Shower      04/14/2019

What berries can you eat in the forest? Edible wild berries with photos and names

Many people enjoy hiking in the forest. They are often accompanied by picking berries. A fun activity, but you just need to be careful in the process, because not everything that can be found is edible. And in order to avoid troubles that can manifest themselves in stomach upset or poisoning, it is worth knowing what berries grow in the forest, and which of them is edible.

Red and scarlet

Thanks to their color, they are the easiest to see, so the story should start with them. So, what berries grow in the forest that are red and are also edible?

The first thing to note is lingonberries, which are rich in carbohydrates, carotene and pectin. This sweet and sour wild berry grows on shrubs - low-growing evergreen perennials. The fruits are shiny, resembling small red balls (up to 0.8 cm in diameter). They ripen in late summer and early autumn.

Kostyanika - herbaceous plant height of a maximum of 30 centimeters. Characteristic feature are long shoots spread out on the ground. The berry is a fairly large aggregate drupe of 4 fruits with large seeds inside. Drupes ripen in mid-to-late summer, and their taste is reminiscent of a juicy pomegranate.

Viburnum is a small scarlet drupe berry that grows in “groups” on a leaf tree. It is impossible not to recognize her. It is better to collect viburnum after the first frost. Before them, it does not have a sweet, but a sour-bitter taste.


What berries grow in the forest and have this pleasant shade? Cloudberries, of course. It grows on herbaceous semi-shrub plants up to 30 cm high. The fruit is a composite drupe, up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter. It could have been confused with raspberries, if not for the soft orange hue and tart-sweet taste. They are collected in July-August.

Rowan fruits are another edible berry in the forest. They grow in bunches (like viburnum) on tall trees, sometimes reaching 10 meters in height. The fruits are dense, small, up to 1 cm in diameter. They taste juicy, but are bitter, which is why they are not eaten just like that - they are made into jam, compotes, or poured with honey or sugar.

When talking about what berries grow in the forest, one cannot help but mention sea buckthorn. It is a large bush, rather like a tree, with bright orange fruits that grow very interestingly. Looking at the photo below, you can see that the fruits literally stuck to the branch (in fact, hence the name). So you won’t be able to confuse them with anything else.

Blue shades

Perhaps the most beautiful “berry” color. And not rare. Everyone knows the amazing blueberry. It is blue on the outside, but if you crush it, it will turn purple, and when you remove the skin, you can see that the flesh is green. The berry grows on a branched subshrub, the height of which is usually 30-50 cm (maximum 1 m). It can easily be confused with blueberries (more on that a little later). But lighter stems and a broken receptacle distinguish it. Blueberries also have a sour, sugary taste.

What about blueberries? In fact, it can be distinguished from blueberries not only by the characteristics noted above. Of course they are similar berries. Blueberries are still darker and purple inside. By the way, you can conduct a test right in the forest: stain your hand with berry juice, then try to wash it off. Didn't work, dark purple shade stayed on the skin? So it's blueberries.

Honeysuckle is a wild berry that has a “blueberry” color but an elongated shape. It resembles a bell - even the “bottom” is flat. The taste is unique - it has sweetness, bitterness, and a little sour tint. But the most important thing is that blue honeysuckle contains a complex of minerals and vitamins. It also ripens early - in early June.


In nature, this shade does not exist in its pure manifestation. But there are a lot of things that are close in color. For example, blackberries. The berry grows on semi-shrubs, the stems of which are covered with sharp thorns - so it’s worth taking thick gloves when picking. The fruits are almost black, but are actually dark purple. There is a light coating that is easy to remove. Blackberries are an interesting berry. It first grows to its usual size (up to 2 cm), and then acquires a shade - from green to red, then brown, and then rich dark purple.

Bird cherry and buckthorn are another almost black berries. They are often confused. The berries are small, round, and grow on trees. But bird cherry fruits grow in “groups”, on pink branches. From the outside it seems that the tree is decorated with long dark earrings. But buckthorn grows rarely - 5-7 berries on branches densely covered with leaves. Bird cherry has a pleasant sweetish-astringent taste. Buckthorn is sour-bitter and inodorous. It is used in medicine and added to alcoholic tinctures.

And, of course, we can’t help but mention currants. Large berries grow on shrubs with lobed leaves. Currants are not only black, but also red and white. But the sweetest are the black berries.

Other forest representatives

These are strawberries - many go to the forest just for this sweet berry. It grows in sunny meadows, in the grass. Due to its resemblance to the famous berry, loved by many with cream, it was nicknamed “forest strawberry”.

Many people willingly go to coniferous sphagnum forests for cranberries. Absolutely all its types are edible. The red spherical berries are rich in vitamin C. Its amount is comparable to that found in grapefruit, lemon and orange. Cranberries also contain vitamins K, B, PP and many other substances needed by the body. Perhaps this is the most useful swamp-forest berry.

Crowberry is an interesting delicacy. It grows on low-growing shrubs, the leaves of which are more like pine needles. When viewed from a distance, it may appear to be a juniper. But no - it's a bush with edible berries. They are sour, and there is practically no pulp in them. There's juice inside! Hence the name. Recommended for removing radionuclides from the body and preparing delicious jelly.

What can't you eat?

There are also plenty of poisonous berries. We talked above about blue honeysuckle - and so, there is also a red one, growing on large bushes. Its berries are round and poisonous, like the fruits of the wolf's bast. Only these are even more dangerous. They look like sea buckthorn - only red and round, they also cling to a branch. You can’t even touch them - the poison is too strong and can quickly penetrate the skin.

Crow's eye- a berry very similar to blueberries. But he still can’t be confused with her. Because it grows very unusually: one (!) berry on a stem, surrounded by four large leaves. However, in the above photo everything is clear.

And finally - the spicate crow. The currant-like berries are hidden under large, jagged leaves with an unpleasant, bright aroma. You should not touch the crow's berries, as well as the plant itself - its juice can cause ulcers and even blisters to appear on the skin. And getting inside will cause severe vomiting and suffocation (fortunately, passing).

So you should take a close look at what you want to put in the basket. The list of wild berries (both edible and poisonous) is very large, but the most striking representatives in every sense of the word were presented above.

You can often hear about cases of mushroom poisoning, but we should not forget that other gifts of nature can cause us serious problems. Our article will introduce you to the types of poisonous berries and teach you how to provide first aid in case of poisoning.

Poisonous berries: precautions

Walking through the forest, you just want to put into your mouth the seductively bright, beautiful and very appetizing-looking berries that are nestled here and there on the branches of bushes and trees. Is it worth meeting this desire? Of course not, because any of them can be toxic to our body.

Signs of berry poisoning

Different types of poisonous berries have a strictly defined effect on the human body, but we will try to highlight main symptoms, signaling poisoning. So, the reasons for concern should be:

  • Convulsions
  • Rapid pulse
  • Labored breathing

First aid for berry poisoning

The very first aid is to stimulate vomiting - this procedure will free the stomach from toxic contents. To do this, the victim needs to be given 2-4 glasses of water (you can add Activated carbon– 2 tbsp. per 500 ml, salt - 1 tsp. per 500 ml or potassium permanganate). The procedure will have to be carried out several times.

If medications are available, it is recommended to give the patient activated carbon, tannin, as well as any laxative and cordial. If you have seizures, you will have to use chloral hydrate. If there is no first aid kit, you can give it to the patient black crackers, starch solution or milk. It would also not hurt to do an enema (if possible). The victim should be wrapped warmly and deliver to the doctor.

Forest honeysuckle

Forest honeysuckle is a shrub that is often found in the Urals and Western Siberia. Dark red berries This plant, unlike garden honeysuckle, is poisonous. The ripening time of the forest variety is July-August.

Wolf's Bast

Wolf's bast - shrub or small tree . The plant is common in humid forests European part of Russia, as well as in Western Siberia. Oblong red-orange berries Wolf's bast dot the bushes in autumn. Even touching them can lead to poisoning.

Belladonna or belladonna

Belladonna is a member of the nightshade family. Belladonna gives harvest black with a purple tint, sweet and sour berries of flattened spherical shape already at the beginning of autumn. Most often this poisonous berry can be found in middle lane Russia.

Crow's eye

This perennial has a low stem, on which there are 4-5 fairly large leaves and only one fruit ripens. Crow's eye is almost common throughout Russia. This blue-black berry a little reminiscent of blueberries, but at the same time very poisonous (it affects the heart muscle, paralyzing its work).

Snowberry white

Round berries white ripen by the end of summer, and then overwinter on the plant until the onset of warm weather. Despite their tempting appearance, the berries are completely inedible. In our country, snowberry is used as ornamental plant.

Euonymus warty

Euonymus warty is deciduous shrub or low tree, often found in European part of Russia. Euonymus fruits are very original - bright orange berries are decorated with a black dot, and they ripen on a long “thread” (herbaceous stalk).

Nightshade bittersweet

Bittersweet nightshade - subshrub with woody base and a long curly stem. Red berries with a bittersweet taste, ripen in June. The plant continues to bear fruit until October. Nightshade can be found in central Russia, and on Far East and in Siberia.

Swamp whitewing

Swamp whitewing - creeping hydrophyte with large heart-shaped leaves. Its fruits ( bunches of juicy red berries) ripen already at the end of June. The plant is widespread throughout Russia ( in wetlands).

Elderberry herbal (smelly)

Smelly – herbaceous perennial plant, belonging to the honeysuckle family. Fruits ( small black drupes with red juice) appear in August-September. This plant is most often found in the southern regions of Russia in the mountains and foothills.

Privet or wolfberry

heat-loving deciduous shrub olive family. You can meet this plant in the southwestern part of Russia. The black and highly poisonous berries ripen in September and remain on the branches for a long time. It's worth knowing that Not only the fruits are poisonous, but also the leaves.

perennial herbaceous plant with thin stems and feathery leaves. He can be found in the forests European part of the country. The fruits have elongated oval shape, as they ripen, they change color from green to white, and then to red.

perennial herbaceous plant with a thin stem and large feathery leaves on long petioles. Oval-cylindrical, slightly flattened and collected in a vertical cluster of berries change color from green to black. You can meet this plant in the European part of Russia, and in Western Siberia.

Spotted arum

Arum - perennial grass with a thickened tuberous rhizome and basal leaves, outlines resembling the tip of a spear. In August, the leaves die off, leaving a stalk with numerous red berries above the ground. In September the fruits fall off, and self-sowing appears in the spring of next year.

Spotted arum

The fruits that have poisonous properties are the berries of common ivy, bifolia, and lily of the valley.

Poisonous berries can not only poison, but also lead to death. That is why it is extremely important not to eat unfamiliar fruits, no matter how tempting they may look.

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» Shrubs

What is commonly called a "berry" in blackberries is not actually a berry. This type of fruit is called a prefabricated drupe. The blackberry flower is multi-pistillate, and around each pistil a small, juicy fruit with one seed inside is formed. A lot of these fruits, collected together, are that very tasty and aromatic blackberry.

Collective drupes are formed in many plants. Some of them are blue-black and so similar to blackberries that they mislead the uninitiated. Plants whose fruits resemble blackberries are discussed in this review.

This plant is still exotic in Russian gardens. By appearance it is, indeed, easy to confuse with a blackberry: a shrub with the thorny shoots and leaves typical of raspberries and blackberries. Fruit black raspberry When ripe, they change color from pink, through dark red, to black. And they taste a little like blackberries.

And yet there is a difference: when harvested, the black raspberry drupes are easily removed from the fruit stalk - like a thimble from your finger. Regular red or yellow raspberries behave in exactly the same way. In blackberries, the harvest is harvested together with the fruit and stalk, because its drupes grow tightly together in their place.

Chokeberry cultivated raspberries originate from the American wild raspberry - blackberry-like raspberry.

At the beginning of the 19th century, N. Lonagvart began to introduce this plant into culture. In the United States, black raspberries quickly became popular. Through the efforts of breeders, its varieties Remontantnaya from Ohio, Evans, Dundee, and Bristol were developed.

In Russia today, two varieties of black raspberries are cultivated: Cumberland and Ugolyok.

Raspberry Cumberland

This is a very old variety of American selection. It was obtained at the end of the 19th century by D. Miller, and quickly moved to Europe. Until recently, Cumberland was the only chokeberry variety known in Russia. It has taken root in our gardens thanks to its undoubted advantage - high frost resistance (up to -30⁰C).

Cumberland forms a powerful bush with shoots up to three meters long. Shoots with a large number of thorns grow like semi-creeping blackberries: initially erect, they bend in an arc as they grow. At the same time, the tops, reaching the ground, are able to take root. Therefore, Cumberland, although it does not produce root shoots, can “walk” around the site.

The fruits of Cumberland raspberries are small and their yield is not very high. But the high density allows the crop to be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

Cumberland looks especially decorative in the fall. At this time, its shoots acquire an exotic bluish-blue color. Thanks to these qualities, Cumberland can be formed into hedge, which will be both “tasty”, beautiful, and reliable.

Raspberry Ugolyok

The tradition of American breeders was picked up by Russian scientists from the Siberian Horticulture Research Institute. The Ugolyok variety was introduced recently and is recommended for cultivation in the territory from the Urals to the Far East.

The raspberry bush, which is called Coal, is more compact than that of Cumberland. The shoots are not so strongly thorned, on average 2.3 meters in length, semi-creeping. Annual whips Green colour with a bluish coating. Biennials are brownish-gray.

The fruits of the Ugolyok raspberry are medium-sized, 1.8-2 grams. IN good conditions the variety yields about 8 kg per bush. In terms of ripening time, Ugolyok is considered to be mid-early; it produces a harvest more or less uniformly - within two weeks.

Serious advantages of the variety are high winter hardiness and disease resistance.

A curious feature of black raspberries is that they are unattractive to birds, which usually like to peck at the red-fruited and yellow-fruited varieties.

Mulberry berry

The juicy mulberry drupe looks very similar to the fruit of a garden blackberry. The same slightly elongated shape, the same purple-black color. True, this plant is not only black-fruited, but also white. And yet, it is most often cultivated for food consumption. black mulberry(aka mulberry).

You can confuse mulberries with blackberries only by looking at the fruits. Its taste is completely different, unlike anything else, very sweet, with an unusual aroma and aftertaste. And the morphology of the plant is completely different. This is not a shrub, but a tall tree (up to 20 meters), sometimes growing into several trunks. For ease of cultivation, cultivated mulberry is formed with a trunk of 1.5 meters - in this case it does not grow higher than 4 meters.

Among the most popular mulberries, one can note the interesting variety Shelly No. 150. The name comes from the first syllable of the word “mulberry” and the initials of the variety’s creator, Leonid Ilyich Prokazin. The fruits of this plant have excellent taste and reach a length of 5.5 cm. The leaf blade of Shelly is gigantic, 0.5 in length.

Chernoplodnoe Mulberry tree very thermophilic. In Russia, it is grown in the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga region, where it is often found growing wild. Surprisingly, even in the middle zone, mulberries are sometimes cultivated quite successfully.

Mulberry is a berry similar to a blackberry.

Mulberry Smuglyanka

The Smuglyanka variety may be suitable for the climate of the central region. Very pleasant to the taste, slightly sour Smuglyanka fruits are 3 cm long and ripen very early. Already in June you can taste the first harvest. And the yield of this plant pleases the gardener’s heart - 0.5 kg of mulberry is harvested from every meter of fruitful branch.

An important advantage of the variety is its high degree of adaptation to cold and short summers. Mulberry Smuglyanka recovers quite easily when the shoots freeze. This is facilitated by interesting feature plants are prone to shoot fall. With an early onset of cold weather, the ripened part of the branch forms a corky separating layer, throwing off the unripe part, like a lizard's tail.

However, too severe and prolonged frosts have a bad effect on yields. Therefore, it is still better to protect Smuglyanka with cover. To do this, it must be formed so that the height of the crown does not exceed two meters, and with the onset of cold weather, tie the plant with spunbond in several layers.

Mulberry fruits are used in Asia as medicine for sore throats, stomatitis and cough. An infusion of the leaves helps lower blood pressure.

Berry lacquer plant

An extremely rare plant in our latitudes, surprising with its exotic fruits. Segmented, juicy black fruits on long “cobs” look like blackberries.

This herbaceous plant of the Phytolacca family comes from North America. A perennial that annually produces several thick stems up to 1.5 meters high. Long erect inflorescences of Laconia plant appear at the end of May and vaguely resemble the blooming of hyacinths. Many greenish-pink flowers give the plant a very decorative appearance.

The fruits of the berry lacquer ripen towards the end of summer. By this time, the fruit becomes red, and against its background the black “blackberries” look surprisingly impressive. The juice of this plant has a rich, dense scarlet color.

There is evidence that in the old days this juice was used to tint confectionery products, and in some wine-growing regions of Europe it is still used to “tint” wines. In many countries, the Lakonos is considered medicinal plant. However, unfortunately, the tempting fruits of the lacquer plant are very insidious.

As Paracelsus said, “everything is poison, and everything is medicine.” Lakonos is indeed recognized poisonous plant. Children or pregnant women should never be allowed to eat black berries. Yes, and adults need to treat them with great caution. Many cases of severe heart rhythm disturbances associated with the consumption of milkweed are described.

And yet you can try to find practical use this interesting plant. ethnoscience knows a recipe from the roots of the plant, which can relieve rheumatic pain.


Grind the roots, mix with the base and leave in a dark place for ten days. Rub the resulting product onto sore joints.

When harvesting the roots of the plant for medicinal purposes, you need to pay attention to the color of the fracture. Only white roots can be used. If they are red at the break, it is better to refrain from using them.

In the list of berries similar to blackberries, one could also mention raspberries. For example, the very popular varieties Loganberry, Tayberry or Michurinsky Progress. But ezhemalina is still almost a blackberry, a product of hybridization. Therefore, it deserves a completely separate discussion.

Some ornamental shrubs have not only aesthetic value, but also practical use. Such plants include blue honeysuckle, which during its growth process produces tasty and healthy fruits - large, bluish-colored berries with pleasant and dense pulp.

Blue honeysuckle: brief description of the species

In its natural environment, blue honeysuckle grows on the edges of coniferous and deciduous forests in East Asia. Appreciating the beauty and practical benefits of this plant, breeders created many cultivated species, endowing them with excellent decorative and practical properties. This made it possible to grow honeysuckle on garden plots with benefits for your health and wallet.

Ornamental shrub with edible berries - a deciduous plant from 1.5 to 2.5 m in height. It has an erect crown with shoots colored brown. Because the honeysuckle bush can grow and bear fruit long time, up to 30 years, then the old shoots become woody, acquire hardness and a dark brown color. With age, the bark on them peels off into long thin stripes. Young shoots are green with a reddish tint, smooth and flexible.

The leaves have a regular elliptical shape. They are small in size: 3 cm wide, up to 6 cm long. They are supported by short petioles. Smooth from the front and wrong side. They are painted dark green on top and light blue underneath.

At the ends of young shoots in the axils of three pairs of lower leaves, large inflorescences are formed, consisting of several flowers of a regular bell-shaped form. They are usually pale yellow in color with a subtle linden aroma. The shrub blooms in June for 20 days. Then fruits form on it.

Blue honeysuckle berries are large, oblong, oval, similar to young smooth cones. In color they are dark blue, almost black with a bluish waxy coating. Formed at the ends of branches singly or in pairs. They hang thickly on the branches, covering the entire branch, giving additional decorativeness to the bush, as Blue colour stands out noticeably against the bright greenery.

Blue berries have a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness, reminiscent of wild blueberries or blueberries. Currently, cultivated types of honeysuckle can taste like cherries, strawberries, and prunes. They ripen at the end of July - in August and become suitable for food.

The fruits are not exposed to pests, and the bush itself is almost never sick. In this regard, it does not need to be treated or watered with anything. chemical compounds. That's why harvested is completely environmentally friendly and incredibly healthy. Fallen berries that are not picked on time do not produce shoots, which is also good for the gardener who does not have to deal with excess plantings.

Blue honeysuckle is highly winter hardy. There are cases when the bush survived even after a frost of fifty degrees. Particularly attractive is its resistance to return frosts. If other crops then lose productivity, then honeysuckle does not react in any way to the vagaries of nature.

Blue honeysuckle: beneficial qualities and practical applications

In the old days, honeysuckle was actively used in alternative medicine as effective remedy from many diseases. Branches, bark and berries were used to prepare medicinal compositions. The latter contains a large number of ascorbic acid, simply vitamin C, so they are good in the treatment of colds and as a prophylactic during the season of viral infection.

The skin of the fruit contains tannins and coloring substances. If you accidentally stain your clothes with the juice of honeysuckle berries, blue stains will remain on them, which are very difficult to remove. However, the ripe fruits can be used in home textile dyeing and as food coloring in cooking. These are natural ingredients that do not harm human health.

Honeysuckle berries are collected at the time of their full ripeness, dried, juice is squeezed out of them, and blue decoctions and infusions are prepared. The bark is collected and dried year-round, and the leaves are collected during the flowering period of the bush, that is, in June. They are used in the manufacture of medicinal compounds. Dry ingredients are stored for no more than 2 years, then they lose their healing qualities.

Blue honeysuckle: decorative properties

For gardeners, blue honeysuckle is attractive for its unpretentiousness, ability to withstand any vagaries of weather, and grow in various, even very unfavorable conditions. A shrub planted on a site will stand out favorably against the general background, as it is compact, has a beautiful, regular crown, dense green-gray foliage, large bright flowers and blue berries, visible from anywhere in the garden.

A clear advantage of blue honeysuckle among others ornamental shrubs is durability and high productivity. One bush can grow up to 30 or even 40 years and every year, despite weather conditions, produce good harvest berries With age, it does not lose its visual appeal, so it does not require updating.

This shrub feels good alone and in group planting. From several plants of this species you can make a hedge framing the area or some part of it. Honeysuckles look great in the garden different types. In addition, it is very useful for the plant in terms of fruiting. Three varieties are enough to ensure complete pollination of flowers and have a high yield of fruits.

If you combine varieties according to flowering time and bud color, you can achieve an excellent decorative result. The garden will be filled throughout the summer bright colors and a wonderful aroma.

Additional attractiveness of honeysuckle can be given by minor pruning in spring or autumn and shortening the shoots in summer. It is important to take into account that flowers and fruits are mostly formed on young branches, so you should not prune them too much. Unlike its climbing counterpart, the blue species does not grow so quickly, so it retains its crown shape for a long time.

" Garden

Regardless of the time of year, berries are always one of the favorite dishes on the table. The pleasant and sweet smell of berries just begs to be put into your mouth. Among all types of berries, the most popular are red berries..

There is a wide variety of red berries in taste, size, ripening time, and beneficial properties. Let's look at the most common types.

It is worth finding out whether it is possible to benefit from it without harming the body. Few people know that this berry can really cause harm, which is hidden under the beautiful crust of this berry.

Watermelon has become dangerous in Lately, thanks to unscrupulous farmers who grow them in inappropriate conditions, and suppliers store them incorrectly and do not comply with sales rules. In order for watermelons to grow faster and become as heavy as possible, farms began to “feed” them with nitrogen fertilizers. Such fertilizers include nitrates, which are very dangerous for humans.

Nitrates accumulate in the berry pulp because they lack sun and water during ripening. If we consider nitrates as an ordinary substance, then they are not toxic, but when they enter the stomach, they turn into nitrins, which contribute to the development of cancer cells. And if the watermelon is stored for a long time, then the same process begins to occur in the pulp. Nitrites affect and destroy the transport ability of the blood, as a result of which a person may develop hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This can be especially dangerous for children and people with heart and vascular diseases and diseases of the respiratory and excretory systems.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly which watermelon is dangerous unless you grow the berry yourself. Therefore, it is better not to give watermelon to children under 2 years of age.

But of course, watermelon also has beneficial properties! The main thing is to choose and store it correctly. Watermelon contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Antioxidants– carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine and others
  • Promotes strengthening the immune system, stabilizes vision
  • Folic acid helps the formation of DNA and promotes proper human development.
  • Removes excess waste from the kidneys, prevents salt deposits and stones from forming, cleanses the body completely.
  • Magnesium promotes the absorption of minerals and vitamins


Everyone has heard about this delicious berry, about its medicinal properties, but few people know exactly which ones are useful and which ones are not very attractive for consuming this berry.

The benefits of this berry are difficult to exaggerate. Consider these properties:

  • Contains benzoic acid, which is a natural antioxidant and strengthens cell membranes
  • Applicable as anti-rheumatism remedy, because it contains tartaric and salicylic acid.
  • Ursolic acid has a positive effect on hormonal levels, helps fight stress.
  • Diuretics help cleanse the body.
  • Chromium and copper help in the fight against heart diseases And.
  • Potassium, magnesium and manganese help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, treat gastritis and anemia.
  • Sugar helps in the fight against depression.
  • Helps combat constipation, headache, weakness.
  • Helps in the fight against hangover syndrome.

Perhaps the most popular lingonberry dish is lingonberry juice. The juice is useful for those suffering from anemia, neuroses, poor eyesight, high pressure . The juice is good for colds and has a positive effect on the skin and hair.

Despite the fact that lingonberries consist of many useful microelements, there are also properties that can harm the human body:

  • It should not be eaten by those who have the secretory function of the stomach is increased and there is an ulcer.
  • Can cause harm people with low blood pressure.
  • Lingonberry and its juice should not be consumed after meals.
  • Berries accumulate radioactive substances, so they cannot be collected near burial grounds, factories.


A lot of controversy can be heard about is strawberry a berry?, because according to the concepts of biology, it does not apply to such. However, for many decades, in the summer, strawberries are the queen of berries, but just like others, they have both beneficial and harmful properties.

So, Let's start with the beneficial properties of this delicious berry:

  • Fights germs, avitaminosis, improves immunity
  • Useful for hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis
  • Strawberry tincture can serve good diuretic
  • Tincture is used to treat oral diseases
  • Heals joint diseases, kidneys, liver
  • Helps get rid of insomnia
  • Used in the fight against eczema
  • Helps with weight loss, used as part of face masks.

Along with useful ones, this berry has harmful qualities:

  • Only those who do not have allergies should eat strawberries.
  • There is no need to eat strawberries if a person has stomach and intestinal ulcers.
  • Don't buy the first berries appeared on the market - they may contain nitrines.
  • Berries may contain helminth eggs, therefore, before eating, the berries should be rinsed well under running water
  • Small children and pregnant women should not use infusions
  • It is better to consume strawberries with dairy products, as they help soften the effect of the active components of this berry
  • It is better to store those fruits that were not eaten the first time in the refrigerator, because only in the cold are their beneficial properties preserved.

It's hard to meet people who don't like fresh raspberries. The berry and branches of the bush itself have a lot of useful properties, and its help in fighting colds is only a small part of them.

  • For a cold helps because it has a lot of vitamin C and salicylic acid, so it works almost the same as an aspirin tablet
  • Essential oils in raspberries increase appetite, and fiber has a good effect on the intestinal muscles.
  • Citric, malic and tartaric acids in berries promote digestion.
  • Helps with constipation, since raspberries are a natural laxative that has a very gentle effect.
  • Raspberries contain pectins, which remove heavy metal salts from the body. This quality is preserved after heat treatment of the berries.
  • helps you lose weight, since it contains elements that promote the breakdown of fats.
  • In raspberries many vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP, macro and microelements.

Raspberries are certainly very useful, but in some cases they can also cause harm. There are people who are better off limiting their consumption of this berry:

  • People suffering urolithiasis
  • People with gout
  • You can't eat raspberries for gastritis and ulcers
  • Dose consumption for allergy sufferers and diabetics
  • You can't give raspberries babies up to one year old.


This berry is known by the same name as candy and is always a welcome guest on any table.

Benefits of the berry:

  • Barberry has a choleretic effect, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect.
  • The decoction is consumed for gallbladder diseases
  • Infusion of barberry leaves helps with hepatitis and jaundice
  • Helps for intestinal upset, chronic diarrhea, dysentery
  • Elements that make up the bark and leaves lower blood pressure and improve heart function
  • Berries are useful after childbirth, as they help the uterus shrink to its natural size

With all the obvious beneficial properties of barberry, There are also contraindications to the use of this berry:

  • You can't eat barberry people suffering from liver cirrhosis
  • For gallbladder stones barberry can become a source of exacerbation of the disease
  • Barberry contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding women
  • Children under 12 years old barberry will not be useful in treating colds
  • When making tinctures you need to remember that only ripe barberry berries are healthy, but green ones are poisonous


Red viburnum berries rightfully deserve the title of pantry useful substances for the human body.

  • Apply for the prevention of colds and viral infections. Beneficial effect provides a high content of vitamin C and antioxidants in the berry.
  • Viburnum, even after heat treatment, retains its beneficial properties and helps strengthen all organs and systems, gives energy to the body
  • Kalina helps get rid of insomnia and acts as a mild sedative
  • For the gallbladder and kidneys is a good diuretic
  • Eating berries will help cope with ulcers, eczema, ulcers
  • The bark of the berry, from which the tincture is prepared, is also useful. helps stop bleeding
  • Viburnum seeds are used for restoration of intestinal functions
  • With constant consumption of viburnum seeds, you can feel better, the body is cleansed, lightness appears in the body, Migraines stop tormenting, fatigue disappears, heart rate will be restored.

There are some contraindications for the use of red viburnum, and they cannot be ignored:

  • It is not recommended to use viburnum with enuresis
  • Pregnant women should not eat viburnum, since the berry can cause uterine contractions and cause premature birth or miscarriage
  • Breastfeeding It is also not recommended to consume viburnum, as the berries will cause allergies in children
  • Kalina promotes the formation of blood clots, therefore, people with increased blood clotting should not use viburnum
  • Viburnum should not be consumed by people suffering from kidney disease and gout.

The valuable properties of this berry fully justify the labor-intensive process of growing the berry - after planting at proper care The berry bears fruit only after 16 years. The taste of dogwood is similar only to dogwood. Dogwood is very popular in cooking; jam, compotes, liqueurs, wine, and lavash are made from it..

What beneficial properties does this berry have?

  • Dogwood renders anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, choleretic and diuretic effects
  • Decoction of dogwood berries strengthens the immune system, tones the body
  • helps cleanse the body from harmful decomposition products
  • With constant use the risk of infectious and colds is reduced
  • Berry masks help heal wounds, get rid of inflammation on the skin
  • used by women for weight loss. Berries stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism and eliminate unnecessary waste from the body.

These healthy berries can also cause harm, since they have contraindications for use:

  • Increased acidity
  • Chronic constipation
  • Insomnia


This berry is primarily known for being very nutritious and thanks to its nutrients, it has a number of beneficial qualities:

  • Cranberry is storehouse of vitamins C, K, A. High content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium. The composition contains iron, iodine, manganese and copper. Berries also contain organic acids - citric, quinic, oxalic, malic and others. Phenolic compounds protect against radiation and provide prevention of cancer.
  • Because of high content pectin, cranberry helps remove heavy metal salts and radioactive substances from the body. Pectin binds and removes lead, cesium and cobalt compounds
  • Cranberry treats scurvy, viral and colds
  • Cranberry is a natural antibiotic
  • Raw berry relieves hemorrhoids and varicose veins
  • Amino acids help strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • Fresh berry compresses relieve headaches
  • For wound healing An ointment is prepared from cranberries for burns. The ointment also treats herpes and fungus.

There are also contraindications for use of this berry:

  • For allergy sufferers cranberries are not recommended for consumption
  • Women who are breastfeeding and children under three years old should exclude cranberries from their diet
  • Cranberries are not recommended people with high acid levels in the stomach

This berry can be seen on almost everyone summer cottages, it also comes in black. Most often, people simply do not know all the properties of red currants and treat them with disdain, but this berry is very useful:

  • Red currants contain vitamin A and P, ascorbic acid. This has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin, and also strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. Indications for use: diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Good remedy for the prevention of strokes. This composition also helps strengthen the immune system.

  • The potassium contained in this berry is helps restore heart muscle function, removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Pectin in red currants helps bind and remove toxins and salts from the body heavy metals, and also restores intestinal function
  • Coumarin in red currants helps reduce blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Currant berries contain fiber, which has a mild laxative effect on the intestines.

It is better to observe moderation in the consumption of red currants, as it can provoke unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea and dehydration.

There are also contraindications to the use of this berry:

  • Organic acids cause intestinal irritation, so you should not eat berries on an empty stomach
  • People with stomach ulcers, gastritis and liver diseases should abstain from red currants
  • For pancreatitis red currants may worsen the condition by stimulating the production of enzymes by the pancreas
  • Red currant stimulates the appetite, so should be consumed with caution, without overeating.

Red rowan

Widespread, low value fruit tree, noticeable for its bright fruits. This berry is very accessible, but few people know about its beneficial properties:

  • Rowan berries contain a lot of keratin, which helps restore visual acuity
  • Berries have a high content of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries
  • During the ripening period, berries accumulate a large amount of vitamin PP, which good effect on the nervous system, relieves stress, irritation, fights insomnia
  • Sorbic and pasarbic acids fight harmful microorganisms, prevent infectious and gastrointestinal diseases from developing.
  • Red rowan lowers blood pressure
  • Berries can be used as a diuretic, choleretic and laxative
  • Juice made from rowan berries helps heal wounds and stop bleeding.

Red rowan is contraindicated for certain diseases:

  • Increased acidity stomach
  • Increased clotting blood
  • Ischemia
  • Allergy for berries
  • After the postponed heart attacks and strokes.

This berry has many beneficial properties:

  • Strengthens immunity, increases the body's ability to fight viruses
  • Strengthens blood vessels and restores metabolism. The berries contain minerals that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and stimulate blood circulation. Vitamin P strengthens capillaries. Recommended for atherosclerosis and anemia
  • Lowers blood pressure. It is recommended for people with hypertension, and also has diuretic and choleretic properties. Strengthens the stomach and intestines, fights ulcers.
  • Stimulates digestion. Rosehip decoction helps absorb sugar and fats, increases appetite
  • Source of iron, therefore useful for those who lack this element in their bodies.
  • Antioxidant. Removes toxins from the body and harmful wastes
  • Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis
  • Heals wounds

Despite its obvious beneficial properties, rose hips also have a number of contraindications.. You need to know about them in order to save yourself from unpleasant consequences:

  • Bad for the kidneys when taking too large doses
  • Rosehip is not recommended people with increased thrombosis and thrombophlebitis
  • Not recommended with increased stomach acidity
  • After eating rose hips, you need to rinse your mouth, as berries have a negative effect on tooth enamel
  • Do not use rose hips for gastritis and ulcers
  • Consumption of rose hips in large doses promotes the development of non-infectious jaundice

It has long been known as a berry that is healthy and as a product – a source of youth.

  • Cherries are rich in vitamins B, C, PP and B12, minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. Organic acids in the composition help in the fight against a number of diseases
  • Cherries contain inositol which speeds up metabolism
  • Anthocyanins in cherries strengthens capillary walls
  • Chlorogenic acid helps restore kidney function and liver
  • Pectin and fiber help remove harmful substances
  • Iron and copper in cherries increase hemoglobin

Not everyone can eat cherries; the following diseases may be a contraindication:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Increased acidity of the stomach and intestines
  • Obesity
  • Chronic lung diseases
  • Impaired function of the digestive tract
  • Gastritis

Beneficial features:

  • Drupe berries used for colds as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Lowers temperature
  • Used as diuretic for edema
  • Used in joint treatment
  • Infusion of leaves relieves headaches
  • For rheumatism and eye inflammation lotions made from stone fruit berries help a lot
  • When treating dandruff a decoction of bones is used
  • Drupeberry juice helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • Applicable in the treatment of cystitis and hemorrhoids

There are also contraindications to the use of bones:

    increases blood pressure, therefore it is not recommended for hypertensive patients to use it
  • Bonewood is not recommended for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

The well-known berry can prolong life and improve the condition of the body.

Beneficial properties are found in the treatment of the following diseases, as well as for prevention:

  • Heart diseases– tachycardia, some forms of arrhythmia, myocardial disease, angina pectoris. Hawthorn relieves pain behind the sternum, normalizes the heartbeat, tones the heart muscles. Indicated for recovery after heart attacks and strokes
  • Hypertension – normalizes blood pressure
  • Diseases nervous system – increased excitability, insomnia, overexertion. Hawthorn has sedative properties, does not cause drowsiness, and does not distract attention
  • Kidney cleanser, you can use hawthorn to normalize urination
  • normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, promotes healing of ulcers
  • Berries removes toxins and impurities from the body, cholesterol
  • enhances blood clotting, makes red blood cells more elastic
  • Hawthorn tincture and decoction can cleanse the liver
  • has a positive effect on brain function, being a vasodilator treats inflammation, prevents viruses and germs

Any of the varieties of hawthorn has a whole range of healing properties, however, abnormal consumption of this berry can cause damage and cause an allergic reaction.

There are a number of main contraindications to the use of hawthorn:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Liver disorders
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Autism of all forms
  • Toxicosis
  • Hypotension
  • Kidney failure.

All the berries described above are certainly a storehouse of useful substances and have a beneficial effect on the human body. By eating berries, you can become healthier and improve your general state and cleanse the body. The main thing is to observe moderation and know which berries are best not to eat if you have a particular illness.

Bon appetit!