Shower      04/04/2019

Installation of sinks yourself: different types for different needs. Installing a sink in the kitchen: installation rules and connection

Having purchased kitchen furniture and plumbing fixtures, many turn to professionals for help. But it often happens that there is no one to expect help from and you have to do everything yourself.

You need to learn in advance how to install an overhead sink on a cabinet in the kitchen in order to be prepared for possible difficulties and nuances.

So, we purchased convenient plumbing fixtures that fully meet the owners’ needs in practicality and appearance. By the way, today sinks made of of stainless steel. Firstly, they are affordable, light weight, and durable to use.

The universal metallic color can be combined with a variety of color solutions in room.

Installation is quite simple, there are only two stages:

  1. Assembling the sink cabinet;
  2. Installation of an overhead stainless steel sink on a cabinet.

The sink is an indispensable attribute of the kitchen. You can easily install it yourself - you do not need to have special knowledge and skills.

Furniture assembly

The first stage requires preparing the furniture itself so that the plumbing can be installed. Usually delivered to the customer in disassembled form. If you don’t know how to assemble a sink cabinet, the instructions included with the furniture will help.

Looks like a diagram.

The standard set is:

  • 2 side walls;
  • 2 doors (or one);
  • Bottom;
  • 3 frames for rigidity;
  • Fittings, corners, screws.

You need to have a screwdriver on hand to carry out assembly, or a standard furniture hexagon.

Installing a sink: what is needed for this?

How to attach a stainless steel sink to a cabinet so that it holds well and the installation itself does not take too long? To do this, you need to have accessories and tools, thanks to which installing the sink on the cabinet will not be much of a problem.

Secure the sink with sealant without additional accessories It's possible if it's light. If the overhead sink is heavy, then installing it on the sealant will lead to the collapse of the structure. In this case, it must be fastened with self-tapping screws.

The classic tools and accessories used for such purposes are:

  • Drill, screwdriver;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Ruler;
  • Pliers;
  • Drills (for wood);
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Sealant (we’ll give it Special attention Further);
  • Masking tape;
  • L-shaped corner.

The above items are also suitable for installing a sink on a countertop.

But experienced craftsmen All you need is a sealant and corners.


We lay out the tools and accessories in advance so that they are at hand. It is also advisable to decide on the mixer and siphon so that everything is installed at once, otherwise it will be difficult to install later.How to attach a stainless steel sink to a cabinet? This is not difficult if you have already completed the assembly of the frame itself.

  1. L-shaped fasteners are installed, either included in the kit or purchased separately.

    For fastenings, it is better to purchase L-shaped plates with oblique slots at a fastening store. You will need 4-5 plates.

  2. Attach with inside fasteners and mark under them the places where it is necessary to screw in the self-tapping screw. Drill a hole (not through) 0.5 cm above the mark, screw in a self-tapping screw and install the fastener. Do the same actions in other places of the structure.

    During the assembly process, make sure that all holes are at the same level.

  3. Next, assemble the plumbing product, attach the siphon with all the gaskets to it, and attach the mixer.

    Before installing the overhead sink itself on the base or cabinet and securing it, you need to assemble it completely - secure the siphon and mixer in their places, install gaskets.

  4. Treat the ends of the walls with sealant. It is needed so as not to protect the furniture from moisture.

    This product provides additional fastening of the sink to the cabinet in the kitchen.

  5. Now you can start fixing- place it on a furniture frame, where the fastenings are placed on self-tapping screws.

    The fasteners are placed on self-tapping screws and moved along the slot. This presses the sink against the cabinet.

  6. Carry out plumbing work to connect the water supply and drainage in the kitchen.

    Take care of the accuracy of the work and reliability.

  7. After attaching the stainless steel sink to the cabinet is completed, you can check it for leaks. The sink fills with water. Check if water is seeping out at the junction of the sink and siphon.

    If water leaks out, the system is assembled incorrectly.

  8. Installing kitchen cabinet doors- the final stage, which will become the final point in plumbing work.

The sink is secured to the cabinet with fasteners and a sealant. This is the most reliable method, quite durable.

So the question of how to install a stainless steel sink on a cabinet has been resolved. If the work is done correctly, it can stand for a long time.

Many people attach the sink to the countertop. There are options when ordering kitchen furniture the need for a hole in the countertop to install plumbing fixtures is specified. Then there will be little work involved in installing the sink.

If there is no specially allocated space on the countertop, then you will have to do everything yourself.

  1. Mark the contours on the surface with a pencil. Take into account the margins from the edges (5 cm). Take measurements for the bowl.

    Remember that the gap from the edge of the countertop to the side of the sink must exceed 50 mm. If this distance is less than 50 cm, then the sink needs to be deepened.

  2. Make a hole in the corners of the outline.

    To make a hole in the tabletop you will need an electric jigsaw.

  3. Apply masking tape to the outer side of the outline so that the surface around it is not damaged when working. Before cutting the opening, secure the part to be removed from below so that if it falls, it does not damage the surface underneath.

    To avoid chipping on the front surface, choose the opposite direction of the tooth.

  4. Treat the ends of the countertop with sealant, assemble all the plumbing elements (mixer and siphon) and install. This will prevent moisture from getting under the structure, thereby damaging it. appearance furniture deformation and delamination.

    Stepping back a couple of millimeters from the edge of the hole, we apply the silicone in a thickness just above the side of the sink.

  5. Secure with clamps (included with purchase).

    The sink needs to be inserted into the hole and the edges should be pressed firmly so that the silicone strands take the shape of the sink and left for a few minutes.

So, having looked at how to attach a stainless steel sink to a cabinet with fasteners and to a countertop, you will notice that doing this is not as difficult as it seems.

The most difficult thing is to make the hole correctly. If it turns out to be larger than expected, the paws will not be able to hold the sink.

Selecting a sealant

Big role in installation work plays a sealing role. The following types of products are available on the market:

  • Silicone acrylic;
  • Elastic silicone;
  • Polyurethane silicone.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the features and characteristics of the sealant: shrinkage, adhesion, purpose.

Apply the product to a dry, clean surface to ensure maximum adhesion. If the surfaces are not fully prepared for sealing, then moisture may penetrate into the cracks, which can lead to the growth of fungus and mold.

Typically, elastic silicone sealing material is used. It is easy to use and quite reliable.

Summing up

Advantages of installing a sink yourself:

  • There are tools in almost every home; attaching an overhead sink to a cabinet can be done using almost improvised means;
  • You can save on the cost of a professional plumber by doing the steps yourself;
  • If the plumbing product did not come with any fasteners, then purchasing them is not a problem.

If you cannot install the plumbing yourself, it would be better to turn to professionals.

VIDEO: Installing a stainless steel kitchen sink.

If 20 years ago free-standing sinks were in demand among apartment owners, today countertop models are becoming increasingly popular for kitchens. The advantage of the device is convenience and easy installation, because the equipment can be installed with your own hands.

All you need to do is follow step by step guide from specialists, which provides a special fixation technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of an overhead sink

Those who had the opportunity to compare different samples sinks for the kitchen, note both the obvious advantages of the overhead product and the disadvantages. Among the advantages are the following:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • low cost of stainless steel sink on a cabinet;
  • excellent performance characteristics (the device can be easily washed using detergents);
  • multifunctionality - one part of an overhead sink made of stainless steel is most often a sink where dishes are washed, the other side is used for drying (thus, overhead sinks on a cabinet allow you to significantly expand the workspace without taking over the countertop);
  • variety in sizes - you can choose the option you like for a cabinet of any size.

The disadvantages of stainless steel sinks that are installed on a cabinet depend on the shape of the countertops and the specific use of the sink:

  1. Certain difficulties may arise if the headset has non-standard shapes and sizes. However, this drawback is becoming a thing of the past, because overhead devices are manufactured based on the standards produced by the cabinets. If there is an unusual countertop, then there will also be a stainless steel sink, the only caveat is that perhaps a rare model is more expensive than similar analogues.
  2. Sheet steel is not particularly strong, although experts see this as a significant advantage - the weight of the structure is reduced.
  3. You can attach a stainless steel sink by applying it to the cabinet, so don’t expect a tight fit. Some housewives are so annoyed by this factor that they refuse further use. kitchen sink in this format.
  4. Hitting the steel, the stream coming out of the tap provokes a loud sound, which may disturb some people.

So, it makes sense to install an overhead sink if you want to purchase a comfortable, lightweight and useful thing. Stainless steel countertop sinks do not have any elegance or special aesthetic properties, so use them to match unusual design the premises will be redundant.

How to prepare a sink for installation

Low maintenance and ease of installation win the hearts of many who want to install a stainless steel sink without outside help. On initial stage You should prepare a kitchen set, which among specialists is called an underframe.

The cabinet has no back wall. Concerning top cover, it may be present, but it all depends on the model of the device. There is no need to purchase additional fasteners and small elements - the components are included in the set along with the sink.

Required Tools

Before you begin assembly, collect the entire list of tools without which it is impossible to install the sink:

  • screwdrivers different sizes having unequal tips; High-quality screwdrivers wouldn’t hurt either;
  • sealant will provide better adhesion performance steel structure with table top;
  • a hacksaw or jigsaw will help you cut out a niche for the sink bowl;
  • a hammer drill creates holes for the subsequent installation of fasteners;
  • self-tapping screws, screws and other fasteners.

How to attach a sink to a cabinet

To attach the sink to the cabinet, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Turn the stainless steel sink upside down and place it on top of the countertop. Mark the outline of the fixture with a pencil.
  2. Using the resulting lines as a guide, make several holes and cut out the part with a hacksaw.
  3. Carefully remove the part kitchen cabinet from the main one. To avoid injury, properly sand the edges of the tabletop with a grinder or sandpaper.
  4. Fix the fasteners to the inside of the underframe, facing upward.
  5. Apply the sealant evenly to cover the edges of the cabinet cutout and the edges of the kitchen sink. To secure the sink with a tight fit, carefully install the sealing tape.
  6. Place a stainless steel sink on the cabinet in the resulting hole, and then use a screwdriver to secure the fasteners.
  7. Another important point is that if you plan to install the device together with a siphon and a mixer, these parts should be addressed before attaching the sink. Don't forget to connect the siphon to the sewer line.
  8. Screw the kitchen cabinet door and start using the washing device.

Part of the overall renovation that you can do yourself is installing a kitchen sink. Depending on the choice of product, installing a sink can be easier or more difficult, but the comfort of its use depends on the accuracy of all stages of installation.

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Overview of sinks

Possible based on several criteria. They include the functionality of the sink, the type of installation and the compatibility of the model with the design of the kitchen space. When determining functional characteristics, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The capacity of the bowl is determined according to your own needs. If the family is large and you have to wash large volumes of food and large pots, then the housewife will need a sink with a large and deep bowl.
  2. Models with an overflow - an additional hole on the edge of the bowl - are convenient. Such a sink will never get too much water, and when immersing dishes in it, liquid will not splash out over the edge.
  3. The volume of simultaneous manipulations will determine the number of bowls. The industry produces single sinks and more complex systems, consisting of 2-4 compartments. Often the sink also has 1-2 wings for drying dishes.
  4. The strength of the material or coating is chosen depending on the ability to change the sink after a short period of time. Enameled steel sinks are cheap, but quickly fail due to chipping of the enamel, while nickel-plated sinks can last much longer, although they are more expensive.

Installation of a kitchen sink can be done different ways. By type of installation there are:

  • an overhead sink that completely covers the countertop of a separate cabinet;
  • mortise, built into the recess of a common tabletop;
  • an integrated bowl, i.e., constituting a single surface with the countertop.

When choosing a model that suits the interior of the kitchen, pay attention to the material, color and shape of the product.

The choice of a sink based on these criteria depends on the comfort of the housewife, who will have to spend time in the kitchen, on the hygiene of the coating or the installation method. The compatibility of the material with other interior details is also important: a shiny nickel-plated sink will look impressive with other similar details, and in a kitchen designed as a single color scheme, it is better to supply a painted model of a suitable shade.

The sink should be installed so that there is at least 40 cm between it and other kitchen appliances. In practice, this is dictated not by convenience, but by safety considerations: by placing the refrigerator next to the sink, apartment owners risk receiving an electric shock or causing a short circuit as a result of water entering the sink. electrical appliance It is recommended to install a cabinet between the refrigerator and the stove with work surface(countertop) on which food from the refrigerator is placed before processing.

The rules of ergonomics in the kitchen advise following the triangle rule, i.e., positioning work points (stove, sink, cutting table) so that they form a triangle with sides no more than 1 m. In a small kitchen with furniture placed along one wall, the stove is next to the sink turns out not the best convenient option. It is better to place the sink and stove on the sides of the cutting table. Its length does not exceed 60 cm.

Sometimes the sink is placed in a corner module kitchen set. This arrangement is convenient because it helps to fulfill the triangle rule. When choosing a corner location for the sink, you should leave a distance between the sink and the refrigerator or stove. Between these working points, modules with countertops are placed.

Assembling the cabinet

Standard models of kitchen units are easy to assemble yourself. When assembling the sink cabinet, you need to check the completeness of the product:

  • 2 sidewalls;
  • facade;
  • 2 stiffeners;
  • accessories.

Depending on the delivery, the sink cabinet may have back wall. Often the kit includes fasteners for an overhead sink.

The parts are connected using self-tapping screws and corners, screwing in fasteners from the inside of the panels. Install stiffeners at the top to connect the side walls and create an open space in place of the table top. When installing a free-standing sink (overhead) on the walls, you need to attach the brackets from the kit. For mortise models, the cabinet is used as part of the common base of a single tabletop. Doors are hung on furniture mortise hinges after assembling the headset.

For the corner module, the stiffness connections are arranged differently. In most cases they can be installed on the façade and one side. When assembling corner sets, you must follow the instructions for the product.

Depending on the product model, installing an overhead sink on a cabinet can be done in different ways:

  1. If the cabinet is supplied with fasteners, then installation is carried out on them. To do this, you need to mark the installation location of the bracket on the inside of the sidewall, screw the screws into the mounting points, and then hang the bracket. Self-tapping screws should not be fully tightened. Place the sink on the cabinet and slide the mount along the mounting hole. In this case, the head of the screw should fit into the bend of the hole, and the sink should press against the end of the side of the cabinet. After installing the mount in the desired position, the screws should be tightened.
  2. If there are no fastenings, and the sink has sides curved down, then you can install an overhead sink with your own hands and attach it to a sealant. To do this, apply silicone to the ends of the sidewalls, install the sink and press it with a weight for 24 hours. When the adhesive layer sets, the sink will securely connect to the base. If necessary, you can screw screws into mounting holes on the sides, if any.
  3. Do-it-yourself installation option - on a support made of bars. When the cabinet is very different in height, and the fastenings are not suitable for the selected model, you can make the support yourself. The dimensions of the structure must make it possible to attach an overhead sink. The bars are mounted using self-tapping screws on the inside of the side walls of the cabinet, and the installation height is adjusted so that the edges of the bowl are at the level of the countertops of adjacent modules.

Installation of a built-in sink

Before installing the sink into the countertop, you need to make a recess for it. To do this, use the template supplied with the sink, or trace the outline of the sides and bowl, turning the product over. When marking, you need to leave intact that part of the countertop that will be under the side, and cut out only the outline corresponding to the bowl of the sink.

For sawing, a hole is drilled into which the jigsaw blade will be placed. It is advisable to drill inside the outline that will be removed. This way you can achieve an even cut along the entire contour of the recess. Place a jigsaw file into the hole and carefully cut out a recess for the bowl, trying to follow the contour as clearly as possible.

The edges of the hole for the sink need to be filed and sanded. Place the bowl and check the accuracy of the fit of the notch: if the cut is made correctly, the sides fit snugly to the tabletop. Carefully cover the cut silicone sealant and dry the countertop.

Install taps into the countertop and connect flexible hoses to them. Before installing a mortise sink, apply a layer of sealant to the edge of the recess. To seal the joint, you can use the gaskets that come with the sink. Place the sink on the countertop, tighten the fastening bolts from the bottom using the following algorithm:

  • first those located diagonally on the product;
  • after that - fastenings in the middle of its sides.

When tightening along the contour of the sides, excess sealant may be squeezed out. It must be wiped with a rag, and a gasket that is too wide can be cut off with a sharp knife.

Installation of an integrated sink

It is more difficult to install a built-in sink properly than a built-in sink. For good result You need to accurately mark the contour of the side and bowl, so you should definitely use a template for the product. The cut under the bowl is made in the same way as in the previous case.

Installation kitchen sink below the level of the tabletop requires a recess and under the sides of the product. They can be made using a rebate cutter, selecting part of the tabletop material along the contour of the sides. This achieves the effect of deepening the product into the surface. The depth of the recess is determined by the thickness of the side.

After removing the quarter, silicone is applied to the edges of the recess, the bowl is placed in the recesses and secured with clamps. You need to tighten the clamps, starting with the corner ones, located diagonally on a rectangular sink, or opposite each other if it is round.

Sink in the corner: installation features

Bowls of different shapes can be used for installation in a corner module. Manufacturers also produce special overhead-type products with sides whose contour corresponds standard sizes corner cabinets. There are also mortise options, suitable only for installation in the corner segment of the headset.

When installing a corner sink, apply the same principles as during installation simple varieties. But there are also differences:

  • The tap is installed in the far corner, so it is better to install it and connect the flexible connection before attaching the sink;
  • when purchasing an overhead model, you should make sure that its dimensions and shape match the existing corner cabinet;
  • a rectangular sink will have to be placed diagonally on the corner segment, so you need to carefully check the correspondence of its center lines and diagonals.

To ensure a beautiful position of the bowl in the center of the module, you need to mark the tabletop before installation. Straight lines connect the opposite corners on the left and right, as well as the far corner and the center of the front strip. Using these lines you can align the position of round and rectangular sinks.

How to choose and install a faucet on your kitchen sink yourself?

When choosing a mixer, you need to pay attention to the height of the tap. Too high will create a lot of splash when used. It is difficult to wash large dishes under a low tap. Kitchen faucets may have a flexible hose with a nozzle.

The faucet can be installed separately, in the countertop next to a mortise or integrated sink. On the side of overhead models there are standard holes for the mixer. The lower part of the device is placed in the hole, where flexible hoses for hot and cold water. Fastening is carried out according to the instructions for the mixer model.

What do you do with old furniture?

Hello, friends.

In this article, we will look at one very serious operation, which greatly affects the quality of the kitchen set.

We will talk about installing a sink. We will look at this entire process from start to finish with all its nuances.

Before installing the sink, you need to decide in which part of the countertop it should be located.

To do this, the countertop must be placed on the lower modules of the kitchen, and the box in which the sink should be placed must be traced from the inside with a pencil (along the countertop) to determine the internal space for it.

After this, you need to place the table bottom up and mark the place for cutting the hole. This is done as follows:

  • Then, using a tape measure, you need to measure the distance from the edge to the eyelet into which the fastener is attached.

  • Having made 8-10 such “notches”, through them, using the same sink, we draw curves (in parts), which form inside the circle we have drawn, another circle, the radius of which is less than the radius of the main circle at a distance from the edge of the sink to its lug . This will be the circle that needs to be cut out with a jigsaw.
  • We make a hole on the inside of this circle with a large drill (usually a drill with a diameter of 10 millimeters).
  • We insert a jigsaw file into this drill and cut out a hole. Remember, when the hole is almost cut, to support the cut part of the tabletop, as it may break off, breaking the plastic from the face.

When the hole is made, its inside needs to be covered with silicone, since this place is the most problematic place in the kitchen. It should be protected as much as possible from moisture getting inside the tabletop, since in this case, the tabletop can simply “tear” from moisture - and this is its complete replacement.

So, after the hole is “siliconized”, we begin to prepare the sink for insertion.

To do this, you need to stick adhesive tape on its inner surface, which is always included in the kit (plus fasteners and plus plastic tubes for draining).

Please note before you buy a sink: The adhesive tape (which needs to be glued inside) should not be glued to it. It should come included. In almost all sinks that had adhesive tape pre-applied, it was not applied correctly.

And it is glued correctly so that there is a small distance between it and the side of the sink itself (it looks like a gutter there) where the silicone is poured.

It turns out that there are two barriers at the same time: adhesive tape and silicone.

So, when all this is done and the silicone is poured, the sink is inserted into the hole cut in the countertop (from bottom to top). If the tabletop is located, for example, on two chairs, then one of them can be immediately placed under the sink, thus fixing it.

After this, fasteners are inserted into it.

I would like to note that this is one of the most popular kitchen units to install.

The fasteners that attach it to the tabletop are usually poor (meaning poorly thought out). Problems almost always arise with it (for this, you must always have spare versions of this fastener for installation).

There are situations when it simply does not fix the countertop, but slides off to the sink (which is what happened during the installation, photographs from which are posted in this article as an example).

No matter how much we bent the tendrils of the fastener itself, it stubbornly jumped off the tabletop (and, of course, did not fix it).

The easiest way out of this situation is as shown in the pictures: you need to insert a piece of chipboard, or something else, between the sink and the fastener itself. Thus, the fastener is fixed and, twisting, attracts the sink.

But, you shouldn’t forget one detail: you need to practice installation, if possible, not for very long, since the silicone that was poured inside the sink, when it was pressed to the countertop, partially “came out” out. It should not have time to harden, since in this case, when removing it, you can also remove part of the silicone located under the sink.

When it is pulled to the tabletop, you need to make sure that there are no gaps between it and the tabletop. If they are, it means she is poorly attracted.

At the end, you need to wipe off the silicone that has protruded from under the sink and the sink itself.

That's basically all.

This is where I end, see you in new articles.

Based on the principle of placement on the underframe, sinks are divided into overhead and built-in. The surface of the washing panel can be located above the plane of the countertop, be flush with it, or be below the level of the desktop. In any case, the bowl under the mixer should be installed between the sections of the set to place dirty dishes and for cooking and serving dishes.

The cabinet on which the overhead sink is mounted is often separate element kitchen interior. Mortise and integrated sinks are mounted into the continuous surface of the desktop of the floor-standing modules of the sets.

Installation of an overhead washing panel

Sink connection diagram: 1 – mixer pipe; 2 – gasket; 3 – fixing nut; 4 – flexible hose; 5 – pipeline supply; 6 – overflow hole; 7 – combined drain; 8 - drain device; 9 – compression ring; 10 – compression coupling; 11 – double-turn siphon; 12 – drain pipe.

Overhead types of sinks are easier to install than others. This is the traditional way of installing dishwashing equipment. In the kitchen interior, it is a free-standing cabinet with a sink, complemented by a panel for storing washed kitchen items.

The panel is fixed on the cabinet using fasteners in the form of brackets or pushed onto the base into the grooves of the cabinet using special slides.

The sink kit may include an adhesive tubular seal that is inserted into a groove on the panel. The joint between the cabinet and the washing panel is coated with silicone sealant to protect against moisture penetration.

Rubber seals do not adhere tightly to the joining surfaces and have a short service life. More often they are replaced with a moisture-resistant sealant; it tightly fills the gaps and retains its properties for a long time when dry.

The underframe usually does not have additional internal elements; this provides access for repairing supply pipelines, cleaning the siphon and sewer pipes. Sometimes supporting bars are attached under the overhead sink, reinforcing the strength of the structure.

Before attaching the sink to the countertop, the mixer, water supply hoses and siphon are installed. The overhead sink is secured with L-shaped fasteners with an oblique slot. 4-5 such elements are installed. In marked on inner surface Self-tapping screws are screwed into the cabinets and places for fastening. They should protrude 5 mm from the walls of the underframe. It is better to screw in the screws with a screwdriver; if you use a screwdriver, the tabletop may be damaged.

During installation, the fastening grooves are placed on the screws and the sink is moved until it is firmly fixed to the overhead sink. Then the screws are tightened and the protruding sealant is removed.

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Installation of a mortise sink

To prevent water from splashing when washing dishes, choose a deep sink and install a low tap.

The sink is installed in a pre-cut hole in a solid countertop. In this case, the sink itself can be made of various materials: stainless alloy, earthenware, porcelain, etc.

To insert a washing container, you will need some tools and additional materials:

  • jigsaw with a fine-toothed file;
  • drill, screwdriver;
  • pencil, ruler, tape measure;
  • self-tapping screws, silicone sealant;
  • wrenches for installing the mixer;
  • sandpaper, construction knife.

The contours of the installed panel are marked with a pencil, turning it over and laying it on the countertop. The distances from the front and rear edges of the latter are at least 5 cm. Then the location of the bowl relative to the edges of the panel is measured. The outline of the hole cut for the sink appears along them.

The bowl may be various shapes, therefore it is necessary to transfer its geometric parameters to the surface of the tabletop as accurately as possible. Manufacturers of mortise sinks often include a template with the kit, according to which the shape of the hole is drawn.

The cutting line should extend outward from the sides of the bowl by about 1 cm. A hole is drilled at one of the points on the contour to insert a jigsaw blade. For a rectangular bowl shape, holes are drilled in the corners of the intended contour.

Painting tape is glued to the outside of the outline. It will protect the surface of the tabletop from damage by the jigsaw foot when cutting. On a removable tabletop, the material is cut with a jigsaw with front side, this way the surface cladding is less damaged. In the process of cutting the opening, self-tapping screws are screwed into the cut to a small depth so that inner part did not fall out during operation. The sector to be removed can also be secured from below with support.

The edges of the tabletop along the saw cut are covered with silicone sealant to protect the material from moisture penetration. The sealant is also applied under the edges of the panel along the drawn contour. A sink with a built-in faucet and siphon is inserted into the prepared opening and secured to the countertop with clamps included in the plumbing kit. All that remains is to connect the mixer to the water supply and drain the sink through a siphon to the sewer.