Mixer      05/29/2019

Installing the front on a bosch dishwasher. How to install the front of a dishwasher. Base under the dishwasher

If you bought a built-in dishwasher, then you now face several difficult tasks. You've probably already met some of them before. Indeed, in many ways these household devices are similar - the same connection to the drain, connection to the electrical network. However, a new task appears before you - fastening, installing the facade to the dishwasher. Many people believe that this is an activity for furniture assemblers; however, installing a façade with your own hands does not cause a lot of work. In this article we will tell you what can be useful for carrying out such work.

Facade purposes

The facade of the dishwasher is a decorative panel element made of furniture materials. The main purpose of the facade is to hide the dishwasher in kitchen furniture, making it part kitchen interior.

Dishwashers that are fully built-in are usually 450mm or 650mm deep. The hanging facade of such devices has the following advantages:
  • no need to select suitable color machine, it fits perfectly into the interior, since it is a common part of the kitchen;
  • the control panel buttons are almost invisible, children will not press them randomly;
  • has soundproofing properties, the sound of the dishwasher is not so audible.

Dishwasher panels are made from a finely dispersed fraction; this is a medium-density wood fiber board. The thickness of the board is usually standard 16 mm (furniture thickness) and is covered with a film that completely replicates the texture, texture and color of the furniture.

In some dishwasher models, the open door can only be locked after the appliance plate is installed.

Dishwasher front size

The dimensions of the side panels of dishwashers naturally depend on the size of the dishwashers. These are mainly 450 mm machines. or 600 mm. The height of many dishwashers is 820 mm. However, there are compact models with a height of 600 mm. and even 500 mm. They are much cheaper, but they also have much less capacity.

If we are talking about fitting the device into the interior, then designers advise not to rush in choosing kitchen accessories.

Oleg Volkov, interior designer, Moscow:

“Personally, I never believed that washing machines and dishwashers microwaves and other Appliances, may look banal in their natural technological form. If the equipment is chosen with taste, the furniture is high-quality and pleasant, then the interior will be what you need, even if you can see the “naked” facades of washing machines, dishwashers, etc. However, often people want a seamless design so that everything looks like one. Our client recently wanted a long, undulating marble countertop that curved across almost half the kitchen, turning into a breakfast bar. It’s great, what can I say, and the project turned out just right. But I was surprised by his question: Which dishwasher should I choose? He wanted an Ariston, Hansa, Siemens or Bosch dishwasher, but thought about the size at the last moment. After all, he first assembled the kitchen, left a niche for the car and, naturally, none of it fit the size. I had to trim the marble. I advise you to always select the equipment first, and only then choose the kitchen. Otherwise, you will be tortured to adjust one thing to another. All household appliances are fixed in size, and you can play with the furniture fittings. Do everything in the right order.”

Indeed, you need to understand that the device may have a width of not 60, but 59.1 cm. This will lead to backlash and gaps. Remember that it is impossible to cut a facade that is made incorrectly, because its ends are laminated and covered with film.

The height of the side of the machine is no exception; it must also be carefully measured and calculated. It has a height slightly greater than the door, so in order for it to be flush with the kitchen panel, it is necessary to adjust not the facade, as many do, but the legs of the machine itself. It turns out that the height of the device depends on the width of the machine’s button panel, which is located on the door. Attaching such a front to a dishwasher is a little simpler than in machines that require full integration.

Self-installation of facades

A front can be installed on a dishwasher only when the device is already connected to the water supply line and drainage system. into the niche provided for it. For high-quality fastening of the facade, you will need:

  • a long ruler or tape measure (for accuracy, a ruler is more suitable);
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • fasteners;
  • handle for car door;
  • façade panel.

When setting yourself the task of attaching the facade, it is necessary to mount the device to the side cabinets and from above, to the kitchen panel. Then, on the front part of the facade you need to attach a handle for the door. Use a drill to create a hole for the screw. Drill with a thin screw from the main side of the facade.

Then you will need to calculate the distance at which the façade panel fastenings are located. This is simply necessary so that the front of the machine and the fronts of the lockers are on the same level. Using a ruler, evaluate the clearance between the kitchen panel and the cabinet fronts. After this, measure the distance between the top fastening and the countertop, subtract one parameter from the other and the resulting indicator will be the distance between the fastening point and the edge of the dishwasher facade.

When all the measurements have been taken, you will need to remove the template stencil from the kit and attach it to the inside of the façade panel. This can be done using tape; it is better not to use double-sided tape; at first glance it will seem convenient, but it will leave traces of the adhesive base.

The template will help you mark the correct points for future fastener holes. Drill carefully, it is better to drill less than to take risks and get through hole. Three quarters of the thickness of the façade panel is sufficient.

The process of fastening the facade is completed by fixing the panel with screws. If it turns out that the panel rests on the base, you will have to make a small gap in the base itself. The width of the gap will be the thickness of the panel (add 2 mm on top, this will not affect anything). If the facades are not level, then increasing the clearance of the base is the most correct and the best option solving the problem. Especially if you are unable to make an adjustment by adjusting the legs of the machine (naturally, because you fixed it to the side cabinets and table top).

Built-in appliances have already become firmly established in modern everyday life and are used in almost any kitchen. This is not only stylish, but also practical - you can significantly save useful space and, if necessary, hide household appliances.

Dishwashers are quite impressive in size, so they are most often built into furniture. In this case appearance equipment will depend on the front of the cabinet.

Dishwasher front - what is it?

The facade for a dishwasher is a decorative panel that hides its body. It has not only an aesthetic, but also a practical purpose.

The advantages of such designs include:

  • the ability to disguise equipment that is not suitable for overall design interior;
  • performing a protective function that allows you to protect the case from aggressive influences - high temperatures, humidity and greasy contaminants;
  • the façade covers the control panel from small children who may press buttons out of curiosity;
  • providing additional sound insulation.

Types of materials and decor of furniture facades for a dishwasher

Various materials are used to produce dishwasher fronts.

Basically it is MDF. Since it is he who is able to withstand temperature changes and high humidity that occur during operation of the equipment. In addition, they are safe and do not contain substances harmful to human health.

Natural wood is rarely used in the production of furniture for a built-in dishwasher, since it is a very expensive material that requires a high-quality top covering.

If you want to save money, you can purchase a facade made of chipboard - it will cost the least. But keep in mind that if the integrity of the protective layer is damaged, the product will quickly lose its shape. In addition, when heated, it will release toxic fumes.

It is advisable that the facade of the machine be made of the same material as the doors of other kitchen items.

To give the structure the desired color and texture, a decorative coating is used. Modern solutions They allow you to disguise the dishwasher so that it will not be possible to understand that behind the facade there is hidden equipment and not an ordinary cabinet.

The facade for a built-in dishwasher can be finished with the following materials:

  • enamel coating;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • veneer (thin layer of wood).

It is not recommended to use it for gluing the facades of dishwashers. PVC film- under the influence of heat and moisture, it quickly peels off.

How to select and calculate the size of the façade for a built-in dishwasher

The dimensions of the facade for the dishwasher are selected according to the dimensions of the equipment.

The standard panel size is:

  • width - 45 or 60 cm;
  • height - 82 cm.

There are also more compact options with a height of 60 and even 50 cm. Please note that some manufacturers may “round off” the width of the equipment. For example, instead of 50.2 cm, simply indicate 50 cm. Therefore, before purchasing a cabinet with a front, be sure to measure the car yourself.

After all, if you purchase a facade of the wrong dimensions, it will no longer be possible to cut it or adjust it to the size of the equipment. If you try to do this, the integrity will be violated decorative covering panels.

The height of the facade should be slightly larger than the car door. The thickness of the products ranges from 1.6 to 2 cm.

Methods for attaching furniture fronts to a dishwasher

It is important not only to choose a front for a dishwasher, but also to install it correctly.

Depending on the installation method of the equipment itself, facades can be mounted by:

  • full installation - in this case, the facade completely hides the body of the equipment;
  • partial embedding - the door covers only the main part of the machine, and the control panel remains visible.

And according to the method of fastening, there are two methods of installing doors:

  • mounted;
  • pantograph.

Curtain facades guarantee uniform load distribution between the doors of furniture and appliances. The only disadvantage of this solution is the complex arrangement of fastenings and the presence of a gap between the doors.

In the pantograph system, the facade is attached directly to the car door. The main advantage of this method is the absence of gaps between the doors - dirt and moisture cannot accumulate there. In addition, the pantograph does not require complex design synchronization, which is used in mounted products.

Stages of installing the facade on a built-in dishwasher

If installing equipment is a very complex process that is best entrusted to a specialist, then installation of the facade can be done independently.

Before installing the front panel, the machine itself must be securely fixed by attaching it to the side walls and tabletop.

To fasten the panel, use the following tools and components:

  • facade;
  • table top;
  • screwdriver;
  • set of accessories;
  • measuring tape.

The process itself consists of two stages:

  • installation of the facade at the required height. For this purpose special screws are used. Next, you need to determine the distance from the attachment point to the edge of the dishwasher facade. To do this, use a tape measure to measure two indicators: the distance from the top mount to the countertop and the size of the gap between the countertop and the front of the other cabinet. Then subtract the second from the first parameter. According to the data received, you need to make notes. To do this, you can use a pencil or colored tape;
  • installation of fasteners and accessories. First the handle is attached. To do this with front side panel, a hole is drilled for the handle screw. If you drill from the back, a chip may form on the furniture, especially if the coating is enamel or acrylic. Next, according to the notes made, shallow holes for fastenings are drilled - about 3/4 of the panel thickness. You don't have to drill, but then the fastenings won't be as reliable.

At the end of installation, be sure to check how the door opens - it should not rest against the base.

Often, built-in models have special ready-made templates that make it easy and quick to attach the front to the dishwasher door. If you doubt your abilities, try first practicing on an unnecessary piece of MDF or chipboard.

Photos of dishwashers with furniture fronts

In any case, a facade masking a dishwasher will help create the desired interior without the difficulty of selecting equipment of a certain design. In addition, it will protect equipment from aggressive factors and extend its service life.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by email: ls@site
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

Our company's specialists carry out a variety of work on the installation and installation of electrical appliances. They are also able to perform Finishing work for plastic, wood and other materials. Installing fronts on a dishwasher is a fairly popular service today, and our specialists are ready to: Accept your order any day of the week and come to your aid. Use your own transport to go to the address you specified and carry out all the necessary work. Is it possible to install the façade yourself? Is the installation procedure particularly dangerous or difficult work, so you can easily implement it at home. To do this you will need:

  • Electric and manual locksmith tools.
  • Ability to understand installation diagrams.
  • Skills in working with furniture.

Reliable installation of fronts on a dishwasher is possible only in our company!

There is a lot of competition among companies that provide services to the public these days. Each one tries to adapt its services as much as possible to demand. Our company offers you the lowest prices for the services provided by our professionals. The cost of installing a facade on a dishwasher depends on the complexity of the work, as well as its urgency. The customer should know that he only pays for the work of the master. If necessary additional materials, the customer must purchase them in the store independently or according to the recommendations of the master, but at his own expense. The master, as a rule, offers to purchase materials from the store himself and presents the client with a sales receipt. The amount indicated on the check must be refunded. All work performed by our specialists is provided with a mandatory guarantee. We are also ready to help, come to you on any day of the week that is convenient for you.

When purchasing a built-in dishwasher, all necessary accessories are included for installation.

  • Dishwasher door dimensions:
The door width is 600 mm or 450 mm, and the height is 730 mm.

That is, the height of the machine just goes under the kitchen worktop, set to a standard height of 822 mm, with a facade of 720 mm and a plinth height of 100 mm.

1 . Do you have a recusal cold water with ball valve (3/4 fitting). In this case, the connection will not be difficult, because The sealing rubber is included in the kit and no foam tapes or other windings are required.

2. There is nowhere to connect the water supply hose. We will analyze this situation in more detail.

A) . Look under the sink to see how the cold water supply for the faucet is connected. They are usually connected by hoses with a ½ threaded connection.

In this case, a ½ x ½ x ¾ ball tee, fum tape or the like is best suited. Or assemble a similar configuration yourself, from a tee, ball valve, fitting(s).

The tee must be screwed onto the thread instead of the cold water hose of the mixer, and onto the opposite side of the mixer hose itself. It is desirable that the thread for connecting the filling hose to the dishwasher should be directed downwards (Fig. 1), so it is necessary (when purchasing) to pay attention to which side the connection is provided for this tee.

Don't forget, everyone threaded connections performed using a “winding” (or the like), with the exception of inlet hoses, which are provided with sealing rubber bands.

b) . The mixer is connected using push-in connections. In this case, the tee is installed in the same way as above. A slight inconvenience will be the additional shutdown of cold water to the kitchen (if possible) or to the entire apartment.

The only difference is that the tee will need to be installed in front of the tap with a collet connection.

V) . You old way supplying water to the sink faucet using metal pipes and couplings. This option is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, but to complete the picture, let’s consider it.

You will need to purchase a “mortise coupling” (drainage) (Fig. 2), a ball valve (¾ fitting on both sides) and a winder.

Place the mortise coupling on the pipe, drill a hole and screw on the tap, then connect the inlet hose.

3. The hoses must be laid correctly, not tight, and it is better that the dishwasher can be pulled out without disconnecting them. Therefore, most likely they (bulk and drain hose) will have to be lengthened.

We will organize drainage into the sewer.

There are several options for connecting the drain.

A) . Directly to drain pipe, using a tee and a rubber seal for the drain hose. At the same time, the connection configuration must be made in such a way that the height of the bend of the drain hose is maintained and water flowing from the sink or other drainage sources does not enter it (Fig. 3) (otherwise water may accumulate in the dishwasher and then flow out onto the floor ).

b) . Into the sink siphon with an outlet for connecting the drain hose. In this case, you won’t have to invent anything, because... The design of the siphon provides for everything, including the fact that water from the sink does not flow into the drain hose, the height of its level, and the absence of “self-draining”.

Electrical connection.

It is better to place the electrical outlet on the side of the dishwasher, because... its installation at the back may interfere with pushing the machine into place.

The best way to supply power to the dishwasher is a separate socket from the machine panel in the apartment or on the landing, with a separate 16A circuit breaker. If this was not provided, if possible, conduct it from the panel using a wire with a cross-section of 3x1.5 (minimum) and a grounded socket. If this is not possible, then try running the wire from the nearest grounded outlet or, in as a last resort, use a quality extension cord.

Installing the facade on the front door.

The following steps apply only to built-in equipment.

Before installing the facade, it is necessary to take into account that most of them are not adjustable in height relative to the door. All adjustments are made by twisting the legs.

Therefore, it is better, before installing the front, to push in the dishwasher and adjust its position. Measure the distance from the upper fastening holes of the door (where the facade fastenings or screws will later go) to the edge of the tabletop (distance A) and the distance from the top edge of the adjacent facade to the edge of the tabletop (distance B) (Fig. 4), then calculate using formula A – B = C (distance from the edge of the facade to the upper mounting holes on the front door).

Then take the paper template supplied with the dishwasher and attach it to the inside of the facade using tape, taking into account the calculations obtained. We advise you to double-check everything.

Next, mark the holes (strictly in the center) with an awl or something similar and drill (at an angle of 90) using a drill to a depth not exceeding the thickness of the facade. Select the diameter of the drill to be half the diameter of the screw (usually from 1.5 to 2 mm) and insert it into the drill so that it does not protrude more than ¾ of the façade. Such holes will ultimately be more reliable than screws that are screwed in without pre-drilling.

It would be better to drill the holes for the door opening handle from the front side. Otherwise, the coating around the hole may be damaged (chipping) when the drill comes out. WITH inside facade, it may be necessary to recess the handle fastening bolts, because they may not allow the façade to adhere tightly to the body of the dishwasher.

Screw the fasteners and fix the facade according to the instructions. For some machines (for example, BOSCH, SIEMENS), do not forget to replace the short screws with long ones (4 pcs), which tighten the facade through the door (two at the top, two in the middle), along the edges.

If you cannot complete any of the steps, call a specialist.

For every housewife, the appearance of a dishwasher in the kitchen becomes an incredibly joyful event. After all, this household appliance can make cleaning dishes much easier, especially when it comes to a massive feast or dinner for numerous relatives. However, purchasing such a unit is only half the battle; the most difficult part is its installation. At the same time, the machine should fit harmoniously into the interior of the existing kitchen.

Having decided to install a door on a dishwasher, it would be a good idea to learn about all the intricacies, as well as the possibilities that this equipment provides.

Features of built-in appliances and their facades

By deciding to opt for built-in Bosch dishwashers, you can get a truly reliable assistant in solving your daily chores. Moreover, it is these models that fit most harmoniously into almost any kitchen design solution, without taking up free space.

To make the equipment even more attractive and practical, you can use the following facade options:

  • Installing the machine in a kitchen cabinet. Thus, the equipment will be completely hidden from prying eyes, but at the same time it will also effectively cope with its main purpose - washing dishes.
  • Partial installation of the machine. In this case, only the control panel remains visible, and the main part is hidden thanks to the furniture facade. For these purposes, it is best to use material identical to the furniture already in the kitchen. This way the Bosch dishwasher will not stand out, as shown in the photo.

Whatever option you choose for integrating a dishwasher, it will make your kitchen space more practical, spacious and functional.

What is required to install the facade?

If installing a dishwasher is a rather complicated procedure, then you can install a façade on it yourself.

For these purposes you will need the following equipment:

  • furniture panel (in this case, its appearance will directly depend on the design of the kitchen unit);
  • suitable tabletop;
  • yardstick;
  • screwdriver;
  • necessary accessories.

Having all these devices at your disposal, you can easily install the panel on the dishwasher using your own efforts. To perform such a procedure you will not need to have special skills or experience.

How is the facade installed?

There can be several ways to install dishwashers: installing the equipment in a ready-made kitchen unit or separately from it. You will only need to hang the door in the first case, and performing such a manipulation is very simple, since well-known manufacturers have described everything in detail necessary actions in the instructions.

To hang a facade on a Bosch machine, follow the following algorithm:

  1. To begin with, the equipment is mounted in the designated place at the required height using special screws. It should be noted that built-in models are already equipped with ready-made templates, using which you can easily install the furniture facade to the door of the dishwasher.
  2. Fastening elements are attached to special grooves located on the machine body. Next, you will need to replace the small “original” screws located on the inside of the door with longer fittings with nuts. Thanks to this, the furniture facade will hold more firmly. Finally, all that remains is to attach the handle and decorative elements to the door.
  3. Installation of the facade can be done in another simple way. Before directly fixing it to the bolt, you need to apply double-sided adhesive tape. Experts also recommend that when connecting equipment to the electrical network, use a cable that has a cross-section of 1.5 mm. As for the outlet, it must be grounded. The required parameter is 16 Amperes.

You can see how to install the front on a dishwasher in the video. All recommendations given should be followed exactly. If followed correctly decorative door will be installed without any effort and with minimal time. If you are confident in own strength no, you can always trust this procedure experienced craftsmen who know all the intricacies and features of its implementation.

You will need

  • - dishwasher with templates;
  • - furniture panels and countertops;
  • - roulette;
  • - screwdriver with screws.
  • - accessories.


Select the location of the dishwasher cars. As a rule, this is influenced by one important factor– the version of the dishwasher that was purchased. There are three types of units: partially built-in models, fully built-in and free-standing. For those dishwashers that are partially built-in, the control panel always remains visible, and the entire remaining front part is hidden behind a beautiful furniture facade. Fully built-in dishwasher models are hidden entirely behind kitchen cabinet doors. Freestanding dishwashers are another matter: they are a real decoration of the kitchen, and therefore they are not built in.

If you purchased a fully built-in dishwasher, then slide it into the niche that was previously left for this unit. Using the dishwasher base adjustment function, “adjust the unit: the height of the dishwasher should correspond to the set level of the countertop. In some models of dishwashers, for example, Bosch, Siemens and Aeg, the height of the unit is adjusted using special screws located in the front of the device.

Completely built-in dishwashers are supplied with templates, with the help of which the furniture front is fixed to the door. Attach fasteners to the corresponding grooves on the dishwasher body.

Then from the inside of the door dishwasher unscrew the short screws and screw in the long ones: such that they can “grab the furniture facade.

Attach handles and other decorative elements that are present in the design of other built-in furniture to the front door.

A dishwasher has long ceased to be a luxury and has become a household appliance, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen. Not every kitchen is suitable for a free-standing dishwasher, or “solo” as it is also called, but a built-in dishwasher will not only fit well into the interior of an existing kitchen, but it will also be much easier to find a place for it.


The first step before purchasing a dishwasher is to evaluate the capabilities of your kitchen. An embedded machine implies complete integration into the existing kitchen set. Machine integration can be either complete or partial. In the first case, the entire machine will be hidden inside the unit and externally it will be difficult to distinguish it from other cabinets; the machine control buttons can be seen at the end of the door only after opening the device. A partially integrated dishwasher will look like its “solo” counterpart, with the only difference being that it can have a decorative panel attached to its front door, in keeping with the spirit of the entire kitchen. Built-in dishwashers generally come in 2 sizes - 45 and 60 cm, the size of the chosen machine depends only on the availability of free space, but keep in mind that even for a small family a large machine will be preferable to a small one, it is much more convenient to wash pots, pans and other large kitchen utensils.

The easiest way to install is partially integrated machines, the installation of which consists of connecting the machine, sliding it under the countertop and screwing the decorative panel. This process does not involve any special tricks or secrets. The only thing that may present some difficulty is adjusting the machine relative to the floor level. Most dishwasher models are equipped with special screws located on the front of the appliance, with which you can adjust the rear legs and ensure that the machine stands level. Well, when attaching decorative panel you need to carefully ensure that it is well fixed, does not rattle and does not interfere with the opening of the door.

Installing a fully integrated dishwasher will look more complicated overall, but not by much. It is possible that the machine will have to be secured under the tabletop special fastenings. Each built-in dishwasher must be accompanied by instructions for its installation, and if you strictly follow them, then you will have very little chance of error. The only thing to keep in mind is that all the preparations must be met before you start the process. Water supply and drainage must be easily accessible in case of a possible accident. You may also need a special outlet for your new dishwasher. If the existing sockets in the kitchen do not have a ground connection, then connecting the machine to a regular outlet can result in an electric shock. Well, if you are not at all confident in your abilities, then invite a specially trained technician, he will carry out the installation quickly and efficiently, and his services are unlikely to be so expensive.


  • how to integrate a dishwasher into a finished kitchen

Make furniture facade It’s not very easy to do it yourself, but it’s quite possible. All you need for this is a set of tools, skillful hands, and detailed instructions with precise instructions on what and how to do.

You will need

  • Tools, materials, skillful hands, instructions.


Furniture facade, the production of which we will talk about, is made of wood and has final dimensions of 22 by 600 by 450 mm. To make it you will need: two crossbars (22 by 60 by 350 mm), a prefabricated panel of 6 planks (16 by 49 by 58 mm), 2 parts for strapping (22 by 600 by 60 mm).

Central prefabricated panel: manufacturing.
First of all, with the help milling machine you need to process the planks, and only on one side. Next, process the second (opposite) side. Now you need to assemble and glue all the previously processed panels, tightening them tightly with clamps. It is better to lay panels for gluing so that panels with the opposite direction of the wood structure lie next to each other.

Tenon on crossbars: manufacturing.
Place the tenon-making tool on the router and make tenons on the two crossbars. You should also make a power spike on the crossbars. After this, you need to go across the blade once with the cutter, turn the crossbars over and repeat the same thing again. The top and bottom crossbars need to be profiled. Gather all the pieces together.

Video on the topic


Making a furniture facade yourself is not very easy, but with diligence and perseverance, you will probably succeed.

1. It is also worth performing final profile processing.

2. It is better to use only high-quality tools for such work.

Installing and connecting a dishwasher is practically no different from washing machine and therefore, if you have installed such units yourself at least once in your life, you will be able to cope with this on your own. The main installation work consists of connecting to the power supply, water supply and draining the drain into the sewer.

You will need

  • -double or tee for water supply and sewerage (a double siphon can be installed on the sewerage system)
  • - FUM tape for sealing joints
  • -tap
  • -additional filter (if desired)
  • - socket with grounding
  • -three-core wire for separate wiring


Unpack the dishwasher car, remove the transport locks and seals. Carefully read the installation instructions from the manufacturer.

Dishwasher car must be plugged into a separate grounded outlet; do not use carriers or surge protectors. Route the socket with separate wiring from the electrical panel.

Cut into the water supply and install an additional faucet that will go directly to the dishwasher, and will be able to turn off the water when necessary. If you have a cold water distribution system installed, then there is no need to cut into it. All adjustable doubles and tees are equipped with a separate tap and all you have to do is screw on the dishwasher hose

The most popular dishwasher installation consists of the following steps:

  • Connection to cold water supply.
  • Outlet of the drain hose into the sewer.
  • Connecting the power cord to the electrical outlet.
  • Hanging the facade on the front door of the dishwasher.

When designing the installation diagram, it is necessary to take into account where the drain, fill and power supply terminals will be located. It is not recommended to do this behind the machine, because... it won't be possible to push it in. From the side, outside the sink space, it will not be convenient to have access to them (for built-in appliances). Therefore, only the space under the sink remains.

First, let's look at the first 3 points, which relate to connecting both built-in and free-standing dishwashers.

Connect the cold water supply.

1 . You have a cold water outlet with a ball valve (¾ fitting). In this case, the connection will not be difficult, because The sealing rubber is included in the kit and no foam tapes or other windings are required.

2. There is nowhere to connect the water supply hose. We will analyze this situation in more detail.

A) . Look under the sink to see how the cold water supply for the faucet is connected. They are usually connected by hoses with a ½ threaded connection.

In this case, a ½ x ½ x ¾ ball tee, fum tape or the like is best suited. Or assemble a similar configuration yourself, from a tee, ball valve, fitting(s).

The tee must be screwed onto the thread instead of the cold water hose of the mixer, and onto the opposite side of the mixer hose itself. It is desirable that the thread for connecting the filling hose to the dishwasher should be directed downwards (Fig. 1), so it is necessary (when purchasing) to pay attention to which side the connection is provided for this tee.

Don’t forget, all threaded connections are made using “winding” (or the like), with the exception of inlet hoses, which are provided with rubber seals.

b) . The mixer is connected using push-in connections. In this case, the tee is installed in the same way as above. A slight inconvenience will be the additional shutdown of cold water to the kitchen (if possible) or to the entire apartment.

The only difference is that the tee will need to be installed in front of the tap with a collet connection.

V) . You have the old way of supplying water to the sink faucet using metal pipes and couplings. This option is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, but to complete the picture, let’s consider it.

You will need to purchase a “mortise coupling” (drainage) (Fig. 2), a ball valve (¾ fitting on both sides) and a winder.

Place the mortise coupling on the pipe, drill a hole and screw on the tap, then connect the inlet hose.

3. The hoses must be laid correctly, not tight, and it is better that the dishwasher can be pulled out without disconnecting them. Therefore, most likely they (inlet and drain hoses) will have to be lengthened.

We will organize drainage into the sewer.

There are several options for connecting the drain.

A) . Directly into the drain pipe, using a tee and a rubber seal for the drain hose. At the same time, the connection configuration must be made in such a way that the height of the bend of the drain hose is maintained and water flowing from the sink or other drainage sources does not enter it (Fig. 3) (otherwise water may accumulate in the dishwasher and then flow out onto the floor ).

b) . Into the sink siphon with an outlet for connecting the drain hose. In this case, you won’t have to invent anything, because... The design of the siphon provides for everything, including the fact that water from the sink does not flow into the drain hose, the height of its level, and the absence of “self-draining”.

Electrical connection.

It is better to place the electrical outlet on the side of the dishwasher, because... its installation at the back may interfere with pushing the machine into place.

The best way to supply power to the dishwasher is a separate socket from the machine panel in the apartment or on the landing, with a separate 16A circuit breaker. If this was not provided, if possible, conduct it from the panel using a wire with a cross-section of 3x1.5 (minimum) and a grounded socket. If this is not possible, then try running the wire from the nearest grounded outlet or, as a last resort, use a high-quality extension cord.

Installing the facade on the front door.

The following steps apply only to built-in equipment.

Before installing the facade, it is necessary to take into account that most of them are not adjustable in height relative to the door. All adjustments are made by twisting the legs.

Therefore, it is better, before installing the front, to push in the dishwasher and adjust its position. Measure the distance from the upper fastening holes of the door (where the facade fastenings or screws will later go) to the edge of the tabletop (distance A) and the distance from the top edge of the adjacent facade to the edge of the tabletop (distance B) (Fig. 4), then calculate using formula A – B = C (distance from the edge of the facade to the upper mounting holes on the front door).

Then take the paper template supplied with the dishwasher and attach it to the inside of the facade using tape, taking into account the calculations obtained. We advise you to double-check everything.

Next, mark the holes (strictly in the center) with an awl or something similar and drill (at an angle of 90) using a drill to a depth not exceeding the thickness of the facade. Select the diameter of the drill to be half the diameter of the screw (usually from 1.5 to 2 mm) and insert it into the drill so that it does not protrude more than ¾ of the façade. Such holes will ultimately be more reliable than screws that are screwed in without pre-drilling.

It would be better to drill the holes for the door opening handle from the front side. Otherwise, the coating around the hole may be damaged (chipping) when the drill comes out. On the inside of the facade, it may be necessary to recess the handle fastening bolts, because... they may not allow the façade to adhere tightly to the body of the dishwasher.

Screw the fasteners and fix the facade according to the instructions. For some machines (for example, BOSCH, SIEMENS), do not forget to replace the short screws with long ones (4 pcs), which tighten the facade through the door (two at the top, two in the middle), along the edges.

If you cannot complete any of the steps, call a specialist.

Purchasing a built-in dishwasher involves more than just its connection to the water supply and drainage system. Another important point is the installation furniture facade for a built-in dishwasher. Of course, you can entrust this task to specialist furniture makers, but if you want to save money, try doing the job yourself. You will find out what is needed to perform such work by reading this publication.


The front surface for a dishwasher is a decorative panel that hides it. As a rule, it is made from the same material as other front surfaces of kitchen furniture. The decorative panel looks like an ordinary cabinet, and it is impossible to guess that a built-in dishwasher is hidden behind it.

The advantages of fully built-in 45 and 60 cm appliances with a hanging front part include:

  • Ease of arrangement kitchen design. There is no need to match the dishwashing equipment to the color of the kitchen furniture - it won’t be visible anyway.
  • The control panel is hidden, which means the equipment is reliably protected from children's pranks.
  • The additional surface partially dampens the noise from a running machine.

Important! Most often, 1.6 cm thick MDF is used to make a decorative panel. A special film and laminate can be used as a coating.

Before you begin installing a household appliance, you should definitely figure out exactly how.


Dimensions decorative surface depend on the size of the dishwasher:

  • The standard width of the equipment is 450 and 600 mm, the height of most models is 820 mm.
  • However, if necessary, you can find a compact model of 500 and 600 mm on sale.

First you need to decide on the actual dimensions of the dishwasher, and then order the decor.

Important! The figures given (450, 600 mm) are average. Actual dimensions of the device may differ by several centimeters. It will be impossible to correct the facade part, since its ends will already be sealed with decorative film.

The height also needs to be carefully calculated. The height of the dishwashing unit door is not much less than the height of the decorative wall. To ensure that the panel is flush with the countertop, you need to adjust the legs of the dishwasher so that it fits exactly under the countertop.

For a partially built-in modification, the height of the façade depends on the width of the control panel on the door. It is much easier to install compared to fully built-in models.

To ensure that your unit lasts as long as possible and washes dishes efficiently, be sure to read the instructions for it, and also find out.

Do-it-yourself installation of the facade on a Bosch dishwasher

You can equip the facade part after the machine is installed in the niche intended for it, and is also connected to the drain and water supply. To complete this task you will need:

  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Fastenings.
  • Door handle.
  • Roulette.
  • The façade itself.

Important! Many built-in models include instructions for installing the façade panel and templates for marking. Models from Siemens and Bosch are equipped with screwdrivers.

Before installing the front on the dishwashing machine, attach the unit to the countertop and side walls of the furniture. Screw the door handle to the facade using a screw. Now determine the distance at which the facade fastenings should be located. This is necessary so that the façade fabric is flush with the furniture surfaces. To calculate, take the following measurements:

  • The size of the gap between the front of the adjacent cabinet and the countertop (A).
  • Distance from the tabletop to the upper façade mounting (B).
  • The interval from the edge of the dishwasher facade to the attachment point is calculated as (B-A).

Important! Today on store shelves you can see a huge assortment of all kinds of dishes, but some types can be washed in a special way. So before you download kitchen utensils in the dishwasher, be sure to find out.

Operating procedure:

  • Take the template (it has already been mentioned, it is included in the kit), attach it with tape to the facade from the inside, in accordance with the measurements taken. Using the template, mark the holes for mounting.

Important! If possible, first practice on a piece of unnecessary plywood so as not to spoil the surface.

  • Using a drill, drill holes according to the markings, but not all the way through, but about ¾ of the thickness of the facade. You can fix the façade wall without drilling, but it is more reliable with holes.
  • Hang façade panel and secure it with screws. Check how freely the door opens. If the wall abuts the plinth, you can make a gap in the plinth (facade thickness + 3 mm). This option is quite advisable if good adjustment of the front surfaces cannot be achieved by twisting the legs of the dishwasher and furniture.

And so that your dishes always shine and are washed in the highest quality way, read our article in which we presented