Mixer      07.03.2020

Apartment design fireplace and TV. Design of a small living room with a fireplace. Photo of a fireplace and a TV in various styles

The living room in any home is the central gathering place for the whole family. Therefore, when designing this room, you need to carefully consider all the elements that will be in the room. The atmosphere should be warm and cozy. Living room with fireplace and TV is one of the most attractive design solutions.

Fireplace and TV in the living room - accommodation options

Fireplace and TV - two objects related to different technologies. The hearth represents part of nature. Fire warms and immerses in an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Modern TV is an achievement of technological progress. It surprises with its size and capabilities. Combining these two elements in the interior is not an easy task, but you can handle it.

Types of fireplaces

To place the hearth in the living room space, you need to decide on the type of device. Initially, only the owners could afford this interior object. country houses. Classic variant requires a firebox with wood and a chimney to exit the smoke. To date, there are many fireplaces that can be placed both in a private house and in a city apartment:

  • Wood-burning fireplaces require wood burning, exude natural heat from burning logs. Requires a separate place for storing firewood.
  • Electric fireplaces are based on the simulation of fire by electrical appliances. The warmth and sounds of burning logs are provided to you.
  • Gas fireplaces do not require wood, they use gas as a substance for combustion.
  • False fireplaces are created from any material using the imagination of the owner or designer. An example is the many candles installed in a special niche.

All the advantages and disadvantages of various types of fireplaces are summarized in the table.

Type of dwelling




House with a chimney (private, country)

Natural fire and warmth, crackling of burning logs

Lengthy installation work. High requirements for fire safety


Safety, ease of installation, low cost

Lack of natural fire

Any type (apartment, private house)

Ease of installation, elimination of the use of firewood. Can be of any shape and fit into any interior

Require measures to be taken fire safety and permissions from the relevant authorities

False fireplaces

Any type (apartment, private house)

Can be of any type

Will not give a lot of fire and heat

Fireplace and TV in the apartment

In a city apartment, you need to think very carefully with a fireplace and TV. You can see photo examples below. There are several recommendations for placing these elements in the room:

  • Do not place a fireplace near outer wall. Then you risk losing some of the heat that will go outside.
  • It is better not to place the TV on the wall opposite the fireplace. Then glare of fire will appear on the screen, which will interfere with viewing.
  • A solid foundation is required for installing a fireplace. Think carefully about the materials you use. It is best to take brick, stone or tile.

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the living room with a fireplace and a TV, when both objects are located on the same wall. You can not place the TV above the wood version of the fireplace, otherwise the great heat from the fire will damage the equipment. The ideal option would be an electric or gas fireplace recessed into the wall. Then both objects will be located on the same level. And the power of fire will not interfere with viewing.

Advice! Single wall placement great option combine a TV and a fireplace in the interior of a small living room. See photo examples below.

It is very convenient to hang the TV on a wall perpendicular to the structure of the hearth. Then two zones are defined in the room:

  • a zone of lovers of pleasant conversations by the fire;
  • TV viewing area.

Fireplace and TV in a private house

A private house opens up space for design solutions in the living room. You can install a hearth of any type. The main thing is to think over the implementation of the chimney as efficiently as possible. You can create a large classic wood-burning fireplace that will not only serve as a decorative function, but also serve as a source of heating.

Design options for a living room with a fireplace and TV

In many ways, the design of the room depends on the decoration elements. It is necessary not only to think over the colors and materials for the walls, windows and floor, but to properly arrange the key interior items. Since we are considering the interior of the living room with a fireplace and TV, then Special attention should be given to these objects.

Fireplace decoration

The presence of a fireplace device makes it the center of attraction, so you need to think carefully about the design of this island of heat. Materials for the manufacture of the hearth and its design must be combined with the general color solution rooms.

If the fireplace has space above the firebox (mantelpiece), then it should be placed on it interesting elements: vases, figurines, caskets. A shelf decorated with family photos will add a special touch to the living room.

Advice! In a classic interior, use a symmetrical arrangement of elements. IN modern type the interior will look great asymmetrically located decor details.

TV in the interior of the living room

The style of the TV is usually strict: right angles, clear lines, glossy surfaces. The problem may be the harmonious fitting of the TV into classic interior. Our recommendations will help the right combination of TV and fireplace in the living room:

  • If the TV is installed on a cabinet, then it should not stand out from the entire interior. Consider the color and material of the cabinet, create a table or bookshelves in a similar style.

  • Modern televisions are available in several color schemes: black, grey, white, milky. Choose the most interesting color for your room.

  • Rely on the photos you like finished interiors. Borrow ideas and embody them in your own home.

Pay special attention to the design of the wall with a fireplace and TV. This surface should be done with restraint in soft colors. Rich decor will create congestion and quickly tire.


A fireplace and a TV in the interior of the living room are very interesting solution. In the process of decorating a room, rely on the recommendations of designers and your own sense of taste. The photos below will help you choose. unusual options placement and design of objects.

Photo gallery (51 photos)

For many centuries, a home fireplace has been a sought-after element of the decor of both the living room and the bedroom or office. If earlier it performed a heating function, today it is increasingly used as a decorative detail. However, it also has an associative purpose - the hearth creates a cozy atmosphere, symbolizes well-being, helps to relieve psychological stress, relax or focus on one's thoughts.

But today in the interiors there is another indispensable element of the modern environment - a TV. Technique most often becomes the center of the composition, around which the rest of the furniture is formed. And in this case, there is serious competition between the fireplace and TV. This is a "struggle" for attention, for the opportunity to focus on one thing - on the hearth or watching a movie. Moreover, competition arises with the most common method of placing equipment: a TV set above the fireplace in the interior of the living room (as in the photo below), which we will consider in more detail in our article.

Fire contemplation is a separate activity that many people like to focus on in silence rather than watching TV. That is why designers offer other ideas for the neighborhood and interior design, in which there is both a fireplace and a TV.

When planning and TV, it should be understood that the arrangement of a real hearth will require quite serious technical and architectural solutions. Here we need high-quality ventilation, a chimney, protection against overheating of surfaces and even more so from fire, arrangement of a place for storing firewood. As a rule, all this is available in a private house, but not in an apartment. Therefore, for apartments in high-rise buildings, electrical appliances that imitate live fire are chosen. The modern assortment also includes those that use special fuels. When it burns, no harmful secretions and even smell: the owners get only a real fire without the need for a chimney.

In any case, they first plan to place a fireplace, especially with certain space restrictions - in an apartment or rather compact one), it is necessary to carefully consider the placement of even an artificial hearth so that, together with TV, it competes as little as possible for the attention of people resting in the room.

A living room with a fireplace and a TV is formed taking into account the location of the hearth:

  • Built-in fireplaces are equipped at the stage of building a house. They do not actually take up space in the room itself. But their design depends on the style of decoration. For example, in classical style such a fireplace will be designed in the form of a portal with columns and antique decor, cladding natural stone or tiles. This is a truly decorative element in a solemn decoration, so visually it will take up a lot of space.
  • Wall and corner are attached to finished structures after completion construction works, so they initially take up a lot of space. Obviously, this option is not suitable for small living rooms. Although it is the corner placement of the fireplace that allows you to equip the room with several recreation areas - near the fire and, for example, in front of the TV.
  • Island models - interesting modern solution used in spacious rooms often for the purpose of zoning. Nevertheless, their placement immediately attracts attention, and TV fades into the background. Therefore, you should consider how obvious the emphasis will be on technology.

When choosing a location for the TV, it is worth considering that the fire will always attract more attention. Only a firebox without a flame will be inconspicuous in a modern, laconic style. Therefore, most often TV is adjacent to the hearth, as a rule, in the actual directions of design.

TV and fireplace in the interior of the living room: the right placement

A fireplace and a TV in the living room interior most often coexist on the same surface, but designers still recommend taking into account different nuances.

  1. The high decorativeness of the hearth does not go well with modern household appliances on one wall. Although here TV can be issued in carved frame. But it is better to place it on another surface.
  2. You can often see that the hearth with the TV is one under the other in modern interiors . Convenient flat screens for the living room of any size are easily placed on a smooth wall, which does not fall on the sun's rays.
  3. Among the projects, there is also a TV located in a niche, and in this case, a wall-mounted fireplace is equipped. With a built-in hearth, it will not work to “drown” the equipment, because there will be ventilation or a chimney in the “bowels” of the walls, and heating the structures can lead to breakdowns of the electrical appliance. But niches have a significant drawback - they must be spacious enough not to close ventilation holes inside the TV box.
  4. A convenient solution is to place the TV on one surface, but away from the fireplace. As a rule, this option is chosen with a sufficient length of a not very wide room.

Location on adjacent or opposite walls should be considered with respect to fall sun rays, the presence of windows, features of the layout and arrangement of furniture.

A living room with a fireplace and a TV, according to most designers, should be decorated with simple requirements for comfort and functionality.

If it's really convenient for you to have the TV above the hearth, don't give up on this idea, but think carefully about all the nuances.

The option of placing a TV screen above the fireplace can really be called the most common. This helps to equip the only recreation area from which you can watch movies or admire the fire. But such a project is not suitable for being next to a real fireplace - it will not allow you to place a TV in the immediate vicinity of the firebox due to heating and the need for a chimney and ventilation. In a private house, it is better to choose a different accommodation option, because the degree of heating of a wall with a fireplace and a TV can reach 50 degrees, which is very dangerous for technology.

Living room with fireplace and TV on the same surface in close proximity to each other can be equipped with an electric or biofireplace. In this case, it is only necessary to think over the design, because on, where there are already two attention-grabbing details, there should not be a lot of decor.

Most often, this location is chosen for modern design. In the classical style, the fireplace classic is an elegant portal in the form of correct form the letter "P", lined with the most organic materials. This is a natural mineral, and tiles, and ceramic tile. All this looks quite solemn, so the presence of a TV here will not be entirely appropriate. Especially when there is enough space, you can spread these elements along different surfaces as is often the case in country houses, where such nuances can be planned at the construction stage.

Modern fireplaces are laconic hearths. Often they are equipped in a wall or island module. Despite the fact that such designs immediately catch the eye, the smooth finish allows you to organically place equipment here. The absence of decorative details emphasizes the style and structure of the structure. Often fashionable fireboxes are elongated horizontally with an offset from the axis of symmetry, while the TV set can be located in the center of such a surface.

In such a living room, you will need to equip only one recreation area, respectively, the furniture will be represented by a single set. Usually this is a sofa, a pair of armchairs, a small ottoman, or several sofas.

Arguments that placing a TV above the hearth can hardly be called successful lead to the fact that the owners themselves install the screen in front of the fireplace. In fact, this option can be called even less successful than the previous one: the fire will be reflected on the monitor, thereby creating glare and interfering with watching movies and programs. But such a project is appropriate in a spacious living room, where it will be possible to equip two recreation areas opposite each of the opposite walls. The presence of one set of furniture in this case is unlikely to be convenient, so it will be deployed to the element that is more popular with the family.

A living room with a fireplace and TV will be more comfortable by placing the main objects on adjacent walls.

In this case, there are several convenient options:

  • When the accent elements are quite close to the corner between the walls, their location allows you to equip one compact recreation area, and the fire will not interfere with TV viewing. At the same time, a lot of space is freed up for other activities - here in the living room you can organize workplace or play.
  • the TV will look harmoniously located at an equal distance from the corner as from the axis of symmetry. Then the furnace is also at an equal distance, but in the lower part of the surface. At the same time, a block system of a furniture set with several open modules looks appropriate. By the way, they can be used to store firewood. This combination of technology and rustic comfort make the interior personal.
  • It is optimal to place the TV on an adjacent wall and when using an island firebox, which can be made both with a transparent ventilation shaft and with the original metal structure. For example, it can be a structure in the form of a human brush, a tree trunk, etc. In this case, the TV will become a secondary element in the interior. But, as a rule, it will be near it that the main recreation area will be located, and original fireplace just serve as decoration.

You can find a suitable solution in any room, in a room with an electric fireplace for an apartment, of course, there will be more options for placing a TV, but even with a real hearth, placing a screen on other walls will be more convenient and safe.

TV and fireplace in the interior of the living room: photo selection of placement ideas

A selection of pictures from finished projects designers will help you find interesting ideas placement of the TV and the hearth, especially if the space is still limited. Of course, a real firebox is equipped only in rooms with an area of ​​​​at least 20 squares. It can become a decoration of the room.

By the way, in these photos you can also find interesting ideas of harmonious combinations of finishes, accents and decor, which are firewood itself, the hearth itself and family pictures.

Decorated with photographs, the interior of the living room with a fireplace becomes even more cozy and atmospheric. But it all depends on your preferences, which prepared photos of design projects will help to realize.

Previously, fireplaces were used only for practical purposes, which boiled down to heating the room. Now they have become the most important element of decor, on which an aesthetic function is also superimposed.

Fireplaces in the interior give the home comfort and warmth. They can be installed in any premises: in kitchens, in bedrooms. However, the traditional place for a fireplace is the living room. Correct design and the combination of the interior of this room with a fireplace is the key to a comfortable and pleasant stay.

Types of fireplaces

Before equipping, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of fireplaces and their features.

Fireplace in the interior of a private house with a second light

1. Electrical

These fireplaces are optimally suited for apartments in high-rise buildings. They have many forms and modifications. Most closely approximated to the original. The advantages of electric fireplaces include:

- safety;

- ease of maintenance;

- does not provoke the appearance of garbage in the house, which is associated with laying firewood in a real fireplace;

- not only imitates an open fire, but also radiates real heat.

2. False fireplaces

They are an exact imitation of real fireplaces, matching them in shape and design. However, it does not involve open fire. The advantages are:

- the possibility of making a fireplace with your own hands;

- proximity to the original by laying firewood in the fireplace cavity;

- the possibility of simulating a flame by installing a mirror on back wall a fireplace in front of which candles are lit;

- undemanding to the design of the house;

- no need to install a chimney and other paraphernalia.

3. Wood burning fireplaces

Fireplaces of this type are installed only in spacious rooms with strong floors. When designing such fireplaces, it is necessary to pay great attention to the decor of the chimney and the portal, as well as to provide a place for storing firewood in order to harmoniously combine it with the overall composition.

The benefits come down to:

- soothing sounds of crackling firewood;

- soft and pleasant light.

4. Gas

The appearance of these fireplaces is similar to wood-burning fireplaces. The difference lies in the lack of a place to store firewood due to the fact that the gas flowing through the pipes acts as fuel.

5. Corner

Suitable for living room small area, because the corner fireplaces have compact dimensions. And due to the fact that they are placed in the corner, they occupy a small space. These fireplaces are available in two versions:

- classic wood burning;

- electronic.

Living room styles

As a rule, fireplaces should harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the living room. For this, you need to be well versed in the styles of fireplaces and living rooms.

1. Classic


2. High classic


3. Country


4. Modern


5. Baroque


6. Hi-tech

Decorative fireplace in a high-tech living room

I. Rules for installing a fireplace in a room:

2. The optimal location for the fireplace is a wall perpendicular to the window.

3. Furniture is arranged in such a way as to create a cozy corner in the light of the fireplace.

II. Living room design rules

1. A sofa and armchairs are located near the fireplace at a short distance from each other. On both sides of the fireplace, you can arrange bedside tables, shelves, cabinets (read in a separate article).

2. If the TV is installed in a living room with a fireplace, it must be installed perpendicular to the wall with a fireplace. Do not hang the TV over the fireplace, because under the influence high temperatures it can break.

3. Accessories must be selected according to the materials and color of the fireplace.

4. Large mirrors or paintings will look beautiful above the fireplace. On the shelves you can arrange caskets, figurines and other little things.

For many inhabitants, a living room with a fireplace is a symbol home comfort and warmth, often remaining a pipe dream. If recently only wealthy owners of country houses could boast of having a hearth in the house, then modern technologies make it possible to install a fireplace even in a small living room of a small-sized Khrushchev.

Live or painted - fire fascinates, calms and gives positive emotions. Among other things, the fireplace can become the central part of the interior solution, gather all the details around it, making the image of the living room even more comfortable and homely.

Fireplace in the interior of the living room: we create home comfort

With the help of a fireplace, you can turn a simple standard living room into a cozy home corner. The uniqueness of this building lies in the special character that it gives to the living room: special warmth and harmony.

But in order for the hearth to become the central element of the room, and not an accidental guest in a room thought out from a design point of view, you should correctly choose a frame for it:

  • The fireplace should not be a color spot in the interior of the living room. The same colors should be used in its decoration as in the design of the entire room, since extra attention only hurts the hearth.
  • It is equally important to choose the right item located above the fireplace. As a rule, this place is occupied by a picture or a mirror in a stylish frame, and decorative objects or framed photographs can be placed symmetrically on the mantelpiece.

Designers do not recommend occupying a place above the fireplace with a TV, as this is irrational in terms of zoning the room, and will also not allow you to fully enjoy watching programs or contemplating the fire. For maximum comfort, the fireplace and television zones should be spaced apart. different walls rooms.

ADVICE! Fans of long conversations by the hearth should place a group near the fireplace upholstered furniture- a couple of armchairs, pouffes, a soft carpet. This place will become a favorite for every member of the family.

It is equally important to choose the right place for the fireplace, even if it is electric. Fireplaces are not recommended to be placed against external walls or between two windows, but interior wall- This is the perfect place for a hearth. In this case maximum amount heat will be retained in the room.

Choosing the right fireplace

The search for the perfect fireplace begins with finding out if a real appliance can be installed in the room. A real fireplace can only be mounted in a private house, while the living room area must be at least 20 square meters.

But disappointed apartment owners in high-rise buildings can exhale happily, because today there are Various types devices that are allowed for installation and operation in urban housing.

ADVICE! The electric fireplace can be island (located in the middle of the room), corner, wall-mounted or built into the wall (which is especially true for small living rooms).

Fireplace as a harmonious part of the image of the living room

A fireplace can become a harmonious part of almost any interior. The uniqueness of this design lies in its relevance to any style (with rare exceptions), so that lovers of the soft light of fire and the sounds of crackling logs can find the right option for themselves.

If you follow certain rules and methods of placement, you will be able to form not only a beautiful, but also a safe design that will concentrate all attention on itself.

Table for and against

Main pros and cons.

Behind Against
This combination allows you to form a single compositional center and create an accent wall.

Not all models of fireplaces are suitable for placing a TV above them. Such a combination does not quite meet the safety rules, since due to warm air coming from the fireplace, television equipment is very hot and this has a bad effect on its service life.

This combination saves space, which is especially important for small rooms.

The glare of fire can draw attention to itself and distract from watching TV.

With this arrangement, free more walls in room.

Too high placed TV panel causes inconvenience and discomfort when viewing.

Types of fireplaces

There are several varieties:

  • Electric fireplace. It is a conventional electric heater, made in the form of a fireplace. This model imitates a living flame and heats the room.
  • Biofireplace. This type does not imply the installation of a chimney. It runs on a special biofuel that does not emit harmful substances and smells.
  • Drovyanoy. A real hearth that requires firewood. A wood-burning fireplace exudes natural heat and requires a separate place to store logs.
  • False fireplace. Decorative false fireplace is a design solution that is perfect for decorating any interior.

Various models of fireplaces allow you to choose the most suitable option, as for decorating a country cottage, wooden house, and for a city apartment. They undoubtedly become the most beautiful and memorable element of decor, giving the room more comfort and at the same time spectacular.

The photo shows a small living room with a plasma TV placed above a white false fireplace.

Photo in the interior of the apartment

Examples of decorating different rooms.

Living room

The combination of a TV with a fireplace is quite common in the living room. This tandem allows you to fill the room with special comfort and contribute to a pleasant and quiet evening with family or friends.


Harmoniously combined in color and design solution devices will make the bedroom more comfortable and fill the atmosphere with uniqueness and sincerity.

The photo shows a black plasma TV above the bio-fireplace in the interior of the bedroom.

Dining room

TV located above the fireplace, opposite dining table or on a free wall, is a win-win option for the dining room, which provides the opportunity to combine a comfortable pastime with watching your favorite TV shows or movies.

How to position the TV and fireplace?

The most popular types of accommodation.

In a drywall niche

A built-in fireplace and TV are often placed in a specially designed drywall niche. When placing a TV screen in a separate recess, you can also protect it from heating and exposure to heat flow emanating from the hearth.


This corner design allows you to save space as much as possible and rationally use the usable area, which will be especially useful in the design of small rooms.

On one wall

Single wall placement options:

  • Horizontal fireplace under the TV. This arrangement allows you to save usable space as much as possible and leave other walls in the room free for decoration with various design elements.
  • Offset location. So that such an arrangement does not look asymmetrical, and the wall does not seem empty, it is very important to correctly think over the composition, design, size and shape of the devices.

A well-thought-out arrangement of a TV with a fireplace below, taking into account the size of the room and the overall interior solution, will allow you to create a truly harmonious composition.

On opposite walls

This placement is not the best, as flames reflected on the TV screen can interfere with viewing. However, this will be considered a personal choice of each.

On adjacent walls

This option is the most successful. A TV installed opposite the sofa and a hearth located on the side form two functional zones that do not distract from each other.

Embedded in furniture

A TV and a fireplace built into a closet, shelving, wall or furniture structure with shelves on the sides will become an interesting accent and a functional and practical decor element that does not overload general form premises.

Pictured is the living room light colors with TV and wood-burning hearth with white cabinets on the sides.


If the TV does not match the interior and is not combined with the fireplace, the TV panel can be hidden in a special niche with sliding doors or using other camouflage systems that can not only hide the plasma, but also become an excellent wall decoration.

Ideas in different styles

Design ideas for popular style solutions.


Original, unique and at the same time elegant and multifaceted Provencal design requires a special approach to decorating. Flat elegant TVs above a false fireplace, bio-fireplace or wood-burning hearth, with a fireplace area in light colors, decorated with natural and environmentally friendly materials, will become the main component of the French style.


Flat TV and electric fireplace with strict and concise design, will perfectly complement the rational and most functional modern interior.

The photo shows a TV above the electric fireplace in the interior of the kitchen, made in a modern style.


For exquisite classics, a strictly shaped TV or a TV model framed by a baguette, molding or stucco, placed above the hearth, would be appropriate U-shaped lined with wood, marble or granite.


Modern TV and fireplace will become unusual solution for a loft that will allow you to go beyond the usual and look at the design in a completely new way.

The photo shows a loft-style living room with a modern TV above the fireplace, located on a brick wall.

A few practical tips:

  • It is desirable to place a television screen at a height of 150 to 170 cm above the floor plane. This indicator is the most optimal for modern plasmas with a diameter of up to 42 inches.
  • In order to protect the TV from heat and heat, it can be hung in a special niche made of wall panels and drywall or install a wide mantelpiece.
  • If the fireplace does not have large sizes, That the best option will place the TV panel on comfortable height on the side of the hearth.

Photo gallery

The TV above the fireplace undoubtedly becomes a strong and self-sufficient accent that attracts attention. If you take into account the layout, a competent and serious approach to combining these two items, you can get a harmonious installation that will take its rightful place in any interior.