In a private house      05/31/2019

Painting hives with silver. Painting hives is the most important stage in the manufacture. Consumables and rules for quality painting

Due to the low velocity of the air carrying the paint material, the HVLP gun must be held close to the surface to be painted (at a distance of 15-20 cm instead of 20-25 cm). At the same time, the coloring becomes more accurate and more material falls on the product.

The disadvantages of the HVLP system include lower productivity (about 200 g/min under normal conditions) and high compressed air consumption. In addition, HVLP guns do not provide sufficient atomization of coatings with a viscosity of more than 25 seconds. B34.

Comparative analysis of all spray systems

Painting technology RP, HVLP, LVLP, Trans Tech

Conventionally, at the moment we have the following basic spraying technologies (applying paint and other paints and varnishes):

LVLP, HP, HVLP, RP, Trans Tech

These technologies differ in the amount of compressed air consumed for their work and the transfer coefficient of paints and varnishes. So if the master constantly worked with an airbrush of one technology, and then switched to an airbrush with another technology, he may have problems with applying paint. corny, the volume of the compressor that supplies compressed air for the normal operation of the equipment was not taken into account.

Now let's take a closer look at these technologies:

HP technology is the very first of the emerging technologies, if you do not go into details, then it can be conditionally explained as follows - the pressure of compressed air at the outlet of the paint sprayer is equal to the pressure of compressed air at its inlet. But this technology has the lowest transfer coefficient of paints and varnishes - only 45%, everything else flies into the air. At the same time, the spray gun itself consumes from 200 to 300 liters of compressed air per minute.

LVLP Technology - Usage low pressure and small amount of compressed air. It makes it possible to save, and accordingly use weaker compressors. Also, this technology saves significantly and paints and varnishes. The transfer coefficient exceeds 75%.

HVLP technology - High volume and low pressure, the inlet pressure is reduced to 0.7 bar, and at the outlet of the spray gun the pressure reaches parameters 2 - 2.5 bar. The transfer coefficient is more than 65%, but for the use of spray guns of this technology, a productive and powerful compressor is required. such spray guns can consume up to 400 liters of compressed air.

RP technology - partially corrected the shortcomings of the previous technology. The main difference is the low pressure both at the inlet and outlet of the paint sprayer. The inlet pressure is about 1-1.2 bar, the outlet is about 2 bar. But here you can use less efficient compressors. Such spray guns are not so demanding on the volume of compressed air. Average consumption is approximately 300 liters per minute. The transfer coefficient is also greater than 65%.

It should also be taken into account that different manufacturers may have different names for these technologies and have their own trade marks. For example, SATA, a manufacturer in Germany, adheres to the names of HVLP and RP technologies. The Japanese manufacturer IWATA adheres to the LVLP names. WALCOM, Italy - HP. Manufacturer DeVilbiss, UK - Trans Tech. Thus, when choosing an airbrush, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the compressor to which the airbrush of your choice will be connected, and in this case it will be your reliable assistant and will never let you down when carrying out painting work.

Beginning beekeepers often ask the question - how to paint a hive. In today's article, we'll talk about just that.

So, experts consider painting bee houses a mandatory procedure. The application of a dense layer of paint allows you to protect the material (from which the hives are made) from the negative impact external factors. This procedure increases the life of the bee houses, but only if the painting is carried out correctly. In the following paragraphs, we will note the pros and cons of painting, as well as provide some recommendations about this.

Skeptics may think that the importance of this procedure is somewhat exaggerated. But painting is really very important, because it solves the following tasks:

  1. Bees are able to remember the color of their hive, and this fact allows them to navigate during flights.
  2. A dense layer of paint is a good protection against the negative effects of environmental factors.
  3. Hives painted in bright hues do not overheat in the sun.

In addition, a well-chosen palette of colors can turn an apiary into a real work of art.


First of all, we note such an advantage of painting as protecting the hives from external environmental factors. This is especially true for bee houses made of wood, which most spend time outdoors. It is worth noting that there are special grades of paint that can protect wooden structures from rotting, as well as improve the thermoregulation of the hives. In addition, if the bee houses in the apiary are painted in different colors, it is easier for insects to navigate.


There are beekeepers who have a negative attitude towards painting hives. They rely on the following facts:

  1. Many varieties of paint violate the thermoregulation of the hive, and also worsen heat transfer. This leads to the accumulation of condensate and an increase in humidity.
  2. Some types of paints are toxic to bees.

If you still decide to carry out this procedure, then you need to paint only the outer part of the hives so as not to harm the bees.

How to choose a color for painting beehives

What color is better to paint bee houses? We recommend giving preference to yellow, blue and blue colors. Bees perceive the above shades well and know how to distinguish them from each other. It makes no sense to use red shades, since the pupils of insects simply do not perceive them.

Many beekeepers engaged in queen bee farming paint multi-seat hives in different colors. This is done so that during the mating season, the maternal individual can easily find the desired arrival board. If for ordinary bees an erroneous entry into a strange colony usually ends happily, then the “queen” can be met with very hostility.

When painting the hive in several colors: it is advisable to paint the arrival board and the liner in dark colors so that they immediately catch the eye of the bees.

From the point of view of thermoregulation, white paint is the most optimal, as it prevents the bee house from overheating. We do not recommend using black paint, which attracts the sun's rays and heats up quickly.

If you have purchased a large number of identical hives, then painting the facades of bee houses in different colors can solve the problem of monotony. Alternatively, only landing boards can be painted.

What paint to choose?

What paint is better to paint the beehive? It is better to apply oil paint on the outside of the bee house, as it is durable and reliable. In addition, it dries quickly and loses its toxic smell. It is strongly not recommended to apply paint to the internal parts of the hive, as this can cause irreparable harm to its inhabitants.

Now let's talk separately about each type of paint.


Oil paint features:

  1. Protects hives from the negative impact of environmental factors.
  2. It is ideal for applying to the outside of bee houses.
  3. It dries relatively quickly and loses its toxic smell.


Peculiarities acrylic paint:

  1. If you paint a bee house with acrylic paints, then gas exchange will not be disturbed in it.
  2. Does not emit an unpleasant odor.
  3. Does not fade from constant exposure to ultraviolet light.
  4. Acrylic paint is easy to use.
  5. Usually, manufacturers give a guarantee for up to 15 years.
  6. Acrylic paint can only be applied to a cleaned and degreased surface.


Silver features:

  1. It is made from aluminum powder, which indicates the reliability of this type of paint.
  2. Experts recommend using silver for painting the roof of bee houses.
  3. Silver reflects ultraviolet rays well and thus protects the hive from overheating.
  4. This type of paint does not swell from high humidity.

How to paint beehives? First you need to prepare a quality paint brush or roller. If you decide to paint several bee houses, then it is better to use an airbrush.

In order for the applied paint to serve for a long time, the following recommendations must be followed during the painting process:

  1. Before starting work, it is imperative to correct surface defects, such as roughness, chips, protruding fasteners.
  2. We prepare the hives for the procedure - we close the cracks with putty and carefully sand the surface.
  3. If the hives are made of softwood, then from their surface it is necessary to remove the remains of the resin. For these purposes, you can use a hot solution of laundry soda or turpentine.
  4. Each element of the hive must have free access. To do this, the bee house can be disassembled, and its individual parts can be laid out on pre-prepared wooden slats.
  5. Before painting on the surface of the hive, be sure to apply a primer. If you ignore this point, you will soon have to repeat the procedure, since the coating will not last long.
  6. The paint can only be applied after the primer is completely dry. This principle applies to each subsequent layer.

Work time

If you prefer oil paints, then you need to repeat the staining procedure once every 5 years. It is better to paint the hive in early spring, when the bees have not yet fully restored their activity. They need to be carefully transplanted into another house, and only after that start work.

Russian beekeepers trust acrylic paints more, the service life of which reaches 15 years. In addition, they improve some parameters of bee houses.

Alternative Hive Coloring Methods

If the traditional method of painting hives does not inspire confidence in you, you can use one of the alternative methods:

  1. First of all, we note one of the most accessible methods - covering the hives with liquid glass. To make the coating last longer, you need to apply at least 3 layers of the mixture. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. Usually, a layer of liquid glass dries up to 15 minutes. Otherwise, the coating is of poor quality.
  2. Another good way- application of paint with milk. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to add fermented milk to the paint, as well as lime. After the milk extinguishes the lime, you must wait three hours, and only then proceed to staining. To make the coating last longer, it must be applied in two layers. As practice shows, paint with milk lasts up to 6 years.
  3. IN last years, mineral coating is becoming more and more popular. To prepare it, you need to mix grated brick, quicklime and wood ash, after which, the resulting mixture is dissolved in milk. Then mix again until a creamy consistency is formed. Substances must be allowed to infuse, then add more milk. The finished paint must be applied in three layers. Service life - 10 years.


Coloring the hives is one of the most important procedures for the care of the apiary. In addition to the aesthetic effect, coloring performs another important task: it simplifies the process of orienting bees during flights. Three types of paint are considered the most popular: oil, acrylic and silver. As for the color scheme, it is better to give preference to yellow, blue or blue shades. It is better not to use red, as the bees do not recognize it. Carry out the staining process better in spring or during the summer.


Why are hives painted?

This is necessary in order to:

  • honey bees did not confuse their homes, since color is an excellent guide;
  • details were protected from decay.
  • forager bees remember the colors of their hive well and work confidently, which increases production performance;
  • bees remember the color of neighboring houses, therefore, with a dense group, in order to reduce wandering, one should not allow the same color of nearby hives;
  • the hives are painted in light colors so that they do not overheat in the sun in open places;
  • correct coloration prevents spread by significantly reducing bee wandering;
  • with a good orientation of the bees, a peaceful environment is maintained without the excitability and viciousness of bees;
  • The coloring of the hives also has a positive effect on the selection and breeding work, as well as the output and their safety during the mating flights.

When painting hives, it is necessary to use not any kind of paint color, but mainly yellow, blue, blue, white. You can combine multicolor. For example, paint two hulls in different colors, and for the landing board, bottom and roof lining, choose a paint of a darker shade, say, blue. The apiary will become smart, and it will be easier for the bees to find their home.

If for some reason there are a lot of one-color hives in the apiary (for example, a batch of already painted factory-made hives has been purchased), then the front walls of the houses should be painted in different, clearly distinguishable colors. IN last resort, you can limit yourself to painting only arrival boards.

Attached planks are not painted, so they dry out faster, warm up and it is easier for tired foraging bees to enter the hive on a rough surface.

The hives are painted with oil paints in the spring and summer, once every 3-5 years. In practice, this is done as follows: in the spring, the bee colony is transplanted into a clean, painted hive, and the freed one is repaired and painted.

I like water-based paints for facade work. Colors allow you to create a wide variety of shades of color.

The roofs of the hives are best painted in White color, since it reflects the sun's rays well, the bee nest does not overheat. I have been painting silver roofs for many years.

  • first, it's beautiful;
  • secondly, in the summer the sun's rays are reflected and the bees do not suffer from high temperature;
  • thirdly, apparently, aluminum shields the hives from electric fields, solar radiation and something else.

I was convinced of this by chance, about 15 years ago. The roof of one of my hives is upholstered aluminum sheet. There is always order in this hive, since spring development has been far ahead of other families.

Types of hives

Nowadays, there are quite a large number of bee houses. Some of them require mandatory painting, for some it is optional. Now there is a lot of controversy about whether it is necessary to paint wooden crafts, because when you apply a layer of paint, it makes it difficult to ventilate the hive and can negatively affect the microclimate.

This can lead to consequences in the form of high humidity and other negative factors. Still, it is necessary to consider this issue separately for each apiary and family, because you can judge the need for painting by several factors:

  1. Habitat zone;
  2. Production material;
  3. Breed of bees.

Hive is being made mostly made of wood It is about such systems that we will talk in our article. However, there are designs that are increasingly meet, and they are made styrofoam. Such a hive is quite cheap, it is light and easy to manufacture.

Painting such a hive is required. The paint that is best suited for this material is water-based. In addition to looking great, it will protect the material from UV damage. sun rays. Usually, when buying such a house, a special primer and water-based paint are already included in the kit.

Before painting, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer to the hive to smooth out irregularities. Repriming may be required. Only then you need to carefully apply the paint from the spray gun.

The disadvantages of the design include low strength and the fact that some breeds of bees behave poorly in a hive made of this material, there are cases that some breeds tried to gnaw through its walls.

In our opinion, it is rather wrong to stop your choice on this material, but everyone is free to choose at their own discretion.

Sometimes you can meet combined systems, where, for example, the main lower body is made of wood, and the magazines are made of another material.

Wooden beehives are most often made from one type of wood, since in further operation they are evenly processed and have the same characteristics. It happens that in multi-hull structures there are parts from different kind tree.

In most cases, this does not affect the structure of the family in any way, it is only necessary to carry out technical control in time. Some types of trees are more susceptible to rot or insect infestation. They also have different levels of resin content, which must also be taken into account.

Stopping on a wooden beehive, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons that appear in the process of painting. First of all, it must be said that the external painting of the hive is done solely for the safety and greater operation of the structure.

Paint benefits:

  • Protection against rotting, cracking at temperature extremes;
  • Savings in connection with the increase in the service life;
  • Makes it easier for bees to find their hive.

The disadvantage of applying a paint coating is only that it reduces air entry, thereby increasing the humidity inside the house.

Attention!With an increase in moisture inside the structure, there is a possibility of infection with rot from the inside, so the inner walls of the hive must also be treated before settling by bees.

Paint, its characteristics and requirements for painting

There are several types of paint that are most often used:

Acrylic- Maybe, best paint. It has good durability and UV resistance. At correct application can last up to 15 years. The advantage of this coating is that it does not interfere with gas exchange, passing air through itself, providing ventilation inside the structure without disturbing the microclimate.

It has a water base, dries quickly and is easy to apply. It is also a more environmentally friendly product. Can be easily washed off if needed.

It is necessary to paint with this paint only new houses, applying it to the old paintwork is unacceptable.

Before painting, make sure that the day is sunny and hot, that the surfaces are dry and clean, then apply a special primer, wait until it dries, apply acrylic paint.

It can be used for different surfaces, not necessarily for wooden material. Also check - it should be front, only for outdoor work.

oily- also a pretty good paint. After acrylic, it will probably be the best option for application. It is more resistant and after drying it leaves only a slight smell, which disappears after a short use. It is only necessary to paint the outer walls with it.

In no case do not process the inner walls. If the hive is new, then if you wish, you can apply a thin layer of propolis to the inner walls, but you can do without it, the insects will do everything for you. The recommended interval through which it is necessary to carry out re-painting is approximately 3-5 years.

Serebryanka- very rarely used for painting the walls of the house. It is very good to use it for painting the roof. It has ultraviolet repellent properties, which allows the hives not to overheat in the hot summer. You can also find apiaries where it is applied to the side and rear walls, but there is no need to do this.

Liquid glass- V Lately You can also find such coverage. For some, it is preferable to all others. Firstly, this is a rather budgetary method, and secondly, its characteristics are even better than those of acrylic paint. It is desirable to cover the walls with this material at least three times, and each of the layers should be applied to the well-dried previous one.

Worth knowing!Liquid glass will increase the life of your hive several times. When used, it reliably protects the walls and does not allow bees to gnaw through it.

Is it worth painting the beehive

Before choosing a paint color, pay attention to the fact that the bee best distinguishes between such colors:

  • Yellow;
  • Blue;
  • Red;
  • White.

When painting the front walls, try to use these in most cases. color schemes. So it will be easier for her to navigate in space and easier to find her home.

There is another plus in this - the unmistakable determination of the location of the family. This saves the bee from the fact that when looking for a place to live and flying into neighboring ones, it can bring with it any disease that can infect a neighboring family.

If you have evidence without these colors, after all try to paint at least letka. Make life easier for your pet.

Speaking in general, then, of course, the bees spend the difficult winter period in wooden dwellings untouched by paint. In this difficult period, ventilation and dryness inside are needed more than ever.

Of course, the bee herself creates a microclimate inside the nest, but we need to help this as much as possible.

You must have seen a lot of beehives with beautiful playful drawings.

Do not be shy, because if the apiary is on your personal plot and there is no need to take it to the place of honey collection, this will greatly decorate your interior, teach young people not to be afraid of these insects, and subsequently help you think about continuing your hobby. After all, as you know, a bee is not only worries and troubles, but also rest for the soul.

After the beekeeper has hammered the last carnation into the hive, he is obliged to paint the bee house. Painting the hive will not only decorate it, but also become reliable protection from moisture, rot and drying wood.

How to choose a color for painting beehives?

A huge role is played by what color you paint the hives. Insects are not able to distinguish all colors and calculate their home, so it is recommended to paint the hives with paints of different shades.

To obtain a bright and noticeable color, it is better to paint with acrylic paint in blue, white, yellow and blue color. It is these shades that the bees distinguish, and you will make their life easier: this coloring will help insects find their house faster, without wasting time circling around the apiary.

Note that some beekeepers, for a number of reasons, refuse to stain, believing that insects can overwinter in a wooden hive without such protection. This opinion is erroneous, because the wood in this case is not protected from an aggressive environment. As a result, moisture seeps through the tree, which becomes the root cause of the formation of rot and mold, and such a climate is not good for bee colonies.

Speaking about what kind of paint you can paint the beehive, it is worth saying that the composition on the outside is ideal for the outside. oil based. Oil paint is painted because it dries quickly, and then does not emit an unpleasant odor.

coloring inner part the hive is prohibited for the following reasons:

  1. The tree "does not breathe": air does not enter the hive and there is no ventilation, and this harms the health of the bees;
  2. Wood coated with paint loses its useful properties.

Most the best option- this is a coating of the inner walls with propolis. It does not interfere with air exchange, has an antimicrobial effect.

How and how to paint a bee hive? Pros and cons of different options

Each beehive paint has a positive and a negative side. Most often painted with such types of paint:

  1. Oil. It applies beautifully, and after drying does not smell.
  2. Acrylic. This composition is not susceptible to ultraviolet rays, is also easy to apply, does not interfere with air exchange. It can also be washed. Acrylic compositions retain a bright color for up to 10 years, but they cannot be applied to an already painted surface.
  3. Serebryanka. This paint is applied to the roof of the hive, protecting it from overheating in the summer. Serebryanka - aluminum powder, which can also be applied to back wall hive, if it is turned towards the sun.

Acrylic paint is ideal for a strong hive

Modern acrylic paints are increasingly being used to paint beehives. They meet the requirements and have a number of advantages:

  • quick drying, taking up to 1 hour in summer;
  • non-flammable, due to the natural composition they do not emit toxic fumes into the air, and after application they do not smell at all;
  • excellent adhesion and long term operation compared to oil paint, which can withstand only 4 years;
  • vapor-permeable, due to this, fungus does not form under acrylic compositions;
  • diluted with water without additional emulsions and solvents.

There is no special acrylic paint for beehives, so ask in stores for facade acrylic composition.

How to paint a beehive with acrylic paint?

Before applying the paint, you must prepare the hive by repairing the cracks. When the putty dries, the surface is sanded so that there are no irregularities left.

If the hive is made of conifers, then stands with a hot solution soda ash remove resin residue. Even if they are not visible, they are present in the wood. Turpentine can also be used, it should be washed off with water.

After all this work, arm yourself with a brush or roller and paint the hive evenly. The roof can still be covered with silver.

What is the best time for coloring?

The best time for coloring is the end of hot spring or the middle of summer, when the paint dries quickly. If you use an oil composition, then you will have to repaint the hives once every 4 years. Acrylic in this regard is more convenient and economical: the hives were painted in 2016, and plan the next painting for 2030.

Remember that during repainting, the bee houses are covered with the composition of the color that was before. Otherwise, the bees will become confused, restless, and spend a lot of energy looking for a home.

What else can be used to color beehives?

Hive painting can be done with the following compositions:

  1. Liquid glass, which is applied in 3 layers with an interval of 15 minutes. Liquid glass is durable and inexpensive, it dries very quickly and bees cannot damage it.
  2. A paint made from quicklime and milk, for the manufacture of which you will need these ingredients in their pure form. Wait for the milk to turn sour, extinguish the lime with it, and after 3 hours the composition will be ready for use. To give color, aniline dye is added to it. water based. Such a coating is similar to cementing, but it guarantees air and gas exchange for 6 years.
  3. Styrofoam hives are painted with a water-based emulsion, to which the color of the desired shade is added. Such a coating will decorate the hive, protect it from sunlight and moisture - the main enemies of polystyrene foam.

Colored hives, arranged in the correct order, will prevent confusion of insects, protect bees from negative impacts. environment. It is also important that the paint protects the tree itself, and regularly painted, puttied and sanded beehives have a long service life.