed material will help the reader to avoid mistakes during the next repair. For more information about the types of wallpaper and how to stick them, you can watch the video in this article. Good luck!