Well      04/23/2019

Green color combinations in the interior. The combination of colors in clothes

The selection of colors is a rather responsible task. The combination of colors in design has always been one of the main tasks. Be sure to attach importance to color combinations, this is important!

The color scheme should not strain or unnerve you in any way, but, on the contrary, return the harmony spent during the day. Choosing a color scheme starts with deciding what you really want from a color design. Only in this way you will be able to choose the optimal combination of colors.

The hottest color is orange. The coldest is blue, always associated with cool water and ice. Moving from blues through greens and yellows, the colors warm up, hold " high temperature on red, burgundy, brown and some shades of pink and purple, and then descend back to the cold through lilac and blue. However, the presented gradation is very conditional, since the boundaries between cold and warm are barely perceptible. For example, lime is more related to yellow shades, but is a cold color. Conversely, deep, rich purple can be both warm and cold, depending on whether it is dominated by red or blue.

And yet it is warm or cold palettes that can transform a room. So, for example, in order to expand the walls small room, it is advisable to use not just light, but light cold tones.

And vice versa, warm shades will help to make a too spacious and therefore empty room more comfortable. They will also add a little sunny mood if it lacks natural light, and fluorescent lamps are used. While the richly lit hall with large windows you can "dress up" in cold colors.

The colors of the interior of the kitchens are distinguished by a special breadth. If you are designing a kitchen, keep in mind that juicy warm colors - orange, grassy green, egg yellow - increase appetite, while blue and white help you keep yourself within limits and eat food in moderation.

The bedroom - whether it's a corner to relax from the harsh everyday life or the very embodiment of romance - also requires a special approach. In the first case, it is better to paint it in cool colors that take away from the problems that need to be solved. In the second, of course, the first roles belong to red and its various shades, or any other color that you like and belongs to the warm range. This color will allow you to quickly restore strength, as if transferring your energy and warmth to you. Color combination rules

Of course there are fashion combinations flowers in every season. But when you select color combinations, you should still be based on the color combination table and your own feelings.
There is no right combination of colors, there is only good combination colors.

In order to choose color combinations, there are several approaches. The first type is monophonic

The color scheme varies within the main color, it only becomes darker or lighter. For example, dark blue, blue, blue. However, a room designed in this way can be slightly diluted with “blotches” of a different color that does not attract too much attention. For example, a room in blue and blue tones can be complemented by white and light sand. The second type is harmonious

If you want variety, but not so radical as to talk about contrasts, "paint" the room in a harmonious combination of colors. The most winning examples of color combinations that can be safely combined with each other:

  • For red: pink - purple and orange - egg yellow
  • For orange: red - pink and egg yellow - yellow
  • For yellow: orange - egg yellow and lime - light green
  • For green: lime - light green and color sea ​​wave- blue
  • For blue: green - the color of the sea wave and lilac - purple
  • For purple: blue - lilac and pink - red

The third type is a game of contrasts

For lovers of the original and bright design- a game of contrasts. Each color on the palette has its own "antipode":

  • Red Green
  • Orange - the color of the sea wave
  • Egg yellow - blue
  • Yellow - lilac
  • lime - purple
  • Light green - pink

Even if it seems to you that you don’t react to color in any way (you absolutely don’t care what color the objects around you are), your eye picks up the slightest shades of it (up to one and a half million!), And your subconscious and genetic memory fix all color “messages” .

As a result, staying in a certain color range of rooms invisibly guides your emotions and actions.

"Unfavorable" colors and color combinations
Red - creates nervous tension (may even cause hypertension).

Black (and also purple) - "eats" the space.

Brown (including woodgrain finishes) - causes melancholy, can lead to depression.

Gray - sadness and despondency.
Blue - a feeling of cold and uncomfortable. Favorable color scheme

  • Shades from yellow to green - a calm and optimistic range, relieves fatigue.
  • Pastel shades from yellow to beige are “reconciling” and comfortable colors.
  • Turquoise - gives a feeling of freshness (suitable for the bathroom).
  • Light blue - calms, causes drowsiness - ideal for bedrooms and rest rooms, but in offices and work areas it is contraindicated.
  • Dark blue - "cools" space and ardor (for example, at the negotiating table), is considered a serious and business color.
  • Yellow and orange - stimulates and tones (not suitable for a bedroom), suitable for a room facing north.
  • White - can cause a feeling of cold and discomfort, on the other hand - " Blank sheet» - the perfect background for any design solutions. Red or terracotta in the form of accents - invigorates, uplifting.
  • Black in the form of accents - gives the interior a graphic and special style.
  • Light gray in a "mix" with other colors - a business environment.

Combinations of related-contrasting colors represent the most extensive type of color harmonies. In the color wheel system, related-contrasting colors are located in adjacent quarters. These are: warm (yellow-red and yellow-green colors) and cold (blue-green and blue-red colors).

Combinations of colors that are located in color wheel at opposite ends from each other. This is explained by the fact that there is a double bond between such pairs of related-contrasting colors: they consist of an equal amount of the unifying primary color and equal amounts of contrasting colors. In practice, one rarely encounters compositions that contain only two colors. The simplest harmonious combination of two related-contrasting colors is significantly enriched by adding a color from the tone range of the same colors, bleached or darkened.

Also, color harmony can be formed by a combination of colors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel. By turning such a triangle inside a circle, you can get any combination of colors, while it will be necessarily harmonious. A successful combination of colors and colors in the interior is a guarantee of comfort in the house.

Color combinations in clothes are very important point when choosing a wardrobe, designing a new model when knitting. Harmonious means well-matched in combination.

  1. The harmony of colors in clothes is based on the principle of a combination of related or contrasting colors. In clothes, you can talk about harmonious combinations, based on shades of the same color, then this is one-color harmony.
  2. Harmony can be built on a combination of similar colors, i.e. adjacent colors of the color wheel, for example, yellow and yellow-orange, orange and red-orange.
  3. Harmony can be built on contrasting colors. This means that colors are selected from adjacent sectors of the color wheel. The colors that are located at an angle of 90 ° in neighboring sectors are best combined with each other. Another kind of contrasting harmony are combinations of colors that are to each other in the color wheel at an angle of 180 °.

The main colors are considered to be 4 pure colors: yellow, red, blue, green. All others are considered intermediate (yellow-red, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-red).
Pairs of "yellow-blue", "red-green" are considered additional, contrasting combinations. Colors can be arranged in the form of a circle with axes: “yellow-blue”, “red-green”.
There are 3 types of color combinations: related, related-contrasting, contrasting.
Contrasting - these are combinations of opposite quarters of a circle (the angle between them is 180 °), a total of 44 combinations.
Related-contrasting - these are combinations of colors from two adjacent quarters of a circle (the angle between them is less than 180 °), a total of 36 combinations.
- these are the intervals from this color to the next main one. Related are yellow and any in-between yellow-red (but not pure red).
Color harmony is understood as color balance in harmonizing colors of quantities of primary colors (pure yellow, blue, red and green).
Related colors will be harmonious with equal lightness and saturation, if the same number of primary colors is achieved in them.
Harmonious in related-contrasting color tones will be all pairs of colors located at the ends of chords parallel to the layers connecting the primary colors (since they contain an equal number of primary and secondary colors).
Based on these harmonic pairs, more complex multicolor harmonies can be built. In this case, three rules must be observed:
1. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, a third can be added - the main color, their related, weakened saturation. For example, yellowish red, yellowish green and yellowish White color and can be balanced by the same yellowishness.
2. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, you can add a third and fourth, balanced with them. For example, a harmonious combination of orange and yellow-green can be complemented by purple and blue.
3. You can create harmonies of related and complementary colors. For example, the harmony of yellowish white and leafy green can be complemented by purple.

Unfavorable combination of colors in the interior

Black and purple tones make the space compressed, depressing.

Brown color causes depression, melancholy.

The red background is unnerving and can increase blood pressure.

Gray coloring brings despondency, depression, sadness into the atmosphere.

Blue color irritates with a feeling of cold.

The colors in the decoration are the main thing, if you correctly understand the psychological characteristics of the household: lifestyle, habits and needs. People choose their habitat according to their color tastes, not fashion trends. It speaks of a growing culture modern man. Any color combination in the interior should be beautiful, comfortable and of high quality - and all this in equally. And most importantly, it is intended for a specific family.

Suppose a person has visited Bali, looked at how people live there, gained new color impressions, returned - and wanted to remake everything into a “lurid jungle”. And tomorrow he went, say, to America - and again he wants to change everything into a fashionable psychedelic scale. This can go on ad infinitum. However, a color project is like a painting: sometimes you can't "improve" it, you can only spoil it.

The magical combination of colors in the interior

In the palette of colors, each paint has its own pole, thanks to which the interior becomes bright, fantastic or unusually stylish. Helps create contrast color combination in the interior table antipodes:

Orange and marengo.

Blue and yellow (yolk).

Purple (indigo) and lime.

Pink (flamingo) and light green.

Delicate yellow and lilac.

Green and fiery red.

If you are a fan of futuristic diversity, but want to avoid sharp contrasts, saturate the interior with an elegant atmosphere, then choose color harmony from classical compounds.

Gray - with blue, blue, yellow, green, black, red, pink.

Violet - with yellow, light green, golden, orange.

Lilac - with chestnut, gray, light purple.

Pink - with burgundy, brown, gray.

Green - with black, gray, red, orange, burgundy, yellow.

Brown - with pink, yellow, golden, beige, gray.

Blue - with gray, red, golden, burgundy.

Blue - with orange, red, light purple and blue.

Color mimicry

Exquisite color composition is an integral part of our life - its colors, rhythm, dance. Created according to the laws of cosmic beauty color combination in the interior transfers its energy to a person. Communication with color calms, helps to relax, forget about troubles.

Coloring is just like people: it can saturate the house with feelings, has a temperament, inspires sympathy and antipathy, imitates the owner. At the same time, the truth of harmony lies precisely in the concept, a favorable fusion of colors.

White and sandy background, stones and marble create a welcome coolness.

Bamboo-colored furniture will be held in high esteem when using the patio-style design.

Rooms, abodes of red hues and striped blue-white nuances, enclose the world inside the house and catch bright lighting with all walls.

Do you prefer blue clothes? It means you love life in all its manifestations. After all, the blue color is as multifaceted as life itself. With a huge range of different shades, it can soothe, cheer up and cheer, or maybe make you serious and focused. Blue color will decorate any style - from a romantic and feminine look to an extracted chic.

What colors go well with blue?

Blue color is always popular and always in fashion. Blue clothes are worn by people in all countries, regardless of the season, status, age and profession.

Blue in its range has many tones and halftones for every taste: delicate colors of powder blue, sky blue, summer and joyful cornflower blue, daring electrician, calm turquoise, mysterious sea green and many other fascinating blue shades.

If you know when, where and in what combinations to wear blue clothes, you can always look extraordinary and sophisticated. Almost the entire color palette can be in harmony with blue. The main thing is to correctly combine light, bright and dark shades of blue with other colors.

What color goes with blue in clothes:

  • Turquoise harmonizes perfectly with yellows, browns, cherry reds, creams, deep purples and fuchsias.
  • Blue goes well with olive, yellow, red, gold, navy blue, brown, gray and.
  • An electrician will look beautiful with golden yellow, silver, brown and gray colors.
  • Blue or cobalt is ideal for burgundy, gold, red, olive, beige, purple, yellow and gray colors.
  • Ultramarine - sky blue, orange, gray, brown, red, golden, chestnut and myrtle colors are perfect for its rich shade.
  • Dark blue evokes a gloomy mood, so it must be diluted with reds, greens, grays, light purples, pale yellows, browns and blues.
  • You can not combine dark blue and black colors, because it will turn out to be too gloomy.

Royal blue, indigo, electric blue, lavender, cyan, dove, sapphire, azure - and this is not the whole palette of blue, which gives ample scope for imagination and creating unique images.

How to create an image?

The blue color is so versatile that it can be used for any look. Shades blue flowers will decorate you in any sphere of life, whether it be work, an entertaining party or a social event.

  • Bright hues blue office workers love. The blue tone is always welcome in the office dress code. Colors such as blue, forget-me-not and powder blue look delicate and neutral, which is very important for the image of a business woman.
  • Delicate cornflower blue color creates a soft feminine look and is suitable for romantic natures.
  • Bright shades of ultramarine are good for creating color schemes for every day.
  • Sky blue will look harmonious in spring and summer, while turquoise shades are pleasing to the eye in clothes for a beach holiday.
  • Cheerful and extravagant indigo and electric will help create an incendiary youth look for going to a party or a nightclub.
  • Royal blue will create an aristocratic image for attending social events.
  • Dark shades of blue are good in any image and in any style of clothing. Sapphire color will adorn any woman in the restaurant hall, in the theater box or at a gala reception.
  • Dark ink color is perfect for an evening long dress. It especially suits brunettes.

What is blue in clothes combined with and how to wear it?

Blue tones begin to play with new colors, if it is in harmony with other colors.

  • A very bold combination of colors can be called a combination of rich blue with red. In this case, one of the combined colors should complement the other. For example, a red handbag, shoes, or jewelry of the same colors should be added to the blue set. Bright red and blue tones in clothes will give the female image confidence and style.
  • Combinations of blue and brown shades will look elegant and elegant, in which brown plays a secondary role. With clothes of any blue shades, additions of all brown tones up to bright red will look good. This seemingly unusual color solution will emphasize good taste and refinement of nature.
  • Blue and yellow colors are popular in youth fashion.
  • There is only one caveat - pale tones need to be combined with pale ones, and bright ones with bright ones. Such extravagant combinations will be especially good for fun parties.
  • The combination of blue and lilac tones is perfect for both a cocktail party and an evening dress.
  • Blue and gray shades perfectly complement and enliven each other. The gray-blue set looks very elegant and is ideal for a romantic evening, going to the theater or a restaurant.
  • Blue with white is a classic, sublimity and harmony. White color emphasizes the amazing nobility and purity of blue.

Very often, fashionistas wonder what to wear with a blue skirt and a blue jacket. There are many interesting original solutions for all occasions.

A blue skirt should be in every woman's wardrobe. It can be combined with many colors and is able to quickly cheer up even on a rainy day.

  • A business lady in such a skirt, white blouse and in will create the impression of a reliable and serious partner in business negotiations.
  • The skirt, complemented by a light striped top, will cheer you up while relaxing on the sea coast.
  • A red t-shirt and a white panama are what you need to take on a trip to hot countries.
  • A miniskirt, black top and yellow metal jewelry are a must for going to a youth party.
  • A maxi-length skirt can always come in handy. It is combined with sleeveless blouses and fitted jackets in a variety of shades.

A blue blazer is a versatile item in a woman's wardrobe. He can help out in the most unexpected situations. A blue jacket will add softness and femininity to a business style, and elegance and liveliness to an everyday one.

  • In an office setting, this jacket will look stylish with a white lace blouse and. Such a set will remove unnecessary severity from the image.
  • IN Everyday life a blue tint can be combined with a light blouse and a skirt or shorts of the same tone.
  • A jacket is the perfect complement to an evening dress and makes the look more complete. A bold combination of a scarlet dress with a blue jacket and a small scarlet handbag will adorn any girl.
  • Also, young women are recommended to combine a cropped jacket with pink clothes.
When wearing blue clothes, do not forget about accessories so that the image looks complete and harmonious.

Blue color combinations can be very different. Try, change combinations, experiment until you find color scheme, close only to you, and until you feel comfortable and cozy. And then the blue color will become your ally in creating a unique image.

Watch the video, the combination of blue in clothes:

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To look not only fashionable, but also beautiful, it is important to be able to create a harmonious image, correctly combining colors and shades. Having mastered this art, you will always look great, no matter what is hot right now. And vice versa, a combination of colors that is unacceptable from the point of view of good taste is guaranteed to spoil the whole impression even from super fashionable clothes. And so, let's take a closer look at what colors are combined with each other?

General rules

  • A bright color and its paler tone go well together. Win-win options are ink and violet, scarlet and pale pink, brown and beige, bright blue and light blue.
  • You cannot combine two or more bright colors at the same time. You will look like a parrot by wearing a scarlet blouse and an emerald green skirt, a bright blue T-shirt and orange shorts. Complement one bright item with suitable pastels or deep dark shades. Coffee is suitable for emerald, butter for scarlet.
  • Try, based on the color of your eyes, hair, skin tone and type of your appearance, to combine either only cold or only warm shades.
  • There are some absolutely unacceptable combinations that you just need to remember and never use. These include orange and sunny yellow, purple and burgundy, dark purple and bright blue, blue and green, bright green and scarlet, red and purple.

Combination principles

All available colors are obtained from the primary ones - red, blue and yellow. If for this it was necessary to mix only them, the result is called a secondary color. Red and blue make purple, red and yellow make orange, and blue and yellow make green. All other colors are tertiary. To get them, two or more primary and secondary colors are mixed in different proportions.

You can create an image, guided by one of the following principles:


Here you can not be afraid to make a mistake. The basis is black, gray or white. They are perfectly combined with each other, and with any other shade. Most often, brighter tones are used in accessories to set expressive accents and make the look not so boring.


The principle involves a combination of two or more shades of the same color, from delicate and pastel to deep and saturated. For example, mint, emerald and marsh green, pinkish, scarlet and cherry. It looks very elegant and elegant, especially if you use fabrics. different texture and “dilute” the color with accessories in neutral tones.


The expressiveness of the image is achieved by playing on contrasts. Determining these colors is easy - look at the color spectrum in the form of a circle. Opposite the color you have chosen is the opposite of it. To create a harmonious image, one of them should be the main one, and the second should be used only as small expressive inclusions. And one must be much brighter than the other. For example, a scarlet coat can be complemented with an olive scarf and gloves, a lilac suit with a sunny yellow neckerchief, and a pale blue bag with an orange cloak.

Correct combinations

How to combine colors in clothes?

No one wants to look boring, but the combination of several bright colors- this is a clear bust, you are still not a peacock. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that a lot of flashy colors at the same time tire the eyes and brain very much, provoke irritability, inability to concentrate for a long time and cause anxiety. In addition to all this, there is a real opportunity to earn a persistent migraine.

The optimal number of colors that can be used to create an integral harmonious image is three. The first of them is the main one, the second complements and emphasizes it, the third is needed to place accents and make a few finishing touches that attract attention.

Black, white and gray go well with any simple and clean tones. It can be scarlet, orange, sunny yellow, emerald green, royal blue, inky purple. As the third color, choose a pastel or dark shade of the second. For example, pale pink, terracotta, butter, pistachio, indigo, lavender. The brightest tone in clothes should be the least.

You can not be afraid to make a mistake by combining two or more pastel colors. For those who are not ready for experiments, as the main colors will suit beige. Complement it with your choice of soft peach, salmon, pale pink, ice blue, light yellow, mint, transparent aquamarine, lilac. More daring can combine the listed colors at their discretion.

There are colors that are the most advantageous for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. A lucky few, naturally endowed with a subtle artistic taste and color perception, can choose the color scheme of their wardrobe based on their intuition. For everyone else, in order to always be stylish and tastefully dressed, you need to learn a few rules.

White color matches with all colors. White improves mood, with its help they treat diseases of the central nervous system. White is the color of purity and clarity. The color of justice, faith, innocence and the beginning of beginnings. This is a blank slate from which history is written. Giving preference to him in clothes, you enter a new time for yourself. He, like no other, is better suited to create a contrast.

White with black - the best combination colors in clothes: a photo of women in it always looks solemn. When combining it with other colors, it is worth considering the fact that white casts glare and visually enlarges things.

Beige color combination table

Beige color boldly combined with calm tones, and can also be perfectly combined with more saturated and bright tones. Beige color is combined with colors: khaki, swamp, cocoa, gray, taupe, chestnut, chocolate, yellow green, olive, rusty brown, terracotta, eggplant, purple, bright blue.

Pink color combined with white and pale blue, with light gray, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red color combination table

Red color combined with yellow, white, brown, blue and black, purple and pink, black and silver, black-brown and sand. Red tones now boldly blend into each other, and look stunning at the same time. A more moderate option is to combine red with black.

Bordeaux color combination table

Bordeaux- the color of a woman who knows her worth. Bordeaux is combined with black and dark blue, as well as with colors: green, olive, gray, blue-green, tomato and other shades of red. Berry tones go very well with Bordeaux: blackberry, blueberry, elderberry.

Raspberry color combination table

Fuchsia, crimson, magenta colors combined with colors: yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, purple. Raspberry color also harmonizes well with pink and white flowers.

Coral color combination table

Coral color has twelve varieties, these are pink-orange shades, and rich red-orange. Color Matching: White, Beige, Gold, Nude, Brown, Dark Brown, Khaki, Greyscale, Scarlet, Peach Rose, Lilac, Lilac, Hot Pink, Orange, Yellow Orange, Pale Yellow, Navy Blue , grey-blue, black.

Yellow color combination table

Yellow- personifies the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Golden color is the color of fame and fortune.

Yellow color is combined with colors: swamp, blue-green, orange, warm brown, chocolate, black, dark blue.
golden color goes well with colors: olive, brown, red, purple, dark green, purple.
Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac, turquoise. Yellow color without finishing or addition to it is unattractive.

Orange combination table

Orange color- cheerful, bright, summer and positive color, dynamic and ethnic, the color of the brilliance of the setting sun.
Bright orange goes well with bright colors: bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple, brown. Muted orange or terracotta goes well with calm shades - pale yellow, gray-green, khaki, brown, chestnut, chocolate, dark blue or dark gray.
Contrasting black is very suitable for orange and yellow colors.

Brown color combination table

Brown color combined with sky, cream, yellow, green and beige, denim blue, smoky blue, light green and white; the color of May grass and very light green, lilac with faded pink.

Brown is combined with olive, golden, blue-green, orange, lilac, light pink, all shades of beige, ivory and gray. And the unexpected and extremely successful combination of warm brown and turquoise will make a great impression.

Rusty brown combined with plum with brown; purple with orange and creamy white; light green with camel; red with yellow and creamy white; brown with blackberry.

Green color combination table

Green color- with brown, orange, lettuce, yellow and white colors and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Olive color combination table

olive color harmonizes with colors: blue-green, warm green, khaki, apple green, herbal, eggplant, burgundy, cherry, purple, dark purple, brown, golden, red, orange.

mustard color combination table

Color of mustard combined with colors: brown, chocolate, terracotta, yellow, beige, khaki, blue-green, coral, hot pink.

Blue color combination table

Blue color combined with orange; brown and peach, khaki and faded orange, creamy white, blackberry interspersed with brown, light brown and tomato; grayish orange and purple.
Combine night blue with caustic pink with coniferous green; red and white; pale pink with dark brown and silver; May greens with blue-green; gray with bright yellow and pale pink.

Blue color comes in light and dark tones.
Light blue- with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.

Dark blue- with light blue (cyan), gray, red,
denim blue, smoky, plum blue; with green and white; gray, light pink and brown; pink and green-blue; vanilla yellow and light blue; dark brown, lilac.

Blue color combination table

Blue combined with colors: pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white, beige.

Turquoise combined with white, yellow, orange, purple, blue-green.

Violet and lilac combination table

Purple- the color of nobility and luxury. It goes best with blue.

Purple- with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.

Bright hues purple are called purple. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.
To purple color y include the colors of violets or dark lilac inflorescences, purple. Lilac is the color of femininity, associated with sophistication, grace and elegance. Mauve pairs best with dark neutrals such as black, gray or navy blue.

Purple colour and all sorts of shades of it is considered one of the most sexy, mysterious, mysterious and sensual colors.
Lilac color goes well with colors: pink, white, blue, lilac of a darker or lighter shade, lemon, faded rose, silver shades, blue, cornflower blue, lilac and purple.

Lilac pink combined with lavender and dark blue; dark brown with rose red; brown with light brown; silvery with denim blue and yellow, goes well with lavender.

Gray color combination table

Grey colour- the color of elegance, intelligent, harmonious, soothes contrasting combinations, used in a business dress code. Light gray looks good in the finest natural lace or sensual silk, graphite gray in suede, and smoky gray in fine wool.

Gray is boring, so it is better to combine it with contrasting colors: white, blue, black, burgundy, red. For an elegant outfit, it can be combined with other shades of gray, lighter or darker, and even beige. Light gray is best combined with pastel colors: soft pink, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, coral.
Grey-blue goes well with ocher, white and brown; with brown and beige; with purple and pink; with lobster red, turquoise and white; with silver and blue; with May greens and white.

apricot color goes well with camel and brown; light brown, beige and interspersed with pink; grey-blue, blue and ocher; sky blue; green, white and silver; red and white.

camel color combined with gray-blue and purple; beige-brown, blue and lilac; ocher and brown; yellow, red and white; green and white; lobster red.

Khaki color combination table

Khaki combined with gray-orange and tomato; lobster red and white coat color; blackberry, plum and yellow-gold; golden and blue-green; red, pale green and peach; purple, red and peach.

It's even better if the plain khaki is paired with printed clothing in these vibrant colors.

Black, white and gray

Looks good black color

Here are some examples of successful color combinations

1. light and dark olive, dark pink and magenta

2. burgundy, dark blue, black

3. pink, blue, sepia tones

4. light blue, blue, beige and dark brown


6. ash pink, anthracite, blue majolica, ocher

A rare example when lightness contrast in an active multicolor combination looks organic:

7. shades of beige and brown, ash lilac, gray

8. blue, dark olive, dark blue, dull purple

9. Two looks are built on the same color combination - terracotta, khaki, turquoise, nude

10. terracotta, carrot, dark cherry

11. cherry, blue and plum, complemented by achromatic shades

12. indigo, lingonberry, dark orange and burgundy

13. taupe , burgundy, dark orange and brown

14. plum brown, cinnamon, dark olive

15. saffron and turquoise with red-brown hues

16. mustard, burgundy, dark orange, taupe


Green and with blue, orange.

Brown and black, bordo, lilac, pink.

Red Andpurple, brick, orange, olive, pink, brown, chestnut.

Pink and with blue, olive, red, chestnut, ultramarine, lilac.

Orange And purple, red.

Dark blue and black,green, pink, brown.

Fpurple and with lilac, red brick.

Lavender and parma color.

Golden And pink, lilac

Yellow and burgundy, pink.

Grey And brown, beige.

Black, white and gray often used as decoration.

Looks good black color in the neighborhood with orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with caustic pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, juicy green with azure, pale green with bright green.

General rules color combinations in clothes

The right combination of colors in clothes will make your look complete and harmonious. General rules say that this can be achieved by combining:

  • contrasting colors, for example, cherry - pink, blue - cornflower blue, lilac - lilac, green - salad. These combinations are used in various types clothes.
  • P lutonal colors, for example, pale pink - pale blue, pale salad - pale lilac.
  • solid colors, for example, brown - beige, light red - dark red. Such combinations are used in everyday clothes and clothes of obese women.

All pastel colors are combined with each other regardless of the shade.

Pastel colors- it is beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors that have a lot of white in them. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that makes you look fat.

Use 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a feeling of dullness and pallor. If you use more than 4 colors in clothes, then when they see you, people's eyes jump from one color to another, not knowing where to stop, which unconsciously increases anxiety.

Can be combined with each other either related or contrasting colors. All other options are inharmonious.
related- these are colors that differ from each other in hue (red, pink, dark red).

Contrasting- these are colors that are completely opposite (violet - yellow, blue - orange). The only contrasting combination that is risky is green and red. You can find out which colors are related and which are contrasting using the color wheel.

Choosing the right color for clothes, correctly compiling a style ensemble is a very difficult task, but very necessary. The ability to do it stylishly and successfully will save you from questions about whether this scarf will suit my look, what jewelry to choose today, whether my bag goes well with shoes, etc. It would seem that such simple questions, but they daily require solutions. Just look at these diagrams like a cheat sheet - and everything will be in order.
Based on materials from izuminka-club.ru, fashion-fashion.ru

Imagine - a smartly dressed lady is walking down the street. Everything in it is good: the cut is chosen, and it sits well, but something is wrong. Take a closer look - if there is such a feeling with all the impeccability of the style, then something with a color or a combination of colors.
Do you know which color goes with which?

A color scheme.

White color - with everyone.

Pink color - with white and pale blue, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red color - with yellow, white, brown, blue and black. It is necessary to avoid combining red with purple and lilac.

Orange color - with blue, blue, lilac, violet and white tones. It is intermediate between red and yellow tones.

Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac. Yellow color without finishing or addition to it is unattractive.
Contrasting black is very suitable for orange and yellow colors.

Brown - with sky, cream, yellow, pink, orange, green and beige.

Green color - with brown, orange, lettuce, yellow and white colors and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Blue color comes in light and dark tones.
Light blue - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.
Dark blue - with light blue (light blue), white, gray, red and yellow.

Violet color - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.
Light shades of purple are called lilac. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.
Black, white and gray are used as finishes. Black looks good in the neighborhood with orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones.

When we choose a dress, it is important not to make a mistake not only with the style. Every woman has her favorite colors. But the catch is that the paints and colors that you like on their own do not always match those that make you attractive. There are also those colors that do not spoil you, but can emphasize or highlight flaws that should hide.

So, in order for the effect to meet your expectations, it is necessary to follow the laws of color, take into account the compatibility of colors with each other and with the elements of the environment, your type, with the fragrances that you use. IN skillful hands color becomes an effective tool for the conscious formation of an individual image.

Choosing your color, print, texture and combining colors correctly is another task that the color combination table will help to solve.

So Beige

deaf yellow


mustard green


Bright blue