Shower      07/02/2020

Memory development in adults exercises. How to improve memory for an adult: tips and methods, drugs and products that optimize brain activity. Free yourself from thoughts

"Something happened to my memory." If this is not just the words of a famous song for you, but an urgent problem for a long time, then it's time to think about how to improve your memory. An adult, who perceives large flows of information every day, has to look for ways to deal with forgetfulness.

Why are we forgetting everything?

Before you start to study reference books and search engines for “recipes” for improving memory, it is worth understanding cause of this phenomenon. Human health, mental and physical are inextricably linked in their interaction. If there is a failure in one link, then the consequences will necessarily affect the other.

Therefore, serious diseases of the body can also lead to:

  • Injuries of the brain and skull;
  • Diseases or weakening of the vital functions of important organs of the body.

An unscrupulous attitude to one's health, expressed in the abuse of alcohol, energy and stimulant drinks and drugs, smoking, unbalanced - all this adversely affects the activity of the brain. The deterioration of which, therefore, leads to a deplorable state of all mental processes.

The person often becomes main reason memory lapses. Allowing yourself to underestimate the importance of proper sleep and the alternation of vigorous activity with rest, drives oneself into nervous breakdowns and depression. And this directly provokes memory failures.

A conscious assessment of one's lifestyle and consultation with specialists helps to determine the level of globality of the problem with remembering, preserving and reproducing information.

This video will show you 6 tasks, by solving which you will be able to assess how developed your brain is:

Medications that improve memory

The situation of self-diagnosis and prescription of treatment leads to disastrous consequences. Even an experienced pharmacist will not be absolutely competent in this matter and will not prescribe adequate treatment. Not to mention cases of self-treatment on the advice of friends and acquaintances.

If a person feels serious destructive changes in memory operations (frequent and global deterioration in the process of memorizing elementary and recent phenomena, events, information), then the most optimal and the right way becomes a doctor's help.

To begin with - an appeal to a therapist who will determine the further trajectory of the fight against the problem.

In most cases, two types of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Prescription - nootropil, cerebrolysin, picamilon;
  2. OTC - bilobil, Gingo Biloba, .

Even if the drug is available in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, it should be started only after carefully reading all the instructions for use.

Folk methods of treatment

If, having assessed the situation critically, a person revealed a non-catastrophic level of forgetfulness (elementary absent-mindedness, overwork, lack of useful substances in the diet), then there are time-tested and experienced facilities traditional medicine that can help in the fight against this phenomenon:

  1. Elecampane root;
  2. swamp calamus;
  3. A mixture of mint and sage;
  4. Rowan bark;
  5. Pine buds;
  6. Clover;
  7. A mixture of oregano, bergenia and raspberry leaves.

On each package medicinal herbs the method of brewing and contraindications is indicated. It is worth paying special attention to the latter - achieving an improvement in memory and attention, you can provoke some diseases and harm your health.

An additional option for a caring and beneficial effect on brain activity is aromatherapy.

  1. For the bedroom, it is more appropriate to use a mixture of juniper, eucalyptus and cedar;
  2. IN working area(even in the office) it is more effective to use a composition of eucalyptus herbs, laurel with the addition of spices - coriander and cloves.

For both fees, a linen bag located near the person is suitable.

What foods improve memory and brain function?

Emphasis in the fight to improve memory functions is given to a balanced diet and nutritional value products in meals.

Unfairly neglected in terms of health importance water ranks first in the list of important components healthy eating. Pure and standardized daily requirement(at the rate of 40 ml per 1 kg of weight) quantity, water provides activation of brain activity.

The list of products useful for memory processes and brain function includes:

  • vitamins of group B and vitamin C (to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain);
  • trace elements (selenium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine);
  • polyunsaturated acids (omega-3).

Based on these components, you can form a list of products that are rich in their content:

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Vegetables and fruits (garlic, eggplant, carrots, beets, green vegetables, lemon, grapes, pomegranate, kiwi, orange);
  • Linseed oil;
  • Fish (anchovies, salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna);
  • Berries (currants, rose hips, blueberries);
  • Green tea, coffee;
  • Bran;
  • by-products;
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet);
  • sea ​​kale;
  • Dairy products.

The variability of the list ensures the availability of many products to include in the daily diet.

Secrets of remembering great people

It's no secret that a person out of 100% memory capacity uses only 10%. People ranked among the geniuses and great personalities of the history of mankind increased their implementation rates mental ability to much higher percentages.

From what they thought ways of remembering information you can draw interesting techniques for yourself in the treasury of knowledge and practices.

  • Theodore Roosevelt. His secret is in complete concentration and concentration on necessary information, without unnecessary reflections and distractions;
  • Napoleon. In order to remember all the soldiers in the ranks by name and surname, he made a vivid impression of each.
  • Abraham Lincoln. To memorize important information, read it aloud.
  • Mark Twain. First, he fixed the beginning and end of a paragraph of long text with a few words, and then made notes using associative drawings of the necessary information.

Even for ordinary person with outstanding abilities, there are many methods, exercises and trainings to develop memory capabilities. We will learn about this below.

How to improve memory and attention?

All memorization methodologies are based on 3 laws of information fixation:

  1. Through associations;
  2. emotional response;
  3. Repetition.

In this video, Arkady Shuvalov will talk about 12 life hacks for developing the brain and improving memorability:

Their use varies depending on the form of memory enhancement techniques and the degree of concentration. The inextricable relationship between memory and attention is determined by the inability to remember what a person’s attention is not paid to.

The lack of elementary interest in the object will not leave an information imprint in memory.

Ways to improve memory:

  • Exercises for the mind (remember 5 phone numbers a day, a few nursery rhymes, solving puzzles, crosswords, riddles, Board games etc.);
  • Changing the usual route and sequence of actions;
  • Development of all sense organs by introducing a new element of perception;
  • Expanding the circle of communication, meeting new people;
  • Learning foreign languages;
  • Mastering any kind of needlework;
  • Reading and drawing;
  • Full sleep;
  • Physical activity and outdoor activities.

And finally, the most important reminder for those who care about how to improve memory. For an adult, the success of the result will be more accessible with a qualitative change in the usual way of life to a healthy one.

Video: how to improve memorization through meditation

In this video, Kirill Zhevakin will tell you how you can train and develop your brain with the help of proper breathing and meditation:

The question of how to improve memory and attention worries a lot of people.

The brain is our most valuable resource in life, and when it starts to falter, stubbornly refusing to remember certain things or makes us frankly “clap our ears” at crucial moments, we naturally feel dissatisfied.

And sometimes anxiety: memory problems in adults evoke thoughts of old age, similar problems in children make you worry about whether everything is going right in their growth and development.

But first of all, it is worth thinking about attention and memory logically.

They are like muscles, and in the same way they need to be trained - then they will be strong and healthy at any age.

We have compiled a selection for you. best practices how to improve your memory and attention, as well as help the younger generation in this.

What is memory and attention, and why do they weaken

The ability to notice, remember and reproduce information is very important for a person, not only on an individual level, but also on a civilizational level.

It is thanks to memory that we learn, remember the experience of previous generations and pass it on to the next.

And how many amazing discoveries have been made thanks to careful and subtle observation of natural phenomena and their adaptation to human realities!

Finding out how to make memory and attention efficient

Memory is of two types:

  1. short-term, in which information is stored from several minutes to days
  2. long-term- "vault" in which memories can be stored for years

Both of them are inextricably linked with attention - a tool that helps to highlight significant fragments of the world around us and send them to short-term memory.

Subsequently, attention, together with associations, can “pull out” information from long-term memory, even if we do not strive to remember it.

Thanks to this phenomenon, we have creativity and face the effect of "déjà vu".

Modern technologies allow scientists to get further and further into.

And yet, we still do not have a complete understanding of how memory works and why attention is concentrated on some things more readily than on others.

But even the data already available allow people to successfully (albeit partially) control the capabilities of their brain. And, of course, improve them.

Memory is short-term and long-term

To do this, scientists first had to find out what factors negatively affect memory and attention, weakening them.

These include:

  1. Stress
  2. Regular or chronic overwork
  3. Wrong sleep pattern
  4. Unhealthy Lifestyle
  5. Routine

Practically branded set modern man, in which one factor leads to the appearance of another, and getting rid of the entire “bouquet” can be extremely difficult.

And yet this is necessary, since practically no additional methods of improving memory and attention will work on a person who is mired in everyday dullness and indulging his whims.

It must include:

  1. Cereals, beans and corn, unsweetened fruits as sources of slow carbohydrates
  2. Nuts for Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  3. Jerusalem artichoke and vegetables containing B vitamins

A balanced diet is the key to a good memory

In addition, the use of fresh apples as a source of iron, dark chocolate, rich in antioxidants, and green tea, which contains natural catechins.

As we see, everything necessary elements easy to get by spending a little time compiling .

This approach is much more effective in the long run than any drugs. In addition, before taking any medication, you should definitely consult a doctor and never drink anything on your own.

Having adjusted your diet, you can connect others to the cause interesting ways how to improve memory and attention in adults. Thankfully, there are a lot of them.

Numeric tables

Square tables with numbers arranged in a chaotic manner are excellent.

They are also called Schulte tables, and you can find them both online and offline - collections of entertaining tasks for warming up the brain are sold in bookstores.

A good alternative is the Soviet "an entertaining table for checking observation", which works on the same principle.

Memory needs to be fed properly

Such tables can be used by both adults and children.

Regular home "championships" of timed exercises are one of the better ways how to improve memory and attention in parents and a child from 12 years old.

Variety in everyday life

To remember information well, you need as many neurons as possible.

The brain, on the other hand, is arranged in such a way that in a familiar environment, due to lack of need, it ceases to form new neural connections and give birth to new cells.

Taking care of this is very simple: you just need to perform as many ordinary actions as possible in unusual ways:

  1. Brush your teeth with your left hand (for right-handers)
  2. Write with non-working hand
  3. Going to work or shopping in an unusual way

It is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but it is very effective. The main thing is the regularity of such experiments.

Exercises for the development of visual and auditory memory

What do you need to remember things by ear or at a glance? Training, training and more training.

Fortunately, they are very simple: you need to watch and listen.

Pay attention to what is happening around you, try to remember what you heard or saw.

Tip: you can train your auditory memory even on the road, listening not to music in headphones, but to those around you. But for visual memory exercises, you should start with stationary objects.

Walks and sports

It has a beneficial effect on the brain, saturating it with oxygen.

The main thing is to choose the right sport.

Power loads will not give a positive effect, but aerobic exercises, swimming, or even ordinary walks on foot - the best remedies for a natural training not only of the body, but also of the brain.

UC San Diego biology and neuroscience professor Terry Sejnowski takes time out for a light jog every day.

This helps him maintain his personal and professional activity (and also look great) at a fairly respectable age - in 2017, Professor Sejnovski will turn 70 years old.

Smells as helpers of memory and concentration

Researchers from Northumbria University have found that the smell contributes to better memory and active concentration.

Drop a few drops essential oil this plant in an aroma lamp and turn it on during responsible work or study.

Experiment with other smells by creating and using associative links.

"The palaces of the mind"

If you've watched the popular BBC series Sherlock, you're probably perked up now.

And those who have not watched for sure have heard this bizarre phrase at least once.

Mind Halls is a memory training technique in which new information is located in an imaginary but well-known place - for example, an apartment, a classroom, a grandmother's house, etc.

This method is used by many winners of world memory competitions.

There are many ways to upgrade your brain.

How to improve memory and attention in children

As a rule, parents are first faced with the question of how to improve the memory and attention of a child when he turns 7 years old.

In the first grade, the child is faced with a completely new type of workload and the need to memorize information that is not always interesting.

What is the best way to concentrate and remember?

Tip: First of all, protect your child from fatigue and information overload. remember, that Junior School- until it's time to pore over textbooks around the clock. An extra hour of walking will benefit much more.

One of the best ways at all times was and remains memorization.

Anything: it can be poetry, short texts, shopping lists, new words, etc.

Such training actively contributes to the formation of a good memory and is especially effective at the stage of elementary grades.

However, although this method of how to improve memory and attention in a child is most useful at the age of about 8 years, it should not be neglected in the future.

For children a little older, you can come up with a more interesting activity for brain training: writing.

This method develops imagination and spatial thinking, promotes the formation of new neural connections - and therefore, the improvement of absolutely all brain functions.

This answer to the question of how to improve memory and attention in a child can be applied from about 10 years old, but parents can change this barrier at their own will.

And how to improve memory and attention in a child even older - say, 12 years or more? In this case, games in associations will come to the rescue.

The method works on the same principle as writing, but it can be applied in more practical ways: for example, creating connections to memorize new words in foreign language or elements in the periodic table.

In any technique for training memory, observation and mind, one thing is important: the regularity of classes.

We wish you success and attach this instructional video with visual material

The effectiveness of any activity, problem solving and personal development depend on the knowledge and skills that are stored in our memory. This is the basis of everyday and professional experience, the ability to learn new things and even intellect. After all, the volume and variety of available information depends on how productive and creative our thinking will be. People are well aware of the importance of the processes of remembering, storing and reproducing information, so the question of how to improve memory always remains relevant.

Psychologists define memory as the ability of a living organism to store and then use the results of its experience. In humans, this process can be both involuntary, unintentional, and purposeful, arbitrary and conscious. Memory includes 4 interrelated processes:

  • memorization,
  • preservation,
  • reproduction,
  • forgetting.

Yes, yes, forgetting also refers to memory, and you must admit, it is not always assessed as evil - there are situations in life that I would like to forget as soon as possible.

The quality of our memory depends on all processes, and a failure at any of its levels can create serious problems. Therefore, memory development exercises concern both memorization and the preservation and reproduction of information.


This is the main process that ensures the consolidation of information entering the brain. When people talk about their desire to improve memory, they mean the process of memorization. Several factors contribute to its success.

  1. Linking new information to existing information. Our memory is largely associative in nature - we remember better and faster what causes some associations in us, that is, new knowledge clings to what is stored in experience like hooks. Turns out than more people knows, the easier it is for him to remember new things.
  2. Incorporating information into activities. When information is memorized in the cerebral cortex, connections between neurons arise, and if we constantly use new knowledge, these connections are strengthened, and new data or skills are remembered faster and last longer. Moreover, this refers not only to external, objective activity, but also to mental activity, therefore the semantic memorization of the text is much more effective than mechanical multiple repetition.
  3. Importance of information. Awareness of the importance of new knowledge creates an attitude towards the need to preserve it. Therefore, if you, trying to remember something, grumble to yourself that you will never need it, then you yourself interfere with the preservation of information.
  4. Emotional coloring. Events and information associated with vivid experiences, not only positive ones, but also negative ones, are best remembered. A surge of emotions creates a strong focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex, resulting in a concentration of attention that contributes to more successful memorization.

The preservation of information largely depends on the same factors, because, you see, you really want to remember everything you need for a long time. But the process of saving itself differs in a number of features that should be remembered.


Retaining information is just as important as memorizing, but it is often overlooked. So, a student before an exam is focused precisely on memorization, and not on long-term preservation of the material, as a result, new knowledge quickly “erodes” from the head. Well, if it can be conveyed to the examiner. Problems with the preservation of information are related to the fact that a person has several levels of memory, which differ precisely in the duration of information storage.

  • RAM is the shortest, it serves human activities and is needed to store information about operations. For example, when reading a text, we must keep the words of a sentence in mind for some time, otherwise we simply will not understand it. But this type of memory has nothing to do with long-term preservation of information.
  • Short-term memory provides a short, up to several seconds, storage of information that enters the brain from the senses. This is the time to assess the need for information and start processing it. If the data is not considered necessary, and you have not begun to think about it, comprehend it, analyze it, then it does not linger in memory.
  • Long-term memory is responsible for the long-term retention of information. If the data received by the brain is included in mental activity, and the movements that need to be remembered begin to be repeated, worked out, then they are sent for long-term storage.

It is the processes of information processing and its storage in long-term memory that should be developed and improved. We will talk about this.

Mnemonics techniques and memory development exercises

If you think that you have memory problems (and, unfortunately, many people think so), then most likely you are mistaken. In a mentally healthy person, memory impairments are rare, and your problems with remembering information are associated with a banal inability to organize this process.

Most people from school are sure that memorization comes down to repeated repetition of information. And if you can memorize a few phrases or a poem in this way, then trying to keep in your head, for example, the material of an entire textbook a few days before the exam becomes an almost impossible task.

Multiple repetition is the most time-consuming and least effective memorization technique, although in some cases it can be used both to store information and to develop mnemonic abilities - Mnemosyne was considered in Ancient Greece muse of memory.

Then, in the era of Antiquity, a whole art of memorization arose - mnemonics, and the first techniques of mnemonics were developed to facilitate the work of our memory.

Associative-figurative memorization

Our memory has an associative character, so in order to remember something, you need to take care of vivid associations. Image associations are best remembered, since operations with images are a very ancient form of thinking. So, many people have problems remembering numbers, for example, a phone number, an Internet password, etc.

Memorizing numbers

This problem can be dealt with by replacing the numbers with images.

  • For example, the number 2882199 can be remembered as: "Two cheerful geese lived with grandmother." "Two" - 2; two "eights" - "two funny", "two" - a goose, 199 - a grandmother with a twig.
  • Or another example. The phone number 324-17-05 can be turned into a funny picture: three geese were sitting on a chair, and a hunched-over grandmother with a stick brought them a dish and a ladle.

The main thing is that the images are bright and memorable. This method, at first glance, seems complicated, but it not only helps to memorize unrelated numbers and stimulates memory, but also develops it. And it can also be used as an exercise in the development of imaginative thinking and imagination.

If a person is dominated not by figurative, but by logical thinking, then he can be recommended a technique in which numbers are replaced not by images, but by words. You need to choose words depending on:

  • their individual characteristics;
  • interests;
  • professional activity.

So that they are close to you, and the phrase as a whole makes sense.

One option is to select words that begin with the same letter as the number. For example, the number 25709 can be remembered using the phrase: "Come on, let's go, Semyon, to work."

In mnemonics, words are of great importance, since, due to the peculiarities of the human psyche, they are universal means coding.

There are many special memory formulas, such as the well-known phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits," designed to remember the order of the colors of the spectrum or rainbow.

Text memorization or semantic memorization

It is better to memorize a large amount of information by meaning, that is, after processing it, analyzing and understanding it. Most often, problems arise precisely at the level of understanding, since this seems to be a rather laborious task that requires intense mental activity. This is true, but you remember: any processing of information contributes to its better memorization and preservation. Therefore, memorizing complex textual material, a number of conditions must be met.

  • Tune in to the importance and relevance of the information you want to remember.
  • When reading a complex text, “translate” it into more understandable language. You can even replace scientific terms with colloquial words and jargon, if you succeed, then you understand them.
  • Divide the text into semantic pieces, defining the main idea in each of them.
  • Supplement the dry theoretical material with your own examples, especially if they are related to your professional activities or everyday experience.
  • Ask questions to yourself, an imaginary interlocutor, the author and try to answer them. Argue with the author, express your point of view, try to find some new thoughts-associations that are not in the author's text.

Write down the main ideas of the test and your thoughts, summaries, remarks. This is not only additional processing of information - notes will help you refresh information and recall material. No wonder experienced teachers say that a well-written cheat sheet ensures the memorization of the material. Only the cheat sheet should be written by yourself.

Such mental work will not only allow you to understand and retain information, but also make the process of memorization exciting and interesting, which cannot be said about stupid, meaningless cramming.

It is important to remember that mnemonics is precisely an art, and it is based not so much on the knowledge of memorization techniques, but on the active work of thought, interest and involvement of imagination and creativity in the memorization process.

Try to use these techniques constantly so that meaningful memorization becomes a habit, becomes part of your work with information. And you will very quickly realize how much easier it has become for you to remember even the most difficult material and your memory has become more developed and organized.

People don't have a bad memory, we just haven't been taught how to use it properly. Our memory works great. In this article you will find the most effective and interesting exercises and video trainings for training memory and attention.

According to the storage time of information, three memories are allocated.

IN long-term Memory information is stored for years and decades. The last thing a person forgets is the sounds of his own name. Only what we use regularly, what we constantly think about, is placed in long-term memory.

IN short-term memory information is delayed for several minutes, hours, days, sometimes weeks. Then, as unnecessary, it “evaporates”. The brain does not like to store what the owner does not use. He spends too much energy and valuable substances. One way to get dull quickly is to use your memory as little as possible. Do not learn anything, do not read new books, speak in short primitive phrases.

Instant memory is so named because it stores information in literally the words of the moment are seconds, fractions of a second. This memory works when the brain evaluates the situation at the crossroads, follows a fast moving object, reads the text. While we look at the page, our brain remembers the outlines a large number letters, words and phrases, but it is worth taking your eyes off the page, as if from instant memory most of pictures disappear.

To have a beautiful slender muscular body, you need to play sports, regularly give the muscles a load. Also with memory. Memory training is nothing more than its use, application, constant practice of remembering. The best option- learn poetry. It expands lexicon and increases the area of ​​contacts between the nerve cells of the brain.

Exercise "House of memory"

Try to name from memory the names of all the poets or writers that you can remember. If you were able to recall at least 12-15 authors without great difficulty and inhibition, then this is already good. In addition to the names of poets, you can name concepts from any field (female and male names, pieces of furniture, houseplants, all concepts related to mathematics, fine arts, etc.)

Exercise "Concentration on the task"

A simple exercise that will help you develop the habit of concentrating on a task is to say words in reverse.

Love - Wobul
Piano - Oninaip
Skyscraper - Berksoben
Painting - Anitrak
Ceiling - Kolotop

Dar-Rad, etc.

Then move on to two-syllable words:

Horns - Agor Nebo - Aubin Gora - Arog

It would seem a primitive children's exercise! But it trains visual memory. It is not so easy to keep the word "metropolis" or "chess" in the imagination without the skill. As soon as you try to pronounce these words in reverse, without looking at the recording, you will have difficulty. What to do with it? Break the mental task into blocks.

Chess = checkmate

First you need to make sure that your brain sees three separate parts of the word: chess. You can break the word differently, by syllables: chess. In any case, you need to keep three fragments in your mind. Memory and attention are trained enormously! If three syllables have already been fixed in your mind's eye, it is not difficult to read them in reverse: y there hash.

Exercise "Cellular Talking"

What I now advise you to do will look strange. Nevertheless, “it is the very thing” will help increase the speed of thinking and improve attention, reduce the time on the way the image - the word (and therefore increase the speed of reading), experience how your memory strains (some will frankly “slow down” when doing this simple task ).

Call out loud as soon as possible all the objects that you see in front of you:
monitor, mirror, wrist watch with leather strap cellular telephone, measuring tape, floor lamp, webcam, three pencil holders, books, weeklies, cactus, etc.

You can list items with or without descriptive characteristics: speakers, pillow, sofa, wall, frame, medal, photograph, hairbrush, etc.

This exercise is interesting to perform when there is at least one spectator. Observe yourself: after what time will you “deflate”, the pauses between words will increase and you will begin to mumble and help yourself with gestures. You can and should regularly “milk” your brain cells.

In this case, the rate of synthesis of the substances necessary for cells increases, and neurons get used to working not at half strength, but at their fullest. Give them a strenuous cross more often, and they will thank you. You will quickly pick up arguments in a dispute and think better, stop suffering from absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. The reaction of your brain in stressful situations, such as an impending car accident, can become lightning fast.

Exercise "training the second hemisphere."

It is for those who like to train their memory in a non-standard way , namely: develop the right hemisphere of the brain. It is he who is responsible for the work of the left hand. It is not always possible to allocate time for training the left hand. But if you tie training to everyday activities that you still have to do every day, then your brain will begin to develop rapidly. For example: washing dishes, cleaning the bathtub or sink, you can reconfigure the computer mouse to left hand, try to write with your left hand and so on.

Memory training at home:

1) new information read every day.

2) After watching movies and programs, mentally “scroll” them in your head from beginning to end.

Do you remember the name exactly? Did you pay attention to the names of the director, actors? Weren't you interested, or was it due to banal inattention and laziness?

3) Keep a list of what you need to buy in your head, not in your pocket.

5) Try to remember the names: common acquaintances, including casual ones, family members of the authorities. This saves nerves and improves blood circulation in the cerebral cortex.

6) Remember all the necessary phone numbers.

7) At the end of the day (you can in bed) recall the events of the day from the very morning.

This is valuable not only for memory training, but also for analysis - did I build the day in the best way? Recall in great detail the events of the last hour, if there is no way to read, and time is running out through no fault of yours.

8) Remember birthdays, schedule of the day and week.

This does not mean that you should give up planning on paper, but it is better to have a copy in your head.

9) Speak without a cheat sheet

10) Keep a notebook for interesting facts, ideas, references, quotes, so that you can use them if necessary.

Friends, hello everyone! There are times when memory begins to fail us. We cannot remember the names of new acquaintances or the thought we wanted to voice. Our attention becomes scattered. How to deal with such a problem? Today I will tell you how to develop memory and attention in an adult and a child. In a short time, you will see brilliant results. And the exercises that we will talk about will turn out to be not only effective, but also very exciting! You will learn what causes inattention. And how to avoid them.

After reading the article, learn to focus on important things, not paying attention to distractions. Your performance will increase.

Memory allows us to store information in our head and reproduce it at the right time. And attention helps to focus on something. In I have already told in detail how to train your brain and improve memory. Therefore, today we will talk more about composure.

So, I realized that in this situation, nothing good will come of it. Whatever I took on, there were distractions that confuse me. This state of affairs did not suit me at all. And I found a solution to the problem, which I will share with you later.

Now I would like to draw your attention to the following points. They are the wake-up call that something needs to be done.

  • Constant forgetfulness.
  • You need a lot of time to focus on getting the job done.
  • A break breaks your mood to get things done.
  • You feel scattered.
  • You are taking too long to complete tasks.
  • You are easily distracted.

The moment I decided to do something about my distraction, I recognized myself in each of these points. You may not be up to speed yet. It's time to take care of yourself. But first of all, let's define the causes of such a problem.

Influencing factors

The fight against any disease begins with identifying the root causes. What can have such a negative impact?

  • Severe stress and fatigue.

If you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and do not give your body a rest, it will certainly suffer from this. The system will crash. you will feel backfire this. Endless experiences and negative emotions will have a negative impact on any person.

  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Psychological or physical disorders.
  • Lack of sleep.

This is one of the most popular causes of attention deficit disorder. The brain is forced to process a huge amount of information every day. At the end of the day, he needs proper rest and eight hours of sleep. However, many people neglect this. They do not perceive it as something serious, they sleep 3-4 hours a day. And when problems arise, they grab their heads.

  • Hunger.

It's pretty simple here, but I'll explain. Surely, you have come across an unpleasant sensation that occurs with a constant violation of the eating schedule. If not, then that's great! If the answer is yes, then you are familiar with the consequences of various diets and fasting. I didn't go on special diets. But, due to employment, this paragraph and the previous one applied to me. The body ceased to receive not only the necessary time for sleep, but also the necessary vitamins and minerals. I began to eat rarely and little, because there was always no time. And after a significant weight loss, I felt all the "charms" of such an attitude towards myself.

  • Increased anxiety.

You know, it's like the thought of leaving the iron on at home. It becomes impossible to think of anything else. Same with over-anxiety. In the head there is only room for experiences. Your attention is not diverted to anything else. You cannot set yourself up for work and do it well.

More factors

  • Physical pain.

With persistent headaches or severe pain in the joints, people cannot switch their attention to anything. In my mind, only unpleasant sensations.

  • Medicines.

Some medications can adversely affect concentration. I recommend reading the instructions before use. There are drugs that indicate after what time it is allowed to drive.

  • Situation.

It's not surprising that environment with a lot of distractions affects us negatively. In an office where machinery is noisy, managers are talking to customers, outside the window they are repairing the road or mowing the grass, it is impossible to put together thoughts in your head.

  • Disorder in the workplace.

If your table looks perfect: everything is neatly folded and put away in its place, then the eye is not focused on anything. When documents are scattered everywhere, stationery and multi-colored stickers, it will not be easy to concentrate.

  • Internet.

The most popular factor What do we do when we sit down to work? Right! Every time we are distracted by the smartphone. Either a notification from the application, then a message will come, then a call. And how, then, do you do at least one thing qualitatively?

Friends, most likely, when reading, you have already realized the reason for these consequences in yourself. Next, we will figure out how to get rid of them. And don't forget to subscribe to our blog to stay up to date with the latest news.


Classes are great not only for developing concentration, but also for improving memory. I've been into them for 6 months now. The result is amazing!

  • We draw an object in the head.

Take a close look at any object in front of you. Then draw it in your imagination, as realistic as possible. After simple household appliances, move on to more complex ones. Try to picture in your mind a monument of architecture.

  • Glass in hand.

You need to fill half a glass beaker with water. Place it at your eye level. Hold the container still for at least three minutes.

  • Geometry.

Imagine any geometric figure. Fix it clearly in your head. Then give it some color. Try changing the size and volume. Imagine what will happen to her in the water, and what will happen in the air. The exercise not only perfectly concentrates, but also develops the imagination.

Improve concentration and memory

Excellent methods that I tested on myself, now I can safely recommend you. Just try it and, after a while, feel the amazing result!

  1. Choose colors. In the workplace it is highly recommended to avoid bright colors. With prolonged monotonous work, blue and green will save. Red should be avoided. It is exciting and does not allow a person to concentrate. Of course, you will not be able to equip the office in your own way. But to give the necessary shades to the desktop is quite real. Don't forget the bedroom too. Her colors should be relaxing.
  2. Name the colors correctly. Great brain workout. I remember when we were in school we used to do this kind of stuff. And it turns out it has a lot of benefits. Take felt-tip pens and write on a piece of paper the colors, but with different shades of the felt-tip pen. It's easy to write. But it's a bit difficult to read them. The task is very exciting. It helps to develop memory and attention, both in a child and in an adult.
  3. Avoid switching thoughts. We always jump easily from one thought to another. As soon as we sat down to work, we heard the conversation of our colleagues, and our attention is completely and completely there. Or the smell of food came from the dining room, and what kind of business can be discussed. It is important to catch yourself at such moments and switch back in time. Tell yourself that after you finish your tasks, you will definitely return to what distracted you. If, of course, it was important.
  4. Learn to focus. A sheet of paper and a pen will help you with this. Watch the second hand of the clock for two minutes. Then draw a straight line on the sheet for two minutes. Just paint. Think of nothing. Did a thought come into your head? They drew a loop and again set to the line. In a couple of weeks there will be noticeable progress. And the number of loops will be drastically reduced.
  5. Work in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Try to do your work in a quiet room.

What else can be done?

Dear friends! The tips in the article are really powerful, but you have even more effective method pump your attention. Have you heard of Wikium? If not, then this is a huge company of professional and charismatic people who teach people to train their brain, memory, attention, charisma and much more. On their website, you can take online tests absolutely free of charge and upgrade yourself every day. I myself constantly train with them and even purchased several courses.

These guys, in my opinion, do not have worthy competitors in this topic. So that someone would take and so comprehensively teach all sorts of useful things. But today the topic of our article is memory and attention, and therefore I simply cannot help but offer you a mega-useful online course.

The Attention Development 15-Day Online Course is a super-powerful attention-boosting program from leading experts in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.

Also watch this video to understand what this training is and what it will give you.


Dear readers, it is always important to remain attentive and collected. This is useful not only at work, but also at home, on the road and in communication with people. Sometimes we suddenly start having problems with it. It is important to pay attention to yourself in time. Understand your body and help it.

You will be saved by interesting exercises that you should get involved in regularly. And good advice will help.

Remember, our bright mind is our salvation!

Do not forget to subscribe to our blog so as not to miss interesting news.

My article has come to an end. I hope it was helpful to you. Click on the buttons social networks below. And leave your questions in the comments.

See you soon! Julia Kel was with you.