Shower      08/11/2021

Work instructions for professions rf. Instructions on labor protection general safety requirements for all professions and types of work. In the section "Requirements for labor protection during work" it is recommended to include

Work in two professions (positions) within the framework of one labor agreement (contract).

According to the norms of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Code), work in two professions (positions) can be defined:
- as one labor function directly at the conclusion of an employment contract (contract);
- as the main one for one profession (position) provided for in the employment agreement (contract), and for another profession (position) is entrusted to the employee as an additional one.
Let's consider what legislative norms apply in these cases and how the staffing table, the employment contract (contract), the order (instruction) on hiring, the job (work) instruction and the work book (hereinafter referred to as documents) are drawn up.

1. The labor function for two professions (positions) is defined in one labor agreement (contract).

According to Article 1 of the Code, an employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer (employers), in accordance with which the employee undertakes to perform work in one or more certain professions, specialties or positions of appropriate qualifications in accordance with the staffing table.
In cases where the organization has such a type of work, the volume of which involves the introduction of an incomplete staff unit of a certain profession (position) into the staffing table, and there are several such professions (positions), it is rational to entrust the performance of these works to one employee within the framework of one employment contract (contract ).
Taking into account the norms of Article 19 of the Code, when concluding an employment contract for two professions (positions), the condition for working in two professions (positions) is mandatory and must be clearly defined in the job (work) instruction of the employee.
When hiring an employee for work in two professions (positions), he must have the appropriate qualifications for each of the professions (positions). With this in mind, the employee must submit to the employer documents on education and training confirming the right to perform work in each of the professions (clause 3 of Article 26 of the Code).
Depending on the characteristics of the organization of labor, the labor function for two professions (positions) for an employee can be provided in two versions, in which local regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations with such an employee are appropriately drawn up.
1 option. Work in each of the two professions (positions) is not delimited during the established working hours (duties in two professions (positions) are performed during the established working hours (shifts) unregulated). In this regard, the working time regime for each profession (position) is not established and, accordingly, the accounting of working time for each profession (position) is not carried out.
Labor relations are carried out in the same manner as when working in one profession (position). The following are examples of paperwork.
Staff schedule.
When introducing a staffing unit into the staffing table, which involves the performance of work in two professions (positions), it is necessary to be guided by the General Provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers (General Provisions of the ETKS), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 30.03. 2004 No. 34 (General Provisions ETKS), General Provisions of the Unified Qualification Handbook of Positions of Employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2004 No. 32 (General Provisions EKSD).
According to the General Provisions of the ETKS, the name of the worker's profession is established in strict accordance with the ETKS, and in the case when a worker performs work in different professions due to insufficient workload during working hours, the name of the worker's profession is established according to the main job, taking into account the greatest specific gravity the work they perform.
For example, in the staffing table, the name of the profession of a worker who is entrusted with the duties of a turner and miller can be set as “Miller” or “Turner”, depending on which profession works occupy the largest share in the functions performed. The double name of the profession is not allowed.
In accordance with the General Provisions of the EKSD, if an employee needs to perform two or more labor functions, the name of his position is established taking into account the largest proportion of work performed within a particular function.
Along with this, in exceptional cases, double job titles may be established for employees. The condition for the establishment of dual names is the presence of the components of these names in the national classifier "Professions of workers and positions of employees" and the availability of qualification characteristics in the EKSD, as well as the performance by employees within these labor functions of work (duties) that are related in content and equal in complexity within one specialties and qualifications.
So, for example, if an employee is entrusted with the duties of a legal adviser and a human resources specialist, then the name of his position in the staff list can be set as “Legal Counsel” or “Human Resources Specialist”.
It should be noted that it is not recommended to entrust one employee with duties specific to different categories of employees (for example, an engineer and a car repairman, a personnel specialist and a clerk), differing in content (for example, an accountant and an engineer), and varying in complexity (for example, engineer and technician).
The tariff rate (salary) of an employee in the staff list is established in relation to the profession (position) provided for in it.
For example:

n / p Job title Number of staff units Tariff rate (salary)
4. Legal adviser 1 1200000

Employment contract (contract).
Consider the content of the employment agreement (contract) in terms of establishing the name of the profession (position), working hours and wage conditions.
1. Name of the profession (position).
The name of the main profession (position) is indicated in accordance with the staffing table.
In the relevant section of the employment agreement (contract) of an employee performing the functions of a legal adviser and a human resources specialist, the following entry may be made.

2. The employer concludes a contract with Ivanov I.I. to work as a legal adviser of the legal department for a period of 1 year from October 01, 2011 to September 30, 2011.

2. Working hours.
In the section of the employment agreement (contract) regulating the regime of working hours, the specified regime is determined in the same manner as for employees working in the same profession (position).

11.1. start time of the working day (shift): 08.00
11.2. break time for rest and meals from 12.00 to 13.00;
11.3. end time of the working day (shift) 17.00.

The total length of working time is established within the framework of the normal length of working time provided for by Articles 112-114 of the Code.

3. Terms of remuneration.
They are determined by the main profession (position) specified in the employment contract (contract).
The terms of remuneration can be defined as follows.

8.1. tariff rate (official salary) in the amount of 1200000 rubles. on the date of signing the contract.
In the future, the tariff rate (official salary) changes in accordance with labor legislation, a collective agreement, an agreement or by agreement of the parties;
8.2. surcharge for the complexity and intensity of labor in the amount of 15%. The change in the amount of the allowance is made in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration.
8.4. bonus in accordance with the Regulations on wages.

The order of acceptance to work.

The order for employment indicates the name of the profession (position) of the relevant qualification, the tariff rate (salary) provided for by the staffing table, and other necessary conditions.
An example of a job application.

Order No.___
About hiring

From October 1, 2011, to hire Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich as a legal adviser with an official salary of 1,200,000 rubles.

Director Vasiltsov P.P.

An example of a job description for a legal adviser.

name of company
head of the organization or other official,
authorized to approve the job description

signature transcript signature
approval date

Legal Counsel

00.00.09 № 00

1. General Provisions
1.1. The legal adviser belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2 The legal adviser is appointed to the post, moved and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.
1.3. In his work, the legal adviser is guided by:
1.3.1. Regulatory methodological, instructive documents and materials on the issues of the work performed.
1.3.2. Orders and orders of the head of the organization.
1.3.3. Internal labor regulations.
1.3.4. This job description.

1.4. The legal adviser should know:
1.4.1. normative legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial activity organizations;
1.4.2. regulatory legal documents, methodological and regulatory materials on the legal activities of the organization;
1.4.3. civil, labor, financial, administrative law;
1.4.4. tax law;
1.4.5. environmental legislation;
1.4.6. fundamentals of economics, labor organization, production and management;
1.4.7. means of computer technology, communications and communications;
1.4.8. rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

1.5. The Legal Counsel reports directly to the Head of the Legal and Human Resources Department.

2. Functions
The functions of the legal adviser are:
2.1. Ensuring the preparation of documents of the organization in accordance with the law.
2.2. Participation in activities to protect the interests of the organization in the judiciary.
2.3. Continuous professional development.
2.4. Implementation of personnel policy in the organization.
2.5. Providing the organization with qualified personnel.
2.6. Development of measures for the optimal placement of personnel.

3. Job responsibilities
The Legal Counsel has the following responsibilities:
3.1. Develops or takes part in the development of legal documents.
3.2. Provides methodological guidance for legal work in the organization, provides legal assistance to structural units and public organizations in the preparation and execution of legal documents, participates in the preparation of substantiated answers in case of rejection of claims.
3.3. Prepares, together with other departments of the organization, materials on violations of the law and other offenses, keeps records and stores pending and completed court and arbitration cases.
3.4. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline.
3.5. Takes part in the work on the conclusion of business contracts, their legal examination, the development of the terms of collective agreements and industry tariff agreements, as well as consideration of issues of receivables and payables.
3.6. Prepares, together with other departments, proposals for changing existing or canceling orders and other regulations issued by the organization that have become invalid.
3.7. Participates in the preparation of opinions on legal issues arising in the activities of the organization, draft regulations submitted for review.
3.8. Advises employees of the organization on organizational, legal and other legal issues, prepares opinions, assists in the execution of documents and acts of a property-legal nature.
3.9. Performs work on staffing the organization with the required professions, specialties and qualifications.
3.10. Participates in the selection, selection, placement of personnel.
3.11. Takes part in the organization of work, methodological and informational support of qualification, attestation, competitive commissions, registration of their decisions.
3.12. Analyzes the state of labor discipline and the implementation by employees of the organization of the internal labor regulations, the movement of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline.
3.13. Controls the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates of their current and past labor activity, compliance with the rules for storing and filling out work books, preparing documents for establishing benefits and compensation, issuing pensions to employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as making the appropriate information in the data bank on the personnel of the organization.

4. Rights
The Legal Counsel has the right:
4.1. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
4.2. Within its competence, inform the head of the organization about all the shortcomings in the activities of the organization identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.
4.4. Request personally or on behalf of the head of the organization from the heads of departments of the organization and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
4.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the implementation of their duties and rights under this job description.

5. Responsibility
The Legal Counsel is responsible for:
5.1. For improper performance (failure to perform) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by labor legislation.
5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and civil legislation.
5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation.

Head of the structural unit _________ _________________

Head of the legal department
_____________ ______________________
signature surname, initials
Head of the department of organization of labor and wages
_____________ ______________________
signature surname, initials
Familiarized with the instruction: __________ __________________
(signature) (surname, initials)

Employment history.
In the employee's work book, an entry is made about employment by profession (position) indicated in the staff list and order.

10/01/2011 Hired as legal adviser Pr. №78p

Option 2. Work in two professions (positions) is delimited during the established working hours (duties for two professions (positions) are performed during the established working hours (shifts) are regulated), accounting of working time is carried out for each of them.
For example, the duties of an employee include the delivery of construction team workers to the site and the performance of the work of a bricklayer in this team during the working day. This employee has a working time regime with the division of the working day into parts: 7.00-8.00 and 17.00-18.00 - performing the duties of a car driver; 8.00-12.00, 15.00 - 17.00 - work of a bricklayer.
In such cases, the documents are drawn up as follows.

Staff schedule.
The staff list includes the names of two professions (positions), while the share of the staff unit is calculated based on the planned costs of working time for each of them.
In this case, an appropriate tariff rate (salary) is established for each profession (position). At the same time, both the monthly and hourly tariff rate (salary) can be indicated in the staffing table.
For example:

p/p Job title Number of staff units Pay grade, class, category Pay rate (salary)
5. Car driver 0.25 2 750000
Bricklayer 0.75 4 710000

Employment contract (contract).
1. Name of the profession (position)
The employment contract (contract) must contain the names of two professions (positions).

2. The employer concludes a contract with Ivanov I.I. to work by profession as a driver of a car of the 2nd class with an hourly tariff rate of 7100 rubles. and a bricklayer of the 4th category with an hourly tariff rate of 5900 rubles. for a period of 1 year from "01" October 2011 to "30" September 2011

2. Working hours.
The length of working time is established within the framework of the normal length of working time provided for by Articles 112-114 of the Code.
At the same time, if the start and end time of work, the break time for rest and meals for each profession (position) are constant during the established working hours, then the terms of the employment contract (contract) indicate the working hours for each of the professions (positions) .

11. The Employer establishes for the Employee, in accordance with the law, the following regime of working time and rest time:
11.1. start time of the working day: 08.00
end time of the working day: 18.00;
break time for rest and meals from 12.00 to 13.00
by profession of a car driver:
from 8.00 to 9.00 and from 17.00 to 18.00;
by profession of a bricklayer: from 9.00 to 17.00.
11.9. days off: Saturday, Sunday
11.10. rest during public holidays and public holidays established and declared by the President of the Republic of Belarus as non-working.

If for each of the professions (positions) it is impossible to determine a constant mode of working time for each profession (daily start and end time of work, break time for rest and meals), then a single mode of working time is indicated in the employment contract (contract).

3. The terms of remuneration (the size of the tariff rate (salary), allowances, additional payments, incentive payments) are determined in relation to each profession (position).
The employment contract must indicate that remuneration is made in proportion to the time actually worked for each profession (position).

8. The following terms of remuneration are established for the employee:
8.1. hourly tariff rate for the profession of a car driver in the amount of 7100 rubles, for the profession of a bricklayer of the 4th category - 5900 rubles. on the date of signing the contract.
In the future, the size of hourly tariff rates are changed in accordance with labor legislation, a collective agreement, an agreement or by agreement of the parties;
8.2. allowances in accordance with the regulation on wages:
for classiness in the profession of a car driver in the amount of 10%;
for professional skills in the profession of a bricklayer in the amount of 20%.

Award in accordance with the regulation on bonuses.

The order of acceptance to work.
The order for employment indicates two professions (positions), as well as information on the share of the staff unit for each profession (position), the corresponding tariff rates (salaries), allowances, additional payments, and other payments established to the employee.

Order No.___
About hiring

Employ from 01.10.2011 Ivanov I.I. by profession of a driver of a car of the 2nd class (0.25 staff unit) with an hourly tariff rate of ___ rub. and a bricklayer of the 4th category (0.75 staff units) with an hourly tariff rate of ___ rub. Pay for the actual hours worked for each profession.

Director Vasiltsov P.P.

Job (working) instruction.
The job (work) instruction includes duties for two professions (positions).
See example ___.

Employment history.
On the basis of an employment order, one entry is made in the work book of the employee, in which two professions (positions) of the corresponding qualification must be indicated.

10/01/2011 He was hired as a driver of a car of the 2nd class and a bricklayer of the 4th category Pr. №78p

Labor legislation contains a norm allowing the employer to determine in the employment contract with the employee the labor function for several professions, specialties, positions. How to arrange it correctly, the author of this article will tell.

The employment contract as a prerequisite contains the definition of the employee's labor function (work in one or more professions). At the same time, the performance by an employee of work in 2 (several) professions (positions) can be carried out within the framework of both 1 labor agreement (contract) and, in cases specified by law, 2 labor agreements (contracts) for each of the professions (positions). The condition of work in 2 professions (positions) should also be contained in the job (work) instruction of the employee.

The legislation also determines that when an employee is hired for 2 professions (positions) mandatory requirement is that the hired employee has the appropriate qualifications for each of the professions (positions). Consequently, the employee must submit to the employer documents on education and training confirming the right to perform work in each of the professions (clause 3 of the first part of article 26 of the Labor Code).


Work in 2 positions at different times

The organization performs works on the installation of towers cellular communication. The job of a car driver is to deliver workers to the place of work and in the evening, at the end of the working day, back to the base. In order to ensure the full employment of the employee throughout the day, the employer trained the driver in the profession of "metal structure assembler", after which he had to amend the previously concluded employment contract, namely, indicate work in the specialty "metal structure assembler" for 0.5 rates.


the receipt by workers of the second and subsequent professions is noted in the work book indicating the categories of these professions (paragraph 32 of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 16.06.2014 No. 40 “On work books”).

In the section of the employment contract “name of profession”, 2 names should be indicated: a car driver and a steel structure assembler;

To establish remuneration for an employee who performs work in 2 professions, it is necessary to indicate the hourly tariff rates for each of the professions, as well as the fact that remuneration is made for the actual hours worked for each of the professions;

In the "working hours" section, the working hours of the driver of the car (for example, from 8:30 to 9:30 and from 16:30 to 17:30) and the working hours of the installer (for example, from 9:30 to 16:30), as well as break time for rest and meals (from 12:30 to 13:30).

There are other situations when it is not possible to distinguish between the performance of work in time, since duties for 2 professions (positions) are performed during the working day (shift). In this regard, the mode of working time for each profession (position) is not established and, accordingly, the accounting of working time for each profession (position) is not carried out separately.

In the section of the employment contract "name of profession" indicate 2 names of the profession (position);

In the "working hours" section, set the working hours within the normal working hours (Articles 111, 112 of the Labor Code);

In the section "remuneration" indicate the size of the tariff rate (salary), allowances, additional payments, incentive payments, for each profession (position);

In the order for employment, indicate 2 professions (positions), as well as information on the share of the staff unit for each profession (position) and the amount of tariff rates (salaries), allowances, additional payments, other payments established by the employee;

The job (work) instruction includes duties for 2 professions (positions);

Make 1 entry in the work book, which indicates 2 professions (positions) of the corresponding qualification.

Work in 2 or more professions (positions)

When introducing a staffing unit into the staff list, which involves the performance of work in 2 or more professions (positions), it is necessary to be guided by the General Provisions of the ETKS and the General Provisions of the EKSD.


General Provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 34 dated March 30, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the General Provisions of the ETCS).


General Provisions of the Unified Qualification Handbook of Positions of Employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 32 dated March 30, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the General Provisions of the EKSD).

The female worker was hired as a cleaning lady, a janitor and a cleaning lady at production facilities.

How can I properly arrange and pay for such work?

Since the employee performs functions in 3 professions, his remuneration must be made as follows:

When performing work of various qualifications, the labor of workers with time wages, as well as employees, is paid for work of a higher qualification (Article 66 of the Labor Code) (if the work performed by the employee is not subject to accounting by the time of their performance);

According to the hourly wage rates of professions for the actual hours worked for each of them (if the time for performing work in each of the professions is subject to accounting).

Delimitation of work in several positions, professions stipulated by an employment contract, from combining professions (positions)

In addition to the work stipulated by the employment contract, the employer may additionally entrust the employee with duties in another profession (position) during the duration of the working day (shift) established by law. In this case, the work provided for by the employment agreement (contract) will be the main one, and work in another profession (position) will be additional.

In labor legislation, the performance of such work is considered as a combination of professions (positions), expansion of the service area, an increase in the volume of work performed, and the fulfillment of the duties of a temporarily absent employee. At the same time, the employee has the right to an additional payment for combining professions (positions), expanding the service area (increasing the volume of work performed) or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee (Article 67 of the Labor Code).

The legislation provides for the following types of combination: combination of professions; combination of positions; expansion of the service area; increase in the volume of work performed; performance of the duties of a temporarily absent employee.


combination of professions is the performance by an employee, along with his main job, stipulated by an employment contract, of additional work in another profession.


expansion of the service area or an increase in the volume of work performed is the performance by an employee, along with his main job, stipulated by an employment contract, of an additional amount of work in the same profession or position.


performance of the duties of a temporarily absent employee without being released from his main job is the replacement of an employee who is absent due to illness, vacation, business trip and other reasons, when, in accordance with applicable law, he retains workplace(job title).

It is not considered a combination of professions (positions) to perform work provided for by the norms of labor costs, or stipulated by an employment contract, or entrusted to an employee in the manner prescribed by law due to insufficient workload compared to the current norms of labor costs for the main job.


Establishing additional payments for combining professions (positions) in these cases is illegal.

If, at the conclusion of an employment contract, an agreement was reached between the employee and the employer that the employee will perform work in several professions, positions, then such work will not be a combination of professions (positions).

Delimitation of the performance of other work in case of production necessity from combining positions (professions)

The need to perform urgent work arises unexpectedly, and the further normal activities of the organization or its units often depend on their implementation. Therefore, in case of production necessity, the consent of the employee to perform such work is not required. Refusal to perform work, to which the employee was transferred due to production necessity, is a violation of labor discipline, and the employee may be subject to disciplinary liability.

In the event of a production need, the employer has the right to transfer the employee for up to 1 month to work not stipulated by the employment contract in the same organization with remuneration for the work performed, but not lower than the average earnings for the previous job.


Such a transfer means that the employee is released from performing his work under an employment contract. When combining professions, the employee performs both his work under an employment contract, and extra work in another profession (position).

The combination of professions (positions) is reflected in the employee's work book, and transfer to another job in case of production necessity is not indicated.

If the condition for combining professions (positions) is established at the conclusion of an employment contract, then the following entry is made in the column "Information about work" of the work book:

"Employed as a bricklayer of the 4th category and, in combination, as a carpenter of the 4th category."

Victoria Yalovaya , lawyer

Question: The enterprise has job descriptions for engineers, there are also instructions for labor protection for working professions. Tell me, please, is it necessary to have job descriptions for working professions (work instructions)?

Answer: The legislation does not provide for the obligation of the employer to develop and apply job descriptions. In the Labor Code Russian Federation no mention of job descriptions. Moreover, at the federal level there is no single legal act establishing the procedure for their preparation. There are only separate departmental orders regulating the process of preparing a job description for an employee of the relevant department. The employer independently decides on the need to apply job descriptions, the execution and procedure for amending them.

Rostrud in Letter N 4412-6 dated October 31, 2007 "On the procedure for amending the job descriptions of employees" determined that the job description is an important document, the content of which is not only the employee's labor function, terms of reference, limits of responsibility, but also qualification requirements applied to the position. If the employment contract, as a rule, indicates only the labor function of the employee (work according to the position in accordance with the staff list, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications), then in the job description in the "Job Responsibilities" section, the labor function is regulated in detail, the scope of the employee's duties is provided , scope of work, areas for which the employee is responsible, etc. Often job description is an annex to the employment contract, an integral part of it.

The concept of "job description" is typical for determining the content of the labor function performed by an employee replacing a certain position (Rostrud Letter dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ). Job descriptions for positions included in the relevant qualification handbooks are developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics specified in these handbooks.

For employees hired according to the professions of workers, to determine the content of the labor function performed, unified tariff and qualification reference books of work and professions of workers in the relevant industries are used. For example, the general provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers of the National Economy of the USSR, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30, provided for the presence production (by profession) instructions which are widely used in the practice of regulation of labor relations.

Approved Order of the Ministry
agriculture and food
Russian Federation
November 23, 1994 N289

on labor protection for workers of all professions,
engaged in the repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment


1.1. This instruction contains labor protection requirements for workers of all professions engaged in the repair and maintenance of equipment in crop farms.
1.2. All newly hired employees, regardless of the previous labor, length of service and type of work, are allowed to work only after passing a medical examination, introductory and primary (at the workplace) briefings with a signature in the register of labor protection briefings. In the future, employees undergo repeated briefings and testing of knowledge on labor protection at least once every three months and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
1.3. Employees involved in the performance of work or maintenance of objects (installations, equipment) of increased danger, as well as objects controlled by state (federal) supervision, must undergo annual course training and testing knowledge on labor safety.
An employee who has successfully passed the knowledge test is issued a certificate for the right to work independently.
1.4. Employees who have a break in the work for which they are hired for more than 3 years, and with increased danger for more than 12 months, must undergo training and testing knowledge on labor safety before starting independent work.
1.5. When it changes technological process or modernization of equipment, fixtures, transfer to a new temporary or permanent job, violation of safety requirements by workers that can lead to injury, accident or fire, as well as breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, the employee must undergo an unscheduled briefing (with appropriate an entry in the instruction log).
1.6. TO independent work persons who have become familiar with the features and methods of safe work performance and have completed an internship for 2-14 shifts under the supervision of a foreman or foreman (depending on seniority, experience and nature of work) are allowed.
1.7. Permission to independently perform work (after checking the acquired knowledge and skills) is given by the head of work.
1.8. Follow instructions on labor protection, internal regulations, instructions from the head, employees of the labor protection and safety service and public labor inspectors.
1.9. In the process of production activities, workers are exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors:
- moving machines and mechanisms;
- moving parts of production equipment;
- collapsing construction materials;
- flying fragments;
- increased or decreased temperature of surfaces of equipment and materials;
- high voltage electrical network, upon closing of which the current can pass through the human body;
- sharp edges, burrs, rough surface of workpieces, tools and equipment;
- the location of the workplace at a height relative to the surface of the earth (floor);
- increased dust and gas contamination of the working area;
- increased noise and vibration levels in the workplace;
- increased or low humidity air;
- increased or decreased air temperature of the working area;
- reduced or increased air mobility;
- insufficient illumination of the workplace;
- increased levels of ultraviolet or infrared radiation;
- slippery surfaces;
- surfaces of equipment, machines and materials contaminated with chemicals, radiation and pesticides.
1.10. Hazardous and harmful production factors are realized in injuries or diseases in the dangerous state of machines, equipment, tools, environment and the commission of dangerous actions by employees.
1.10.1. Dangerous state of machines, equipment:
- open rotating and moving parts of machinery and equipment;
- slippery surfaces;
- clutter of the workplace with foreign objects;
- pollution by chemicals, radiation and pesticides of machines, equipment, tools.
1.10.2. Typical dangerous actions of workers leading to injury:
- use of machines, equipment, tools for other purposes or in a faulty condition;
- rest in unspecified places;
- performance of work in a state of alcoholic intoxication;
- performance of work in violation of safety regulations, requirements of labor protection instructions and equipment operation instructions.
1.11. Not allowed Maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment operating in the area of ​​radioactive, chemical contamination, contamination with pesticides or other agrochemicals, prior to decontamination, degassing and neutralization of contamination.
1.12. Personal protective equipment should be used for its intended purpose and the administration should be notified in a timely manner of the need to clean, wash, dry and repair them. They are not allowed to be taken outside the enterprise
1.13. Know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do not smoke in the workplace, do not drink alcohol before and during work. Do not store food or eat in the workplace.
1.14. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor protection and for which the supervisor has approved.
1.15. Persons who are not related to the work performed are not allowed to the workplace. Do not outsource your work to others.
1.16. Obey the safety signs.
1.17. Do not go behind electrical equipment fences.
1.18. Pay attention to the warning signals of trucks, cars, tractors and other types of moving vehicles.
1.19. Report to the manager about the noticed malfunctions of machines, mechanisms, equipment, violations of safety requirements and do not start work until appropriate measures are taken.
1.20. If the victim himself or with outside help cannot come to the medical institution (loss of consciousness, electric shock, severe injuries and fractures), inform the head of the household (employer), who is obliged to organize the delivery of the victim to the medical institution. Before arriving at a medical facility, provide the victim with first aid (first aid) and, if possible, calm him down, as excitement increases bleeding from wounds, worsens the protective functions of the body and complicates the treatment process.
1.21. Employees are required to know the fire warning signals, the location of fire extinguishing equipment and be able to use them. It is not allowed to use fire equipment for other purposes.
1.22. Keep aisles and access to fire fighting equipment clear.
1.23. Sand up spilled fuels and lubricants on the ground. Immediately remove the sand impregnated with oil products and take it to a place agreed with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision.
1.24. Dispose of used cleaning material in special metal boxes with lids.
1.25. Do not make fire in agricultural storage sectors. equipment on the territory of the machine yard and in the premises.
1.26. Do not store in the workplace flammable and combustible liquids, acids and alkalis in quantities exceeding the shift requirement in a ready-to-use form.
1.27. In the event of a fire, immediately call the fire brigade and take measures to eliminate the source of ignition by means of fire extinguishing, and in the event of a fire at electrical installations, the first person who notices a fire must report this to the fire brigade responsible for electrical facilities, the head of the workshops.
1.28. In the event of a fire in the electrical installation itself or near it, first of all, before the arrival of firefighters, disconnect the electrical installation from the network. If this is not possible, then try to cut the wires (sequentially, one at a time) with a tool with insulated handles.
1.29. When extinguishing a fire, extinguish the source of ignition first. When using a foam fire extinguisher, direct the jet at an angle of 40-45° to avoid splashing liquid. Start extinguishing from one edge, and then sequentially move to the other edge of the ignition source.
1.30. To extinguish small fires, flammable and combustible liquids, as well as solid combustible substances and materials, use foam fire extinguishers manual type OHP-10. OP-M, OP-9MN; air-foam type OVP-5, OVP-10, mobile, transported on special carts, air-foam type OVP-100, OVP-250, OPG-100. In their absence, throw sand on the fire or cover it with felt.
1.31. To extinguish combustible substances and materials that cannot be extinguished with water or foam, as well as electrical installations under voltage, use carbon dioxide hand-held fire extinguishers, such as OU-2, 0U-5, UP-2M, OU-8, OUB-ZA, OUB- 7A: mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguishers of the type OU-25, OU-80, OU-100, OSU-5, powder fire extinguishers of the type: manual - OP-1, OP-2, OP-5, OP-10, OPS-6, OPS- 10; mobile OP-100, OP-250, SI-2, SI-120, SZHB-50, SZHB-150, OP-50, OP-100. It is allowed to use dry, without impurities, sand. When using powder fire extinguishers, do not direct the powder jet at hot surfaces - an explosion is possible.
1.32. Do not use chemical foam or chemical foam fire extinguishers to extinguish a fire in an electrical installation that is energized.
1.33. A worker who violates the requirements of labor protection instructions may be subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the enterprise, but if these violations are associated with causing material damage to the enterprise, the employee also bears financial responsibility in the prescribed manner.


2.1. Put on overalls and other personal protective equipment established for this type of work. Clothing should be buttoned up and tucked in, trousers should be over shoes, cuffs fastened, hair tucked under a tight-fitting headdress. Protect skin covering from the action of solvents and oils with protective ointments (PM-1 or HIOT-6), pastes (IER-1, IER-2, Airo).
2.2. Check that the tools and fixtures used during work are in good condition, not worn out and meet safe conditions labor.
Non-mechanized tool
2.2.1. Wooden handles of tools must be made of seasoned hardwood and tough wood, smoothly processed, their surface must not have potholes, chips and other defects. The tool must be properly mounted and firmly fixed. Percussion instruments(hammers, sledgehammers, etc. must have oval handles with a thickened free end. The console on which the tool is mounted must be wedged with a pointed wedge made of mild steel. On the wooden handles of pressure tools (chisel files, etc.) in places
interface with the tool, metal (bandage) rings must be mounted.
2.2.2. Percussion instruments (chisels, cross-cuts, barbs) should not have cracks, burrs, work hardening; the occipital part of them should be smooth, free of cracks, burrs and bevels. The length of the manual chisel is at least 150 mm, their drawn part is 60-70 mm; blade sharpening angle - in accordance with the hardness of the processed materials.
2.2.3. Forging tongs and other devices for holding forgings being machined should be made of mild steel and match the dimensions of the forgings. To hold the forging without constant hand pressure, the pliers must have rings (spandery), and to protect the fingers of the worker from injury, there should be a gap (in the working position) between the handles of the pliers of 45 mm, for which stops should be made.
2.2.4. Spanners must match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads. The jaws of the keys must be parallel and free of cracks and nicks, and the handles must be free of burrs. Sliding keys must not have play in moving parts.
2.2.5. ends hand tools, serving for threading into holes during installation (crowbars for assembly, etc.), should not be knocked down.
2.2.6. Crowbars must be of circular cross section and have one end in the form of a spatula, and the other in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid. Scrap weight within 4-5 kg, length 1.3-1.5 m.
2.2.7. Pullers must have serviceable paws, screws, rods and stops.
2.2.8. The vise must be securely fastened to the workbench. Sponges must have a good notch.
2.2.9. The screwdriver should be with a straight shaft, firmly fixed on the handle. The screwdriver must have straight sides.
2.2.10. Needle-nose pliers and pliers should not have chipped handles. The jaws of the needle-nosed pliers are sharp, not chipped or broken, the pliers are with a good notch.
2.2.11. Hand scoops for collecting garbage should be made of roofing iron and should not have sharp ends and torn places.
2.2.12. Before using jacks, check:
- their serviceability, terms of testing according to the technical passport;
- for hydraulic and pneumatic jacks, the tightness of the connections. In addition, they must be equipped with devices that fix the rise, ensuring a slow and calm lowering of the stem or its stop;
- screw and rack jacks must have a locking device that excludes the complete exit of the screw or rack;
- manual lever-rack jacks must have devices that prevent spontaneous lowering of the load when the force is removed from the lever or handle.
electrified tool
2.2.13. All power tools and electrical appliances must have closed and insulated inputs (contacts) of the supply wires. Wires of power tools and electrical appliances in order to protect against mechanical
damage and moisture must be protected by rubber hoses and terminated with a special plug.
2.3. Arrange the working tool, fixtures and materials in the prescribed place, in a convenient and safe order for use.
2.4. Check the presence and serviceability of the warning signal equipment, fences, safety and blocking devices.
2.5. Check that the ground and neutral wires are securely connected to the equipment.
2.6. Turn on, if necessary, local lighting and check the ventilation.
2.7. Check the availability of fire fighting equipment and access to it.


3.1. Constantly monitor the health of the equipment and do not leave it unattended. When leaving the workplace, stop the equipment and turn off the power.
3.2. Work in the presence and serviceability of fences, interlocks and other devices that ensure labor safety, and with sufficient illumination of the workplace.
3.3. Do not touch moving mechanisms and rotating parts of machines, as well as energized live parts of equipment.
3.4. Keep your work area tidy and clean.
3.5. Passages, driveways and workplaces must be free.
3.6. Be careful not to get distracted or distract others.
3.7. Keep foreign objects and tools away from moving mechanisms.
3.8. When starting a machine, unit, machine, personally make sure that there are no workers in the area of ​​​​working machines
3.9. When feeling unwell stop work, bring the workplace to a safe state, seek medical attention, notify the supervisor.


4.1. In case of noticed malfunctions of production equipment and tools, as well as if, when touching a machine, machine tool, unit, an electric current is felt, or there is a strong heating of the electric wires of electric motors, electrical equipment, sparking or wire breakage, etc., warn workers about the danger immediately inform the head of the department and take measures to eliminate the emergency.
4.2. If smoke is detected and a fire occurs, immediately announce a fire alarm, take measures to extinguish the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing equipment according to the source of the fire, notify the work manager.
If necessary, organize the evacuation of people from the danger zone.
In conditions of smoke and the presence of fire in the room, move along the walls, bending over or crawling; to facilitate breathing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief (cloth) moistened with water; move through the flames with your head covered outerwear or with a blanket, if possible, pour water over it, tear off or extinguish the burning clothes, and if most of the clothes are covered by fire, roll the worker tightly into a cloth (blanket, felt mat), but do not cover it with your head.
4.3. In case of accidents with people, give them first aid, immediately notify the work manager, maintain the situation in which the accident occurred, if it does not threaten the life and health of others and does not violate the technological process, until the arrival of persons investigating the causes of the accident.
4.4. In case of electric shock, release the victim from the current as soon as possible, because. the duration of its action determines the severity of the injury. To do this, quickly turn off the part of the electrical installation that the victim touches with a knife switch or other disconnecting device.
4.5. If it is impossible to quickly turn off the electrical installation, it is necessary to separate the victim from live parts:
4.5.1. When releasing the victim from live parts or wires with voltage up to 1000 V, use a rope, stick, board or other dry object that does not conduct electric current, or pull the victim by the clothes (if it is dry and lags behind the body), for example, by the skirts of a jacket or coat, behind the collar, while avoiding touching the surrounding metal objects and parts of the body of the victim, not covered by clothing.
4.5.2. If the victim touches the wire that lies on the ground, then before approaching him, put a dry board, a bundle of dry clothes or some kind of dry, non-conductive stand under your feet and separate the wire from the victim with a dry stick, board;
It is recommended to operate with one hand if possible.
4.5.3. If the victim convulsively squeezes one current-carrying element (for example, a wire) in his hand, separate the victim from the ground by slipping a dry board under him, pulling his legs off the ground with a rope or pulling him by his clothes, while observing the safety measures described above.
4.5.4. When pulling the victim by the legs, do not touch his shoes or clothing unless your hands are insulated or poorly insulated, because. shoes and clothes may be damp and conduct electricity. To isolate hands, especially if it is necessary to touch the body of the victim, not covered by clothing, put on dielectric gloves, if they are not available, wrap your hands with a scarf or use any other dry clothing.
4.5.5. If it is not possible to separate the victim from live parts or disconnect the electrical installation from the power source, then chop or cut the wires with an ax with a dry wooden handle or bite them with a tool with insulated handles (pliers, wire cutters). Cut and cut the wires phase by phase, i.e. each wire separately. You can also use an uninsulated tool, but you need to wrap its handle with a dry woolen or rubberized cloth.
4.5.6. When separating the victim from live parts with voltages above 1000 V, do not approach the victim closer than 4-5 m indoors and 8-10 m outdoors.
To release the victim, put on insulating gloves and insulating boots and operate only with an insulated rod or tongs rated for the appropriate voltage.
4.6. If the victim is conscious, but frightened, confused and does not know that in order to free himself from the current he needs to get off the ground, with a sharp shout of "jump" make him act correctly.
Providing first aid
4.7. Electric shock. After releasing the victim from the action of electric current, lay him on a bed and cover it warmly, quickly determine the nature of the required first aid within 15-20 seconds. medical care, arrange a doctor's call and take the following measures:
4.7.1. If the victim is breathing and conscious, put him in a comfortable position, unfasten his clothes. Before the doctor arrives, provide the victim with complete rest and access to fresh air, while monitoring his pulse and breathing. Do not allow the victim to get up and move before the arrival of the doctor, and even more so continue to work;
4.7.2. If the victim is unconscious, but his breathing and pulse remain stable, keep an eye on them, let him smell ammonia and spray his face with water, ensuring complete rest until the doctor arrives;
4.7.3. In the absence of breathing, as well as infrequent and spasmodic breathing, or cardiac arrest (no pulse), immediately perform artificial respiration or chest compressions.
Begin artificial respiration and heart massage no later than 4-6 minutes after the cessation of cardiac activity and breathing, because. after this period, clinical death occurs.
Never bury the victim in the ground.
4.8. Perform artificial respiration "from mouth to mouth" or "from mouth to nose" as follows. Lay the victim on his back, unfasten clothing that restricts breathing, place a roller of clothing under the shoulder blades. Ensure that the airway is clear, which may be obstructed by a sunken tongue or foreign material. To do this, tilt the head of the victim as much as possible, putting one hand under the neck, and pressing the other on the forehead. In this position, the mouth usually opens, and the root of the tongue moves to rear wall larynx, ensuring airway patency. If there is foreign matter in the mouth, turn the victim's shoulders and head to the side and clean the mouth and throat with a bandage, handkerchief, or shirt hem wrapped around forefinger. If the mouth does not open, then carefully insert a metal plate, tablet, etc. between the back teeth, open your mouth and, if necessary, clean your mouth and throat.
After that, kneel down on either side of the victim’s head and holding the head tilted back, take a deep breath and, firmly pressing your mouth (through a handkerchief or gauze) to the victim’s open mouth, blow air into it strongly. At the same time, cover the nose of the victim with the cheek or fingers of the hand on the forehead. Make sure that the air enters the lungs and not the stomach, this is revealed by the distention of the abdomen and the lack of expansion of the chest. If air has entered the stomach, remove it by quickly pressing the region of the stomach between the sternum and the navel for a short time.
Take measures to free the airways and repeat the blowing of air into the lungs of the victim. After blowing in, release the mouth and nose of the victim for free exit of air from the lungs. For a deeper exhalation, lightly press on chest. Perform each air injection after 5 seconds, which corresponds to the rhythm of your own breathing.
If the jaws of the victim are compressed so tightly that it is not possible to open the mouth, then perform artificial respiration according to the mouth-to-nose method, i.e. blow air into the victim's nose.
When the first spontaneous breaths appear, time the artificial breath to coincide with the beginning of the spontaneous breath.
Perform artificial respiration until the victim's deep and rhythmic (own) breathing is restored.
4.9. Perform an external heart massage in case of cardiac arrest, which is determined by the absence of a pulse, dilated pupils and cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes.
When performing an external massage of the victim's heart, lay the victim on his back on a hard surface or place a board under him, free the chest from clothes and raise his legs by about 0.5 m. 3-4 cm above this place along it is determined by the point of pressure. Place the part of the palm adjacent to the wrist joint on the place of pressure, while the fingers should not touch the chest, place the palm of the second hand at a right angle on the back of the palm of the first hand. Make a quick (push) and strong pressure on the sternum and fix it in this position for about 0.5 s, then quickly release it, relaxing your hands, but do not take them away from the sternum. Apply pressure approximately 60 - 80 times per minute. Massage the heart until your own (not supported by massage) regular pulse appears.
4.10. If it is necessary to simultaneously perform artificial respiration and heart massage, the procedure for conducting them and the ratio of the number of injections to the number of pressures on the sternum is determined by the number of persons providing assistance:
4.10.1. If one person is helping, then perform artificial respiration and heart massage in the following order: after two deep breaths, do 15 chest compressions, then again two deep breaths and 15 chest compressions, etc.;
4.10.2. If you provide assistance together, then one makes one blowing, and the second after 2 s produces 5-6 pressures on the sternum, etc.
4.11. Perform artificial respiration and heart massage until the body's vital functions are fully restored or until a doctor arrives.
4.12. Injuries. Lubricate abrasions, injections, minor wounds with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage or seal with a strip of adhesive tape. For a large wound, apply a tourniquet, lubricate the skin around the wound with iodine and bandage it with a clean gauze bandage or a sterile bandage from an individual package.
If there is no bandage or bag, take a clean handkerchief or cloth and drop iodine on the place that will lie on the wound to make a stain larger than the wound, and put it on the wound.
Apply the bandage so that the blood vessels are not squeezed, and the bandage is kept on the wound. In case of injury, give a tetanus toxoid injection in a medical institution.
4.13. Stop bleeding. When bleeding stops, lift the injured limb up or position the injured part of the body (head, torso, etc.) so that they are elevated, and apply a tight pressure bandage. If during arterial bleeding (scarlet blood flows in a pulsating stream) the blood does not stop, apply a tourniquet or twist. Tighten the tourniquet (twist) only until the bleeding stops. Mark the time of applying the tourniquet on a tag, piece of paper, etc. and fasten it to the harness. The tourniquet is allowed to be kept tightened for no more than 1.5-2 hours. In case of arterial bleeding, take the victim to a doctor as soon as possible. Transport it in a comfortable and, if possible, fast vehicle, always with an accompanying person.
4.14. bruises. For bruises, apply a tight bandage and apply cold soaks. With significant bruising of the trunk and lower extremities take the victim to a medical facility.
Bruises in the abdomen lead to tears internal organs. Immediately take the victim to a medical facility at the slightest suspicion of this. Do not let such patients drink and eat.
4.15. Bone fractures. For a closed fracture, place the limb in a comfortable position, while handling it carefully, avoid sudden movements, and apply splints. Tires apply on both sides, while placing cotton wool under the tires so that the tires do not touch the skin of the limbs, and be sure to capture the joints above and below the fracture sites. Tires can be worn over clothing. When open fracture stop the bleeding, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine, bandage the wound and put splints on it, bandage the broken leg to the healthy leg, and the arm to the chest.
In case of a fracture of the collarbone and scapula, put a tight cotton roll into the axillary region of the injured side, and hang your hand on a scarf. If your ribs are broken, wrap your chest tightly or pull it off with a towel as you exhale.
If the spine is fractured, carefully place the victim on an ambulance stretcher, boards or plywood, make sure that the torso does not bend (to avoid damage to the spinal cord). In case of broken bones, take urgent measures to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility.
4.16. Dislocations.
In case of dislocation, ensure the immobility of the injured limb, apply splints without changing the angle that formed in the joint during dislocation. Dislocations should be set only by doctors. When transporting the victim to a medical facility, place the victim on a stretcher or in the back of a car, and cover the limb with rollers from clothes or pillows.
4.17. Burns. In case of a thermal burn, remove clothing from the burned area, cover it with sterile material, put a layer of cotton wool on top and bandage it. Do not touch burns, puncture blisters, or tear off pieces of clothing stuck to burns while treating. Do not lubricate the burnt surface with ointments and do not cover with powders. In case of severe burns, take the victim to the hospital immediately.
4.17.1. In case of an acid burn, remove clothing and thoroughly for 15 minutes. rinse the burned area with a stream of water, then rinse with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate or a 10% solution of baking soda (a teaspoon in a glass of water). After that, cover the affected areas of the body with gauze soaked in the mixture. vegetable oil and lime water and bandage.
4.17.2. In case of alkali burns, the affected areas within 10-15 minutes. rinse with a stream of water, and then with a 3-6% solution of acetic acid or a solution boric acid(a teaspoon of acid in a glass of water). After that, cover the affected areas with gauze soaked in 5% acetic acid solution and bandage.
4.18. Frostbite. In case of frostbite of the 1st degree (skin is edematous, pale, cyanotic, loses sensitivity), bring the victim into a cool room and rub the skin with a dry, clean cloth until redness or a feeling of warmth, lubricate with fat (oil, lard, boric ointment) and apply an insulated bandage. Then drink hot tea to the victim and transfer to warm room.
With frostbite II-IV degree (bubbles with bloody fluid appear on the skin and it becomes purple-bluish color - II degree; layers of the skin and underlying tissues become dead, the skin becomes black - III degree; complete necrosis of the skin and tissues - IV degree) on the affected apply a dry bandage to the skin, give the victim hot tea or coffee to drink and immediately send to the nearest medical facility.
4.19. Heat and sunstroke. At the first sign of discomfort ( headache, tinnitus, nausea, rapid breathing, intense thirst, sometimes vomiting) place the victim in the shade or bring into a cool room, free the neck and chest from tight clothing, if the victim is conscious, give a drink cold water, head, chest and neck periodically moisten cold water, let's sniff ammonia. If the victim is not breathing, perform artificial respiration according to paragraph 4.10 of this instruction.
4.20. pesticide poisoning, mineral fertilizers, preservatives and their degradation products.
First of all, remove the victim from the contaminated area and free from clothing that restricts breathing and respiratory protection.
Take first aid measures aimed at stopping the entry of poison into the body:
through the respiratory tract - remove the victim from the danger zone to fresh air;
through the skin - thoroughly rinse the drug with a stream of water, preferably with soap or, without smearing it on the skin and without rubbing it, remove it with a piece of cloth, then wash it with cold water or a slightly alkaline solution; if poison gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water, a 2% solution of baking soda or boric acid;
through the gastrointestinal tract - let you drink a few glasses of water (preferably warm) or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by irritation of the back of the throat. Repeat this procedure 1-3 times. You can also induce vomiting with mustard (1/2 - 1 teaspoon of dry powder per cup warm water), salt (2 tablespoons per glass of warm water) or a glass of soap solution. Do not induce vomiting in an unconscious or convulsive patient. After vomiting, give half a glass of water to drink with two to three tablespoons of activated charcoal, and then a saline laxative (20 g of bitter salt per half glass of water); in case of acid poisoning, give a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water), milk or water to drink; in case of alkali poisoning, give milk, lemon juice or vinegar water to drink.
Do not give castor oil as a laxative. If possible, bring the victim to a warm room. When unconscious, use heating pads, but with great care, in case of poisoning with DNOC, nitrafen, sodium pentachlorophenol and sodium pentachlorophenolate, heat is contraindicated, perform cold procedures: cool baths, wet rubdowns, cold compresses, ice packs.
If breathing is weakened, let's smell ammonia, in case of cessation of breathing or cardiac activity, perform artificial respiration or closed heart massage.
In the presence of convulsions, exclude any irritation, give the patient complete rest.
If irritating substances, such as formalin, enter the body, let the victim drink an enveloping agent (starch solution). Do not give milk, fats, alcoholic drinks.
For skin bleeding - apply tampons moistened with hydrogen peroxide, for nosebleeds - lay the victim down, lift and tilt his head slightly, apply cold compresses to the bridge of the nose and the back of the head, insert tampons moistened with hydrogen peroxide into the nose.
In case of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds, accompanied by salivation, lacrimation, constriction of the pupils, slowing of breathing, slowing of the pulse, muscle twitching, drink belladonna preparations; 3-4 tablets of besalol (becarbon) or 1-3 tablets of bellalgin.
In all cases of poisoning (even mild), immediately refer the patient to a doctor or paramedic.
4.21. Poisoning with poisonous gases. If signs of poisoning appear (headache, tinnitus, dizziness, dilated pupils, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness), remove the victim immediately to fresh air and organize the supply of oxygen for breathing using a rubber cushion or an oxygen cylinder. In the absence of oxygen, lay the victim down, raise his legs, let him drink cold water and let's smell the cotton wool moistened with ammonia. If breathing is weak or stops, perform artificial respiration until a doctor arrives or breathing is restored. If possible and the victim is conscious, give him plenty of milk to drink.
4.22. Eye damage. In case of clogging of the eyes, rinse them with a 1% solution of boric acid, a jet pure water or wet cotton (gauze) swab. To do this, lay the head of the victim so that you can direct the jet from the outer corner of the eye (from the temple) to the inner. Don't rub your clogged eye.
If splashes of acid and alkali get into the eye, rinse it for 5 minutes. clean water. After washing the eye, apply a bandage and send the victim to a doctor.


5.1. Tidy up the workplace (clean the equipment, tools from dirt and dust, collect and take out garbage and waste to the designated place, collect and put the tools, fixtures and raw parts in the designated place. Hand over the processed parts to the pantry).
5.2. Install barriers and safety signs at open openings, openings and hatches.
5.3. De-energize equipment, turn off ventilation and local lighting.
5.4. Remove overalls and other personal protective equipment, put them in a closed closet, if overalls require washing or repair, put them in the pantry.
5.5. Notify the work manager about the condition of the equipment.
5.6. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Occupational safety instructions for professions and types of work is an integral part of labor protection, so we made this site a continuation of the engineer.rf blog.

The project was created to help managers and labor protection specialists, as well as persons responsible for safe work performance and labor protection. All instructions on labor protection by profession and type of work are provided absolutely free (without registration, sms, etc.).

Objective of the project– to give visitors to this site the largest selection of new instructions on labor protection in Runet by profession and type of work.

If there is no instruction on labor protection by profession or instruction on labor protection by type of work on the site, its authors are ready for a small fee develop instructions .

All instructions are distributed by economic sectors in the right menu. Also, the necessary instructions on labor protection by profession or type of work can be found using the smart search under the top menu of the site.

Chief Editor

Medvedeva Anna Yurievna,

labor protection specialist.

Higher professional education.

More than 16 years of experience in various fields: fuel transshipment base, Agriculture, a network of gas stations, housing and communal services, food production, shopping mall etc.

For questions about the publication of instructions on labor protection by profession and type of work, please contact the e-mail address: [email protected]

Sincerely, the project team!