In a private house      03/03/2020

How to make floors on the first floor of an apartment. We will learn about how to insulate the floor in an apartment, in particular on the first floor. What will we use? Complete dismantling of the entire structure

A selection of the most important documents upon request Living room temperature(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Arbitrage practice

The court satisfied the claims of the plaintiff (subcontractor) to the defendant (general contractor) for the collection of arrears in payment for work performed under a contract for manufacturing, supply and installation aluminum structures. At the same time, the court found incorrect the conclusion of the lower court that the subcontractor allowed the installed structures, actually used as the main filling of the enclosing walls and roof, to not comply with the regulatory requirements, which resulted in a violation of the temperature regime in the residential premises. Guided by the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 52 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4.6 SP 48.13330.2011 “Code of rules. Organization of construction. Updated edition of SNiP 12-01-2004”, the court indicated that the main responsibilities of the person carrying out the construction of the facility - the general contractor - include, among other things: execution works, installation of structures in accordance with design and working documentation; implementation of construction control of the person carrying out the construction. In this case, the design of the structures was developed by the defendant, the plaintiff had the right to count on the fact that the task was issued to him in accordance with the developed project. Taking into account the above circumstances, taking into account the slight discrepancy between the actual temperature of the living space and the standard temperature, the fact that the room is used for its intended purpose, the court did not see the lack of consumer value in the work performed by the plaintiff, and therefore recognized that the work performed was subject to payment.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Living room temperature

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Under the above circumstances, the need to measure the air temperature inside a residential premises during the cold period of the year at an outside air temperature not exceeding minus 5 °C in relation to housing supervision, carried out in order to verify the management organization’s fulfillment of the obligation to provide the consumer with utility services of adequate quality, cannot be mandatory character. Otherwise, it will be virtually impossible to check the quality of the utility service provided during the cold period of the year, when the outside air temperature is above minus 5 °C, and during the warm period of the year, when the outside air temperature is below 15 °C (Resolution of the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal dated March 24, 2017 N 02AP -11229/2016 in case No. A82-8306/2016).

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e) heating, that is, supply centralized networks heating and indoor engineering systems heating of thermal energy, ensuring the maintenance of air temperature in residential premises in residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, in premises that are part of the common property in an apartment building, not lower than +18 degrees. C (in corner rooms +20 degrees C), in areas with the coldest five-day temperature -31 degrees. C and below - in residential premises - not below +20 degrees. C (in corner rooms +22 degrees C), as well as sale solid fuel in the presence of stove heating;

5/5 (21)

According to GOST R 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services. Are common technical specifications", normal temperature conditions during heating season should be between 18-25°C. Moreover, each individual room has its own standard.

In a living room, this indicator should not be lower than 18°C ​​(deviations from the norm within 3 degrees are permissible only at night from 0.00 to 5.00) and higher than 24°C, and in the bathroom - not lower than 25°C. The minimum temperature in a corner apartment is 20°C. For a landing in a residential entrance apartment building The heat norm is provided within the range of 14-20°C, and for the inter-apartment corridor - from 16 to 22°C. In attics and basements MKD is not allowed to have a temperature below 4°C.

Indoor temperature standards

The fixed norm of temperature conditions for premises in which people live in the winter is “GOST R 51617 - 2000. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions".

This GOST indicates compliance with temperature conditions in the range from 18 to 25 degrees. According to this range, the temperature regime for the rooms in the living area is fixed.

In other words, the air temperature in the room should be 18 degrees or more, and in the bathroom the thermometer should show at least 25 degrees Celsius. The smaller difference can only be at night (0-00 – 05-00) and no more than 3 degrees Celsius.

SanPiN also stipulates the maximum temperature. So, in the living room the temperature should not be higher than 24 degrees Celsius. The lowest temperature in an apartment located in the corner of an apartment building should be no lower than 20 degrees.

On staircase entrance temperature is fixed in the range from 14 to 20 degrees, and in the corridor between the apartments - from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius.

The most comprehensive temperature indicators for all types of premises are enshrined in the Sanitary Rules and Standards.

In production where people work, the indoor air temperature should be from 16 to 24 degrees Celsius in accordance with the energy consumption of work activities.

On technical floors and basements of apartment buildings, the air temperature should not be lower than 4 degrees Celsius.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application to the Criminal Code for measuring the temperature in the apartment:

Factors influencing air temperature in housing

The temperature readings in a living room are influenced by various factors, namely external ones.

They vary depending on:

  • interruptions in heating supply;
  • natural features;
  • time of year;
  • apartment location.

The period of the heating season directly depends on the place in which the owners of residential premises live. For example, in northern regions the heating season schedule will differ from southern latitudes.

Even natural factors such as atmospheric pressure and air humidity can affect the temperature in a living room.

When a different time of year approaches, the temperature regime in residential premises changes. In the cold season, the temperature will be lower, and in the summer – higher.

At the end of the heating season, the heat supply stops and the heating systems become cold, accordingly, the air temperature in residential premises drops.

IN middle lane In Russia, the normal value in the cold season is 22 degrees Celsius, and in the summer – 25. The difference is only 3 degrees Celsius, but it is of great importance for citizens who live in residential premises.

Heating season dates

The beginning of the heating season is set independently in the case of individual heating equipment, and in the case of centralized heating by local authorities in accordance with certain conditions.

According to established rules, the heating season begins when the average air temperature for a separate period of time is below 8 degrees Celsius, namely for 5 days in a row, and the heating season ends when the average daily temperature is above 8 degrees Celsius.

How to measure the temperature in an apartment during the heating season

Before measuring the air temperature in the room, take some measures to identify negative conditions:

  • do not measure the room temperature on a clear sunny day, otherwise the measurement readings will be incorrect due to the fact that the room will be additionally heated by the sun's rays;
  • Make sure that the room in which the measurement will be carried out has been thermally insulated and there are no causes of heat leakage.

Be sure to measure the air temperature in at least 2 rooms. One-room apartments do not fall under this criterion, where the window occupies 30% of the wall area.

Measurements must be taken at a distance of 50 centimeters from outer wall and from heating radiators, and the measurement height should correspond to 60 centimeters.

If, as a result of your temperature measurement, it is revealed that the measured temperature differs from the norm, inform the emergency dispatch service about this.

In the event that a deviation in the temperature regime in the heat supply is associated with non-natural events (an accident on the heating main), a dispatch service employee sends a repair team to the call and draws up a measurement report.

The measurement is carried out using a registered device, which must include all the necessary documents:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • description of the living space;
  • officials included in the commission;
  • information about the device;
  • instrument readings;
  • signatures of all commission members.

The executed document must be drawn up in at least two copies, one each for the parties: the owner of the residential premises and for the organization conducting the measurement.

ATTENTION! View the completed sample temperature control report:

Watch the video. What should be the temperature in the apartment during the heating season:

Standard indicators of air exchange rate

Air temperature readings in a residential area are not the only criterion that affects the comfortable and safe stay of citizens in a residential area.

An important factor is the exchange of air in the room, namely the possibility of access to fresh air and ventilation of the room.

Such parameters are also enshrined in the law and are contained in SanPiN. The required air exchange rate in a living space with an area of ​​18 square meters, will be equal to 3 cubic meters per hour per one meter squared, and for the kitchen this parameter should be three times larger.

The air exchange rate is the ratio of the air removed and supplied from a living space per hour to the volume of a given living space.

How to measure coolant

Coolant in heating system hot water is supplied to the living space. Take a measurement hot water Can different ways, and the most common one is using a thermometer; to do this, fill a container with hot water from the tap and take a measurement.

Another way is to measure the temperature of the pipes in the heating system. The thermometer readings should correspond to 50-70 degrees.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

It is worth talking about the regulatory documents “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Stock”, section two says that the responsibility of public utilities includes maintaining communication systems in residential buildings.

Its activities include carrying out activities aimed at ensuring the satisfactory functioning of the heating system, as well as sewerage and water supply.

This norm is enshrined in Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated September 27, 2003. So, if your house is under the control of housing and communal services, then direct questions regarding the satisfactory operation of the heating system there.

The institution that maintains your home is responsible for maintaining the temperature regime for residential premises as set out in SanPiN.

The powers of the housing and communal services authorities also include responsibilities for monitoring the temperature regime in the coolant (hot water outlet - return).

The responsibilities of the housing and communal services service should also include such issues as:

  • assessment of the condition of utility networks;
  • carrying out work in accordance with the regulations, which are aimed at identifying defects in the common property of an apartment building, established by the standards, etc.

Attention! During the inspection, it is necessary to draw up a report that reflects all technical faults, indicating the date and measures taken to eliminate the defects.

According to the inspection reports, the owners of residential premises have the right to make a decision that identifies some problems with thermal communications enshrined in SNiPs, and to submit requirements to eliminate these problems.

The drawn up acts have full legal force and can be used as evidence in various authorities.

An inspection of the central heating system must be carried out by a specialist who is obliged, if a malfunction is detected, to take measures to eliminate it, and also to prevent cases of excessive heat consumption in an apartment building.

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This inspection must be carried out at intervals of once a calendar year. During such an inspection, shortcomings must be identified and appropriate work must be carried out to eliminate them, then the apartment building must be prepared for the heating season.

Based on the previously stated, we can conclude that the management company entrusted with these responsibilities will be responsible for the work carried out in the apartment building and for carrying out preparatory activities.

If there are interruptions in the operation of the heating system, the energy company immediately comes into view, which is entrusted with the responsibility of supplying hot water to apartment buildings.

The company that supplies heat to apartment buildings is responsible only for the temperature of the coolant, because it must comply with established standards, and for the corresponding pressure in the heating main.

The energy company is responsible for the operation of the heating main networks to the connection point of the apartment building. After the connection point, all responsibility falls on the shoulders of management company.
There are cases when heating the coolant is not suitable for warming up an apartment building; there may be interruptions in connecting the central heating at the agreed time.

In this case, the energy company that supplies the coolant to the apartment building will be responsible for such interruptions.

The legislation clearly establishes the right of citizens to reduce payments for supplied heat in the amount of 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance with the temperature regime, which is not observed by the housing and communal services.

If you carefully calculate, then for a month of supplying heat of inadequate quality, payment for it should be less than 10% of the total cost of the service. Of course, if utility employees are against it of this action, go to court.

What needs to be done and where to send your appeal if the heating system operates intermittently?

We already have an idea who is responsible for poor-quality heating in an apartment building. So what to do if the complaint does not lead to the expected result, and the heat continues to be supplied intermittently, and the situation changes in better side not expected.


  • find out the telephone numbers of emergency housing and communal services of the region, city;
  • send a complaint to government bodies Housing Inspectorate;
  • file a claim with the local company that supplies the heat;
  • send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • contact local authorities;
  • send a complaint to the Antimonopoly Service, which is responsible for the energy company and water utility;
  • submit information to the media;
  • send statement of claim suing utilities and the heat and power company.

ATTENTION! View the completed sample application for recalculation of heating fees:

Quite often we hear complaints: “It’s cold at home! Why should we pay for barely warm batteries? What should be the temperature in the apartment in winter? Let's look at these issues and find out in which cases it is legal to file a complaint with the Housing Office and in which cases it is not.

Heating season

For every little thing in Russia there are special regulatory documents. Our legislators did not ignore the climate inside homes. They clearly established what temperature should be in the apartment of the average resident of the country. The law states that the period when the premises begin to be heated centrally occurs when the temperature outside has been at “plus eight” for five days. The heating season ends similarly. Again, short frosts in the off-season do not oblige housing offices to anything.

But what if the heating season has begun, but it’s still cold in the house? Residents can write a statement to the Housing Office. However, the concepts of “cold” and “hot” are very subjective. In order not to be unfounded in your complaint, you need to measure the temperature with a thermometer and provide clear figures for the indicators. Thus, the law meticulously establishes minimum standards for different rooms: residential corner room it should be +20, in the kitchen - +18, and in the bathroom, where we have to strip naked - and everything is +25.

At a height of one and a half meters from the floor, and a meter from the outer wall, install a thermometer and record its data. Housing and communal services know what temperature should be in the apartment. They also know that for every hour you deviate from these parameters, your heating bill should decrease by 0.15 percent. Now take a calculator and calculate: how much you should pay for barely warm batteries.

There are also clearly defined standards on this issue. Hot water should be supplied to the taps all year round: not lower than + 50 and not higher (to avoid burns) + 70 degrees. During the heating season, such water should also fill the radiators. How to check if hot water is supplied to your home as required by regulations? Open the tap, place a glass with a thermometer. A deviation of 4 degrees is allowed, but only upward.


Perhaps the housing office is not to blame for anything, and your batteries are simply “airy.” In this case, the tenant writes a statement to the DEZ.

The repairman must come and fix the breakdown within a week (depending on the complexity of the repair). After the inspection, the DEZ engineer draws up an act, one copy of which remains in the hands of the tenant and can serve as the basis for recalculating the rent for this period.

Recalculation of heating fees

If you suffer from a systematic deviation of indicators from accepted standards (and they are determined by special Rules, which describe in great detail how services are provided for which utility bills are charged), you can start trial. As a result, housing and communal services will either fix problems with heating, or you will pay less for it. Even in the event of an accident or other emergency, it is clearly stated how long people can remain without hot water. According to Section VIII of the above Rules, residents must report in writing to the service dealing with accidents (housing office, housing and communal services, etc.) about all problems, including improper indoor climate. A commission comes with an inspection and draws up a report indicating what temperature should be in the apartment, and what it actually is. This document is signed by the complainant himself. If the commission does not appear, a similar act can be drawn up by the tenant, who took neighbors as witnesses. The recalculation of fees is set for the entire “ice age” - until the breakdown is fixed and your home becomes warm again.

In our apartments, the microclimate is formed by several factors and room temperature– the most significant part of it. Thermal comfort of household members is individual, depending on their gender and age. However, the difference in heat needs between members of the same family is small and amounts to 2-3°C, allowed by SanPiN standards.

We will tell you how to determine the optimal temperature and how excessive cooling or overheating affects people’s well-being. In addition, we will designate the parameters of a comfortable microclimate, and also present effective ways maintaining normal temperature in the room.

The temperature regimes that provide comfort to households depend on the climatic location of the home. In the southern regions and in the northern areas, as well as in western and eastern latitudes, the normal house temperature will be different.

As for countries, their climate is also different. And since the components of climate, in addition to temperature, are atmospheric pressure along with air humidity, the acceptable thermal range is set by them together.

Control temperature conditions heating complex "warm floor" is not difficult. Liquid systems are equipped with a thermostatic valve or an automatic pumping and mixing group, which are equally capable of controlling the temperature of the coolant circulating through the circuit built into the floor.

In infrared and temperature control is carried out by digital, programmable or electromechanical thermostats. By constantly checking temperature changes against preset thresholds, they turn the system off or on.

Classic apartment heating systems, based on the circulation of hot water through pipes into radiators, also allow temperature control.

It will be necessary to equip the pipe at the coolant input to the radiator with an automatic (thermostat) that controls the intensity of hot water supply according to a given parameter.

Note that it is easier to equip a circulation-radiator heating system with battery thermostats if it has a two-pipe design

The need to establish and maintain optimal modes temperatures in living rooms is important because the microclimate of the apartment significantly affects the health of the household.

Temperature imbalance exacerbates chronic diseases and promotes the acquisition of new ones, and normalization of the atmosphere in temperature, on the contrary, will strengthen the body.

Share with readers your personal observations regarding the parameters comfortable temperature Houses. Tell us about ways to normalize temperature. Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The annual rise in price of resources forces the end consumer to think not only about their savings, but also about the quality of the utility services provided. One of the most significant expense items in paying for an apartment is heating, so consumers monitor its parameters especially carefully. To do this, it is worth finding out what the normal temperature of the batteries in the apartment is in 2020.

Temperature standards for the heating system in an apartment building

The heating scheme in apartment buildings is built in cooperation with centralized system, to which the pipes are connected. Through them, the coolant is directed to the apartment building, where its further supply is regulated by inlet valves. After this, the water goes through the risers and eventually ends up in the radiators and radiators of each apartment.

The described processes, as well as everything related to the rules for providing the population with utility resources, are reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 354). Heating quality requirements are set out in Section VI of Appendix No. 1 to the rules of Decree No. 354.

In addition, detailed rules for the provision of heating services are prescribed in the Order of Rosstandart dated June 11, 2014 No. 544-st “GOST R 51617-2014. National standard Russian Federation. Housing and communal services and management apartment buildings. Public utilities. General requirements"(hereinafter - GOST R 51617-2014) and "GOST 30494-2011. Interstate standard. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”, approved by order of Rosstandart dated July 12, 2012 No. 191-st (hereinafter referred to as GOST 30494-2011).

These acts establish the parameters of the coolant for the heating system of an apartment building. Thus, the temperature of the coolant (water) when supplied to the system is equal to the temperature of the water when it leaves the heating boiler. As a rule, the coolant should be brought to a temperature of 130-150 °C, but this indicator also depends on the outside temperature in the region.

Typically, the water leaving the boiler should have a temperature of 115 °C.

However standard temperature in a heating system it can be within 95 °C or 105 °C (for different systems).

Next to create comfortable conditions In the room, the proper condition of the parameters of the riser, which conducts water from the heating unit to the apartment, is ensured. They vary depending on the summer and winter seasons.

Of course, in practice, the temperature of the coolant in the riser depends on the operation of the thermal power plant and on heat loss on the way to the house. However, the riser temperature in winter should be in the range of 70-90 °C.

Air temperature standards in the apartment

The feeling of comfort from heating a room is subjective. However, there are uniform standards determined by the physiological needs of a person, as well as the purpose of the premises in which he resides.

Although there is a fairly wide range of standards that prescribe what the temperature of the water in the heating system of an apartment building should be, the standards for the thermal conditions of the air in the apartment are very unambiguous.

So, in accordance with the standards, during the heating season the following temperature regime must be maintained in the apartment:

  • in the living room - 18 °C;
  • in a living corner room - 20 °C;
  • in the bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the toilet (separated from the bathroom) - 18 ° C;
  • in a shared bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the kitchen - 18 °C.

Factors affecting room heating include thermal conductivity, other specifications, as well as the procedure for installing batteries. Therefore, compliance with the rules for their installation and use will ensure that the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment and in the house meets the established standards.

In addition, you should carefully consider determining the number of battery sections depending on the area of ​​the room. For example, a device in which the coolant is heated to an identical temperature will have a different effect on the heat flow with sections 5 and 7 on it.

Minimum value

In order to ensure air heating standards in residential premises, certain temperature conditions of radiators must be observed. However, at the legislative level, the minimum permissible temperature of the battery itself is not established.

It is logical that at low temperatures of heating equipment it is impossible to provide +18-25 °C in housing during the cold season.

If the batteries do not provide the proper level of heating, it is worth starting to look for the cause. Before checking the temperature of the pipes, you should pay attention to the placement of the device and the availability of free access to the battery.

It is quite possible that the only problem is that the radiator is covered with furniture that prevents the circulation of heated air, or is fenced with a special protective panel.

Maximum value

In turn, more attention has been paid to what the upper norm should actually be in winter. Yes, the permissible maximum temperature norm radiator in a living room is 95 °C, if the housing is equipped two-pipe system heating.

If the system is one-pipe, Maximum temperature batteries should not exceed 115°C.

It should be noted that the optimal recommendation is 85-90°C. It is defined for practical purposes. This maximum water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building is associated with water boiling at 100°C. If this figure is exceeded, the radiator fails faster.

Take a sociological survey!

How to find out the temperature of the coolant in the batteries

When doubts arise about the quality of the heating services provided, and the inhabitants of the apartment simply begin to freeze, measures should be taken to determine the cause. To do this, measure the temperature:

  • air in the room;
  • pipes;
  • batteries;
  • coolant - water in the heating system.

The data obtained will help you understand whether the room is really unreasonably cold or whether it is just a subjective feeling.

It must be taken into account that independent measurements heating indicators are not direct evidence of violation of standards. However, they can serve as a basis for filing a complaint and inviting representatives of the service organization for control measurements.

Determining the water temperature in the central system

It should be noted that reliably measuring the temperature of the coolant in a central heating system is not so easy. The most accurate indicator remains only the air temperature in the room. However, you can do the following:

  1. Open the tap if it is installed on the radiator in the apartment.
  2. Place a container under it, after placing a thermometer there.
  3. Collect water.
  4. Wait for the final thermometer reading.

This indicator must comply with the described standards, but upward deviation from them is also allowed. Maximum temperature deviation - up to 4 °C.

In addition, if air is detected in the heating system of the apartment, you should contact the service organization.

Determining hot water indicators

There is another way to establish the truth, related to the fact that the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment and the hot water supply are directly related. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the water degree like this:

  1. Open the hot tap.
  2. Wait 3 minutes for the water to heat up to maximum.
  3. Take a container and place it under the stream without closing the tap.
  4. Place the thermometer in the center of the container.
  5. Wait for the final readings from the device to be received.

If the device shows a number from 60 to 75 °C, everything is normal with the coolant. If the temperature data is lower, it is possible that the water in the heating system is not heated enough.

How to measure battery temperature correctly

When the issue with the coolant is clarified, you can think about how to measure the temperature of the battery in the apartment. This is easy to do in the following ways:

  1. Use a regular household thermometer. You need to apply it to the battery and wait until it warms up. To account for the error, it is better to add 1-2 degrees to the data obtained.
  2. Use an alcohol thermometer, attaching it to the radiator with tape, and then insulating it insulating material, for example, foam rubber. The information obtained by this method is indicative in dynamics. The device can be left for a long period to continuously monitor the situation.
  3. Use an infrared thermometer. In practice, they have a small error, and do not require direct contact with the heating device. And the result is given instantly.
  4. Use an electrical measuring instrument with a thermal ramp and sensor. The sensor is installed on the battery, and when the “measure temperature” function is selected, the device displays its value.

What to do if standards are violated

If you find that the batteries in the apartment are cold, you should find out whether this is a problem exclusively of this premises or all the residents of the house encountered it. A collective appeal always attracts more attention than an individual one.

If the quality of heating is unsatisfactory and does not comply with SNiP, a complaint can be filed:

  • to the service organization: , housing construction cooperative;
  • resource supply company;
  • housing inspection. It usually has a special hotline for such requests.

Organizations will receive the complaint over the phone and then register it. After this, specialists will establish and eliminate the cause of the lack of heating, recording a violation.

Later, based on the heating network inspection report, a recalculation for the period of no heat occurs.

If the above organizations do not take any measures to restore heating, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.


The legislator established standards for the characteristics of the heating system, paying attention to Special attention optimal temperature in a residential area. Its value is the most important for residents, and it is also easy to check. If it is lower than required, it means the battery is not heated enough. And in case of non-compliance with the standards, you can file a complaint with the service organizations, not forgetting about recalculating the fee if it is discovered that heating services are of inadequate quality.

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.