Well      12/23/2020

What you need to eat to boost your immunity. What foods will help boost a person's immunity? The role of vitamins in maintaining immunity

The immunity of a child and an adult has its own characteristics. At the same time, children are much more vulnerable to infectious and viral diseases than adults.

Any modern mother knows that a child’s immunity is the body’s ability to resist various infections. In turn, immunodeficiency is a lack of immunity, as a result of which children become susceptible to a number of infections.

Features of immunity in children

The reasons why a child’s immune system malfunctions can be different: stress, unsatisfactory living conditions, proper nutrition, lack of vitamins, chronic diseases of internal organs.

Mother Nature takes care of newborns and children of the first year of life, whose immunity is supported by immunoglobulins that enter the body with mother's milk. This is why doctors so persistently recommend continuing breastfeeding for as long as possible and not switching children to artificial formula before the 7-8th month of life.

During intrauterine development resistance to infections of the embryo and fetus is due to class G immunoglobulins, which enter the body of the unborn child along with the mother’s blood. IgG tends to accumulate over 9 months of intrauterine existence. Once born, the baby “uses up” maternal immunoglobulins, the supply of which dries up after he reaches six months of age. This is why children over 6 months of age get sick quite often if they are not breastfed.

The child’s body begins to produce its own immunoglobulins no earlier than 6 years of age. summer age, and by the end of puberty the immune system is finally formed. In kindergarten, and then at school, children have to deal with various infections. In addition, they undergo routine vaccination and acquire specific immunity to certain diseases. However, it is nonspecific immunity that forms the body’s ability to resist numerous forms of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc.

What determines the strength of a baby’s immune system?

Why can one baby run barefoot through puddles all day and not catch anything, while another instantly reacts with an increase in temperature even to a short walk in wet weather? As you can see, the strength of nonspecific immunity in the first child is much higher than in the second.

Vaccination, of course, is a great thing. Thanks to it, children become immune to measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, diphtheria, some forms of hepatitis, etc. However, vaccination cannot increase nonspecific immunity. The baby may have full set vaccinations appropriate for your age, and at the same time suffer from sore throat, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis every month. Unfortunately, these diseases are caused by microorganisms for which vaccinations are not given.

The main factors influencing the state of a child’s nonspecific immunity are the following.

  • Living conditions, living arrangements. The poor financial situation of parents and the need to frequently change their place of residence undermine children's immunity.
  • Psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family, preschool, school. If parents are not averse to drinking and loudly sorting things out in front of their children, if the child is bullied in kindergarten or persecuted at school, the body’s resistance drops. To be healthy, a baby needs the affection, love and care of loved ones.
  • Food quality. A child’s daily diet should include all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and minerals. An unbalanced diet significantly reduces immune defense. The diet should be as varied as possible and consist of products of plant and animal origin.
  • The presence of congenital and acquired diseases. A child's immune system cannot function properly if any of its internal organs affected by the disease. A fairly common occurrence in childhood is weakened immunity due to intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis, and dyskinesia. biliary tract, pyelonephritis, etc.

Weak immunity in a child should be suspected if he suffers from colds more than six times a year, and the disease occurs with complications such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, and traditional treatment does not help much.

How to boost your child's immunity

The main methods that help strengthen the immunity of the child’s body are hardening, balanced diet and the use of immunostimulating drugs () prescribed by a doctor.


Typically, hardening begins at 3-4 years of age. However, if the child was born absolutely healthy, hardening procedures can be started earlier, even in the first year of life. The first steps to strengthen the baby’s immunity can be daily rubbing of the body with a damp sponge and dousing the legs with cool water before bed (the water temperature should be reduced gradually, by one degree per week, starting from +36`C).

Hardening for a three-year-old child should take place in the form of a game. You can start with morning exercises, which should be done daily after the baby wakes up. Let the child repeat simple exercises after mom or dad for 10-15 minutes, and the exercises themselves should take place in a well-ventilated room.

The next stage is rubbing the limbs and the whole body with a sponge moistened with water +22-25`C. Gradually the temperature can be reduced to +18`C. At the end water procedures The baby should be wiped dry and changed into warm, dry clothes.

Balanced diet

Parents should ensure that the baby receives the following vitamins and minerals daily from food:

  • vitamin A - found in carrots, cabbage, garden greens, liver, sea fish, milk, butter, egg yolk;
  • Vitamin C - found in citrus fruits, fresh and sauerkraut, rose hips, black currants, etc.;
  • vitamin E - found in vegetable oil, spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, whole grain bread, sprouted wheat, etc.;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) - are found in legumes, beets, tomatoes, green peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, cottage cheese, cheese, yeast, egg yolk, caviar, beef;
  • vitamin D - found in cow's milk and sea fish, as well as in pharmaceutical fish oil;
  • potassium - found in melons, citrus fruits, legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, prunes, raisins, baked potatoes;
  • magnesium - you can replenish its reserves in a child’s body through walnuts, pumpkin, shellfish, shrimp, soybeans, peas, and garden herbs;
  • copper - found in hazelnuts, buckwheat, oats, sweet red peppers, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes;
  • zinc - is part of sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, walnuts, meat, cereals, wheat bran.
  • iodine - enters the body with seaweed, seafood, fish, beets, mushrooms, radishes, melon, onions, green peas.

Taking multivitamins

During childhood, rapid growth of all systems and organs occurs, so children require much more vitamins and minerals than adults.

Under unfavorable conditions, vitamin deficiency occurs in children much faster and more often than in their parents. So it’s not far from persistent immunodeficiency.

In any pharmacy you can find a wide selection of multivitamins from various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign.

However, a child should only buy those that are adapted for children's use. And it is best to listen to the pediatrician’s recommendations when choosing. It is especially important to take multivitamins during those periods of the year when the body suffers most from vitamin deficiency. As a rule, this is winter and spring.

Taking immunostimulating drugs

There are many that increase the activity of the immune system and strengthen the body’s ability to resist infections. In particular, pharmacies may recommend interferon, echinacea, immunal, broncho-munal, viferon, cycloferon, anaferon, IRS-19 and a number of other drugs. Human leukocyte interferon and other interferons are bioactive substances that block the development of viral infections in the body and are the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in children. Cycloferon and anaferon are inducers and stimulate the body’s independent production of interferon. Doctors often prescribe them at the first signs of a viral disease to ease its course and ensure a speedy recovery.

Bacterial agents that enhance immunity include broncho-munal, imudan, IRS-19 and others. They contain microdoses of staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus and other pathogens infectious diseases. Without presenting any danger to the child’s body, they can significantly increase the child’s immunity.

Echinacea, preparations of ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, etc. are prepared from plant materials and have an immunostimulating effect. Treatment with them is most often carried out in the autumn-winter period, as well as in anticipation of epidemics of seasonal influenza and ARVI. The main thing that every mother should understand is that immunotherapy should not become a platform for experiments on her own child. You can take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor and after the fact of immunodeficiency has been established based on an examination of the baby and studying the results of his laboratory tests.

According to the World Health Organization, children at an early age suffer up to 8-10 acute respiratory viral infections per year. If a child’s immune system functions normally, he or she may get sick within a year. different types influenza and adenovirus infection up to 4-5 times in a mild form (with a runny nose, coughing, low fever).

The formation and development of the immune system occurs over many years, because immunological memory (not to be confused with innate immunity) is not inherited, but acquired by a person during development.

Newborn babies are protected by maternal antibodies. Which ones exactly depends on what the mother was sick with and what vaccinations she received before pregnancy. While breastfeeding the baby, she transfers ready-made antibodies to him. The synthesis of own antibodies in newborns is limited.

There are critical periods in the development of a child’s immune system.

  • I period (up to 28 days of the baby’s life). At this time, the immune system is suppressed, so newborn babies are very susceptible to viral infections and opportunistic microbes.
  • II period (3-6th months of life). It is caused by the destruction of maternal antibodies in the child’s body. But an immune response is already developing to the penetration of microbes due to innate immunoglobulins. During this period, children are exposed to viruses that cause ARVI. Infants are at increased risk of getting sick intestinal infections and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. If in the first year of life the child has not received required quantity maternal antibodies (this is possible if the mother did not have the corresponding diseases, was not vaccinated against them or did not breastfeed the child), then the child has severe and atypical childhood infections: measles, whooping cough, rubella, chicken pox. It is important to vaccinate your child in a timely manner according to the preventive vaccination schedule. At the same age, food allergies may appear.
  • III period (2-3 years of life). The baby's contacts with the outside world expand significantly. The primary immune response is still fundamental to the functioning of the immune system. Although the child develops new immunoglobulins, the local immune system is not yet fully formed, and children are still very sensitive to viruses and bacteria.
  • IV period (6-7 years). Immunoglobulins responsible for the allergic reaction reach their maximum values, since it is during this period that chronic diseases are more likely to form and the frequency of allergic diseases increases.
  • V period (adolescence). This is a time of rapid growth and hormonal changes in the body. For girls it is 12-13 years old, for boys it is 14-15 years old.

The only way to fully protect yourself from infectious diseases is to develop your own immunity, which is formed when meeting microorganisms. Frequent ARVI in a child should in no way be considered as a malfunction of the immune system. If a child gets sick often, but the illness progresses brightly and quickly, parents should not assume that the child has a reduced immune system. You need to be wary if he suffers from diseases that become chronic.

To mobilize the body's defenses, it is necessary to use general strengthening techniques (hardening, for example) and take multivitamins (read also). It is necessary to include rye bread, fermented milk products and legumes in your diet. The child's contacts should be limited as much as possible during influenza epidemics. You can use medications that protect the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract (influenza, viferon, derinat).

These proven remedies are very effective. traditional medicine like garlic and onions. They secrete phytoncides - substances that are fatal to many pathogenic microorganisms.

The simplest recipe: put finely chopped garlic cloves on a saucer and place it next to the child, and you can even hang a head of garlic around your neck on a string.

Young children often get sick due to weakened immunity. Don’t rush to work, be sure to give your child time to finally get stronger after the illness (this will take at least 2 weeks). To strengthen the immune system, give your child rosehip decoction, lemon or honey water (stir 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or honey in a cup of boiled water).

Chamomile teas are very useful for restoring strength, linden color, coltsfoot, as well as fresh juices. Carry out massages, healing treatments, teach your baby to do gymnastics, spend time with her in the fresh air more often. In short, use all known means to strengthen the immune system. For frequent infectious diseases and colds, traditional medicine advises boiling 2-3 figs in milk over low heat. Let the child eat the berries and drink the milk warm.

It is useful to give such a vitamin mixture to often sick children.

Pass 1.5 cups of raisins, 1 cup of walnut kernels, 0.5 cups of almonds, the peel of 2 lemons through a meat grinder, and squeeze the lemons into the resulting mass and mix it with 0.5 cups of melted honey. Infuse the mixture for 1-2 days in a dark place and give the child 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day an hour before meals.

Bran to strengthen the immune system.

1 tbsp. wheat or rye bran, pour 1 tablespoon of water and boil, stirring, for 30-40 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. dry crushed calendula flowers and boil for another 5 minutes. Cool, strain and add 1 tsp. honey (if you are not allergic to honey). Drink 1/4 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals. You can drink this drink for a long time.

A decoction of horsetail to strengthen children's immunity.

1 tbsp. horsetail pour tbsp. boiling water, let it brew. Drink 30 ml 3 times a day. This drink can be drunk in the fall, before a flu epidemic or after an illness, to strengthen the body. This remedy perfectly strengthens weakened immunity and tones the body well. Check out the contraindications, because... Horsetail is contraindicated for those who have diseased kidneys or kidney stones.

Propolis tincture will increase children's immunity.

To strengthen the immune system, drip propolis tincture into warm milk on an empty stomach. The number of drops depends on the age of the child and how he tolerates bee products. Children from 3 to 7 years old can be given 3-5-7 drops. Increase the quantity gradually. As a preventive measure, give propolis for a month, then a month off. If the child is already sick, add the tincture to milk twice a day. You can go (3-5 year olds) on 10 drops twice a day during illness. After recovery, give the child the tincture for another two weeks, but reduce the dose to a preventive dose.

Cranberries and lemon are excellent for immunity.

To strengthen the immune system, mince 1 kg of cranberries and 2 medium-sized lemons (remove the seeds), add 1 tbsp to the mixture. honey, mix well. There is a mixture of 1-2 tbsp. with tea 2-3 times a day. The recipe is suitable even for children.

Cedar oil will strengthen the immune system.

To avoid colds, take 1/3 tsp of cedar oil to strengthen your body. 2-3 times a day (before meals) for a month. Keep an eye on your baby's stool. If it becomes too weak, reduce the dose.

Onion syrup will strengthen the child's immunity.

To increase immunity to colds, take the following mixture constantly in cold weather: Take 250 g onions, finely chop, add 200 g of sugar and pour in 0.5 liters of water. Cook over low heat until the consistency of syrup. Take 1 tsp. children, and 1 tbsp. l. adults 3 times a day before meals until the product runs out. And if you have honey in the house and you are not allergic to it, you just need to mix 1 tbsp. p. onion juice with 1 tsp. honey and take 3 times a day before meals.

“Sea Beach” will relieve constant illnesses.

A remedy that will relieve your child of colds, sore throats, etc. Take sea rounded pebbles (buy at a pet store). Pour warm boiled water over the pebbles sea ​​salt and a drop of vinegar, and 3 times a day the child should walk barefoot on these pebbles for 3-5 minutes. That's it - there will be no frequent illnesses!

Gentian will increase the child's immunity.

Pour 10 g of gentian roots into a liter of water. Leave for 20 hours. Strain. Add 1 kg of sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat. Cool down. Store in a cool place. Give children half a glass 3 times a day as a general tonic.

This remedy not only perfectly improves children's immunity, but also improves vitality, plus it helps cleanse the blood, including in cases of leukemia. Take 0.5 kg of carrots and beets, wash, peel, finely chop, put in a pan and pour boiling water so that the water covers the vegetables by 2 fingers. Place the pan on the fire and cook over low heat until the beets are ready, strain. Then add a handful of washed raisins and dried apricots to the broth, put it back on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes. Then remove from heat, add 1 tbsp. l. honey and leave in a cool place for 12 hours. Give this remedy to children 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day for 1 month.

Hardening and vitamin infusion will strengthen the child’s immunity

A recipe for preparing a vitamin infusion containing all the substances most necessary for a weakened body. Take 2 parts of lingonberries, and 3 parts of nettle leaves and rose hips. Grind, mix well, brew 4 teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 3-4 hours, then strain.

Give your child a glass 2-3 times a day for a month, then take a break for a month and start giving the infusion again. At the same time, begin to harden the child by wiping first warm water, and then gradually reducing the temperature. After such treatment, the child will get stronger and stop getting sick.

There is no ideal drug for boosting immunity, otherwise there would never be queues at clinics. You can't take one pill and stay healthy forever. But in order to protect your body from the next wave of infectious diseases in the midst of it, you need effective methods, and many prefer to do without medications.

How to prepare the immune system for infections? Is it possible to change your diet in such a way as to forget about illnesses forever? What foods boost immunity? What are the secrets of proper nutrition in medicine to improve the body's defenses?

What does our immune system need?

With the help of an optimally selected diet, you can not only cure some diseases, but also significantly improve your overall well-being. Do not be mistaken in thinking that food is a cure for all diseases, including the only means for normalizing immunity. This is just one component that helps to cope with only part of the problems.

What should you eat to boost your immunity? There is no specific list of products that will work for our own body. But when eating you need to adhere to certain rules, only in this case you can count on correct work all organs and systems in critical moments. What is important to remember about our immunity in order to help it in a timely manner?

  1. The lion's share in protecting the body from infections, including the functioning of the immune system, belongs to the intestines - here, along the small intestine, insertions of lymphoid tissue can be found. The so-called islets or Peyer's patches help the body cope with external threats. Therefore one of key points Strengthening the immune system is maintaining normal bowel function.
  2. You need to try to preserve the functioning of the natural intestinal microflora, then toxins, waste products and microorganisms ingested with food will be removed from the body faster and more efficiently.
  3. The products do not contain substances for the production of immune cells, but they are saturated with vitamins, microelements and fiber, which in the right proportions does not harm, but only improves the functioning of each organ.
  4. Only the optimal combination of all the required nutritional components will help our body. Proteins or fats cannot be excluded - this will lead to a disruption in the production of hormones and a deterioration in the growth of muscle tissue, which will also affect the immune system.

You should always eat right

You cannot adjust your diet for a week, month or several days. For a permanent and desired effect proper food of healthy products should be on the table at all times. In addition to eating a healthy, balanced diet, you shouldn't forget about immune-boosting foods.

How not to lose vitamins in foods that strengthen the immune system?

Fruits and berries for immunity

What fruits boost immunity? Almost all of them can help our body cope with infections and stress. Each type of fruit or berry differs in the content of one or another substance. Therefore, fruit and berry salads are a good alternative to tablet vitamins at any time of the year. In addition to their excellent micronutrient composition, they contain fiber, which improves bowel function.

But there are still foods that doctors recommend consuming for certain diseases or to strengthen the immune system.

The ideal combination of vitamins for the body is an antioxidant complex, which includes vitamins A, E, C. But only a combination of fruits and berries with the addition of a small amount of oils can provide daily requirement for humans of these vitamins.

There are some foods whose role in the immune system can only be guessed at. These include pomegranate. Does it improve immunity? It helps our body cope with certain diseases.

  1. A polyphenol called ellagitannin was discovered in pomegranate. The peculiarity of this substance is that with constant consumption of it in food, the risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced. What polyphenol does and how it helps the body, and in particular the immune system, is still difficult to say.
  2. Pomegranate is rich in tannins. Freshly squeezed juice has a slightly tart taste - this proves the presence of these substances in it. Antidotes were created based on them, since they are able to bind proteins. In addition, tannins can form a film on the surface of mucous membranes to protect them from bacteria and viruses. That is, pomegranate can help in the formation of local immunity, protecting the throat from microorganisms. But such treatment may be too expensive.

Vegetables to boost immunity

How does garlic boost immunity? This is one of the first products that appears in everyone’s diet during the period of massive spread of viral infections. Why, even in our time, is there no analogue to this vegetable in the fight against colds?

  1. Vitamins C and B are found in it
  2. Sulfur-containing substances: glycoside alliin, methylcysteine ​​and others, which have antibiotic properties.
  3. Some of the most important substances in garlic are phytoncides.

It has long been no secret that freshly squeezed garlic juice improves immunity and suppresses the influenza virus. But this is not all the positive properties of such an original composition.

It becomes clear why garlic is widely used for colds and is included in first aid products to improve the functioning of the immune system. The only drawback is the unpleasant smell after using it.

Another vegetable that boosts immunity is the tomato. Its carotenoid pigment, lycopene, is a strong antioxidant. Regular consumption of tomatoes protects against internal cell degeneration, thereby reducing the risk of developing cancer. High level lycopene in the blood reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Tomato is one of the main vegetables that has a positive effect on the immune system.

Recipes from foods that boost immunity

You can strengthen your immune system in a delicious way; to do this, you just need to choose a few beautiful-looking dishes. Here are some healthy and common recipes that you can use to replace junk food and help your body learn to cope with infections.

Is it possible to simply eat a mixture of dried fruits every day to boost immunity? Dried fruits should be included in the diet, but in small quantities. These are very high-calorie foods that contain a lot of sugar. Not everyone is eligible for this kind of help.

You can and should strengthen your immune system with food. But how can this not harm the body? This cannot be done by strictly limiting any products. Caring for the immune system must be competent. The best way out is to consult a specialist who will develop the right diet not only based on the capabilities of the wallet, but also the characteristics of a person’s health.

What foods strengthen your immune system? Immunity is one of the most important components of strengthening the body's defenses.

It makes it possible to protect us from various infections that pose a threat to us. A person's health depends on many factors in his life.

Food can support the immune system, but only in combination with a healthy lifestyle, taking vitamins, and spending a long time in the fresh air, please do not forget about this.

A child is born with a certain level of immunity, with his mother’s milk he receives part of her immune cells and throughout his life we ​​additionally Unfortunately, he does not always make us happy about what we need to do and know in order to be healthy and not get sick.

It should be noted that today it is possible to increase immunity different ways– this is hardening, hygiene and a varied, nutritious diet.

What foods boost immunity?

Products that boost human immunity:

  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • celery;
  • green vegetables (also improve immunity).

These are the main products that increase human immunity.

1) Garlic and onions do not lose their properties even when cooked, but they do not leave that strong smell as when fresh. They contain vitamins B, C, D and microelements necessary to improve immunity. The phytoncides they contain have a negative effect on bacteria and viruses. They should be consumed fresh or with slight heat treatment.

2) Ginger was grown as a valuable seasoning in ancient India 3 thousand years ago. It was also used in treatment, and this plant was promoted as a cure for many diseases. Only the root is used in nutrition, which contains a lot useful substances, rich in minerals and vitamins. The easiest way to use ginger is ginger tea. Grate 40 gr. ginger root, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 8 hours. Use 3-4 times a day, dilute with boiling water and add honey to taste.

2) Celery has been known as a seasoning and medicinal product since ancient times, especially in Ancient Greece. Three varieties of the plant are used: leaf, petiole and root. Celery contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and microelements. Celery is especially rich in selenium, which helps strengthen the immune system.

4) Green vegetables ( different types cabbage, broccoli and other leafy vegetables) contain a large number of protein necessary for the construction of immune cells, i.e. protective functions of the body.

Products that strengthen the immune system

2) Fermented milk products contribute to the functioning of our immunity, as they are saturated with a large number of beneficial bacteria. It is very important to consume any food, but fresh and unsweetened. Scientists have proven that it is in the intestines that human immunity is located.

3) Products containing vitamin A in conjunction with vitamin C are strong antioxidants and are found in black currants, both in berries and leaves, sweet peppers, horseradish, and rose hips. Vitamin A is found in carrots, persimmons, eggs and liver. In order for vitamin A to be absorbed, it is necessary to combine it with fat-containing foods (sour cream, vegetable oil).

4) Polyunsaturated fatty acids . Contained in fatty sea fish (tuna, herring, halibut), nuts and vegetable oils first cold-pressed (sunflower, corn, flaxseed, nut) strengthen the immune system and relieve inflammation.

5) Zinc, which is important for immunity, is found in meat, sprouted wheat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Beneficial features All vegetables also consist in the presence of fiber in them; it is not digested by the body and passes through the entire intestine like a “brush,” cleansing it and freeing the villi of the intestinal mucosa from the remnants of undigested foods and pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, vegetables help our immunity to be strengthened not only by the vitamins they contain (C, A, B1, B2, B3), microelements (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, potassium) and nutrients (sugars, fats, resins, phenols, essential oils and pectins), but also a large amount of fiber.

Conclusion: There are other ways to boost immunity. Try to walk more in the fresh air, do morning exercises, eat a varied and balanced diet. You can additionally strengthen your immune system with dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. You can choose any method or combine several.

The main thing is to help your immune system and be healthy!

Immunity is the body’s natural defense against genetically foreign objects. A person lives in a hostile environment and often does not even suspect it. The surrounding area is teeming with harmful fungi, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that are not averse to nestling comfortably in the human body. But immunity is the guardian of health. This concept means a whole army of cells and symbionts, created by wise nature in the process of evolution to protect the body from uninvited guests.

No matter how strong the army is, it needs help. For harmonious and coordinated activities, timely supply of shells, weapons and food is necessary. For the immune system, these are vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and other useful substances that can not only satisfy hunger, but also provide effective support to the immune shield.

Modern life is, in a certain sense, comfortable, but the other side of progress is many factors that have a negative impact on the human body:

  • bad ecology;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • mutation of pathogens;
  • bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • lack of sleep, etc.

A person with a weakened immune system often gets sick or unwell, constantly feels tired, loses external attractiveness (skin becomes gray or flaky, hair and nails become dull and brittle), sleeps poorly and is often irritated or becomes prone to depression and tearfulness.

The situation can be improved by changing your eating habits. Products for immunity will deliver useful substances to every cell of the body and increase defenses.

Boosting immunity through food

A man is what he eats. A wide selection of products allows you to provide your body with everything you need.

What foods strengthen your immune system?

Chamomile is a champion for strengthening the immune system. The modest flower has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, a sedative effect, and improves sleep quality.

Green tea, decoctions of rose hips, hawthorn, and herbal infusions are good for improving immune status. In order to improve your health, you must adhere to certain rules. Decoctions and infusions that strengthen the immune system are drunk for 3 weeks in a row, then take a week's break and change the herb (or collection).

Collecting will help cleanse the body of toxins and increase immunity. Tibetan monks: chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds, coltsfoot are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Brew like tea, a teaspoon in ½ glass of water. Drink 2 times a day: in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast and in the evening, before bed.

Doctors recommend not to forget about proper nutrition. For example, porridge for breakfast starts the gastrointestinal tract. Pearl barley porridge is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, rich in amino acids, has an antiviral effect, and relieves allergies. Contains fiber, which helps cleanse the body of toxins. The cereal contains: K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, Co, Sr, Cr, Iodum, Br, P, as well as vitamins A, D, E, PP and group B.

Buckwheat, thanks to the beneficial substances it contains, relieves the negative effects of distress on the body, improves the quality of sleep, and significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Rice porridge made from unpolished grains retains all the substances beneficial to the body.

Oatmeal improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the health of the entire body depends on the full and uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is especially important to teach your child to eat porridge every day. Cereals rich in vitamins and microelements lay the foundation for the baby’s health.

To boost immunity, there should always be on the table fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables. With the onset of cold weather, cranberries come to the fore. You can boost your immunity by eating a tablespoon of cranberries per day. If desired, you can crush the berries with sugar or prepare a fruit drink. The beneficial properties of cranberries remain unchanged.

Vitamins, minerals, microelements - building materials for immunity

Proteins are the building blocks of the body, a source of amino acids. Thanks to products such as fish (river and sea), meat (pork, beef, lamb, etc.), poultry, eggs, immunoglobulins are produced. These compounds are able to recognize foreign invasion and effectively protect the body from dangerous microorganisms.

Zinc. To improve immunity, it is necessary to select foods rich in zinc. Without this essential mineral, the reproduction of thymus hormones is impossible. The thymus gland (thymus) is one of the organs of the immune system that participates in the formation of T-lymphocytes - immune cells that recognize and destroy foreign agents at the cost of their own lives.

The thymus gland is formed in childhood and its function declines with age. Another name for the thymus gland is thymus, which, translated from ancient Greek, means “ life force" Even in ancient times, people realized the importance of this organ for human health and life.

Immunity in young children is innate. Nature itself bestows protection on babies. As you grow, you should consume the following foods to introduce zinc into your body:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • liver and meat;
  • egg yolks;
  • cereals;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • mushrooms, cheese, legumes.

Selenium promotes the synthesis of antibodies that successfully suppress the activity of viruses and maintains optimal levels of zinc in the body. Selenium is found in seafood, seeds and grains, and brewer's yeast.

Iodine is an essential substance for the production of immune defense hormones and is essential for efficient work thyroid gland. Contained in:

  • seafood;
  • asparagus;
  • seaweed;
  • carrots;
  • milk;
  • eggs, etc.

Lacto- and bifidobacteria form an optimal microclimate in the gastrointestinal tract, promoting the active production of protective cells, preventing rotting processes, producing amino acids, and suppressing the activity of microbes. Beneficial bacteria are found in “live” fermented milk products, sourdough, salted cabbage, pickled apples, and kvass.

Fiber is removed from the body harmful substances. Fiber-rich cereals, citrus fruits, bran, cereals, nuts and seeds are excellent sorbents.

Phytoncides are indispensable products for the immune system. Volatile substances are contained in garlic and onions, radish, horseradish, and bird cherry. They effectively attack fungi and bacteria, and activate restoration processes in tissues.

Omega-3 acids stop inflammatory processes and strengthen the immune system. Products for the immune system:

  • salmon;
  • tuna;
  • trout;
  • seafood;
  • olive oil.

What foods boost immunity in adults and children? Rich in vitamins. Vitamin A is one of the most important for protecting the body. It stands guard skin and mucous membranes, preventing them from drying out and cracking. Provitamin A (carotene) is one of the most powerful antioxidants responsible for protecting the immune system from free radical attacks.

Contained in many vegetables and fruits, red and orange color, green vegetables and a number of animal products. Carotene is absorbed in the body only in combination with fats.

Vitamin E prevents the development of inflammation and has antioxidant properties.

Vitamins A and E play a huge role during pregnancy. Products to enhance immunity in women ensure the health of the gestating fetus. The most important foods for the immune system of mother and child:

  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • carrot;
  • greenery;
  • liver;
  • avocado;
  • nuts;
  • seeds, etc.

Vitamin C is the most popular of all vitamins. Fruits rich in vitamin C boost immunity:

  • oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits;
  • kiwi;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • cranberry;
  • persimmon, etc.

Vitamin C promotes the production of interferons, reliably protecting the body from colds and hypothermia, effectively repelling the attack of free radicals, and strengthening blood vessels.

In addition to fruits, vitamin C is found in cabbage of all types and methods of preparation, tomatoes, bell pepper, cereals and herbs.

Vitamin B. People vitally need B vitamins. Folic acid, riboflavin and other vitamins ensure the production of cells that prevent the proliferation of microbes during illness. Helps to quickly recover from stress and illness.

Products with vitamin B that improve immunity:

  • legumes;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • cereals;
  • cereals;
  • Rye bread;
  • greens, etc.

What other foods boost immunity in adults?

Seasonings: cinnamon, ginger, turmeric have a beneficial effect on the immune system. By adding them to food, you can prevent many diseases.

Simple ways to strengthen your immune system

In order to restore immunity after an illness or to maintain immune status, it is not at all necessary to take pills. You can correct the lack of nutrients with proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and hardening procedures.

The best products for maintaining and restoring immunity are dried fruits and honey. A popular recipe for a mixture to strengthen the immune system:

Grind raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes, nuts, lemon and mix with honey. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach.

Particular attention to nutrition issues should be paid to pregnant women. While expecting a baby, products to boost immunity in women should be selected with special care. The health of the unborn child depends on proper nutrition.

People associate immunity with some mysterious system. Everyone regularly hears about it, but everyone knows how it works and how it can be improved only in general terms. Often at a doctor’s appointment you can hear the phrase that it is low and needs to be strengthened urgently.

In which organ are the cells responsible for immunity located? What conditions and diseases lead to its decrease? How to boost the immunity of a frequently ill child? These questions worry all parents and people who care about the health of their loved ones.

How immunity is formed before birth

The simplest and most understandable representative of the body's defense system is blood cells, lymphocytes. They are responsible for the fight against many foreign microorganisms. An elementary example of their work can be seen in the case of a splinter getting into a finger. At the wound site there is swelling of nearby tissues, redness, and sometimes a local increase in temperature. These blood cells “fight” at the site of penetration of the splinter.

How is immunity formed in a child? Immediately after birth, it is “prefabricated”, that is, the baby inherited some of the cells against certain diseases from the mother (this is innate immunity). After a few months, he himself can become infected with the infection, gaining acquired immunity. These two types are united under the common name - natural protection.

Then, in the first days of life, the child receives active immunity with vaccinations, and the introduction of therapeutic serum helps to form passive protection. They are also united under a common name - artificial immunity.

Organs responsible for the production of protective cells:

  • spleen;
  • thymus;
  • Bone marrow;
  • lymphoid tissue.

Why does immunity decrease?

Diseases that reduce immunity are one of the most dangerous categories of diseases. In such conditions, the human body loses the ability to defend itself. There are two main reasons for this:

  • congenital diseases;
  • acquired states.

Congenital diseases are caused by genetic factors: mutations and gene breakdowns, hereditary diseases. In this case, only drugs to increase immunity in children will help.

Acquired conditions depend on many circumstances:

  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • radiation therapy;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • irregular and irrational diet with severe limitation of nutrients;
  • frequent stress, night work, lack of proper sleep and rest;
  • HIV infection;
  • local infectious processes (skin diseases).

In general, all factors that sharply reduce the protective capabilities of the human body.

How to test a child's immunity

You should not run around with your child to doctors’ offices unless absolutely necessary in order to determine the state of immunity - this will not give the desired result. After the end of another infectious disease, there is also no need to take additional tests for the presence of immune cells. Congenital and acquired problems with immunity are a very rare pathology that often manifests itself immediately after birth. In other cases, the baby’s immunity copes with its responsibilities.

If there are problems with immunity, immunologists take care of such children. The child is sent for a detailed blood test to determine the number of cells responsible for the body’s immune defense. In addition, the child needs to undergo an immunogram, which will show how ready the child’s body is to face infections.

When should a child be tested for immunity?

  1. If the child belongs to the category of acute sickness (often ill for a long time). It is considered normal when children preschool age, visiting kindergarten, get sick up to eight times a year.
  2. Children with allergies are also subject to such examination.
  3. It is recommended to examine children if there are hereditary diseases associated with immunosuppression in the family.
  4. It wouldn’t hurt to get tested if children are susceptible to prolonged infections, when almost any mild viral disease always turns into a bacterial one with severe complications.
  5. If a child was born from a mother or father with HIV infection.

In the case when a child gets sick 2-3 times a year, but the baby is mobile, active, eats well and regularly receives vitamins, there are no indications for such an analysis.

How to increase immunity in a child - general principles

All pediatricians like to repeat the familiar phrase: “the sun, air and water are ours.” best friends! If you accustom a child to such rules from childhood, there will be no need to additionally stimulate the body with the help of traditional medicine and some other chemicals. The immune system of a newborn baby does not need to be strengthened. Breast-feeding, proper nutrition of the mother and the absence of hereditary serious illnesses- this is a deposit healthy child. The baby gets everything he needs from mother’s milk, including vitamins and protection. In other cases, you will need to work on the body’s capabilities.

How can you help your child cope with illnesses? How to boost your child’s immunity at home? Let's take a closer look at the possible help.

Complete victory over diseases

After infections - viral or bacterial, the baby always needs help. How to strengthen a child’s immunity after illness? There is nothing unusual about this help.

This way you can help your child cope with any disease completely.

Traditional recipes to help children

How to boost your child's immunity folk remedies? Advertising, programs about health and recipes from friends are not always useful. So that with the help of natural and folk recipes To improve a child’s immunity, many conditions must be met. And the most important thing is to do no harm. Such recommendations should only be given by a knowledgeable specialist.

Features of traditional treatment

Herbs to boost immunity in children can be used, but with caution. There is no need to prescribe them yourself or hope that a magic recipe suggested by friends will help your child. Each child is individual, and the reaction is sometimes unpredictable.

Medicines to help the body

Immunity is strengthened not only by folk remedies and hardening. A pronounced decrease in the body's defenses can be changed with the help of drugs. But here too you need to be careful. There is no need to interfere with the operation of these systems unless necessary.

During infectious diseases, vaccinations, tablets and suppositories are prescribed to increase immunity in children. Such protection is often unidirectional, that is, it works against certain infections.

Homeopathy can be used to improve a child’s immunity. These are complex drugs that are used at different periods of life. They contain animal and plant components in small dilutions. Registered drugs must be used. But even such seemingly harmless means cannot be used uncontrollably.

In case of a pronounced decrease in immunity (hereditary or acquired diseases), treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Assign complex circuits, affecting all systems of the body.

How to strengthen a child's immunity? This is long, focused work on the body. In this case, one tablet will not help. The principle of all means good in war will also not work. Improving a child’s defenses begins at birth.