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Palm home signs. What flowers can't be grown at home?

23 May 2013, 14:14

Indoor flowers are one of the most important elements of a home's interior. They help create coziness in your home and give your room personality. However, everyone knows that not all flowers can be grown at home! Some flowers are poisonous, others can cause an unpleasant reaction in people with allergies or people suffering from certain diseases, others are not recommended to be kept in an apartment according to Feng Shui or folk signs... Let's figure it out: what flowers should not be kept at home?

Dieffenbachia. An indoor tree with large yellow-green leaves is very beautiful, but dangerous! Its juice is poisonous and can cause serious poisoning in a child who decides to taste the leaf. You yourself can also get burned by the juice of this plant if you cut shoots or leaves from it.

This happened to me once, my friend didn’t wash the knife well, after trimming this plant, I then cut off my sausage with this knife while I was eating, it felt like I was eating broken glass, and then I was treated for another week. So whether it’s worth having such a plant at home, decide for yourself.

Philodendron. The leaves of this plant contain toxic acids. If a child eats a leaf of this plant, he can also be seriously poisoned.

Oleander. The juice of this plant can cause blindness, and the aroma of the flowers can cause dizziness.

Croton, as well as other euphorbias. Poisonous, burning juice. Causes burns upon contact with skin and death upon contact with blood.

Stellera dwarf, Rhodoea japonica. The sap from these plants is also dangerous. If a child accidentally swallows a piece of this plant, the burning juice will cause swelling of the vocal cords, in the worst case, it can lead to numbness.

Azalea (Sims' rhododendron). If you eat a leaf of this beautiful, but dangerous plant, intestinal colic and cramps will begin.

Tulip Gesner, mimosa bashful. People who are in close contact with these plants for a long time begin to lose hair, up to complete baldness.

Invisible enemies.

It often happens that for no particular reason we begin to suffer from insomnia, dizziness, headaches... Or an allergy suddenly arises, and we find ourselves completely at a loss: to what? In this case, you should take a closer look at the plants that are in your room. Perhaps it's all about them...

Lilies. At night, they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which can lead to morning headaches for no apparent reason. In addition, the strong aroma of lilies can cause insomnia. It is strictly not recommended to keep these flowers in the bedroom.

Ferns. Just like lilies, they convert oxygen into carbon dioxide at night, which can cause headache since morning.

Orchids. Their strong smell stimulates nervous system and can also lead to insomnia.

Hydrangea. Particles emitted by this plant can cause allergic reactions on the skin.

Tuberose. Also emits particles that stimulate the sense of smell. People suffering from hypertension and other heart diseases long time inhaling its aroma, they feel discomfort, dizziness and depression may occur.

"Black cats" and other feng shui.

Also on the Internet you can hear a lot of recommendations from bioenergeticists and Feng Shui specialists about which plants are energy vampires and which, on the contrary, feed energy, about which plants are best to grow in which area of ​​the house...

There is one piece of advice on this topic. If you practice Feng Shui, study it seriously and understand this teaching in detail, and do not listen to the advice of “experts” of unknown qualifications on the Internet.

So I won’t tell you anything about zones and energy, but in the end I’ll just name a few well-known folk beliefs regarding indoor plants that have nothing to do with Feng Shui.

Climbing plants like ivy It is not recommended to keep it at home, because, according to popular belief, then men will not linger in this house, and the owner will not see a happy and long life in marriage.

cacti. There are several beliefs regarding them:

If you keep cacti at home, your husband will become a drunkard.

If you keep cacti in a girl's bedroom, the girl will not get married successfully, and in general will be deprived of admirers.

Cacti neutralize the harm caused by a computer monitor... However, this is more likely not even a belief, but a scientific myth that had nothing to do with the truth even when computer monitors actually emitted harmful radiation. Now, in the vast majority of cases, liquid crystal monitors are used, which are completely safe for health.

Palm. Regarding this beautiful, large and unusual plant There is only one popular belief. If a palm tree was given to you, then you cannot bring it into your home - this, according to legend, will cause great grief. The belief is silent about what should be done with the donated palm tree to avoid great grief. But I suppose that if you don’t bring a palm tree into your house, but roll it on a scooter, then this will be quite enough.)) At the very least, positive emotions and invaluable life experience gained in the process of “rolling” a palm tree into your house will help you in the future, treat any grief in your life more philosophically.

In an effort to make their home as cozy as possible, or to turn their apartment in the concrete jungle into a green oasis, women decorate their apartments with all kinds of plants and flowers. But not everyone knows that many of them are not recommended for breeding at home, and some are strictly prohibited. Such plants can poison pet, seriously harm a child or an adult. Some flowers are not recommended to be kept at home due to various superstitions. We will now tell you which flowers you can’t keep at home and which you can.

We will not be able to list all the dangers to humans houseplants, this is impossible because there are so many of them. Let's dwell on the most popular ones, those that ladies often grow in their homes without fear.

When we buy a flower, we imagine how organically it will look in our interior, how it will lavish its aroma and cause the envy of our girlfriends. But we don’t think about what damage a new green “friend” can cause.

Oleander - beautiful flower with large bright petals, but whose leaves contain poisonous juice. If this juice gets on human skin, it can cause allergic reactions and even burns. Moreover, the aroma of oleander can cause headaches, nausea and fainting.

Dieffenbachia - this plant can be found among many people; it is loved for its large, beautiful leaves, in the bright design of which all shades of green seem to merge. However, not all connoisseurs of the bright appearance of Dieffenbachia know that its juice can also cause burns. If the plant juice gets into the esophagus, severe burns and poisoning cannot be avoided. It is better to forget about this plant for families with small children and animals, especially cats.

Azalea is incredibly beautiful; large caps of its bright colors find fans from all parts of the world. However, azalea leaves contain the most dangerous substances, glycoside and andromedotoxin, contact with which for people and animals will lead to severe poisoning, nausea, and convulsions.

Cyclamen, beloved by many, is also on the list of flowers that cannot be grown at home. Cyclamen flowers look funny, attracting admiring glances from lovers of originality, but distract attention from the dangerous leaves. The leaves of the plant are very toxic, but its tubers are even more dangerous. They contain a poison similar in effect to curare, which if ingested by a person or animal will cause vomiting, diarrhea, severe cramps and even fainting.

Nightshade - bright flower with a positive appearance and dangerous content. The plant is strewn with juicy fruits orange color, but you can’t eat them: they are very poisonous. Once ingested, nightshade fruits can cause serious poisoning. If it is not difficult for an adult to learn that bright appearance fruits are just a bait; it will be difficult for a child to resist tasting the beautiful “berries”.

Trichocereus belongs to the cactus family, as evidenced by its bright appearance. Beautiful large flowers regularly bloom among the long needles white shade, which, moreover, smell very tasty. This aroma can cloud your consciousness, because the plant contains hallucinogenic and toxic substances that can cause paralysis of the central nervous system.

Geranium is a very common resident of our window sills. However, some people cannot keep these house flowers at home. Geranium leaves contain a lot essential oil, so it smells so strong that it can cause an allergic reaction. Many people are familiar with the characteristic smell of geranium, but, as a rule, the aroma is released only after the plant is touched.

Evergreen ivy very poisonous: hazardous substances found in the stems, leaves and berries of the plant. Cats will be especially affected: they are very attracted to the bright green leaves, which they are sure to try.

What kind of house flowers should not be kept at home due to signs and superstitions?

There are many superstitions associated with growing flowers at home. Whether to trust them or not is a personal matter for each person, but we will tell you which so-called “unlucky plants” are not recommended to be kept at home due to popular rumor.

According to popular belief, cacti - and not only Trichocereus - should not be kept at home. There is a belief that in a house where cacti grow, the husband may become an alcoholic, and the girl will not be happy in her marriage. Or he will be completely left without a “other half”. It is also believed that cacti negatively affect relationships between family members.

What flowers cannot be grown at home? This is the second time Dieffenbachia has been included in the list; popular rumor attributes to it the ability to “take away” health from family members. Of course, it’s not for nothing that there is so much poison in it.

Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue, is believed that these flowers should not be kept at home by an unmarried woman. The plant, which has practically no stem, but many, many elongated narrow leaves, does not allow men near the house. And if some daredevil gets in his way, his mother-in-law’s tongue will certainly “drive him out.” Therefore, if you grow such a plant on your windowsill, you can remain unmarried. And you certainly shouldn’t keep sansevieria in the bedroom; there is a belief that it negatively affects female strength. Should we believe or not such signs? Probably if you collect everything folk superstitions in one list, you will have to get rid of all the green inhabitants of the window sills. On the other hand, maybe it’s not for nothing that the flower has a “speaking” name?

What indoor flowers should not be kept at home? It’s not for nothing that the photo of the ficus was included here. This plant not only can cause allergic reactions, but also prevents the appearance of children in the house. In any case, it is believed that if you are planning a child, you must first get rid of the ficus. At a minimum, ficus should not be kept in the bedroom, otherwise it can harm the relationship of the spouses.

Maybe such rumors are spread by people with allergies to children? After all, there is also the exact opposite opinion: if you want a child, get a ficus. Supposedly it helps get rid of infertility and improves the climate in the family. This is another reason to think about whether you should trust folk signs at all.

Not everyone keeps ferns in their homes, but there are some who love them. And in vain. This is a kind of energy vampire that takes away from a person vitality. It is believed that fern owners suffer from constant fatigue, they constantly want to sleep and do not want to be active.

On the list of indoor plants that cannot be kept at home, we again see geranium. This time, geranium was disqualified due to popular superstitions - it is also called an energy vampire, sucking the life juices out of family members.

What climbing flowers should you not keep at home? Indeed, there are several plants on this list. It is believed that if you grow in a house climbing plants, the husband will follow all the skirts. The man will be uncomfortable at home, he will try to escape. With climbing vine-like plants the situation is even more “interesting”: men will avoid such a house. Moreover, such flowers negatively affect a person’s state of mind, causing him to feel blue. Evergreen ivy is useful to keep outside rather than inside the house. Thus, it will protect the home from negativity.

Other climbing plants also “got it”: tradescantia, roisissus, hanging zebra and campelia, supposedly capable of “driving” a man out of the house.

What flowers should not be kept in the house according to Feng Shui?

The Asian practice of organizing space, of course, did not ignore such an interesting point as flowers in the house. Feng Shui “forbids” keeping at home not some varieties of flowers, but plants that are in a certain state.

Thus, it is believed that there is no place for dried flowers at home: they contribute to the drying out of feminine energy. Therefore, ladies who keep dried flowers in the house have nothing to hope for male attention.

If the flower, despite special care and care, fades, you need to get rid of it. It is believed to emit negative energy.

You need to choose flowers whose leaves “look” up; they will fill your home positive energy. Plants with leaves that trail downwards have no place in the house.

You should not have a flower with pointed leaves in your house; it is better to give preference to plants with rounded leaves. Allegedly, these plants will bring scandals and discord to the family.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, flowers are divided into male and female. Women's: begonia, violet, crassula, cyclamen. Male: dracaena, chlorophytum, citrus. To have positive energy at home, it is necessary to grow both female and male flowers.

What flowers should an unmarried girl not keep at home?

Perhaps this topic is worth special mention, since most of the signs and superstitions associated with flowers relate specifically to marriage and childbirth.

  • Lianas and liana-like flowers should be removed from the home by unmarried women. Otherwise you won't be able to get married
  • For example, folk superstitions “prohibit” girls from keeping the monstera vine at home, otherwise they can doom themselves to celibacy. Of course, there are no proven facts of such monstera behavior, however, on the Internet you can find reviews from women who report that they managed to improve their personal life only after getting rid of the flower
  • The cacti, which we have already talked about, also “turn away” potential suitors from the girl. It’s doubly offensive if you have to break up with your chosen one because of his attachment to drink, and not to the woman he loves.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue that drives men out of the house
  • Ficus preventing you from having offspring
  • Climbing plants, otherwise the man will cheat regularly

What flowers can you keep at home?

Here is a list of plants that should bring happiness and prosperity to your home:

  • Money tree - the name speaks for itself. It is better to plant it yourself, placing a coin on the bottom of the pot. But if the leaves money tree will dry out, you need to get rid of the flower
  • Lemons increase activity
  • Dracaena in the home promotes well-being and career growth
  • The spitaphyllum flower should be placed at home for unmarried women. It will help you find your chosen one, and in established families it promotes peace and happiness
  • Akucuba, or golden tree, will help you get rich, develop your talents and protect you from ill-wishers

Of course, you shouldn’t recklessly rely on these lists - which flowers you can keep at home and which you can’t. Whether it is worth urgently throwing away your many years of herbarium collection, or giving a ficus to your sworn friend, everyone decides for themselves.

If a person believes in omens, there is no need to grow, for example, ferns at home, this will at least have a negative impact on the subconscious. If you treat folk signs skeptically, without attaching importance to superstitions, then your husband is unlikely to become an alcoholic just because there are cacti on the windowsill.

Indoor plants create an individual atmosphere in any home, unique to that home. They make your home cozy and warm, and caring for house plants is a pleasure. No one will probably argue that these are living organisms that affect human health and psyche. Knowing which indoor plants should not be kept at home, you can avoid danger to the health and mood of family members.

As for energy, the advice to get rid of stunted and diseased plants in a timely manner is psychologically justified. Few people will feel better at the sight of a dying plant. If for some reason it was not possible to keep it healthy and strong, then the best solution would be to give the plant to someone who will properly put it in order.

However, the biggest threat is posed by non-diseased indoor flowers - from a safety point of view, you should not keep plants at home whose leaves and fruits contain toxic substances. Even if gardeners take every precaution, these indoor "pets" are dangerous for small children and pets who do not have developed sense danger. Here are some of them.

  • beautiful plant with decorative leaves, at the site of cutting or breaking of stems and leaves, it secretes milky juice that can cause skin irritation or burn the retina. If in mouth large quantity juice causes a severe burn to the mucous membranes.

Poinsettia, akalifa, codiaum, philodendron, calla euphorbia have similar properties. Their juice irritates the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, and if it enters the intestines, it causes nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Hyacinth, clivia, etc. are especially poisonous in this regard.

  • Oleander - decorative flowering plant, which releases an aroma during flowering that can make you faint. The juice of the stems and leaves of oleander can cause blindness due to a burn to the mucous membrane of the eye.

Other representatives of this Kutrov family have a similar effect: Pachypodium, Dipladenia, Periwinkle, Adenium. Why can't they be kept at home? These indoor plants contain poison that weakens the heart activity of humans and animals.

  • Nightshade, brunfelsia, brovallia, clivia - their attractive fruits and berries are so poisonous that, once in the body, they cause drowsiness and dilated pupils, abdominal pain and vomiting.
  • Primrose, cyclamen- are contraindicated for those who suffer from allergies; such people immediately develop allergic dermatitis, inflammation of the skin.

Very intensely toxic compounds are released during plant care (watering, spraying, propagation).

If you decide to grow these indoor plants in your apartment, remember first aid measures.

  • The skin where the poisonous juice comes into contact should be washed with soap and water.
  • If poisonous juice gets into your mouth, take absorbents (activated carbon) and induce vomiting.
  • Rinse the affected mucous membrane of the eye running water about 20 minutes, then consult an ophthalmologist.
  • If children are poisoned or signs of nervous or cardiac dysfunction appear in adults, consult a doctor immediately.

Knowing which house plants cannot be kept at home, you can anticipate many unpleasant situations related to the health of family members.

Signs and superstitions

Whether or not to believe folk superstitions about which flowers cannot be grown at home is a personal matter for everyone. A simple law works here: if you believe in these superstitions, they will come true; if you are indifferent to signs, the troubles they predict will bypass you.

Here are a few superstitions associated with houseplants.

  • Do not keep vines or ampelous types of indoor plants at home - the men in the family will not linger. Dangerous in this regard are such “husbands” as: scindapsus, tradescantia, zebrina, ivy, raphidophora, rheo, rhoicissus, campelia.
  • Palm trees given by someone, and not grown with one’s own hands, will bring great grief to the house.
  • Cacti attract drunkenness into the family. There is another sign about them - a girl living in a house where cacti grow is doomed to remain an old maid.
  • , ferns, philodendrons are energy vampires, they deprive the inhabitants of their strength, sucking the life out of them. Why did the beautiful monstera fall into such disgrace? Maybe because of the name, or maybe because of its tentacle-like aerial roots.
  • Geranium is a plant for lonely people. This superstition apparently arose due to the love of pensioner grandmothers for this flower, that is, the cause was confused with the effect.

Despite these superstitions, there are a huge number of examples of families growing cacti, vines, and geraniums living very happily.

Indoor floriculture according to Feng Shui

The popular eastern teaching of Feng Shui can offer some advice on what flowers should not be placed in an apartment or other human home.

  • You cannot keep indoor “pets” at home that cause antipathy among the owners, otherwise they will radiate negative energy around them.
  • The same statement applies to sick and drying plants.
  • Cacti or similar succulents with spines and hard leaves should not be placed in rest areas or in the bedroom.
  • Any flower composition using bonsai symbolizes restriction of development, therefore, according to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to have such transmitters of negative information in a person’s home.
  • In addition to cacti, yucca, sansevieria, or “pike tail”, echmea, neoregelia, and orchid have heavy energy. Being in the same space with them for a large amount of time can cause not only headaches, but also problems in the family and at work.

Let's look into the bedroom

In no room of a house or apartment does a person need positive energy and clean air like in the bedroom. Not only a good rest from daily worries, but also health and intimate relationships depends on what kind of indoor plants he is going to keep and grow there.

It is not advisable to place plants with a large mass of leaves in the bedroom: monstera, ficus, fern. In the dark, they will intensively absorb oxygen, which the inhabitants of the house already need. Flowers with strong aromas (lilies, orchids, hydrangea), as well as those that emit toxic fumes: oleander, and many others listed above, are also inappropriate in the bedroom. Even geranium can cause headaches if kept in the bedroom on a south-facing windowsill.

If family members suffer from asthma or allergies, it is better to avoid plants in the bedroom altogether. Constantly wet ground flower pots, spores of some plants, mold fungi, possibly present in a humid environment, do not have the best effect on the well-being of such patients.

  • tall plants with spreading leaves;
  • tough and prickly cacti and succulents;
  • drying and diseased specimens.

What flowers does Feng Shui recommend to keep in the bedroom? These are soft and delicate specimens with thin leaves, citrus fruits, miniature varieties of ficus, violets, aloe.

The requirements for flowers in a children's bedroom are the same, only enhanced by safety measures. You cannot put there:

  • poisonous varieties of indoor flowers;
  • specimens with a strong odor;
  • cacti, milkweed and succulents;
  • lianas and hanging plants;
  • flowers that intensely emit carbon dioxide, with large leaves;
  • allergens.

When purchasing or growing indoor flowers, you need to pay attention to their properties: safety, absence of allergic hazard in the form of fungi, mold, spores. It is strictly forbidden to keep poisonous specimens in a house where there are children. Green decorations are especially carefully selected to be placed in the bedroom or children's room. If folk signs and superstitions seem worthy of attention, then you should choose flowers based on them. Regardless of where flowers are placed to decorate the premises - in the kitchen, living room or bedroom - there is always a large selection of plants that do not pose a threat to health and energy balance.

Indoor flowers decorate the house, bringing comfort and harmony into it. They purify the air and endlessly delight with lush greenery and blooming flowers. But there are plants that do not belong near people and pets. Which plants are best removed from the nursery and bedroom and which flower should never be kept at home?

What harm can indoor flowers cause?

Among the huge variety of indoor plants, there are those that gardeners avoid keeping in their homes. There are three main reasons for this dislike: folk superstitions, incredible difficulty in care, and the desire to protect households from poisonous plants.

Legends of deep antiquity

Since ancient times, people believed in the close relationship between the animal and plant worlds, and they continue to believe now. Psychics on TV, grannies at the entrance, and colleagues at work talk about which plants should not be kept at home, so as not to cause trouble. Anti-rating champion - cactus. The arguments against it are strong:

There will be no husband

If there is a husband, he will get drunk

There will be no money, happiness, passion and love

Yes, the only flower you can’t keep at home is this one. To justify the thorns, it can be argued that cacti help overcome shyness, improve sleep and absorb radiation from electrical appliances.

Can grow only among women, so it drives all men out of the house

Generates lies and mistrust in families

At night it sucks the energy out of people

Poor ivy, of course, is to blame, but you can’t drive a husband away from a good wife with a stick, let alone some flowers.

Bronze medalists - asparagus, ficus, cypress. Accused:

In vampirism

In bringing discord into strong families

That they bring trouble

According to another version, ficus helps women get pregnant, protects against poverty, and helps overcome stress.

Reasonably speaking, we can advise one thing: everyone should keep flowers at home that they really like. And the suspicious ones - throw them out!

Complete whims

There are flowers that you just need to stick in the ground and water once a week. There are others - real tyrants, subordinating the entire house to their schedule and rhythm. Which ones cannot be kept at home without providing them with ideal living conditions? Who are they, these beautiful sissies, whose care requires enormous dedication?

The top capricious plants are headed by the bashful mimosa. She loves the sun, but after several cloudy days, direct exposure to the rays causes her to burn. In winter, it must be kept at 15-18º, which is not very comfortable for the owners, especially with high (80%) humidity. Loves watering, but does not like stagnant water. By the way, only settled water will do!

Needs constant feeding and spraying. And even if you create all the conditions for it, in gratitude for the work done, it may dry out safely by winter.

Very difficult tropical beauty Vanda, one of the most beautiful orchids. Its motto is: “No sun - no flowers!”, however, from 11 to 15 o’clock it must be shaded so as not to burn the leaves. She needs differences in day and night temperatures, and not sharp, but gradual. If the air is colder than +20º, it will not bloom.

What flower cannot be kept at home for reasonable reasons? Any of the above. They are intended for the most experienced flower growers, true experts in their field.

Let's ensure the safety of loved ones

There is a group of plants, beautiful and strong, that you should not have at home for very specific reasons. They are poisonous. You can’t risk the health of your loved ones for the sake of a spectacular interior design. Especially if there are children of any age and animals in the house, with the exception of fish:










Have you often wondered why electrical appliances in your house keep breaking down, your household members are looking gloomy, and you yourself are always dissatisfied with something - and you tend to run into another scandal. This is all due to the negative moods in the air, which are often quite difficult to get rid of. Fortunately for us, there are excellent helpers in this matter - those who have the ability to cleanse the energy of the house.

One caveat: correct location Flowers largely determine your future destiny. In addition to their benefits, indoor plants can also cause harm. By feeding on your energy, some harmful flowers, on the contrary, provoke greater aggression. That's why it's important to find out which plants you can't keep at home and why, read about it below.

The magic of plants

Each plant is unique in its own way. It has certain properties thanks to which its owner can find happiness in his personal life or become financially successful. But also, do not underestimate the destructive energy of plants, especially if there are elderly people and children in the house. For most plants, these "targets" are often easier prey.

Among all house flowers, several main types of “pests” can be distinguished:

  1. Vampire plants that literally suck out energy, making you lethargic, withdrawn and weak-willed puppets of a negative attitude.
  2. Blockers that prevent you from attracting the desired luck into your life in search of your loved one.
  3. Plants with negative energy - according to Feng Shui, most of these plants have pointed edges.
  4. Plants whose energy does not coincide with the people living in a particular room.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a home or office without greenery. In some corner there will be some pot with a plant, the appearance of which can tell a lot about the owners of this house. For example, yellow leaves indicate that there is a sick person in the house. Droopy foliage may indicate a leak of energy from the home or the accumulation of a large amount of negativity that homeowners have nowhere to throw out.

The location of the plant also influences: many flowers cannot be placed in the bedroom, since their energy is designed for active people, and, conversely, active plants should not be placed in the bedroom.

If you are alone and there is a violet growing in your house, don’t even hope to find happiness in the near future. This plant is very harmful for single people. Although it has very positive energy, especially if its color is lilac, it does not in any way contribute to kindling the fire of romance in a person’s chest, but only sets an already existing union in a positive mood.

Camellia has the same effect; the second name of this beautiful bud is “flower of loneliness.” It blocks the flow of sexual energy into your home.

For established families with a happy marriage, these flowers do not pose any threat; on the contrary, they will help strengthen bonds, like vines, but for singles who dream of a handsome prince, such flowers are blockers of incoming energy.

Instead of the plants described above, it is better to have beautiful, flowering ones at home. Chinese roses. They can attract a wonderful companion into your life. This flower gives its owner bright and passionate romances, however, short-lived ones. It blooms for seven months of the year, constantly pleasing the eye. It is not for nothing that many peoples consider hibiscus the flower of true love. The plant emits mostly “male” energy, contrary to all beliefs, which is why it attracts men.

Spathiphyllum, orchid and anthurium are three more beautiful plants that symbolize love. A single woman can place them in her bedroom and wait for changes in her life.

Under no circumstances should you keep climbing plants at home; they are your worst enemies. Planting such plants on the outside of the house is a pleasure; in this case, they will even serve as “blockers” and will not allow negativity to enter the house, but inside the room itself, the vines simply fill up the extra space.

Remember the following names:

It is not recommended to keep lilacs near your home, unless you have a direct connection with the other world and do not want to communicate with spirits on a daily basis. It’s not for nothing that lilacs grow next to cemeteries. True, opinions still differ about this plant - lilac still has a wonderful fragrance and positive energy.

Most flowers can be both your helpers and pests. Be careful when choosing your home monitors.

Do you often get nervous? Do you have complexes? Are you experiencing difficulties with self-esteem? A camellia planted in a pot will help you cope with loneliness and your complexes and also unlock your potential. However, for hyperactive people it can be disastrous.

Citrus fruits have negative effects in a physical sense: for people with hypertension and brain disorders, the strong smell of these fruits may not be to their liking. Keeping them in the bedroom or nursery is not best idea, in principle, however, a lemon or orange tree is perfect for the living room.

Choosing your energy companions

Now that you have sufficient knowledge about which plants should not be kept at home, and why, feel free to go to the store and choose the pets you like. The main criterion is not usefulness, but your liking for it. Of course, we can talk endlessly about the benefits of aloe, sansevieria, and begonia, however, if you like an orchid, why not buy it, making sure to have other “neutralizers” of it. The main thing is to give the plants care and love, and they will answer you in kind. Don't forget to cut off the yellow leaves, water the flowers, and occasionally turn over the soil.