In a private house      03/03/2020

Geothermal energy sources for heating the house. Do-it-yourself geothermal heating of a country house. Using a solar system for heating

In the minds of mankind there has always been a thought about how to heat a home using natural resources. The answer is quite simple - geothermal heating Houses. This heating method can fully satisfy a person’s need to heat a home and maintain comfort, without spending a lot of money on payment. utilities. In this article we will look at how effective such heating is, what types there are, and, most importantly, how to install such a heating system yourself.

The operating principle of this type of heating is quite simple and lies in the property of the earth not to freeze even at fairly low temperatures. For example, at an air temperature of about minus fifteen, the ground will freeze to only five to seven degrees. Now let’s answer the question: is it possible to quite successfully extract benefits from this property of the earth and heat a house with the help of such a resource? The answer is obvious: of course yes! So why not do it? The thing is, it's not that simple. In order to install such heating, you need to solve the small problems associated with it, which are listed below.

Geothermal heating installation

  • To get maximum heat from the ground, you need to accumulate this same heat energy and concentrate it on heating the house, and this costs some effort.
  • It is necessary to maintain the temperature of the conductor. The heated riser must conduct heat in the liquids that will flow through the central heating system.
  • If this conductor has cooled down, its temperature must be immediately restored by heating. To solve this problem, special geothermal heat pumps were invented that help cope with the task. This device helps to extract what is needed for normal heating at home the amount of heat that can be used for the most different needs. By the way, such pumps are able to cope with fairly large volumes of work. The design's capabilities directly depend on its location in the house.

If previously such a phenomenon as heating a house with the help of thermal energy from the earth could be found exclusively outside our country, today such devices are not a miracle and are not uncommon.

Scheme of operation of thermal structures

Please note that they are installed not only in the southern, warm parts, as you might think. In the Northern regions this is even more common. Let's take a closer look at what the structure's operation scheme is.
A long time ago, people wondered why, when certain liquids evaporate from any surface, the surface then cools, and why energy is taken away at the same time. As soon as the answer to this question was given, the thought arose, why not run this mechanism in reverse order, that is, why not get ice instead of warm air. An example is the work modern systems air conditioning: many of them can not only cool, but also heat the air. The only disadvantage of such devices is their limited functioning at low temperatures. At a certain temperature they simply cannot work. In contrast, geothermal heating country house completely devoid of such a drawback, although the principle of operation of them and the above-mentioned device is approximately the same.

Geothermal heating of a country house

A few additions about the work

Geothermal heating of a house requires a lot of preparatory and installation work, as well as considerable costs, which, of course, will pay off many times over over time. On initial stage work is being done in the mine. Its length, width, height, as well as other parameters are individual depending on the area of ​​the heated area and some other factors, for example, the parameters of excavations are greatly influenced by the climate of the area in which you live, the type of soil, the difficulty of the process, as well as the professional qualities of the team, who will handle the installation.
The second step is the most important. Specialized pipes must be placed in the ground, which will accumulate the heat of the earth and direct it to heat your home. The role of the pipes is the main one, and this is where the whole principle lies: the pipes will supply heat to the pump, which provides the heating fluid with heat. Please note that if you decide to tackle this task yourself, you will definitely need an assistant, since the structures can have a very large mass - you simply cannot do it alone.

Ways of functioning of the system

To concentrate the heat of the earth and direct it in the right direction, several installations are used that will help the pump do this. To put this seemingly complex system into operation, the following elements are needed:

  • Heat pump. Ensures the normal functioning of antifreeze. In fact, the entire operation of the installation depends on this element;
  • evaporator - the main purpose of placing this device underground is to accumulate heat vapor that comes out of the surface of the earth;
  • capacitor. Controls the operation of antifreeze and helps maintain its constant temperature;
  • tank. Collects heated water in one place for its further distribution.


Geothermal heating has a number of advantages that will definitely tempt you to decide to install such a system. Among the advantages are such properties as:

Equipment installation

The whole difficulty in installing the equipment lies in installing the heat exchanger in the ground. Of course, installing geothermal heating systems is difficult, but it is possible, and there is a lot of advice on how to do it on the World Wide Web, but we still do not recommend it. As practice shows, amateur efforts are not always crowned with success. If you want to receive a guarantee of the normal functioning of the equipment, as well as long term services, it is better to use the services of qualified specialists. Although, of course, if you are confident in your abilities, you can try. Our technicians carry out the installation procedure in a few simple steps:

Some preventative checks are also carried out with the participation of the owner of the house, then a contract for the delivery of the work is signed.

Geothermal heating yourself: is it possible?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make a geothermal heat pump with their own hands. The answer is very ambiguous, it depends on your skills and knowledge, but it’s worth noting right away that once you spend money on such a miracle of engineering, you will forever forget about the jumps in prices for gas and other raw materials.

Installation heating pipes in the ground

Please note that from the inside the room is heated by the same radiators, but the heat in them is supplied from pipes.
You will need to do a lot of work installing pipes in the ground, and keep in mind that you cannot do it alone.
On a thermal boiler, which will be located directly in the house, you can easily regulate the amount of heat required to maintain normal temperature. If you want to protect children from the regulator, you can install the boiler in a separate room or room.

Geothermal pump installation

So, we conclude that the term “do-it-yourself” does not fully characterize the installation of equipment with your own hands. You can do only part of the work yourself: installing a geothermal pump and installing a heating system directly inside the house, although, if you go deeper into the topic, some types of geothermal heating can be done completely yourself.
To generalize and understand the situation, let us understand that the operating principle of these types of pumps is based on the laws of physics, which are that the pump takes thermal energy from the earth, as well as the vapors it emits. The steam heats the water, which is then circulated through the main system. Concerning interior design system when installing a geothermal pump, it remains the same as with any other device and consists of a radiator and a heating unit, which we are used to seeing in every home.
On average, one kilowatt of electricity is generated per five kilowatts of heated water.

Most of us understand that using coal, gas and wood as fuel does not leave its mark on the environment. However, implementation alternative sources energy is hampered by their high cost and efficiency, which are still inferior to traditional ones. But in Lately Manufacturers are increasingly paying attention to such products, so we hope that soon they will be easier to install and not so expensive.

Today we’ll look at geothermal heating, which you can install for a private home with your own hands. You will learn about the principle of its operation, types, features and self-installation.

It is worth saying that in European countries and the USA, ground heating is gradually becoming the main source of heating at home, but in our country such systems are still only an alternative to more traditional ones.

Appearance and distribution

Earth energy for heating began to spread in the United States towards the end of the 80s of the last century in cities that were heavily experiencing the crisis. Wealthy people immediately became interested in the system, for whom it gave the opportunity to save on heating their homes. Then it began to become cheaper, and the poorer class of the population began to use it.

After some time, the warmth of the earth for heating became the prerogative of most owners of private houses. In Europe, every year the number of households using ground heat to heat their homes is only increasing.

This trend in the spread of geothermal heating is quite understandable. Using the heat of the earth for heating can significantly save the family budget, it is safe and economical.

Functioning of geothermal heating

Its operating principle can be compared to a conventional refrigerator, only in reverse. The earth retains heat constantly, so it can heat objects located on its surface.

The idea behind this method is that the planet is heated from the inside by hot magma, and the soil on top prevents it from freezing. The resulting thermal energy is used by a geothermal heating system based on a special heat pump.

The following process occurs:

  1. The heat pump is installed on the surface.
  2. A hole is drilled in the ground into which the heat exchanger is lowered.
  3. The groundwater passing through the pump is heated and then used for domestic and industrial purposes..

The main advantage of the system is the ratio electrical energy and the resulting power is 1 to 4-6 kW. For example, when using a conventional air conditioner, the result is 1 to 1. Therefore, the installation will be able to pay for itself in a short time.


Self-heating a house from the ground has certain difficulties, which we will discuss below:

  1. They begin with the manufacture of a mine shaft.
    Its calculation is carried out separately for each specific case, taking into account:
    • climate in the area;
    • soil type;
    • characteristics of the structure of the earth's crust in this region;
    • heating area.

Typically the depth varies between 25-100 m.

  1. At the next stage, pipes are lowered into the shaft, which should absorb heat from the depths and supply it to the pump, which increases the temperature of the coolant in the heating system.

Advice: it is better to carry out the work with an assistant, since the pipes are often quite heavy.

In summer, heating using earth energy can be used as an air conditioner. Why is the reverse mechanism activated? During operation, the heat exchanger will begin to take cooling energy.


For environmentally friendly and efficient work systems there are three main options:

Groundwater In this case, thermal energy is used to heat the building. groundwater located at great depths. It has a fairly high temperature, so it raises it and heats it up. After this, the water releases the bulk of the available energy through the heat exchanger.
Antifreeze The method requires additional costs. A tank with antifreeze is lowered to a depth of 75 m and below, the price of which is quite high. When it heats up, it is lifted to the heat exchanger by a heat pump. After the heat is released, the antifreeze enters the container again.
Water This method does not require equipment for a soil mine. This kind of heating of a house from the ground is suitable if there is access to a body of water. Horizontal probes are placed from the heat exchanger along the bottom of the reservoir, which help convert the heat of the water.

Benefits of Geothermal Heating

Now let’s find out what advantages such systems have, and whether they can satisfy our needs:

  1. The thermal energy released is several times greater than the electricity consumption for operating the pump.
  2. There are no harmful emissions, so heating a country house from the ground is an environmentally friendly way.
  3. The system requires only electricity to operate. No use required chemicals and fuel.
  4. There is no danger of explosion or fire during operation.
  5. Correct installation heating system guarantees operation without technical support for approximately 30 years.

Self-installation of geothermal heating

It must be said right away that heating a house with earth’s energy will require a large investment of funds at once. The lion's share of which will go to the construction of the mine shaft.

Tip: The most expensive part in a heat pump is the compressor. If you don't want problems, don't buy it from a Chinese factory.
It is better to use Danfoss or Copeland (preferably not from China).

We also recommend using a heated floor system instead of heating radiators. This way you can reduce the payback on equipment significantly. The annual increase in tariffs for traditional energy resources should also be taken into account, at the same time it will avoid price jumps.

There will be nothing inside the house to remind you that you are using earth heating. The main part of the scheme - the well and the heat exchanger - will be hidden underground. It is only necessary to allocate a small space for a device, for example, in the basement, that generates heat energy.

The device allows you to adjust the temperature and supply heat energy. The instructions for installing a heating system in a house do not differ from the traditional method, so there are no special features in it.


The use of heat pumps allows you to get rid of rising prices every year. traditional types fuel, although the initial costs will be quite large. It is quite possible to install geothermal heating yourself, only when installing pipes into a mine shaft it is advisable to have an assistant.

The payback of the project depends on the insulation of the housing, as well as the heating method - radiator or heated floors. The video in the article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

We know that geothermy is the heat of the Earth, and the concept “geothermal” is often associated with volcanoes and geysers. In Russia, geothermal energy is used primarily on an industrial scale; for example, there are Far Eastern power plants that operate using the heat of our planet.

Many people are sure that making geothermal heating at home with their own hands is something out of science fiction. Is not it? But this is absolutely not true! With development modern technologies household use of “green energy” has become quite possible.

We will tell you about the principles of operation alternative heating, its advantages and disadvantages, comparable to traditional heating systems. You will also learn about how to position the heat exchanger and how to install geothermal heating with your own hands.

When the oil crisis broke out in the 70s of the last century, a burning need arose in the West. It was at this time that the first geothermal heating systems began to be created.

Today they are widespread in the United States, Canada and Western European countries.

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About geothermal heating sources

The following sources of terrestrial thermal energy can be used for geothermal heating:

  • high temperature;
  • low temperature.

High-temperature ones include, for example, thermal springs. They can be used, but their scope is limited by the actual location of such sources.

While in Iceland this type of energy is actively used, in Russia thermal waters are located far from populated areas. They are concentrated to the maximum in Kamchatka, where underground water is used as a coolant and supplied to hot water systems.

The external contour looks much larger than the internal one, although its dimensions can only be assessed during planning and installation. During operation, it is invisible because it is underground or underwater. Plain water or ethylene glycol-based antifreeze circulates inside this circuit, which is much preferable.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If it’s easier for you to perceive visual information, then this video will allow you to see with your own eyes exactly how a geothermal system functions, as well as learn more about who benefits from this type of heating and why.

We invite you to watch a short video in which the owner of a horizontal subsoil collector will talk about his impressions of its operation. Additionally, by watching this video, you will learn about the ongoing costs associated with operating a geothermal heating system.

Each owner of a private home chooses for himself whether to buy the services of resource supply organizations or rely only on himself. In doing so, he is guided by a whole list of considerations.

Do you have anything to add or have questions about geothermal heating of a private home? You can leave comments on the publication. The contact form is located in the lower block.

There are many various options heating the home. People's attention is naturally focused on searching for methods that consume the least amount of energy. Fierce debate is caused by such a progressive method of obtaining heat as the use of underground sources.

How does it work?

The operating principle of geothermal heating involves the use of heat pumps. They operate according to the classical Carnot cycle, taking cold coolant deep below and receiving in return a fluid flow heated to 50 degrees inside the heating system. The equipment operates with a coefficient useful action from 350 to 450% (this does not contradict the fundamental physical laws; why will be discussed later). A standard heat pump heats a house or other building using the heat of the earth for 100 thousand hours (this is the average interval between preventive major repairs).

Heating to 50 degrees was not chosen by chance. Based on the results of special calculations and the study of practically implemented systems, this indicator was recognized as the most effective. Therefore, earth heating, which uses the flow of energy from the subsoil, is mainly supplemented not by radiators, but by a warm floor or an air circuit. On average, for 1000 W of energy driving the pump, it is possible to raise approximately 3500 W of thermal energy to the top. Against the backdrop of the rampant increase in the cost of coolant in the main network and other heating methods, this is a very pleasant indicator.

Geothermal heating is formed by three circuits:

  • ground collector;
  • heat pump;
  • actually, the heating complex of the house.

A collector is a collection of pipes that are supplemented with a pump for recirculation. The coolant in the external circuit has a temperature of 3 to 7 degrees. And even such an apparently insignificant scatter allows the system to effectively solve the assigned tasks. To transfer heat, either ethylene glycol in its pure form or its mixture with water is used. All-water underground heating loops are rare.

The reason is simple - the water that occurs in a sufficiently heated soil layer quickly corrodes the equipment. And even such a liquid can not be found in any random place. The choice of a specific coolant is determined by the design decisions of engineers. The pump is selected depending on the design of the remaining parts of the system. Since the depth of the well (level of installation of equipment) is determined by natural conditions, the decisive differences between types of geothermal systems are associated with the design of the collector in the ground.

The horizontal structure implies the location of the collector below the soil freezing line. Depending on the specific area, this means a deepening of 150-200 cm. Such collectors can be equipped with various pipes, both copper (with an outer layer of PVC) and those made of metal-plastic. To get from 7 to 9 kW of heat, you will have to lay at least 300 square meters. m collector. This technique does not allow you to get closer to the trees than 150 cm, and after installation is completed you will have to landscape the area.

A vertically aligned reservoir involves drilling several wells, necessarily directed in different directions, and each one is drilled at its own angle. Geothermal probes are located inside the wells, thermal output from 1 linear. m reaches approximately 50 W. It is easy to calculate that for an identical amount of heat (7-9 kW), 150-200 m of wells will have to be installed. The advantage in this case is not only in savings, but also in the fact that the landscape structure of the territory does not change. It will only be necessary to allocate a small area for the installation of the caisson block and for the installation of the concentrating collector.

A circuit heated by water is practical if it is possible to bring the external heat exchange unit into a lake or pond to a depth of 200 to 300 cm. But a mandatory condition will be the location of the reservoir within a radius of 0.1 km from the heated building and the area of ​​the water surface at least 200 square meters. m. There are also air heat exchangers, when the external circuit receives heat from the atmosphere. This solution works well in the southern regions of the country and does not require any earthworks. The weaknesses of the system are low efficiency when the temperature drops to 15 degrees and a complete stop if the temperature drops to 20 degrees.


Geothermal heating of a country house, first of all, does not consume expensive and air-polluting mineral fuel. Already 7 out of 10 new houses built in Sweden are heated in this way. On hot days, geothermal equipment changes from being a heater to providing passive air conditioning. Contrary to popular belief, such a heating system does not require either volcanoes or geysers to operate. In the most common flat terrain it works no worse.

The only condition is for the thermal circuit to reach a point below the freezing line, where the soil temperature is always between 3 and 15 degrees. Ultra-high efficiency only seems to contradict the laws of nature; the heat pump is saturated with freon, which evaporates under the influence of even what appears to be “icy” water. The steam warms the third circuit. This scheme represents a refrigerator turned inside out. Therefore, pump efficiency refers only to the quantitative ratio of electrical energy and thermal resources. The drive itself operates “as expected,” with inevitable energy losses.

Advantages and disadvantages

The objective advantages of geothermal heating can be considered:

  • excellent efficiency;
  • a solid service life (a heat pump lasts 2-3 decades, and geological probes last up to 100 years);
  • stability of operation under almost any conditions;
  • lack of connection to energy resources;
  • complete autonomy.

There is one major problem preventing geothermal heating from becoming a truly widespread solution. This, as reviews from the owners show, is the high price of the structure being created. To heat an ordinary house of 200 square meters. m (not so rare), it will be necessary to build a turnkey system for 1 million rubles, up to 1/3 of this amount costs a heat pump. Automated installations are very convenient, and if everything is configured correctly, they can work for years without human intervention. Everything depends only on the availability of free funds. Another disadvantage is the dependence on the power supply of the pump unit.

The risk of fire in a geothermal heating system is zero. There is no need to be afraid of it taking up too much space; in the house itself, the necessary parts will require approximately the same area as an ordinary one washing machine. Moreover, it frees up space that would normally have to be reserved for fuel storage. It is unlikely that you will be able to construct the necessary contours yourself. It is also better to entrust design to professionals, since the slightest mistake can lead to unpleasant consequences.


Quite a lot of people are trying to create geothermal heating with their own hands. But for such a system to work, careful calculations must be made, and a pipe routing diagram must also be drawn up. You cannot bring the well closer to the house than 2-3 m. The maximum permissible drilling depth reaches 200 m, but wells reaching 50 m demonstrate good efficiency.


The main parameters that are taken into account in any calculations are:

  • temperature (depths from 15-20 m or more warm up from 8 to 100 degrees, depending on the conditions);
  • extracted power value (average value - 0.05 kW per 1 m);
  • the influence of climate, humidity and contact with groundwater on heat transfer.

What is very interesting is that completely dry rocks emit no more than 25 W per 1 m, and if there is groundwater, this figure rises to 100-110 W. We must not forget that standard operating hours heat pump is 1800 hours per year. If you exceed this figure, the system will not become more efficient, but its wear will rapidly increase. What is much worse, excessive exploitation of the thermal resource of the subsoil leads to its cooling and even to the freezing of rocks at the working depth. Following this, the soil may subsidence, sometimes damaging working pipes and above-ground structures.

It is necessary to carefully calculate the actions to regenerate soil properties. Only by periodically supplying heat into the well instead of extracting it outside can one guarantee stable operation of the system for many years to come. How often to do this and what else to do will be determined by calculations made by experienced designers. The payback time for geothermal heating, even with the highest efficiency, is at least 10 years. So, in addition to engineering issues, you should carefully consider the economics of the project.

Sequence of work

Heat supply from underground sources must be created according to a strictly developed algorithm. Since water and air systems are used to a limited extent; most practically used options involve drilling wells. And this is another reason why you can’t do everything yourself. Only special equipment allows one to penetrate to a depth of 20-100 m, where they are created. the necessary conditions for heating. Can be used as probes plastic pipes rated for a pressure of about 6 bar.

To increase the efficiency of the system, use 3 or 4 line harnesses, the end sections of which are connected in the form of the letter U. Heating along the contour is very important, thanks to it, cracking of pipes is eliminated in severe frost. This heating is carried out through a wire stretched into the center of the channel through which current is supplied. If it is not possible to use energy piles, horizontal receivers have to be used. A platform with dimensions of 15x15 m is prepared for them, the soil is removed from it to a depth of 0.5 m.

This entire area is needed for laying some kind of probes. Electrical mats or pipes that exchange heat are often used. To increase the efficiency of the heating system, pipes are laid out in a spiral or in the form of a “snake”. It is impossible to say for sure which is better - ready-made complexes, mass-produced, or self-assembly. In the first case, the compatibility problem is automatically solved, but in the second, flexibility increases and the potential for modernization increases (although more attention must be paid to design).

Amateur builders can move away from a standard heat accumulator by replacing it with a concrete screed. Geothermal heating in such a system allows you to do without significant temperature fluctuations. You can conduct experiments with different coolants, as well as install compressors with varying performance. By properly calculating the loads and correctly distributing heat across the consuming circuits, you can make the system 15-20% more efficient. At the same time, power costs are noticeably reduced.

Horizontally placed pipes are laid to a depth of 50-300 cm. To keep the area of ​​the lines as small as possible, they are made in the form of turns. But between two separate lines there must be at least 200 mm. Any construction work should be preceded by a determination of the thermal output of the soil. If it is less than 20 W per 1 sq. m, there is no point in a geothermal circuit. To ensure the drainage of groundwater, the bottom of the pits is covered with a layer of sand. Pipes based on cross-linked polyethylene perform well.

Included in fashion alternative ways home heating. For such systems there is no need for the house to be located close to gas mains. At the same time, the designs do not provide for any fuel combustion. One effective option is thermal heating of the house. Developing technologies contribute to the fact that domestic market There are various models of this type of space heating.

Application of earth energy

It must be taken into account that the soil, even in severe frost, does not freeze too deeply in most regions of the country. This property is even exploited by builders who lay pipelines below the average soil freezing level. The thermal value is +5-+7 0 C. This allows you to use the energy of the earth to heat the house.

Thanks to a modern installation, the resulting heat can be accumulated. The principle of operation of geothermal heating at home, according to reviews from owners, is similar to the principle of operation of a refrigerator. The work cycle algorithm is as follows:

  • you need to get heat in order to store it and redirect it to the energy battery;
  • antifreeze is heated in one of the system circuits, and it transfers energy to the water circulating in the second heating and hot water circuit;
  • the cooled antifreeze is redirected to the heat exchanger area to gain heat again.

This approach allows you to use the heat of the earth to heat your house. The systems use geothermal pumps. The recovered heat can be sufficient both to operate the installation as the main source of heat in the room, and to operate it as a backup or auxiliary circuit.

VIDEO: A miracle of technology - heat from underground

Principle of operation

Heating from the ground is no longer a fantastic or isolated development. In many European countries this area is a priority. In our country it is also gaining its fans.

It has long been noted that during evaporation, certain substances cool the surface they leave. This property first began to be used in household and industrial refrigerators for cooling. Later, the idea arose to use the opposite effect of this phenomenon, producing warm air. It was introduced into air conditioners that operate for heating. However, they are not able to function at temperatures below -50C. Geothermal devices do not have this drawback.

Equipment operation diagram

The basic link in the system is a heat pump, used in two circuits:

  • first circuit - classical system heating with water coolant, consisting of main pipes, radiators and shut-off valves;
  • the second circuit is a large-sized heat exchanger located deep in the soil or under a large open body of water.

Inside the second circuit, both special antifreeze and prepared water are used. It is heated by energy internal heat ground and goes to the heat pump. From it, heat is transferred to the internal circuit and enters the radiators.

An important part is the heat pump. Its dimensions do not exceed the size washing machine. Consuming 1 kW, the device produces 4-5 kW of heating power. For comparison, air conditioners operate approximately in the consumption/output mode of 1 to 1.

Today, the price of earth heat for heating a house still remains high, but it is constantly decreasing.

The main costs during the installation process go to expensive foreign equipment and work with the soil. There are also developments in order to independently construct geothermal pumps that create heat in the house.

System advantages

Geothermal heating has a lot of positive qualities that set it apart from other systems, such as gas or electric. Benefits include:

  • the installation is absolutely safe in terms of fire, since there is no flame in it;
  • no need to break through chimneys for installation;
  • no harmful emissions, noise or unpleasant odors;
  • compact equipment does not take up much space;
  • there is no need to deliver or store any fuel;
  • the inexhaustible energy of the earth is used;
  • the equipment can operate for heating in winter and cooling in summer;
  • high performance during autonomous operation;
  • Although installation costs are expensive, operating costs are several times lower than those of traditional heating sources.

Types of layout

There are several options for installing geothermal systems. They are similar in effectiveness and are used depending on the capabilities of the nearby landscape and temperature conditions region.

Vertical installations

The main difference is the installation of the heat exchanger. The most compact is its vertical arrangement. This option does not require significant land areas. However, it is necessary to use a drilling rig, since deep wells will be needed.

The approximate depth of wells for geothermal systems is 50-200 m for effective operation.

This type is the most expensive to install, but its expected service life is, according to manufacturers, up to 100 years, which is still for the longest period among similar systems. The main advantage of vertical installation is maximum preservation of the adjacent landscape.

Horizontal installation

For regions where the level of soil freezing is relatively shallow, it is advantageous to place the heat exchanger in a horizontal plane. In this situation, the pipes are located in a dug trench. It occupies a fairly large area, which is often presented as a disadvantage of this layout. However, in this situation, expensive drilling is not required.

The collector in the form of tubes is distributed in loops throughout the designated area. It is necessary to move 1.5-2 m away from the roots of the trees so that they do not damage the structure. The approximate area for heating a house of 250 m2 will be about 600 m2. Not everyone has the resources to host a geothermal reservoir.

Underwater placement

Installing a collector under the water column is one of the most effective ways home heating. It is advisable that the reservoir be located no further than 100 m from the housing construction. The collector spirals are mounted to a depth of at least 2.5-3 m, which will allow them to be below the freezing point. The surface of the reservoir must be at least 200 m2 in area.

When the collector is placed in water, the need for water work is significantly reduced, and there is no loss in the efficiency of the installation.

Inside the house, such heating will resemble classic water system with radiators. However, heating of the coolant will be carried out without the use of fuel.

Of course, such a system is still very expensive - 2-3 times more expensive gas heating. But if you calculate the savings on fuel, the reliability and safety of the equipment, the duration of operation - usually houses are built not for 10 or even 20 years, but for a much longer period, it becomes clear that such systems are the future. You can try to install it right now, or you can wait a few more years when domestic developments appear on the market.

VIDEO: Economical heating houses, types of heat pumps, connection diagram