Shower      03/07/2020

Sidewalk made of traffic jams. How to make paths from plastic bottle caps with your own hands: photo. Other decorations for garden and home

If you wish, you can make the paths with your own hands, but this is suitable for this unusual material like traffic jams plastic bottles. Use your imagination and use these tips to create a unique and practical art object at your dacha. And for this you need very little: hard work, free time and our advice.

When it comes to waste material, many believe that working with it is much easier with construction. This is not entirely true. If you want the garden path to become not only a practical element landscape design, but also his calling card, you need to follow some rules. They primarily relate to the selection of material and its preparation.

Selecting plastic bottles and caps (corks)

They say that plastic does not decompose sooner than after 100 years. This is wonderful! Indeed, in this case it is ideal for garden paths (for the garden). Palette plastic caps quite extensive.

To create beauty, you can use:

  • caps from plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • lids from tetra bags, eggplants, and jars;
  • metal bottle caps;
  • wine corks.

The main requirement for plastic lids is high density. After all, the tracks bear a serious load. And it will be a pity for the wasted effort if the coating does not last long.

For the path you will need a lot of this material. You can do the calculation yourself:

  • measure the diameter of the plug, in 1–2 liter bottles it is 3 cm;
  • 33.5 corks fit in 1 meter;
  • for 1m2 you will need 1122.5 plugs;
  • multiply this figure by the area of ​​your path and you will get the total number of caps.

One family cannot handle this amount of drinks, even if you collect all the caps from bottles and cans, including water, beer, yoghurts and even medicines. Involve everyone you can in the project:

  • announce your decision to create an extraordinary element garden design friends, acquaintances and neighbors;
  • give a cry about collecting caps on social networks;
  • try to negotiate the supply of material with the employees of the nearest cafe.

How to make it yourself at the dacha

Corks can be laid in different ways:

  • face up (resulting in a flat surface);
  • ribs up (this path can be used instead of a massager);
  • the inside side up (the coating is textured).

The latter option is only suitable for small areas under a canopy. Otherwise, during rainfall, water and dirt will accumulate in the recesses of the plugs. And for this uneven surface hard to care for.

With varieties of crafts from tin cans will introduce .

Mosaic laying scheme

This is the most creative part of the job. Before you start paving, you need to decide exactly what your path should look like. You can lay out the lids in even rows, regardless of color. The result is a colorful scattering of colored highlights in your garden. This path attracts the eye and looks impressive.

But if you want something more extraordinary, choose a pattern for your path yourself. Cross stitch patterns will help you with this. Paths with colored geometric patterns look good. If you are confident in your abilities, you can choose more difficult drawings. Some summer residents create real story panels under their feet in their garden. It is at the dacha that such decorations are popular.

Tools and materials

Despite the cheapness of the material, the approach to creating tracks from corks must be serious. Sometimes it is advised to simply level the ground before laying cork mosaics and start creating by sticking the caps directly into the ground or a layer of sand.

This type of carpet will not last long. Not only will the lids not last long and will begin to fly out one after another, but also the grass will hasten to grow between them. It’s better to spend more time, but do everything well.

You will need:

  • lids of different colors;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • construction or ceramic tile adhesive;
  • wooden blocks and boards for formwork.

To build a path you need:

  • determine the area of ​​the path and make markings;
  • remove the sod and upper layer soil;
  • dig a trench 10 cm deep;
  • drive supports along the edge of the recess;
  • make wooden formwork, and the nails need to be driven in with inside designs;
  • install spacers for reliability (the optimal distance between them is 1 m);
  • fill in a layer of crushed stone, gravel, broken brick;
  • prepare a solution of cement and sand (4:1) and add one part of glue to it, the mass should be of medium consistency;
  • pour a small amount of solution onto the prepared area;
  • quickly lay the covers according to the chosen pattern, lightly press them into the cement;
  • the solution should almost completely cover the lids;
  • After the cement has hardened, walk over the top layer with a stiff brush to remove excess cement.

The mortar hardens quickly, especially in hot weather, and laying the mosaic takes a long time. Do not fill the entire path with cement. Work by sector. Break your drawing into parts or conditional squares and fill in small areas.

Advantages of garden paths

  • The coating performs an aesthetic function without sacrificing a practical one.
  • The material does not require material investments.
  • Plastic tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Such paths do not lose their aesthetic appearance for quite a long time.
  • Paths made from unusual mosaics are easy to repair: any cover can always be replaced.

Disadvantages and methods to combat them

But such paths are not ideal; they have serious drawbacks. But knowing in advance what difficulties may arise with them, you can easily avoid them.

  • Plastic paths made from lids become very slippery after rain. Such coverings should not be installed on central paths. Their place is in the garden and near recreation areas.
  • An icy path becomes dangerous. If you need to walk on it in winter, it is better to combine a mosaic of plastic covers with designs made of cement, ceramics or wood.

Other options

Coverings made from combinations of plastic caps and bats look good ceramic tiles. Small sizes elements allow you to lay out fancy and extraordinary patterns. The result is a distinctive path of bright elements. Such garden patchwork will decorate the garden and place accents on the site.

The designs can be varied with metal lids. And adherents of eco-design will like the paths made of wine corks. Cork is a noble material with unique properties.

Health track made from different caps

Homemade massage paths in the garden have become quite popular. Children and adults love them. After all, walking barefoot on a textured surface is not only pleasant, but also useful. For such paths you will need a cement base on which various materials are laid.

Juice lids will do, glass jars, corks, buttons, sticks. All this stuff is sorted by color and size. Then a sketch is developed. Here you can play not only with color and texture, but also with the styling method. Covers placed on the end will create a convex surface, while those glued with the recess down will give a smoother surface.

From bottles

This material can serve as a wonderful material not only for making, but also for arranging exclusive paths in the garden. For this purpose, whole bottles or parts thereof are used.

How to make from plastic bottles

Empty bottles cannot withstand heavy loads. Therefore, before building a path, they need to be filled with sand, fine gravel or dry soil. If you want to make a colored path, then put colored paper, foil inside the bottle, or pour a little dye, and only then add sand. When the material is ready, start laying it.

You can’t do without a cement pad in this case either. Only the hole for it needs to be dug deeper - 1.5 shovel bayonets.

  • Gravel is poured onto the bottom and formwork is constructed.
  • The bottles are placed sideways in a trench and filled with cement mortar.
  • Compact the masonry. To do this, place a board on the path and walk along it.
  • After drying, the formwork is removed.
  • Decorate the edges. Any mosaic is suitable for this.

You can make interesting paths from the bottom parts of the bottle. To do this, prepare a trench about 15 cm deep.

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottles (leave 1/5 of the height).
  • Make formwork and concrete pad.
  • Place the bottom in the wet solution.

From the remains of bottles you can build interesting garden sculptures or greenhouses for seedlings.

Greenhouse for seedlings from a plastic bottle.

About how to put paving slabs told .

How to make from glass bottles

The technology is in many ways similar to the previous one. Only glass bottles It is not necessary to fill them with sand, although sand will give them additional strength. It is better to take champagne or wine bottles, but beer bottles will also work.

They are generally installed with the neck down. For such a path you need a fairly deep trench. Therefore, bottles for paths are often cut and only the bottom part is used. The laying technology is the same as for plastic.

This illuminated path looks very cool. To do this, you need to install small light bulbs under the bottles. It is better to take LEDs - they are durable and economical. Bottles are also suitable for building walls, fences and borders.


In the video: DIY traffic jam paths.

Ordinary lids are a cheap and practical material. They are well suited for paving paths of varying degrees of tortuosity. Surfaces decorated in this way look cozy and colorful. And in order for them not to get out of general style plot, complement the garden with bright mosaic sculptures and panels in the same color scheme.

One of the indicators of the livability of any dacha is the presence of paths. They connect garden buildings, lead to a recreation area, and separate the beds.

To make such a path you will need plastic bottle caps, cement, sand, boards and tile adhesive.

Country paths, in addition to their direct purpose, ease of movement in any weather, play a very important decorative role.

Such paths become the main element of the surrounding landscape.

Absolutely any material can be chosen for their manufacture, but to make the path at your dacha truly unique and original, you can make it from the most ordinary corks. This is an easy and very interesting task that even a child can cope with. But before you make your own country paths from traffic jams, you need to draw rough sketches on paper. The house, the fence, the flower garden, the rest of the decor - everything should be in harmony with each other. The dacha should become a single whole. Next, you need to decide whether the paths will be one color or not, whether to make a pattern or ornament on them, and whether they need a small fence. If you decide to make an image or post an inscription, then you must first depict it on paper, calculating how many traffic jams there will be in each row. You also need to collect a sufficient amount of the material used and only then get to work.

Construction of paths from traffic jams in the country

Before you start laying the plugs, you need to level the area and fill it with weed control liquid, and after laying it, compact it with a mallet.

Required tools:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Cord.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Watering can.

Step by step work:

  1. Wash and dry the corks well.
  2. Make markings. To do this, you need to decide on the location of the path, drive pegs around the perimeter and pull the cord along them. If the path at the dacha has a bend, then at the turns the stakes are driven in at a short distance from each other so as not to disturb the smoothness of the line. Measure the width of the tracks with a tape measure. If the path is intended simply for walking, then its minimum width is 50 cm; if a wheelbarrow will drive along it or it will be used for other household needs, then 80 cm.
  3. The turf is removed from the marked area, stones and plant roots are removed. Use a shovel to dig a small trench and compact the soil.
  4. If the path has a fence, then it can be made using plastic bottles. Their necks down should be placed next to each other at the edges. Decorative fence can be made from any other available materials.
  5. Fill the trench with crushed stone. Level it out.
  6. Pour sand on top, compact it and lightly water it.
  7. The lids, bottoms up, need to be pressed into the sand. As the sand dries, it must be moistened.

Thus, you can lay out an ordinary straight path in your dacha, fence a flowerbed, make a labyrinth, or simply lay out a small area on which potted flowers will then stand.

If it is necessary to make a more durable coating, then it is better to lay the plugs on a concrete solution. The technology is the same, but sand is replaced with cement. You need to make a path like this quickly, and it’s better to lay out the cement in small portions. When mixing the solution, you can add special dyes to it, then between the lids you will see bright colors, not a dull gray color. Except plastic stoppers You can also use metal ones. They are also well suited for laying and decorating a summer cottage.

The practicality of plastic bottles is actively used by folk craftsmen when arranging summer cottages. The presence and regular replenishment of plastic containers allows you to decorate not only small decorative items, but also take on fundamental structures, such as garden paths. There are several options for arranging a path made of plastic bottles; the choice of method depends entirely on the preferences of the owner of the site.

Characteristics of an extraordinary structure

Plastic bottles are a universal material that is actively involved in budget option landscape design. But, before you start arranging paths on the site, you should carefully study all the features of the future structure. The advantages of a path made of plastic bottles are as follows:

  • financial costs at a minimum level;
  • stability under the influence of external factors;
  • simple installation, you can involve children to help;
  • with small additions to the creative process, the path can take on a bright and extraordinary look.

But any method of arrangement also has negative features. Regarding plastic garden path, these are the following negative points:

  • Availability of containers of the same volume and color in large quantities, it is especially problematic to collect traffic jams if the path is made of them.
  • Strong temperature changes can cause deformation of the plastic bottles themselves or the entire structure as a whole.
  • Over time, the material fades, and the path will become faded, despite the original bright decor.

Attention! The most dangerous thing is to use the paths after rain or in frosty weather. Excessively slippery surfaces can cause injury. Therefore, it is better to avoid traveling in adverse weather conditions.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the scope of the construction process, work is preceded by preparatory stage. A garden path, where plastic containers serve as the main element, comes in several types:

  • directly from the entire bottle;
  • only the bottoms of the container are involved in the construction process;
  • A beautiful ornament is made from plastic corks.

First, select the appropriate type of path and collect the required amount of material. Everyone around us will be happy to join in the process, since everyone has an abundance of bottles in everyday use.

Then you need to mark the area and dig a trench. The depth varies depending on the material used as a basis:

  • for whole plastic containers you will need a recess of one and a half shovels;
  • if bottle bottoms are involved in the process, 15 cm is enough;
  • the cork path needs even less deepening; about 10 cm of the top layer can be removed.

Along the edges of the trench, formwork is installed wooden elements. It is recommended to fill the bottom broken brick or other household waste, in order to subsequently prevent subsidence of the path, for the arrangement of which whole bottles were used.

In each of the three methods, a drainage cushion of sand is formed. After spreading the material, it is carefully compacted; if possible, it is recommended to use a roller.

Use of whole bottles

Let's move on to the main step of making a path from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Advice! Plastic containers for the walkway are selected the same according to four parameters: volume, shape, color and degree of hardness.

All containers are thoroughly washed, and any remaining adhesive solution and labels are removed. The containers are dried. The rigidity of the path will be given by sand, which is tightly filled with all the bottles. To speed up the action, younger family members are involved in the procedure. Children always enjoy playing with sand, and helping adults arrange the site is a double benefit.

Before filling begins, it is worth considering the design of the path. There are several decoration options:

  • use combination plastic containers two or three colors;
  • coat the bottles with durable paint;
  • during filling, add candy wrappers, foil or paper to create bright fragments;
  • An original replacement for bright paper would be shellfish or sea pebbles.

Well-dried plastic containers are filled with dry sand and tightly screwed with stoppers. Then the containers are sequentially placed in the trench in a horizontal position. To make the path as smooth as possible, place bottles on top wooden shield and compacted. Here again the help of descendants will come in handy. Ask the children to jump on the board - they will have fun, and you can take a break before the next stage of arranging the path.

To make the track strong and reliable, plastic bottles need additional fixation. To do this, dilute a liquid cement solution and fill the cracks between the plastic containers, avoiding the very top of the bottles. When the solution has completely hardened, the remaining mixture is removed from the surface of the containers with a stiff brush to give it an aesthetic appearance.

There is another way to secure the track. High-quality dry cement is poured between plastic bottles, after which the path is carefully watered from a watering can. After the mixture has dried, final stage remove elements of wooden formwork.

Formation of paths from bottoms

Using exclusively the bottoms of plastic containers to arrange a garden path is characterized by lower labor costs. The initial steps are identical to creating a path from whole bottles:

  • a trench is being dug;
  • formwork is installed;
  • plastic containers are washed and dried.

The bottoms for the path are cut to the same size, the approximate height is 7-10 cm. The trench is filled with a mixture of sand and cement and compacted tightly. Then the base is carefully watered in parts from a watering can so that the water does not wash out the litter. They begin to form a path. It is also appropriate to use a combination of colors here. The sketch of the ornament is drawn in advance. When the fixing composition hardens, the formwork is removed.

Comment! The resulting surface is more suitable for decorative purposes and will do an excellent job of massaging the feet. Therefore, it is better to create such a path from plastic containers in a small area of ​​the garden away from areas of intense walking.

Decorative from the bottoms of plastic containers looks organic. The procedure for its arrangement is not much different from the construction of a path. A trench is formed the width of one bottle. To make the lines even, markings are first made with pegs, between which a thick thread is pulled, which later serves as a guide. DIY path made from plastic bottles in the photo below:

Cork ornaments

The path lined with plastic corks will require patience and perseverance. To ensure that the stage of assembling the material does not stretch over a long period, involve the entire circle of acquaintances in the process. When the required number of plastic stoppers is available, they should be sorted by color. An important stage in arranging the future path is drawing an ornament or some kind of picture. It all depends on the abilities of the master.

The main steps in the process of constructing a decorative path:

Attention! It is important to achieve when laying flat surface. A wooden shield placed on top and pressed down will help correct the shortcomings.

How to make paths for your dacha with your own hands

DIY garden path made from lids for children. Master class with photos

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The work can be done with children over 8 years old, with the help and guidance of an adult. The material can be useful to anyone who is interested in creativity and loves gardening.
Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent decoration for the garden plot and will create a wonderful mood.
Target: creating a beautiful and unusual path.
-teach children how to create paths using cement mortar;
-introduce the process of mixing cement mortar;
-develop imagination and imagination;
- to cultivate love and interest in nature, creativity in all its manifestations.

Hello, dear guests! Today I want to talk about how you can create a beautiful and unique path on your site using available materials. For a long time we hatched a plan to build a path, since we needed to accumulate material, which we decided to use. We saved all winter. We all drink a lot of water, lemonades, juices, and we save or throw away bottle caps. But in our case, we saved.
We accumulated lids and decided to use them to line the path to our small pond in the country. This is our first work in this technique, but I think not the last. I have a lot of ideas and I really want to bring them to life.
Materials and tools:
-sand, eurocement, water;
- a bucket for mixing cement mortar;
- Master OK;
-2 mayonnaise buckets (container for measuring cement, sand and water);
-perforator and mixer for concrete;
- bottle caps;

Cement mortar: For 1 bucket (from mayonnaise) of eurocement we will need 4 buckets of sand, 1.25 buckets of water.. The sand must be sifted, or just by hand, and that’s exactly what I did, remove large stones, sift the sand through your fingers. When all the ingredients are poured into the container, they must be mixed using a hammer drill with a concrete mixer screwed into it, literally 7-10 minutes, until smooth. My solution was mixed in a concrete mixer, as my husband was pouring the foundation for the fence, and my son and I quietly decided to lay out a path.
Progress of the master class:
We already had a pond on the site, and there was a path to it, but it was an ordinary one made of crushed stone. First of all, we need to decide on the place where we will place our path, draw or dig (as I did) the place of the path, remove the rubble to the side and get to work.

First, let's arrange our caps by color.

The path has been drawn, we can begin. We decided to line the edges of our path with red covers. We need to first lay out some cement and quickly, before the cement hardens, we begin to lay out the path.

Then we decided to lay out three rows next to the red row green– this is our grass.

The son suggested laying out a couple of trees, the trunks were lined with brown corks
(also a little cement first and lay out the lids).

Then the idea was born to lay out the house, since summer was in the yard, they decided to lay out the sun to heat the path. They decided to make the frame of the house out of red lids, the windows and roof were yellow. yellow color. The sky was covered with blue lids.

Then we start filling empty place between the rays of the sun, we decided to put white lids on one side and blue on the other side. Of course, you can leave it like that, but we wanted to continue.

Let's start filling the space between the trees. We tried to lay out flowers and this is what happened.

We fill all the remaining space as your heart desires.

Our path is ready, I think it turned out not bad. Thank you all for your attention.

You can post any drawing, as long as you have enough material and imagination. We wish you to continue our work, summer mood, beautiful summer ideas, and most importantly, bring these ideas to life.
We wish everyone summer, warmth and comfort.
I draw summer
P. Pranuza
I paint summer -
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And the stream is singing.
What kind of paint?
Will I leave the cloud?
I paint summer -
It's very difficult...