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Secrets of growing and breeding gloxinia. Growing gloxinia from a leaf is very simple.

Gloxinia is a very beautiful houseplant with large gramophone flowers. Many lovers indoor plants afraid to start breeding gloxinia. The process of their reproduction and care is not easy, for beginners it is a difficult culture. Often it all starts with a "bouquet" in a pot presented for the holiday. But those who make friends with gloxinia, who have one or two pots of this chic plant on the windowsill, fall in love with him for life.

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    Secrets of success in breeding gloxinia

    In order to breed gloxinia, you need to study the features of breeding and keeping this plant.

    Gloxinia or correctly called sinningia (Sinningia speciosa) belongs to the large family of Gesnerievs. Gloxinia got its botanical name because of the shape of the flower, glocke in German means bell. The birthplace of this plant is Brazil, it came to Europe in the first half of the nineteenth century. This is a tuberous culture with a pronounced dormant period.

    Care, watering, fertilizer

    buy a plant better in spring or in summer when it is in bloom. You need to choose a healthy-looking culture with a lot of unopened buds, and then at good care she will delight with her flowering for about two months. You can also buy gloxinia tubers in the spring, but in this case you will have to admire the flowers much later.

    Ideal conditions of detention:

    • Temperature: moderate, but not below seventeen degrees.
    • Lighting: bright diffused light, direct shading in summer sun rays.
    • Humidity is a must.
    • Watering: plentiful during flowering. Avoid getting water on leaves and flowers.

    Sinningia do not tolerate drafts and temperature changes.

    After the first wave of flowering in the middle of summer, it is necessary to cut off almost all the leaves, leaving only a couple of lower ones. This stimulates the growth of new and repeated autumn flowering. The second wave of flowering is slightly weaker than the first. With a plant of the first year of life, this should not be done, they still have a very small nodule.

    In autumn, the plant gradually goes dormant. The leaves are dying. Watering is gradually reduced. Pots must be removed in a dark, cool place. Optimum temperature ten degrees of rest. Moderate watering once a month. Gloxinia awakens in February. They need to be transplanted into fresh soil.

    Particular difficulties in breeding gloxinia:

    • The buds don't open. Reason: dry air or drafts.
    • Wrinkled, brown-tipped leaves. Reason: warm dry air, you need to increase the humidity around the flower pot.
    • The tuber becomes soft, the plant dies. Reason: poor drainage, abundant watering, irrigation cold water

    Tuber breeding

    Before planting, the tuber must be treated with a fungicide, this will help protect the plant from fungal diseases. Then dry it for a day.

    Sinningia prefer slightly acidic light soil. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to put drainage in the form of expanded clay and a few pieces of charcoal.

    Gloxinia tuber

    At first, the tuber does not fall asleep completely. Careful watering is carried out along the edge of the pot. Soon little tender sprouts will appear. After the socket gets stronger, it is necessary to add earth, cover the tuber completely.

    leaf reproduction

    Synningia is propagated more often by a leaf. The best time for this event is spring or early summer.

    Reproduction of gloxinia leaf

    For this method you will need: a plastic container, a light nutritious earth mixture, a well-developed leaf.

    Boarding order:

    1. 1. Water the soil in the container abundantly.
    2. 2. Cuts are made on the sheet with a sharp knife along the entire length of the main leaf vein.
    3. 3. Lay the sheet, pressing it tightly to the ground, pinning it in several places.
    4. 4. Close the lid of the container, creating a greenhouse effect.
    5. 5. After the appearance of the first rosettes, open the cover gradually.
    6. 6. Add watering.
    7. 7. Fortified rosettes dive into separate pots.

    leaf cuttings

    Propagation by cuttings is possible in spring, early summer and autumn.

    Propagation of gloxinia by cuttings

    Reproduction by leaf cuttings is the most common and affordable way at home:

    1. 1. Cut the sheet with a blade at an angle of forty-five degrees.
    2. 2. Dip the cut in activated charcoal and let it dry for fifteen minutes.
    3. 3. Place the cutting in an opaque cup of boiled cold water. The depth to which the cutting is lowered into the water is not more than one centimeter.
    4. 4. Put the bag on top. Create greenhouse conditions.
    5. 5. Roots will appear in two or three weeks.
    6. 6. Plant the cutting in the ground.

    Soon, a little gloxinia baby will appear near the cutting. old sheet will gradually die off. There are times when a leaf will die without giving a baby. It's okay, there is a nodule left in the ground that will wake up in the spring.

Gloxinia (sinningia hybrid) will be a decoration of any home. Caring for her is not so difficult, but breeding will pull a string of knowledge. It can reproduce at home in more than one way, there are several of them, and everyone chooses the most convenient for themselves.

Reproduction of synningia using leaf cuttings

Reproduction of gloxinia by leaf petioles is considered the most elementary among gardeners. Step-by-step instruction:

  • You can cut a leaf stalk only with a sharp blade.
  • Leave it to dry a little, a few minutes.
  • After drying, put in water (boiled). From above, the cutting is covered with a light, better transparent bag. You can immediately salt the plant, only in light soil (coco-soil, peat, vermiculite and moss).
  • The sprout should be in the light, but without direct sunlight.
  • Constantly being in the bag, the flower can "suffocate", so they arrange periodic ventilation.
  • When the edge of the cutting rots, the affected tissue is completely cut off. Let it dry a little, and put it in another container with water. For prevention, activated charcoal is diluted in water.
  • After 14 days, roots appear.
  • You can start transplanting. The land is purchased in a specialized store, but you can also cook it yourself. For this you need:
  • Land taken under a hazel and birch tree. .
  • Sand from the river or perlite.
  • Sphagnum moss.

Everything is thoroughly mixed. The earth is pre-steamed in the oven for about 20 minutes (cooled). Moss is crushed.

Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot in which the cutting will be planted. To create a greenhouse effect, you should put a pot with a plant in a transparent container. Topped with a cut plastic bottle(The cork is not put on the neck).

On a note! For the manufacture of drainage, foam or expanded clay is used.

Reproduction of synningia with the help of a peduncle

Gloxinia can reproduce with the help of a peduncle, you just need to pay attention to the plant variety. The propagation process is almost the same as with the help of leaf cuttings. There are a few things to be aware of:

  • Peduncles are cut along with the flower.
  • The buds are carefully cut off, the peduncle itself is placed in water. At the same time, its lower part should be in the water no more than 1 centimeter.
  • After 30-31 days, the first roots will appear on the peduncle.
  • If the synningia flower has been pollinated, then the rooting process will be easy.

sticking to simple rules, reproduction of gloxinia with the help of a peduncle will be successful.

Reproduction of synningia using seeds

Growing gloxinia from seeds is probably the most difficult and longest way. For planting seeds you need soil:

  • Peat.
  • Sod.
  • Sheet.

Some sand is added. Before direct planting, the resulting mixture is steamed. The easiest way is to put it in a bag with holes and steam it in microwave oven at high temperature about 10 minutes.

Seeds are planted in a plastic container, evenly distributing over the entire surface. Then covered with foil. If everything is done correctly, after one and a half, two weeks, sprouts will hatch. Every day the flower needs to be aired for half an hour. It does not need frequent watering, thanks to the moisture in the greenhouse. Each time the ventilation period is slightly extended. After 1.5-2 months, the first leaves will appear, which means you can start picking. Transplanted carefully (without damaging the root system) in plastic cups. It is recommended to take a sprout with a small amount of earth on the roots.

Reproduction of gloxinia by seeds needs patience and good care.

Reproduction of synningia using leaves

Propagation of gloxinia by a leaf requires responsibility. Of all possible, the most whole and healthy, without any defects, is selected. Step-by-step instruction:

  • The leaf is cut from the cutting by dividing it into parts. The blade must be sharp and disinfected.
  • Preparing the right soil
  • Soil for violets.
  • Sand.
  • Coconut shavings.

Before planting leaves in the ground, it is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Small pieces of foam are placed under the small leaves for stability.

  • To create the effect of a greenhouse, a container with sprouts is covered with a bag and periodically ventilated.
  • When roots appear, the package can be removed.
  • In early spring (the last days of March), the formed tubers are planted in pots.

Propagation of synningia with tubers

Propagation of gloxinia with tubers is the most unpopular way. It is done in this way:

  • Intact and disease-free tubers are cut in half.
  • Crushed activated carbon is poured onto the resulting sections.
  • Planted in prepared soil.

Unfortunately, many tubers begin to rot, may not germinate for a long period, or die altogether.

Conditions for rooting cuttings

Leaf cuttings and cut leaves of gloxinia are not recommended to be placed in water. The effect will be much better if you plant them in pots or cups with well-moistened soil.

Containers with planted flower leaves can be placed in a greenhouse. Thus, almost all cuttings and leaves have a chance for successful germination. There will be practically no losses.

Many flower growers do not consider it necessary to ventilate a greenhouse with seedlings. Thanks to moist soil, it feels great and does not need watering for about 25-30 days.

Based on the data described above, the use of a greenhouse makes it possible to obtain flowers in full, with virtually no loss, the growth of gloxinia will be much faster. In addition, the gardener saves personal time by being able to do other flowers.

After 25-30 days, all planted leaf cuttings and leaf fragments take root. During this period, you can remove the greenhouse. This should be done gradually so that the plants adapt to room temperature. Further actions for the care and watering of gloxinia are carried out in the usual way, as with adult plants.

During all periods of synningia growth, rooting is no exception, the flower needs a sufficient amount of light. Otherwise, rooting will be very slow, young shoots may lengthen.

We accelerate germination

Gloxinia leaves, or parts thereof, planted in the ground for rooting, let the children go after 1.5 months. But there are situations when children have to wait a very long time, about a year.

To enjoy the first sprouts, the rooting process can be accelerated. This will require:

  • After several months of rooting (3-4), you need to break off the mother leaf.
  • It is recommended to do this at a distance of 1 centimeter from an existing tuber.
  • A bag is put on a pot (glass) with a small tuber to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  • When the first tubers appear, containers with flowers are placed in a well-lit place.

In order for germination to take place quickly and efficiently, the following conditions must be created:

  • Plenty of daylight.
  • Heat at room temperature.

After the sprouts appear, the bags are removed from the cups with flowers, and care is taken as for an adult plant.

How to properly separate the children from the synningia cuttings

One leaflet and even its fragment can give several children at once. When the leaves get stronger, they are ready for independent germination, they are carefully separated from the mother leaf.

Small children are seated in separate containers and care begins.

If you want to grow a lot of gloxinia flowers, then you need to plant all the leaves. When you want to have only one flower, they break off a leaf so that the baby can grow freely and fully develop.

If you want to have several flowers of the same variety, proceed as follows:

  • Gloxinia children are carefully separated, while the main tuber remains at the leaf.
  • Disconnected children are removed. They do not yet have their own tuber, but very soon it will appear.

A little substrate is poured into the container where the mother tuber is located. After a certain period, the sheet will again let the children. They can also be removed in the future.

Subtleties of rooting

  • Ease.
  • Excellent moisture and air permeability.

The created conditions of the greenhouse help the root system to develop well, the germination of strong shoots is almost 100%. The first sprouts will appear in 30-35 days. After 2-3 months, you can see the first leaves.

When you can’t see a young sprout from a tuber, you shouldn’t worry, the plant is in a dormant phase. This set of circumstances depends on the time of the year. Mostly rest falls on late autumn or winter. In this case, the plant is provided with proper care:

  • They are brought into a cool and dark room.
  • Significantly reduce watering.

The rooted leaf begins to rot

The process of decay of a rooted leaf is most often found during vegetative propagation. An isolated case is most likely an accident, and systematic decay is a problem that needs to be addressed. Factors contributing to decay that should not be ignored:

  • The base of the cutting was damaged. This can happen if there is pressure on the leaf during planting.
  • The plant was in direct sunlight or in the shade. Both factors are contraindicated. The plant needs light, but diffused.
  • Gloxinia sheets are forbidden to break off, they are cut off with a sharp blade, disinfected without fail.
  • An important role is played by the choice of rooting time. The most suitable moment is spring or the first days of summer. Plant care during this period is quite simple.
  • If you take a very old leaf, then decay will turn out in most cases. The leaves are chosen young, healthy and small in size.

The rooted leaf begins to wither

Another unpleasant situation that can occur during the reproduction of gloxinia is when the leaves wither. But everything is not so scary, and easily corrected.

Causes of wilting leaves:

  • The plant is exposed to direct sunlight. The plant is moved to a place where the light is diffused.
  • When transplanting, a greenhouse was not used. It is very necessary for gloxinia, especially in the early stages of development. With its help, the heat and humidity necessary for the full development are created.
  • Over watering the plant.
  • During transplantation, the root system of plants with an already emerging leaf was damaged. Such work should be treated with care.
  • Too large leaves were taken. In this case, it is better to cut it (cut off).

Reproduction of gloxinia requires a sufficient amount of knowledge to get a good result.


In order for gloxinia to please with its flowering at home, it should be carefully looked after. Let's break it down point by point:

  1. Lighting. In order for the plant to please with a lush color, it is exposed to a lighted place (the light should be diffused, without direct sunlight). In order for the flowering to be uniform, the flower should be unrolled weekly.
  2. Room temperature. Gloxinia loves warmth. Favorable temperature for keeping at home is 19-22 ° C. When the tuber sprouts, the temperature should be 3-4 degrees higher. In this case, young shoots grow more actively. At elevated temperatures, the flower will be hot, it will stop developing, the buds will not bloom, and the flowers will completely wither. With a decrease in degrees, the root system of the plant may rot, and the flowers and buds will begin to actively fall off.
  3. Watering. At the time of growth and peduncle, gloxinia requires a humid environment, otherwise, the leaves will spin and the buds will not bloom. To create wet conditions, you can:
  • Periodically spray the flower from a small spray bottle.
  • Put the plant in a tray with moistened pebbles (pebbles).

It is unacceptable to get water on the leaves and flowers. Therefore, spraying and watering should be done carefully. The water used is warm. Waterlogging is just as bad as dryness. By the end of the watering is reduced. During dormancy in moisture, the plant practically does not need.

In order not to cause fungal diseases, the room with flowers is often ventilated. Watering is carried out evenly, without falling into the center.

  1. We feed. Before the flower leaves its dormant state (April), you should start feeding. Fertilizers are applied only on moist soil. All the necessary home care products can be purchased at a specialized store. When the plant is at rest, it is not necessary to feed it.
  2. When growing gloxinia at home, you will need a fairly wide pot, but its height is not so significant. The root system develops in breadth. When the plant is transplanted, the root system is placed halfway into the soil.

For planting synningia at home, you can use soil for violets.

Reproduction of gloxinia various methods work at home is very exciting. But do not forget about the proper care of the plant, then it will certainly please with its beauty.

Gloxinia is a small tuberous plant with large flowers. If several pots with these plants are placed in a wicker basket, it turns out beautiful composition, during the creation of which you can play on unusual color solutions. Gloxinia propagates easily at home, which allows you to get enough planting material. Reproduction of this species is carried out by leaf and apical cuttings and children formed near the tubers. Seed propagation is also possible, but daughter plants may not retain some decorative features.

How to get cuttings?

For vegetative propagation it is best to use young leaves that are cut during the budding or flowering period. Cuttings cut from mother plant in winter, suitable for rooting, but the formation of roots takes a little longer. Small leaves are rooted whole, and several daughter plants can be obtained from large ones. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. 1. divide the leaf blade into 2 parts: on the sheet, make 2 cuts along the oblique veins, so that the upper part of the leaf resembles a rhombus in shape, and the lower part remains with a V-shaped notch;
  2. 2. split the petiole into 2 parts to the base of the leaf, leaving the leaf blade intact;
  3. 3. on the underside of the leaf blade, make several cuts on the thickest vein, after which the sheet is pressed with this side to the ground, rooting is carried out horizontally.

All manipulations (cutting the cutting, making cuts) are carried out with a clean, sharp tool - a knife or blade. The petiole of cut cuttings should not exceed 2 cm in length. It is impossible to cut off the leaves, because in this case the tissues are compressed and damaged, and in the future, rotting begins at the place of compression. Such cuttings may die and not form tubers.

If the cut leaves are not elastic enough, they must be soaked in warm water for 1 hour to restore tissue turgor. Elastic leaf cuttings are suitable for rooting.

Rooting technology

Rooting can be done in water or substrate. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to root cuttings in the substrate, since this method requires less labor and is less traumatic for plants. But when rooting in water, you can clearly see the formation of calus and roots, so this method is preferred by those who propagate gloxinia vegetatively for the first time.

Prepared cuttings are placed in small containers filled with water by 1 cm. It is necessary to ensure that the leaf blade does not touch the surface of the water, but the petiole is not outside the moisture. It is convenient enough to root gloxinia leaves in transparent plastic cups - the leaf does not fall, the risk of breaking or crushing the cutting is minimal.

Containers with cuttings are covered to create greenhouse conditions (you can use plastic bag, glass jar, trimmed with a plastic bottle). Roots form faster under conditions high humidity, which is created in a closed space due to evaporation from the surface of the sheet. It is important to ensure that the cuttings do not begin to rot. Such mini-greenhouses are located in solar heat place. If gloxinia is propagated by leaf in winter, it is necessary to place the cuttings under the lamp, which will provide good illumination and easy heating. Greenhouses are illuminated for no more than 14 hours.

Tuber formation

2-3 weeks after the start of rooting, a shapeless outgrowth, calus, is formed on the sections of the leaf vessels, giving rise to roots. When the roots reach a length of 1 cm, the cuttings can be transplanted into the substrate. To do this, prepare in advance containers of suitable size with drain holes in the bottom. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pots - a layer of perlite or other special material. The thickness of the layer depends on the depth of the pot and usually does not exceed 2-3 cm. Soil is poured onto the drainage for growing gloxinia. Experts recommend using light nutrient substrates with slightly acidic or acidic pH values. The following mixture is suitable for growing gloxinia:

  • leaf ground - 3 parts;
  • peat - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

A special premix can be purchased from flower shop.

In the soil, poured into the prepared pot, a small depression is made into which the cutting is placed. Young roots should not be deeply covered with earth - this will accelerate the germination of new shoots. The cuttings are again covered with film or glass and returned to a warm, lit place. After 1-1.5 months, a young tuber is formed from the calus at the base of the cutting, releasing sprouts. Before it appears, the soil is occasionally watered, each time opening mini-greenhouses for a few minutes for ventilation.

When the young shoot begins to grow actively, the leaf stalk dries up and dies. It can be carefully cut. In some cases, the formation of a tuber occurs only six months after the rooting of the cutting. If the leaf retains its color and does not lose elasticity, they continue to take care of it in the usual mode for cuttings.

Flowering plants are always appreciated by flower growers and are favorite guests in our homes. Their beauty pleases the eye, gives a unique look to the home and creates comfort. Mainly tropical plants who are easily accustomed to us. They are surprisingly hardy and breed easily. For example, the mysterious gloxinia.

Description of gloxinia

Gloxinia is a southern guest, she arrived on our windowsills from hot Brazil. This beauty belongs to the genus Gesneriaceae, to tuberous plants.

The flower is relatively unpretentious in care. Gloxinia is very photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, from which it can get burns, and for watering warm water and loose, light soil will be grateful. Water the flower with settled water, avoiding falling into the center of the tuber and into the axils of the leaves. Do not allow waterlogging of the soil.

Gloxinia should be protected from drafts to avoid unwanted flower diseases.

Gloxinia blooms from mid-March to October. This period is followed by peace. It is then that the plant begins to shed its leaves, which first turn yellow, then dry up and fall off. The tuber can be left in the ground and the plant removed to a cool (+12 ° C), dark place (without light), slightly moistening the soil once a month. It is permissible to take out the tuber and put it in sawdust, store at a temperature of 8–13 ° C.

As soon as the buds appear, the tuber is washed in running water, inspect for the presence of diseases, if necessary, treat with a fungicide, dry it for about an hour and plant it in a prepared substrate. Suitable soil for violets, pre-moistened.

Photo gallery: beauty - gloxinia

Young shoots of gloxinia, obtained a few months ago in the process of reproduction, are not sent to rest - they must gain strength and grow tubers.

The bowl for the flower should be shallow and wide, since the roots of gloxinia are superficial. We must not forget about the drainage height of 2-3 cm.

This beautiful plant is surprisingly easy to propagate, which makes it easy to get new young flowers.

How to propagate and plant gloxinia at home

There are several ways to breed gloxinia, each of which is appropriate to use depending on the condition of the flower and the availability of time during which it is planned to obtain young plants.

Reproduction by leaf cuttings

Gloxinia propagation material is taken during the formation of buds. These should be large, healthy, green leaves, the length of the stalk is about 3 cm.

First way

Even if the children do not have nodules, they should still be seated in separate bowls: after a while they will take root, their own tubers will appear.

Sometimes the appearance of child shoots has to wait a long time. What causes this is unknown. To speed up the process, it is necessary to pinch the sheet so that about 2 cm is left from the ground to the top.

Second way

This is a simplified version of the first method. The cut sheet is immediately placed in a cup with ready-made, moistened soil. The container is covered with cellophane and also placed in the brightest, warmest place protected from drafts. After a while, the leaf will take root, then the children will appear.

Reproduction by leaf fragments

The size and health of the future mother leaf of gloxinia allow you to get offspring by dividing the leaf into segments.

  1. Each part is planted in a separate container with moist soil, cellophane is put on top, the bowl is placed in a bright place.
  2. The plant does not need watering and ventilation. Babies are formed from the widest vein after at least two months. After that, the covering material should be removed, and the young plant should be watered. The mother leaf fading over time must be removed.

    Photo gallery: propagation of gloxinia with a leaf fragment

Video: recommendations for breeding gloxinia using leaf cuttings and (or) fragments

Reproduction by seeds

Growing gloxinia from seeds is easy, following some general recommendations. Seed material can be obtained both independently by pollinating your own home flower manually, or purchased in a store (especially varietal flowers).

How to pollinate gloxinia and get seeds at home

For this procedure, it is best to take flowering gloxinia of different varieties. Pollen from one plant pollinates the pistil of another. Soon the pistil will wither, the gloxinia will fade, the seed box will ripen within 7–8 weeks. Then it will open up. At this point, the box is cut off and placed in a container with the open edge down for ripening. Ready gloxinia seeds are brown.

Video: gloxinia pollination at home and seed collection

Photo gallery: pollination and maturation of gloxinia seeds

Pollination of a plant is best done with material taken from a flower of another variety. When gloxinia fades, seed boxes are formed. The seed box cracks as it ripens. Gloxinia seeds are very small brown grains.

The end of February - the beginning of March is suitable for sowing, when daylight hours quickly increase their duration. You will need a mini greenhouse or a wide, shallow container, cellophane, ready ground for flower crops (light). To get healthy shoots, you need to act like this:

  1. The soil is pre-moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate in order to protect the seeds, and subsequently - young shoots.
  2. Seeds are neatly distributed throughout the container with soil.
  3. Then the greenhouse cover is tightly closed or cellophane is put on top. The bowl is placed in a warm place.
  4. After about a week and a half, shoots will appear. The greenhouse can be opened, rearranged to the brightest place. Keep out of direct sunlight to avoid burns and death of young seedlings.
  5. A month and a half after the emergence of seedlings, a pick is carried out, carefully transplanting fragile plants from a common container into separate shallow cups.

Video: gloxinia grown from seeds

Reproduction by peduncle

It works in the same way as described above.

Reproduction by tubers

This is perhaps the most risky way to propagate gloxinia. One wrong move and you can lose the whole plant.

The procedure is carried out after a dormant period, only when buds appear on the tuber.

Video: gloxinia tuber division

Problems that arose during the reproduction of gloxinia

But even not too whimsical gloxinia can sometimes not be propagated: the mother leaves wither, flower stalks and tubers rot - delenki. There will always be a reason for that.

  1. The peduncle or leaf was not cut off with a sterile instrument, but simply torn off from the plant. Under no circumstances should this be done! You need to wipe the blade with an alcohol solution.
  2. Exposure to direct sunlight. They are detrimental to gloxinia, cause burns on the leaves. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day, the plant needs to be shaded with transparent fabric(curtains).
  3. Heavy soil. The substrate for the flower should be loose, light, permeable to water and air (ready-made soil for violets is ideal). The soil needs to be changed.
  4. There is no drainage. You can't miss this moment. It is drainage that helps to remove excess moisture, thereby preventing root rot. It is necessary to transplant the plant into a substrate with vermiculite.
  5. Excess moisture. Be sure to adjust the irrigation mode, according to the recommendations, to prevent stagnation of water in the bowl.
  6. Lack of light. Move the plant to the brightest place, in winter, provide additional lighting with lamps.
  7. Temperature too high or too low. Optimal: 23-25°C. Maintain recommended air temperature.
  8. Undisinfected soil brought from outside (greenhouses) that may be infested or infested with pests. It is necessary to use only special soil purchased in the store. The brought land should be treated with insecticides and fungicides according to the instructions.
  9. The tuber is divided incorrectly or infected. With this method of reproduction, you must strictly follow the recommendations.

How to save young plants and tubers

  1. The mother leaf, its fragment or peduncle has rotted or died. Unfortunately, he can't be saved. You should determine the reason from the above and take new material for flower propagation.
  2. Young shoots wither. Examine them. If the nodules are healthy, there are roots, then transplant them into another container, after disinfecting the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. If the underground part of the plant rots, cut off the rotted area with a sharp blade (when the affected area is small), powder with activated charcoal and plant in a new substrate. With extensive decay of the stem and roots, it is more expedient to dispose of the young shoot.
  3. Seeds do not germinate. Always check expiration dates seed, and when planting, you can not cover the seeds with earth!
  4. Rotting tubers and delenki. You should get the tuber from the ground, inspect. Cut off rotten areas with a disinfected sharp blade, it is best to treat the wounds with garden pitch. If mold is observed on the tuber, rinse in running water and place for two hours in a solution of any fungicide (dilute according to the instructions). Then get, dry for an hour, plant in fresh soil mixture.

Gloxinia belongs to those rare species flowering plants that present minimum requirements to the content and make it easy to get new beautiful offspring, only following simple rules and recommendations.