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Laminate diagonally which angle is better. Diagonal laying of laminate: material calculation and installation features. Diagonal laying of laminate: features of work

Laminate has long established itself as a practical material. It is considered stylish and attractive. The specificity of this material allows you to lay it out with geometric patterns of various complexity, and the effect of such styling will be indescribable. For example, laying laminate diagonally is an option of unusual beauty that allows you to significantly transform the room.

Advantages of using diagonal styling:

  1. With this laying, the panels are located at an angle to the walls of the room, successfully hiding all the shortcomings. If the walls are not parallel, the usual arrangement of the panels will only emphasize this drawback, and the diagonal laying will hide it.
  2. Diagonal laying creates a unique visual effect of visual expansion of space. This will be especially true in small spaces.
  3. The main advantage is the beauty and sophistication of the finish.

Issue price

If you decide to use this installation option, then be prepared for the fact that the material, and, accordingly, the funds will have to be spent more. This is due to the fact that in the places where the ends of the laminate adjoin the walls, they will have to be cut at an angle in order to “fit” in place. From this it turns out that more material will go to waste than with the classic method of laying out panels.

Experienced laying masters manage with a 5% supply of material when laying, because they have developed a flair for the optimal location. For those who decide to do this for the first time, it is better to take 10-15% of the material in stock.

Note! It is better to take immediately purchase all the material that is required for installation. Because there is no guarantee that after some time you will find exactly the same color.

Required Tool

Laying laminate

The most common pattern for laying laminate diagonally is from the corner of the room. The work is carried out in stages.

  1. First, the surface is carefully prepared. If work is carried out on concrete floor then it should be smooth and dry. When laying on a wooden floor, it is also checked for reliability. align wooden surface maybe sheets of plywood.
  2. Then the substrate is laid on the surface. Joints must be sealed with adhesive tape.
  3. To control the accuracy of laying, you need to stretch the rope along the diagonal of the room.
  4. To select the required angle of inclination of the panel, you can first lay out several boards on the floor.
  5. After you collect several rows, they need to be fastened together. To do this, use a rubber mallet. Just do not overdo it when connecting, so as not to damage the lock connection.
  6. The gaps between the wall are fixed with wedges.
  7. If it is necessary to lay the board at the place where the pipes pass, holes are pre-cut in the panels, which can be filled with a sealant based on acrylic or silicone.
  8. In the final part of the work, the installation of skirting boards is carried out. It is better to choose quality material with the possibility of pulling the cable inside it.

Trimming corners

Trimming is carried out at an angle of 45 °, for this a square is used or a template can be prepared in advance. The first rows are made from one panel. Each row is a trapezoid. The adjacent side should be equal in length to the outer part of the previous row.

  1. First, with the help of a square or template, the place of the cut is marked and the required angle is cut out with a jigsaw or other tool.
  2. When you reach the rows of several panels, you must first saw off the corner from the leftmost plank and connect them in one row. Such a connection will be temporary, so you should not be zealous in achieving density.
  3. Next, we measure the size of the residual piece (do not forget to take into account the thickness of the wedge that is inserted between the wall and the canvas), take the next panel and cut off the required angle according to the resulting size.
  4. The entire row is disengaged from the previous one, the resulting corner is inserted, and all connections are finally fastened.
  5. Thus, row by row, all corners are displayed. Having reached the edge of the room, you need to change the direction of the segment of the left corner. Further work is carried out in a similar order, only in the opposite direction.

Having done all the work correctly, you will get a smooth and beautiful coating.

  1. When choosing a material, you should not stop at cheap options. Due to poor quality, various defects may appear during operation.
  2. After acquiring a laminate, you need to let it "lie down" in the room where you decide to put it. This is necessary so that he gets used to the room temperature after storage.
  3. Laying work may only be carried out in dry rooms. High humidity levels can affect the quality of the material.
  4. During laying, it is necessary to leave "thermal seams" between the wall and the panels. They will provide additional protection from contraction or expansion. Gaps must be provided on all sides of the room. The gap is calculated as follows: for each meter of the width of the room, you need to leave 1.5 mm of gap around the perimeter.
  5. If there is heavy furniture in the room where the laminate is being laid, then the gap must be left within 10 mm from each wall of the room.

The photo shows examples of laying laminate diagonally, also, you can watch a video that describes the work process in more detail.

Development is not only in the technology of manufacturing materials for decoration, but also in the method of their installation. Laminate - beautiful material High Quality. IN Lately Laying laminate diagonally in an apartment has become popular. This method is suitable for those who want to add zest to their interior, make it more individual. This type of installation will also visually expand the room. You can do the work yourself.

Calculation of the material for this method of laying. Is it true that it needs more than with traditional styling?

For diagonal mounting, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material using a special formula that differs from that used in the straight-line method. You need to take the length of the room and the width and multiply them. To this product it is necessary to add the product of the width of one board by 1.42 times the width of the room.

Mathematically, the formula for the calculation looks like this: AC - the width of the room; CD is the length of the room; 1.42 is the square root of 2; (ACxCD) + (1.42 AC x the width of one board).

Calculation of the amount of laminate per room

When mounting diagonally, you really need more material than with. It's easy to explain. The thing is that in areas where the ends of the panels adjoin the walls, they need to be cut in a certain way. So non-waste production it won't work here. It is advisable to take material with a margin of 15-20%.

Laying laminate diagonally can be done by hand.

Laminate laying tool

You will need the following tools for this:

  1. hammer;
  2. tape measure with a pencil;
  3. jigsaw;
  4. padding bar;
  5. wedges for spacers.

Before you start laying the laminate diagonally, you need to carry out certain preparatory operations. , get rid of the trash. In order to make the surface even, you can use self-leveling compounds. They are very easy to use and give excellent results.

It is better to sweep the floor first, and only then strengthen the floor with a primer.

After that, you need to cover the surface with cellophane. A substrate is placed on it or. Before starting work, it is necessary to hold the material indoors for about a couple of days. So it will not swell and will not shrink.

There are two ways to lay laminate diagonally: from the center and from the corner. Both methods are used quite often, but it is the first that produces the least waste. You can do the work yourself.

Method from corner:

Method from the corner
  1. If you choose to install your laminate flooring away from the corner, you should start with a solid panel that is cut to the required angle on both sides. It is this panel that will indicate the direction in the future. It is important to remember that the panel must be wedged 10 from the wall in order to compensate for thermal expansion.
  2. If not far from the corner in which you start work lies heating system, then you should start from here. At the junction with the system, you can immediately make a cut. This will make the task easier. From the main panel it is worth moving towards the center of the room. With this laying, the rows will subsequently increase in length. So you should definitely offset the seams by about half the length of the panel. So the reliability will be much higher, and the floor itself will look more beautiful. Watch the tutorial video, you can quickly understand the editing system.
  3. Panels in each row must be fastened at the ends. The exceptions are the segments that are adjacent to the walls. The row is laid out in its own place, while it is not linked to the previous one too tightly. After that, a measurement is carried out at 2 points. This length is reduced by 10 mm and transferred to the panel to be cut. It is important to note that if the walls are strictly opposite each other, then the angle that remains after trimming should fit exactly on the opposite side. So you will be able not to use up excess material.
  4. After you have prepared the parts, remove the row from the lock, and then completely assemble it at the ends. And only after that is the clutch with the lock from the last row.

Method from the center:

Method from the center

Laying laminate diagonally can be done using the "from the center" method. With this method, you will first need to lay a long prefabricated row. He will give direction in the future. Its installation is carried out in the same way as described in the previous method. After that, it is worth starting the installation of the coating, first to one corner, and then to the other.

This technique is justified for those rooms in which there are external corners.

The first row is better to start from the outer corners on a tangent. After you finish the installation, you will need to remove the spacer bars and attach the plinth to the wall.

How to remove the end panel

Removing the end panel

Measure the length to the wall. Transfer the measurements to the material. Measure the length from the opposite end. Again transfer the measurements to the material. The points that you have turned out will need to be connected. Cut better with a jigsaw from the inside. So on the front you will not have chips.

Fasten all locks

To lay them out, you need to fasten all the locks. Place one panel at an angle to the other. Next, press the floor, the lock will snap into place, so you need to fasten all the rows. Now fasten the sides, the more you have made the row, the more difficult it will be to snap it into place. The technology is the same: slightly lift the opposite edge. Install the timber in the lock, press on the floor and snap into place. In order for the panel to enter its position, you can shake it slightly. And to see the process more clearly, turn on the video.

This method of installation in this way has its pros and cons.

Mounting method

Its main advantage is beauty. You can easily hide the imperfections of the room. The disadvantages include a greater consumption of material.

If you decide to install the laminate in the apartment, then you can do it yourself.

To do this, just watch the training video. Such a floor will look very unusual and elegant. It will make your room look bigger.


In today's video you will see how to properly lay laminate diagonally in a master class.
Thanks to this material, you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself.

Photo source:,

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

If you want to create a unique and original design in your apartment with the help of high-quality and available materials, try it diagonally. Such unusual way styling will undoubtedly draw attention to the floor in the room and diversify it appearance. Especially this technique is used in case of incorrect wall geometry or non-standard layout.

Is diagonal styling right for you?

In order for the floor to become a decoration of the apartment, you need to determine exactly which laying technology is right for your interior, diagonal or straight.

Direct styling and its features:

  • Can be performed in rooms of any configuration with smooth walls and without any distortions of the housing box.
  • Recommended for rooms filled with a large number of pieces of furniture, as well as with carpets on the floor. The laminate in this case will not be very conspicuous, so you should not waste time and effort on the original installation. Graceful lines and interesting transitions are simply hidden behind corners and ledges.
  • The drawing should be laid parallel to the beam of light, so it is recommended to start the flooring from the far door. As a result, lighting will successfully hide gaps and seams between parts, which will make the coating perfectly smooth and glossy. However, this will work if the windows in the room are only on one wall.

Diagonal flooring and its features:

  • Diagonal laminate flooring is shown in the video below, it is also able to make the unsuccessful geometry of the walls invisible and visually straighten the layout.
  • The flooring technology in this way is more complicated than direct laying. It is desirable to have experience with the material, so that the result is of high quality and successful.
  • Laminate should be bought with a margin so that you can safely trim parts. The calculation of the material here is also carried out on an individual basis.

Laminate features:

  1. Laminate panels are easy to lay on the floor in any room, even a beginner can handle it.
  2. A wide range of models of different colors, textures, sizes and styles, which allows you to use given material in rooms with any interior and design.
  3. Modern laminate is a durable and moisture-resistant floor covering that is resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. It is placed not only in residential buildings, but also in areas with high traffic, for example, in offices, meeting rooms or conference rooms.

We calculate the consumption of material

  • First you need to decide on the layout method and decide whether it suits your layout and interior: from what angles should you start laying, and how much waste will remain after trimming the material. Laying laminate diagonally is shown in the video below.
  • Usually the area of ​​​​the room is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material in the package and the resulting value is rounded.
  • Never do the calculation offhand, otherwise the laminate may not be enough. It is also better to buy an extra pack of laminated panels with a margin.

There are two ways to diagonally stack panels:

  1. From the corner, starting from the far window towards the door.
  2. From one corner to another corner. This laying technology is called "deck", as the panels are laid out from the center. Using a special fishing line, it is necessary to determine the diagonal and make markings, and then start laying first to the left up to the corner, then to the right side. The layout process according to this method will be more laborious, but more economical. Since you will need to carefully mark up and more accurately calculate the number of lamellas. Laying laminate diagonally with your own hands is shown in the video.

Stages of diagonal laying

For proper styling you will need the following tools:

  1. Roulette for measurements.
  2. Ruler and pencil.
  3. Wooden block to knock out the lamellas.
  4. Mallet (carpenter's hammer).
  5. Spacer wedges to secure gaps between panels.
  6. Electric jigsaw.

Foundation preparation

To lay the lamellas, a flat surface is required so that the floor does not deform during operation and the material is not damaged:

Do not forget also about the substrate under the laminate panels. It can be cork or polyurethane, the sheets are laid end-to-end, and it is fixed with a special wide adhesive tape.

Stretch a fishing line, cord or rope between two corners diagonally to fix the direction of the future boards. The fishing line will help to control any slightest deviations from the angle of the lamella flooring. In the interior, diagonal styling at an angle of 45 degrees, but not less than 30, looks most successful.

Layout instructions

Consider in detail two layout methods: from the corner and from the center.

From the corner

Start the installation with one solid board, pre-cutting it at a certain angle from both ends. This panel will set the direction for all other details. Also, start work from the corner where the pipes are present, having previously cut holes of the desired diameter in the board.

After mounting the starting lamella, move towards the center of the room. You will be left with a small open corner, which is mounted at the very end. You can cut it from any crop, which will remain in sufficient quantity.

As you move towards the center, do not forget to shift the transverse seams by ½ of the length of the boards. Fasten all elements of the laminate with ends, except for those that are joined to the walls. There should be a distance of 1.5 - 2 centimeters between the wall and the board.

Insert one panel into another and snap into place by lightly pressing on the floor. First you need to connect all the locks on the boards in one row, and then fasten the stacked row with the previous one. If you are working without a helper, use a small weight to help you fix the stack.

It is necessary to cut the extreme lamellas at a certain angle in order to repeat the line of the wall. To do this correctly, you need to measure the distance from the highest point of the row to the spacer peg against the wall, and then from the lowest point. We transfer these distances with lines to the panel, make markings and cut out the desired shape.

From the center

You can use this method only when laying adhesive laminate. In the case of working with panels that have Click-type locks, such a layout is not possible, since some models do not imply a run-up from the center to the sides due to their structure.

The row in the center of the room with the longest panels is laid out first, it will be he who will set the direction for all the other boards. Installation is carried out in a known way, after which we move towards the left and then to the right corner.

After installing all the lamellas, it remains to remove all the bars for spacers and mount the skirting boards.

Laying laminate can be done in any room, the main thing is to calculate the material consumption and take into account the geometry of the walls. In addition, such a floor will not require special care and will last you a long time. Master class video step by step instructions will help to better understand the technology and understand the intricacies of the process.

Laminate is considered a versatile wood flooring that has a well-groomed appearance, and installation is simple and accessible to everyone. However, one should not be treated negligently, because with insufficient accuracy and chaotic following walkthrough the connection of the lamellas may be loose, which means that dirt and dust will enter large gaps.

In addition, any laminate is treated with a water-repellent sealant. Accordingly, large gaps require more putty, which looks extremely untidy.

Laying the laminate diagonally looks interesting, this process requires even more perseverance and, of course, an accurate calculation of the required material.

Cons and pros

Benefits of diagonal laminate flooring

The classic and common variant of the arrangement of lamellas for wooden flooring consists in placing joints in parallel with respect to the main source of daylight - a window opening.

Of course, each has its pros and cons. What are the benefits of diagonal laminate?

  1. Laying laminate diagonally is better when the window is slightly to the left or right, and not in the center of the wall. Thus, the principle of parallel lighting will fully comply with the diagonal placement of the lamellas.
  2. It is appropriate to use the diagonal version of laying the laminate if the walls of the room have noticeable defects.
  3. Designers use the diagonal placement of the laminate, because it creates a visual effect of expanding the room, thereby increasing the square footage of a cramped living space.

Main disadvantages

There are also disadvantages of diagonal laminate. The most basic - with diagonal laying, the consumption of laminate is greater, so the material must be purchased in a larger volume than usual. Large expenses are due to the fact that at the points of attachment of the ends of the panels to wall structures, they must be cut at an appropriate angle and adjusted every time different meanings. There are a lot of surpluses and scraps that remain after cutting and mounting the lamellas, but, unfortunately, they are completely useless, they cannot be used.

Experienced professionals have learned to determine the right amount of wood cover in such a way that only 5% of all purchased material is leftovers. If you are a beginner and for the first time you are faced with the need to lay a laminate diagonally, it is worth laying a large number of lamellas in the reserve. Finishers recommend focusing on a percentage of 7% or last resort a margin of 0.1 share of the entire perimeter of the room.

Take into account the higher consumption of laminate

So, for convenience, we propose to apply a formula that will help to produce exact calculation: C * 1.1, where C is the area of ​​​​the floor structure that is planned to be processed with a laminate. If after that we divide the obtained value by the perimeter of the lamellas packed in one package, you will get the number of sets, the contents of which are enough to cover the room with wooden material.

Once you have decided on necessary quantity, go shopping to the store and purchase the entire set of panels at one time. Beginners often make an unforgivable mistake - they collect only a part of the lamellas with the hope of buying the rest of the goods later, but then they face the problem of the lack of an identical type of wood, painted in the required shade, especially when it comes to a rare manufacturer.

Preparatory stage for laying laminate flooring

How to prepare the floor surface

To lay the laminate diagonally, you must have a leveled floor in the room. Laminate fits perfectly concrete surface, simplifies the complex process construction works concerning the waterproofing device and. Such training requires not only a bare foundation, but also old layer finishing material on the floor. The floor must be brought to an ideal state - it must be washed as even and stable as possible.

Any creaking sounds, subsidence and floor care in depth are a harbinger of the fact that the laminate will leave the best, and here the situation does not depend on the quality of the material and its manufacturer.

What should be linoleum? No bundles, bubbles, swelling and scuffs, through holes and holes should not be visible to the naked eye. Notice if it's broken concrete screed if it has lost its integrity, you will have to build a new foundation.

  • So, if you decide to lay the laminate diagonally on top of the concrete, prepare a primer solution (how to do this is written on the label of the material). It is desirable that the composition indicate the parameter of deep penetration of the mass. After the solution is applied in an even layer, it is necessary to leave it to dry completely. After that floor construction covered with polyethylene film.
  • It is preferable to mount the laminate with your own hands on a substrate, which can be made of either cork or polyurethane foam. The substrate panels are fixed to each other and connected with adhesive tape.
  • The best option is to lay the room with OSB panels, which provide a flat plane and additional noise and thermal protection effect.

Planning installation work

When the laminate is already at home, open the package and leave it to rest for a couple of days. During this time, the slats perfectly adapt to the room temperature and humidity, which means that you don’t have to worry about the subsequent slats after their installation.

Be sure to think over the installation work, given the scale and size of the purchased raw materials. The scheme will facilitate and systematize the sequence of laying work, as well as help to avoid mistakes when cutting the material.

Experts recommend adhering to the angle of inclination of the panels at 45 degrees, but if desired, this value can be changed up to 30-40 degrees. Be aware that slopes less than 30 degrees cause an ugly cut and generally complicate the process of fixing the laminate.

Step-by-step instructions for diagonal installation of laminate

Method "From the corner"

Take one solid panel and cut along two edges, focusing on the desired angle. The first piece cut out will be a help for the entire wood flooring. To compensate for the thermal swelling of the raw material, wedge the surface starting from wall structures, to a value of 10.

If near the corner where the installation begins, passes heating pipe, it is correct to lay the laminate from here, immediately cutting off two lamellas at the seam for the hole going to the pipe.

Gradually move from the corner of the room to the middle. A small open corner is closed separately; small scraps of raw materials can be used. Accordingly, each next row will be lengthened. To make the rows look beautiful, provide for an offset of the transverse joints by ½ of the lamella size (along the length).

Panels of any row are connected at the ends, not including the segments falling to the wall planes. Lay one row, but do not fix it too tightly to the other. Take a measurement at two points passing from the two edges of the last even lamella to the wall itself. This dimensional step, minus the 10 mm laid down by the technology, falls on the lamella, which should be cut - mark the line and mark it with a jigsaw or hacksaw. The same should be done with the other edge of the row.

Method "From the center"

Some experts prefer to start laying the slats diagonally from the center of the room. The longest prefabricated row is taken as the basis, located at the intersection of straight lines emerging from opposite corners of the room. Laying is done in the same way as described above.

This method of laying a wooden canvas is especially convenient when the room is equipped with outwardly facing corners - it can be a ledge, a column, it is possible to transfer the surface from one room to another.

The first row is better to lay out closer to outside corner, if this is not possible, it is necessary to make the necessary measurements relative to four or more points. When laying a laminate, the lamellas of which are not connected to each other with the help of locking device, but are fixed on glue, after the first three rows it is necessary to take a break from work and take a break of at least 3-4 hours.

If you have purchased wood flooring, labeled "Click" on the packaging, the "From Center" scheme is not applicable. The fact is that this system of arranging the locking mechanism provides for inserting the comb into the groove at an appropriate angle, after which the lock snaps into place. Thus, the installation consists in laying all the parts in one direction, and nothing else.

When the diagonal installation is completed, remove the spacer bars and fix them, but in no case to the skirting board floor.


Now you know what diagonal laminate laying consists of. When installing, be extremely careful - beginners often do not track the location of the spike and groove connection, cutting the corner cut out on the other edge. The proverb “Measure seven times, cut once” will come in handy here.

The formation of a laminated floor is, on the one hand, a process that requires strict adherence to technology and performance by professionals. On the other hand, you can do the installation yourself. Let's look at laying laminate diagonally and analyze the advantages and methods of this method in comparison with the usual direct formation of the coating.

Laminate floors have become super popular today. Many decide to do all the installation work on their own, which allows you to get aesthetic pleasure from the result, while also saving money. But non-professionals lay out the floor, as a rule, the most in a simple way installation, that is, placing the panels along or across the room.

This standard installation is good if the room has the correct geometric shape. And when the walls in the room are uneven or decorated with a rounding, another installation option will help out: diagonal laying of the laminate.

With the standard installation option, the lamellas are laid out parallel to any wall in the room, and with the method of laying the laminate diagonally, they are laid out at an angle to the wall, usually at 45 degrees. This is the optimal angle of the boards from the wall, but given that adjacent walls are not exactly perpendicular, the angle of the panels within the same room may deviate from 45 °.

Laying laminate diagonally: pros and cons

This method will help hide violations of the straightness of the walls, hide flaws in their geometry. Mastering the technique of laying laminate diagonally with your own hands will help you not only with this. The diagonal layout of the laminate flooring is used by designers for the effect of expanding the size of the room, this is especially true for small areas.

This option of finishing the floor looks especially advantageous when the room is not too crowded with pieces of furniture and other things: the diagonal arrangement of the boards visually stretches the floor, and the room seems more spacious, brighter.

Laying laminate obliquely looks much more interesting than with standard installation. It is possible to create a very diverse drawing, it will not fail to use any professional designer. So, the aesthetic superiority of this method is obvious.

The disadvantages of arranging the laminate diagonally include increased labor intensity and complex calculation. The consumption of material for finishing the floor is increasing due to the increase in the amount of waste, even when working with professional installers.

Laying laminated boards obliquely, even in rooms with complex shapes, is no more difficult than in the standard way. But when called to perform installation work in a diagonal way, the specialist will demand an increase in payment.

So what are the advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons of diagonal laminate flooring?

  • hiding violations of the straightness of the walls, their flaws;
  • design move for the visual expansion of the space of the room, looks most advantageous with a minimum of furnishings;
  • perfectly expresses external beauty coatings, especially in the presence of a chamfer and a wood pattern on the panels;
  • with an asymmetrical arrangement of the window in the room, not in the center, laying the panels obliquely is more advantageous;
  • looks more effective and refined, decorates the interior of the room;
  • an excellent solution for finishing floors with a solid canvas, without thresholds;
  • The combination of straight and diagonal laying of panels makes the floor original and unique.
  • the main disadvantage is the increase in material consumption relative to the standard laying method, i.e. financial costs increase. At self-laying material will need about 10-15% more than with direct installation. Experts with experience carry out such installation with less waste;
  • when involving laying specialists for installation, the cost of work is more expensive than with classical installation.

Laminate consumption when laying diagonally

The calculation of the number of laminated boards with the classical installation method is not complicated, it is carried out by the ratio of the size of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the area of ​​​​the board.

Classic (direct) mounting method:

  1. First row: whole panels are laid out, the last one is cut to the desired size.
  2. In the second row, the cutting from the last board of the first row is laid first. Then whole panels are laid out, and the last one is cut to the desired size.
  3. The third and all subsequent rows are laid out similarly. The first in each row is a scrap from the last board of the previous row.

Diagonal laminate laying pattern:

The laying principle is the same as for direct installation. The end panels are cut off on both sides of the row. The cuts are triangular in shape.

When installing laminate diagonally, you will need more flooring material. In this case, the amount of laminate is calculated according to the area of ​​​​the room, as for standard installation, adding 15% of the calculated amount of material - for waste. Professional installers with extensive experience in installation work will perform installation with the least amount of waste - 5%. For beginners, when buying material, make a stock of at least 15%.

If you choose a laying angle other than 45°, the material consumption will increase even more, as the amount of waste will increase. Therefore, when deciding how to lay the laminate diagonally, choose the optimal angle - 45 degrees.

Laying laminate diagonally with your own hands: step by step instructions

Debris and all impurities are removed from a previously prepared, leveled base. Next comes the flooring of the substrate layer. If the substrate is sheet, lay out the sheets with a gap in the joints. Sheets are fastened together with adhesive tape. At roll version substrate material roll out rolls on the floor to the walls. In places where heating pipes meet, the substrate is cut.

There are two mounting options:

  • Laying starts from the far corner of the room towards the door. The first element placed in the corner is a part of the board in the form of a triangle obtained by cutting the board at 45 degrees on both sides of its top. The elements of the subsequent rows are trapeziums, cut off on both sides also at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Laying starts from the middle of the room, from the diagonal line of two opposite corners. The first row is the longest, assembled from several panels.

When laying, do not forget to leave a technological gap near the walls and heating pipes. To make the gap size the same everywhere, either special wedges or trimmings of laminated panels are used.

For precise cutting at 45 degrees, you can make a template or use a square.

Corner styling

Most often, the layout starts from the corner of the room. It is better to arrange the long sides of the panels in the direction of falling into the window sun rays, the joints will be less visible and the floor looks better. Each initial row consists of one cut board, shaped like a trapezoid. Its upper side is equal to the lower side of the trapezoid located in the previous row.

Stacking from the center

How to lay laminate diagonally, starting from the center of the room?

It is easier to carry out these operations with two people, because in the longest rows in the central part of the floor it is necessary to connect several boards. In the absence of a second stacker, a small load can facilitate the work: having connected part of the row by snapping the locks, place the load on the connected boards and continue to clutch the remaining lamellas in this row. In this case, there will be no fear that previously connected boards under load may disengage.

It is important not to forget to leave technological gaps 1-1.5 centimeters in size between each wall and lamellas. They will allow the laminated coating to "walk" in size without consequences when the climatic parameters in the room change.

It is convenient to use wedges or cuttings from laminated panels to maintain the same size of the gaps. At the end of the laying, the wedges are removed, and the gaps will be hidden under the plinth after its installation.

If the non-threshold method of laying a laminate floor is performed, that is, there are no thresholds between the rooms and the corridor, and the floor material is used the same, in doorway boards are not cut. Lamellas that do not fit in this room are covered in the next room:

The design of the places of contact between the lamellas and the pipes can be done in two ways:

The place of contact between the panel with cutouts and the pipe is sealed with a sealant.

So, we have completed the exclusive layout of the laminate diagonally. As you can see, nothing super complicated. It took more accuracy, preliminary calculations of material consumption, planning.

As a result, we get a beautiful and unusual floor, made by hand, and visual magnification space, feeling of space. And this is not so little, especially for small apartments.

How to lay the laminate diagonally - watch the video:

It looks great with a diagonal layout, the combination of laminated panels in contrasting colors or just different shades, this gives flooring brightness, expressiveness. Laminate flooring looks advantageous in a diagonal design made of panels with expressive chamfers.

Like a classic laid laminate floor, a diagonally laid one looks great when there is at least a slight difference in color from wall coverings. But here it is important to see the line: do not overload the room with either dark or light tones.

If used light laminate when laying diagonally, it is better to select panels with a good chamfer or with a noticeable pattern, different shades. Then the diagonal layout will be expressive, winning.

We wish you success in decorating your home with such an unusual layout of laminated panels, may you succeed.