Well      04/05/2019

Figs in a pot: care. Growing figs in the garden and at home: planting, care, varietal diversity

During its existence, figs have acquired many names. It is called wineberry, fig or fig tree, fig or fig tree. The genus of figs is deciduous ficuses. The plant is a bush-like tree that can grow up to three meters in height.

Individual specimens can reach fifteen meters. The trees are covered with light gray bark and consist of thick, slightly branched branches. Hard, hairy leaves with a beautiful carved shape. The outer part of the sheet plate has green color, and the inner one is grayish-green. When shoots or leaves are damaged, thick, milky juice is intensely released.

Female plants are called figs. It is they who bloom with pistil flowers and produce edible fruits. Male representatives are called caprifigs. They form two types of flowers: pistillate and staminate.

The former subsequently produce inedible fruits, while the latter are needed for pollination of fig flowers. Small wasps - blastophages, which live in male flowers - are responsible for pollination (caprification).

Fig trees at proper care able to bear fruit every year.

Moreover, flower buds, from which inflorescences and berries develop, are laid in the axils of each leaf. Dioecious varieties are not suitable for growing in an apartment, because pollination will not occur. For these purposes, special dwarf self-fertile varieties figs, which form female inflorescences and can set fruit without pollination.

Cultivation of fig trees in open ground possible only in the southern regions. In cold climates, figs are grown indoors. For this purpose, varieties that do not require caprification have been bred:

  • Kadota. Produces large, pear-shaped, rounded, ribbed fruits correct form, weighing up to one hundred grams. Pleasant-tasting berries, 5-9 cm in size and 2.4-2.8 cm in diameter, have a yellowish green tint color and golden flesh. Self-fertile variety. Can produce a second harvest on young growth.
  • Sukhumi purple. Produces medium fruits, the weight of which does not exceed 50 grams. The shape of the berries is pear-shaped, asymmetrical, with slight ribbing. The color of the fig is blue-violet and the flesh is red. Figs have a pleasant taste with moderate sweetness. Self-fertile, but produces only one harvest per year.
  • Dalmatian. The first harvest consists of large berries, weighing up to 130 grams, and the second - from smaller fruits up to 65 grams. The berries are pear-shaped, elongated, slightly expanded at the apex, and have a light green color. The red, juicy pulp is moderately sweet in taste. Fruiting occurs twice per season. Harvest time: July and October.
  • Adriatic white. Forms fruits at the beginning and at the end of summer. Each berry weighs about 60 grams and has a round, slightly elongated shape with a pale yellow-green color. Taste characteristics are good, with rich sweetness.
  • Seedling of Ogloblin. The variety is obtained from a parent pair grown only in room conditions. The peculiarity of this variety is that the autumn berries that appear remain throughout the winter and do not increase in size. And with the arrival of spring they begin to grow and by the summer they become normal size. Pear-shaped fruits are moderately sweet. When mature, they are yellowish green in color. At cutting propagation reach fruitful maturity in the second third year of life.
  • October gift. The Crimean variety of figs was obtained by breeders of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The berries are round with a slightly elongated top, similar to the Kadota variety, but much tastier.

There are many more varieties that can grow and bear fruit on a windowsill, among which are: Sary Alsheronkiy, Kusarchaysky, Uzbek Yellow, Sochi No. 7 and No. 8, Muason, Black Pearl.

All indoor varieties differ small size trees and are self-fertile. It is known that figs began to be grown at home back in the seventeenth century. Therefore, grow fig tree on the windowsill today will not be difficult.

Indoor figs can be propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings and root shoots. The most popular propagation is through cuttings, because in this case fruiting occurs after 2-3 years. In second place is reproduction through seeds. Trees begin to bear fruit after 5-6 years. Cultivation of figs by root shoots in indoor floriculture is rarely practiced due to the high risk of injury to the root system and subsequent death of the plant.

Growing figs from seeds:

  • Room fig seeds are suitable for germination within two years. When planting seed material, care should be taken Special attention soil composition. Figs are suitable for light soil with a high content of humic acids. But excess carbonates negatively affects the condition of the plant.
  • To prepare the soil for sowing seeds, you need to take coarse sand and humus in equal quantities. A soil mixture of peat, humus and sand is also suitable.
  • Planting containers must be provided with good drainage. 2-3 grains are sown in each. Subsequently, the strongest plant is left from the seedlings.
  • sow shallowly and cover the containers with polyethylene so as not to retain moisture. For germination, you need to withstand a temperature of 24-27 degrees. If all conditions are met, then the first shoots can be expected in 2-4 weeks.

Cutting rules:

  • To do this, prepare the material. I do this in the middle of winter, when the tree sheds its leaves and enters a dormant period. The central parts of branches from an adult fruit-bearing plant that is at least five years old are most suitable for cutting cuttings. It should be borne in mind that the rooting of green cuttings is not going well. Branches must be ripe. Each fragment, at least fifteen centimeters long, should have three or four internodes. The lower part of the cutting is made at an angle, and the upper part is made straight, 1-2 cm away from the outer bud.
  • After fragmentation, the cuttings must be kept for 5-6 hours in a cool, dry place until the juice stops secreting. According to the recommendations of some gardeners, for the same purpose, oozing cuttings are placed in warm water.
  • When the secretion of juice stops, longitudinal scratches are made on the lower parts of the cuttings, destroying upper layer bark to cambium. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the formation of a powerful root system.
  • After carrying out the manipulations, the cuttings are placed in a biostimulator solution and kept for the time prescribed according to the instructions. After this, the cuttings can be planted.
  • To root cuttings, you need to prepare containers that are filled in layers: drainage, made of expanded clay or pebbles - about two centimeters; soil, loose fertile soil is suitable, the layer of which should be close to seven centimeters; sand, a four-centimeter layer is poured from pre-calcined sand.
  • The sand layer must be moistened and holes made in it. After removing from the stimulator, the cuttings are washed running water, dust the lower sections with ash and place them in the holes. The sand around the cutting needs to be compacted. The containers are covered with a jar or transparent bag.
  • To root cuttings, you need a temperature within 23-26 degrees. The cuttings take root within a month and a half, during which time the seedlings need to be ventilated and the sand moistened.

According to the second method, until roots form, the cuttings can be kept in a container with water, which is changed every 2-3 days. After which they are immediately planted in the ground.

In order for figs to develop well and bear fruit, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Light mode. Figs love sunny places. If there is a lack of light, it will develop poorly and the fruits will not have time to ripen.
  2. Temperature regime. The temperature in the room is maintained the same as when rooting cuttings.
  3. Irrigation. Needs abundant watering in summer. In spring and autumn, the plant needs to be watered as needed. The tree will indicate a lack of moisture by twisted leaves that begin to fall off.
  4. Humidity. Needs spraying only during dry periods.
  5. Fertilizer. During the growing season, fertilizers are alternately applied twice a month in the form of a solution of organic and.
  6. . The plant grows quite quickly and requires annual replanting in order to increase planting capacity. Figs are replanted at the end of winter, before the beginning of the growing season.
  7. When the crown grows, it is recommended to carry out composition. It should be remembered that the more young shoots there are, the better the fruiting will be. Pruning is carried out in autumn or winter, when the plant sheds its leaves. Intensely growing shoots are cut by a third. Cut parts can be rooted.
  8. As winter approaches, figs shed their leaves and enter a dormant period. At this time, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to 15-18 months, and the plant needs to be watered cold water. If dormancy does not occur, it is recommended to reduce watering and lower the temperature of the water and air.

Figs grown indoors are rarely susceptible to diseases and pests. But if the conditions are not met or the plant is left outside in the summer, then diseases may develop: gray rot and brown or coral spotting.

Pests of figs are specific and are represented by fig psyllid, fig moth and mealybug. Infection with spider mites is possible from neighboring plants.

If signs of disease or the presence of pests are detected, a sanitization: remove affected leaves and branches, and spray with systemic fungicides.

To grow figs and wait for the fruits, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. It is enough to choose the right variety, choose a soil mixture, plant and follow simple recommendations. When waiting for fruits, you should be patient, especially if the figs were grown from seeds.

More information can be found in the video:

Representatives of the Ficus genus have long won the love of their owners indoor gardens. But growing figs at home is an activity that is still unfamiliar to most gardeners. But there are many varieties of crops bred specifically for this purpose. They are distinguished by short stature, the ability to self-pollinate and abundant fruiting. On some of them, the harvest ripens twice a year. At the same time, caring for them is not difficult at all.

People's love for figs is reflected in its many names. In different localities it is known as the fig tree (fig), fig tree (fig), and wineberry. In Russia, this heat-loving exotic crop has been grown indoors for more than 4 centuries, so the secrets of its successful cultivation have long been revealed.

Features of seed propagation

To propagate figs you can use:

  • seeds;
  • root suckers;
  • cuttings.

The generative method is rarely used when breeding fig trees. It is faster and easier to propagate it from cuttings. But if there is no other way out, you will have to sow the seeds. They have good germination, without losing it even after 2 years of storage.

Sowing is carried out in a mixture of humus and sand, taken in equal volumes. Leave 1.5-2 cm between the seeds in the planting container. They are covered with a 2-3 cm layer of soil. After thoroughly moistening the soil after sowing, stretch plastic film or glass over the container. The nutrient substrate must remain moist at all times.

For seed germination, a temperature of 25-27˚C is required. If all conditions are met, sprouts will emerge from the soil in 15-21 days. When they are 1 month old, the seedlings will need to be planted in separate pots. They should not be too wide, 9-10 cm in diameter is enough. Figs grown from seeds usually enter the fruiting period at 4-5 years of age, but can produce a harvest earlier.

Planting cuttings

The best time to take cuttings from an adult fig is early spring, when the leaves on the plant have not yet blossomed. But it is also practiced summer planting. The length of the cut shoots should be no more than 15 cm, and the optimal number of buds on them is 3-4. Woody and green cuttings root equally well. The cut is made oblique from below, 1-1.5 cm away from the outer bud. It should be smooth on top. Correct distance from the bud to the tip of the cutting is 1 cm.

To make the cut branch take root faster, its lower part is lightly scratched with a sharp knife, leaving longitudinal marks.

Fresh cuttings are kept in a cool and dry room for 5-6 hours. During this time, the milky juice that is released from the wounds should dry out. Having prepared a solution of an organic growth stimulator, place the cuttings in it. After 10-12 hours they can be planted in a pot.

Fig roots are afraid of excessive moisture, so the bottom of the container is covered with a drainage layer, the thickness of which is 1 cm. Next, the pot is filled with a nutrient substrate. It is pre-steamed to disinfect it.

If you prepare the soil mixture for figs yourself, use the following components in a 2:1:1 ratio:

  • leaf humus;
  • turf;
  • sand.

The soil layer should be 6 cm. On top it is covered with 3-4 cm of calcined and purified river sand. Having moistened the substrate abundantly, make shallow (3 cm) planting holes, leaving 8 cm of free space between them. Dipping the stalk in wood ash, place it in the hole. The sand near the future fig trunk is compacted by pressing well with your fingers. The planted cuttings and the surface of the substrate are sprayed with water from a spray bottle. If individual pots were used, place the trimmed one on top plastic bottle or glass jar. When planting in boxes, they make a kind of greenhouse by constructing a wire frame and covering it with film.

Conditions for rooting cuttings

In order for cuttings to take root faster, they need moderate soil moisture and warmth. The condition of the sand is carefully monitored, preventing it from drying out. The air in the room should be heated to 22-25˚C. It takes 4 to 5 weeks for the cuttings to root. Then they are given a month to get stronger, after which it will be possible to plant young figs from the box into individual containers of small (10-12 cm) diameter.

A tree grown from a cutting will bear its first fruits already in the 2nd year of life. Its roots can form new shoots. They are carefully separated and placed in a separate pot, putting a plastic bag on it after planting. They take root faster - in 3-4 weeks. When this happens, the plant cannot be opened immediately. To ensure that young figs do not experience stress, they are gradually accustomed to indoor conditions. The film is opened briefly every day, increasingly increasing the time interval.

If there is no soil and sand yet, and the cuttings have already been cut, you can put them in water. This method of rooting is usually used in winter or early spring. The cuttings are placed in water so that 3 cm of their length is under it. The liquid is not allowed to stagnate, changing it every 2-3 days to prevent rotting planting material. After 3-4 weeks, powerful roots form on the cuttings. Then they are placed in separate containers, covered with a plastic bag on top.

Secrets of proper transplantation

Figs need a lot of space to develop. But there is one subtlety. If the tree is not yet bearing fruit, a large pot will not be suitable for it. In it, the figs will begin to grow rapidly upward and outward, which will complicate their care. Since all the energy of the tree will be spent on development, it will bear a harvest much later than when planted in a small pot. When the ovaries form on the branches of the fig tree, its growth will practically stop.

At home, figs require regular replanting. It should be carried out while the growing season has not yet begun. If the tree is young, the pot for it is changed every year. When it reaches the age of 4-5 years, the need for transplantation is determined by the degree of development of the root system. If the fig is completely mature, it is more convenient to cultivate it in a large wooden box.

The young tree is transplanted into a container that is 1 liter larger than the previous one. When it reaches 5 years of age, the volume of the pot should already be 5-7 liters. After this, each time for replanting, take a container 2-2.5 liters larger than the old one. The procedure is carried out using the transfer method. You can lightly shake off the old soil from the fig roots, replacing it with fresh, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

The substrate for transplantation is prepared by mixing the following components in a 2:2:1:1 ratio:

  • leaf humus;
  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

The optimal soil pH for figs is between 5 and 7.

Temperature and watering

During the growing season, it is better to keep the fig tree pot in a well-lit place. This is especially important if the figs have already begun to bear fruit. If there is not enough sunlight for it, the fruits on its branches will not ripen. Until harvest, the temperature is comfortable for the tree within 22-25˚C. In winter, when the figs go into dormancy, it is reduced to 10˚C. It would be best to place the pot with the plant in the cellar or basement. If this is not possible, he is moved closer to window glass, fenced off from room heat with plastic film.

During the growing season, the plant needs frequent and abundant watering. It reacts to a lack of moisture by losing its decorative effect. The leaves on the fig begin to curl and may partially fall off. If the soil in the pot gets too dry, they will fly off completely. But there is no need to rush to get rid of such figs. Its former beauty can be restored if the plant is watered abundantly in the future.

At the end of October, the volume of liquid applied and the amount of moisture are reduced. Until mid-winter, water the figs twice a month, using only cool (not warmer than 16-18˚C) water. Otherwise, the buds on the tree will wake up ahead of time. In the cellar or basement in the last days of February, the tree’s dormant period will be replaced by a phase of active growth, when it will again need a lot of water. In indoor conditions, the fig tree will wake up earlier - at the end of December or beginning of January.

Figs respond well to leaf spraying warm water. You can even water its crown from the shower, having first securely covered the surface of the soil with film.

If the fig does not shed its leaves on its own in the fall, you need to help it with this. Since the tree is a deciduous crop, its development will not be complete without a short rest. It is not difficult to artificially induce a period of rest. It is enough to greatly reduce watering and let the soil dry out, and the leaves on the tree will turn yellow and fly off.

Top dressing and tree formation

Homemade figs are fed when they bloom and form fruits. Organic and mineral compounds. The fig tree responds well to the following fertilizers:

  • infused slurry;
  • wood ash;
  • weed fertilizer.

They are introduced with a break of 2 weeks. It is worth feeding the tree at the beginning of the growing season. When its buds begin to wake up, the fig is watered with infused manure. After 2 weeks, add liquid mineral fertilizer, containing a lot of phosphorus and nitrogen.

The color of fig leaves will be brighter and more saturated if you fertilize it with iron sulfate. Mix 2 g of the drug in 1 liter of water and water the plant with the resulting mixture. You can also perform foliar feeding by simply spraying the fig crown with it. They do this twice a year - in spring and summer.

To make an adult fig look well-groomed and beautiful, it may require formative pruning. But it is important not to overdo it, because the tree bears fruit on young branches. If the fig stretches upward without forming side shoots, its top will need to be pinched. This procedure stimulates their development. When side shoots grow back, they are subjected to the same fate. And if they are too long, they also cut them off.

Figs will be a real find for those who would like to decorate their indoor garden an exotic plant, but doubts whether he can provide it with proper care. It is quite unpretentious, easily adapts to dry indoor air, and does not require much attention. The wide leaves of the tree have a beautiful shape, and its fluffy spreading crown is compact in size, so there is a corner for figs even in apartments with small area. In warm weather, he can live on a balcony or loggia, refreshing a boring cityscape with bright greenery. It will be possible to take the pot with the tree out into the garden.

Another advantage of figs is high yield. With proper care, you can enjoy its healthy fruits, ripened right on the windowsill, twice a year. Think about the benefits of planting this tree, and the desire to grow it at home will become irresistible!

Fig or fig tree is a deciduous plant that belongs to the Mulberry family. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. In Crimea, Carpathians, Central Asia and in the Caucasus, figs are grown in open ground as a valuable cultivated plant, giving fruit - wine berries. The fig tree is also common in indoor floriculture. With proper care, it acquires decorative look and can bear fruit twice a year.

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    Figs are a dioecious plant in which female inflorescences grow on some trees (figs) and male flowers on others (caprifigas). Female plants bloom with pistillate flowers, after which edible fruits are formed, and male representatives produce two types of flowers: staminate and pistillate. The former are necessary for pollination, while the latter produce inedible fruits. Small wasps, blastophages, living in male flowers are responsible for pollination.

    With proper care, a fig tree can bear fruit every year.

    Dioecious species are not suitable for growing at home, since pollination is impossible. For this purpose, special self-fertile varieties have been bred that form female inflorescences and are capable of setting fruit without pollination. In winter, figs shed their leaves. The leaf blades are large, fleshy, entire or palmately dissected, broadly ovate in shape. Figs are a light-loving plant, drought-resistant, undemanding to soil composition and can grow even in acidic soils. A powerful root system penetrates deep into the soil.

    Reproduction methods

    Indoor figs are propagated:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • root shoots.

    Most often, figs are grown using cuttings, and fruiting occurs after 2–3 years. If the plant is grown from seeds, the harvest is harvested in the 5th–6th year. Propagation by root shoots at home is very rarely practiced, since there is a high probability of injury to the root system and death of the tree.

    Growing from seeds

    Fig seeds germinate for two years. When planting, pay special attention to the composition of the soil. The tree grows well in light soil with a high content of humic acids. But an excessive amount of carbonates negatively affects the growth and development of the plant.

    To prepare the soil, take equal amounts of humus and coarse sand. You can also use a soil mixture of humus, peat and sand. A layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the planting pots and 2–3 grains are sown in each. Subsequently, the strongest plant is selected from the emerging seedlings.

    Growing figs in a pot

    The seeds are sown shallowly, after which the containers are covered with polyethylene. For their germination, a temperature of +24...+27 degrees is required. The first shoots appear after 2–4 weeks. The cover is removed and the crops are thinned out. When the seedlings develop two pairs of true leaves, they are planted in separate containers.


    To grow figs from cuttings at home, you need to prepare the material. This is done in the middle of winter, when the plant sheds its leaves and enters a dormant period. For cuttings, it is best to use the central parts of branches from an adult fruit-bearing plant over five years old. The branches must be mature. Each segment should be 15 cm long with three to four internodes. At the bottom, the cut is made obliquely, 2 cm below the last bud, and at the top – in a straight line. The cuttings are kept in a cool, dry place for several hours until the juice stops secreting. Then longitudinal scratches are made on the lower part to destroy the upper layer of bark down to the cambium. Thanks to this procedure, a powerful root system is formed. After this, the segments are placed in a biostimulator solution for some time.

    To plant cuttings, prepare containers. A drainage layer of pebbles and expanded clay is laid at the bottom, then loose fertile soil is poured in a layer of 7 cm, and then sand is added in a layer of 4 cm. It is moistened and holes are made in it. The cuttings are removed from the stimulator, washed with running water, the lower sections are dusted with ash and placed in the soil. The containers are covered with a transparent bag or sand and placed in a well-lit place. In cloudy weather, additional lighting is used.

    To ensure that the cuttings take root well, maintain the temperature within +23...+26 degrees. The roots appear after 1.5 months, during which the seedlings are ventilated and the sand is moistened. When they get stronger and adapt, they are transplanted into flower pots, which are filled with fertile soil mixture. After 2 weeks, young plants are fed with complex fertilizers for indoor crops.


    Caring for figs at home is easy. He loves sunny places very much. With a lack of light, it develops poorly, and the fruits do not have time to ripen.

    In summer, the crown of the tree is sprayed every day with warm water and the soil is watered abundantly. Even if the earthen clod dries out slightly, the figs begin to shed their leaves. During fruiting, the amount of watering is reduced, otherwise the fruits will be watery and insipid.

    In winter, the plant enters a dormant period. At this time, he is taken to a glassed-in loggia, veranda or other room with a temperature of +10...+14 degrees. Figs do not need light or fertilizing during the rest period. It needs to be watered sparingly and rarely. The main thing is that the earthen lump does not dry out.

    In order not to awaken the buds prematurely, cool water is used for irrigation.

    Figs begin to be fed after the first buds swell. To do this, use mullein diluted with water. After 2 weeks, a solution of phosphorus fertilizers is added to the soil. During the growing season, the fig tree is fed every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic compounds.


    Since the roots of figs grow very quickly, they need to be replanted every spring before the leaves bloom. Adult plants older than 7 years are replanted every 3 years, and the new pot should be several centimeters larger than the previous one. Too spacious a container promotes increased root growth, which leads to a decrease in yield.

    The procedure is carried out as follows:

    • the pot is scalded with boiling water and a drainage layer 3–4 cm thick is placed on its bottom;
    • the plant is transferred to a new container without violating the integrity of the old earthy coma;
    • voids are filled with fertile soil, while the root collar cannot be buried.

    The transplanted tree is watered with plenty of water and placed in a well-lit place.

    Crown formation

    In order for figs to fully develop, they must be pruned in a timely manner. Without crown formation, the plant eventually grows into a big tree, which is very inconvenient for a closed room. Pruning is carried out before the buds begin to swell. Young plants leave 3-4 healthy shoots. When the tree reaches a height of 25-35 cm, pinch the crown. This stimulates the development of side shoots.

    In order for the lower branches to become stronger and more powerful in the future, the shoots of the upper tier should be shortened by 1/3. Competent pruning allows you to get a beautiful lush crown, consisting of 3-4 vertical shoots of the main order and large quantity lateral branches.

    There is another pruning option that gives the crown a fan shape. It is necessary to pinch the apical bud and remove the branches directed inside the crown. The main shoots should be in relation to the plane horizontally and parallel to each other. Thanks to fan pruning, the number of fruiting shoots increases several times, and the tree looks very attractive.

    Figs can get coral spot disease. The disease manifests itself as small red formations on the shoots of the tree. As a treatment, the affected areas are cut out, healthy parts are sprayed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides.

    Figs in Stavropol region

    Since the tropics are the birthplace of figs, growing them in middle lane in open ground it is quite difficult. Even in the Stavropol region this is not easy to do. It must be planted on the south side of the site. Having planted it on the site, it must be covered for the winter.

    To do this, the bush is tied in a bundle with rope in the fall and bent tightly to the ground. A load is placed on top for a week. During this time, the plant gets used to being in this position and begins to press itself to the ground. Then it is covered with tomato tops or corn stalks, and covered with fertilizer bags on top. Figs under such shelter can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees.

Not everyone is lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean. The fig tree is also called a fig tree or a fig tree - home cultivation has been practiced in Europe since the 16th century. The benefits of the fruits and the healing composition of the leaves do not depend on the place of cultivation. How indoor plant, with proper care, figs look decorative and bear fruit twice a year.

Conditions for the cultivation of figs on the windowsill

When grown at home, adult figs require abundant watering and spraying in the summer. If the plant lacks moisture, it can shed its foliage at any time of the year. When creating a humid microclimate around a tree, there is no reason for the spider mite to start up - one of the main pests of flowers on the windowsill.

A plant native to their subtropics needs to provide wintering. From November to January, a dormant period is created for the fig tree. He is arranged in a bright, cool place with a temperature below +15 degrees. In additional illumination, top dressing at this time, not a tree does not need.

If the tree does not fall asleep, watering is reduced for it so that the leaves fall off. Water the earth with slightly cool water at a temperature of 18 degrees.

Water the plant moderately so that the clod of earth does not dry out. As the buds began to swell, light, watering, and top dressing are required. It is necessary to create conditions for rapid vegetation. Two crops per season can be harvested with good care for figs at home. The fig tree blooms for the first time in March and bears fruit in June. The following berries ripen from early August to late September. In summer, trees can be transferred to the ground, they will be comfortable there, but in the fall they will need a larger pot.

A sign of fruit maturity is their softening and the release of nectar from the eyes. Ripening lasts 2-4 weeks.

Growing a fruiting fig tree on a windowsill

How to grow figs at home? Several methods are used:

  • they harvest cuttings by asking for a twig from good friends;
  • buy a seedling in a specialized store;
  • seed material is used.

In any case, the first thing that is required is to pick up dishes and an earthen substrate. The soil is prepared from equal proportions of steamed, calcined ingredients:

  • leaf humus;
  • turf land;
  • river sand, wood ash.

Processed expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the bowl. A layer of sand is poured on top. It is a good idea to use sphagnum moss on the surface to control humidity.

Dishes for figs are selected at first small, but for 5 years, young plants are transplanted annually. You need to know that while the roots in the pot feel at ease, flowering is delayed. An adult tree needs 8 liters of substrate. A fig tree lives up to 30 years.

Growing figs at home from cuttings is the most effective method, preserving parent properties. The cutting is taken only from a fruit-bearing plant. The varieties considered most adapted to indoor growing conditions are:

  • Shuisky;
  • Dalmatica;
  • White Adriatic;
  • Sochi -7;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Kadata;
  • Seedling of Ogloblin.

A cutting is selected with 3-4 buds, with the bottom cut 2 cm below the eye, and the top cut 1 cm above. On the part to be rooted, the bark should be scratched in longitudinal strips to the cambium, this will speed up root formation. Pour the prepared substrate mixed with sphagnum into a glass, moisten it and immerse the cutting up to the second bud. Pre-treat the cuttings with root or heteroauxin.

To form roots, cover the planting from above with a cap made of PET bottles, place it in diffused light, and use additional lighting for up to 12 hours. Watching the figs grow. After 2-3 weeks, the first leaves will appear; it is necessary to ventilate, accustoming the leaves to the air of the apartment, and spray with warm, settled water.

When the plant gets used to the surrounding air, it is carefully transferred to a liter pot with substrate. Two weeks after transplantation, the fig tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizers or a composition for indoor plants.

Fig seeds are small, properties mother plant They don’t always inherit, and not all of them germinate. But sometimes, other than from seeds, at home, there is nothing to grow figs from. The seeds are deepened into the soil by 2-3 cm, the soil is regularly moistened, the pots are covered from moisture evaporation, and after 2-4 weeks sprouts appear, which are allowed to grow and rooted in separate cups. Gradually changing pots, seedlings are grown for 4-5 years until flowering. By this time young tree there should be larger dishes already, better wooden box with a bucket of fertile soil. Time will tell whether indoor figs will bear fruit. But even without fruit the tree is very impressive and will live up to 30 years.

Fertilizers for figs

During the growing season, both growing and mature plant needs organic feeding and... The compositions are alternated once every 2 weeks. The fig tree gratefully accepts mullein and a fermented infusion of herbs - nettle, dandelion, midge. Once per season you need to give the plant inkstone and a complex composition with microelements. Figs require potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. You can make them yourself from bags, in packaging for feeding seedlings of outdoor plants.

Pest and disease control

As for insect pests, you need to protect the tree from spider mites, or do 2 treatments every other week with the Actellik insecticide. It is difficult to control the pest without chemicals.

There is only one common fungal disease in figs – coral spot. A sign of infection is the appearance of a reddish rash on the stem. All areas with affected shoots must be removed. The sections are treated with copper-containing preparations, and watering is carried out with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing indoor figs - video

Growing figs in open ground in Ukraine is possible not only in the south of the country, but also in the Kharkov and Kyiv regions. This unpretentious plant belongs to the genus Ficus of the mulberry family. Grows in mountainous subtropical regions. It came to us from Asia Minor. In Crimea and the Carpathians, it is grown in open ground, without shelter for the winter. It is usually formed in the form of a bush, which reduces the likelihood of the skeletal branches freezing during harsh winters.

Growing figs in open ground in Ukraine is possible not only in the south of the country, but also in the Kharkov and Kyiv regions

Figs are planted in open ground in early spring, even before the buds open. If a plant with a closed root system is being planted, this can be done in the second half of May, when the threat of spring frosts has passed. Such a plant begins to grow almost immediately, so by autumn you can get a tree with a well-developed root system and several skeletal branches.

Depending on climatic conditions, use various ways planting figs in open ground. The northern regions are considered a risky zone for growing exotic plants, so it is advisable to place the bush in a hole for better shelter for the winter. In the Dnepropetrovsk region and further south, they prefer to shape figs on a trellis, following the example of grapes - with a four-armed cordon and with shelter for wintering.

The planting pit is prepared in advance and has dimensions of 50x50 cm and 60 cm in depth. A bucket of humus and 200 g of superphosphate are added to it. The nutrient mixture is mixed, distributed over the bottom of the hole and sprinkled with earth. The walls of the pit are lined with slate or other material that limits root growth. Then the seedling is installed and watered abundantly. After the water is absorbed, the hole is filled with soil and compacted. During the growing season, figs require abundant watering, so it is advisable to mulch the tree trunk circle with humus or other material. This will not only protect the soil from drying out, but will also act as additional fertilizing.

Depending on climatic conditions, various methods of planting figs in open ground are used.

Figs are planted in a sunny place, protected from winds and drafts. Periodic shading of the plant during daylight hours negatively affects fruiting. To protect from winds install protective screens or plant plants capable of performing this function.

To plant a mulberry tree in a hole, it is necessary to equip a depression of sufficient size and prepare a place for the plant in it. Its dimensions should ensure that the bush is freely positioned for wintering. The depth of the pit is about a meter. Usually 2 bushes are planted in one trench, and for wintering they are bent and tied to each other. Boards are laid on top and covered plastic film, to which for better insulation pour a layer of leaves, dry grass or straw at least 20 cm.

Frozen branches recover very quickly and produce a harvest this year.

Bush care

Figs are a deciduous, unpretentious plant that tolerates drought well. When grown in open ground, it easily tolerates frosts down to -20°C. Does not require special care. However, this does not mean that you can plant a plant and forget about it. Caring for figs when growing them in open ground involves correct landing, regular watering and fertilizing, crown formation and shelter for the winter.

For the first 2 years, the seedling does not need to be fed, as it will have enough useful substances introduced during planting. Starting from the third year, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are added to the tree trunk circle. From the 2nd half of summer, fertilizing with nitrogen is stopped, as it causes active growth of green mass and new shoots, which will not have time to ripen before the cold weather and will freeze in winter. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, which has a positive effect on the winter hardiness of the plant, as well as on the formation of fruit buds for next year's harvest.

Figs are a deciduous, unpretentious plant that tolerates drought well.

Regular abundant watering of both seedlings and mature bushes makes it easier to tolerate the heat. With a lack of moisture, the leaves become lethargic, turn yellow and fall off, and fruit ovaries do not develop and wither on the branches. In Ukraine, with its temperate climate, it is necessary to pour 30-40 liters of water per watering for each plant. Since the root system of figs is located near the surface (in the aerated soil layer), it is necessary to mulch tree trunk circles. This will provide oxygen access to the roots and avoid loosening the soil. To cover the soil under the plant, hay, peat, tree sawdust that does not contain resin, and compost are usually used. The mulch layer should be at least 5 cm.

During the period of crop ripening, the amount of moisture applied is reduced or irrigation is stopped altogether. Watering in the fall provokes the growth of young shoots, so they are not carried out at all. The plant will need enough atmospheric humidity. Figs are not susceptible to fungal or other diseases, so when used chemicals not necessary. Overripe fruits attract wasps, which can damage ripe ones. To do this, they must be collected periodically, preventing cracking.

During the period of crop ripening, the amount of moisture applied is reduced or irrigation is stopped altogether.

The crown begins to form from the second year. Growing plants covered for the winter in open ground does not imply that they have a high trunk. It is enough that it is no higher than 30-40 cm, and when forming it on a trellis - 10-15 cm. In late autumn (but before the onset of the first frost), thick old branches are cut out from the bushes, leaving several well-developed shoots of this year. They will form the next year's harvest.

Variety for the southern regions (video)

Indoor figs

Many lovers of exotic plants, if it is impossible to grow them in open ground, successfully grow a tree indoors. Figs are a light-loving plant, so best place to find it there will be a window facing the south or southeast side. IN winter time it can be placed on glassed balcony or in a room where the temperature does not drop below 5-7°C.

In the first 3 years, the plant is replanted every year. After 3 years - once every 3 years. This procedure is carried out in January or February, even before the kidneys begin to swell. For this they use flower pot with a diameter 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Transshipment of plants is carried out with a clod of earth. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Indoor figs develop more slowly than those growing in open ground, but they can begin to bear fruit in 2-3 years. If there are no fruits during this period, then the plant most likely does not have enough sun or moisture. Figs are fertilized 1-2 times a month during the growing season. To do this, use either nitroammophoska at the rate of 5 g per 1 liter of water, or complex fertilizer, according to instructions.

Many lovers of exotic plants, if it is impossible to grow them in open ground, successfully grow a tree indoors

At 6-7 years, the plant is usually transplanted into a large container (tub) and placed on permanent place. In indoor conditions, figs grow quickly, so the formation of the crown is one of the main conditions for abundant fruiting. Young shoots are pinched over 4-5 leaves. During the growing season, branches are not cut out, since the development of the root system, and therefore the nutrition of the entire plant, depends on the amount of green mass. Indoor figs bear fruit once a year and depend on the growing conditions.

The fruits are used for food not only as a delicacy, but also in medicinal purposes- for colds and vitamin deficiencies. Due to the high sugar content, it is not recommended for consumption by people who are sick. diabetes mellitus. Figs are eaten fresh, dried and dried, and made into jam. It is one of the most delicious dried fruits.