Mixer      06/15/2019

How to make a spinner from bearings and glue with your own hands. Spinner - what is it and what is it for? How to make a spinner with your own hands at home? Homemade spinner made from bearings

spinner- a newfangled simulator for developing fingers, relieving stress with a bearing in the center. To put it into working condition, you need to grab it by the inner part and unwind the outer one. The spinner will spin around its axis for some time.

The spinner is fun for everyone: for respectable men in expensive suits, and for restless children, the structure does not contain small parts, and the toy itself has no sharp corners.

The device has a beautiful aesthetic appearance and comes in a variety of colors. Its compactness allows you to take it with you everywhere.

The spinner is bought for personal use, as an unusual gift for all age categories of people of different status: the item will bring joy and pleasure to everyone.

According to experts, the subject helps people with autism and attention deficit disorder concentrate. It helps to calm down hyperactive children who don’t know what to do with themselves. Some people find comfort in the sound of the device vibrating.

In the article you will learn details about the little thing, the history of its creation, and operating instructions. Also learn how to make a spinner with your own hands.


Spinners come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and prices range from a dollar to hundreds of dollars. The toy is made from different materials: metal, wood, plastic. When using a combined material.

Spinners come with three or two petals, smooth and rough.

Plastic ones are larger in size and lighter in weight compared to metal ones.

The ceramic bearing promotes long-term rotation of the object.

History of origin

The fidget spinner was invented by American chemical engineer Katherine Hettinger. According to her, the idea of ​​​​creating anti-stress came to her in Israel. Watching the picture of children throwing stones at the police, she wanted to make a toy that would occupy the thoughts and hands of the boys, freeing their minds from pranks.

According to other sources, the scientist invented an activity for her daughter, with whom she could not spend much time due to illness.

In the 90s, a woman offered her invention to manufacturers, but no one took the patent. Currently, the device is not similar to the previously invented one.

In 2014, businessman Scott McCoskery created a similar product to relieve stress. It represented an iron rotating device. All his friends liked the invention, and in 2016 McCoskery filed a patent for himself.

On Russian market The product appeared in 2016.

What is a spinner for?

The purpose of the spinner is to train hands and develop children's motor skills. The device relieves stress, helps cope with anxiety, concentrate, and calms.

Often the simulator is used to train fingers and hands after injuries.

A worthy advantage of the finger spinner is that it helps quit smoking. Monotonous spinning movements calm you down and distract you from thoughts about bad habits.

How the device works

The gadget does not require batteries or accumulators to operate. There is a bearing in the central part. All you have to do is snap your fingers and the unit will work. You need to hold the middle with your thumb and middle finger. You need to operate the machine with your index finger.

How to spin a spinner video

The bearings differ in quality. The higher the rating, the longer the spin takes. For a rotating element, a central bearing is sufficient, the rest will serve decorative element and weights to improve balance.

How long does it take to spin?

How long does the spinner last? Rotation time is an important quality and one of the main indicators of traits good device. Connoisseurs of quality toys use only expensive bearings, calculated balance and the right materials for long-term rotation of the spinner.

This may not seem like a big deal, but believe me, once you spin your first spinner, you will be surprised at how quickly you will want the spinner to spin faster and longer.

The price of a spinner starts from a dollar. Inexpensive trinkets spin for a couple of minutes. The duration of rotation of serious units (using steel, copper, brass) reaches tens of minutes.

The greater the weight of the product, the faster the bearing works and the device rotates, the louder the sound and vibration. Ceramic and composite bearings vibrate less.

How long does it last

There is no clear answer to the question of how long a spinner lasts. The criteria for long service depend on the materials used, careful operation, lack of mechanical damage. Metal bearings will extend the life of the device for many years.

Those who are skeptical about these toys simply have not tried to twirl them. Once you find “your” device, you won’t want to part with it, the activity is addictive.

DIY spinner at home

Make a device with my own hands not so difficult, follow our tips, watch the video, add skill and soon you will be rotating the product.

Made of paper without bearing

A do-it-yourself spinner without a bearing can be made from paper and scrap materials.

Master class of the Plastilin channel.

How to make a spinner out of paper? First, draw a drawing: take a round object with a suitable diameter (in the example, a bottle cap), draw a sketch as in the photo.

Then you need to smooth the corners between the circles.

Cut out the shape along the borders.

Attach it to the cardboard, trace and cut out a second identical part.

You need to cut 4 circles with a smaller diameter.

The coins will serve as a weighting agent. Paste into three parts according to severity,

Glue the other half on top using glue.

Make a hole in the center with nail scissors.

This is what the blanks should look like.

Decorate your toy, paint it in your favorite colors.

Cut a piece from the juice straw and insert it into one of the circles.

Secure with glue and let dry.

Let's assemble our unit.

A circle without a hole is glued on top.

Your DIY paper spinner is ready.

How to make a spinner from scrap materials video

DIY spinner made of wood

If you have golden hands and they know how to operate a jigsaw or drill, you can easily make a product out of wood. It will turn out smooth, good quality, and will be pleasant to hold in your hands. Below is a master class from the ZarkReed channel.

Spinner bearing

Which bearing to get for a spinner? Answer: any. Remove from a broken skateboard or scooter. If a fan or computer cooler breaks down, get it out of there. If there is nothing to take apart, order online or purchase in a store.


Beginners should start with thin wood material, for example, DPS. Manufacturing procedure:

  • Draw a drawing.
  • Cut out and sand the parts with sandpaper.
  • Enlighten the hole in the middle - it will turn out neater.
  • An important point: the thickness and diameter of the hole in the tree and the bearing must match.
  • The coins are glued with glue.
  • The central part and coins are threaded and glued.

The spinner toy is ready.

DIY wooden spinner video

DIY glowing spinner

Spinner can also be made glowing using LED strip and battery. Stock up on the necessary ingredients, watch the video and make your own beauty.

If you make this little thing as a gift and give it to a loved one, he will appreciate it! This is a very popular and fashionable destination, you will need to look for those who are indifferent.

Text prepared by: Veronica

All are filled with photographs of all kinds of spinners. social media, so there is no problem with the question of what it is. Moreover, this rotating thing has become a trend in 2017, and the variety of their types, options and capabilities will not leave anyone indifferent.

There are turntables in different price categories from 29 rubles to several hundred thousand, but it is becoming increasingly popular to make them yourself. It’s more interesting and cheaper, and “your own” toy is also unique and unusual. How to make a spinner at home - read this article.

What is it and why?

A spinner is an original fashionable anti-stress toy, also called a hand spinner and a spinner. Its design and mechanism of action are simple: in the center there is a bearing made of metal or ceramic, and around there are several blades or weights.

True, now toys are being modernized with all their might, experimenting with colors, materials, shapes, speakers, and even integrating a Bluetooth system for synchronization with a smartphone. Glow-in-the-dark spinners have also become widespread.

Both ordinary adults and psychologists argue about the functionality and benefits of spinning gizmos. No consensus has yet been reached, but the majority is inclined to believe that spinners have the following positive characteristics:

  • Calms in stressful situations;
  • Helps you concentrate;
  • Develops children's motor skills;
  • Copes with nervous and mental stress;
  • Becomes an excellent alternative to bad habits;
  • Creates a desire to collect and collect;
  • Promotes communication skills.

The danger of modern toys lies in its ever-growing popularity, as schoolchildren begin to invent and implement quite extreme tricks for the sake of spectacular videos. Also, turntables can distract from studying and develop unhealthy competition.

However, if a child or adult is inspired by the idea of ​​creating a spinner with their own hands, then we can only talk about its undoubted benefits. After all, in the process, motor skills and logical thinking will definitely develop, and imagination and creative abilities will reach a new level.

Instructions on how to make a spinner with your own hands

Mentally, the entire process of creating a spinner can be divided into four stages: thinking through the design of the toy, drawing up a drawing and diagram, preparing necessary materials and direct work on the product.

Each stage is important, so let's look at them in more detail.

Step 1 – Thinking through the model

Here you need to decide what your future spinner will be: classic or unusual, paper, plastic or iron, simple or complex, and so on.

Based on this, an algorithm for further actions will be built.

Step 2 – Making a drawing

You can’t rely on the eye, so it’s better to display your imagination on cardboard and remember your drawing skills.

If working with pencil and paper is not your thing, then take the easy route and look for ready-made diagrams on the Internet, print out the one you like and start preparing materials.

Step 3 – Gathering everything you need

The materials from which you can build a spinner are amazing in their diversity, which allows you to choose the most suitable option. So, the basis can be paper, cardboard, electrical tape, chips, coins, solid wood, the children's designer or soda caps.

“Tools” will help you turn your fantasy into reality:

  • Bearings;
  • Scissors or stationery knife;
  • Pen, pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • Adhesive suitable for the type of material;
  • Decorations (rhinestones, gouache, stickers, etc.);
  • Tools for working with wood (centimeter, hacksaw, jigsaw, chisel, sandpaper, drill, etc.)

The bearing can be removed from an old skateboard, bicycle, non-functioning equipment ( washing machine, printer, fan) or buy it in a store, where its price usually varies between 20-50 rubles. The diameter of the part is proportional to the size of the future toy, and a value of 2 cm is considered universal.

It is important to properly prepare the materials in order to enhance the capabilities of the product. Thus, store-bought bearings should be freed from factory grease, since it is harmful to the toy: it stains your hands and slows down its rotation.

Removing foreign deposits is simple: remove the dust rings, fill the bearings with gasoline in an unnecessary container and leave them in the liquid for several minutes, during which it is recommended to shake them.

Step 4 - Let's get started

When the choice is made and the tools are collected, you can get to work. Below are the simplest and lightest designs of spinners, after understanding the structure of which, it will not be difficult to improve the technique with other materials.


Paper spinner

In the simplest model of a turntable, the bearings are replaced with an axle, and the solid body is replaced with paper or cardboard. Making a paper spinner is easy and quick:

  1. Prepare two paper squares 15x15 cm (preferably different colors), a toothpick and cap-clips from a pen cap;
  2. Fold each square in half, then bend their corners diagonally;
  3. Place two parts on top of each other so that they are perpendicular
  4. Fold the triangles inward as follows: first the right one, then the top one, then the left one, and fold the bottom one under the very first one;
  5. Pierce the middle with a toothpick, widening the hole by 1 mm;
  6. Secure the rod with clamps on both sides of the axle and cut off the excess ends.

Cardboard spinner

Fidget spinners without bearings also include cardboard products. For a three-bladed model, we make a drawing of four circles in the shape of a triangle on cardboard, cut out two copies, as well as four smaller circles. On one half we place coins of suitable diameter and glue them, and secure the upper part on top.

Using nail scissors, we make a hole in the structure and similarly in two small circles.

We insert a 1 cm plastic rod into one of the circles ballpoint pen, fix it with glue, insert the rod into the spinner and close it with the second circle. We secure the remaining third and fourth circles on top.

Bearings and bottle caps

A more complicated version is a model assembled from covers from plastic bottles(from 4 to 7 depending on the number of blades) and four bearings.


You will also need tools: glue gun, drill, knife, sandpaper.

The technology looks like this:

  • We sand the corks using sandpaper to remove unevenness and roughness;
  • We cut a hole to match the bearing in the axial cover;
  • We place the remaining caps around the center at the same distance from each other (for greater accuracy, it is recommended to use additional caps or a paper drawing);
  • Glue the corks together, not forgetting smooth transition between them and the central cover;
  • We insert the bearings into the remaining covers, fix them inside with a layer of glue;
  • We decorate and decorate the product.

Cleaning the spinner

Instead of making or buying a new spinner, you can always fix the old one.

Failure is usually of two types: damage to the housing and contamination of the bearing.

In the first case, any super glue will come to the rescue; you can clean the metal ball with WD-40 and alcohol, not forgetting to finally lubricate the bearing with synthetic oil. In general, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Disassemble a toy secured with threads by fixing the bottom part and unscrewing the top.
  2. If the lid is fastened with magnets, then you should pick up the top with a thin object through the visible joint and lift it.
  3. Release the bearing by easily removing the plastic or metal barrier.
  4. If the part is secured with sealant, then there is no need to peel it off and take it out. In such cases, the entire housing is cleaned using isopropyl alcohol.
  5. Pour the cleaner onto the balls and swirl them with a toothpick or match to distribute the liquid completely and evenly.
  6. Rinse the bearing and leave to dry, preventing lint and dust from getting inside. You can use a hairdryer.
  7. Lubricate the part with one drop of oil.

Anyone can make a spinner at home, because its structure is clear and simple, and any available materials can serve as the body and rotating rod.


It's better to start with paper models, gradually improving your skills, and who knows what functions and capabilities you will enrich your toy with over time?

Photos of modern spinners

The spinning toy that is fashionable today is enjoyed by teenagers, children and older people – especially the ever-tired and stressed “office plankton”. The spinner is designed to relieve stress, keep a person occupied for a while, distract from sad and difficult thoughts, and at the same time train “sleight of hand.” Today, at the peak of its popularity, a spinner can be bought in almost any store. But you can also make a twister with your own hands from scrap materials and various garbage. It won't take much time or effort.

What is a spinner?

To understand what to start with, you need to understand what a spinner is and “what it’s eaten with.”

The fashionable toy has many names: spinner, hand spinner, fidget spinner, hand spinner. It is a figure with three blades arranged radially.

In the center there is a metal bearing that holds them.

The toy is made from materials such as titanium, copper, brass, stainless steel, plastic. Depending on the material and design of the spinner, the speed and duration of its rotation and the sound vibration that comes from it depend.

The spinner was invented in the 90s of the twentieth century, but gained popularity only in 2017. At first, the funny spinner went around all the schools in the world - during breaks, students performed various tricks with the spinner. They were even banned in American schools on the grounds that playing with a fidget spinner distracts children from their studies and makes it difficult to concentrate.

Then the “miracle spinner” crawled into the offices. Some believe that it can help you concentrate or, on the contrary, relax, as, for example, a top or a yo-yo helped before. Forbes called the fidget spinner a “must-have office toy of 2017.”

To “be in trend” you need to own it. So let's get to work!

Simple ways to make a spinner from scrap materials

Experienced life hackers have long come up with ways to make a spinner from what they have at hand. All materials are used, including basic things like cardboard, plastic caps (soda pop), buttons, coins.

Despite the fact that the price of a toy does not exceed a few dollars (the average cost in Moscow is 250 rubles), craftsmen do not give up trying to create something creative “of their own.” Again, “to keep my hands busy.”

Spinner made of plastic caps

This is a simple craft to do, which, however, will require some effort and diligence.

For work you will need:

  1. Four covers.
  2. Glue stick and gun.
  3. Plasticine or kinetic sand (if available at home).
  4. Toothpick.
  5. Nail or knitting needle.
  6. Lighter
  7. Scissors.

Sand or plasticine is placed alternately into three bottle caps - up to the top. This is done so that the blades are heavy, so the turntable will spin.

The remaining space must be carefully filled with a glue gun.

A hole is made in the remaining lid (using a heated knitting needle or nail) - exactly in the center.

Then three petal covers are laid out around the base with a hole. There should be the same distance between them. How to check? Place another similar lid between them.

All three parts are glued using a glue gun.

Two pieces of 1 cm each are cut from the glue stick. One is put on the base of the toothpick, it is passed into the center of the toy. The second end also needs to be “secured” with a rod.

The pinwheel can be beautifully decorated, for example, painted with acrylic paints; they adhere well to plastic. Homemade spinner ready!

step-by-step instruction

Cardboard spinner without bearing

To make this toy, again, you will not need materials that are difficult to work with or those that are impossible to find.


  • cardboard;
  • spinner template;
  • 3 coins;
  • glue;
  • pen rod;
  • awl;
  • materials for decoration (paints, rhinestones, etc.)

The hardest thing is to find a ready-made spinner template. This can be done online, or you can draw it yourself using a marker and the same plastic cap (or coin, or button) - just lay them out side by side and trace.

To work, you will need two pieces of cardboard.

You will also need 4 smaller circles (for example, circle a coin of a smaller denomination).

Coins are attached to one of the templates using glue - each on its own blade. These are weights. They should be slightly smaller than the diameter of each circle.

The coins are coated with glue on top and a second blank template is glued on.

A hole is made in the center of the resulting cardboard spinner. You need to insert the rod from the handle into it and cut it - 1 cm is enough.

In two circles of smaller diameter, a hole is also made.

The remaining two remain untouched.

Before proceeding with the final work, the toy must be painted. Will fit regular paints– watercolor, gouache – or markers.

You can show your imagination and make a bright model out of the pinwheel, for example, matching the color of your favorite superheroes.

You can use rhinestones, Velcro and other elements for decoration. They sit on the glue, but should not interfere with playing with the turntable.

How is a spinner assembled? A rod is inserted into one of the small circles. You need to coat its base with glue, insert it into the hole in the toy and press it on top with a second circle.

The remaining two circles are attached to the outside so that the rod is not visible, and the toy lies comfortably in the hand.

The spinner is ready!

step-by-step instruction

There are many other options for making a spinner at home, but the ones presented here are the simplest. Even a child can cope with this task.


The spinner is a super fashionable anti-stress toy today. To be on trend, you can make a pinwheel with your own hands. You don’t need money for this - all the materials can be found at home - just a little free time.

If you don’t want to buy spinners in a store, feel sorry for your hard-earned money, are too lazy to wait for delivery, or just have a creative impulse in your soul, then you can try to assemble the spinner yourself.

With equal hands, the toy will turn out no worse, and often even better than the one purchased - after all, you have invested a part of yourself in it.

How to make a spinner yourself

Method 1: make a spinner from bearings

We will need bearings, for example, from a skateboard. Before using the bearing in practice, it is necessary to clean it of grease, otherwise the turntable will rotate quietly, but not for long. This method is very simple, since we don’t have to make the spinner body; all we need are four bearings.

They need to be sorted into correct form. To make this shape accurately, use a squared notebook sheet. Once we have a perfect triangle, we glue the bearings together with glue - preferably superglue or cold welding.

Or you can draw a circle with a compass and divide it into 3 parts, like a Mercedes icon. Drawing and geometry lessons to help.

When the glue has dried, it is necessary to increase the gluing area, to do this we sprinkle the glue with salt, then the area will increase and the bearings will stick to each other better. At the end, we wrap the gluing areas with any thread and impregnate it with glue, this will give even more strength.

Several video instructions on how to make a spinner from bearings:

And another option without a rope:

2nd method: spinner with clamps

For the next method we will need two ties or clamps. They need to be inserted into each other. After this, we place three bearings in the center of the zip ties and tighten the zip ties until they hold tightly.

Cut off the protruding ends. In principle, at this stage, the spinner is already ready, but it does not hold firmly. If the turntable falls, everything will fly out of it. We don't need this, of course. Therefore, it is necessary to make it more reliable using glue. In all places where the bearings engage, where the ties touch the bearings, it is necessary to drip glue.

Such a spinner, due to its high degree of gravity, spins for less time and not as fast, but it is easier to manufacture.

To learn more about how to make a spinner with ties, watch the video:

How to make a spinner without a bearing

We need: six plastic caps from bottles, a toothpick, a large gel pen refill, coins and glue.

  1. To begin, take one of the covers and make a hole in it, using a burner or soldering iron, on extreme case hot metal nail.
  2. Now we cut off a small part from the rod, about a centimeter long, and glue it into the cork.
  3. After this, we take two more plugs and cut off the top part.
  4. Then take a toothpick and cut off the sharp ends so that you are left with a stick about three centimeters long.
  5. Using glue, glue it to the top of the cork.
  6. After that, we pass it through part of the rods and glue the second plug. The middle plug should turn easily.
  7. Finally, we just have to glue the remaining three plugs.

To understand what we are talking about, watch the video where there will be step-by-step instructions on how to make a spinner from plastic bottle caps:

As a result, we have already got a pretty good spinner, but in order for it to spin even better, we need to make it heavier. For this we will use coins. Take a coin and glue it to each of the plugs. That's all, our spinner is ready.

How to make a paper spinner

1st method: from cardboard

We make a template for the spinner from cardboard using a plastic bottle cap.

  1. We circle it so that we get a triangle. We connect the circle with the rest of the circles with smooth lines and cut it out.
  2. Place the finished template on cardboard, trace it and cut it out.
  3. We also need four more circles of smaller size, let's make them.
  4. Now we need coins. We take them and glue them on the sides of the first half of the spinner, and glue the second half on top.
  5. Using nail scissors, make a hole in the center of the spinner.
  6. Next, we need to cut off about a centimeter of the rod from the handle, and make small holes in two small circles.
  7. All the details are ready, now you can paint our spinner with paints to give it a more beautiful look.
  8. Now we assemble our spinner from the resulting parts. We insert the axle into one circle and seal it, insert it into the spinner and press it on the other side with another circle.
  9. Glue the remaining two circles on the sides. That's all, a homemade paper spinner without a bearing is ready.

To understand the details, watch this video:

Method 2: paper spinner

To make such a spinner, we will need two square sheets of paper and two pushpins. The assembly diagram will look like this:

We advise you to immediately watch the video, otherwise the instructions may seem too complicated:

  1. Fold the sheet in half, then open it, like a book, fold both sides of the paper towards the bend.
  2. Next, we fold the resulting rectangle again and get an even smaller rectangle.
  3. Fold the resulting figure in half to create a bend. Then we open it and place it vertically.
  4. We take it from the lower left corner and move it to the right side. You should get a figure similar to English letter L.
  5. We repeat the same with the other part of the paper, only now we bend it to the left.
  6. From the resulting shape, bend each corner so that you get two triangles at two ends.
  7. We make a diamond out of the resulting shape, run our fingers along the curves several times and open it back into the previous shape.
  8. We repeat the same with the second sheet of paper, only at the folding stage we make the folds in the opposite direction.
  9. We connect the two resulting figures together. We place one vertically, the other horizontally on top. We tuck the corner of the vertical fig into the corners of the horizontal one. As a result, you should end up with a figure that looks like a shuriken.
  10. Now we make a hole in the center of our star using a pushpin so that it can easily rotate.
  11. Now we take the second button, heat the iron tip and take it out. We put on the remaining cap on the other side. The spinner is ready.

More interesting articles.

Let's make a spinner. Four bearings are required feather drill by 22 mm, a piece of plastic or any other material that can be processed. We draw an equilateral triangle with sides of 85 mm and mark all the holes. You'll have to make a little noise with the drill. Let's drill all the main holes for the bearing. Everything is extremely neat. It’s strange that the spinner only became popular Lately although it was invented in 93 by a chemical engineer. Available in another publication.
The master decided to make cutouts on the edges of the pinwheel.

Cut off the excess and paint it any color you like. The master chose black. The main bearing needs to be upgraded a bit by removing the plastic plug and cleaning out the sticky grease.

Take any container and fill it with acetone or another solvent. We immerse the bearing in the container and remove all excess grease.
The most interesting. Insert the ball bearing into the cutout. Super glue at the contact point, but not necessary. Same with the others. The spinner is ready.

We widen the holes with a large nail. The central bearing is made from cardboard circles and toothpicks. We put it on both sides. It spins great. Fix with office glue. We remove unnecessary things. Protect the cut with a nail file.

Let's emphasize the contour of the lips. Dip the edges of the spinner in special glue. Sprinkle with gold glitter. Shaking it off. We heat it up. Paint the edges of the bearing with a black marker. Continuation on the video of the “Trum Trum” channel from the third minute.

Video on how to create a spinner.