Shower      06/16/2019

How to make your house warmer without a heater. Frost outside the window: five ways to make the apartment warmer Partially close the vents

Many people know that life is bad isolated house results in huge energy bills. But our ancestors knew many ways to keep the heat and comfort in the room without extra spending. Thanks to modern infrared cameras and advances in physics, we can determine how these methods work and how effective they are.

The house cools down mainly not from air convection, but from heat radiation in environment. Therefore, even central heating may be of little help. The air in the room has time to heat up, but the walls do not. As a result, you continue to shiver from the cold.

Fortunately there are five simple ways overcome this problem and minimize their energy costs.

Close the curtains for the night

During the day, windows repel more radiation energy than they let in. Freely penetrates through the glass only sunlight. For infrared rays, this material becomes an obstacle. At night, thin single-layer double-glazed windows can cause extreme cold. Even if you try to keep the air temperature in the apartment at around 20 ° C every day, with the advent of darkness and a sharp drop in the street, this value can drop to 7 ° C.

Double-glazed windows are also not always able to keep the heat in the house. Even a small drop in temperature, up to 14 ° C, will lead to energy losses of about 50-100 W per square meter.

The best way to prevent this sudden loss of stored heat is to close the curtains just after sunset. This will provide an additional barrier to radiant energy in the room. In addition, curtains will protect against drafts and partially isolate the room.

Hang the walls of the room

Solid brick or stone walls are better insulators than glass, but they still release a lot of heat from the room. Therefore, take steps to ensure additional protection not prevent. You can reduce energy losses by simply covering the walls with paintings or mirrors. Even an ordinary poster will be able to raise the air temperature in the room by about 1 °C. The most effective option is to hang carpets on the walls. Even if you are not a Russian oligarch, or you simply do not like this interior design, you should not immediately abandon this idea. Trust me, it's really worth it.

Another option is to place along the wall bookshelves. Old books can not only decorate your room, but also act as excellent insulators.

Insulate your front door

Of course, it all depends on the material from which the door to your apartment is made. But, it is likely that it is she who is the culprit of most of the heat loss. In summer, you may not notice this, but winter always brings frost and drafts with it. Just imagine how much cold can penetrate through the cracks in doorway and the door itself. Attach a curtain at the entrance to eliminate excess air circulation. Try to make sure that the curtain covers the entire doorway and the wall surrounding it.

Use heat shields

Even if you can't limit all heat loss through exterior walls, you can still try to insulate yourself from the cold. Our ancestors used wooden screens for this purpose. They placed them behind them, sitting by the fire. The screens absorbed some of the heat, thereby warming people's backs. You could try doing the same in your home. This will be a great way to dissipate heat so it's evenly distributed throughout the room. Often such screens are placed near radiators or heaters. At least this way you don't have to constantly huddle in the warmest corner of the room.

Arrange furniture correctly

Despite the fact that the air temperature is the same throughout the room, a person feels it differently when moving around the dwelling. So, the warmest feeling is felt near the walls, which are closer to the inside of the house. Outer walls carry more cold. Try to use this information. Arrange furniture so that it is inner wall.

Of course, to concentrate all the components of the interior in one part of the room would be inappropriate. For example, you put the bed against the inner wall, and the table is opposite. Then the second piece of furniture will automatically be in the cold zone. You can fix it with improvised means. In order not to freeze your feet, try to cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall under the table with a sheet of cardboard. And right above your head you can hang a shelf.

Standards of rendering operating in Russia utilities imply that the temperature in ordinary rooms should not fall below 18 degrees. IN corner rooms and the bathroom bar is slightly higher, 20 and 25 degrees, respectively. If the temperature in the house is below the standards, the tenants can officially complain to the managing organization. And if the current standard seems insufficient, the problem will have to be solved independently.

Close cracks and openings. glue window frames makes sense only on windows with ordinary glass. Plastic bags are usually draft-proof a priori. close gaps in doorways and on the balcony you can use polyurethane foam or woolen cord, sealed special tape. The shelf life of temporary insulation is one season.

Find cracks in the corners. The best option- order a thermal imaging study, a picture of the apartment from a special device, which will reflect the coldest areas of housing. Problem areas can be eliminated according to the results of the study. The average cost of a service in Moscow varies from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles; in the regions, a thermogram can be ordered for 3,000 rubles.

Glaze the balcony. The presence of an isolated loggia will noticeably increase the overall temperature in the house, especially if the design is connected with several rooms at once. According to engineers, a closed balcony retains about 15% of the heat in the apartment.

Don't neglect carpets. The coating will automatically help to cope with all the cracks and increase the thermal insulation of housing. The option is suitable in the absence of the opportunity to put a complex "warm floor" in the apartment.

Block off the walls facing the street. In Soviet times, carpets hung on the wall were used to insulate load-bearing structures. An alternative would be a wardrobe placed close to the wall or any other overall furniture.

Partially cover the ventilation holes with paper. The system will help slow down the circulation of air and keep warm. In damp areas, such as the bathroom or kitchen, it is best to proceed with caution. Insufficient air movement can cause mold to form.

Strengthen doors. The apartments lose quite a lot of heat through the cracks in the entrance jambs. The best option- put double doors. If this is not possible, you can simply take care of the tightest fit of the door to the jamb, sealing all the cracks with mounting foam.

Check the functionality of the radiators. The temperature of the riser and the entire surface of the battery must be uniform. The presence of "cold" areas indicates poor system performance. There are three main reasons: general wear and tear of the heating system, a malfunction of a particular radiator, or hard limiters on the thermostat. The standard temperature maximum for radiators is usually set at 35 degrees, but in some cases the comfort temperature of 17-19 is considered the maximum. The device, as a rule, can be simply reconfigured.

Get fans. It is easy to raise the temperature in the room by 3-5 degrees by installing a fan that will direct the air flow along the battery. The design will help to evenly distribute heat throughout the room. The same approach can be applied to electric heaters.

Upgrade battery. If you stick on the wall, behind the surface of the radiator, a piece of reflective foil or a special heat-reflecting material with a shiny penofol surface, the batteries will work more efficiently. After installing the reflector, the gap between the wall and the structure should not be less than two centimeters, otherwise the disturbed air circulation will provide the opposite effect.

Frosts are rapidly approaching, and the temperature in many apartments is far from the most comfortable. We are forced to put on warm clothes, buy heaters, sleep under several blankets, which causes discomfort. What to do if it's cold in the apartment? It is quite possible to solve this problem on your own.

What to do if the apartment is cold

Cold batteries in the apartment: what to do?

Quality radiators- a guarantee of warmth and comfort in the house. If the radiators are many years old and the apartment is cold in winter, it may be worth replacing them. But before you run for an expensive purchase, do a survey: sometimes the batteries do not heat up due to air jams or due to the negligence of utilities. Where to complain if it's cold in the apartment, we told.

Many modern models radiators are manufactured with , so you can set the right temperature. High-quality heaters can serve faithfully for decades, therefore, having spent only one time, you will forget about cold batteries in the house for a long time.

There are several types of radiators:

  • Cast iron - the most classic version, which has been used for heating for over a hundred years. Cast iron batteries durable, resistant to corrosion and have high heat dissipation. They are not afraid of hard, low-quality water and pressure drops. To disadvantages cast iron radiators refer to bulkiness and unaesthetic appearance. Nevertheless, modern design of these batteries with monograms and original coloring will fit well into the interior of the classical style.
  • Aluminum - durable, lightweight and elegant heaters. Ease of installation, optimal price and high heat dissipation make aluminum batteries the perfect choice for many. However, this type of radiator is subject to corrosion when high content alkalis in water.
  • Steel radiators are often used for heating private houses and offices. They have excellent heat dissipation and corrosion resistance. Their disadvantage lies in the sensitivity to water hammer - sudden pressure drops in the pipe.
  • Bimetallic radiator, speaking plain language, consists of a steel core and an outer aluminum layer. This design is optimal for city apartments: the steel pipeline is not subject to corrosion, and aluminum, which has good thermal conductivity, perfectly supplies heat to the room. However, all these advantages are overshadowed by the high cost of the product.
  • Copper batteries provide efficient space heating due to their thermal conductivity - it is much higher than that of aluminum and even more so than that of steel and cast iron. But the price of copper radiators, as well as bimetallic ones, will not please everyone.

The choice of a radiator depends not only on your tastes and financial condition, but also on compatibility with your heating system. Therefore, before buying, you should determine whether the characteristics of the heater correspond (pressure, allowable temperature, heat transfer, etc.) indicators of the heating system.

Apartment design is a creative, interesting, and informative process. When decorating rooms, it is necessary not only to choose the right building and Decoration Materials in terms of quality, but also to pay attention to aesthetic characteristics. When furnishing a room, you need to choose the right one color scheme depending on the size, functions of the room, the proportions of the walls, ceiling, personal preferences.

All colors are conditionally divided by temperature. Correct selection colors, their combinations allows you to achieve amazing optical effects - increase, reduce the room, raise or lower the ceiling, make the climate of the room warmer, more comfortable or, on the contrary, more ascetic. How to combine warm and cold colors correctly, a shade combination table, basic arrangement rules and optical tricks are discussed in this article.

What is a color chart?

A color chart is a traditional chart showing the relationship of colors and shades to each other. Thanks to her, even a non-professional in the use of colors can easily learn the principles of color combinations, choosing the perfect shades, contrasting colors. The table is indispensable assistant when mixing paints, coordinating the right pigments, selecting tones and includes:

  1. primary and secondary colors;
  2. chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet, their shades) and achromatic (white, black, shades of gray).

The color wheel includes three primary colors:

  1. yellow,
  2. red,
  3. blue.

Additional colors have been added to the main colors:

  1. orange,
  2. violet,
  3. green.

What are cold and warm colors? Warm tones are located on the left side of the color wheel, cold tones are located on the right.

The correct selection of colors in relation to each other (in accordance with the descriptions placed on the wheel) will answer the key questions: how to get perfect color, how to combine shades, which colors match each other and what is the best contrast?
Understanding the principles of colorimetry has a huge impact on professional design and color reproduction.

What the table gives:

  • understanding the nature of flowers;
  • familiarity with the principles of combination of shades;
  • how to distinguish between warm and cold colors, primary and secondary;
  • training in the use of shades.

Table of cold and warm colors

warm colors

The color scheme affects the mood. Before decorating the interior, it is worth studying.

Why are warm colors popular? Warm shades of colors in the interior make visitors want to stay. Surrounded by warm colors it is comfortable to relax, it is pleasant to spend evenings with loved ones, eat, create. Interior temperatures can range from mild soft beiges and browns to hot orange-red geysers.

Warm colors have the following effect:

  • stimulate;
  • make the room more comfortable;
  • add optimism;
  • poisonous tones are sometimes considered aggressive.

What palette to choose? How to choose a combination of warm tones? Below is our mini guide to the "warm side" of color.

Cozy ecru

Ecru is a combination of white with shades of yellow and gray. This natural shade linen, cotton, sand, beige, cream and cream white. Ecru gently but effectively reflects light. Thanks to the neutral tone, it is easy to pick up. Surrounded by ecru tones, it is difficult to ignite feelings, they relax.

Ecru excels in:

  • living room,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • kitchen.

earth colors

The color palette of the earth includes:

  • brown,
  • beige,
  • olive,
  • grey,
  • yellowish green.

They are tinted, unobtrusive, elegant, natural, exude a pleasant, safe warmth. Such an environment will help to relax, distract from everyday worries.

  • living room,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • kitchen.

Plus, it's pretty easy to pick up. Brown resembles natural wood, thanks to which it harmoniously combines with most colors, and is included in many combinations.

sunny interior

Yellow color will give the interior a dose positive energy. There are many different shades of yellow:

  • citric,
  • honey,
  • mustard,
  • pineapple,
  • oil,
  • linen,
  • amber,
  • gold.

Combination yellow shades forms an interesting composition. It is perfectly complemented by white ecru with warm tones and delicate gray.

The influence of yellow is positive:

  • stimulates creativity;
  • encourages action;
  • creates comfort;
  • adds optimism;
  • solves problems with lack of motivation.

Orange color stimulates fun, symbolizes fire. Fire is a home symbol of the hearth, warmth, comfort. Combination orange color, brick terracotta and rust works in rooms where they spend their leisure time with family and loved ones.

Orange is especially suitable for:

Dark red, scarlet, ruby, burgundy - juicy shades of love, passion. Red is the hottest of all colors.

The influence of red is as follows:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • heats the atmosphere, kindles a fire;
  • used for registration of romantic meetings;
  • stimulates appetite, recommended when eating;
  • adds spice to the atmosphere.

Warm colors will help create a cozy atmosphere, feel comfortable. Shades that are far from the hottest reds are safe, bring calm, relaxation, rest. The closer to the opposite end of the scale, the hotter the shades, the more stimulating they are. Therefore, using yellow, orange, red, it is worth combining them with cold tones, observing moderation. The right combination of cold and warm colors will help to avoid cacophony, congestion of rooms with temperature. Too hot interior begins to irritate, and too cold design - will bring sadness, despondency.

It is worth remembering that some warm shades become cold if they contain the following impurities of cold tones:

  • green,
  • violet,
  • blue,
  • grey.

cold colors

Cool tones on the color wheel start with shades of green (mint, emerald green), as well as shades of blue and purple. Why is a cold shade often used?

Cool colors affect as follows:

  • soothe;
  • relax;
  • make the room visually larger, optically expand the space of small rooms;
  • help to concentrate, recommended for study rooms, classrooms;
  • those who want to lose weight should remember that the blue color suppresses appetite (it is not used in restaurants, cafes, canteens).

Cold shades are used in all rooms.

How to decorate a cold interior? Below are a few interesting ideas how to choose the right, harmonious combination of cool tones.

purple living room

Purple walls, furniture, living room decorations will help you relax after a busy day. Purple looks especially beautiful paired with gray. The purple-gray combination is beautiful, relaxing, elegant.

Using silver accessories with the addition of black will make the room glamorous. The use of architectural concrete will create an atmosphere in, give the room a modern gloss, a touch of minimalism.

blue bedroom

The bedroom, decorated with blue and its shades, is suitable for people who have difficulty falling asleep, relaxing after a hard day, stressful situations. You can bet on the following combinations:

  1. pastel blues combined with crisp grays and whites;
  2. dark blue and white;
  3. dark blue and light blue.

The blue bedroom will become a place where it is good to relax, gain strength in the process of healthy, restorative sleep. Just do not use a computer, tablet, smartphone in the bedroom, which impedes the relaxation process. The blue light emitted by electronic devices interferes with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. It is advisable to leave work in the office.

Cold green - for a teenager's room, office

Cold green color recommended for people working on the computer - it will help the eyes relax. Green is ideal where work causes eye strain. Green cool colors in the palette below are shown on the left.

In the children's room, mint, pastel green shades are useful. They look harmonious in the company:

  • bleached blue (boy's version),
  • cool pink, purple (girls version).

Looks great on a green background.

  • white furniture,
  • turquoise accessories,
  • gray furniture, accessories,
  • pastels.

In a green room, it is easier for a child to relax and fall asleep. Optimistic green helps children to create, learn, develop, stimulates mental activity. Depending on the size of the rooms, you should choose a shade of green using bright hues to decorate small rooms.

Marine climate in the bathroom

The blue design of the bathroom gives a feeling of freshness. Blue in retro style, shabby chic looks especially harmonious. Stylish furniture looks beautiful with blue walls and white plumbing.

Adding elements related to the coastal climate, the beach, the sea, will make the room look like a sea coast. Modern interior make it warmer wooden elements, houseplants.

The correct use of colors will help to achieve interesting effects, have a positive effect on mood, activity, help to relax, unwind or, on the contrary, recharge your batteries.

I repeatedly heard from the Customer the question: “Which radiator heats better?”. I ask him: “What does it mean “it warms better”? And I get very different answers: it gives off more heat per unit of time; heats up the room faster cools down longer. The most common answer: “it warms better” - it warms so that it is not cold in the house. Amazing! Let us pick up such a heating device for you. And to be beautiful, and inexpensive :)

In this article, we will choose for you radiators, underfloor heating, convectors, i.e. those heating appliances (OH) that are installed in each room and it is in this particular room that they support comfortable temperature.

The choice of such devices today is very wide, even if we consider only the main types:

  1. Cast iron, steel, aluminum radiators;
  2. Underfloor heating water or electric;
  3. Floor and floor convectors;
  4. Towel dryers;

But there are also various exclusive solutions(heating skirting board, warm walls, ladder-radiator, etc.)…

Before jumping into this pool of information, let's first decide what is important when choosing an OP. What you need to pay attention to, and what can be neglected.

At first glance, it seems that the main criterion for choosing an OP will be its heat transfer (the amount of heat that the device gives off per unit time). This is the value that determines which device “heats better”. But in reality, everything turns out to be completely different ...

A little theory: your home in cold weather loses heat. This is called heat loss. The lower the outside temperature, the more difference temperatures outside and inside the house. The greater the difference, the more the house loses heat. And the more heat loss.

The task of the heater is to heat up and transfer heat to the room, to compensate for heat loss in this room. If the heat transfer of the OP is insufficient (it is incorrectly selected, the amount of heat transfer is less than heat loss), then the temperature in the room will drop below the required one and it will become cold.

Then our task becomes to choose such a heating device, the heat transfer of which will be greater or, in severe frost, equal to the heat loss of the room. And we can pick up such a device of ANY TYPE! For example, the heat loss of one of the rooms in your house is 1000 watts. So, in this room it is necessary to put an aluminum radiator Nova Florida from 9 ribs (heat dissipation 1035 W). Or a steel radiator Kermy FKO 220507W2 (1012W). Or roll out 75 meters of PE-MDXc Ф16 pipes in case of installation in a room with a warm floor (1050 W). Or ... many more examples can be given. I repeat once again: we can select the required power of ANY TYPE of OP. And these devices will "warm" the same way.

Summing up what has been said: there is no need to look for a device with the highest heat transfer, any device will provide you with the necessary thermal power. It is important to choose the right device.

“What, then, to pay attention to when choosing a heating device, if not on its specifications?!" - you ask. I answer: you need to pay attention to four criteria.

First, it is - type heating device.

Not every device can be installed in your particular room. For example, in some room of the house you decided to make huge windows, up to the floor. Or - balcony door. How to heat this room? What heating device to install?

Naturally, you can’t put a radiator under such a window. You can put it side by side, but then the cold will spread across the floor of the room. You can make a warm floor in the room and then the cold will not spread across the floor. But the problem of moisture condensation on the glass (“sweating”) remains, which the warm floor cannot cope with ... Thus. You still have the only correctly working version of the heating device - floor convectors. And, although the option is expensive (in relation to other options for the OP), there is no alternative to it in this situation. Either install floor convectors, or give up windows to the floor.

So, the first thing to do (by yourself or together with a heating specialist) is to mentally walk through all the rooms of your house and for each of the rooms determine the types of heating devices that this room can be installed. Then move on to the next criterion.

The second criterion to be considered is price.

I don't mean the absolute price, but the relative one. No need to compare two radiators different sizes and choose the one that is cheaper. No. You need to calculate what the heating of a single room will result in when you heat it different types OP.

For example, in your house there is a room of 12 sq.m. with heat losses of 1000 W. And the architecture of this room allows you to install any devices there: radiators, underfloor heating or floor convectors. Let's make a comparison table like this:

Steel radiator Lideya (side connection) Aluminum radiator Nova Florida Water heated floor from PE-MDXc TECE pipe Floor convector Regulus
materials Radiator LK 11-513 + Valve hex. + Thermal valve + Thermal head 9 ribs radiat. + 4 fittings + 4 brackets + Mayevsky crane + Hex. + Thermal valve + Thermal head 75 m.p. pipes PE-MDXc Ф16 + 12m2 foil + 10m.p.damper. tape + Fasteners + RTL-valve Convector + Decorative grille + Thermal valve + Thermal head
Cost of materials (approx.) 78 € 115 € 200 € 600 €
Mounting (approx.) 40 € 40 € 90 € 130 €
Total: 118 € 155 € 290 € 730 €

- the radiator is installed under the window to perform three functions: to heat the room; cut off cold air, "flowing" from the window to the floor; prevent the window from "sweating".

- objectively, the figure will be higher, since the presence of a water-heated floor will complicate and, accordingly, make the boiler room more expensive.

Naturally, the price, in addition to the type of device, will greatly depend on its quality(third criterion). For example, rib aluminum radiator can be purchased at a price of 7 to 14 euros, a steel radiator Kermy (Germany) is more expensive than a similar steel radiator Lideya (Belarus) by an average of 50%, etc. Naturally, these are things of different quality.

Which quality to choose is your decision. I already wrote in the article “How to choose a gas boiler” my methodology for choosing a quality level. Follow the link, read, you may find this technique useful ().

Further, knowing what appliances can be installed in your home, and knowing how much it costs (for example, that a warm floor is more expensive radiator heating 2-2.5 times), you can go to the last criterion - design.

I'm talking about aesthetics here. It is clear that the device should be attractive to you, because it is a detail of the interior of your home. Or, if the device is not pretty - it should be hidden so that your aesthetic feelings are not offended! :)

Let's summarize what has been said. I see the algorithm for choosing heating devices as follows:

  1. determine for each room its heat loss;
  2. determine the types of OP that can be installed in each room;
  3. we make a table of relative prices (adjusting for quality);
  4. taking into account the price and design of the OP, we make the final choice of the device for each room.

And one more important point : how will you control the temperature in the room?

There are two options: manually or automatically. Manual adjustment assumes that if it gets hot or cold, you go to the radiator and manually change its temperature by turning the radiator valve. At automatic adjustment You set a comfortable temperature on the regulator (thermostatic head, room sensor), and then the automation monitors its maintenance. The automatic version for radiator heating is more expensive than the manual version by at least 15 euros for each radiator. For other types of OP, this difference is even higher. But I think this increase in price is very justified. Because:

  1. You save energy (gas, wood, electricity). Any extraneous heat source that appears in the room will be taken into account by the automation and the radiators will heat (and consume energy) less by its value. Such sources: included kitchen stove, a lit fireplace, the sun shining through the window. Even a company of 5 people in a room, this is plus 500 W :)
  2. You are not distracted. Those. do not walk around the house and do not tighten the radiator valves with every change in temperature;
  3. Your home is insured against freezing. Story: One person had manual radiators installed throughout the house. In the boiler room, which was located in the basement, such a radiator was also installed. And, if in the house a person sometimes regulated the temperature of the radiators, then he rarely went into the basement. For what? What difference does it make, what temperature is there: +15°С or +3°С? There are no people there. The main thing is that it does not fall below zero, and so - the lower the better. And everything was fine until one night the temperature dropped sharply from -3°C to -21°C at night. The half-open radiator failed and the boiler room froze. The boiler burst, pumps and pipes were torn apart ... Damage - for 2800 euros ...

The case is certainly not typical. And the choice of temperature control is your choice. I have outlined my vision of the situation and my recommendations. You can read more about automatic temperature control in the article "Automation in the control system of a private house".

Sincerely, Boris Smolyak (Director of Svoy Dom LLC)

Our offers

It is the selection of heating devices that I can do for you. Best of all - at a personal meeting in our office, when I have before my eyes the plan of your house, and you - the equipment that you can see and touch. Call, arrange a meeting. It's free, but I think it will be useful for you. At a minimum, you will know the heating options for your home and be able to make a more informed choice.

Or, if you don’t want to come, follow the link “ free calculation of the heating system”. You will need to answer a few questions of the survey and send me the plan of the house. I will prepare and send you my proposals by e-mail.