Shower      04/08/2019

Why black mold is dangerous in the house: its impact on health. How dangerous is black mold in the house for the human body and how to get rid of it

Mold or mildew on walls appears unexpectedly and quickly covers large areas. It occurs due to high humidity, poor ventilation, freezing of ceilings, improper finishing works. To get rid of mold, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence, then remove the fungal plaque using an effective product.

What does fungus look like on the walls in an apartment?

Mold is a living microorganism that develops in the form of branching mycelium. Their microscopic spores are insidious - they hover in the air, settle on the surface and begin to actively multiply in dampness. Fungus on the walls of an apartment looks unsightly - it manifests itself as peeling, black-green stains that can merge into huge unaesthetic spots or gray dots on surfaces; such a sight worsens the external perception of the room.

Types of fungus on walls

Unattractive fungus on walls appears on stone, brick, and wood. In the latter case, to get rid of it, you need to cut out the entire infected surface. Mold affects construction Decoration Materials to the ground, it occurs in different types:

Why is fungus on walls harmful to health?

Unsightly fungus or mold on the walls is not just an unpleasant-looking stain, it is very toxic and emits a repulsive odor. Its spores hover in the room, easily penetrate the human body, gradually destroying it and, if the immune system is weakened (especially in children), cause dangerous forms of various diseases. Mold causes vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and it quietly and surely harms people. Fungus on the walls, why it is dangerous to health - possible diseases:

  1. Respiratory diseases - asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis.
  2. An allergy forms.
  3. Observed.
  4. Skin problems arise - dermatitis, thrush, eczema.
  5. Appears.

Fungus on the wall - how to remove it using folk remedies?

Mold must be eliminated quickly, as it soon forms new spores and spreads over ever larger areas. If external irrigation of surfaces with antiseptics does not give the desired result, then complete removal of fungus on the walls can be achieved by carrying out comprehensive work to combat it, which includes:

  1. Elimination of dampness - regular ventilation of the room.
  2. Removing fungus and mold from walls begins with getting rid of the old coating - you need to remove all the wallpaper, paint, putty, and go over the entire surface with a stiff brush. During work, it is important to protect the respiratory system from spores with a gauze bandage.
  3. Treating affected surfaces with an antiseptic against fungi.
  4. Waterproofing, sealing seams.
  5. The walls are puttied, covered with a deep permeability primer, then new wallpaper is glued, paint or other finishing is applied.

No need to go to the store household chemicals to remove fungus on the walls. Some effective antiseptics with antimicrobial and fungicidal effects may be right at hand at home. Practice has shown that many preparations that are intended for various household purposes can also cope with moldy plaque. They are non-toxic, and this has a beneficial effect on others.

Copper sulfate for fungus on walls

Copper sulfate is an effective mold control agent. Before removing fungus from the wall in an apartment, it must be properly diluted. The drug is produced in the form of powder or granules blue color. To treat walls, you need to prepare a working solution by dissolving 20-30 g of copper sulfate in 1 liter warm water. Before use, the composition must be mixed well to increase the effectiveness of the product by adding 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.

White against fungus on walls

When asked whether bleach kills fungus on walls, experienced housewives give a positive answer. The liquid solution whiteness has been popularly used for these purposes for a long time and has managed to prove itself with the best side. The chlorine-containing composition is applied to the affected areas using a brush or spray bottle. There is no need to dilute it in advance; concentrated whiteness will give the best effect.

It can clean surfaces made of glass, tiles, concrete or other materials on walls or floors. When using, it is necessary to take into account that the product is a bleaching agent and many textures may become discolored and deteriorate during processing. After application, the bleach is left to dry on the wall. You need to wear gloves and ventilate the room well, because white has a strong, pungent odor.

Furacilin against fungus on walls

Effective and cheap on the walls is obtained from ordinary pharmaceutical furatsilin. To do this, you need to prepare a concentrated solution - dissolve 20 tablets of the drug in a glass of heated water. The affected areas should be washed with the resulting composition; if necessary, the procedure is repeated several times, after which the walls are allowed to dry. The antiseptic furatsilin inhibits the growth of fungi, and the formation of new colonies does not occur.

Vinegar against mold and mildew on walls

When deciding how to treat walls against fungus and mold, you can use ordinary table vinegar, which is found in every kitchen. It is a weak acid, emits a pungent odor, but does not emit hazardous substances, and is non-toxic. Apply vinegar to the affected areas using a cloth soaked in the solution or a spray bottle. Surfaces can be wetted several times at intervals of 1 hour, then rinsed clean water and dry. Vinegar can also be used for prevention by periodically sprinkling it on the problematic wall.

Does ultraviolet light kill fungus on walls?

Before you fight fungus on the walls with ultraviolet lamp, you need to know that such radiation actually destroys the cell DNA of mold and destroys it, depriving it of the possibility of further reproduction and development. But the rays have a weak penetrating effect, cracks, irregularities, and other places inside the plaster in which fungi live are difficult to treat with their help. Therefore, after illumination with ultraviolet light, moldy lesions may initially disappear from the outside of the wall, and after a while appear again. People are not allowed to be in the room during the procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide against fungus on walls

Hydrogen peroxide will also help remove fungus on the walls, because it is an antibacterial compound. The product has no pungent odor and is non-toxic. Treating walls against fungus and mold is done using a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is available in every pharmacy. The composition will help destroy pathogenic spores from any material, but it has a bleaching effect, so it should be used carefully on painted surfaces.

Preparations for mold and mildew on walls

The chemical industry offers its means to combat any type of fungi - antiseptics. They penetrate deeply into various surfaces being treated and destroy fungi. Anti-mould preparations:

  1. Alpa Fongifluid fungicide– solution for the destruction of moss, mold, lichen. It can be used on all surfaces: concrete, plaster, drywall, brick, stone, tiles, wood, tiles. The product does not contain chlorine and has no pungent odor, suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
  2. Olympus stop mold– the composition is perfect for rooms with high humidity (apartment, basement, bathroom, cellar, greenhouse). Used for brick, painted, plastered surfaces, wood, ceramics, plasterboard.
  3. Dali– a strong universal anti-mold preparation, suitable for all surfaces.
  4. Abedis 06- antiseptic for walls against mold and mildew, contains chlorine. It is applied with a brush for 24 hours, then washed off with water.

Paint against mold and mildew on walls

The fight against fungus on the walls of an apartment should be comprehensive. After cleaning the mold and treating the surfaces with antiseptics, experts recommend covering them with good paint intended for wet rooms. After drying, it creates a protective blocking film that does not allow water to pass through. Anti-mold paints are 100% effective - the treated surfaces will remain dry, condensation will not form on them, so there will be no increased humidity and fungi.

Funds are often produced using water based, do not have a pungent odor and are non-toxic. Paint is applied to cleaned surfaces before finishing It is recommended to cover the walls with antibacterial putty and primer. The finish is suitable for residential and industrial premises, has high washing ability, and is acceptable for all types of surfaces.

In houses and apartments, residents often encounter such an unpleasant problem as mold. It appears easily, but it is not so easy to get rid of it.

In addition to simply the aesthetic side of the issue, mold is very dangerous to human health. What to do if it appears? How to deal with and how to prevent mold stains from appearing in the future? Below are detailed answers to all these questions.

Why does black mold appear in the house?

There are several types of mold in the world, but despite all the diversity, the reasons for their appearance are always the same:

  • Insufficiently ventilated areas. The fungus takes root very well and multiplies where the air stands still. Closed cellars, garages and bathroom kitchens most often suffer from a lack of fresh air.
  • Humidity is high. A humid environment is ideal for fungi to thrive. In rooms with high humidity, condensation forms on the walls and ceiling, in which mold develops very quickly.
  • Sudden temperature changes also matter, which provoke the formation of condensation on the walls. It is because of them that mold often appears in the corner of the house adjacent to the street. This especially affects new buildings, in which everything has not yet completely dried out. Construction Materials.

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Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

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Common places for mold to appear in the home

Common places for mold to appear in the home:

  1. The first place in the location of mold spores in homes is, of course, the bathroom. It contains the most comfortable conditions for the proliferation of dangerous fungi. Humidity, poor exhaust hood, and often even leaking pipes from neighbors above – all this is an ideal environment for mold.
  2. The kitchen takes second place. Not everywhere there is good ventilation above the stove, and daily washing and drying of dishes adds humidity. Sometimes rags and sponges near the sink are constantly wet because they do not have time to dry.
  3. Many apartment residents have seen mold in the corners of the slopes near the window frames. Due to poor sealing window openings and temperature changes in winter and autumn, moisture enters the house and forms condensation on the surface. After a short time, black spots of mold are already visible there.
  4. Black mold is also a frequent guest in garages and cellars. Where the air is stagnant and rarely ventilated, she has nothing to fear.

Mold in the bathroom

The bathroom is most often affected by mold spores. It can be found on the seams between the tiles, on the layer of sealant along the bathroom, on the paint of the walls and even under the tiles themselves. It is necessary to carefully inspect the entire room to identify all lesions.

The reason for the appearance of mold in the bathroom can be one or several: poor ventilation, lack of a source of natural light, old leaking pipes.

Mold in the kitchen

Mold regularly chooses hard-to-reach and warm places in the kitchen as its habitat. It's not always the ceiling or window slopes. She often hides in places where people rarely look. Or even never.

Many mold outbreaks are surprised to be discovered when they decide to redecorating in the kitchen and dismantling the old built-in kitchen and stove. And everything blooms and smells there, because you can’t get to such places and don’t wash them regularly.

Mold in the basement

Unfortunately, mold regularly appears in almost every basement. And this can ruin all the things stored in it. If there are vegetables in it, then after mold is discovered near them, eating them may be unsafe for human health.

It destroys not only the harvest collected for storage, but also has a detrimental effect on the basement walls and ceilings in the house. It is very easy to sense the appearance of mold in the basement - there is a distinct smell of mustiness and dampness in the air. If it is present, then you urgently need to look for pockets of mold.

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Why is mold in the house dangerous?

Mold is very harmful, although the effects on your home may not be immediately obvious at first. At first it's just ugly black spots on the walls. Subsequently, without proper treatment, they begin to actively increase and spread to other surfaces.

Fungal spores have a destructive effect on the surfaces where they appear. Wallpaper falls off, wood gradually rots, and even strong concrete floors lose their properties.

Mold on skin

If there are black spots of mold in the house, this means that it is not only in places of visible accumulations of fungi, but it is absolutely everywhere. Spores migrate well through the air. And it is completely logical that they get on human skin and are inhaled.

Such fungi inside and outside the body cannot bring anything good - any doctor will confirm this. Every year, thousands of patients turn to dermatologists with complaints of itching and flaking of the skin.

Often, specialists have to spend a long time and scrupulously figuring out the reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms. And rarely do any of them ask if there are pockets of mold in the house. And very often they are the causes of the disease.

Eczema, redness, and rashes often appear on human skin. Typically, the medical record makes a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis and begins to prescribe one cream after another in an attempt to achieve improvement. But you just need to get rid of mold in the house and then your health will immediately improve.

Respiratory tract damage

Not only human skin, but also internal organs suffer from mold. With each breath, more and more fungal spores enter the body and begin to poison the person from the inside. The lungs are almost always one of the first to be affected.

A cough appears, which eventually develops into chronic bronchitis. People manage to relieve the symptoms of the disease from time to time, but if you do not get rid of the main cause - mold, then no medicine will help. Unfortunately, many people get sick bronchial asthma due to mold in the house.


When mold spores enter the gastrointestinal tract, a person develops a food allergy. Doctors have long established that people suffering from allergies have an increased sensitivity to mold allergens.

Every year the number of patients with allergic rhinitis is growing and the number of patients is approaching 40 million people worldwide.

Food contamination

Mold also affects food. Keep in mind that mold on bread at home has nothing in common with that noble and specially prepared mold with which special types of wines and cheeses are made. Household mold is very dangerous to human health and even life.

If you see that traces of mold have appeared on a product, you must throw it away entirely, without trying to cut off the affected piece and eat the rest.

Even if it looks normal outwardly, it still contains fungal spores that are invisible to the human eye.


Mold fungi produce toxic substances - mycotoxins, which are poisonous to humans. Mycotoxins can cause genetic mutations in internal organs humans, and also affect the fetus of a child.

It is likely that mycotoxins also have carcinogenic properties, that is, they are an additional risk factor for the development of cancer in humans. Most often, poisoning occurs after eating low-quality food.

Mycotoxins like to hide in foods such as corn and other grains, wine and beer, and legumes and nuts. Eggs, milk and meat obtained from infected animals pose a great danger to health.


One of the most powerful poisons is aflatoxin. Enough of him minimum quantity to kill almost any animal. Aflatoxins damage the liver, leading to the appearance of a cancerous tumor in it. Aflatoxin-producing fungi most commonly attack nuts and grains. high content oils

Usually an adult becomes seriously poisoned after consuming large quantity contaminated products. Death is extremely rare and usually occurs in people with low blood pressure. various reasons immunity.

But for children this poison is extremely dangerous - young organisms are not prepared to deal with it and cannot adequately fight it. As a rule, the first symptoms of aflatoxicosis appear quite quickly - literally 20-30 minutes after eating.

The patient complains of severe pain in the liver area, as well as headache and cramps in the limbs. You should immediately call an ambulance for adequate and quick treatment.

Decreased immunity

Mold can destroy the human body over a long period of time, causing many irreversible consequences for good health.

The natural powers of the immune system are not limitless, therefore, after many years of fighting fungal spores, the capabilities of immune defense are significantly reduced. A person more often gets colds, feels a loss of energy and migraines.

How to get rid of mold fungus in the house?

Mold easily appears in the house, but you need to take a whole range of measures to get rid of it forever.

First of all, you need to remove any mold that has arisen.

Be careful when working with such chemicals, as they are dangerous not only for mold fungi, but also for humans.

Be sure to wear thick rubber gloves and do not forget about a high-quality respirator.

Do not try to revive wallpaper damaged by mold, as well as carpets and even upholstered furniture. By leaving them at home, you will thus defeat all your efforts to combat mold. Often it eats into the material so deeply that these items can only be thrown in the trash.

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Effective mold repellents

Professional and effective means sold in specialized stores. They help quickly destroy mold in the house.

in the house:

  • The Alpa company produces the liquid “Fongifluid” (Fongifluid), which can be applied to wood, concrete, cement, brick, ceramic tiles and even for wallpaper. After application, you need to leave the product on surfaces for several days to get rid of mold. It comes in two forms: in a large canister and in a convenient spray.
  • Antiseptic "Senezh" excellent against mold wooden surfaces. This is especially true for country houses. It can be used to process wooden load-bearing beams, ground flooring, fences and fences, piers, greenhouses and many others. wooden buildings. Please note that surfaces coated with varnish, drying oil or paint are no longer treated with this antiseptic.
  • Homeenpoisto– solution for effective removal mold from both painted and unpainted surfaces. Depending on the degree of damage, the period of application of this product varies. If the fungal spores are deep, then you need to hold the solution in this place longer and even rub it with a brush.

They can also help traditional methods:

  • Many people get rid of mold using regular bleach. However, if the disputes have penetrated deeply, then this will only be a temporary measure that will not provide a lasting result.
  • Vinegar and even hydrogen peroxide are also used. They treat the surface affected by mold, and then thoroughly ventilate the room.
  • Table vinegar works well for shallow mold stains. It is applied to the affected area and left for about an hour. Vinegar gives off an extremely unpleasant odor, but does not pose any particular health hazard. After an hour, you need to rinse the surface thoroughly and open the windows for ventilation.
  • Weak soda solution You can spray it on mold fungi and not even wash it off, as it helps against the secondary appearance of stains.

Preventing mold in the home

Preventing mold in the home:

  1. First, you need to check how well the apartment is insulated and eliminate any gaps. If in the rooms high humidity, install a moisture trap. Without moisture, mold will not live.
  2. Secondly, do not forget to regularly ventilate all rooms. Stagnant air is one of the main causes of mold in the house. Check the operation of the house hood in the bathroom and kitchen.
  3. Thirdly, do not create favorable conditions for mold: try not to dry clothes indoors, but purchase a drying machine for this purpose.


Despite the fact that many people treat mold as a forced neighbor in their home, it is very dangerous to health and even to life. Modern means Helps get rid of mold forever.

However, no solution will help if the house has high humidity without regular ventilation. By getting rid of mold, your comfort and quality of life will significantly increase.

12 months ago

The most important thing is the weather in the house... Few people would disagree with this statement. Home should be cozy, comfortable, safe. If moldy spots appear on the walls in your abode, then this is an alarm bell that not everything is in order with the weather in your home. Why is fungus on walls dangerous for health? Let's discuss.

As practice shows, such fungal microorganisms appear in rooms with high levels of humidity. We can say that water is the source of their life. They don't need sunlight or other favorable conditions. Due to moisture, they multiply very quickly, resulting in terrible stains and a disgusting smell.

  • porcini mushrooms;
  • putrefactive;
  • blue;
  • black mold;
  • actinomycetes;
  • white mold.

Blues are mainly dangerous for wooden structures. You will have to spend the maximum on surface treatment and purchasing decorative varnish. As practice shows, blue fungi eat the varnish layer, trying to make their way into the thickness of the wood.

on almost any type of material. Its reproduction rate is enormous.

Black mold is considered a deadly weapon against humans. It is she who, when she appears in the house, brings the most suffering and torment. Spores not only spread across the wall, destroying the material from the inside, but also hover in the air we breathe.

Moldy spots dark colors spoil construction and finishing materials, and the pungent putrid smell is repulsive. But the danger of the fungus does not end there. It is very harmful to the human body.

Residents of an apartment next to mold may develop the following ailments and pathological conditions:

  • frequent headaches of varying intensity;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • cough of unknown origin;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • asthma;
  • runny nose.

Important! Young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to the negative effects of reproducing fungal microorganisms.

We mentioned above that greatest harm conceals black fungus on the walls. How dangerous is it for the human body? Spores can become allergens that provoke conjunctivitis. In addition, due to the pathogenic climate, people are susceptible to joint and dermatological diseases.

If you are faced with this unpleasant problem, then you need to start solving it immediately. The sooner you eliminate mold caused by fungal microorganisms, the sooner you can breathe safely and deeply in your own home.

Today, manufacturers offer many products that are aimed at combating fungi. You can buy them at specialized retail outlets. Copper sulfate solution works well against fungus.

On a note! Some people claim that Furacilin tablets can be used to destroy the fungus. They are diluted in water and the affected surfaces are treated with the mixture.

Also, the usual means that we use in Everyday life for other purposes, in particular:

  • bleaches;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • table vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia solution (ammonia alcohol).

After destroying the fungus and in order to prevent its return, treat the walls with special soil mixtures, monitor the level of humidity in the apartment or house. Try to ventilate the room more often, even on frosty days.


Appears in apartments and houses not so often. If there is constant humidity in the premises, the level of ventilation is low or there is no ventilation, and façade walls raw all the time, then such an “uninvited guest” can arise constantly.

Fungus on the walls appears in rooms with high humidity and lack of ventilation.

The fungus not only has unpleasant smell, but also negatively affects appearance building materials for general state health. Mold that appears on the walls can cause many diseases.

Black fungus and white on the walls of the room

Black mold can appear anywhere and negatively affect your body.

Black mold includes many different strains, but all of them are dangerous to your health. It can affect food, plants, and clothing. One of the varieties of this fungus is called kerosene mold. In terms of frequency of occurrence, it is in one of the first places. Even diesel fuel is affected. There is a fungus that only affects vegetables or fruits; it is dangerous for the digestive system and general health.

White mold on walls is no less dangerous. It occurs on flower pots, on the ground near the flowers, on the plants themselves. It affects white fluffy plaque and pipes, surfaces in bathrooms and kitchens. This fungus is soft, it kneads in your hands. The smell coming from him is unpleasant. The fungus is dangerous for the skin and respiratory organs. If it is detected, then it is necessary to carefully inspect all surfaces in the house, pay attention to the level of humidity and temperature. Removing mold is easy: it washes off easily citric acid, but you should work with gloves. You should not touch such mold with your hands, as the damage can be deep and quite dangerous.

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Sineva and actinomycetes

Blue stain mainly appears on wooden surfaces and has a bluish tint.

Blue mold is mold on the walls of residential premises; it spreads mainly on wooden surfaces. Many people think that bluish or greenish spots are a purely cosmetic defect. But this is far from true: mold easily penetrates even through layers of paint, severely destroying walls and other structures. The room becomes damp, and colonies of other types of fungi appear. Headaches and allergic reactions begin that do not go away long time. The health of all residents is deteriorating. You can determine that it is a fungus by the smell of mold and dampness. In this case, it is necessary to examine all wooden surfaces to detect characteristic blue spots; they are noticeable quite well. It happens that the mold has penetrated deeply and it is necessary to completely cut out part of the wood to remove it.

Rot exists in the form of brown, white and bacterial. Mold on walls of the bacterial type is dangerous, since rot affects the respiratory organs, skin, and mucous membranes. To get rid of it, quite serious treatment with antibiotics is often required, and such a disease is difficult to detect. Diagnoses such as asthma and pulmonary edema are often made, but in fact the lungs are affected by mold spores.

An unusual fungus on the walls in the form of actinomycetes is a formation similar between algae and mushrooms. Such fungi affect the wall material, they penetrate deeply, and it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Most often they strike wooden walls, which literally soften their structure.

Mold spreads quickly, and it is impossible to fight it with dry rot remedies under any circumstances, since the lesion will only increase in size.

Actinomycetes are algae that spread quickly and penetrate deeply.

Mold on walls spreads quickly. It quickly attacks organic matter, paper, and any type of wood. She can hit skin, negatively affects overall well-being. If you have been bothered by causeless allergic reactions for a long time, and there is dampness in the room or an unknown coating on wooden surfaces, then it is best to immediately consult a doctor for an examination.

Fungus on the walls can take the form of efflorescence, that is, a whitish or other color deposit based on silicates, carbonates, etc. Efflorescence is formed when water moves inside walls, and in dry weather these salts come out, forming stains. The most commonly affected are brick, concrete walls, marble, plaster. Efflorescence itself is not dangerous to health if its area is small. If no measures are taken, then mold quickly begins to form on the walls, and it is already quite dangerous for the general condition of those living in the house. In addition, building materials begin to deteriorate.

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Consequences of the appearance of fungus

Why is mold dangerous? The spores that form when it appears on the walls affect a person in the following way:

  • directly through the skin;
  • when eating foods that are contaminated with fungus;
  • through the circulatory and respiratory systems.

The fungus can enter the human body through the respiratory system.

When the fungus enters the body, it can cause whole line quite a lot of diseases dangerous consequences. This applies to the respiratory system, the fungus is also dangerous for the lungs, it causes swelling and symptoms that strongly resemble asthma.

How else is fungus dangerous? The following diseases should be noted:

  • mycoses, dermatoses, skin fungus, allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, upper respiratory tract. These are sinusitis, sinusitis, cough, runny nose, rhinitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • rheumatic joint pain;
  • upset stomach, severe headaches;
  • exhaustion.

If you do not begin measures to get rid of the fungus at home and treatment for the identified disease, then mold can easily cause internal serious bleeding, emphysema, damage to the kidneys, liver and other internal organs.

Quite often, owners have to deal with the fact that fungus appears on the walls or ceiling in their house. Given favorable conditions, a colony of microorganisms begins to spread very quickly, affecting the supporting structures of the building, as well as various decorative elements. In this article we will tell you why black mold is dangerous for humans, as well as typical reasons her appearance in the apartment.

The appearance of black mold on walls can occur due to the presence of three main factors: fungal spores, high indoor humidity (from 75%), warm air. This type of mold almost always appears if the air temperature in the room remains above 19-20 degrees for a long time and does not have time to evaporate excess moisture. Most often, black mold appears in the bathroom and toilet. After some time, a colony of pathogenic microorganisms can spread over a large area, but for this to happen, favorable conditions for the development of organic matter must be maintained.

The reason for all this is poor ventilation of the room, where air cannot circulate normally. After taking a bath or shower, steam will remain in the room for quite a long time, then condensation will appear on the walls. Before it dries completely, mold will already begin to grow. Sometimes washed clothes are left to dry in the bathroom rather than on the balcony. This is a common cause of mildew in the home.

After some time, fungal spores will spread to other rooms, where mold may also appear. It often affects food products.

The reason may be indoor flowers that are often watered or the presence of an aquarium with fish. As a result, the air humidity in the room increases, which is the main factor for the appearance of a fungal colony.

When bad drainage system black mold can form on the walls and ceilings of basements and cellars in private homes. Rain and melt water penetrates deep into the soil, making these rooms very damp.

Video “Reasons for appearance”

From the video you will learn why infection appears in the house.

Danger to humans

When black mold appears in the house, it is important to know why such pathogenic microflora is dangerous. In addition to the harm that fungus causes to the home, there is also a danger to human health.

The negative impact on health is that fungal spores can enter the body and cause a number of disorders. Pathogenic microorganisms most often enter the human respiratory system, developing various chronic diseases and allergies. Removing mold from the body is quite difficult, as is eliminating the symptoms of illnesses.

In addition to the respiratory system, the fungus can cause harm to the circulatory system. Intoxication of the body provokes malfunctions of vital organs, which leads to the formation of a number of pathologies against the background of inflammatory processes.

Inhalation of spores and contact with skin

If mold appears in an apartment, then its spores will begin to spread throughout the living space. These particles can cause a severe allergic reaction and skin diseases in humans.

As a result, signs of eczema and dermatitis appear on the skin, which are usually very difficult to diagnose. The skin turns red, frequent rashes appear, upper layer The epidermis begins to actively peel off, the skin becomes dry (spores take moisture from the pores).

When spores get on hair and nails, they can also cause damage. The general condition may worsen, the person begins to feel weak, the body is exhausted, and migraine attacks often occur. By inhaling mold spores, which are a strong allergen, a person is at risk of developing a chronic runny nose, cough, and conjunctivitis.

The most severe harm

Black mold can have a strong impact on the body after fungal spores enter the human digestive system. Very often mold is found on various food products. Many people believe that removing the fungus colony (which is visible) will make the product safe to eat. This is a common misconception. The fungus colony is much larger than the surface of the mold that is visible to the naked eye.

By removing part of the product, the fungus will still enter the body, which can cause complications. After mold enters the gastrointestinal tract, intoxication occurs. The accumulation of toxins can lead to damage to the liver and pancreas.

Dangerous diseases caused by mold include cirrhosis, pancreatitis, signs of cancer, ulcers, and necrosis. Of course, not all types of fungus can pose such a serious threat. Some types of fungus can die in the acid-base environment of the stomach within 2-3 hours.

The following products are most susceptible to mold: rice, milk, fish, bread, fruits and vegetables. There is no need to clean the food from fungus and eat the rest. Spoiled food should be thrown away and then taken out of the house to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

Video “Impact on the human body”

From the video you will learn what harm the fungus causes to the human body.