In a private house      05/22/2019

How to prime fiberboard for acrylic. Painting plywood, chipboard, veneer and fiberboard - how to update old furniture and turn it into a designer piece. Primer - for savings and more

The so-called fibreboard, or fibreboard for short, is widely used for the production of modular furniture, as flooring or wall covering with her help they do various partitions. From the name of this material it is clear that wood fibers are used to make DPV, and natural additives and resins are used as binding material, which makes this material extremely environmentally friendly. During the production of these plates, drying and pressing takes place, that is, the material undergoes thermal treatment under high pressure. Let's find out in more detail, how to paint fiberboard floors so that it is done quickly and efficiently.

The second name of this material is less known - hardboard. This material has good strength, low thermal conductivity and good wear resistance. But for better protection The surfaces of this material should be covered with a paint and varnish material. But in order to do this correctly and efficiently, it is necessary to know some of the features of this process. Since fiberboard boards are quite a hygroscopic material, they fairly absorb moisture, including paint, so before painting it is necessary to coat work surface primer. I can’t say that if you don’t do this, nothing will work, you will paint the fiberboard floor, but you will spend 2-4 times more paint than usual, and besides, such a surface will not be painted as evenly as you would like .

Drying oil or other modern alkyd compositions can be used as a primer. But first you need to thoroughly prepare the surface, for this you should clean it of various dust and dirt, if there is any, of course, and don’t forget to degrease it with alcohol. At the same time, for better adhesion to the surface, we recommend heating the drying oil to 50 degrees Celsius, and then applying it to clean and grease-free fiberboard boards.

How to paint fiberboard floors correctly and efficiently

It is necessary to prime the fiberboard floor in one go and in one layer so that there are no stains and the surface dries faster. Now let's find out the best way to apply paint to fiberboard floor slabs. For this purpose, it is good to use a “fur” roller, or take more modern instrument like a spray gun. Due to the peculiarity of the surface of this material, you should not use a brush or foam roller unless you plan to do artistic painting.

As a paint material, you can use water-based, acrylic, oil, and also alkyd paint. Fiberboard slabs under the “ST” brand are excellent for the floor surface; this marking means that the slab is super-hard. It should be noted that there will be constant abrasion of the paint layer, so it would be good to go over the dried paint with 2-3 layers of colorless parquet varnish.

In addition to the primer, it would be good to apply several layers of paint. But this is only justified if you are not going to cover it with parquet varnish. In addition, you can take a more expensive paint that is highly resistant to abrasion; urethane-alkyd gloss paint is ideal. After applying this paint, it will dry for about a day, but it will gain final hardness after 2-3 days. This is how chipboard floors are painted. And now some more useful information.

Before you start painting flat surface Fiberboard boards should be sanded well with fine-grained sandpaper. You can also apply the paint itself using a spray can. Moreover, if you take water-dispersion paint, it can dry literally within 2-3 hours after application. It would be good if the primer composition coincided with the paint. And also to ensure that the varnish does not curl after application, the paint and varnish must be of the same type.

At first glance, the operation of painting fiberboard (fibreboard) does not present any difficulty. However, in order to paint products made from this material, some of its individual characteristics should be taken into account, which include, first of all, high porosity. This feature is a consequence of its structure, because this material is produced by pressing wood fibers.

Due to its porosity, this material absorbs significantly more paint than, for example, wood. And the process of preparing fiberboard for painting differs significantly from the process of preparing surfaces made from other materials.

Below we will look at all the difficulties that arise when searching for an answer to the question of how to paint or repaint fiberboard old fiberboard. And what tools and materials will be needed to paint it with your own hands and at home.

The algorithm for applying paints and varnishes to the surface of a material depends little on the material itself and includes the following points:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Choice of paint;
  • Paint application;
  • Coating protection.

Surface preparation

Paint is applied to a fiberboard on only one side, because its other side is of little use for this.

The process of preparing fiberboard for painting is relatively simple and will not take you much time. It is necessary to remove contamination (dust, etc.) from the surface of the stove. This should be done with a dry cloth or brush. If the stove is very dirty, you can use a damp cloth, but first wipe the stove thoroughly so that no dust remains on the surface. After the surface is cleaned, it must be thoroughly treated with fine-grained sandpaper and degreased; for this purpose it is preferable to use alcohol.

If it is necessary to paint a floor, ceiling or wall mounted from several slabs, then the joints between the slabs must be carefully filled using reinforced tape. For these purposes you will need a special putty, because... Ordinary putty, given the “springy” properties of fiberboard, will not work here. Alkyd putty filler copes well with such tasks. Due to its plasticity, it is able to withstand dynamic loads and prevent deformation or rupture of the material. The putty is applied in a thin layer, which must be immediately reinforced with tape, or use a strip of sickle tape for this.

The video explains what fiberboard is and how it is produced:

If the coating has no a large number of seams, you can seal the seams using acrylic-silicone sealant. This material provides a fairly strong and waterproof connection and any paint adheres well to it.

After the putty has completely dried, you should carefully sand the seams with the same fine-grained sandpaper.

The resulting surface must be carefully primed. Without a primer, the fiberboard surface will absorb a lot of paint and, moreover, the paint will lie unevenly on such a surface. As a primer, you should use special alkyd solutions or drying oil heated to 50 °C. The primer is applied in one layer. Applying a second coat of primer is not recommended, because... this may cause unevenness on the surface. In addition, the primer on the fiberboard surface takes a long time to dry.

Paint selection

The paint for painting fiberboard can be any: water-based; alkyd; oil; acrylic. If you want to paint a fiberboard floor, you can use ST (super-hard) paint, which is wear-resistant. For application on furniture facades or walls, it is recommended to use acrylic or water-based paints. When choosing a paint, carefully read its characteristics. Modern manufacturers indicate on the packaging all necessary information about methods of applying paint and about average consumption when applied to various materials.

For painting fiberboard completely depends on your taste preferences. Using multiple views paint and varnish materials allows you to give the surface a spectacular look. For example, in order for the surface to make an impression, we take diluted bitumen varnish and apply it to the surface with a special brush, which gives the surface the desired appearance. White enamel applied to the surface of fiberboard imitates appearance plastic, and water-based paints make the surface of the plate matte.

Paint application

It is not recommended to use brushes or a foam sponge to apply paint to the fiberboard surface. The use of these tools will result in uneven paint application and streaks on the surface. Apply the paint with a roller or spray gun. If the area of ​​the surface to be painted is small, then it makes sense to purchase several cans of paint, equipped with sprayers. The main disadvantage of this approach is their high cost.

Coating protection

Modern paints make it possible to create a fairly durable coating that is well protected from abrasion and other mechanical deformations. Therefore, it is not necessary to protect the resulting coating with varnish. At the same time, applying a layer of varnish (or several layers) will not only enhance the reliability of the coating and extend its service life, but will also give it a richer and more presentable appearance.

In conclusion, it should be noted that painting fiberboard products is not the only way to decorate them. For example, you can get a reliable and, very importantly, water-repellent coating in the following way: ordinary paper wallpaper without embossing. After the wallpaper has completely dried, the surface is covered with several. Such a floor will last a long time and will reliably protect the room from moisture. An additional advantage of this approach is the large scope for design solutions– the floor surface, due to the wallpaper pattern, will have a unique look.

/ Fiberboard on the ceiling - what to paint with?

Fiberboard on the ceiling - what to paint with?

Fiberboard is durable and inexpensive material, which is often used for finishing various surfaces- from floor to ceiling. However, if on the floor or walls such materials are usually hidden under a layer of external coating, then on ceilings such surfaces most often have to be painted. The painting technology is not too complicated, but it is very important to choose the right thing with which you are going to paint the fiberboard on the ceiling.

Preparing the plane

This material has one feature that forces you to approach the preparation process more carefully and devote a lot of time to it - high absorbency. Therefore, all surfaces to be painted must be carefully processed. The preparation process includes the following simple operations:

  • Cleaning. The entire ceiling area intended for painting must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt and other things.
  • Grinding. After the surface is completely cleaned, it must be sanded smooth. If the roughness is not too strong, you can use fine-grained sandpaper, but if the defects are large enough, you will have to first use sandpaper with larger grains, and only after that switch to fine-grained ones.
  • Degreasing. For a good adhesion of the paint, it is not enough to simply sand the surface. It must be degreased with alcohol or another similar composition.
  • Sealing joints. There may be joints between individual fragments of the coating that need to be puttied. You will need reinforcing tape and a special type of putty, since the standard one will not work here.
  • After sealing the joints, another grinding is performed, which will allow the joints of the parts sealed with putty to be leveled.
  • When the last layer of putty applied has dried, the entire surface is primed. It is best to use alkyd primers with a high drying speed.

At this point, the preparation of the structure for painting is completed and it will be possible to proceed directly to the process of applying paintwork materials, having previously selected the most suitable coloring composition.

Paint selection

Despite some features of surface preparation, you can use almost any paint - acrylic, water-based or alkyd. The thing is that with a correctly selected primer mixture, the absorbency of the material is significantly reduced and almost any type of paintwork material is suitable.

Important: in order for the paint composition to “adhere” better and the quality of painting to be at its best, it is best to use solutions on the same basis as the primer mixture applied at the surface preparation stage.

It is also important to choose the right tool for applying a layer of paintwork. The main area of ​​the ceiling can be painted with a standard roller with a velor attachment, but for better painting of the junction areas individual fragments for coatings finished with putty and reinforcing tape, it is better to use a brush - a maklavitsa or another similar one. The same brush is convenient for painting corners.

Otherwise, the choice of paint and varnish depends on your preferences regarding the resulting surface. Alkyd enamels will give the ceiling shine and smoothness, and water-soluble compounds create a matte finish that gives the structure the maximum resemblance to a conventional whitewashed ceiling.

The color scheme can be varied and selected according to your wishes. If you use color, it is better to immediately dilute the amount of mixture necessary for work. This will allow you to obtain a homogeneous composition of the same color. If you tint in several steps, there is a high probability of "not getting" into the color of the previous composition.

Important: if for ceiling covering a moisture-resistant type of fiberboard was used, they will not work - paraffin impregnation, which is used to process boards of this type, will not allow the composition to fix normally and it will “slide” like water from greasy surfaces.

The use of special devices together with correctly selected paints or varnishes gives interesting visual effects. For example, alkyd varnish, which you “walked” over with a special applicator, will create a coating similar to natural wood.

In this article we will look at a number of pressing issues, one way or another related to how and with what to paint fiberboard on the ceiling. Similar questions have to be faced when carrying out both capital and cosmetic repairs. But before we start choosing paints and varnishes, let’s decide what the surface is on which we are supposed to apply paints and varnishes.

Applying primer to the hardboard surface


Fiberboards used in construction

The abbreviation DVP stands for the following:

  • the letter "P" means slab;
  • the letter “D” indicates that the material is made of wood;
  • The letter “B” means that the board is not made using solid wood, but from individual fibers, which, by mixing with special resins, are glued together into a material homogeneous in composition.

As a rule, one side of the fiberboard is made laminated. For this reason, this material can be used without painting. But if the color design of the laminated side does not fit into the interior, you will still have to paint the slab.

Before deciding what to paint the fiberboard on the floor or ceiling, the base must be properly prepared. Fiberboard, or hardboard as it is also called, is a porous material prone to excessive absorption of paints and varnishes. Therefore, you initially need to think about how and with what to treat the fiberboard before painting in order to avoid overuse of paint and varnish.

The way out in this situation will be the use of special primers, which will simultaneously strengthen the surface of the plate and reduce its degree of porosity by an order of magnitude. After deciding how to cover the fiberboard before painting, the base surface must be sanded without fail to ensure better adhesion with the primer.

Again, when choosing how to paint fiberboard on the ceiling or on the walls, you need to decide on the type of tools used. From our experience, we suggest using a velor roller, both when applying the primer and when painting, since the use of a brush and a spray gun is unlikely to achieve the desired result.


The photo shows a painting tray and roller

As already mentioned, before painting the fiberboard on the wall, it should be primed. Given the features of hardboard, it can be assumed that not every composition is suitable for surface preparation. The best solution in this case, deep penetration aqueous primers will become.

Hardboard is a material that is more porous than solid wood. Deep penetration soil, in turn, will fill the pores and thus minimize the degree of porosity not only on the surface, but throughout the entire thickness of the slab.

The photo shows impregnations that can be used to process fiberboard

They have proven themselves well in relation to porous materials acrylic primers with latex fillers and antiseptic additives. Such primers not only minimize the porosity of the base, forming a smooth hydrophobic coating, but also prevent the subsequent appearance of mold.

There are no special requirements for the selection of paints and varnishes for application to properly primed hardboard. The fact is that correctly laid soil reduces the moisture permeability of fiberboard, and therefore the paint practically does not penetrate into the thickness of the slab.

The photo shows the assortment color versions acrylic coatings

Important: In order to ensure maximum quality of painting, it is advisable to use paint made from the same components as the primer. For example, if acrylic primer is used as a preparation for hardboard, it is recommended to use acrylic paints, since in this way maximum strength and durability of the coating is achieved.

If the question of how to paint fiberboard is still relevant, we can recommend alkyd enamels, the price of which is considered the most reasonable. To apply such coatings, the surface of fiberboard can be prepared using drying oil as a primer.

Drying oil is applied to the surface of the hardboard in two layers with an interval necessary for the complete drying of each previous layer. Qualitatively laid drying oil, as well as acrylic compositions, penetrates into the pores of the plate, forming a moisture-proof surface.

Note! Alkyd enamels can be applied in one or two layers.


Painting the prepared base is easy!

Instructions for carrying out painting works on fiberboards begins with applying a primer.

This is done as follows:

  • We attach fine-grained sandpaper to it and pass it over the entire surface of the slab. This measure will significantly increase the degree of adhesion of paintwork materials and fiberboard.
  • Then carefully sweep the surface with a soft, long-bristle brush to remove all dust.
  • Uncork the container with the primer and mix it thoroughly.
  • Pour primer into the paint tray and use foam rubber or velor roller Apply the coating to the treated base. We try not to leave smudges as they will deteriorate the quality of the finished paintwork.
  • Apply the primer in two layers with a break of 2 hours for drying. The average impregnation consumption is about 1 liter per 10 square meters.

Important: If there are unsealed gaps where the slabs join, it’s time to putty them. This will require a sickle mesh and. You can do without a special mesh by simply filling the seam with putty, but there is a possibility that a crack will develop along the seam line.

You can proceed to the next stage, that is, painting after the treated base has completely dried. Drying times depend on the temperature and humidity content of the air in the room. On average, we proceed to the next stage in 1-2 days.

For and brush maklavitsa. A brush is the optimal means for applying paint at junctions and corners.

We do it this way:

  • Mix the paint and bring it to the required consistency using the thinner specified in the instructions.
  • Pour the composition into a painting tray and, immersing the roller in it, apply paint to the base.
  • We paint in one or two layers, depending on the characteristics of the paintwork material used and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Now you know how to paint hardboard structures with your own hands. Moreover, now you know what materials are appropriate to use for this. All that remains is to purchase everything you need, including painting tools, and get to work.

Still have questions? You can find comprehensive answers and explanations by watching the video in this article.

Fiberboards are used for the production of furniture, flooring and wall coverings, the construction of partitions and enclosing structures. However, not everyone knows how paint fiberboard, because this material differs from ordinary plywood or wood. We will tell you how fiberboard is prepared for painting and how painting work is carried out.

Coloring of fibreboards

Before you paint fiberboard, you should find out what kind of material it is and what its features are. As the name suggests, these are boards made from wood fibers. The fibers are obtained different ways: processing of shavings, crushed wood and other waste from the woodworking industry.
The fibers are collected and pressed under heating with the addition of synthetic resins, as well as water-repellent additives (paraffin, rosin) and pectolite. Soft varieties of this product can be produced without the addition of resins due to the lignin released from the cells of wood fibers during pressing. Various targeted additives are also added to the boards - fire retardants, fungicides and antiseptics.

As a result, fairly strong and smooth slabs are obtained, which are characterized by the following qualities:
High strength. The “SO” series slab grades can be used for the construction of floors, carriages, furniture and other structures that require the ability to withstand high mechanical loads;
Low price. Due to the fact that the material is produced from waste, its cost is significantly lower than the cost of solid wood or plywood. This explains the popularity of this product in various fields of production and construction;
Moisture resistance. With appropriate treatment, fiberboard can withstand high humidity and be used as an enclosing structure in car building, packaging production and other areas of economy and industry;
Durability. Factory impregnation with special preparations makes the slabs unsuitable for feeding fungi and bacteria, as well as insects and other pests. This allows the material to serve for a long time without any significant changes in composition and structure.
Important! Modern MDF material is a type of fiberboard, only fibers of certain types of wood and special pressing technology are used for its production.

Attention! Except general characteristics, we want to highlight one more, at first glance, insignificant feature. This feature lies in the fact that, due to some technological subtleties, the material very actively absorbs and absorbs liquids. This is important from the point of view of artistic processing.

To work with slabs, any wood slab is suitable. Since this material is most often used to make floor coverings, let's talk about this area of ​​processing.
Paint for fiberboard floors is selected taking into account the characteristics of use, the following options are possible:
Oil paints and alkyd enamels. Any wear-resistant floor coverings based on natural or synthetic drying oils are suitable. Most often, compositions based on pentaphthalic drying oils and modified alkyd resins (PF-115, PF-226, etc.) are used;
Wear-resistant acrylic paints based on water dispersions. More expensive, but also more quality option coatings, especially for living rooms and bedrooms;
Alkyd-urethane and epoxy compounds. They are characterized by high strength and reliability, but are also quite expensive and difficult to apply, since they often consist of two components and require preliminary preparation, taking into account the lifetime of the diluted material.
Important! Since fiberboard is one of the cheapest flooring options, it would be logical to assume that its treatment should also be in the lower price category. Therefore, in the future we will consider processing slabs with oil enamel paint PF-226.

Now about how to paint fiberboard.

If you intend to do the work yourself, our instructions will help you:
1. Before painting fiberboard floors, the slabs should be prepared. To do this, they should be cleaned of dust and dirt, cracks and the surface should be degreased with industrial alcohol. Next, you should heat the oxol drying oil to 50 degrees and apply it with a brush in one layer over the entire surface;
2. After the drying oil has completely dried, open the can of paint and mix the contents thoroughly. For greater fluidity, you can slightly dilute the composition with white spirit or solvent;
3. Apply paint with fur roller with medium pile. We make the layer thin, shade the coating evenly over the entire floor;
4. Wait for the enamel to dry completely - at least a day. Then we apply the next layer, but with undiluted paint. We finish the work by applying the third layer after the second has completely solidified.

Important! Alkyd enamel is toxic, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area using a respirator and other personal protective equipment.

Fiberboard - widely used construction material, especially for covering floors and walls. Painting fiberboard panels makes them more attractive and extends their service life.
The instructions and video in this article will help you understand the intricacies of coloring.