Shower      03/30/2019

Ultrasonic insect repeller: review, rating, instructions, reviews. Ultrasonic rodent repellers: reviews, prices

The ultrasonic rodent repeller is a relatively new rodent control product. For many, it has already become an excellent alternative to other methods of control that involve killing animals - the use of traps and poisons. Do you also want to humanely get rid of rodents? Is the very idea of ​​poisoning or capturing them and the subsequent fuss with dead carcasses unpleasant? All these issues are solved by an ultrasonic device from rats. In this material, we will tell you how rats feel and behave when exposed to ultrasound, how to choose the right repeller for a room of any size, what you need to know about ultrasound and how to use the device correctly. We will also find out: are such devices safe for cats, dogs and hamsters?

Rodent repellers: 7 most popular questions

1. How do rats feel and behave when exposed to ultrasound?

When you first turn on the device, the rats can become bewildered by new unpleasant sounds, hide in their hiding places, or, on the contrary, start chaotic running around the room in an attempt to hide from the source of uncomfortable sounds. It is in this case that it may seem to you that the repeller does not work, but only attracts pests - but this is not so! It's just that the rats are in a state of shock and don't know what to do. Fortunately, in most modern appliances frequencies “pulsate”, changing every few minutes by 2-10 kHz. This prevents rodents from getting used to the unpleasant effect and makes ultrasound from mice a very effective tool.

Ultrasound causes panic, anxiety, confusion and a feeling of extreme discomfort in rodents - especially if the device is constantly on. But at the same time, they are not so stupid as to simply take and leave the warm housing they have lived in. Therefore, they can wait for several days in the hope that this nightmare will end. When this does not come, they are forced to flee. This process usually takes about 2 weeks on average.

2. Why does ultrasound have such an effect on rodents, but a person does not hear it?

The thing is that people and rodents have different ranges of sound waves that they can perceive by ear. In humans, it is approximately equal to 20 Hz-16 kHz, and in mice from 200 Hz to 76 kHz. Ultrasound is also called waves with a frequency above 20 kHz, which a person, unlike rodents, is no longer able to hear due to the limitations of the hearing aid. The most popular devices have a built-in function to constantly change the frequency of the wave so that rats do not have time to get used to unpleasant sounds. And here it all depends on the range of emitted waves of each particular device. Its upper limits are usually not in question, but the lower limit of the range (in different occasions it is 5 kHz, 18 kHz, etc.) can be heard by people as well.

3. How many repellers do you need to clean the house from rodents?

The answer depends on the number of rooms and the extent of the infection. IN ideal there should be one ultrasonic rodent repeller per room, because ultrasound cannot penetrate walls. In the case of a home, also consider the basement and attic and other areas that may be particularly attractive to rats (kitchen, pantry, and other areas where food is stored).

4. The electronic mouse and rat repeller does not work: what could be the matter?

Perhaps the room is too cluttered and it is worth taking out unnecessary things that interfere with the operation of the ultrasonic device. The repeller works best in a space with a minimum of soft things that absorb ultrasound: cushioned furniture, carpets, curtains, fabrics, toys. In such a room, ultrasound from rats is able to fill the space due to multiple reflections from hard surfaces, walls, ceilings and floors.

If you're trying to get rid of rodents in grocery stores, having food there becomes a double problem. Firstly, rats will never refuse to eat for nothing, and secondly, bags with bulk products (for example, grain) perfectly absorb ultrasound. And most importantly, take out food that attracts rodents. Many biologists say that rats are able to endure pain for the sake of food, and then just get used to the ultrasound and learn to ignore it.

Also, according to scientists, in some cases, electronic rodent repellers may simply not work, therefore, turning on the repeller, do not wait too long. Optimal time: 2-3 weeks - if during this time the rats have not disappeared, turn off the device and use traps or rat poisons.

5. How to understand that it is time to unplug the repeller?

In accordance with the opinion of the manufacturers, we recommend that you do not unplug the appliance until the rats are completely gone (this should take 2-3 weeks). Sometimes people complain that the device against rodents worked at first, and then suddenly stopped, and the rats appeared again. This may be due precisely to the fact that it was not turned off in time! Theoretically, if another rat family immediately takes the place of the former rodents, then they can immediately get used to the constant exposure to ultrasound.

Remember: an ultrasonic rat repeller does not protect your home from invading rodents, it only helps to get the existing ones out!

6. Which is better: a repeller, rat poison or a trap?

All methods are good in their own way, but you should not use them at the same time! This is a typical mistake of all frightened homeowners who, at the sight of rats in the house, immediately rush to purchase all possible means at once. But traps, poisons, as well as poison for rats and mice and repellers simply cannot work together - they have opposite actions: the first means attract rodents, and repellers repel.

It is advisable to first use humane way scare away, and later, if necessary, scatter poison or set traps. So you will know that you did everything you could, and, most importantly, you did everything right!

7. Do devices such as ultrasonic repellers have an expiration date?

In fact, such funds can serve you all your life, i.e. You can tell they don't have an expiration date. But the manufacturer is obliged to report the expected service life of the device he produces - in the technical data sheets of some models, we came across an indication of 10 years of operation, which is quite good. Carefully read the instructions in each specific ultrasonic mouse repeller to find out the details.

The Ultrasonic Insect Repeller is a simple and easy-to-use tool for combating various insects. It is considered to be a fairly effective device. And use similar device harmless to humans and pets.

Operating principle

The ultrasonic insect repeller emits sound waves of a certain frequency, which are unpleasant for insects and other small pests. As a result of the action of the device, insects leave the territory where the ultrasound operates. A person does not pick up the sounds of such frequencies, so the device does not affect him in any way.

The most commonly used insect repeller is an ultrasonic mosquito repeller. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that mosquitoes produce ultrasounds with their wings as a means to communicate with each other. Thus, they warn other individuals of the danger.

Bats use ultrasound to navigate and locate prey. The use of ultrasound can repel insects and rodents and thus expel them from the premises where people live.

However, not all insects use ultrasound. For example, bedbugs, cockroaches and ants do not use it. Therefore, it is pointless to drive these insects away with the help of high frequencies.

What insects does it work on?

The effectiveness of the influence of ultrasound on certain types of living organisms has long been studied by science. Ultrasonic vibrations are actively used in medicine against bacteria.

IN domestic use ultrasonic frequencies help drive out rodents (rats, mice, moles, bats) and some insects. Unfortunately, such devices do not work against cockroaches, so any claims of their effectiveness against these insects are doubtful.

What to be guided by when choosing?

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to some of its parameters:

Other parameters

All other characteristics are considered secondary. These include:

  • network sensor. Some models have an option that allows you to turn on the device when it gets dark, when mosquitoes appear.
  • Dimensions. Device sizes may vary. Some will easily fit in your pocket, while others are large.

When purchasing an ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller, you should also pay attention to such points:

How to use?

To use the device, it must be connected to a power outlet. The ultrasonic insect and rodent repeller will emit high-frequency waves that negatively affect pests. Insects experience stress, they become disoriented in space, and sometimes die.

The stress experienced by insects and rodents does not allow them to lead their usual way of life and reproduce. For this reason, pests leave the area.

It turns out that the principle of operation of the device is based on the instincts of pests that communicate using ultrasounds. According to research, the sound of bats is especially effective against insects, because mice are their main enemies and exterminators.

For correct operation, it is important to check the presence of voltage in the mains. An ultrasonic insect repeller for an apartment is turned on with a special button on the device. Other models may have several different switches depending on the functions. Sometimes the work of both ultrasound and electromagnetic radiation is provided. This combination can create protection against many groups of insects.

It happens that manufacturers provide the ability to switch between different modes during the operation of the device.

It is important to understand that after months of operation, the quality of the emitted waves decreases, so experts recommend periodically changing the device to a new ultrasonic insect repeller. The rating of the most used models will be considered below.


This is a device Russian production. Ultrasonic insect repeller "Tornado" was created without the use of chemicals. It provides protection mainly against mosquitoes.

Product parameters:

  • The shape of the device is an electrical device that emits high frequency sounds.
  • Power sources - mains and batteries.
  • The intensity of the emitted sounds is 4-40 kHz.
  • Coverage area - 50 square meters.
  • Weight - 250 grams.
  • The cost is 1500 rubles.

The device has an oscillator that adjusts the frequency setting. Thanks to this parameter, insects cannot get used to a certain frequency of sounds.

Device advantages:

  • It can be used in large areas.
  • Compact product size.
  • Humane effect on insects.
  • Low power consumption.
  • No extra sounds.
  • Does not affect pets.

The manufacturer guarantees the device for a year. Its convenience is that it has a universal power supply. It can be charged from the mains, and outdoors can be used with batteries. The device works even in extreme heat.


Ultrasonic repeller of insects and rodents "Defender" in its work uses two principles of action. It works with the help of high-frequency sounds and an electromagnetic field. Among its features are the following:

  • If small rodents (hamsters, guinea pigs) live in the apartment, the device will negatively affect their well-being.
  • Other animals are not affected by the device.
  • The device does not interfere with the operation of electrical appliances.
  • Ants and cockroaches will begin to leave no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. These insects feel discomfort from the operation of the device, but are in no hurry to leave the habitable territory.
  • During the application of the mechanism, chemicals and insecticides should not be used.
  • The appliance does not work outdoors.
  • The efficiency of the device reduces the presence of furniture, curtains, walls. Therefore, each room includes a separate device.

Designed in the USA, made in China.

"Pest Repeller" can cover an area of ​​200 square meters. It is located in the central part of the room. To improve work efficiency, close windows and doors.

Unfortunately, the device is dangerous for small rodents. If such animals live as pets, they should be temporarily removed from the device's coverage area.

"Pest Reject"

A device that affects rats, cockroaches, bedbugs and other pests. At least that's what the manufacturer promises. The device is manufactured in the USA.

"Pest reject", an ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller, has the following characteristics:

  • It is absolutely safe because it does not involve chemicals.
  • Easy to use.
  • Not organic in use.
  • A 220 V socket is usually sufficient for operation.
  • It operates on the basis of ultrasound and electromagnetic vibrations.

As a result of the action of the device, pests begin to experience discomfort and leave the territory. High-frequency waves do not affect adults and children, as well as pets.


To completely get rid of pests, the device must be operated continuously for 2-3 weeks. In this case, it will be possible to feel the effect that this ultrasonic insect repeller creates. The instructions for the device give precise recommendations for its use.


An ultrasonic mouse and insect repeller that uses high-frequency waves, as well as magnetic and ion radiation, in its work.

Looks like construction white color. Insects feel the ultrasonic effect, the frequency of which changes. This helps to eliminate addictive pests.

Low frequency waves are generated by magnetic resonance technology. Negative ion generator neutralizes insect-attractive odors.

The device is used in the conditions of the apartment, and in open spaces. The device does not affect pets.


One of the new devices that uses ultrasound to influence insect pests.

The device operates within the same room. The walls impede its operation, so a separate apparatus is installed for each room.


The ultrasonic insect repeller collects contradictory reviews about itself. Those who used such devices note either the high productivity of the devices, or their complete inactivity.

Such contradictions are associated with the nuances of using certain devices. Not all users carefully read the instructions. The manufacturer, as a rule, gives strict recommendations, following which you can achieve specific results.

It takes a few days to get rid of cockroaches, and a few weeks to get rid of ants. Mosquitoes disappear after a few minutes.

Device owners note the convenience of such mechanisms. With their acquisition, there is no need for the constant use of other means - pencils, chemicals.

Negative reviews, according to experts, are most likely associated with the acquisition of a fake. Therefore, it is recommended to buy devices from official representatives who provide all the necessary product warranties.

To obtain maximum effect when using the devices, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is important to pay attention to the range of the device. Devices for large areas can cause discomfort to the inhabitants when used in small rooms.
  • IN country houses repellers are installed on each floor.
  • In cool rooms, it is undesirable to use devices powered by batteries. Devices may fail.
  • When using the device, it must be protected from the penetration of liquids.
  • Do not operate the device at temperatures above + 40 degrees.
  • The performance of the device drops if there are curtains, walls, furniture nearby.
  • The repeller should be installed no higher than one meter from the floor.
  • It doesn't make sense to turn off the device.
  • You can turn on the device for prevention.
  • You need to change the product to a new one every few months.

Since the appearance of rats or mice can often be found at home, the owners are wondering how to get rid of these pests without the use of potent targeted chemicals. In connection with this need, special devices that emit ultrasonic waves have become increasingly popular. In this article, we will talk about whether ultrasound helps with rats, where it is used, what types of devices are produced, and which of them do their job best.

The ultrasonic rat repeller has indeed proved to be an effective rodent repellant. This is the most humane way to get pests out of the house or even drive them away from the adjacent land if the device is of sufficient power.

To date, rat repellers have become widely used in household, farmers who grow crops, warehouse owners. Also, ultrasonic devices are relevant at elevators, granaries, food factories and other enterprises of a similar purpose.

When choosing a device, you should consult with experts who are developing in this field and will be able to advise the appropriate device. If you purchase such a device that was originally designed to scare away other animals (it differs in the frequency of emission of sound waves), then it will not have the proper effect or the effect will be almost imperceptible.

Since rats and mice often settle in private houses (under the floor, in basements and cellars, pantries, attics), their owners first of all need to think about purchasing a repellent device.

In general, the range of action of this electronic device is almost unlimited. Almost anywhere where rodents have appeared, it can be installed without fear for your health. It is enough to have access to the electrical network if a direct connection is required. Portable, battery-operated devices are more convenient, but will require periodic replacement.

For human health, ultrasonic traps do not pose any threat, since our hearing is not sensitive to low-frequency sound. Since a person does not have susceptibility to this irritant, it can be installed even in children's rooms.

Video "Scope of the repeller"

From the video you will learn how the ultrasonic repeller works.

Types and features of their application

All ultrasonic repellers have a special generator that creates sound waves. different power, and a special programmed control board. These are the simplest types of structures. In more complex structures there are special elements that regulate the frequency of sound vibrations. As a result of such periodic changes, rodents cannot get used to the monotonous effect of the same type of sound waves. This greatly affects them nervous system, and forced to leave the living quarters due to severe discomfort.

Usually, the types of ultrasonic devices for rats or mice are divided according to the type of power source. There may be several such structures. They can operate from batteries, from the electrical network (220 volts), on built-in solar panels (a very expensive type of repeller), as well as hybrid types that can combine two types of power.

Each user will be able to choose for himself the most suitable type of design, taking into account its features. If the device has batteries, it can be installed in absolutely any place, as this makes it very mobile. If the rodents leave the owners in trouble in the room, then there is no need to use a portable device, in which case it can be connected to the network, since its range will be sufficient to cover a large space.

Farmers can use ultrasonic devices on their land plots. For this task, the best type of device that runs on batteries or is capable of self-charging using solar battery. With such a battery, you can turn on the device and “forget” about it for a long time. With sufficient power of this electronic equipment, you can get rid of not only mice or rats, but also dogs, birds, moles, various insects and other fauna.

Important selection criteria

Using modern facility to repel rodents and insects, you need to know about the most important factors that affect the effectiveness of this device. To get the maximum effect, you need to pay attention to the area that should be affected by low-frequency sound.

If the purchased device meets the required range in terms of its technical characteristics, then it will be possible to quickly get rid of pests. Otherwise, mice and rats will temporarily leave the territory, and then return to it again. In doing so, it must be taken into account that a large number of foreign objects, furniture, walls, etc. create an obstacle to the passage of low-frequency sound waves. In open areas, you can achieve maximum action.

Another important factor that has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the use of electronic sound repellers is the range of sound waves. Each animal species has its own sensitivity to ambient noise due to the structure of the body and a number of features of the hearing organs. Therefore, you need to carefully read about the technical characteristics of the device, given its frequency range of ultrasonic waves.

It is important to note that there may be several ultrasound generators in electronic devices. Several nodes will provide more strong effect than one generator.

And last but one of the most important factors which animal species should be exposed to low frequency sound. After all, farmers do not always have to deal with rats or mice. The target can be moles, shrews, birds that destroy berries on trees, harmful insects.

All these parameters together can determine the most suitable option For correct operation equipment.

Overview of the best models

"Typhoon" is not one device from rodents, but a whole series of devices, each of which has certain parameters. All these devices can be purchased not only for apartments and private houses, but also for industrial buildings.

Usually the cost of the repeller will depend on the area of ​​distribution of their sound waves. The average cost of Typhoon-800 is about 2000 rubles. This appliance has the following features:

  • coverage up to 200 meters;
  • the ability to fix it on a vertical surface with screws;
  • can work from the mains and from a car battery;
  • used against mice and rats;
  • the angle of emission of sound waves is wide enough to have a maximum effect;
  • the ability to work in two modes: sound for more power, and silent for use in rooms where there is a person.

Another good view devices for this purpose - "Grad". He deserves positive reviews for his versatility. It is used not only against rats and mice, but also against insects in the house: mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches. The price of the Grad device starts from one and a half thousand rubles. The Grad samples have a higher cost, which can cover rooms with an area of ​​​​up to 100 square meters (special purpose for industrial buildings). The device works normally at low temperatures, so you can use it not only at home or on manufacturing enterprises but also in basements cold rooms, in warehouses. Some examples of the device can work in a mode with the simultaneous emission of conventional sound and ultrasonic waves for more efficient operation.

"Electrocat". The device of the Russian company "Electrokot", which is optimally suited for use in city apartments. Maximum area of ​​action ultrasonic waves- 200 square meters. Devices of this manufacturer simultaneously create sound waves and light flashes, they can also work in the "day" and "night" modes.

In the "night" mode, in addition to ultrasound, "Electrocat" emits an annoying sound signal, which increases the effectiveness of the fight against rats. But in this case, there should not be people near the operating device.

The operation of the Electrokot device is enhanced by the intermittent glow of the LED. You can turn on the device in electrical network at 220 volts or use independent power sources. The device is safe for humans. It is recommended to remove small domestic rodents from the premises during the operation of the device ( guinea pigs, hamsters and other pets).

To have the desired effect, the device must be activated for at least three weeks.

Despite the ease of use of ultrasonic traps, owners need to be aware of some features of their use in the home.

First of all, it should be noted that the owners can often meet small rodents as pets. If there are such animals at home, then the use of ultrasonic repellers will have an extremely negative impact on their behavior and life. These pets most spend time in cages, and they will not be able to get away from the effects of the device. The owners may not immediately notice changes in the behavior of the animal, so the animal may bite it, or run away if the cage is opened.

In your house, to get rid of mice, but you can’t get a cat, then your Alternative option- These are specialized ultrasonic devices that work from the mains or from batteries. Just so you make your home as safe as possible from exposure to chemicals and you can forget about the problem for a long time.

What is an ultrasonic mouse repeller

Ultrasonic devices, repellers are the most modern weapons against pest rodents, which, by means of ultrasonic wave vibrations, affect the perception and orientation in space of small rodents. In addition, ultrasound is able to influence their nervous system in such a way that they are seized by a feeling of fear and anxiety. That is why they bypass the neighborhood where such a device is located. But the most attractive thing about this little piece of equipment is that the frequencies of these sound waves are completely safe for human hearing.

At first, you can pay attention to how animals just run around near a working device. Moreover, the most daring of them can even jump on a working repeller. But a short time passes, and the pests understand that it is impossible to settle here. Consider several options for the most popular models of ultrasonic repellers.

The behavior of rodents when the ultrasonic repeller is turned on:

Most Popular Models

GRAD A-500

This device is very convenient in that it easy to hang on the wall where rodents won't go.

  • The area of ​​influence of the device is 500 sq.m., the sound sequence is constantly changing - this does not allow mice to get used to sound radiation.
  • It emits not only ultrasonic vibrations, but also a sharp unpleasant sound which can create discomfort for people and pets
  • The wide coverage of ultrasonic exposure to areas allows the use of the device in such premises as grain and vegetable storage, commodity and food warehouses, hangars, etc.
  • Works like from the mains and from AAA batteries
  • Bioguard has no dangerous influence on people and pets, does not affect household appliances in any way and is completely environmentally friendly.
  • Price - 1990 rubles.

Feedback: Anatoly Sergeevich, Nizhny Novgorod

We had to resort to an ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller because we found spoilage of vegetables in the warehouse of our agricultural enterprise. After the insecticide treatment, we installed the Grad a 500 repeller in order to secure our warehouse for sure. As a result, after a year of using the device, we did not find rodents in the storage room. The technique works 100%.

Tornado 400

Specialists in the development of this equipment noted that it happens that mice and rats can get used to to a certain frequency of ultrasound. To avoid this, the manufacturers made it so that the generated frequency changed continuously, which would completely confuse the rodents.

  • It is recommended to use the device first 2 or 3 weeks, while every 3 days it is turned off for 1 or 2 hours.
  • Noiseless
  • Impact area - 400 sq.m.
  • Usually, the ultrasonic device should work at night, when the activity of rodents is especially recorded. Equipment is being installed at a height of 1.5-2 m from the floor on a hard surface.
  • Price - 2100 rubles.

Feedback: Oleg, Moscow

I used Tornado 400 in my country house when I noticed mice a couple of times. At first, I did not really trust the operation of this device, because they write different things on websites on the Internet. But anyway, I decided and bought. Used so far once in the spring, when I arrived at the dacha. Until I noticed the presence of rodents, maybe they even disappeared from my site.


Ecosniper LS 927M

The peculiarity of this ultrasonic device is 2 ultrasonic emitters directed in different directions, which provides a treatment angle of 250 degrees

  • It can be used not only for apartments or houses, but also for warehouses, storage facilities, terminals and other large premises.
  • Impact area - 545 sq.m.
  • The device has the function of "floating" frequencies, so the rodents do not have time to get used to the waves that affect the nervous system of rodents.
  • The price is democratic - 1900 rubles.

Reviews: Natalia, Leningrad region

With the help of an ultrasonic repeller, we were able to get rid of the animals in the cereal warehouse. But for a start, after all, we treated them with preparations, and for this purpose we called disinfector specialists. And the LS 927M device helped us to use it as a barrier against the massive invasion of rodents. We noticed a few mice even during the operation of the device, but there were no longer as many of them as before.

The device allows you to set timer for convenient use, so its use is comfortable, because you just need to turn it on and forget it, the device will turn off by itself. Digital Watch allow you to control the time of the repeller. Coverage area of ​​ultrasonic waves up to 1000 sq.m.. in radius. In addition, there is a built-in mechanism - the regulator of the operating mode of the device:

Also has four levels of adjustment (switches on the control panel)

  1. from rodents - ultrasound + sound waves
  2. from rodents - only ultrasound
  3. from mosquitoes
  4. from ants, flies, bedbugs and cockroaches
  • Mice or rat repellent mode.
  • Noiselessness work.
  • A mode that repels mosquitoes.
  • Signal strength adjustment.
  • The price of the device is 5290 rubles.

The device can be used not only in residential buildings or apartments, but also in larger areas - granaries, warehouses, vegetable stores, production or retail space, etc.

Feedback: Svetlana Ivanovna, Moscow region

I am an individual entrepreneur, I have several points in the markets of Moscow where grocery products are sold, but the warehouse is located in the capital region. So, it was often necessary to periodically use chemicals or call disinfectors to get rid of rodent pests. But it always fit into a decent amount. Therefore, we decided to buy a device so that it works from time to time. To be honest, we have been using it in the warehouse for about a year - there are no complaints, the device works properly, and mice or rats have not been noticed for a long time.

Video review:

Tornado 300

  • Radius of action - 300 sq.m.
  • The device is safe for humans and pets.
  • The constantly changing frequency range of ultrasound does not allow rodents to get used to the repeller and leave the room
  • Price - 1900 rubles.

Feedback: Yuri, Moscow

Thanks to the installation of this device, we got rid of the mice that attacked our dacha. Basically, we did not want to use chemicals, were afraid that our domestic dogs might get poisoned. Therefore, we bought this installation, besides, it can be useful for a lifetime. The device worked, the animals appeared for some time, but after a month their rustling in the underground completely subsided. In addition, we found a couple of dead rodents near the installation itself.


To the most modern methods include ultrasonic repellers that act on their brain activity causing panic. Which mouse and rat repeller is better and suitable for or - such questions are most often faced by those who want to purchase a device.

How does a repeller work

The main advantage of such devices is that you do not have to deal with dead animals, as is the case with mechanical methods catching them or when killing mice and rats with the help of . Protection against rodents is provided in a completely different way.

Any ultrasonic rodent repeller acts on their nervous system with high-frequency ultrasonic pulses (more than 20 kHz) and makes mice want to quickly get out of the territory of the sounds. During operation, the device often changes the sound frequency in the range of 20-70 kHz, so that animals cannot get used to it.


A well-known German university, whose employees conducted experiments on the effects of ultrasonic signals on mice, published in the press the results obtained and information about the behavior of rodents: they begin to throw themselves at obstacles, panic, cannot eat normally, and gradually become exhausted, becoming incapacitated. People and pets are usually not sensitive to such a sound.

In stores, you can also find combined repellers that combine several functions: in addition to the action of ultrasonic frequencies, they additionally affect pests with electromagnetic waves from the low range (14-26 mA). Such devices are considered more effective, since animals do not have time to adapt to the double negative impact on their body and psyche.

The choice of a repeller and its characteristics

An ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller can be ordered online with delivery or bought at a hardware store. Such a device should be selected taking into account its technical indicators:

  • power, which determines the size of the area of ​​action; it should also be taken into account that walls, upholstered furniture, carpets and other obstacles attenuate ultrasonic radiation;
  • autonomy, i.e. the ability to work on battery power - such devices are convenient for installing and scaring away mice and rats in rooms where there is no electrical wiring;
  • the frequency at which the device operates must be at least 20 kHz; to check, you can turn the knob to the minimum value and listen to the sound: if a squeak is heard, then the requirements for scaring technology are not met;
  • the universality of action should be taken into account: there are devices that are afraid not only of rodents, but also of insects and other pests, their use is more beneficial.

Also, when choosing a device for residential premises, one should take into account the number of mice and rats in the house, comfort for humans and pets living in it.

Disadvantages of ultrasound devices

If the rat and mouse repeller makes noise or sounds audible to the human ear, then this indicates its poor quality. Radiators that emit more than 50 dB noise, according to sanitary standards are considered uncomfortable for use in residential areas, but they can be installed in warehouses and industrial buildings.

When buying, preference should be given to devices that periodically change the frequency of the sound, because stable ultrasound for the home affects mice and rats worse than a signal that changes in time and level.

Proper installation of the repeller

Each device for fighting mice, although it has different specifications, but the working conditions and the rules for its installation are the same:

  • an ultrasonic repeller is usually placed in the center of the room on the floor or stand, not higher than 1.5 m and plugged into a 220 V outlet;
  • it is recommended to turn on the ultrasonic tool for the first time for several days at once; then take a break for 12 hours, then turn it on until the mice and rats completely disappear: they should leave within 2-3 weeks;
  • for preventive purposes, the mouse repeller is connected weekly, which helps to avoid their recurrence.

Popular repeller models

In stores, repellers using ultrasound from mice are found in domestic production, Asian and European firms. How to choose the most optimal repeller model? Each enterprise usually produces devices of the same name in series, differing in power, area of ​​​​action and price.

Consider the most famous Russian brands.


One of the cheapest options, quite effectively used in residential and industrial premises; has a radiation range - up to 90 kHz, the price is about 1250 rubles, is able to operate at a temperature of -15 ... + 45ºС, the exposure area is up to 400 sq.m, 2 modes are possible: pulsed and continuous.

An important advantage of Typhoon's design is a microprocessor that regularly changes the length and frequency of ultrasonic waves, so that mice and rats do not have time to adapt to them.

Its advantages:

  • low cost;
  • low power consumption - up to 9 W;
  • compact dimensions;
  • when reflected from walls and other obstacles, the signal does not lose power.

Disadvantages: some rodents do not feel it at all.


A good device for repelling mice and rats, which reduces their activity in the room to 500 square meters. m, has the function of partial radiation of waves, which increases the effectiveness of the impact on pests. The ultrasonic signal has a range of 20-70 kHz, which does not harm a person and his pets, except for decorative rodents.

Another of its advantages: the largest radiation angle, which is 360º, however, the device is larger in size and weight than the previous one. As disadvantages, consumers note the not always high quality of the device. Price - 2500 rubles.


A very powerful ultrasonic device for repelling rats and mice, having a single emitter. Ideal for an apartment or a private house. To prevent the adaptation of animals, auto-switching of ultrasonic frequencies is used.

Device advantages:

  • harmlessness to people, incl. childhood, and pets;
  • silent operation and good quality device;
  • large impact radius: 400 sq. m, weight 500 g.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • the range of ultrasonic frequencies is small: 2-10 kHz;
  • there is no possibility of using the battery;
  • the price is about 2500 rubles.

Grad A-550

A modified model of an ultrasonic device that helps fight against mice and rats is powered by 3 batteries and through an adapter from a standard mains. Its main advantage is silent operation, in which ultrasound is emitted against mice and rats, which allows it to be used in rooms where people live. The impact area when connected to the power grid is 550 square meters. m, when running on batteries 250 sq. m. The price is 2500 rubles.

On a note!

There is also a more potent Grad-1000 model - a repeller of rodents and insects, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits impact is 1000 square meters. m, which has 4 operating modes: silent, maximum from mice, against mosquitoes and insects. Can be used in the home, garden, etc.


The electronic cat is the most optimal for use in apartments, has an area of ​​​​impact from 200 square meters. m. The electric cat produces 2 types of signals: ultrasonic waves and flashes of light, and it is in the night mode that it emits a sound that is very annoying to mice and rats, but people are not recommended to be in the room.

This electronic repeller is designed to work from the network and from offline source nutrition, safe enough for people and pets, except for rodents. When choosing an Electrocat model, you should take into account the area of ​​​​impact of the device, and also remember that it will take 3 weeks for effective exposure.

Universal ultrasonic repeller WEITECH WK-0600

To influence not only rodents, but also insects and other types of pests (moles, shrews, etc.), universal ultrasonic devices operating at frequencies that can cause negative emotions and panic feelings in several groups of animals are suitable.

WEITECH WK-0600 - The most effective Belgian-made repeller to date, with a high rating from buyers. It can be used both in residential premises and in the garden.

Its advantages:

  • 9 operating modes for different categories of pests: spiders and cockroaches, rodents, mosquitoes, moles, etc.;
  • 3 sound volume modes;
  • 2 emitters to increase the efficiency of action;
  • the impact area is 350 sq.m.

Disadvantages: high price of about 7,000 rubles, smaller temperature range for operation.

Electronic mousetraps

Ultrasound repeller and differ in their purpose. The concept of "ultrasonic trap" does not exist, because the purpose of the electronic device is completely different: the mice climb into it on, and then they are killed with an electric discharge. Electronic rather than ultrasonic mousetraps work similarly.