In a private house      06/17/2019

Thuja with blue needles. Globular thuja: types and varieties in the photo. Varieties of spherical thujas

Thuja globulus is a frequent guest of gardens. The size of this plant can vary from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. The color of the crown also differs among different varieties.

Grow it decorative tree not easy. Only proper planting and care of the spherical thuja will provide it with a healthy thick crown and a spectacular rounded shape.

Species affiliation

Before moving on to care recommendations, you should understand the origin of thujas with a rounded crown shape. They are not a separate species, but are a collection of specially bred varieties. In our climatic conditions, varieties have become widespread. There are several explanations for this:

  1. Thuja occidentalis is unpretentious and suitable for growing in our country.
  2. The varietal diversity of this species is so great that you can choose from the available varieties suitable option. In addition, the selection of new varieties continues to this day.

Globular forms are also found among other types of thuja (Japanese, Korean and others), but these varieties are difficult to grow in our climatic conditions on outdoors. Further care recommendations apply specifically to spherical varieties. western thuja.

Planting and care

Correct fit and caring for the thuja globulus in the garden are prerequisites for the good development of the tree.

When and where to plant?

When choosing a planting site, give preference to partial shade. In the shade, the plant will lose its decorative qualities, the crown will become sparse, and the branches will stretch out. In areas with short daylight hours, spherical thuja can be planted in a well-lit place, but in conditions steppe zone Direct sunlight and low humidity will lead to sunburn and shedding of needles. The plant also has a negative attitude towards drafts, so the planting site should be protected from the wind.

Thuja is unpretentious to the soil, but best result can be achieved on fertile, moderately moist soils. In places with high groundwater levels. In the lowlands of beams and on loams, a drainage layer up to 20 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the planting pit.

The plant enters the active growing season in May, so it can be replanted in early spring or autumn. The pit is prepared 2 weeks before planting, moistened and filled with a soil mixture: turf soil + peat + sand (2:1:1). The composition for transplantation can be further enriched with nitroammophos.

Plants that have reached the age of 5-7 years are replanted along with the root ball. Below in the photo is a spherical thuja prepared for transplantation.

The root collar is not buried; it should be at the level of the soil surface. After planting, the seedlings are watered daily for a month (1 bucket of water for each tree). The first year after planting the plant is sensitive to direct sun rays, so it is shaded with kraft paper, fabric or sunscreen.

Watering and loosening

Thuja with a spherical crown is resistant to short-term drought, but if the plant long time grows in conditions of water deficiency, its crown thins out. After a month after planting, young seedlings are watered once a week (10 liters for each plant). During the dry period, the number of waterings should be increased to 2 times a week.

To ensure that the roots of the plant “breathe”, after each watering the soil is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and with peat, shavings or compost. The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 7 cm.

Preparing for winter

Adult plants tolerate even frosty winters well, while young plants need late autumn cover with spruce branches, fallen leaves or special agricultural materials. When the air temperature drops to -5 o C, the plant is additionally wrapped in film.


The breeders took care to preserve the spherical shape of the crown, so there is no need to further shape the plant. Every spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing dead and diseased branches. In spring and late summer, thujas are trimmed and used as a hedge.

Thanks to its dense crown, the tree lends itself well to decorative molding. An experienced gardener can give it various shapes.

Top dressing

Thujas are classified as slow-growing trees, so they need to be applied carefully. The first 3 years of life after transplantation, feeding is not recommended. In subsequent years of life, the amount of fertilizer applied depends on the growth rate of the tree: less for dwarf varieties, more for tall varieties.

Experts are skeptical about introducing organic fertilizers under coniferous trees. It is better to use commercially available complex fertilizers for thujas.


At home, thujas are propagated by cuttings. It is carried out in the fall after the end of the growing season or in the spring before the buds open. For planting, cuttings from 50 cm long with a well-formed “heel” are used. At the bottom of the cutting, the needles are cut off and treated with one of the root-forming compounds.

For planting, prepare a special soil mixture: turf soil (1 part) + sand (1 part) + (1 part). The cuttings are buried 3 cm into the moistened mixture and covered with film to maintain the humidity level. If cuttings are carried out in the fall, care must be taken good lighting seedlings. Spring plantings, on the contrary, shade.


The varietal diversity of thujas with a spherical crown shape is great. The trees differ in both size and color. Below are photos of the varieties and types of spherical thuja that are most widespread, as well as their description.

Globoza is a tall variety, the height of adult plants reaches 1.2-1.5 meters. The color of the needles changes depending on the season: in summer it is green, in winter it is brown. Plants of this variety do not require shaping - by the 5-7th year of life, the trees become spherical, further growth is 5 cm in height and width annually, and the crown becomes thicker with age.

Thuja globulus Danica - low-growing variety(height of mature trees up to 80 cm). It gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and ability to maintain shape without pruning.

The Reingold variety is highly decorative. The main feature of this tall plant (up to 1.5 m) is the unusual color of the needles: pinkish in spring, light golden in summer, and copper-yellow, almost brown in autumn.

One of the new selections is the dwarf spherical thuja variety Teddy. The height of this unusually dense shrub reaches 30 cm, and the needles are atypical for thujas: smooth, rich green and not prickly. The plant is resistant to sunburn and does not lose its decorative effect for a long time.

Application in landscape design

Thuja globulus has found wide application in landscape design. These universal trees go well with other plants and various decorative items. Due to their slow growth, compositions with thujas retain their original appearance for a long time, which is why they are often used in mixborders, rock gardens, etc.

Dwarf varieties grow well in containers and pots; with their help you can create a kind of coniferous lawn. A medium-sized variety of spherical thuja can be used as borders or hedges.

Video of dwarf globular thujas

In garden plots, in public gardens, near administrative and office buildings you can see thuja - ornamental plant with graceful carved branches. We'll tell you about it.

These coniferous trees and shrubs are close relatives of proud cypresses. Most types of thuja are evergreen, but there are also other shades: golden, blue, light green. The crown of the plants is quite dense, and the needles (very fragrant) are scaly. It is located crosswise. Among the branches, small cones are almost invisible, usually having a greenish color. The reddish-brown bark is smooth.

Types and varieties

There are two varieties of thuja: western and eastern. The latter is from East Asia. He loves warmth and light very much, so it is grown here only in the form indoor plants. They clean the indoor air well. Western thuja came to Europe in 1540 from North American and Canadian forests. The plant is frost-resistant and tolerates the domestic climate well. It is often used for landscaping - it is not too troublesome and not very expensive.

According to their shape, there are spherical and cone-shaped varieties of western thuja - there are more than 120 of them. The crowns are symmetrical and easy to shape. In height there are both small (dwarf varieties no more than 30 centimeters) and large twelve-meter trees. With age, the pyramidal shape of the crown transforms into an ovoid shape. Plants live for a long time - a century, or even twice as long.

Globular varieties

There are many variations of thuja with a round crown shape. One of them, Danika, will be discussed in the article. They are well suited for decorating a rock garden, creating a hedge, or being included in picturesque flower and wood compositions. Five-year or seven-year-old trees can be planted in a permanent habitat. They are propagated by cuttings.

Partial shade and fertile loams are favorable for all species. Groundwater undesirable. If they are close, then drainage is needed - 20 cm. Soil mixture - two parts of earth with the addition of one part each of sand and peat. Plus mineral fertilizer. Plant only with a clod of soil! We place the root neck at ground level - certainly not higher or lower. For the first month, 10 liters of water are poured under each tree weekly (in summer or when it is very dry - twice as often). When caring, loosening and mulching are good.


This miniature spherical variety of thuja received the name Danica because it appeared in Denmark in the middle of the last century. The plant is only 60 cm tall and with a crown volume of one meter and has soft green needles (brownish-green in winter). The needles, thin, silky, stretch upward.

Danika increases in height slowly - in one year from 4 to 5 cm. And the crown circumference increases even less - about 3 or 4 cm. Maximum dimensions purchases a tree that is 15 years old. For propagation, the cuttings method is used. You can take seedlings, which, when planted, are placed at a distance of 40 cm to 3 m.

You need to choose places without strong winds, not in deep shade. Partial shade or sun (not scorching) - great option. The hole is deepened from 60 cm to a meter - depending on the size of the root system. In the spring, organic matter, saltpeter, and ash are added. In winter, it is advisable to cover young plants.

This variety is most often used for beautiful borders.. The crown is malleable, and real works of art can be made from it. Animals, for example, or castle walls. Danica combines very well with ovoid and conical trees, forming magnificent compositions that correspond to the “golden ratio”.

In the nursery, plants with a height of 25 to 40 cm will cost from 900 rubles to 3.2 thousand rubles.


This variety (Brabant) grows quickly. In the volume of the conical branched crown it adds 15 cm per year, and in height - 40 cm. In our latitudes, mature trees are usually not taller than 4 or 5 m. The branches beautifully fall to the ground, and the needles do not lose their green color even in winter .

The variety is hardy and undemanding to any soil, but it will look freshest on loam soils that are characterized by fertility. Otherwise the branches will thin out and the foliage will turn pale. As in too thick shade. And the scorching sun is not suitable for Brabant - in this case it will be difficult in the winter cold. But partial shade is what you need. Landing ( better in spring) we make a hole up to a meter deep (in wet and heavy soils we arrange drainage). Nitroammofoska will not be superfluous - half a kilogram for one tree (adult). When planting an alley of trees of this variety, maintain a row spacing of 6 to 8 m, and plant seedlings at a distance of 3 to 4 m from each other.

Young plants are protected from cold by wrapping them in the first and second year. thick paper, burlap. And also cover it with spruce branches. And after 2 or 3 years (not earlier) you can start pruning, giving the required form. If we want to get a dense wall, then we trim the trees a couple of times a season. And there is no need to be zealous - cut off a third of the shoot, no more.

This variety is good for framing garden plots and private houses. Trees can be planted in the form of an alley. Near a public building or office, plants will delight you with greenery all year round.

In the nursery, seedlings of this species (height from 100 to 175 cm) will cost from 1.3 to 1.8 thousand rubles.


Smaragd is very reminiscent of cypress in its grace, slenderness, narrow pyramidal crown (quite dense, up to 2 m in diameter). Trees grow up to 3–5 m, delighting with emerald green needles, which do not lose their freshness even in winter. Slow annual growth (up to 10 cm upward, and half as wide) is a distinctive feature of the variety. Smaragd lives up to 150 years.

The variety responds well to soils containing lime. Propagation - by cuttings or seeds, planting - in spring or summer. Plant with a clod of soil in the sun or light shade, water weekly. Loosen carefully, no deeper than 10 cm - the roots are close. The plant does not tolerate the dry season well - spraying is necessary at this time. In the first winter they cover. A protective layer of mulch of 5–8 cm will protect the roots. Pruning is done every 2 or 3 years.

The variety is suitable for creating garden compositions, and individual trees are attractive. They are good as a container culture and as a living green fence. They also have medicinal benefits - they clean and ionize the air.

In the nursery, plants of this species (height from 100 to 250 cm) will cost from 700 rubles to 15 thousand rubles.

Propagation by cuttings - planting thuja in open ground

The elementary method is using cuttings. Even in a jar of water they take root beautifully. Cuttings are made in autumn time when the shoots are strong and powerful. If you decide to use this method, do not fill the container with too much water. Let it be only at the bottom, otherwise the roots may rot. And put a few branches there - no more than three pieces.

If you want to get stronger plants, it is better to plant the cuttings in a greenhouse. Take shoots with woody bark that are 2 or 3 years old. You can take a young shoot 50 cm long with a piece of “heel” (wood from the trunk). This result is obtained by abruptly cutting off a branch.

Where we plant thuja, we need to achieve a humidity of 70 percent. To do this, you need to purchase a humidifier or constantly spray water. There should be a lot of light, so we make the walls and roof of the greenhouse transparent. You can also use backlighting. The soil is usual for thuja (soil, peat, sand).

The cuttings (with the needles removed at the bottom) need to lie in water for a couple of hours, and after that they are treated with potassium permanganate and dug into the grooves, deepening them by 2–3 cm. Then we spray them regularly and wait for new shoots to appear. Then you need to harden the plants by taking them out of the greenhouse into the air. In November, we cover the seedlings well and send them to winter.

Growing seeds and caring for a tree at home

This method takes longer, but has considerable benefits. For example, to make a living green fence, you can’t buy enough plants – it will be expensive. And if you plant the seeds, then in 3-4 years you can get seedlings yourself. And in any quantities. The first year will give an increase of only 7 cm, but the second – already 50!

To plant seeds, you need to prepare them correctly. This is done in August-September, while the cones are not yet open. They are cut off and placed in one layer on a spread oilcloth where it is dry and warm. When they open, you can take the seeds and plant them. This must be done immediately, otherwise after 3 months the germination rate will decrease.

In the fall, we either sow a bed on the site or plant the seeds in a box. One part sand, 4 parts peat and 2 parts earth - best option. Then we draw grooves every 5 or 6 cm, and put the seeds in them. Sprinkle 1 cm of earthen mixture on top. The top of the box should rise 2 or 3 cm above its level. We tamp it down and moisten it a little.

We place the box in an area under a tree and wait for winter to end. As soon as the earth warms up to 10–15 degrees, the seeds will begin to germinate. A couple of weeks will pass and the shoots will appear. These seedlings do not yet have scales, but needles. Only after 2 or 3 months will the needles be the same as those of an adult tree.

Twice a month we fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer. And then we leave it again for the winter. In the first autumn, you can plant it in the garden bed after 30 cm for growing (a school). Add ash, humus and nitroammophoska.

For more information on how to plant thuja, watch the video:

Growing thuja is not too difficult. The seedlings are not afraid of either Russian cold or dry summers. You can grow a tree either from cuttings or from seeds fallen from collected cones.


  • bright greenery will delight you in all seasons of the year;
  • the trees will live for a very long time, without requiring special care;
  • the healing and pleasant pine aroma will purify the air and improve health;
  • A thuja hedge, skillfully decorated, can become a source of pride.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant belonging to the cypress family.

It is a tree or shrub with scaly leaves and cracking bark. The crown is dense, thick, the branches grow in the same plane. Young specimens have needle-shaped needles. The color range of plants varies from soft green to red. There are many two-tone variegated varieties.

The title photo shows Thuja occidentalis “Golden Smaragd”.

According to the shape of the crown, thuja is divided into:

  1. columnar;
  2. pyramidal;
  3. wide-conical;

Thuja columnar is a compact plant, 1.5-2.5 m in height and 0.5 - 0.8 m in width.

Columnar varieties

"Brabant" (Thuja occidentalis "Brabant")

By the age of 10 it grows more than 3.5 m, 1 – 1.5 m in width. Grows quickly, broadly columnar in shape. Growth per year is 30 cm. It is fastidious to moisture and soil composition. Excellent for forming hedges. The planting density in a row is 0.5 - 0.7 m.

"Yellow Ribbon" (Thuja occidentalis "Yellow Ribbon")

By the age of 10 it grows to 2 – 3 m, 0.8 – 1.2 m in width. Narrow conical loose shape and bright yellow needles. Loves nutritious soil. Looks great in contrasting color compositions, ideal for trellises.

"Columna" (Thuja occidentalis "Columna")

By the age of 10 it grows to 3 m, 0.5 - 0.8 m in width. It grows quickly, the crown is narrow-columnar. The leaves are dark green. It is whimsical to growing conditions. Looks beautiful in the form of hedges, and as a vertical dominant in landscape compositions. Planting in a row with a width of 0.6 - 0.7 m.

"Smaragd" (Thuja occidentalis "Smaragd")

At 10 years it grows to 2.5 m, with a width of 0.5 - 0.8 m. The crown is narrow-columnar. One of the most popular varieties. The needles are dark green and do not turn brown in winter. It is demanding about soil and watering. Used for single plantings. When planting in a row, maintain a distance of 0.5 - 0.6 m.

"Aurea Pyramidalis" (Thuja occidentalis "Aurea Pyramidalis")

At 10 years of age, the height is up to 2.5 m. The crown is narrow, increasing in volume over the years due to the formation of 1 - 3 trunks. The shoots are flexible, slightly twisted. Ideal for planting in groups and as tapeworms. Demanding about soil and watering.

"Holmstrup" (Thuja occidentalis "Holmstrup")

At 10 years old it grows up to 2 m, 0.5 – 0.8 m wide. It grows slowly, the form is narrow-columnar. The shoots grow fan-shaped, with dense needles of an intense dark green color. Loves nutritious and moist soil. Suitable for single plantings and compositions, cemeteries. For hedges, the distance in a row is 0.6 - 0.7 m.

Thuja plicata "Aurescens"

Height up to 8m – 12m, width 3 – 4m. An evergreen columnar tree with dense branches. The needles are dark green, with white stripes. Demanding on soil composition. Suitable for large-scale gardens and parks, group and single plantings.

Thuja plicata "Excelsa"

Height 9 – 12m, 3 – 4m wide. The tree grows in the shape of a column with arched, upward-pointing branches. The needles are dark green, thick, shiny. Loves nutritious soils. Suitable for spacious gardens and parks, solitary and group plantings and for a vertical accent in powerful landscape compositions.


It is advisable to plant thujas older than 3 years with a preserved lump, the size of which should be approximately half the diameter of the crown. The planting hole size is usually between 60 and 100 cm for plants up to 3 m in size.

Important: when planting in the ground, the root collar should be at ground level.

Therefore, initially it is necessary to plant so that the root collar is approximately 5–10 cm above ground level, because After watering, the soil compacts and settles.

For planting, take a soil mixture of turf or deciduous soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Be sure to use complex mineral fertilizers (nitroammofoska, etc.) - approximately 150 - 200 g per landing hole. Pre-mix them with soil.

After planting, abundant watering is required - at least 2-3 buckets of water per hole for an adult seedling.

Advice: to improve the development of the root system and growth, it is advisable to use preparations like “Kornevin”.


In the first month after planting in a permanent place, the thuja is watered 1 - 2 times a week, approximately 1 - 3 buckets per plant. If planting was carried out in the spring, then sprinkling of the crown is beneficial for survival.

Attention: to prevent moisture loss, the tree trunk circle should be mulched.

For this purpose, conifer bark, wet peat, leaf humus, garden compost, needles. In addition, mulch, when decomposed, serves as food for the roots and also protects against freezing in winter.

Thuja has a shallow root system, therefore, you need to monitor soil moisture. If there is insufficient watering or drying out, its crown may partially crumble and thin out. During the growth period, the plant is watered twice a week with 1.5 - 2 buckets of water per seedling.

During the maintenance process, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of about 10 cm.

For a safe winter, it is advisable to wrap the thuja with agrofibre. This will protect it from freezing, sunburn, and from the crown being torn apart by snow.


If the plant is planted in well-prepared soil, then 1 - 2 fertilizing per year will be sufficient. In spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added mineral fertilizers(ammonium and calcium nitrate, urea). At the end of summer - calcium and fertilizers containing phosphorus (superphosphate, nitroammophoska)

Work well complex feeding For coniferous plants long-acting, for example "Kemira" and "Osmokot".

It is important to know: if fertilizing is applied during planting, then the next fertilizing should be done after 2 years.


Thuja propagation is carried out in two ways: generative (sowing seeds) or vegetative (cuttings).

With the vegetative propagation method, the resulting young plant will fully retain the characteristics of the mother plant. The generative method is used for all types of conifers. However, its disadvantage is that it does not guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities of some forms and varieties.

So, for example, when sowing thuja columnar seeds, not all seedlings will inherit the columnar shape of the crown, but only a small part of them.

Growing from seeds

This method is quite labor-intensive, but it allows you to get a lot of strong, beautiful plants.

In September, it is necessary to collect the cones that have grown on the thuja and place them for some time in a warm, dry place. When they dry and open, the seeds need to be collected, placed in a paper bag and placed in the refrigerator until spring.

There they will undergo a stratification process. This will improve their germination and disease resistance. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 12 hours in warm water or wet sand

Another option is sowing seeds in autumn.

In the bed chosen for sowing, the soil must be loosened, sand and leaf humus added. This will make the soil lighter and more breathable, thereby improving the development of the root system of future plants.

Sowing seeds is carried out according to a pattern of 8 cm by 20 cm (row spacing), to a depth of 1 cm.

Cover the winter bed with burlap and spruce branches on top, which will need to be removed in mid-late March.

Seeds sown in autumn will germinate as soon as the ground warms up to 15 - 20 degrees.

Further care of the seedlings includes a one-time feeding with a stimulant for root growth, and periodic feeding (once a month) with fertilizers for growth, for example, Kemira or Agricol.

Do not forget to carry out preventive treatment against fungal diseases with fungicides.

Seedlings need constant moisture and light loosening. It would be a good idea to mulch young plants with sawdust.

The growth of the first year will be about 8 cm. Thuja can be transplanted to a permanent place in 3–4 years.

How much do seedlings cost?

The range of coniferous plants is quite wide and varied.

The price of western thuja seedlings depends on the specific type and variety, as well as on the size of the seedling.

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd– from 200 rubles for small plants 15–20 cm high to 6000 rubles for plants over 2 meters high.

Thuja occidentalis Braband– from 180 rubles per seedling 15 – 20 cm to 3300 rubles per 2 m seedling.

Thuja occidentalis Columna– a meter-long seedling costs around 750 rubles, a two-meter seedling costs 3,300 rubles. A seedling 15–20 cm costs approximately 180 rubles.

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup- a seedling 0.2 - 0.4 m tall will cost around 420 rubles, and 2500 rubles for a specimen 160 - 180 cm.

Thuja occidentalis Aurea Piramidalis– from 320 rubles for a seedling 0.15 - 0.20 m and more than 4000 rubles for a seedling 2 m high or more.

How to use in landscape design and how many seedlings will be needed

For landscaping a selected area, thujas act as:

  • hedges;
  • single trees;
  • group plantings.

To form a hedge, species such as Smaragd, Braband, Yellow Ribbon, Columna etc. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.5 - 0.8 m. The needles of these species do not turn brown in winter time years and does not change decorative look all year round.
Thuja Excelsa, Aurescence suitable for group and single plantings, large-scale gardens and large parks, as these are tall plants. By the age of 10 they grow to 8 – 12 m, 3 – 4 m in width. They are seated in groups at a distance of 5–8 m.

For smaller ones, low-growing dwarf varieties are suitable: Aurea Pyramidalis (), Holmstrup. K 10 summer age these species reach no more than 2–3 m and have a crown width of 0.5–0.8 m.

When landscaping summer cottage, courtyard, city flower beds, it is good to use several types of thujas at the same time, creating different compositions (photo). When planting, you should take into account the adult size of each plant, reserving space for them to grow.

It is good to combine conifers with different crown shapes and needle colors (photo), choosing green and variegated, as well as two-color varieties.

Before starting work, it is good to draw up a diagram of the future flower bed so that it is easier to visualize and plan the placement of plants and calculate their number and distances between them. An example would be a photo of the diagram below:

Thanks to its decorativeness, unpretentiousness and diversity, thuja pyramidalis has become an undoubted favorite in landscape design. They look great both solo and in plantings with other conifers, as well as with annual and perennial deciduous plants. Thuja pyramidalis is beautiful at all stages of its life, and does not lose its decorative effect even in old age.

How not to get lost in the variety of thujas?

In this article, we examined in detail only one form of thuja - columnar. In the video below, specialists from the Greensad garden center introduce novice gardeners to the variety of thujas.

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Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

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3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants“background” sansevieria does not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of days favorable and unfavorable for working with plants lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with interesting, non-trivial coloring of foliage. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

The demand for thuja in our hellish center does not weaken from year to year. It's hard to imagine a modern suburban area without thuja. The popularity of this plant is deserved. But how to choose the right variety, which one?

To begin with, we note that in middle lane In Russia, varieties of western thuja (occidentalis) grow and develop well, but eastern thuja (orientalis) and folded thuja (plicata) freeze here.

The homeland of the western thuja is southeastern Canada and northern USA. There, these trees in their original form prefer marshy soils and reach 20 m in height and 5 m in crown diameter.

So why is Thuja occidentalis so popular?

Firstly, almost all varieties of western thuja are extremely unpretentious: any soil is suitable for them, they do not suffer much from irregular watering and fertilizing, they are not afraid of winter frosts, almost all varieties are suitable for planting in the city.

Secondly, thuja occidentalis has a very dense fibrous and compact root system, thanks to which thujas are easily replanted even at an advanced age and take root well in a new place.

Third - varietal diversity Thuja occidentalis is so large that there is a suitable option for any corner of your garden.

Let's start with the most popular varieties of western thuja: thuja Brabant (Brabant) and Smaragd (Smaragd). The first variety is very fast-growing, but the crown is not so dense and turns slightly brown in the winter. The second is strictly pyramidal, the crown is thick, the needles are dark green, and almost do not change color in the winter. Both of these varieties of thuja now have a golden form: they are Thuja occidentalis GoldenBrabant and Thuja occidentalis GoldenSmaragd (synonym JanedGold). In the western thuja Smaragd there is a variegated form Smaragd Variegata and White Smaragd.

Thuja western Columna and Fastigiata are similar to Smaragd, but their crown is more columnar. In Hungary, we buy several more varieties of thuja occidentalis, similar to Smaragd: these are thuja occidentalis Malonyana and SuperMalonyana (it has a very narrow crown), MalonyanaAurea (golden form) and a very similar golden thuja Szolosi (Hungarian selection). Two more Hungarian varieties are Barabits Compact (dense green needles, pyramidal crown) and Zakany Souveny (bright green soft needles, wide, more columnar crown).

Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup is close to them. True, this thuja grows much more slowly: the maximum height is up to 2-3 m. Its needles are very dense and dark green. There is a golden form of Holmstrup Yellow, but we have not yet come across it.

Thuja occidentalis Spiralis has slightly twisted, dark green, hard needles. It grows quickly, but the crown is not very dense. There are dwarf varieties of thuja with slightly twisted needles: Spiralis Mini and Zmatlik.

Among the tall thujas with a golden pyramidal crown on sale are: Aurescens, Europe Gold, Sunkist, Yellow Ribbon and enough new variety Jantar. These thujas differ in intensity yellow color, crown width and growth rate.

Now about the low spherical varieties of western thuja. Thuja occidentalis Danica remains the most beloved by customers. The thuja Mirjam variety with golden needles is similar to it. Thuja occidentalis Little Geant - has an ovoid crown, rounding with age. In color and shape, the needles are more spherical - thuja varieties Kobold, Tini-Tim, Little Gem and Hoseri. The latter has the variegated form Hoseri Variegata. The fastest growing globular thujas are Woodwardii, Little Champion and Globosa. Thuja Yellow Ball Golden Globe is similar in shape to them.

I would especially like to mention the beautiful golden thuja Rheingold. At a young age, it has the shape of a ball, and then a wide cone. Rarely found on sale is a non-tall thuja Konfetti. A few years ago, thuja with bluish-golden needles and a wide pyramidal crown was popular Lutea. Thuja grows very slowly in a wide cone with green needles Miky, and with variegated needles Stolwijk. Thuja ball with thin light green branches - mr. BowlingBall. Another unusual variety of western thuja - Filiformis - has a low, weeping crown with thin branches.