Mixer      03.03.2020

How to make wall insulation in a wooden house. How to insulate a wooden house from the outside and how. Video - The technological process of spraying ecowool on wooden walls

Warming wooden house from the inside is used much less frequently than insulation from the outside. The reasons for the unpopularity of internal insulation are the following: although insignificant, but a decrease in the living space of the house; you can easily spoil the microclimate inside with an inept procedure, and this will entail unnecessary humidity.

When insulating floors in wooden house between the insulation and the vapor barrier, it is necessary to provide an air gap of at least 50 millimeters.

Nevertheless, if a decision is made, then the work must be carried out, observing the entire sequence of work and technology.

The procedure itself differs little from the thermal insulation of a wooden house from the street.

The reasons for the appearance of cold in a wooden house are:

  • the occurrence of cracks between the bars due to shrinkage, incorrect sealing, etc.;
  • insufficient thickness of the heat insulator from the street;
  • incorrect installation.

Varieties of modern materials that act as heaters

The scheme of insulation of wooden walls.

Types of heaters:

  • basalt mineral wool, produced in sheets of various dimensions or in rolls;
  • glass wool - often serves as a heater for the floor;
  • expanded polystyrene - universal insulation for all surfaces;
  • isoplats - fibreboard or linen boards 12-25 mm thick for floors, walls and ceilings.

Isoplat is a universal heat-insulating material for internal wall insulation. It is easy and reliable in laying slabs that are inserted between the frame of the crate, attached with screws. Its plates are covered with clapboard, painted or covered with wallpaper.

If expanded polystyrene is chosen as a heater log house from the inside, it is important to remember that in itself it is a self-sufficient waterproofing agent. There is no need to use other means of waterproofing walls, coupled with polystyrene foam. However, rodents love the material. Therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of mice in the house, it is preferable to insulate wooden walls from the inside with mineral wool or isoplat, floorboards - with glass wool or isoplat.

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The technology is the implementation of several operations

Scheme of insulation inside a wooden house.

From the inside:

  1. Wall surface preparation.
  2. Crack sealing.
  3. Formation of a vapor barrier.
  4. Installation of lathing on load-bearing wall surfaces.
  5. Installation of insulation and work on its sealing.
  6. Creation of a ventilation system.
  7. Decorating the house inside.

Preparatory procedures

Before starting the insulation of the house from the inside, the first thing to do is to clean the load-bearing walls from dust. The wood is then carefully treated with an anti-insect emulsion liquid and another anti-insect liquid, which also makes the wood more resistant to burning.

It is important to focus on surface wiring and the one that is hidden in special casings. The wiring is completely separated from the walls.

Caulking of cracks

The scheme of insulation of the foundation of a wooden house.

After cleaning and fire protection from the inside, they begin to caulk the cracks. If in general we talk about caulking at home from a bar, then in the future they will perform secondary caulking. Only it will be different in time for a house made of timber, in which no one lived, and for a house in which they began to live immediately after construction. In the first case, they wait 1 year, and in the second, they caulk the cracks in two to three years. This is due to the unequal degree of shrinkage in these two cases.

Slots are caulked using predominantly jute fiber. Using a special thin chisel, cracks are clogged with jute, if any. Sometimes the gaps are formed quite large. Then it is advisable to use tape tow, twisted into a small roller. The gap is filled both inside and outside with jute until the fiber no longer fits. Small hanging or protruding shreds are left as is.

Formation of a vapor barrier

After all insulation work wooden surface houses from the inside, made of beams, will be located between two layers of thermal insulation (internal and external). This will inevitably increase humidity levels, creating a greenhouse effect as the house stops breathing.

Humidity can be removed only by creating forced ventilation. The main nuance here is to exclude the dampness of the wood and its subsequent decay.

Scheme of floor structures in a wooden house.

To prevent this, a hydro- and vapor barrier film is attached to the entire surface of the insulated wall before installing the heat insulator. The corrugated side of the film is placed on the surface of the bars. This placement of the film coating will protect the wood from moisture and allow the wood to breathe somewhat, removing excess moisture.

Installation of lathing on load-bearing wall surfaces

A crate whose purpose is to hold mineral wool, made of wooden blocks. The crate is made of a metal profile only if it is planned to cover it with plasterboard of the GKLV brand, where “B” means “moisture resistant”.

To form correct and even corners, corner posts are knocked together in advance. They measure the height of the room and cut wooden blocks (100x50 mm in section).

After that, a bar of the same length is cut off, but with a section of 50x50 mm. The latter is attached to the edge of the beam 50x100 mm using self-tapping screws in such a way that a stand is obtained in the shape of the letter "G". For each corner of the room, one rack is made. Directly in the corner they are fixed with self-tapping screws. Vertical arrangement while controlling with a level.

After fixing the racks at the corners to the surface of the wall located between them, vertical bars with a section of 50x50 mm are mounted in increments of 50-60 cm. All bars are treated with a liquid that protects against decay and burning.

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Installation of insulation and work on its sealing

The scheme of warming the subfloor in a wooden house.

Having installed the crate, they begin to lay mineral wool. To begin with, the roll is untwisted and a strip of mineral wool is cut off in height. The width of the strip should be 2 cm greater than the vertical gap between the bars.

Then a piece of mineral wool is placed between the bars, fixing it to the wall surface with the help of anchors with large round caps. This type of work requires the presence of a partner to help hold or secure the cotton.

After filling the inter-lattice space with mineral wool in one layer, a second layer of insulation is attached over the bars. A layer of hydrofilm is attached to the cotton wool, applying a corrugation to the insulation. In addition to the function of protection against moisture, the film here will perform another purpose - to prevent small particles of mineral wool from entering the space of a wooden house.

Creating a ventilation system

As mentioned above, after carrying out work on the internal insulation of a log house, the humidity inside it will increase significantly.

The scheme of the vapor barrier of the walls of a wooden house.

To ensure a normal microclimate, it is necessary to provide forced ventilation in all rooms.

Direct hoods to the outside are unacceptable. It is necessary to create a duct system connected in one circuit. Any axial fan of medium and even low power can act as a blower. In winter, it will be enough to include homemade device ventilation for half an hour a day to create optimal humidity in the premises.

wall decoration

After attaching the second layer of vapor barrier film, the walls begin to be finished. The film is pinned to the bars using a stapler and staples, which will make it possible to attach 30x40 mm rails to the film over the staples. Such rails are commercially available.

Having mounted such a bar, it is covered with a wooden clapboard with a pronounced texture. Insulation of the house with subsequent cladding with clapboard will allow you not to lose the original appearance of the interior made of wood. Instead of lining, you can install a planken horizontally, which will also be quite good decision, since this material looks like a small bar.

If you are going to independently carry out the insulation of a wooden house from the inside, I recommend that you read this article. We will consider in detail all the main nuances and subtleties of this procedure, which you are unlikely to be told about on other resources.

A few words about the choice of insulation

First of all, home craftsmen are interested in how to insulate the walls of a wooden house from the inside, as well as the floor and ceiling. The choice of insulation for a wooden house requires a special approach, because one of the main advantages of such housing is vapor permeability and environmental friendliness. Accordingly, it is desirable to preserve these qualities.

Wood is known to be a combustible material. Therefore, it is desirable that the insulation be fireproof.

Given these points, you can use the following materials for home insulation:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • ecowool.

mineral wool

Mineral wool is the most common insulation.

It is excellent for thermal insulation of wooden housing due to the following properties:

  • good thermal insulation qualities - 0.032 - 0.048 W / mK;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • fire safety - mineral wool not only does not burn, but also resists the spread of fire;
  • Sold in the form of mats and rolls, making it convenient to work with mineral wool.

It should be noted that only basalt wool is environmentally friendly. In addition, it is the most thermally stable. Therefore, use it to insulate a wooden house.

True, the price of basalt wool is slightly higher than stone wool and glass wool:

brand Cost per 1m3
Isoroc Isoruf-V 3990
Ecover Light 1950

Another disadvantage of basalt wool is that it causes irritation on the skin, although to a lesser extent than, for example, glass wool. But, in any case, when working with it, it is desirable to protect the eyes and respiratory organs.

In general, in my opinion, basalt wool is the most optimal insulation for wooden walls.


Extruded polystyrene foam is a type of regular polystyrene foam.

Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, it has higher characteristics than expanded polystyrene:

  • high strength - 0.2-0.5 MPa versus 0.07 MPa for foam;
  • thermal conductivity is lower than that of mineral wool - 0.028-0.034 W / mK;
  • during the manufacturing process, manufacturers add flame retardants to extruded polystyrene foam, due to which the material corresponds to the G1 flammability class (weakly combustible material). True, this applies only to insulation from well-known manufacturers;
  • resistant to moisture, therefore, during installation does not require hydro-vapor barrier;
  • does not irritate the skin.

However, penoplex has some disadvantages:

  • vapor permeability is very low, so it is better not to use penoplex to insulate the walls of the house. At the same time, it will be a good solution for thermal insulation of the floor, as it is not afraid of moisture;
  • high cost - penoplex is by far one of the most expensive thermal insulation materials.

Below is the cost for some common grades of extruded polystyrene foam:


Ecowool is a relatively new thermal insulation material, which in Lately is becoming more and more popular.

Its merits include the following points:

  • environmental friendliness - the material is made on the basis of wood fibers;
  • vapor permeability;
  • thanks to special additives that are present in ecowool, the insulation is fireproof and resistant to biological influences;
  • has a low thermal conductivity of 0.031-0.040 W / m * K;
  • low cost - from 1200 rubles. per cube

I must say that for the insulation of walls with ecowool, special equipment is required. Therefore, when independent work it is possible to perform with this material only the insulation of the floor or ceiling.

Here, and all the most common heaters that are used for insulation wooden houses. True, there are still materials that are applied in the form of foam, for example, polyurethane foam. However, they will not be able to perform insulation on their own, so we will not consider them.

Warming technology

The process of warming a wooden house includes three main stages:

Floor insulation

To insulate the floor yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • one of the heaters that I talked about above;
  • vapor barrier;
  • slats and boards - will be needed if there is no subfloor between the lags;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood.

The instruction for floor insulation looks like this:

  1. if the floor has already been used, it is necessary to dismantle the wooden flooring;
  2. then you need to perform a draft, unless, of course, it is missing. To do this, fasten the cranial bars on the rafters from below and lay the boards on top of them;
  3. Further All wooden elements treat the floor with an antiseptic to protect them from biological influences;

  1. then a vapor barrier is laid over the rafters and the subfloor. The strips of the membrane should overlap each other by 10 centimeters. Be sure to glue the joints with tape.
    As I said above, in the case of floor insulation with extruded polystyrene foam, vapor barrier can be omitted;

  1. Next, you need to lay the insulation. If mineral plates or penoplex are used for these purposes, place the insulation close to the logs. In addition, make sure that there are no gaps between the insulation plates;

  1. then you need to lay another layer of the vapor barrier;
  2. at the end of the work, it is necessary to lay the boards, fixing them on the logs with nails or self-tapping screws.

I must say that the thermal insulation of the attic floor is performed in exactly the same way, with the only difference being that the insulation is placed between the floor beams.

Wall insulation

The next stage is the insulation of the walls from the inside of a wooden house. I must say right away that it is necessary to resort to this procedure only if it is really necessary.

It is much more expedient to insulate the house from the outside.

The fact is that internal insulation contains a number of disadvantages:

  • insulation, although not significantly, but still takes up useful space in the room. For big houses this, of course, is not critical, but in small houses, for example, garden ones, the reduction in space can be very noticeable;
  • after the walls are insulated from the inside, they completely stop heating;
  • moisture forms between the insulation and the wall, which leads to dampness of the surface and, accordingly, a decrease in the durability of the structure.

If insulation from the inside cannot be avoided, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain technology that will minimize all the negative consequences of this procedure.

So, for wall insulation, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • antiseptic impregnation for wood;
  • interventional insulation;
  • wooden slats;
  • vapor barrier;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • finishing material - lining or, for example, drywall.

The process of wall insulation can be divided into four main stages:

To prepare the walls for insulation with your own hands, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. wall surfaces must be impregnated to prevent wood decay, protect it from moisture and other negative factors;

  1. if the house is made of beams or logs, it is imperative to insulate the intervention gaps by filling them with tow, jute insulation, or other suitable material.

Now we need to equip the ventilation space between the wall and the insulation so that the walls do not get damp.

It is done as follows:

  1. fasten the rails to the walls in a horizontal position. Their thickness should be at least 1.5-2 cm.

Install them at a distance of 0.5 m vertically, and 2-3 cm horizontally. At the same time, try to arrange them so that they form a flat horizontal plane. Minor deviations are allowed, since the plane of the frame can be corrected at the stage of installing the racks;

  1. then a vapor barrier membrane must be attached to the rails. It should be stretched to form a ventilation gap. Glue the joints of the membrane with adhesive tape;
  2. for the ventilation gap to work, it is necessary to drill holes in the wall from below near the base, and from above under the visor.

Now let's start assembling the frame:

  1. the bars that will serve as racks must be cut to the height of the room;

  1. prepared bars must be fixed on the rails. If their thickness is equal to the thickness of the insulation, the racks can be placed close to the rails using metal corners and self-tapping screws. If the bars are thinner, they should be fixed on suspensions, while the thickness of the frame should be equal to the thickness of the insulation.
    Make the distance between the posts so that the insulation fits snugly against them. For example, if for insulation are used mineral mats, the step of the racks can be made two centimeters less than the width of the mats.

To make the wall even, first install vertical racks(required by level) along the edges of the wall, i.e. near the corners, then pull the threads between them. This will allow you to set the intermediate racks in the same plane as the extreme bars;

  1. Now we are laying the insulation in the frame. In order for the wall insulation in a wooden house to be effective from the inside, try to ensure that there are no gaps between the plates. In addition, place the tiles flush against the ceiling and against the walls.
    If the cracks are nevertheless formed, they must be filled with scraps of mineral wool;

  1. then a vapor barrier membrane must be attached to the racks. To fix it, you can use a construction stapler.
    Be sure to overlap the strips of the membrane, and glue the joints with adhesive tape;
  2. fasten wooden slats about two centimeters thick over the membrane. They will provide the necessary clearance between the skin and the vapor barrier membrane.
    Keep in mind that the crate should be perpendicular to the plastic or lining.

To ensure good sound insulation in housing, it is necessary to insulate the internal walls with mineral wool, i.e. partitions. The principle of installation of insulation is the same as for the insulation of load-bearing walls.

Now we need to sheathe the frame. Usually for these purposes they use wooden Decoration Materials- lining or block house.

Their installation is carried out as follows:

  1. lining is most often installed vertically, so the boards must first be cut to the height of the room;
  2. the first lining is installed so that the spike is directed towards the corner. To fix it, self-tapping screws are screwed into the face from the side of the spike.

From the side of the groove, the vgonka can also be fixed with self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the lower ridge of the groove. It is even easier and faster to fix with the help of special fasteners - kleimers;

  1. the subsequent board will be connected to the lock with the previous one and attached to the frame from the side of the groove. The last board on the wall is cut in width, and docked with the previous one. From the side of the corner, the lining is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the face;

  1. at the end of the work, wooden corners are mounted on the corners. They will hide the joints of the lining and the hats of the screws.

This completes the insulation of the walls inside the house.

Ceiling insulation

As I said above, ceiling insulation can be done from the attic side. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to install insulation from the inside.

If you have a similar situation, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • slab insulation;
  • wooden slats;
  • vapor barrier membrane.

Installation of insulation is carried out as follows:

  1. if there is no flooring in the attic, it must be done. Boards or other material that is used as flooring should be fixed to the floor beams with nails or self-tapping screws;
  2. then, from the side of the room, a vapor barrier membrane should be attached to the floor beams and flooring;
  3. further, the space between the beams must be filled with heat-insulating plates. To fix them, you can fix the rails perpendicular to the beams. You can also nail studs to the lower side surfaces of the beams, and pull threads or wire between them;
  4. after the insulation of the floor, it is necessary to fix another layer of vapor barrier;

  1. then the crate is performed and the ceiling material is mounted. You can also make a frame and sheathe the ceiling with drywall.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to properly insulate a wooden house from the inside.


Having familiarized yourself with the technology, you can safely take on the insulation of a wooden house from the inside. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this work. I recommend watching the video in this article. For any questions, you can contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

Each person dreams of a warm house, so that even in the most severe frosts it would be comfortable to be indoors. Therefore, the first question that confronts the owners of their home is how to insulate the walls from the outside on their own. Especially it concerns wooden buildings. In this article, we will give instructions according to which the thermal insulation of the walls of the frame and timber houses outside. And for more good example you can watch the video.

There is a huge variety of thermal insulation materials. Let us dwell on the choice of insulation for wooden houses, which are massively used by consumers.

Warming a wooden house will help keep the wood from destruction

Stone wool in slabs. Such material is easy to cut even with the help of ordinary knife. Due to the light weight of the plates, it is easy to transport even in a passenger car, especially if you need to insulate small area. During installation, stone wool is placed in the gap between the racks of the frame, and then insulated with vapor barrier material from the inside and waterproofing from the outside.

Attention! During transport or installation, never compress or tamp the mats.

Ecowool. This is an environmentally friendly material for insulation, based on cellulose fibers. Produced in a package, in a slightly compressed form. There are two ways to insulate this material:

  • dry. To do this, the packaging with glass wool is opened, the material is kneaded and rammed into the walls. The disadvantage of this method is that over time the fibers can shrink, and this will lead to heat loss. However, some manufacturers give a guarantee that this material will not settle for 10-20 years.
  • wet. Ecowool is sprayed onto the walls and clings to the building frame, so that the material does not settle.

Insulation of a wooden house from the outside

Styrofoam. One of the most budgetary types of insulation. This material does not absorb moisture, so it is not necessary to cover it with a moisture-proof membrane. However, when working with foam, you need to show maximum accuracy, because it can crumble and break.

Attention! As a heater, you need to purchase non-pressed foam sheets.

polyurethane foam. It is sold in the form of two-component substances that begin to foam when applied to walls when exposed to air. In operation, such material is similar to mounting foam. They fill the voids in the wall, and cut off the excess. The result is a monolithic layer of insulation, which completely eliminates heat loss. Polyurethane foam has water-repellent properties.

Insulation of a house from a bar with polyurethane foam

Natural heaters. These include slabs of sawdust or a mixture of clay and straw. Such materials are environmentally friendly, inexpensive, but their main disadvantage is the complexity of manufacturing. Linen fiber is also a natural insulation. It has antiseptic properties, preventing the formation of fungus and mold. It is easy to cut, mount, it does not cause allergies and is moisture resistant.

What is the best way to insulate walls?

Pledge quality repair- Well thought out work plan. Therefore, it is worth considering in advance how you will insulate the walls: from the inside or outside. Internal insulation is rarely used, because. because of it, the size of the rooms is significantly reduced. In addition, experts do not recommend insulating wooden houses in this way, because. moisture will penetrate into the wood, from the side of the street. Because of this, mold and fungus may appear inside the structure, and the tree itself will begin to rot. In addition, it is necessary to buy material that, in its properties, will match the tree. Linen fiber, soft fiberboard, basalt and fiberglass materials are suitable for this.

House insulation with mineral wool

With the external method of thermal insulation, a uniform layer of insulator is formed for the free release of vapors. The insulation is less dense than wood, because of this, steam escapes through the ventilation gap. External way thermal insulation - perfect option for those who want to insulate old houses made of timber, which have lost their “presentation” over time, after sheathing they will look like new. However, if the walls are not properly insulated, the tree will begin to deteriorate, and under the layer exterior finish, you will not be able to control the condition of the wood.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house with mineral wool

thermal insulation frame house starts with waterproofing. To do this, you can use glassine - a cheap but effective material. It is cut into strips and fastened with a stapler to the frame of the house, in increments of no more than 12 cm. Sheets of glassine are glued with an overlap of up to 10 cm to protect the insulation from condensation.

Advice! If the frame of the house will be sheathed with siding, then a distance of 30-50 mm should remain between it and the insulated facade so that moisture does not linger in the frame.

Then we lay a layer of insulation. Mineral wool great option for wall insulation. It does not cause allergic reactions, has low flammability and high thermal conductivity, such plates are easily cut with a construction knife. The laying process is simple, first we measure the distances between the racks and add 5 cm on each side for allowances. Cut out the sheets right size and lay them on the waterproofing. We close the joints between the frame and the insulation with a strip of mineral wool 3-4 cm wide.

Mineral wool

We lay a layer of vapor barrier on top, for this we use foam phenol. It must be shot to the frame of the building using a construction stapler. Penophenol is laid in a horizontal direction, leaving 5 cm joints with the foil part outward. After that, we sheathe the walls of the house edged boards or siding.

Insulation of the walls of the frame house with foam plastic

In order to fix the foam on the wall, first we install vertical canopies from the cord. Then glue is applied to the foam sheets, along the edges and at five points inside, and fixed on the wall. Thus, the entire insulation is laid. Next you need to close the gaps mounting foam. For additional strength, we fix the sheets with plastic dowels.

Attention! Styrofoam does not absorb moisture, so additional insulation is not needed in this case.

Outside, the walls must be plastered, and before that, a reinforced mesh must be mounted. Putty will help protect the structure from influence external factors, but it is worth applying it in two layers. After the surface has dried, a top coat can be applied. decorative plaster.

Insulation of the walls of the frame house with foam plastic

Insulation of the walls of the house from a bar

External insulation of houses from a bar needs to be done board materials, they are more rigid and do not shrink over time. If you prefer basalt or fiberglass insulation, then you need to choose the right thickness. If the house is made of 15 cm timber, then the thickness of the heat insulator is 10 cm, and if the timber is 20 cm, then you can take a thinner material - 5 cm.

To begin with, the surface of the house is coated with waterproof mastic. Then a vertical wooden frame is installed, which must be smeared with an antiseptic to prevent decay. Then basalt wool is attached to it with the help of self-tapping screws or dowels-umbrellas, for 1 sq.m of insulation - 4-6 fasteners. A diffusion membrane is laid on top as a waterproofing agent. Above wooden frame we nail the slats, 5 cm thick, which will create a ventilation gap to remove moisture. Then we nail the profiles to the rails and install the siding, starting from the bottom, checking the horizontal laying with a level.

Scheme: home insulation

Thus, the choice of insulation depends on your personal preferences. And to decide whether to do internal or external thermal insulation depends on how the finishing of the external walls will be done. Well, if you want even the most severe frosts not to bring you inconvenience, you can insulate the walls both inside and outside.

Warming the house with mineral wool: video

Building science recommends doing external insulation of buildings, since in this case the dew point is outside the room in the insulation or in the outer layer of the walls. With such insulation in rooms, moisture will not condense on the walls.

However, there are cases when insulation of a wooden house from the inside- is the only correct solution. For example, if the owner of the house wants to keep a beautiful appearance, characteristic of log houses or laws prescribe to preserve the historical appearance of the building.

Modern building science allows you to make internal insulation of wooden houses, but for this you need to use the right materials and follow the technology.

Preparatory work

All work on the construction and arrangement of residential buildings must be preceded by engineering calculations. This also applies to the internal insulation of a wooden house.

The thermotechnical calculation should show how effective the insulation will be and, in general, is there a possibility of internal insulation? The insulation will always fulfill its function, but the position of the dew point is of decisive importance.

The dew point must never be internal walls and even more so in the insulation and calculations should show this. If the dew point is inside, then the room will be warm, but in the cold season it will be constantly damp. And from dampness, porous heaters get wet, the walls of houses rot, mold and various unwanted living creatures are massively bred.

Only if the dew point is not inside the room even in the coldest period, you can confidently produce internal insulation. True, for this you will have to sacrifice part of the internal volume of the house, but without this - nothing!

Materials used for internal insulation

Materials that are used in the internal insulation of the house, must meet certain requirements:

  1. Firstly, they must have low thermal conductivity in order to fulfill their main function - insulation.
  2. Secondly, these materials must meet the requirements fire safety for premises.
  3. Thirdly, the material alone or in combination with the mounting structure must provide the required mechanical strength.
  4. And, finally, all materials used indoors must be environmentally friendly and not emit any chemical substances that adversely affect the health of living beings.

Warming methods

Ways to insulate a wooden house directly depend on the materials used for this. IN modern construction several types are used:

  1. Mineral basalt wool slabs- are most commonly used. This material does not burn, environmentally friendly, its use provides excellent heat and sound insulation. Low mechanical strength requires the construction of a building envelope, and high hygroscopicity obliges to cover mineral wool with special vapor barrier films.
  2. Expanded polystyrene plates (polystyrene), have also found application in internal insulation. Their use is not recommended, as they can release substances containing styrene into the air. When burning, pressless expanded polystyrene releases deadly dangerous substances: hydrogen cyanide and toluene diisocyanate. Therefore, only extruded polystyrene foam, flammability class - G1, can be used. Insulation with expanded polystyrene also requires a building envelope.
  3. glass wool- a widely used material for insulation. It has a lower price than basalt wool, however, it also has a higher thermal conductivity. For warming interior spaces glass wool should be used only material specially designed for this purpose, which must additionally be covered with films. Small particles of glass wool are very harmful to health, so the installation is carried out only in the means of protecting the skin and respiratory organs. Requires building envelopes.
  4. Isoplat- modern insulation, which consists of a layer of pressed linen fiber and fiberboard with a thickness of 12 to 25 mm. High mechanical strength makes it possible not to make powerful enclosing structures, and the environmental friendliness of this material allows it to be used indoors. The thermal conductivity of Isoplat is worse, and the price is much higher than that of other heaters.
  5. Insulation with polyurethane foam sprayed on the surface - a modern excellent method that requires special equipment. Enclosing structures for such insulation are needed.

In this video you can see how a wooden house is insulated from the inside with polyurethane foam.

Insulation of the walls of a wooden house from the inside

Sealing joints

A wooden house, even an impeccably built one, settles down for quite a long time. In addition to precipitation, when the heating is turned on in the house, there is an intensive drying of the wood, which affects the geometric dimensions of the log or glued beam. Initially, even well-laid logs or beams can form enlarged gaps at their joints, through which heat will be ruthlessly carried out into the atmosphere.

Therefore, the first operation for warming a house is sealing joints.

Fire bioprotection of wood

The inner part of the walls during insulation will be hidden by a layer of insulation, and for quite a long time. That is why the tree must be treated with a good fire-retardant composition, which is long time eliminate the development of living creatures and make it difficult to ignite. It's not worth saving on this, you just have to choose good lineups guaranteed to provide the protection you need.

When processing walls with fire-retardant compounds, it should be taken into account that all enclosing structures, if they are wooden, must also be processed, since they will also be hidden in the insulation structure.

Thermal insulation and ventilation

Why didn’t they think much about the ventilation of houses before? Yes, because ventilation was carried out in a natural way - through leaks in wall and window structures.

Modern building materials and technologies exclude any leaks and gaps through which air can pass, but this does not mean that air should not circulate in the room. IN modern houses design a ventilation system that should supply fresh air to the room and remove the exhaust.

Good internal thermal insulation must always be accompanied by ventilation. Only then will the microclimate in the room be normal. But ventilation is also required by the thermal insulation itself, which has a soft and porous structure, for example, mineral wool. Therefore, in the gap between the wall and the thermal insulation layer, there must be an air gap, through which air must circulate freely, removing excess moisture, comparing the air humidity in the entire room.

Such intervals are realized in practice very easily. Attached to the walls with a certain gap wooden lath about 2.5 cm thick, and a vapor barrier membrane is already attached to it. It turns out that there is an air gap between the wall and the insulation, which prevents high humidity interior walls and insulation.

If the walls of the house are built of logs cylindrical shape, then the ventilation gaps are obtained in a natural way, and if from glued laminated timber, then the ventilation gap device is highly desirable.

vapor barrier

If used as a heater basalt wool, glass wool, pressless polystyrene foam, then vapor barrier must be done. To do this, a vapor barrier film is attached to the ventilation crate using construction stapler. The film must be sufficiently stretched so that there is a ventilation gap between it and the wall. the joining of two panels of vapor barrier is done with an overlap of at least 10 cm using adhesive tape and a stapler.

If the interior of the house will be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, then vapor barrier is not needed. This material already has the necessary waterproofing qualities and will be a reliable barrier to moisture.

Installation of the enclosing structure

With all methods of insulating the internal walls of a wooden house, except for Isoplat plates, the construction of a building envelope is required. Most often, it is made from a wooden square bar with a cross section of 50 mm. The installation step of the bar is determined by the width of the insulation. If mineral wool insulation is used, then the distance between adjacent bars should be 10 mm less than the width of the insulation - for a snug fit. If extruded polystyrene foam is used, then the distance must be exactly the width of the insulation boards.

Before installation it is necessary to process all the bars with a fire-retardant composition. Mounting is done with screws desired length straight to the wooden walls. If a crate was used for the ventilation gap, then the bars are attached to previously mounted rails. In this case, it is better to wrap the screws in holes previously drilled with a thin drill. This will prevent possible cracking of the wood.

Sometimes plasterboard profiles are used as a building envelope, which are attached to the walls on direct suspensions. This should only be done when finishing drywall will be used, and in all other cases it is better to use wooden block. The thermal conductivity of wood is much lower than that of metal.

When insulating the ceiling, the enclosing structure is made similarly to the wall. When insulating the floor yourself wooden logs to which will be attached flooring, act as a building envelope.

Insulation installation

Insulation is placed in the space between the enclosing bars. If sheet insulation, then installation on the walls is carried out from the bottom up, and rolled, on the contrary, from top to bottom.

Mineral wool slabs are laid at random, which makes it possible for them to hold securely. However, it is still necessary to additionally strengthen the foam or mineral wool with special dowels with a wide head, one dowel per slab.

Roll insulation fixed on top with one dowel, rolled down and fixed with dowels at 1 meter intervals. First, whole slabs or rolls are laid, and the remaining space where trimming is required is filled with insulation last.

Ceiling insulation, in the case of a sloping roof, rolls up from the bottom up and can be fastened with dowels or with a cord. To do this, small carnations are stuffed onto adjacent bars with an interval of 15 cm, and then, after laying the insulation between the beams, a cord is pulled in a zigzag manner, which will securely hold the mineral wool.

If extruded polystyrene foam is used for insulation, then all possible gaps at the joints can be filled with mounting foam. Before applying the foam, the surfaces are moistened, and after it dries, all excess is cut with a knife.

Final waterproofing

After installing the insulation, if thermal insulation was carried out porous materials, capable of absorbing water, then it is necessary to cover the insulation with a layer of waterproofing, but with a special one - vapor permeable membrane, which is, on the one hand, a reliable barrier to water, and on the other hand, the membrane freely releases water vapor from the insulation. Even if water has condensed in the insulation, it will come out in the form of steam until the humidity of the insulation is equal to the humidity in the room.

The breathable film has two sides: one is smooth and the other is rough, through which water vapor escapes. The rough side of such a film is laid to the insulation and fastened with a stapler to the building envelope. Joints with an overlap of 10 cm are glued with adhesive tape and fixed with a stapler. For waterproof insulation, a vapor-permeable membrane is not needed.

The final stage of warming there will be installation finish coat, which may be wooden lining, drywall, plywood, OSB boards and others.


  1. Wall insulation inside a wooden house is extremely rare and very often a necessary measure.
  2. Before installation internal thermal insulation needs to be thermotechnical calculations, showing the position of the dew point in the cold period. Tochna dew should not be on the inner walls and in the insulation.
  3. As a heater, you should choose only environmentally friendly from well-known manufacturers.
  4. Porous insulation must be covered with waterproofing films from the side of the wall and a vapor-permeable membrane from the side of the room.

Comfortable temperature regime home is one of important conditions for the health of its inhabitants. Insulation works are carried out to ensure a normal environment in the room. Warming is necessary step building a house, it is better to do it at this stage, but you can do it later.

What you need to know about the insulation of the walls of a wooden house inside

The owners of private wooden houses know how important it is to insulate the house. It depends on how comfortable living in it will be. Whatever building material the building is built from, from timber or logs, it needs to be insulated, especially considering how severe frosts are in our country.

A professional does not need to talk about materials, technologies - he already knows everything, but what should an amateur pay attention to if he wants to do it himself from the inside of a wooden house?

There are two main technologies for insulating the walls of a house - external insulation and internal insulation. Each has its own characteristics, pros and cons.

With external insulation, the material is located outside, which allows you to save the facade of the building from adverse environmental factors. In addition, space is saved.

Insulation from the inside is chosen if, for example, it is impossible to “touch” the facade or for some reason it is impossible to make a wooden house.

Before proceeding with the insulation of a log house or insulation log house, you need to determine how to arrange waterproofing so that there is no condensation.

When the heater is located inside, outer wall freezes, condensation forms. So think about waterproofing first. It can, for example, be used when fixing insulation to the wall polyethylene film- it is suitable in many cases.

How to insulate a wooden house

The modern construction market provides a lot. Among them, the most popular are those that are both not very expensive and at the same time effective. Therefore, it became affordable insulation walls inside a wooden house to produce even an inexperienced person.

Penoplex, or expanded polystyrene white color, consists of air and foamed polystyrene. It is produced in the form of plates of different thicknesses and sizes. Easy to use, thanks to which it is in demand in the market building materials.

Styrofoam Specifications:

  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • High noise absorption;
  • Does not create conditions for the development of a humid environment;
  • Long service life;
  • Does not highlight harmful substances in operation;
  • Resistant to temperature changes;
  • Light weight, which is convenient for transportation and installation;
  • Does not ignite;
  • Does not create a comfortable environment for the reproduction of fungi and mold;
  • It is inexpensive.

The technology for insulating a house with foam plastic is as follows:

  • First you need to prepare the wall, clean it of dirt and dust, for this purpose you can use an ordinary broom. If there are cracks, they should be repaired with putty.
  • The surface is primed with acrylic - this prevents the formation of fungal colonies.
  • When the primer dries, stick polystyrene boards. Glue is applied to the wall and to the plate, after which the plate must be pressed against the wall.
  • Work begins from the bottom, the plates are glued end-to-end in a checkerboard pattern. The seams must be processed using mounting foam.
  • When the glue dries, each slab should be attached using dowels in the corners and in the center for greater fixation.
  • A membrane film or polyethylene for waterproofing is covered on top, at the joints it is glued with adhesive tape.

  • Next is the reinforcing mesh.
  • After that, you can do decorative design.

It has several varieties, among which the most popular stone wool, which is produced by remelting stone volcanic rocks. Compared with glass wool, it has more advantages.

Basalt insulation characteristics:

  • Safety during installation;
  • Good indicator of insulation;
  • High noise absorption;
  • High vapor permeability;
  • Does not emit toxic substances;
  • Does not ignite;
  • Resistant to temperature changes;
  • Does not rot, does not grow moldy;
  • Long serves.

The technology of internal insulation of the walls of the house with mineral wool is as follows.

  • The wall is cleared of dirt. All cracks are treated with putty. If there is mold or fungus, this area should be well cleaned, washed, dried and treated with antifungal drugs.
  • Attached to the wall.

  • The crate is stuffed from vertical wooden beams. At the same time, it is important that the step of the crate corresponds to the width of the mineral wool roll, for tight fastening of the insulation to the wall.
  • The mineral wool slab is mounted end-to-end between the battens of the crate. The seams are sealed with adhesive tape.

  • Next, a membrane vapor-waterproofing film is stretched. It must be glued at the joints and ensure that the seal is not broken.
  • This layer is fixed to the crate with wooden planks.
  • Interior decoration of the walls of the house is in progress.

Mineral wool insulation of the walls of the house from the inside video:

Foil heaters

It is a high-tech foil-coated material that, while not itself a thermal insulator, effectively reflects heat back into the home. There are a lot of varieties: penofol, with a self-adhesive coating, one-sided and two-sided, isover, etc.

The technology for insulating a log house from the inside using foil material is briefly as follows.

  • The surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt and dust. All cracks and crevices must be filled with putty.
  • Attached to the wall wooden crate from bars, the pitch of which corresponds to the width of the roll of this material.

  • The foil coating is placed end to end between the lathing bars, it is necessary to ensure that the metallized layer is directed inside the building. The joints must be glued with aluminized adhesive tape.

Unlike other insulation options, the use of foil material allows you not to install a waterproofing film. Therefore, after its installation, you can start interior decoration house walls.

Differences in the methods of insulating the walls of the house

In construction, both methods of thermal insulation are used - external insulation and insulation inside. However, the insulation of a wooden house from the inside has more disadvantages and is performed more often if the insulation from the outside is different reasons fails. Installation of insulation cannot be called a very difficult process, if you have basic construction skills, you can do it quite quickly.

But for a person who does not have professional knowledge, experience and skills, at first it will be difficult to deal with the intricacies of the work. Of course, it will take time to study all the nuances of warming a wooden house from the inside with your own hands. But with what pleasure all family members will return to a cozy and comfortable home!