In a private house      04/22/2019

We grow honeysuckle honeysuckle. Decorative honeysuckle Honeysuckle: varieties, planting and care

One of its most famous variants is the decorative honeysuckle honeysuckle. Summer residents choose it because of a number of advantages:

  • fast growth;
  • decorative leaves;
  • unusual aroma of flowers;
  • elegant fruits.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - what kind of plant?

Previously, bouquets of honeysuckle flowers were given to a loved one - they symbolized fidelity and constancy. Now it's traditional garden plant, just like clematis and climbing roses, continues to occupy a place of honor in the garden.

Liana honeysuckle honeysuckle is especially common in the Caucasus, Southern and Central Europe. It blooms beautifully, meanders, reaching 4-6 meters in height. Young shoots are light green, and on the sunny side they have a purple-red hue. The leaves of the plant are bluish-gray below and dark green above. They save color scheme until late autumn, being one of the last to fall.

The flowers are up to 5 cm in length and are located in the axils of the fused upper leaves. The hue on the outside is purple or violet-red. The pleasant aroma, especially in the evening, attracts bees. One flower will delight the gardener’s eye for 3, maximum 4 days. In general, honeysuckle honeysuckle blooms within three weeks.

The fruits are orange-red in color and have small stalks. From the age of four the plant blooms and bears fruit. The growing season is from the first half of April to the end of September and beginning of October. Resistance to low temperatures is average. The lifespan of the plant is 50 years or more.

There are two varieties of honeysuckle honeysuckle:

  • Honeysuckle honeysuckle pauciflora - a small number of flowers of a pink-red hue.
  • Honeysuckle white honeysuckle - blooms 2 weeks faster than the previous one, the flowers are white.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Increase quantity decorative vines in the garden you can use:

  • By cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • By layering.

Honeysuckle cuttings

In early July, after flowering has completed, we cut cuttings with two internodes. We shorten the upper leaves on the cuttings, and cut off the lower ones.

Prepare the soil - mix peat, coarse sand and garden soil in a ratio of 2:2:1. We sow the seeds in a greenhouse, the distance between shoots is 20 cm. We water three times a day.

By the beginning of winter, we cover the shoots with peat, and in the spring we will be planting honeysuckle honeysuckle. To make the plant develop faster, when planting, plant the root collar a little deeper.

If the cuttings are immediately planted in the ground, without a greenhouse period, at best, half of them will germinate.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating a plant by seeds is a complex process. In addition, long-term storage leads to spoilage. Of those collected five years ago, only 6% germinate.

After the plant has finished flowering, collect the seeds. Remove the pulp, wash, dry and store at room temperature.

Before sowing, the seeds are stratified. In a ratio of 1:3, mix them with wet sand and put them in a cool place. You need to make sure the sand is wet.

We plant to a depth of 2 cm. Even with optimal temperature at 20 degrees they germinate very slowly.

In mid-April, we sow the seeds together with sand in open ground. It is advisable that the area be in the shade.

Caring for young plants is simple: water and weed regularly. In autumn we plant it in the desired place in the garden. To prevent young bushes from freezing, we mulch with peat in the first 2 years.

Reproduction by layering

The fastest and least labor-intensive method is rooting by layering. We cut the lower branch and dig the cut into the ground. We do this in the spring so that the cuttings take root, and at the end of autumn we remove them from the mother plant.

Selecting and preparing a site for honeysuckle honeysuckle

An area that is constantly illuminated by the sun is suitable for planting. Yes, you will have to water more, but numerous bright flowers will please the eye. In the shade the stems will be strong but have fewer flowers.

The area intended for planting is thoroughly loosened and moistened. Next we pull out planting pits or trenches. If planted in holes, honeysuckle honeysuckle will grow in the form of a bush, and the trench will help to obtain vertical gardening.

The hole for planting should have a diameter and depth of about 60 cm. It is recommended to place drainage in the form of broken bricks or crushed stone. Optimal for everyone seat add up to 300 g of lime and 80-100 g mineral fertilizers.

If planted and cared for correctly, the first shoots from the seeds will germinate by the end of May. In the first year they can reach up to 1.5-2 meters.

Fertilizer honeysuckle honeysuckle

The plant needs additional nutrients. Honeysuckle climbing honeysuckle best absorbs nitrogen, potassium and manure. But the last one must be at least 2-3 years old.

You can prepare peat compost with your own hands - a mass based on plant waste. It is added to the soil when planting.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle care

The plant loves moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to water up to three times a month, and more often in hot summers. To prevent moisture from evaporating, the ground is covered with leaves or humus. It is also recommended to water the crown. Don't use too much cold water, let it warm up during the day in the sun.

By mid-May we will make organic fertilizers- humus and compost. And from the beginning of summer to the end of July, two or three times organic and mineral fertilizing - NPK solution (30 g per bucket of water) and mullein infusion (1:10). The circles around the trunk need to be loosened and mulched with fallen leaves for the winter.

The most important thing for a vine is a strong support. The latter can be based on metal, wood, nylon mesh or cords. Young shoots should be directed to the support, evenly distributed over its area. Keep in mind that the plant stems twist counterclockwise. To prevent honeysuckle from continuing to grow in height, cut off the top. This will speed up the growth of side shoots.

The plant requires protection from frost for up to three years. To do this, we cover the bush with spruce branches and cover the base with dry leaves. Older plants overwinter well being in an upright position under the influence of strong winds and low temperatures. But covering the root won't hurt either.

In spring, honeysuckle begins to sprout new shoots and shoots. We look at which branches have died and cut them off. But do not rush to cut the plant at the root if you find several dry shoots.

In fact, identifying shriveled branches is not so easy. Buds on honeysuckle not only set late, but are also practically invisible for a long time. Therefore, there is no need to start pruning the plant immediately after the snow cover disappears. This way, you can use pruning shears to destroy healthy branches. Wait until the buds begin to sprout new shoots.

If not the entire twig is dry, then cut off only the dead part. A small haircut of a cosmetic nature is also allowed in the summer.

Important features of the plant

Over time, the shoots of the plant become woody and bare. This spoils the appearance of the entire plant. Therefore it needs to be trimmed. And about once every three years it is recommended to prune all shoots. After this, we feed the plant. The first year you will have to endure without bright color, but then it will become much thicker and more beautiful.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle does not respond well to transplants - so think carefully about where exactly you want to see the plant.

Do not plant the plant closer than 80 cm from the foundation. Honeysuckle has a powerful tap root system that destroys the foundation of the house.

As evidenced by numerous photos of honeysuckle honeysuckle, this a good option for decorative landscaping of low objects. The plant combines harmoniously with deciduous and coniferous shrubs.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a decorative blooming vines. Unlike edible honeysuckle its fruits are not used for food or medicinal purposes, but in matters of landscaping and decoration garden plot honeysuckle honeysuckle is the first assistant to flower growers and landscape designers.

Most often, honeysuckle honeysuckle is used as a hedge, planting plants along fences or surrounding gazebos to provide vertical gardening territories. Honeysuckle honeysuckle exudes a delicate, pleasant aroma, which is especially noticeable in the evenings.

The plant blooms in May-June. During this period, the branches of honeysuckle are covered with white-pink or white-yellow flowers, brighter on the outside, and shaped like a smaller copy of an orchid. Later, the plant produces fruits - small red berries, which also decorate the vine.

Features of growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

Planting and caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle does not contain anything complicated. To ensure proper growth, it needs to be provided with support - by wrapping around it, the vine will develop and stretch upward. The height to which a plant can rise is also directly proportional to the height of the support.

On average, honeysuckle honeysuckle produces about one meter of growth per year. Thus, within five years it can reach a height of 4-5 meters.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle: when and how best to plant the plant

For planting honeysuckle honeysuckle, the spring season is most preferable.

Liana buds are planted immediately on permanent place. The soil intended for planting must be thoroughly moistened and loosened. Experts do not recommend getting by with planting one bud; it is better to use them on a plot of 2-3, or even more. This approach will provide a more lush hedge, because it is from the buds that the long stems of the vines grow.

To plant buds in the ground, you need to dig a planting hole or a planting trench. The choice of one method or another depends on the desired end result. If you use hole planting, the grown plant will take the form of a bush, and trench planting is used for vertical gardening to create rows of honeysuckle.

To place honeysuckle honeysuckle in the garden, it is advisable to choose a place brightly lit by sunlight. In this case, the plant will please the eye abundant flowering. In a shaded place the stems will remain just as strong, but large quantity no flowers will appear.

Fertilizing the soil before planting

For the healthy development of the plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil by saturating it with fertilizers. Humus from manure, peat, microelements, and various organic and mineral fertilizers can be used as fertilizers. All this is put together and combined with the planting soil, after which honeysuckle buds are planted in the already prepared soil.

After proper planting in the spring, the first shoots will appear towards the end of May - beginning of June. They will already be quite long, and in the first year, subject to proper care, they can grow by up to 1.5-2 meters.

Feeding honeysuckle honeysuckle

Further care for honeysuckle honeysuckle involves periodic application of fertilizers. The liana especially favors nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, as well as 2-3-year-old humus. Honeysuckle will also respond positively to rotted plant fertilizers.

You can also prepare fertilizers yourself. To do this in compost pit Plant waste is accumulated and needs to be sprinkled with peat from time to time. In a year of such preparation you can get good peat compost.

Basic rules for caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle

Caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle does not require particularly close attention.

The plant tolerates temperatures well down to 40 degrees. Of course, in order to protect honeysuckle, it is better to cover it with spruce branches during severe frosts. If frostbitten branches do appear, they are identified and cut off in the spring. It is not worth removing all the stems of the vine before wintering - this will not allow it to sufficiently gain strength and grow. In the spring, during bud formation, a slight frost will also not harm the plant.

In summer, honeysuckle needs to be watered frequently and with plenty of water. However, an adult vine can easily do without watering for some time.

In addition to fertilizing, the soil must be mulched periodically. Mulching is designed not only to protect the soil and enrich it useful substances. This simple procedure performs several more important functions:

  • prevents the appearance of weeds;
  • retains moisture in the soil;
  • allows for less frequent loosening of the soil;
  • prevents pathogens from entering the soil with precipitation and during irrigation;
  • protects in summer upper layer soil from overheating;
  • in autumn and winter it protects the soil from freezing, weathering and excessive leaching.

Both organic (grass, straw, leaves, sawdust, paper, etc.) and inorganic (sand, gravel, fine stone, plastic, shredded rubber) materials can be used as mulch.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: methods of propagation

Most in a simple way Propagation of the honeysuckle vine is considered to be planting pre-germinated seeds. However, honeysuckle can be propagated in another way - by cuttings and layering.
When cuttings are taken, the propagation process can occur in spring, summer and late autumn.

For autumn cuttings, you need to choose healthy, strong shoots about 10-15 cm long. The shoots should have at least 4-5 eyes. Planting is done in loose, moist soil, the last eye is left above the ground. The top of the plot is mulched with leaves.

Summer cuttings begin at the end of July, when the plant fades. The stems are cut to such length that each has 2 internodes, the leaves from below are removed. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, closed from direct sun rays, at a short distance from each other - 15-25 cm. The rooting depth is 2-3 cm. The top of the greenhouse is covered with glass, which can be removed after new leaves appear. The soil is moistened several times a day. For wintering, honeysuckle cuttings are mulched with peat, and in the spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation by layering consists of digging the lower branches a little into the ground and then watering them abundantly. This is done in the spring so that the plant can take root over the summer. After wintering, new bushes are considered strong enough to be planted.

Propagation by seeds is a long process if you collect them yourself. Seed collection begins after flowering, at the end of July. Collected seeds washed and dried thoroughly, then stored in a dry place. In February, the seeds are sprinkled with damp sand and kept in the refrigerator for two months, after which they are sown in the soil. The seeds are germinated, providing them with watering and weeding from weeds. Replanting to a permanent location can be done in the fall or immediately after wintering.

Formation of honeysuckle bush honeysuckle

In order for the plant to be pleasing to the eye, it must not be neglected - left to its own devices, honeysuckle quickly loses its presentable appearance, turning into some kind of shapeless mass.

The most important condition for the correct formation of a vine is good support. In addition to beauty, it must be durable and tall enough. The material does not matter much - it can be metal, wood, nylon net, etc. The branches of the plant must be manually laid in the desired direction, distributing them over the surface.

After the plant has reached the desired height, the top is cut off, which gives impetus to the development of lateral stems.

Good afternoon

Today we’ll talk in detail about honeysuckle honeysuckle: correct landing and care with photographs of how to propagate honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is wonderful fragrant vine, blooms with beautiful soft pink or crimson flowers. Inflorescences unusual shape up to 5 cm in length. Often used for vertical wall decoration, you can hide unattractive structures in the garden. Or vice versa, decorate a gazebo or pergola.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very winter-hardy, winters well in Middle lane, in the Urals, in Siberia.

Growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

In nature, this vine is found in Central and Southern Europe and the Caucasus.

It has a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening. It is distinguished by the unusual sessile shape of flowers with protruding stamens, often differing in color from the petals. Flowers are collected in 5-6 pieces together and grow from the axils of the leaves.

The leaves are leathery, dense, bluish-gray below and dark green above, fused. The vine retains this color until late autumn.

It blooms briefly, but profusely for three to four weeks. Each flower lives for three days. Fragrant flowers attract many bees. After flowering, bright red berries are formed.

Attention! The berries are poisonous and should never be eaten.

Over the summer, honeysuckle shoots can grow up to two meters. Typically, the vine grows 1 meter per year. They winter well. Even if the shoots freeze slightly in harsh winters, they usually recover well.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can grow for more than 50 years and delight you with flowering and decorativeness; until winter, the leaves remain two-colored - bluish and green. At the same time, it reproduces very easily.


Honeysuckle does not really like transplanting, so you need to immediately choose a permanent place. She loves sunny places - it blooms better and more abundantly in the sun.

It is better to plant immediately near a support - the wall of a building, a fence. Or then build a pergola so that the vine can grow upward. It can stretch up to 5 meters in five years.

At the same time, it grows not only upward, but also in breadth. The shoots have many small roots that cling to surfaces. Therefore, the shoots take root easily.

The soil is dug well before planting and moistened. To cover large areas, you need to plant shoots with a large number of buds in a trench. This way many young shoots will grow.


As already mentioned, honeysuckle honeysuckle needs support, so you need to plant it near walls, fences, or build a support yourself. The higher the support, the taller the plant. In the garden they usually grow up to 4-5 meters.

You need to water regularly, honeysuckle loves water, and during drought, increase watering.

After planting and rooting, after 2-3 weeks the seedlings are watered with fertilizer. This could be an infusion of mullein with ash. Or a mixture of manure and mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are used when planting in spring. So that the plant has the nutrients to grow strongly in the summer. In the second half of summer they feed only ash or complex fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizers are no longer added.

You can immediately fill the hole with humus or well-rotted compost when planting. Adult plants are also periodically fed with humus, compost, ash or a mixture thereof. Then the plants will delight you with rapid growth and abundant flowering.

Honeysuckle can be affected by fungal diseases that become visible on the leaves. They turn brown, become covered with dark spots and dry out. For treatment and prevention you need to spray the bushes copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. Better in early spring To prevent diseases, carry out such spraying.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

This plant is propagated in different ways:

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings
  • By layering
  • Dividing the bush


This is a very long and difficult process. If you decide to propagate your vine by seeds, then you need to be patient. The seeds are very slow to germinate and must be stratified.

Collect seeds after flowering and seed ripening, in July. You can immediately sow them in the ground or put them in the refrigerator for storage. They are stored in damp sand. This is how seed stratification occurs. You need to keep the seeds moist at all times.

At direct sowing straight into the ground, seed stratification will take place in the ground in the spring.

Seeds from the refrigerator are sown in the spring along with sand in prepared beds. Waiting for shoots. Young seedlings need to be carefully weeded, watered, and loosened. Choose a shaded place for young seedlings so that the sun does not burn the young seedlings.

In autumn, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence. In the first years, young bushes need to be covered for the winter with a layer of mulch - humus, peat, leaves. After 2 years, the plant will have grown to 1.5-2 meters and will be able to winter on its own, without additional shelter.

Until the age of three, the vine can still freeze in very severe frosts, so if it is expected harsh winter, then it is better to cover the root part of the plant with spruce branches or peat.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are cut towards the end of flowering, in June-July. The cuttings should have 2-3 buds, the lower leaves are removed, and the upper leaves are shortened by half.

The soil for rooting is prepared specially. It should be loose and water and breathable. To do this, mix sand, humus, compost and garden soil in equal quantities.

For best result the cuttings are dipped in Kornevin powder and then planted in rows in prepared beds with a distance of 20 cm. Watered and covered with film or halves of plastic bottles— they make greenhouses.

You constantly need to ventilate and spray the cuttings (up to three times a day), then the percentage of rooted ones will be much higher. You need to do this for about a month, then new leaves will appear on the cuttings and you can remove all the coverings.

In winter, the cuttings are covered with peat or leaves to prevent them from freezing. In spring they are planted in a permanent place. To create more additional roots, you need to deepen the root collar a little when planting.

If you do not treat the cuttings with anything additional before planting, then 50% of the total amount will take root.

Rooting by layering

This is the easiest way to propagate honeysuckle, but you need to remember that only mature strong plants with many new shoots can be rooted this way.

You need to select a shoot near the ground, bend it down and pin it to the ground. Cover part of the shoot with soil and water it. If we do this in the spring, then by autumn we will have a new shoot with roots. You can separate it and plant it in a permanent place. Or you can leave the transplant until spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method is the same for all shrubs. You need to dig up the base of the bush and cut off part of the rhizome with branches with a sharp shovel. Then sprinkle the cut with coal, dry it and plant it in the prepared area.

You can dig up the entire bush and use a sharp shovel to divide it into parts. All cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal.

Spring pruning of honeysuckle, how to properly

The buds wake up late, so there is no need to rush to prune honeysuckle in the spring. Because you only need to trim damaged, frostbitten branches that will no longer produce new buds and shoots.

Therefore, we wait for the buds to appear and carefully trim off the excess shoots.

To stimulate the formation of side shoots, after the vine reaches the desired height, the crown of the main trunk is cut off.

Video about growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can delight you with a huge vine with fragrant flowers if you care for it correctly. It is quite unpretentious, grows well and is frost-resistant. It will perfectly decorate and decorate any buildings.

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Honeysuckle or Lonicera Caprifolium has been widely known since the 16th century. This plant, with charming pinkish-cream flowers and large green leaves, was known to almost all gardeners in Europe. Honeysuckle honeysuckle was one of the most popular climbing plants, used for landscaping gazebos, arches and walls of houses. She was loved mainly for her magnificent flowers and amazing, delicate aroma, intensifying in the evening, as well as for the abundant lush greenery of her foliage.

In Russia, honeysuckle honeysuckle gained popularity in the second half of the 19th century, when “German gazebos” came into fashion, which must certainly be entwined with honeysuckle honeysuckle for privacy, evening tea drinking or relaxation and enjoying a pleasant floral aroma. At first, honeysuckle honeysuckle was used by gardeners only in the southern provinces, but over time it took root in more northern ones.

Brief description of honeysuckle honeysuckle

The honeysuckle plant is a deciduous or evergreen, branched or climbing shrub, which during the flowering period is covered with large beautiful flowers collected in capitate inflorescences. Belongs to the honeysuckle plant family. Honeysuckle honeysuckle, belonging to the same family, is a vine with lush flowers and large green leaves. Young spring shoots have green color light in color, and older branches are covered with brownish-brown bark, which over time begins to peel off in strips. The support can rise to a height of six to seven meters. Under natural conditions, it can be found in southern Europe or the Caucasus. The very name honeysuckle in translation sounds like “goat leaf” - mountain goats love to feast on the young leaves of this honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle blooms in June with beautiful graceful flowers that have a peculiar tubular shape, with long, protruding stamens. The flowering period lasts almost until the end of June. The flowers are collected, as it were, in bunches, sitting tightly in the axils of fused leaves located in the upper part of the shoots. The flower size of this honeysuckle reaches five to six centimeters. The color of the flowers is unusual - inside they can be white or slightly yellowish, and outside they can be purple or even red-violet. During the day they emit a faint aroma, which becomes very strong in the evening - to attract moths that pollinate them.

The fruits - on short stalks of red or red-orange color with several seeds - are poisonous, popularly nicknamed " wolfberry" The leaves are opposite, round-oval, densely leathery, green above and slightly bluish below. The uppermost leaves of honeysuckle honeysuckle are fused in pairs at their bases

Beneficial properties of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is well known in folk medicine. Her flowers contain essential oils related to aphrodisiacs. Flowers are widely used in homeopathy in the form of alcohol essence. The smell of flowers of this type of honeysuckle is not only very pleasant, but also perfectly lifts your spirits.

In addition to its pleasant smell, honeysuckle has astringent, antiseptic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used as an antipyretic, expectorant, and diaphoretic for colds. Also is good remedy for healing serious wounds.

Flowers, leaves and stems are used as medicinal raw materials. The preparation of medicinal raw materials is done during the period of active flowering of honeysuckle honeysuckle. The berries are not used - they are poisonous and cause severe intestinal upset. Medicinal raw materials are dried, crushed and used in the form of decoctions or infusions. Used both internally and externally in the form of lotions and compresses.

Medicinal properties of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle has found its use in folk medicine for the treatment various diseases. The chemical composition of honeysuckle is still poorly understood, but healers know well medicinal properties This plant has been used to treat diseases for quite a long time.

The first mention of this dates back to the eleventh century.


Honeysuckle honeysuckle beautiful plant, preserving greenery until the depths of autumn. It is widely used as ornamental plant, but at the same time has magnificent medicinal properties. When using certain recipes at home, you must take into account the fact that chemical composition This type of honeysuckle has not been studied well enough.

When using honeysuckle as a medicine, you must strictly adhere to the recipe and recommendations for its use. In addition, you should not use berries - they are poisonous and can cause intestinal upset and severe vomiting. Before using honeysuckle honeysuckle for treatment, it would be more appropriate to consult your doctor.

This variety has a purely decorative function and serves only as a decoration for the site. A bush is a vine that gardeners use for various purposes to decorate a site. Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits are not edible and cannot be used as medicine, unlike berries of other varieties.

It is very convenient to plant the plant along fences. In this case, honeysuckle honeysuckle lashes form a lush hedge. You can also create a shady gazebo from them by surrounding a pre-prepared frame of supports with vines. And at the end of a summer day, the flowers of this plant will delight you with a subtle, refined aroma.

In late spring and early summer, honeysuckle honeysuckle begins to bloom luxuriantly. In this case, the bush is completely covered with yellowish or pinkish small flowers of heterogeneous color. They are somewhat reminiscent of orchids. The length of the flower can reach 5 centimeters. At its base there are fused sheets. Flowering lasts up to three weeks, while the life cycle of an individual flower does not exceed four days.

The deep orange berries appear after flowering ends. For the first time, honeysuckle honeysuckle will bloom and bear fruit when the bush reaches four years of age. Intensive growth continues from early April to mid-autumn. The plant tolerates cold quite well. An individual bush can live more than 50 years with proper care.

The following varieties of this plant are found:

  • few-flowered. It does not bloom too luxuriantly, covered with pinkish and red flowers;
  • white. The name of the variety indicates that the flowers of this honeysuckle honeysuckle are white.

Honeysuckle is bred using seeds, cuttings and layering.

To propagate by cuttings immediately after the plant has flowered, it is necessary to cut off cuttings that have 2 internodes. In this case, you need to leave only the upper leaves, cutting off the lower ones from the cuttings.

You need to plant in prepared soil. To do this, take garden soil (1 part), peat (2 parts), coarse sand (2 parts) and mix. The shoots must be planted in the greenhouse, maintaining a distance of 20 centimeters between them. Watering is required every three days.

Important! Before the onset of winter, the sprouts are covered with peat. In spring the cuttings are transferred to open ground. This is not done right away because in this case many shoots die.

Propagation by seeds

The situation is much more complicated with the cultivation of honeysuckle honeysuckle using seeds. The fact is that they cannot be stored for a long time, as this greatly reduces the percentage of their germination.

Seeds are collected for subsequent propagation during the fruiting period of the plant. The pulp is removed from the berries, the seeds are rinsed and dried. Then they are left for storage in a room with a temperature of +18-20°C. In the year when you plan to use the seeds for sowing, they must first be placed in wet sand and store for some time before planting in a cool room. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the moisture content of the sand.

The depth of sowing seeds in the ground should not exceed 2 centimeters. Planting is carried out immediately in open ground in the second half of April. It is better to choose the shady side of the site for this. The preferred temperature for normal seed germination is +20°C.

Important! When the sprouts appear, you need to organize timely watering for them. They also need to be weeded. The transfer to a permanent place is carried out in the fall. To protect against freezing, young plants must be protected with peat for 2 years after planting.

Reproduction by layering

The easiest way to get more honeysuckle bushes is to propagate by layering. To do this, one of the lower branches needs to be cut and rooted into the ground. The best season for this operation is spring.

Honeysuckle - propagation by layering

Until autumn, the shoot will give roots, and it can be separated from the main bush. It is advisable to transplant it immediately for permanent residence, since the plant really does not like to change places multiple times.

Step-by-step instructions for planting honeysuckle honeysuckle

The plant is preferably planted in spring. If everything is done correctly, it will delight you with shoots by the beginning of summer. By this time they may even have gained some length. Over the course of a year, under favorable circumstances, honeysuckle can gain more than 1.5 meters in height.

Table. How to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

The plant is very sensitive to the amount of light, so it is advisable to choose a well-lit place for planting. This affects the splendor of flowering. In the shade, honeysuckle honeysuckle does not please with its abundant color, giving only strong climbing branches of vines.

Before placing the shoots in their permanent places of residence, make depressions in the soil. In accordance with what the gardener wants to get in the end, he digs holes (for individual bushes) or trenches (for a green fence). Holes for individual plants are made up to 60 centimeters deep and the same in diameter. The bottom of the recesses is covered with crushed stone or fragments of bricks as drainage.

To avoid honeysuckle being affected by diseases, you need to carefully prepare the soil before planting. The soil is mixed with all kinds of fertilizers, both organic and mineral origin. Peat and manure have proven themselves best for these purposes. Then planting material Honeysuckle honeysuckle is transferred to the prepared soil.

Then you should thoroughly water the soil prepared for planting honeysuckle and loosen it.

Honeysuckle shoots must be immediately planted where the plants will live permanently. To get a good thick hedge, it is recommended to plant several buds in one place. It is believed that plants grown from buds grow best in length.

Features of care

A gardener who wants to get tall climbing bush honeysuckle honeysuckle, which gives abundant color, provides the plant with maximum comfortable conditions. The place where the liana lives should be well lit by the sun, and the groundwater should be low enough. Light soil includes sand, garden soil with turf and humus in the required quantities. The soil should not be acidic.

Important! It is advisable to maintain a moderate watering schedule when caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle. In spring, it is recommended to add humus to the soil. Dry summers require additional moistening of the foliage, as well as up to three fertilizations of the soil with mullein, which must be done before the middle of the season. The optimal composition for feeding the plant includes potassium, two- or three-year-old manure and nitrogen.

The soil in which honeysuckle honeysuckle is planted requires regular loosening, as well as mulching, which, while protecting the soil, provides it with nutrients.

Mulching is also carried out for the following purposes:

  • weed prevention;
  • retention of water in the soil;
  • eliminating the need for frequent loosening;
  • protecting the land from harmful microorganisms that enter there during irrigation or precipitation;
  • preventing overheating of the surface layer of the earth in the summer season and hypothermia in the winter.

The basis for mulching can be materials of organic origin, such as hay, leaves, sawdust etc. Mineral materials such as gravel, small pebbles, sand and the like can also be used.

After the honeysuckle branches take on a woody appearance, they begin to become bare. Suffering from this appearance creepers. The solution to the problem is pruning the shoots. At the same time, it is necessary to get rid of dry branches. It is acceptable to leave branches of an old plant on which the bark is slightly peeling.

Important! Honeysuckle honeysuckle requires constant measures to maintain the beautiful shape of the bushes. If this is not done, the plant begins to grow chaotically and lose its attractive appearance and decorative function.

In order for the formation of the bush to occur in the desired direction, care should be taken to create good support for it. This structure can be a decoration of the landscape in itself, but at the same time it must meet the requirements of stability, strength and the required height. The support can be made of either metal or wood. As the vine grows, its shoots need to be oriented along the support in the desired direction. Mature plant It is highly not recommended to move it from place to place, so before planting you need to prepare for the fact that the honeysuckle honeysuckle will be in the area allocated to it for many years.

To prevent the strong roots of the plant from destroying the foundation of the building, you should maintain at least an 80-centimeter distance from the house when planting the plant.

Most varieties of honeysuckle are self-sterile. It is advisable to plant at least two in the garden different varieties blooming at the same time

Disease Prevention

Creating beauty on personal plot, this plant, like its fellows, is susceptible to disease and invasion of harmful insects. To avoid the latter from destroying the living fence, the following principles of care must be adhered to.

  1. Pests that traditionally attack plant leaves, such as aphids and insect larvae, do not like it when potassium and phosphorus are found in the liquid media of the plant. Irrigation of honeysuckle bushes with a mixture of lime and will help provide these substances. You can also include a little ash in the composition.
  2. Harmful insects will not settle on the plant in winter if you spray around a composition that includes before dropping the leaves.
  3. In summer, regularly treat honeysuckle bushes with insecticides.

This plant retains its excellent appearance if you carefully monitor its health, destroy harmful insects in a timely manner, prevent other diseases, and also take care of the formation of a beautiful crown.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a wonderful way to decorate the landscape of a garden plot. Thanks to it, you can control light and shadow, zone space and create recreation areas and living fences from lashes.

Video - Honeysuckle honeysuckle. How to design a beautiful bush?