Shower      05/24/2019

Do-it-yourself corner shelves Mounting shelves on the wall - the best options and mounting technology. Video: fixing the shelf to the wall

Very often you have to hang shelves on the walls to accommodate all the elements. To rationally plan the interior, it is worth using the corners and, thus, freeing the walls for cabinets and shelving. This requires a corner shelf, which can be made independently from existing materials. The article will discuss the main recommendations on how to make a corner shelf, as well as the main examples of designs.

Place corner shelves in different rooms

You can install a corner shelf in every room, but in most cases it is great for a kitchen or bathroom. Any housewife will quickly place on it a variety of jars of spices, cereals and other kitchen utensils, and in the bathroom, such a shelf near the mirror will allow you to accommodate all hygiene products and free up the necessary drawers. It is worth noting that these rooms have a fairly high level of humidity, which means that the tree will need to be additionally treated with antiseptics and applied at least two layers of paint. The best option will become plastic or glass, as they have more advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and temperature changes;
  • mold and fungi do not appear on surfaces;
  • withstand a lot of weight;
  • easy to clean;
  • A variety of colors will allow the design to fit into any interior.

Also, corner shelves on the wall are rational option which is suitable for bedrooms, nurseries and living rooms. Any other furniture can be placed under the shelf, for example:

  • nightstand;
  • computer desk;
  • armchair.

Regardless of what material was used, the design will look spectacular and presentable. All sorts of little things will be conveniently placed on the corner shelf: books, photographs, dishes, candles, toys and much more.

Note! To add more effect to the corner shelf, you can swipe to it LED backlight. With this method, designers give the wall depth.

Necessary materials and tools

Before embarking on planning and manufacturing, it is worth collecting the available materials and calculating: will they be enough? You can make your own corner shelf from a wide variety of materials, for example, such as:

  • wooden boards;
  • plywood;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • window profiles;
  • iron and others.

The first 4 options are considered the most common and practical. Everyone will cope with them, besides, a special tool is not required, as is the case with glass or iron. The set of tools in each case will be varied, but if we talk about lumber, then it is worth preparing in advance:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw (manual or electric);
  • saw;
  • stationery knife;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue and fasteners;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paints and varnishes (paint or varnish);
  • brushes.
Note! For comparison, when making corner shelf glass will need fewer tools: fasteners (screws and dowels), a level, a drill, a felt-tip pen and a ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Suitable as base material regular board left over from renovations. The width should be selected individually, based on the items that will be placed on it and the place where it will be installed.
  2. In addition, for fastening you will need glue with a dispenser and screws (3.0 × 25 mm). As a decor, you can use slats of a semicircular section.
  3. We apply markings on the board at an angle of 45 ° of the required length and, using a hacksaw, cut it at an angle of 45 °. As a result, we get 4 shelves.
  4. From the remnants of the board, you need to cut racks of the same size (for example, 5 × 20 cm) in the amount of 6 pieces.
  5. All elements must be cleaned sandpaper to perfect smoothness.
  6. Let's start building the structure. To each shelf, except for the top one, it is necessary to fix two racks. The markings are applied in the middle, then the elements are fastened with screws. To strengthen the fasteners, use PVA glue.
  7. For ease of fastening, the racks of the middle shelf are placed at the edges.
  8. The remaining parts of the corner shelf are assembled in the same way.
  9. If desired, and if you have free time, you can decorate the shelves using semicircular slats. So, with their help, you can make low handrails so that small or round accessories do not fall out. On finishing stage the shelf is painted.
Note! After the first element has been cut out, it is necessary to attach it to the wall and check the correctness of the calculations. To prevent the board from bursting when fastening, a hole for self-tapping screws is drilled a little smaller than the screws.

Corner glass shelf

To make a small and simple design, it does not take much time and special skills, even if we are talking about a glass shelf. So to be precise and make a design correct sizes measurements need to be made. After that, a diagram is drawn on paper indicating all the parameters obtained.

Glass cutting can be done independently, if there is no tool, then go to a special workshop. Here the masters will be able to cut out the necessary shape in a few minutes. Holders can be:

IN ideal it is worth buying special holders, to which self-tapping screws and dowels for fastening will be included. Holders are fixed on the wall and glasses are put on alternately. With help building level evenness is checked. As a result, the cost of the shelf will be lower than the cost of a new one from the store.

Note! For convenience, experts recommend creating a template for a future cardboard shelf. This will avoid inaccuracies.

Only with exact observance of the data obtained after measurements, it is possible to produce a high-quality and reliable product, in particular, a corner shelf. It is very important to measure between the walls, as this angle is not always equal to 90°. As a basis, you can take the most different materials that gather dust in a shed or garage.

The corners in the room almost always remain unoccupied, but meanwhile there is enough space there to accommodate a small shelf, shelving or suspension. From a design point of view, the corner arrangement provides some advantage, because such a wall articulation expands the possibilities of using various configurations of structures and the fasteners used. If you compare ordinary and corner shelves, you can immediately notice how much more diverse and attractive the latter look. Let's try to decorate your house with such a corner shelf.

The most popular material for making shelves are wood, furniture board, MDF, laminated chipboard and so on. Sometimes shelves are made from improvised means - laminate, plastic or even drywall. We will not change traditions and take furniture plates as raw materials. To work, you will need a jigsaw, a drill, various fasteners, a tape measure and a pencil. First you need to make a sketch of the future shelf for clarity of work processes.

The shelf will be about 70 cm high with three sections. It will be fastened through the vertical elements with the help of dowel-nails, and the parts will be connected to each other by confirmations.

The first thing to do is mark all the details on the plate. Usually this is done with a pencil, but if the plate has a dark surface, then the pencil mark will not be noticeable, in which case you can use a knife. It is necessary with his blade, without pressing hard, to draw along the line of the cut, after which a thin, white, noticeable line will appear, along which it will be easy to cut.

You can use a jigsaw to cut the shelf elements. The saw blade must be small tooth and intended for woodworking. The sawing speed regulator on the jigsaw must be set to the minimum value, and the mode selection knob must be set to "0". To facilitate the assembly of the shelf, it is necessary to number the parts on the drawing, and then put down the corresponding values ​​on the structural elements themselves.

After all the details are cut out, you need to drill holes in them for connecting with confirmations. It's much easier to do it consistently. First you need to make holes in the shelf, and then drill through these holes corresponding to them in the supporting element. If there is no special drill for confirmations, then you need to use 3 conventional drills with different diameters screw part, thickening and euroscrew head.

Immediately at this stage, you can make holes for attaching the shelf to the wall. It will be fastened with dowel-nails 6x80 mm through the supporting elements. All holes must be countersunk to ensure that the nail head is flush with the surface.

When all the details are cut out, you can start decorating the edges. First, we clean all the edges of dust and sawdust formed during sawing. Then we apply an edge tape to the ends and, using a heated iron (it is advisable to take an old, unused one), glue it to open surfaces.
This trimming tape is produced in a standard width of 1.8 mm, and the thickness of the furniture plate is only 1.5 cm, so part of the tape remains redundant and must be removed. We cut off the excess part of the edge with a regular wallpaper knife.

We clean the resulting edge with fine-grained sandpaper. You can close the ends by any other available method, for example, use a decorative cord, braid, special paper or cardboard.
Now you need to assemble the shelf. The assembly is carried out in accordance with the numbered scheme. We use a hex wrench to tighten the confirmations.
Trying on assembled structure to the place intended for it and mark the attachment points on the wall. For drilling in concrete or stone walls, we use a drill with a pobedite tip. On the drill tip, you can pre-mark the drilling depth required for the prepared dowel. So that the dust generated during drilling does not scatter, you can stick a paper "pocket" on the wall under the place of work.

After graduation drilling work you need to insert the dowels into the holes and through the corresponding elements of the shelf, fix it with screw nails, drowning the hats. This can be done with a hammer or a regular Phillips screwdriver.

You can decorate the open caps of the fasteners with the help of special plastic plugs of a suitable color.
Perhaps such a shelf will turn out to be too simple in appearance, but we made it from materials that often gather dust in our pantry or live out their lives in the country. The design can be changed at your discretion, for example, to make the supporting elements longer and then the shelves can be used as bookshelves. Or choose a different shape of the end pieces, in which case the shelf will acquire additional decorative effect. In any case, a hand-made item will serve as an example of the individual skill of the owners of the house.

There is nothing better than shelves for organizing space in rooms, as well as for decorating the interior. comfortable, functional, original form, they help to conveniently arrange a lot of things and give the rooms a more comfortable look. Making shelves on the wall with your own hands is not at all difficult, and you can use a wide variety of materials - wood, fiberboard, glass, pieces of tin, plywood.

Types of wall shelvesDescription
ClassicThis type of shelves is the most common because of its simplicity, aesthetic appearance and ease of installation. They are a huge flight of fancy: from simple squares to creative asymmetric shapes.
cornerThis type of wall shelves differs in the method of fastening - it is carried out on adjacent adjacent walls. Most often they are mounted in utility rooms and bathrooms
SuspendedThis original way creating a shelf involves attaching a simple structure to the ceiling using cables or vertical racks
floor standingThis wall shelf is a floor support structure. This type of product is especially relevant in the hallways, as well as large rooms where you don't have to think about wasting space
Open and closed shelves on the wallWall shelves can be designed, for example, with or without glass

The tree is the most comfortable material for work. wooden shelves are simple, complex, open and closed, vertical, horizontal and angular. Taking the basic version as a basis, you can assemble a shelf from several modules and give it the most incredible look. In order for the product to serve for a long time, you should choose the right wood: the boards must be perfectly even, completely dry, without cracks, voids and mold.

During the assembly process you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • boards 16 mm thick;
  • stain;
  • varnish for wood;
  • grinder;
  • screws, brackets, dowels.

As an example, a simple rectangular shelf 250 mm wide, 300 mm high and 1100 mm long is used.

Step 1. Markup

The boards are laid flat on the table and measurements are transferred from the drawing. The height of the side walls should be 268 mm, since they will be located between the top and bottom: wall height + board thickness x 2 = 300 mm.

Step 2. Cutting the boards

If the markup exactly matches the pattern, you can start cutting. It is best to use a jigsaw for this, then the cuts are perfectly even and neat. You should get 2 long blanks and 2 short ones.

Step 3. Processing blanks

Before proceeding with the assembly, each workpiece must be sanded, stained and varnished. If you plan to simply paint the shelf, the blanks are processed - this way the service life increases, and the paint lays down more evenly.

Step 4. Assembly of the product

The bottom board is laid flat on flat surface. 8 mm retreat from the ends of the workpiece and draw 2 straight lines parallel to the cuts. Now on these lines you need to mark two points at a distance of 5 cm from the edge, and drill holes for the screws there. Do the same with the top piece. When all the holes are ready, side blanks are installed on the bottom board and screws are screwed in. A second board is applied on top and also fixed with self-tapping screws. side walls.

Brackets are fixed at the ends of the side walls, holes for dowels are drilled in the wall, self-tapping screws are inserted and twisted so that they protrude by about 5 mm. The dowels must be located strictly horizontally, therefore, before drilling, a line is drawn using a level. Now it remains only to attach the brackets to the fasteners and hang the shelf. If desired, the back wall of the product can be hammered with a piece of plywood, and glass can be inserted in front.

To make such a simple shelf more original, you can replace one side wall with a stump of a thick branch. To do this, choose an even branch with a diameter of about 7-8 cm with a smooth clean bark, saw off a piece 28 cm long, cut off everything lateral processes. Chock is treated with a primer, dried and varnished. The bark does not need to be removed. After the varnish has dried, the workpiece is inserted between the upper and lower boards and screwed tightly with self-tapping screws.

Based on this drawing, you can make various variations of wall shelves. For example, reduce the length to 400 mm and make 3-4 blocks at once. Then install them on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern and secure them together with metal plates. Or simply fix them on the wall separately, placing them at a short distance from each other.

Often, to save space, shelves are made angular, and they can be mounted both in the inner and outer corners.

The blanks are made according to the scheme described above, only the upper and lower boards consist of two elements, with ends sawn at an angle. The process of making such a shelf is quite simple:

  • the halves of the top board are smeared at the ends with glue and clamped with clamps;
  • repeat the same steps with the bottom board;
  • when the glue dries, all the workpieces are stained or primed;
  • fastening lines are marked on the upper and lower blanks and holes are drilled;
  • insert the side walls and fix them with self-tapping screws.

Wall shelf materialsAdvantages and disadvantages
Wood: plywood, chipboard, MDF and othersThis material is relatively easy to work with, it looks beautiful, natural and spectacular, its service life is quite long, especially if pre-treatment is carried out.
PlasticThis material is the most versatile, it can imitate both wood and stone, while removing their imperfections.
MetalSuch wall shelves will be very strong, reliable and durable, however, classic interior they fit in with difficulty. In addition, corrosion can also be a problem, so for metal products required special processing and conditions
GlassTransparent wall shelves will create an atmosphere of lightness and comfort in the house. Of course, it will be difficult to make a glass structure with your own hands, but if you nevertheless decide to do all the work yourself, then you will have to work with glass for quite a long time and very carefully, especially if various cutouts are planned in the design of the shelf.

Original book shelves

Shelves of non-standard shape are in increasing demand, so if you wish, you can try to assemble something original. For example, used bookshelf in the form of a simplified labyrinth.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • edged board 20 mm thick;
  • wood glue;
  • clamps;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • miter box;
  • Sander;
  • stain;
  • furniture screws, self-tapping screws;
  • decorative shelf holders.

If you have everything you need, you can start making the shelf.

Step 1. Markup

On the prepared boards, cut lines are marked with a pencil under the ruler. Measurements should be transferred very carefully, since all horizontal parts have different lengths.

Step 2. Trimming blanks

The ends of each workpiece are cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The diagram shows the first option, so you need a miter box for sawing. It is very important to correctly install the miter box on the board so that the cuts are symmetrical. If the ends are cut off incorrectly, it will not work to fold the shelf.

Step 3. Assembly of the structure

The ends of the parts are smeared with glue, tightly compressed and additionally fixed with slotted furniture screws. Ordinary self-tapping screws do not fit here. At least 2 screws are required for each joint. Both parts of the shelf are applied to the wall, leveled and the attachment points are marked with a pencil. After that, holes for dowels are drilled, brackets are screwed to the shelf with self-tapping screws and the structure is hung on the wall. Instead of brackets, decorative pelican shelf holders are often used.

Hanging shelf with straps

If you want to decorative shelf For small items, the next option is perfect - a board suspended on belts.

To make a shelf you will need:

  • 2 edged boards 300x750 mm, 30 mm thick;
  • 4 leather belts 75 cm long;
  • 4 long screws with plastic dowels;
  • 4 short screws;
  • building level;
  • ruler;
  • sharp knife;
  • drill.

Step 1. Preparing the straps

The cuts of the belts must be perfectly even, therefore, if necessary, they are cut with a knife. Fold each belt in half, press the ends to the table, step back from the edge 2 cm and drill a neat through hole. Do the same with the remaining three.

Step 2 Attach the straps to the wall

On the wall, using a level, two points are determined at a distance of 60 cm. Holes are drilled and plastic dowels are inserted. A belt folded in half is applied to one of the holes and fixed with a long screw - a large loop is obtained on the wall. Another such loop is attached nearby.

Step 3 Installing the Shelf

A polished board is inserted into the loops and aligned horizontally. To prevent the shelf from moving, the parts of the belts adjacent to the wall near the board itself are screwed with short self-tapping screws. Now another one is hung under this shelf, exactly repeating the steps described above. The result is a light and neat bunk shelf. If desired, you can add 1-2 more tiers.

For the manufacture of the shelves described above, you can use not only wood, but also plywood, as well as chipboard sheets. The latter option is used most often, since chipboard is light in weight, high strength, practicality and durability. When assembling shelves from this material, all sections must be pasted over with a melamine edge to match the color of the sheet.

Making a glass shelf

Glass shelves harmoniously fit into any interior, and the installation process does not take much time. For work you will need:

  • strained glass;
  • hammer;
  • electric drill;
  • building level;
  • aluminum profile;
  • dowels;
  • adhesive tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Not everyone knows how to cut glass correctly, and therefore it is better to order cutting blanks in the workshop. They will also perform grinding and polishing of the edges, so that when installing the shelf, you will not be cut on sharp edges. Everything else can be done on your own.

Step 1. Marking for fasteners

The section of the wall where the shelf will hang should be as large as possible. Using a building level, draw a horizontal line on the wall with a pencil. On the line mark the location of the fasteners, drill holes.

Step 2: Install profiles

An aluminum profile is applied to the wall surface and the conformity of the mounting marks is checked. Then dowels are inserted into the holes, the profile is baited with one screw and leveled horizontally. After that, tighten the rest of the screws.

Instead of a drill, insert the bracket screw

Screw in the bracket screw

Leave the bracket screw protruding from the wall

Checking the position

We have shelves

Step 3 Attaching the Shelf

The rear edge of the glass shelf is closed with adhesive tape. You can use separate spacers from the tape, placing them where the glass will touch the heads of the screws. The shelf is inserted into the profile, the edges of the profile are closed with protective caps. If two shelves touch on the sides, their edges are fastened with metal fittings.

If you have free time and a desire to experiment, you can create very unusual wall shelves from improvised materials. For example, the corner shelf from plastic pipes. For its manufacture, segments will be needed sewer pipes and corner cuts. The shelf is attached to the wall with screws and dowels.

Old suitcases and diplomats can also be great wall shelves. To do this, they are cut in height to half, cover the back with plywood and fix on the wall with screws or on brackets.

Drawers from unnecessary bedside tables are quite suitable for making shelves. To give them an elegant look, the boxes should be carefully sanded, primed and painted in bright colors. Then they are leaned back wall to the surface, mark the attachment points and drill holes for them. Even one such shelf looks very original, and a composition of 2-3 drawers will become a real decoration.

Video - Shelves on the wall with your own hands

Interesting wooden shelf. Master Class

You will need:

  • Rope;
  • Board at least 2 cm thick;
  • 2 corners (mounts) for shelves;
  • Steel washers;
  • Lighter;
  • Drill;
  • Saw.

Corner shelves save space, so this design solution is a godsend for small areas. A similar piece of furniture can be made independently, because this does not require special knowledge, expensive equipment and a large number time.

The choice of material and tools for the shelf

Do-it-yourself corner shelf can be made from various materials. Consumers very often make a choice in favor of chipboard, MDF or plywood. Another option may be window profiles, as well as glass.

The choice of tools depends on the material from which you need to create a shelf with your own hands.

Yes, for wooden models worth having:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • a saw with fine teeth;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • a rail for creating compasses and compasses with a large radius;
  • wooden lath for the base of the structure.

If the corner shelf will be made from a window sill profile, then you should purchase the following tools:

  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rail to reinforce the rigidity of the edge;
  • glue "Moment";
  • cable channels.

The least number of tools is required when you need to make a glass corner shelf:

  • a set of holders for glass shelves (there are already self-tapping screws and dowels here);
  • level;
  • drill.

When all the materials and tools for the work are collected, you can begin to create shelves.

How to make a corner shelf

Creating a shelf and its installation is a fairly quick process. Therefore, in a few hours (or less), you can easily transform the room, which can not be compared with the time spent when you need to create a closet. You can make the shelves correctly with the help of step-by-step instructions.

glass shelf

To make such a shelf, you need to follow these steps:

  1. A shelf template is created from cardboard.
  2. Cutting and processing glass can be done both at home and in a special workshop. But it is the pros who will do all the work on high level, and the consumer will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable material.
  3. Holders are being purchased.
  4. Next, you need to put the shelf on one of the holders, attach it to the wall and use a pencil to outline the upper limit of its attachment.
  5. The first holder is attached, for this, the self-tapping screws and dowels included in the kit are used.
  6. The glass is inserted into the first holder, fixed and put on the second. Use a level to level the shelf. Mark the drilling locations with a pencil.
  7. The second holder is mounted.

Here is a simple way to make glass shelves at home.

Shelf from window sill profile

The shelf can be given any shape, but you should always remember about right angle base that will be attached to the wall.

In order to build a shelf, follow the instructions:

  1. The material is marked.
  2. Using a hacksaw, a shelf is cut.
  3. Further, with the help of a special rail, which coincides with the profile in thickness and length, the frame is reinforced. To do this, put this material on the glue "Moment" and fix it to the edge of the profile.
  4. Holes are drilled in the already glued rail.
  5. Self-tapping screws are driven into the wall under the holes already drilled in the shelf. During operation, a level is used.
  6. The open ends of the structure are hidden behind cable channels selected by thickness. They are stuck on with glue.
  7. The shelf is fixed on self-tapping screws.

You can change the color of this design using various adhesive films, matched to the interior.

Thus, an ordinary profile will easily turn into marble.

Chipboard shelf (plywood, MDF)

The fastening of such shelves is done in several ways. The first consists in fitting onto a longitudinal base rail, the second in fixing it in the grooves of the transverse base.

The first method is good because there is no need to drill either tiles or walls:

  1. A shelf is cut out of chipboard. To do this, using a compass, you need to draw a circle, divide it into 4 parts and cut each with a jigsaw or a hacksaw.
  2. On the base rail, the locations of the shelves and the size of the required groove are marked. The blanks are applied to the rail, and their width is fixed.
  3. With a fine-toothed saw, cuts are made to the depth of the middle of the rail, and an unnecessary element is removed with a knife.
  4. On the shelf at the base corner, a section is planned that needs to be cut out. In terms of area, it is equal to the depth and width of the groove in the rail.
  5. With a fine-toothed saw, according to the marked markings, you need to make a cut and remove an unnecessary element.
  6. Next, the shelves are polished, and entry into the grooves is checked.
  7. Using glue, the rail must be fixed to the wall, secured with tape and left for at least an hour.
  8. Shelves are inserted into the already fixed rail without any other fixation.

In such a simple way, you can make shelving for the living room, bathroom, kitchen, etc.

To make a shelf in the second way, you must first make grooves, and only then take on the main element:

  1. In two bars, along the length equal to the size of the sides of the shelf, using circular saw grooves of the required width are formed.
  2. These elements are attached to the wall using self-tapping screws or dowels. It is necessary to ensure that their hats are completely recessed.
  3. The angle is carefully measured. The measurements are transferred to the material, where the contour of the shelf is drawn.
  4. Using a jigsaw or file, an element is cut out.
  5. A special tape is used to decorate the edges.
  6. When the shelf is completely ready, it is inserted into the grooves.

Just a few hours, and a beautiful decor element is already in place!

Creating a shelf with his own hands, the master takes into account everything: his ideas, the interior, the features of the corner, where this item will be located.

Everyone wants to fix a shelf on the wall in such a way that it fits perfectly into overall design premises. It is not difficult to solve such a problem at all. Absolutely anyone who has free time and a set of necessary tools can nail a shelf to the wall.

As the main support for the shelf, you can choose an anchor bolt, thanks to which you can securely fasten the piece of furniture.

Its dimensions are as follows:

  • diameter up to 12 mm,
  • length - 180 mm.

There must be a thread on one end of the anchor bolt in order to screw the anchor into wooden surface, and on the other - to screw into a metal sleeve.

For the basis of the shelf, you can take a piece of board from a window sill with artificial turf.

The dimensions are as follows:

  • thickness - 25 mm,
  • width - up to 200 mm.

There are only two mounting options:

  • classical,
  • hidden.

A hidden option for fixing shelves is needed in cases where decorative elements absolutely not combined with protruding fasteners. Attach shelves to this option just as easy as the traditional one.

Sequence of work

Before you fasten the shelf to the wall, you need to know that the thicker the shelf, the thicker the support should be. A hole is drilled in the end part, on average, 5 mm below the surface. All holes for shelves in the wall must match, otherwise it will be quite problematic to fix them.

Attaching the shelf to the wall:

  • A rail is considered a template desired length. It is applied to the end of the shelf and a hole of the desired diameter is made, after which it is applied to the wall.
  • The next step will be drilling, which must be done with maximum accuracy.

In order to attach the shelf, you will need:

  • electric drill,
  • threaded coupling,
  • brackets,
  • rail - template,
  • wood glue,
  • screws.

Installation of a corner shelf (video)

Shelf mounts from the store

The shelf you bought in hardware store, it can be very difficult to fix on the wall. Be sure to read the instructions that came with it. Most likely, it will be all necessary recommendations about how to screw the product on the wall.

Next, you need to understand what type of fastening the shelf has. Usually, complete with a shelf and instructions, elements are also attached to it, with the help of which the product is fastened. It is also necessary to choose brackets, thanks to which the shelf will be fastened.

Brackets may vary:

  • fasteners that do not extend beyond the shelves;
  • flat brackets with pear-shaped holes at the end.

To make the fastening of the shelf from the store to the wall, carefully carry out the measurements that were given above.

Steps for attaching the shelf to the wall:

  • Based on the possible dimensions of the shelf, you will need to decide on the place where the fastening will be made. Choose the right place so that other furniture in the room does not interfere.
  • Using the building level, you need to control the position of the product.
  • Nests are preliminarily created in the walls so that after this procedure it is possible to safely attach the shelves. These nests are made with a perforator or drill, and then dowels are driven into the resulting holes.
  • After that, the shelf is fixed to the wall.
  • The final stage is the screwing of the elements for fasteners into the holes.

How to hang shelves on the wall (video)

Thus, it was clearly shown how to mount any shelves on the wall. Fastening is carefully planned and only after the development of the plan do they start work.