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A little legend about a rose. Roses and their legends

Stories and legends about the rose...
People have composed many legends and fairy tales about the beautiful rose. They say that this is an old, old riddle, composed more than a thousand years ago. Its initial version was written in Latin. “Try to guess who the five brothers are: two are bearded, two are beardless, and the last one, the fifth, looks like a freak - only on the right there is a beard, on the left there is not a trace.”

This riddle is mentioned in Alexander Tsinger’s book “Entertaining Botany” (1951). The answer lies in the structure of the green calyx of the rose flower. Two sepals have serrated edges (“beards”) on both sides, two have no such edges at all, and the fifth has a edge on only one side. The convenience of the device for a flower still hidden in a bud is understandable. Five borders, tightly touching, cover five gaps between the sepals. If even one edge were missing, one gap would remain uncovered; a sixth rim would be redundant and could interfere with the cup's tight closure.

It is not surprising that such detailed detail was noticed in ancient times. Countless old stories, tales and legends tells about roses, which have been sung by poets in all kinds of languages ​​since time immemorial. Maybe it was roses that were the first plants that people began to breed for their beauty.

As we know from history, she was loved, worshiped, and sung from time immemorial. IN Ancient Greece they decorated the bride with roses, they strewn the path of the victors when they returned from the war; they were dedicated to the gods, and many temples were surrounded by beautiful rose gardens. During excavations, scientists found coins with roses depicted on them. And in Ancient Rome This flower decorated the homes of only very rich people. When they held feasts, the guests were showered with rose petals, and their heads were decorated with wreaths of roses. The rich bathed in rose water baths; Wine was made from roses, they were added to foods and various sweets, which are still loved in the East. And then roses began to be grown in other countries.

According to archaeological data, the rose has existed on Earth for about 25 million years, and has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years, and for most of this time it was considered a sacred symbol. The scent of roses has always been associated with something divine, inspiring awe. Since ancient times, the custom of decorating churches with fresh roses has been preserved.

It was grown in the gardens of the East several thousand years ago, and the very first information about the rose is found in ancient Indian legends, although Persia is considered its homeland. In the ancient Persian language, the word "rose" literally means "spirit". The ancient poets called Iran Gyu l and stan, i.e. country of roses Bengal roses come from India, tea roses come from China.

According to legend, Lakshmi is the most beautiful woman in the world, was born from an open rosebud. The progenitor of the universe, Vishnu, kissed the girl, woke her up, and she became his wife. From that moment on, Lakshmi was proclaimed the goddess of beauty, and the rose - a symbol of the divine secret, which she keeps under the protection of sharp thorns. There is another legend - a Hindu one, according to which the deities argued which flower was better, a rose or a lotus. And of course, the rose won, which led to the creation of a beautiful woman from the petals of this flower.

The Queen of Flowers was also appreciated by privileged people. Roses were bred under Peter the Great and Catherine the Second. In the 17th century, the rose first came to Russia. The German ambassador brought it as a gift to Emperor Mikhail Fedorovich. They began to plant it in gardens only under Peter the Great.

The temptress Cleopatra seduced the impregnable warrior Mark Antony among the mountains of fragrant rose petals. According to the legend of Ancient India, during the celebrations one of the rulers ordered to fill a moat with water with pink petals. Later, people noticed that the water was covered with a film of pink essence. This is how rose oil was born. For the ancient Greeks, the rose has always been a symbol of love and sadness, a symbol of beauty in poetry and painting.

One Greek legend tells us how the rose appeared - it was created by the goddess Chloris. One day the goddess discovered a dead nymph and decided to try to revive her. True, it was not possible to revive, and then Chloris took from Aphrodite the attractiveness, from Dionysus - the heady aroma, from the Graces - joy and bright color, from other deities everything else that attracts us so much in roses. This is how the most beautiful flower, ruling among all others is the rose.

In Greek mythology, as a symbol of love and passion, the rose served as the emblem of the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite (Roman Venus), and also symbolized love and desire. During the Renaissance, the rose was associated with Venus because of the beauty and aroma of this flower, and the thorn of its thorns was associated with the wounds of love. According to one legend, the rose first bloomed when the goddess of love Aphrodite was born from the waves of the sea. As soon as she reached the shore, the flakes of foam sparkling on her body began to turn into bright red roses.

The ancient Greek poet Sappho called the rose “the queen of flowers.” The great Socrates considered the rose the most beautiful and most useful flower in the world. From ancient Greek myths we know that temples dedicated to the goddess of love Aphrodite were surrounded by thickets of these flowers, and the goddess herself loved to take baths from rose water. In the 2nd millennium BC. roses were depicted on the walls of houses in Crete, and thousands of years later - on the tombs of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. The ancient Romans so deified the beauty of roses that they planted them in the fields instead of wheat, and in winter they exported flowers from Egypt in whole ships.

Another story about why the rose turned red - it blushed with pleasure when Eve, who was walking in the Garden of Eden, kissed her. The rose is the flower most revered by Christianity. That's what they call it - the flower of the Virgin Mary. Painters depicted the Virgin Mary with three wreaths. A wreath of white roses meant her joy, red roses meant her suffering, and yellow roses meant her glory. The red moss rose arose from the drops of Christ's blood flowing down the cross. The angels collected it in golden bowls, but a few drops fell on the moss, and a rose grew from them, the bright red color of which should remind us of the blood shed for our sins.

There is an ancient Hindu legend about how the gods Vishnu and Brahma started a dispute about which flower was the most beautiful. Vishnu preferred the rose, and Brahma, who had never seen this flower before, praised the lotus. When Brahma saw the rose, he agreed that this flower was more beautiful than all the plants on earth.

Poets and writers were inspired by the legend of the nightingale and the rose. The nightingale saw white rose and was captivated by her beauty that he pressed her to his chest in delight. A sharp thorn, like a dagger, pierced his heart, and scarlet blood stained the petals of a wondrous flower.

Muslims believe that the white rose grew from the drops of sweat of Mohammed during his night ascent to heaven, the red rose from the drops of sweat of the Archangel Gabriel who accompanied him, and the yellow rose from the sweat of an animal that was with Mohammed. Knights once compared the ladies of their hearts to roses. They seemed as beautiful and impregnable as this flower. Many of the knights had a rose engraved on their shields as an emblem.

And finally, one more riddle about the rose. One evening, a prince was walking in a palace park. He was surprised when he met a very beautiful stranger. They walked through the park all night, but at dawn she told him that she had to leave because she was a princess who had been turned into a rose by an evil sorcerer. Only for one summer night she becomes a girl again. There is only one way to disenchant it - on the first try, recognize it among thousands of other roses. If the choice is wrong, the girl will die. The princess disappeared, and the prince, with the first rays of sunshine, went to that part of the park where hundreds of roses grew and immediately found her. The question is - how did he recognize her? Answer: there was no dew on it...

There are many legends and beliefs about the appearance of flowers on earth. They personify the images of each plant, glorifying their beauty and strength. Myths tell about what signs can be associated with this or that representative of the world of flora. Let's talk on this page “Popular about health” about what legend exists about the daisy flower, about the rose for children and about the poppy. These mysterious stories are sure to capture the attention of young listeners.

About the rose - legend No. 1

There are many myths about this amazing creation of nature. One of them tells how a dispute broke out between the god Vishnu and the god Brahma: which flower is considered the most beautiful? Vishnu insisted that it be a rose, while Brahma preferred a lotus. However, the second immediately changed his mind as soon as he saw the object of the dispute: the rose was undoubtedly recognized as the goddess of flowers.

In ancient India, this plant enjoyed great respect. Those who gave it to kings were immediately rewarded with wealth and gold. And in Greece it was believed that the rose was the flower of the winners, so roads were laid out in front of them from the petals of this flower. Since the times of paganism, Germany has had its own legend: once upon a time, early spring came, the god of fire Loki was cheerful and laughed so hard that even the last frosts receded, and beautiful, beautiful trees began to appear from under the melting snow. tender roses.

How did the scarlet buds appear? According to legends, they arose later than snow-white flowers. When the goddess of beauty Aphrodite learned that her lover Adonis was mortally wounded, she ran through numerous rose bushes, while the thorns dug into her body. Droplets of blood turned the flowers red.

The rose is a very revered plant in Christianity. Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of paradise and purity.

The legend of the daisy flower No. 1

This is the most popular symbol of Russian nature, and the ancient Slavs ranked chamomile among the seven sacred plants(willow, hops, weeping, hazel, mistletoe and oak). It has long been believed that in the place where a star falls, a beautiful flower grows. In ancient times, inflorescences, shaped like umbrellas, were protection for little gnomes living in the steppes. As soon as it started to rain, the gnome would hide under a beautiful umbrella or tear it off and run on.

The Legend of Daisy for Children No. 2

There is a beautiful belief that daisies are little eyes that watch the sky. If you find yourself in dry, sunny and windy weather among a chamomile field, you can hear a slight rustling sound. These white eyelashes on the buds move, looking at the clouds, the sun, planets and stars. By leaning towards a flower, you can learn about something secret.

There is a beautiful story about how this plant appeared on earth. One beautiful forest fairy treated people and animals, refusing no one. Kind and sympathetic, she noticed a young shepherd playing a magic pipe in the meadow. She liked him very much, and he liked her. They became a beautiful couple, and the fairy in love endowed the shepherd with an amazing gift of healing. She told the shepherd all the secrets, talked about the magical power of plants and stones.

As soon as the shepherd began to help people, he began to take payment from them, and then he became rich. The fairy waited for him every day at the meeting place, but he never came. She cried bitter tears, and daisies appeared on the ground, stretching their thin stems to the sky. With each tear of the fairy, the shepherd lost strength, and people stopped turning to him for help. He remembered his beloved, who helped him, but never found her again. He called in the field, but no one answered him. And only the daisies around were reaching out to him with their tender heads.

In ancient times, people believed that this flower belonged to the Sun God.

The Legend of the Poppy for Children No. 1

There are many beliefs associated with this flower and beautiful stories. One of them tells how this amazing flower appeared in the world. One day the Lord created the earth, all the plants and animals were happy, and only the Night was sad. She tried with all her might to dispel her darkness, but even the many luminous bugs did not help her. So everyone turned away from her. Then the Lord created dreams and dreams, which became desired at night. After some time, a passion appeared that prompted people to kill. Then the Dream became angry and thrust his mighty rod into the ground, which took root and turned green. He turned into a beautiful poppy - a powerful and majestic flower.

Legend for children No. 2

In Ancient Rome there was another legend. It was believed that this flower grew from the tears shed by Venus when she learned of the death of her beloved Adonis. The poppy has been called "blind strike" because the color of its buds almost blinds those who look at them. But a strong smell can turn your head and even provoke headache.

In the ancient world, poppy was attributed medicinal properties, it was believed that it was even capable of putting a person into deep sleep. This property was also used during operations.

Due to the bright red color of the flower buds, the poppy was considered a symbol of battles and battles. It always grew abundantly in places of military glory, which is why people believed: it is not flowers that rise from the ground, but the blood of the soldiers who died here rises to the top.

Well, to prevent small children from going to the field far from home, they were told a story about how red poppies draw their strength. And that’s why these plants are called ghost flowers - “sprokelloem”.

In fact, every legend is someone’s invention, the fruit of a rich imagination. But, as you know, even in the most incredible fairy tales there is some truth from life. For children, a legend is also a reason to learn new things and be surprised by the world around them.

Indian legend of the rose

The rose has been held in high esteem in India since ancient times. A law was even created that stated that whoever brought a rose to the king could ask him for anything.

Goddess Lakshmi is the queen of beauty and the most charming woman in the world who emerged from a rosebud.

Muslim legend of the rose

God created the rose. All the plants of the Earth turned to Allah to create a new ruler for them instead of Lotus, who behaves very importantly and arrogantly. Allah granted their request by giving the world an extraordinary flower - a rose.

Persian legend of the rose

The rose is a very revered flower in Persia. Even the country itself was named in her honor - the Land of Roses (Gulistan).

Fragrant water from roses was used as a cleansing water. According to one legend, when the nightingale saw the magnificent Queen Rose, he was in great delight and, captivated, pressed himself to her breast. But sharp thorns pierced the bird's loving heart, and blood splashed onto the delicate rose petals. This is why the outer petals of roses have a pink tint.

Rose in Christianity

An ordinary bush became a rose. after the Virgin Mary hung Christ's swaddling clothes on him. A piece of bread that Saint Nicholas wanted to take to the poor became a rose, as a sign for a good deed.

Rose is the general name for all species and varieties of plants belonging to the genus Rosehip (lat. Rosa) and cultivated by humans.

Yours Russian name rose came from the Latin word rosa, which sounds the same in many languages ​​of the world. The Latin name of the plant comes from the Greek rhedon, meaning red. This was the name of one of the most ancient varieties of rose - the Gallic rose, which is really distinguished by its red color.

Rose – description, characteristics, photo

The ancient Greek philosopher and botanist Theophastus was the first to describe the rose. He also substantiated the scientific characteristics of wild and garden roses, and also outlined the basic techniques of agricultural technology and propagation. As a result of the tireless work of breeders, today there is a great variety of roses that are striking in their beauty, obtained by crossing and long-term selection of several varieties of wild rose hips.

Depending on the variety, the shape of the rose bush is:

  • spreading,
  • creeping (ground cover),
  • narrow pyramidal,
  • drooping.

The height of the rose ranges from 20-30 cm for miniature varieties to 6 meters for long-climbing roses cultivated in hot regions.

  • Miniature roses grow up to 25-35 cm;
  • The height of polyanthus roses is 30-45 cm (some varieties reach 60 cm);
  • Hybrid tea roses and floribunda roses have a height of 30-90 cm;
  • Climbing roses reach a length of 2.5 to 6 meters.

Some varieties of roses have bare branches, others are covered with small bristles. Thorny rose bushes may be densely covered with short, straight thorns or covered with large, curved thorns.

Rose leaves can be leathery, dense, glossy or elongated, graceful, with a pointed tip. Leaf color ranges from light green to dark burgundy.

Rose flowers have a diameter of 1.8 to 18 cm, and the number of petals can be from 5 (in simple buds) to 128 in densely double ones. Based on the number of petals there are:

  • Simple roses (maximum 7 petals per flower);
  • Semi-double roses (from 8 to 20 petals per flower);
  • Terry roses (more than 20 petals per flower);
  • Full-double roses (more than 60 petals per flower).

The flower shape has several options: pompom (spherical), pitcher-shaped, round, flat, conical or goblet-shaped, cup-shaped, rosette, cross-rosette.

What color are roses?

The color range of roses is replete with the entire possible palette of shades, except pure blue: there are red roses, scarlet, white, cream, apricot (peach), orange, yellow, pink, crimson, burgundy (dark red), dark purple, green , lilac, blue, black roses.

Below are the varieties of roses by color:

White roses: varieties Weise Wolke, Iceberg, Pascali, Avalanche, Frau Karl Druschki, Virgo, Margaret Merrill, William And Catherine, Winchester Cathedral, Madame Hardy, Meifaissell, Kent, Panda Meidiland, Gourmet Popcorn, Alba.

Apricot (peach) roses: varieties Grace, Caramella, Crown Princess Margareta, Charles Austin, Bengali, Rosemary Harkness, Bengali, Belvedere.

Lightpink roses: varieties New Dawn, Sebastian Kneipp, Schwanensee, Rokoko, Winchester Cathedral, Queen Elizabeth, The Fairy.

Pink And raspberry roses: varieties Queen of Sweden, Alan Titchmarsh, Spirit of Freedom, Pink Robusta, Jasmina, Maxi Vita, Fortuna, Wedding Bells, Hansa Park, Amulett, Young Lycidas, Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, Louise Odier, Bonica, Terracota, Cameo.

Yellow roses: varieties China Girl, Friesia, Lichtkonigin Lucia, Rugelda, Graham Thomas, Gold Spice, Golden Age, Landora, Arthur Bell, Golden Wedding.

Roses darkpurple colors: varieties Munstead Wood, Falstaff, Ascot, Astrid Grafin von Hardenberg.

Greens roses: varieties Green Ice, Lime Sublime, Greensleeves, Green Diamond, Unique Green Rose, Green Planet, St. Patrick's Day, Jade, Limbo, Melannie.

Brown roses: varieties Black Tea, Julia’s Rose, Chocolate Ruffles, Estelle de Meilland, Leonidas, Coffee Break.

Lilac And purple roses: varieties Rhapsody in Blue, Burgundy Ice, Midnight Blue, Blue Nile, Veilchenblau.

Black roses: varieties Barkarole, Black Magic, Black Baccara, Tradescant. (In fact, these roses are not black, but dark burgundy. They only appear black in certain lighting).

Multicolored roses

In addition to plain varieties, there are many options color combinations. Varieties of multi-colored roses:

  • Red and white roses (Stars n’Stripes variety);
  • Orange-yellow roses (Colibri variety);
  • Creamy pink-orange roses (variety Barock);
  • Golden yellow roses with pink edging (variety Talisman);
  • Pink-cream-apricot roses (Chicago Peace variety);
  • Red-golden-cream roses with stripes and specks on the petals (variety Décor Harlequin);
  • White-pink roses (variety First Lady, Eden Rose 85 - Eden Rose 85);
  • Creamy yellow flowers with pink edges (variety Gloria Dei);
  • Crimson roses with a white-silver tint (variety Monica Bellucci);
  • Terracotta roses with cream-colored spots (Paul Gauguin variety);
  • Cream roses with cherry edging (Nostalgie);
  • Yellow roses with blushing edges (Pullman Orient Express);
  • Yellow-pink roses (Midsummer);
  • White roses with a yellow core (Pilgrim);
  • Yellow-raspberry striped roses (Broceliande).

Variety Stars n'Stripes

Variety Sunshine Babylon Eyes

Variety Pilgrim

Variety Monica Bellucci

Variety Chocolate Ruffles

There are also varieties of roses that change color during flowering:

  • The Sunmaid rose variety changes color from yellow color to orange and red;
  • The rose variety Reine des Violette changes color from purple to violet-lilac;
  • Rose Pur Caprice (Pur Caprice) has a golden-red color, but over time it acquires a greenish tint;
  • Greensleeves roses bloom with pinkish-cream buds that change color to light green;
  • The Happy Chappy rose changes color from orange to pink.

Rose scent

Some varieties of roses have an unsurpassed, sophisticated aroma, ranging from the smell of classic Damask rose, citruses, fruits and ending with subtle notes of spices and exotic incense. Other roses, on the contrary, have either a faint scent or no scent at all.

  • The aroma of raspberries is exuded by roses Prestige de Lyon, Grand Gala, Mainauduft, Madame Isaac Pereire;
  • Roses of the Grisbi and Paul Ricard varieties have the scent of anise;
  • Roses of the varieties Caprice De Meilland, Sonia Meilland, Frederic Mistral, Goldelse, Eden Rose have a fruity aroma;
  • The scent is exuded by New Dawn and Zephirine Drouhin roses;
  • The aroma is spread by roses of the varieties Rustica, Madame Hardy, Duftwolke, Princess Alexandra of Kent, Jubilee Celebration, Golden Celebration, Well Being;
  • Roses of the Magic Meillandecor variety have a hawthorn scent;
  • Winchester Cathedral roses spread the aroma of honey and almonds;
  • The Liv Tyler rose has an apricot scent;
  • The scent boasts roses Meifaissell and Summer Song;
  • Laurent Cabrol roses exude the aroma of bananas;
  • The aroma of cherries and melons is spread by Paul Bocuse roses;
  • Lady Emma Hamilton roses smell and smell;
  • The rose Notre Dame du Rosaire has notes of mango and lemon;
  • The Rosemary Harkness rose exudes the aroma of passion fruit,
  • Georges Denjean rose smells like cinnamon.

Where do roses grow?

A wild rose species called rose hips grows throughout Europe, Asia and North America. The first ones garden roses appeared in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, and beautiful roses arrived in northern Europe only at the end of the 18th century, where they were brought from Asia. The rose appeared in Russian gardens only at the end of the 19th century.

Rose is a heat-loving plant, therefore best results Its cultivation can be achieved in regions with warm climates. Nowadays, the leaders in the cultivation and sale of roses are countries such as Holland, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Ecuador.

Especially for regions with risky farming, many frost-resistant varieties have been developed that give excellent results when certain agrotechnical standards are observed. Therefore, in our time, roses can be found in any part of the globe.

Modern classification roses is based not on their origin, which is often lost in the mists of time, but on the biological and decorative characteristics of a class or conventional group. The modern classification of roses was approved by the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) in 1976. Latest version published in Modern Roses XI. The World Encyclopedia of Roses. Academic Press. 2000.

  • Species (Sp) - Wild roses
  • Old Garden Roses - Old garden roses
    • Alba (A) - Alba Roses (A)
    • Ayrshire (Ayr) - Roses Ayrshire (Ayr)
    • Bourbon & Climbing Bourbon (B & Cl B) - Bourbon roses and their climbers (B)
    • Boursalt (Bslt) - Roses of Boursalt (Bslt)
    • Centifolia (C) - Centifolia roses (centifolia roses) (C)
    • Damask (D) - Damask roses (D)
    • Hybrid Bracteata (HBc) - Hybrids of rose Bracteata (Bq)
    • Hybrid China & Climbing Hybrid China (HCh) - Chinese rose hybrids and their climbers
    • Hybrid Eglanteria (HEg) - Hybrids of rose Eglanteria (Eg)
    • Hybrid Foetida (HFt) - Hybrids of the rose Thetis, or lutea (Ft)
    • Hybrid Gallica (HGal) - Hybrids of rose Gallica, or French rose (Gal)
    • Hybrid Multiflora (HMult) - Hybrids of rose multiflora (Mult)
    • Hybrid Perpetual (HP) - Hybrids of rose remontant (Rem)
    • Hybrid Sempervirens (HSem) - Hybrids of rose Sempervirens (Sem)
    • Hybrid Setigera (HSet) - Hybrids of rose Setigera (Set)
    • Hybrid Spinosissima (HSpn) - Hybrids of the rose Spinosissima (Spin), or hybrids of the rose pimpinellifolia (Hybrid Pimpinellifolia), or small-leaved roses.
    • Miscellaneous OGR (Misc. OGR) - A variety of old garden roses (Misk)
    • Moss & Climbing Moss (M & Cl M) - Moss roses and their climbers (Moss)
    • Noisette (N) - Noisette roses (Noise)
    • Portland (P) - Portland roses (P)
    • Tea & Climbing Tea - Tea roses and their climbers
  • Modern Roses - Modern garden roses
    • Floribunda & Climbing Floribunda (F & Cl F) - Floribunda and their climbers (Fl)
    • Grandiflora & Climbing Grandiflora (Gr & Cl Gr) - Grandiflora and their climbers (Grand)
    • Hybrid Kordesii (HKor) - Hybrids of rose Kordesii (Kor)
    • Hybrid Moyesii (HMoy) - Hybrids of rose Moyesii (Moy)
    • Hybrid Musk (HMsk) - Hybrids of Musk rose (Musk)
    • Hybrid Rugosa (HRg) - Hybrids of rose Rugosa (Rug)
    • Hybrid Wichurana (HWich)
    • Hybrid Tea and Climbing Hybrid Tea (HT & Cl HT) - Hybrid Tea roses and their climbers (Chg)
    • Large-Flowered Climber (LCl) - Climbing grandiflora roses(Plat)
    • Miniature (Min) - Miniature roses (Min)
    • Mini-Flora (MinFl) - Miniflora Roses (MinF), or Patio Roses - Patio
    • Polyantha (Pol) - Polyantha roses (Pol)
    • Shrub (S) - Shrubs (Shr)

Types and varieties of roses, names and photos

The entire variety of roses includes over 3000 varieties and hybrids. Below is short description some types and varieties of roses:

Hybrids of rose Rugosa

This is a class of rose varieties that originate from the rugose hips. Rose inflorescences can be simple, semi-double or double. In some varieties, the number of petals reaches 180. Distinctive features of varieties of this class are high frost resistance and the ability to grow without winter shelter. Due to their unpretentiousness to growing conditions, Rugosa rose hybrids are favorite varieties of park roses.

The best varieties of Rugosa roses:

  • rose Queen of the North

Bush up to 120 cm high with light green pointed leaves, single, sometimes repeating flowering. The flowers are double type, intense pink with a purple tint, reaching 7 cm in diameter. This variety of roses is especially popular in Russia, Finland, Norway and Estonia.

  • rose Parfum de l'Hay (Perfume de Lay)

Dense prickly bush, height and width from 120 to 150 cm, with repeated flowering. Semi-double flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, are carmine-red or cherry-scarlet in color with yellow anthers and a pronounced aroma.

Hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea roses form a group of varieties bred on the basis of (fragrant rose) (lat. Rosa odorata). Most varieties are characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests, but are significantly susceptible to freezing, so in frosty winters they require reliable shelter. Among the varietal diversity there are compact plants up to 50 cm high and medium-sized ones up to 1 m. The branches are rigid, the leaves of the roses are large and dark green. The color range of tea roses starts with warm pink tones and ends with bright orange and deep burgundy. The flowers are double or densely double, up to 14 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in inflorescences.

The most common varieties of hybrid tea roses:

  • rose Julia's Rose (Julias Rose)

An excellent option for cutting: a bush up to 80 cm high consists of erect shoots. Stunningly beautiful rose flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm are distinguished by their slightly elongated shape and coffee color with a creamy caramel tint.

  • rose Peace (Gloria Dei, Gioia)

An excellent shrub for vertical gardening large areas. In English this rose is called Peace, in German it is called Gloria Dei, in Italian its name is Gioia. A spreading rose bush with a small number of thorns grows up to 2 meters, is unpretentious, and lends itself well to cultivation. Large, double, single flowers up to 13-15 cm in diameter are golden in color with a wide carmine edging of the petals.

Floribunda roses

This is a varietal group obtained by crossing polyantha and tea roses. The group includes border varieties (up to 40 cm in height), medium-growing varieties (up to 80 cm), as well as tall varieties with a shoot length of over 1 m. Distinctive feature group is bouquet flowering and semi-double flowers collected in luxurious brushes.

Due to abundant flowering Floribunda rose varieties need high-quality soil and large quantities fertilizing Roses winter well under shelters and are characterized by medium and high resistance to rain, powdery mildew and black spotting.

The best varieties of Floribunda roses:

  • rose Margaret Merril (Margaret Merril)

The bush is 70-150 cm high and up to 1.2 m wide. The flowers are semi-double, cup-shaped, initially bloom singly, and when they bloom again they form clusters. In the temperate zone, rose flowers are distinguished by the soft pink color of the petals; in hot climates, the inflorescences are pure white, with a pink center. The aroma is spicy or reminiscent of rose oil.

  • Rose varietiesRumba(Rumba)

It has bright colors with yellow, pink and orange hues. The height of the rose bush reaches 40-60 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 3-4 cm.

  • VarietyApricot Clementine(Epricot Clementine)

A variety with a bush height of 40 to 60 cm. Flowers are 4-5 cm in diameter, soft apricot in color, with a light aroma. The variety is unpretentious in care and frost-resistant.

A vigorously growing powerful shrub up to 80 cm wide and up to 3.5-4 m high with individual flexible branches up to 6 m in length. This rose variety is distinguished by continuous flowering throughout the season. The flowers are soft pink with a raspberry tint, do not fade and have a light fruity aroma.

  • rose Queen Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth)

A vigorous bush up to 3 m tall is most common in the south of Russia due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering period. Flowers up to 11 cm in diameter are collected in 3-15 pieces, are distinguished by a soft pink color with a darker underside and a sweet aroma.

Grandiflora roses

This is a group of varieties appearance reminiscent of tea roses, but with abundant flowering, like Floribunda. The plants are erect, practically do not bush, and grow up to 2 m in height. The variety is distinguished by long flowering of double flowers and high resistance to frost.

Popular varieties of Grandiflora roses:

  • rose Tchaikovski (Tchaikovsky)(in Australia called Maggie)

It is characterized by intensive growth and abundant flowering from mid-summer to the end of September. The height of the bush, depending on the region, ranges from 80 to 180 cm. Flowers up to 10 cm in diameter have a delicate cream color with an apricot or light yellow center.

  • roseLove(Love)

The rose has bright red flowers. The outer side of the petals is painted in silvery-white shades. Bush height 80 cm.

Scrubs (semi-climbing roses, shrubs)

Scrubs are a class of roses used in vertical and horizontal gardening. There are 3 informal groups within the class:

  • nostalgic scrubs(considered as a type of scrub and not officially classified as a separate group), including a group of English roses and some varieties of famous German and French brands.

A well-known and popular variety of the group is rose Cuthbert Grant(Cuthbert Grant), a compact shrub growing to 120cm tall and 90cm wide. Terry purple flowers are collected in neat brushes of 3-9 pieces. The variety is highly resistant to black spot, ash and rust.

  • ground cover scrubs(considered as a variety of scrubs and not officially identified as a separate group) form a group of varieties, which is divided into high and low creeping varieties, as well as small and large drooping varieties.

An interesting variety of large drooping roses is the rose Sommermorgen(Sommermorgen), used for borders, in container plantings and for cutting. The bush, up to 70 cm high and up to 1.5 m wide, is strewn with small double flowers of light pink color up to 5 cm in diameter.

Polyantha roses

This species is the result of selective crossing of multiflorous and Chinese roses. The flowers of the plant are quite small (3-4 cm in diameter), collected in corymbose-type inflorescences. There are varieties of roses with regular and double flowers of pinkish, red and white tones, which have a pleasant aroma or are completely odorless. Flowering is abundant and long - until the first frost. The height of the highly branched bush, depending on the variety, varies from 30 to 60 cm. Polyanthus roses grow well in open ground, and low-growing specimens are often grown at home. The most popular varieties of polyanthus roses:

  • VarietyOrange Triumph(Orange Triumph)

A lush rose bush with densely double flowers of a red-orange hue, having a diameter of 4-5 cm. This variety of roses is resistant to fungal infections.

  • Variety of polyanthus rosesThe Fairy (Ze Fairy)

buds soft pink color. The height of the bush is 70 cm. The width is up to 1.2 m. Up to 10-40 buds with a diameter of 3-4 cm appear on each brush.

  • VarietyLittle White Pet (Little White Pet)

Very beautiful roses with white double flowers. The spreading bush reaches a height of 80 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 4-5 cm.

Miniature roses

Plants with low, from 15 to 50 cm, compact bushes, covered with single or collected flowers in inflorescences. The colors of the flowers are quite multifaceted; many varieties exude a pleasant aroma. Bloom miniature roses abundant and almost continuous until frost. Depending on the variety, they are suitable for growing both in open ground and as a potted crop. Beautiful varieties miniature roses:

  • VarietyLittle Sunset(Little Sunset)

A miniature rose with small double flowers of bright yellow color with a red edging along the edge of the petals. Bush height 30-40 cm.

  • VarietyMandy (Mandy)

An excellent option for indoor growing. A dense bush 25-35 cm high is abundantly strewn with double scarlet flowers.

  • VarietyLavender Meillandina (Lavender Maylandina)

Rose is 40-50 cm high and up to 40 cm wide. The color of the buds is lilac-lilac, the diameter of the flowers is 4-6 cm.

Flower diameter is 3-5 cm. The buds are yellow. The height of the bush reaches 40-50 cm.

climbing roses

Plants with surprisingly flexible and very long stems from 3 to 6 meters, which are excellent for growing on a support. Among the varietal diversity, there are specimens with ordinary or lush double flowers of a wide variety of colors and sizes. climbing rose deservedly considered the queen of the garden landscape, perfect for vertical gardening, characterized by abundant flowering, not too demanding in care, responsive to competent and timely pruning. Flower growers are happy to grow the following varieties of climbing roses:

  • VarietySympathie (Sympathy)

A rose with large (up to 10 cm in diameter) double flowers of purple color. The stems reach 5 m in length, the plant is frost-resistant.

  • Indigoletta(Indigoletta)

A variety with unusually beautiful and fragrant flowers of a lilac-bluish hue. The plant tolerates frost well and is resistant to diseases.

  • climbing rosesHamburger Phoenix(Hamburger Phoenix)

A variety with crimson flowers, individual petals have white stripes. The height of the stems is 3-3.5 meters. The plant overwinters well in harsh climates and is little susceptible to disease.

Miniflora, or Patio roses

Varieties of this species are low-growing (from 40 to 55 cm), with profusely blooming flowers of a wide variety of colors - from snow-white and bright yellow to soft pink and deep scarlet. Compact bushes look great in container-type plantings, which makes the patio rose relevant when decorating private garden plots and city lawns. Popular varieties of roses Patio:

  • Variety Heidi Klum (Heidi Klum)

A compact bush with large (7-9 cm in diameter), very fragrant double flowers of bright purple color. The variety is distinguished by abundant flowering.

  • Honey Bunch(Honey Bunch)

Very beautiful rose pink-salmon color with a pleasant delicate aroma. The height of the bush varies from 45 to 60 cm. Width is 45 cm.

  • Angela Rippon(Angela Rippon)

Belongs to the group of miniature roses and to the patio group. The flowers are salmon-pink with a strong aroma. The height of the bush reaches 30 cm.

Useful properties of roses

Rose is beautiful and amazing plant, which is actively used in medicinal purposes. Rose petals are the concentration of useful substances; they are collected immediately after the buds open.

Fresh rose petals contain a lot of microelements and minerals beneficial to the human body:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • iron, calcium;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • quartzetite;
  • tannins.

Thanks to the unique chemical composition An infusion of rose petals helps to cope with a number of unpleasant conditions:

  • treat skin diseases;
  • help relieve stress and nervous tension;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • relieve a migraine attack;
  • heal wounds.

Behind the name of each flower there is some kind of legend and history, the main or characteristic features are reflected, an assessment of the main qualities, the place of its growth, or even some kind of secret. But we don't always know about this. Every woman must have a favorite flower. I just won’t believe if there are those who don’t like flowers. For example, I love lilies of the valley, roses, lilac flowers and pansies. I want to tell you a little about these flowers.

The rose is considered the oldest flower in human culture. Images of roses can be found on architectural monuments, coats of arms, and in ancient written sources.

The name of this royal flower comes from the ancient Persian word "wrodon", which in ancient Greek was transformed into "rbodon" and into Latin language got it already in the form of “rosa”.

There are many different legends about the origin of the rose.

The goddess of love Aphrodite appeared from the waves of the sea, as soon as she came ashore, the foam on her body turned into bright red roses.

Painters depicted the Virgin Mary with three wreaths. A wreath of white roses meant Her joy, red roses meant suffering, and yellow roses meant Her glory.

In Ancient Rome, the rose served as a symbol of love. All the guests put on wreaths of roses, threw petals into a cup of wine and, after taking a sip, gave it to their beloved to drink.

During the fall of Rome, the rose served as a symbol of silence. At that time, it was dangerous to share one’s thoughts, so during feasts, an artificial white rose was hung on the ceiling of the hall, the look of which forced many to restrain their frankness. This is how the expression “sub rosa dictum” appeared - said under a rose, i.e. under secret.

The Latin name for lily of the valley literally means “lily of the valleys, blooming in May.”

The origin of the Russian name is unclear. There are several assumptions. According to one, the word lily of the valley comes from “smooth” - because of the smooth leaves, according to another - from the word “incense” - for the pleasant smell of flowers; according to the third, from the Polish expression meaning “doe’s ear.”

Beautiful spring Flower has long attracted the attention of people, and many poetic legends have been written about its origin. An old Russian legend tells about the hopeless love of the water princess Volkhova for the daring Sadko. Having learned about Sadko’s love for the ordinary girl Lyubava, the princess went ashore to listen to the songs and playing the harp of her beloved for the last time. She walked for a long time along the edges and fields, and suddenly she saw two of them, her Sadko and Lyubav. The proud princess began to cry out of grief, her tears from her blue eyes fell like pearls to the ground and turned into beautiful flowers- a symbol of fidelity, love and tenderness. The princess turned around and went forever into her cold underwater kingdom.

In Christian mythology, lilies of the valley are the burning tears of the Virgin Mary, shed while standing at the cross of her crucified son. Her tears, falling to the ground, turned into pure beautiful flowers, which, as they faded, became red, blood-like fruits.

The flowering of the lily of the valley coincides with the time of spring when it gradually turns into summer, and by mid-summer red drops of fruit form on it. There is a legend about this. When the lily of the valley flower bloomed, he saw Spring and fell in love with her. She was so beautiful. Spring also did not remain indifferent to the little one beautiful flower, covered with a green umbrella. But Spring is a traveler, she smiles at everyone and gives everyone affection, and doesn’t stay in one place for long, and now the turn has come to give way to Summer. Lily of the Valley was very upset, but he silently worried and mourned his parting with spring. Its small flowers withered and in their place bright red teardrops appeared. So the lily of the valley silently mourns Spring.

The love of lily of the valley illuminated the work of many poets and writers. In poetic works, lily of the valley flowers have always personified purity, tenderness, love, and fidelity.


There is a legend about a beautiful girl Anyuta. She was in love with a young man, but they were separated. The young man was forced to marry a rich girl. On her lover’s wedding day, Anyuta could not stand it and died of grief and strong love. And in memory of strong love, amazingly beautiful flowers bloomed all over the earth, similar to Anyuta’s eyes. And the three-color petals reflected her purity, bitterness from betrayal and sadness: white, yellow and purple colors. This is where the name comes from - pansies.

There is a story about the origin of lilacs. The goddess of spring woke up the Sun and his faithful companion Iris (rainbow), mixed the rays of the sun with the colorful rays of the rainbow, began to generously sprinkle them on fresh furrows, meadows, tree branches - and flowers appeared everywhere, and the earth rejoiced with this grace. So they reached Scandinavia, but the rainbow had only purple paint left. Soon there were so many lilacs here that the Sun decided to mix the colors on the Rainbow’s palette and began to sow white rays - so white joined the purple lilac.

It’s a shame that almost all of my favorite flowers don’t grow in America. And in general they are not here: (At home, in Russia, every spring and summer I delighted myself with lilies of the valley and lilacs. And roses and pansies grow in my garden.

What are your favorite flowers?