Well      03/30/2019

What are girlish grapes: how to grow them at home? Maiden grapes - planting and caring for this decorative vine

Country house, Vacation home, rural property - everywhere there are buildings that are not pleasing to the eye. The rapidly growing decorative vine of virgin grapes will help to drape an old barn, decorate the veranda and facade with greenery. Planting and caring for the plant is simple, and the decoration effect is exceptional.

Getting to know the girl's grapes

A decorative vine from the grape family can create any composition. Its vines stretch up to 20 meters, with an annual growth of 2-3 meters. Rough, tenacious tendrils find any unevenness and pull the shoot close to the support. Along vertical stones, wooden surfaces The vine rises on its own, as can be seen in the photo. The girl's grape grows over the years and covers the wall with a carpet of very beautiful leaves with five lobes, extending on long petioles.

Bright green, never diseased leaves create a carpet on any surface. In autumn this landscape turns purple and remains so until late autumn leaves will not fall off. The branches bear small blue berries that resemble grapes, but they are inedible. They can remain in the winter as a treat for birds.

The birthplace of this amazing plant is North America, East Asia. It began to be used for decoration in 1622. Five-leaf grapes and their ivy-shaped form are cultivated. Use girl's grapes V landscape design can be recommended for many reasons:

  • the culture is winter-hardy and does not require shelter for the winter;
  • the plant does not get sick and does not become food for pests;
  • grapes are undemanding to soil and location;
  • decorative and grows quickly;
  • easy to reproduce.

Who can be indifferent to the photo of girlish grapes in landscape design, the photo was taken 4 years after planting the cuttings.

The plant is used to create a chain-link mesh. Cover with the help of a fast-growing vine. The constant decorativeness of the plant is of great importance. It does not need to be treated against pests, which means it does not harm the environment. Its branches safely withstand any frost, and in the spring the created composition comes to life and delights with young, fresh greenery. Caring for the plant consists of regular pruning, after which there are more leaves and the carpet is denser. Fairy tale characters live in parks if skillful hand the artist was able to create a frame for the plant. The photo of girlish grapes in landscape design in this picture is unlikely to leave the gardener indifferent.

Maiden grapes do not need special support. All he needs is the roughness of the walls and the ability to create a hold. The liana clings to adventitious roots and is a climbing plant.

Propagation of virgin grapes

Choosing a landing site is easy. The liana will grow in any degree of shade. But if the maiden grape grows on the north side, then there will be no purple autumn leaves. In autumn the leaf will remain green until dropped. The liana grows better in a lighted place. When planting a plant, you should know that the adventitious roots are attached to the surface so firmly that it is impossible to tear off the branch without causing injury to it.

Maiden five-leaf grapes propagate easily. Several methods are used, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

From breeding experience, the fastest way to propagate in summer with good survival rate is with a whip, which you borrow from your neighbors. A whip laid in a watered, shallow groove in the ground with the crown raised will definitely take root. There are other ways of laying them so as to form waves, with one bud in the ground and one on the surface. You will get rooting in several places with layering. However, receiving a living seedling directly from a bush will happen even faster. To do this, you should place a two-year-old layer in the ground, strengthen it there, and until rooting it will feed from the mother plant.

During the rooting of the green vine, the soil must be moist. It would be useful to cover the soil from drying out with geotextiles so that the air exchange on the surface of the hole is not disturbed.

Propagation of virgin grapes by cuttings is possible immediately, using freshly cut material as thick as a pencil. In this case, the petiole should have 5 buds, three of which go deeper. Constantly moist soil and covering the top from the sun's rays will ensure 100% survival rate of the plant. Growing vines from cuttings can be done at any time warm season. If it is not possible to get planting material, it can be purchased.

Unpretentious plants quickly take root and begin to grow. However, to root a weak plant, you need to create good conditions at first:

  • a week before planting, dig up the soil and remove weeds;
  • dig a hole 50 cm deep, create drainage, and a sand cushion on top;
  • The top layer of fertile soil should be from garden soil, compost with the addition of sand.

The main pruning with formation is done after the sap flow stops in autumn or early spring on a dormant bush. Pruning is done to the bud, leaving a stump of no more than 0.5 cm, so that knots do not disturb the decorative effect.

Liana propagation by seeds is almost never used. Seeds must undergo stratification for one and a half months at a temperature of 5 0. Shoots will appear in a month. The seeds remain viable for only one year. Autumn sowing is also possible. But in this case, the seeds will germinate in a year.

Points to consider when growing virgin grapes

You should not place the vine where it is necessary to cover a dilapidated structure. A rapidly growing plant weighs down the structure and it may fall. If the wall is plastered, the plant may tear out a piece and fall with it. Therefore, the wall must be monolithic, brick, concrete or wood. It’s good when the support is framed. Chain-link mesh and reinforcement are perfect.

If the plant is planned to be put on the roof, then it should not be tiled or slate - the vine will break or lower the sheets. The branches will entwine all the bumps that come along the way, whether it’s an antenna or chimney. Therefore, the formation of a crown will give the object a neat appearance and prevent the plant from entering restricted parts of the structure.

By creating beauty with the participation of various ornamental plants, the gardener gains not only pride in his well-kept garden and artistic taste. Maiden grapes tend to kill some fungi and bacteria. The microclimate in a house entwined with vines will become more pleasant, as the heating of the room in summer is regulated. The liana becomes a barrier to the sun's rays and on a hot afternoon the house is cool.

The statement that the facade of the house is not ventilated under the cover of greenery is not confirmed. Leaves protect the walls from slanting rain. But we should not forget about the sucker roots, which take up moisture. Therefore, using maiden grapes to decorate an estate in combination with other plants will create a unique look.

The ability of vines to tolerate winter conditions without additional shelter is attractive. In particularly frosty regions, experts advise that during the first years young plants should be slightly insulated by covering them with a protective film.

Useful and beautiful girlish grapes - video

Maiden grapes, planting and caring for which will require minimal effort from the owner of the site, are indispensable in landscape design. The lush beauty of vines was appreciated by the ancient Assyrians. Long before our era, they were used to create one of the “wonders of the world” - a beautiful oasis that appeared as if by magic on a sandy plain - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

The fruits of virgin grapes are unsuitable for food, but they have many other advantages. It is unpretentious, grows quickly, hiding any building behind a luxurious living carpet of unusual palmately compound leaves. 2-3 years will pass, and this perennial vine will completely entwine a high wall or gazebo, giving coolness and pleasing the eye with lush greenery. Even a dilapidated building entwined with it will become original decoration plot. A plant planted along the fence will also look impressive.

Subtleties of generative reproduction

Maiden grapes are propagated in several ways. You can grow a vine in different ways:

  • from seeds;
  • using layering;
  • digging up root shoots;
  • cutting cuttings from the mother bush.

The generative method of crop propagation is popular among gardeners because of its simplicity and high efficiency. Its only drawback is that the vine will take longer to develop than with cuttings or planting layering. But if there is nowhere to get them, getting wild grapes from seeds is not difficult.

Spring and autumn are suitable for sowing. Seeds are placed in open ground, pre-soaking them to increase germination. They need loose soil. They are sprinkled with a small (maximum 1 cm thick) layer of soil. If the sowing of virgin grape seeds is planned in the spring, they are stratified. This procedure is not difficult. First, the planting material is dipped in cold water, where they stand for 1-5 hours. Next, the seeds are laid out on the surface of the moistened substrate, and the container with them is placed in the refrigerator. They will be ready for sowing in a month.

other methods

To propagate decorative grapes by layering, choose a long vine with many buds. Having dug a shallow (5 cm) trench, place the shoot in it. The vine layer has a wavy shape. You need to plant it, leaving some of the bends underground, and some above its surface. The shoot located in the soil is pinned. You can use a straightened paper clip or wire for this. The planted grapes are watered abundantly.

A method is also practiced in which they take shorter layers. It is placed in a well-moistened trench and carefully covered with soil. The top of the layer should protrude 10-15 cm from the ground. A support is placed next to it so that the shoot grows correctly.

Many summer residents propagate wild grapes using cuttings. This procedure will be the same successful spring and in autumn. The thickness of the cuttings should be as thick as a pencil. The branches are cut so that each has 4-5 live buds. They are then placed in well-watered soil. After planting, 2 buds should remain above the ground. With regular watering, cuttings take root quickly. If the place is sunny, they will have to be sheltered from the scorching rays at midday. Shading can be made permanent by removing it when the cuttings produce young shoots.

An adult bush of maiden grapes forms a lot of basal shoots. It is easy to propagate a vine with the help of such offspring. They are carefully dug up and planted in a new place. When they grow up and their root system is well developed, they are placed in a permanent area. Most often this is an area along a fence or near the walls of buildings.

Lighting and soil quality

You can plant girlish grapes anywhere. The liana grows well on the north and south sides. But the color of its leaves will be different. Maiden grapes love light. If the plant has enough sunlight, by autumn its leaves will turn into rich shades: orange, scarlet, crimson, purple.

When planting grapes on the north side, you should not expect such brightness from them. It will be green until it flies around. In the shade, the growth of the vine slows down, and its leaves become smaller. Lack of light often negatively affects the flowering of a plant; it may not occur.

Ornamental grapes are undemanding in terms of soil quality. It can grow on any type of cultivated soil, but in dry and depleted soil the development of the vine will slow down. If the soil on the site is slightly saline, this will not interfere with its planting. Experts believe that the best time for growing virgin grapes is in September and lasts until the beginning of October. But spring planting is also widely practiced.

Site preparation

Prepare a site for vines at the dacha in advance - at least a week in advance. The soil is weeded and planting holes 0.5-0.6 m deep are dug. 1 m of free space is left between them.

So that over time the virgin grapes cover the soil with a continuous carpet, the holes are made closer - at a distance of 0.6 m. 2-4 seedlings are placed in each of them.

Add 1 bucket of compost and sand to the soil removed from the holes.

Fertilizers are also applied to the pit itself. Can be used wood ash(1 l) or double superphosphate(300-400 g). Good drainage is required for virgin grapes. The following materials are placed at the bottom of the pit:

  • crushed stone;
  • pebbles;
  • expanded clay;
  • broken brick.

Small pieces of slate or boards are placed on top of the drainage layer. A little prepared substrate is poured into the hole, the seedling is lowered onto it and, carefully spreading its roots in all directions, the hole is filled to the top with soil. The root collar of the plant should remain level with the soil surface. Then a watering hole is made around it, the soil is abundantly moistened and mulched. It is better to use dry leaves, straw or pieces of tree bark for this.

There is another way to prepare landing pit. Having placed the drainage at the bottom, pour sand into it in a layer of 20 cm. Then the hole is filled with a mixture of three components:

  • leaf soil (2 parts);
  • compost (2 parts);
  • sand (1 part).

Planting care

The maiden grapes in the country will grow on their own; it is impossible to destroy this vine, even if you care for it irregularly. All it needs is rare watering and pruning of excess shoots.

But if you spend a little more time caring for the plant, its lush beauty will be the best reward for your efforts.

Water wild grapes sparingly. During the season, 3-4 moistenings are carried out, spending 10 liters of water on each vine. If the summer is hot and dry, you will have to water the plantings more often. The condition of the soil will serve as a guide here; it should not dry out completely. In the first days of June, watering is combined with fertilizing. Suitable as a fertilizer. During the period of intensive growth of vines, complex mineral compositions are added.

Plantings are promptly cleared of weeds. The soil is periodically loosened. If the roots of the vine are exposed, add soil. It is better to mulch the tree trunk circles with organic matter. Its layer should be thick - about 6 cm. With the arrival of autumn, the mulch is renewed, embedding the old one into the ground. Can be used:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • compost.

Wild grapes do not require shelter for the winter. Most of its varieties are frost-resistant. But even if the lashes suffer from the cold, the vine will retain its decorative appearance, producing new branches from replacement buds. In early spring While the girl's grapes are still dormant, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing frozen ends of the shoots, dry, weakened, injured and too long branches. If the bushes are not formed, they will quickly grow upward and wider, displacing other crops from the site.

Maiden grapes are not affected by diseases and pests. Sometimes its young shoots attract aphids. It is practically harmless to the plant. They get rid of it by watering the lashes with a strong pressure of water from a hose or spraying them with prepared laundry soap and alcohol solution. If these remedies do not help, the aphids will be destroyed by special preparations with an insecticidal effect. They are used according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Little secrets

Supports are installed for young grape bushes. The shoots can be tied up to direct their growth in the desired direction. Adult vines will need reliable support. They will remain in the same place for years, so the question of what will provide it - the walls of the house, a gazebo or part of the fence - must be decided in advance. The roots of virgin grapes are powerful; they can cause harm not only to neighboring plants, but also to the foundation. To prevent this from happening, the vines are planted at a distance of 2-3 m from the wall. They can cling to supports connected to the house.

If the girl's grapes at the dacha need to hide a fence underneath, it is better to place its bushes closer to each other. This way they quickly form a continuous carpet. But if the vine has already been planted and the distance between neighboring bushes is significant, this is also not a problem. To do " living wall» more dense, after 1.5-2 years it will be enough to simply root the cuttings. And you can plant cuttings in the “voids” even earlier.

The length of the vines can be several times greater than the height of the fence. To ensure that their branches beautifully cover the fence, they are regularly pruned to form bushes. Landscape designers also offer this option: allow the shoots to hang freely over the fence, weave along the soil and take root outside the site. This way they form an unusual wavy-shaped hedge.

Maiden grapes, which are easy to grow even from seeds, will decorate any cottage. Planting it will effectively mask all the imperfections of the site and give the buildings a unique charm. In the summer, the vertical carpets formed by its lush greenery will delight the eye, and closer to autumn they will turn yellow and crimson, coloring the garden bright colors, giving it comfort and setting the owners in a romantic mood.

High decorativeness is not the only advantage of girlish grapes. Its vines will retain moisture in the area, protect from the scorching sun and gusty winds, become a reliable barrier to dust and noise, and eliminate dampness in the room and near the foundation. In the summer, the walls of residential buildings hidden under vines are not afraid of overheating and rain, and from late autumn to early spring, when the leaves fall off the grapes, they will be well ventilated.

And yet, some gardeners are wary of the plant. Its vigorous shoots can be destructive, clogging gutters or crawling under shingles and slates. Uncontrolled growth of the vine can lead to it hiding the windows underneath, making the house dark. But this is easy to avoid; it is enough to monitor the plantings, promptly cutting off the lashes that are too long and stretch in the forbidden direction.

Climbing plants can be wonderful decorations for the garden. They perfectly decorate old buildings, walls and gazebos, create comfort and attractive shade in extreme heat. So, one of the most common vines for growing is about personal plot is a girl's grape. This plant is also known as wild grape; it does not produce edible fruit and is popular in landscape design. Let's find out how to grow virgin grapes from seeds on your site, how to plant such a plant, and what kind of care it needs.

Girlish grapes, like ornamental plant for the garden, has many advantages. This plant remains attractive appearance throughout almost the entire growing season, it is frost-resistant and completely unpretentious to the characteristics of the soil and lighting. This crop grows very quickly, does not require systematic fertilization and is practically incapable of suffering from diseases and pest attacks.

In the photo there are girlish grapes

Growing grapes

This plant is most often propagated by cuttings or layering. But growing virgin grapes from seeds can also be very effective. It's quite long, but at the same time exciting activity. Seeds can be planted in different time years, placing them immediately in open ground. It must be remembered that planting material almost never germinates completely; many seeds are empty. Best time for sowing - early spring or mid-autumn.

A month and a half before the spring sowing of seeds, it is worth subjecting them to mandatory stratification. To do this, you need to cover them with wet sand and send them to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator - among the vegetables, where the temperature is maintained at five degrees.

The sowing of virgin grape seeds is carried out in loose soil, the planting material is embedded in the soil one centimeter deep. The first shoots appear in about a month.

Readers of “Popular about Health” can avoid the need for stratification when sowing grape seeds in boxes in the fall. During the winter, they can be stored in a snowdrift or under a layer of fallen leaves. This method is one of the options for winter sowing.

Growing young plants must be periodically moistened so that the soil does not dry out. But at the same time, it is necessary to eliminate excess soil moisture. You also need to remove weeds and carefully loosen the soil. For the winter, it would be a good idea to cover the seedlings with spruce branches.

Planting girlish grapes in the ground

For successful cultivation For girlish grapes, you need to choose the right place for such a plant. In general, it can grow successfully in partial shade, in the shade, and in the sun. But in bright light its leaves have a rich orange or purple color, and in the shade they are rich green. When grown in sunny areas, virgin grapes grow faster, their leaves look more lush and larger.
It is best to use cultivated and loosened soil for such a plant. Soil fertility does not matter important role.

About a week before planting grape seedlings, it is worth digging up the area for a future event. You should also consider laying drainage to a depth of fifty to sixty centimeters. The best option drainage will be expanded clay or broken brick. It is also worth building a sand layer of twenty centimeters.

To plant grapes, you need to combine two parts of leaf soil, the same amount of compost and one part of sand. Fill the hole with this mixture.

The cuttings must be planted in the ground at an angle. It should be sprinkled with the rest of the soil mixture, and a hole should be formed near the plant. After this, the soil needs to be watered thoroughly. It is also worth building a support for the plant or tying a wire - after all, the grapes will need to climb up. If the seedling was planted near the house, then it does not need a garter. At the tip of the antennae of the maiden grape there are many suckers with which it clings to the walls.

Features of caring for girlish grapes

This garden plant completely unpretentious. It only needs to be watered occasionally during drought and periodically remove excess vines. If you want to grow a particularly attractive vine from a girl’s grape, spend a little more time on it.

Such a plant can be watered literally three to four times over the entire season. About ten liters of water are usually used for each grape. In extreme heat, watering is carried out a little more often so that the soil does not dry out. In early June, during moistening, it is worth adding nitroammophoska under the vine, and at the stage active growth– solution complex fertilizer.

It is also a good idea to periodically remove weeds near the plant, carefully loosen the soil and add more if the roots are exposed. Many experienced gardeners recommend mulching trunk circle using peat, compost or humus. The optimal layer of mulch is six centimeters. In the fall, the mulch should be embedded in the soil and a new layer should be added immediately.

In the spring, even before active growth begins, it is necessary to prune the plant: remove frozen tips of branches, cut off dried, weak and injured shoots. Also remove those stems that have grown extra.

In fact, seed growing growing wild grapes will not be particularly difficult even for novice gardeners. It is very decorative and unpretentious plant that can decorate a garden.

Ornamental grapes are a plant that is often and successfully used in landscape design. After all, a cozy gazebo, completely covered with green wicker foliage, is a true salvation on a hot summer afternoon from the scorching sun. And the stepped terraces entwined with grapes are an echo of the fashion for this plant, introduced by the rulers of past centuries.

In nature, decorative grapes have become widespread in the territory North America, and it was cultivated by the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland back in 1622. It was from that time that the decorative vine firmly occupied its niche in the garden plots all over the world.

In cultural gardening, there are 3 types of ornamental grapes:

  • triacute ivy-shaped;
  • attached;
  • maiden five-leaved (virginian).

Decorative grapes as a component of landscape design

Lush, rich greenery, giving a refreshing coolness and requiring virtually no maintenance, with proper human intervention can create unique, bizarre shapes and unexpected original solutions. And all this with minimal investment of labor and costs.

The second name for decorative grapes is “maiden” or “virgin ivy”. This is explained very simply: they do not require pollination to form seeds. Maiden grapes in landscape design - effective remedy to hide an unsightly facade of a house or to disguise an old barn. This is an excellent plant for forming a “hedge”: green, continuous, original, perennial. However, there is also back side medals: this is what many people think experienced gardeners, can destroy the foundation, and the buildings themselves as well.

Ornamental benefits of growing

Decorative (or five-leaf) grapes have a lot of advantages:

  • looks attractive and original;
  • able to grow on any type of soil;
  • actively growing (up to 2-3 meters per year), it forms a dense green curtain;
  • grows both in sunny areas and in the shade;
  • is content with even a small piece of land;
  • easy to reproduce;
  • resistant to diseases and pests;
  • protects the walls of the building from wind, overheating, rain, dust.

Disadvantages of ornamental grapes

The ability to grow quickly and actively can also be attributed to the disadvantages of this plant.

Maiden grapes (photo above), growing near the building, can easily send their powerful shoots under the slate on the roof or penetrate and clog the gutter. In any case, for the owners of the site this means certain destruction and material costs. Curvy climbing vines when they grow, they completely cover the windows in the room, creating complete darkness. Such inconveniences can be easily overcome if you control the growth of ornamental grapes and promptly shorten excess shoots.

No less important issue is the root system of the plant. Capturing underground space, it easily spreads in all directions and causes great harm cultures encountered along the way. Even weeds under such a vine grow in small quantities or do not grow at all. It is also worth taking into account that decorative grapes come to life in the spring somewhat later than other plants and long time presents a sad spectacle of tangled, bare branches.

Location of decorative grapes

Decorative grapes planted on the south side of the house look very nice. IN autumn period it turns into crimson, red, orange, purple tones and forms picturesque bluish-black berry clusters (unfortunately, inedible). A plant planted on the north side looks different and pleases the eye with dark green foliage until the onset of cold weather. In addition, in well-lit areas, the leaves of the plant are larger and the colors are more picturesque.

Decorative and care

Ornamental grapes are unpretentious in care. It is enough to trim unnecessary lashes in a timely manner and occasionally water the plant. Water consumption for each bush is about 10 liters. In dry, hot weather, the moisture supply must be increased. You can simultaneously fertilize the plant with nitroammophos or complex preparations, to which the vine will respond with active, lush growth. During the summer, it is recommended to remove, loosen the soil and hill up when the roots are exposed. It is beneficial for the plant to mulch the soil with peat or humus, which makes up a 6-centimeter layer.

With the arrival of spring, decorative grapes need to remove frozen branch tips, weakened and dried branches, as well as shoots that have grown outside the area designated for the plant.

Stages of planting decorative grapes

Growing decorative grapes on your own plot is not particularly difficult. To plant, just stick the cutting into the ground and water it. And then just have time to monitor the growth of the plant and control it. If you still want to plant decorative grapes according to all the rules, then you need to:

  • dig a hole of the appropriate size for the cutting;
  • mix the soil with sand and compost;
  • lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole;
  • pour some of the soil mixture on top;
  • place the cutting in the hole;
  • cover with the remaining soil;
  • form an irrigation hole;
  • Water the cutting well.

For the planted plant, you can make a support or tie a wire, thus directing the growth of the grapes in the desired direction.

In the absence of support, the girl's grapes (photo) will grow with the help of suction cups at the ends of the tendrils, clinging to the slightest roughness on the walls.

Methods of propagation of ornamental grapes

Cuttings (twigs with 4-5 healthy buds) intended for propagation of ornamental grapes can be cut at any time. Ornamental grapes can also be propagated by seeds, provided the plant is fully ripened, or by layering by burying them horizontally in the soil, leaving the tops with buds above the ground. It turns out: one wave is in the soil, another is above it, and so on. The whip, located in the ground, can be attached with an unbent paper clip or a regular hairpin.

It is very convenient to propagate decorative grapes by root suckers. They are quite easily removed from the ground and planted in a new place for growing. Then the virgin grapes, the seedlings of which are already well rooted, need to be planted on permanent place growth in pre-prepared pits. The distance between plants is at least 1 meter.

Ornamental grapes can be planted in spring and autumn: the plant takes root equally well. You don’t need to cover it for the winter: it is quite frost-resistant. When frozen, it recovers very quickly due to dormant buds.

" Grape

Among the current trends in landscape design of personal plots, hedges remain popular. The object with girlish grapes weaving along the supports looks most harmonious. And although the berries are not valuable, the intensively developing vine becomes a real decoration of the yard. In this review you will get acquainted with the description of the varieties of this plant, how and where to plant it and the features of care.

Maiden grapes belong to perennial crops of the grape family, a tree-like vine native to North America. All over the world, the plant is used as decoration in the design of the landscape of private households, parks, playgrounds, etc.

The stem and branches develop quite quickly, reaching a length of 20 or even 30 m. During the first year after planting, the young shoot increases in size to 5 m.

The plant translated from Latin language means "virgin ivy". Maiden grapes got their name due to their ability to form fruits without pollination.

Brief description of the culture:

  • corymbose inflorescences, small size yellow-green color;
  • there are on the vine antennae with 5-8 branches, with the help of them the whip clings when spreading vertically;
  • palmate compound leaves of 5 leaves, color from rich green to red shades;
  • fruits 5-7 mm dark blue in diameter (inedible for humans due to the content of oxalic acid);
  • flowering period- end of spring.

The berries of the plant are used as bird feed.

Differences from other species

This type of grape differs from table and wine varieties in its decorative properties. Liana is used mainly for landscape design, both for private households and city parks. The culture gained its popularity due to the following advantageous qualities:

  • decorative characteristics;
  • high resistance to various diseases and insect attacks;
  • ease of care;
  • accessible methods of reproduction;
  • intensive development of the whip;
  • hypoallergenic shrub;
  • phytoncidal properties of the plant.

When using the crop as a hedge or for zoning The space on the site is protected from gases and dust coming from the streets.

Anyone who decides to grow virgin grapes on their plot needs to take into account the peculiarities of the plant. It consists in the intensive development of branches, which requires regular care: garters, pruning, bush formation. Otherwise, a mop of unkempt appearance will entwine cultivated plants and all the buildings.

The most popular varieties

Among the most popular varieties, two varieties of virgin grapes stand out, which are most often used for landscape decoration.

Virgin (five-leaf)

The five-leaf plant reaches a branch length of up to 20 m and is characterized by green foliage that acquires a reddish tint closer to autumn. Young shoots grow up to 2.5 m in the first year of life, as it crawls, clinging to everything it can with its antennae and suction cups. The leaves look similar to chestnut greens. July comes abundant flowering bushes, they are densely covered with inconspicuous small flowers of yellow-green color. Already in the first ten days of August, small clusters of dark blue berries can be seen on the branches of the vine, which often become a delicacy for birds.

The Virginia variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in care and the ability to actively develop even on devastated soils and in the shade.

Ivy-shaped (triacute)

The variety got its name due to the similarity of the leaves to ivy greens. The culture is very widely used as decoration in Asian countries: Korea, China, Japan. The color of the leaves depends on the variety. The golden vine is characterized by the presence of yellow spots on the green surface, the purple subspecies has a dark burgundy coating, and the Vicha grape is distinguished by small glossy leaves Green colour, which acquire a bright orange color by autumn. Thanks to its magical transformation and unique beauty, Vicha is in greatest demand among designers and gardeners.

Planting in open ground in spring and autumn

There are no specific dates for planting virgin grapes, since the plant adapts perfectly under any conditions except frost. The most favorable periods for good survival of shoots are considered to be autumn (September, October) and spring (April, May). The landing process itself climbing plant It's better to plan for the morning or evening, when Sun rays not so active.

You won’t have to choose a place for a bush for a long time; the crop develops well regardless of intensity sunlight. It’s good if the soil is fertile, but even on difficult soils where there are layers of clay, the root system will strengthen and grow without much effort.

It is necessary to prepare a hole for the seedling with parameters of 60x60 cm. Place broken bricks or crushed stone for drainage. The next layer is sand (at least 20 cm), and then a soil mixture of the following components:

  • half a bucket of fertile garden soil;
  • half a bucket of compost or humus;
  • half a bucket of peat;
  • a glass of wood ash.

If the soil is dense, you can lighten it with river sand.

When determining the location of holes between plantings, it is recommended to observe an interval of at least 80 cm between plants and 1 m from the foundation of the building.

After filling the seedling with soil, water the bush generously.

Features of care, preparation for winter

At first, it is necessary to regularly water the young shoot. Mature plant moisturize no more than 3-4 times per season. Its unpretentiousness to moisture is explained by the deep penetration of root shoots into the soil, where it consumes natural water reserves.

Regular care is required for the formation of the bush itself. The plant needs to be pruned, and also needs pruning, garters, and installation of supports to guide the weaving of branches. However, it is worth considering that only young seedlings need a garter when the tendrils have not yet developed enough to firmly attach to surfaces.

The first year of a seedling's life is characterized by rooting and the beginning of growth of the vine. The immune system is not sufficiently strengthened in such a short time, so gardeners advise covering young crops for the winter to prevent freezing.

To stimulate the development of branching parts and foliage, it is recommended to periodically (2-3 times per season) apply fertilizer to the soil. The most simple option Watering with a solution of wood ash is considered. You can also use potassium magnesia, nitroammophoska, and aquamarine.

Maiden grapes tend to gradually rise in the soil and expose the rhizome. If you notice that the roots of the plant begin to protrude above the ground, be sure to add fresh soil and lightly hill up the vine. This procedure is usually carried out in the fall, as part of preparing the garden for winter.

Rules for propagation of ornamental grapes

Ornamental grapes are propagated in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • using layering;
  • cuttings.


The process of growing a shoot from seed takes quite a long time. In spring or autumn (October), grains that have been previously hardened and soaked are immersed in a container with loose soil. The immersion depth is 1 cm. A film is covered over the container and until the shoots germinate, temperature regime no more than 5°. After about a month, the first shoots will appear, and when they reach a height of 10 cm, the sprouts should be transplanted into open ground, if the transplant occurs in the spring, or into a separate pot for further wintering.

By layering

The plant reproduces very willingly and actively by layering. To do this, you should select branches that are approximately 2-3 years old. Having pressed them to the ground, you need to sprinkle soil in the place where the shoot is planned to take root. Secure the top vertically with a garter or support. During the first days, watering and absence of drafts are important. The roots form very quickly; after a month you can observe a well-developed root system. After rooting the cuttings, the junction of the bushes must be cut off with garden shears (a knife with a sharp blade).


Petioles are harvested in autumn and spring until the juice flows. The length of the workpiece should be approximately 23-30 cm. The presence of buds (4-5 pieces) is also important for further growing season. Planting is done in loose soil with half or a third immersed in it so that 2-3 buds remain on top. Before the sprout takes root, regular watering and protection (shading) from scorching sun rays are important.

Diseases and pests

Decorative crops have strong immunity, so they are rarely attacked by pests or diseases. Sometimes you can notice aphids on the leaves, which will not be difficult to get rid of. It is enough to first crush the insects with water, then treat the bush soap solution with alcohol (in a ratio of 3:1).

High aesthetic value, unpretentious care and resistance to various diseases have made virgin grapes popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Dense foliage will decorate the yard, create shading in the recreation area, and hide unsightly walls of outbuildings. A hedge will allow privacy in any corner of the site and prevent the penetration of street dust from the roadway.