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How to cook slime at home. Making a slime with very simple ingredients. From nail polish

What's happened slime or "handgam"(handgum) what is it also called? The name comes from the words "hand" - hand and "gum" - chewing gum.

There are several ways to make slime at home. They differ mainly in the ingredients that are used in the preparation of homemade slime.

Subject to all the rules and a great desire, handgama at home can be do it in 5 minutes.

Click on one of the links below to go to the advice you need.

We need:

PVA glue, white color, it is advisable to look at the expiration date and choose the one that was made relatively recently.

Borax (sodium tetraborate), 4% solution or powder Borax (Borax) - can be found in a pharmacy (prescription not needed) or in a chemical store.

Food coloring - you can use gouache, beetroot juice (for a red slime) or brilliant green (for a green slime).

Capacity (jar, any plastic tableware) and a stick (shovel) for mixing.

You can use some water.

You may need a measuring spoon.

Step 1.

We fill the glass (or any container convenient for you) with PVA glue (100g or 200g), after shaking the jar of glue.

* The more glue, the bigger your homemade slime.

Step 2

Add a little dye to the container with glue (the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise your hands will get dirty). Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass of the desired color is achieved.

Step 3

Gradually add a solution of borax (1-2 bottles). You can not spare the borax, otherwise the slime will turn out to be liquid and will stick to everything in a row.

If you use 100g of glue, then accordingly 1 bottle of sodium tetraborate will be enough. Thoroughly mixing the whole mass. The result is a jelly-like, thick mass.

* If you have borax in powder form, take 1 tablespoon and dissolve it in a container in a glass of water room temperature.

Step 4

Gently transfer the mass to a napkin to get rid of excess moisture. By the way, it is better to keep such a toy on paper, so it will collect less villi.

We spread the mass in a bag and knead (like plasticine) for about 5 minutes. We take out.


Below is a video on how to make slime at home:

We make homemade slime without boron (sodium tetraborate) - from glue and starch.

Step 1.

We measure 1/3 cup of liquid starch and pour it into a small bag, where we also add a little dye.

Step 2

Immediately add a quarter cup of glue and mix thoroughly until a thick mass is formed. There may be some liquid left in the bag. Just take the "homemade" slime out of the bag and enjoy.

Of course, such a slime cannot be compared with a store-bought slime, since guar gum will be extremely difficult to get.

How to make slime from water and starch

This method is the simplest and least expensive, but it does not give the expected result.

By mixing starch and water in equal proportions, you can get a homemade slime, not a very pleasant consistency.

You can add more starch to thicken the slime. Also add the dye and mix thoroughly.

  • You can experiment with slime colors and even make a whole family of homemade slimes. Also you can use various sparkles, small stars, etc.

  • Can be used essential oil to give the handgum an interesting scent.

  • If you want the slime to retain its properties and last longer, you need it store in a sealed container and in a cool place. Likewise, it is desirable do not put the slime on the carpet or other surface that small lint can easily stick to.

  • If the slime starts to dry out, put it in a bowl of warm water.

  • Such a toy is NOT toxic and NOT poisonous, although of course you should not eat it and you should wash your hands after playing.

  • It is also worth noting that some people try to make a slime using soda instead of borax or starch, but in this case they will get a rather solid mass. So don't waste your time on this.

  • Remember that the life of such a toy is extremely short (about a week), so stock up on materials for making slimes at home, as this activity is contagious!

For the first time such a toy appeared in 1976, and was made by Mattel.

The movie brought the huge popularity to the toy "Ghostbusters"(1984), namely one of its main characters - a ghost named Slimer.

Handgam can play the role of a means for hand massage, as well as for development of fine motor skills.

The slime that is sold in the store (aka "Smart Clay") is the result of a mixture of: 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica, 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerin and 1 % titanium dioxide.

Lizun handgum at home with your own hands. As a rule, effective chemical experiments requires not always cheap reagents, equipment and a specially prepared place. Although there are exceptions, for example, DIY slime handgum at home. Lizun is such a substance that does not retain its volume and, depending on the properties attached, has a large or small fluidity. For the manufacture of slime, reagents that are difficult to obtain, expensive or hazardous to health will not be required. Read and watch the instructions below with photos and videos on how to make a handgum slime with your own hands. The costs are cheap, the slime will turn out much cheaper than the purchased one.

Instructions on how to make a slime (handgum) with your own hands

1. For manufacturing you will need the following materials:
- PVA glue, which is better to buy in hardware store;
- in the same place we buy colors for water-based paints, colors give a good and saturated color with a small amount in the mixture, the use of gouache paints and even medical greenery is acceptable;

– the most important reagent SODIUM TETRABORATE SOLUTION WE BUY IN A PHARMACY, this is the cheapest part of the project.

2. We prepare workplace. Put a sheet of paper or newspaper on the table. With our own hands we prepare a polyethylene container with a volume of ~ 50 ml, for the first experiment it is quite enough. As a container, polyethylene containers from dairy products with a volume of 100 ml are suitable. To stir the reagents, use a pencil or ballpoint pen. A pencil or pen will not suffer at all from participating in the process.

3. The slime making process is very simple and takes a few minutes. Pour 30 - 40 ml of PVA glue into a container, add a few drops of dye and mix thoroughly with a pencil until a mass of one color is formed. Don't bother adding a large number dye, otherwise the resulting slime will paint the surface. See photos and videos.

4. Open the container with sodium tetraborate and add a few drops to the solution, mix thoroughly and quickly. A small clot should begin to form on the pencil. Add even more sodium tetraborate, stir vigorously, the solution should begin to thicken, add more tetraborate if necessary. The solution thickens, acquires some elasticity and lags behind the surrounding objects. With an insufficient amount of tetraborate, the resulting slime has a very good fluidity, which is fraught with disaster and damage to things. A video with a slime with insufficient reagent is attached.

Such a product has the right to life for tough jokes or April 1 prank toys. Normal slime retains some stickiness, sticks to the surface when thrown, but retains fluidity. The complete process of making slime with comments is shown in the video.

Add sodium tetraborate

Funny and bright toys can be made with your own hands, don't you believe? If you like to come up with something new and interesting - just learn how to make a slime - and you will have a lot of new experiences. Lizun is a bright little thing that can be crushed, rotated, toss and warp, and it will return to its original shape. And he also funny sticks to objects and just as funny peels off from them. In general, you have many reasons to make this miracle with your own hands. In addition, you can make a slime different ways, as well as from various improvised materials that are easy to find in any home. After all, a slime can be made:

  • from plasticine;
  • from water and flour;
  • from soda;
  • from paper;
  • from starch;
  • from shampoo or detergent.

And we offer you several master classes for making a funny slime at home. Let's do miracles together!

A funny and fragrant slime is obtained from ordinary shampoo. We will reveal to you 2 cooking methods this wonderful shampoo-based toy - with and without glue. Also, after the photo instructions, we suggest you watch a video on how to make a slime from simple ingredients.

Recipe 1: learning how to make slime without glue

You only need 2 ingredients:

Take the same amount of gel and shampoo and mix thoroughly until smooth. Do not use detergents with granules and various scrubs, so as not to disturb the structure of the future slime.

Put the container in the refrigerator for about 1 day so that the slime freezes well. After that, you can already play with him. Slime should be stored in the refrigerator, in a sealed container - it is non-toxic and completely safe. The disadvantage of such a slime is that it is not durable and heats up quickly.

Recipe 2: Shampoo and Glue Slime

And here is another easy way to make slime at home. You will need:

  • shampoo;
  • any clean bag that you can find at home;
  • PVA glue Titan.

To make a slime according to this recipe, we need to mix glue and shampoo in a bag in a ratio of 3: 2. That is, we take 3 parts of glue (use a measuring cup, a spoon, whatever) and 2 parts of shampoo, send it all into a bag, tie it up and shake the bag well, and then all contents are thoroughly kneaded for 3-5 minutes. After the slime thickens, it will already be playable.

So you already learned how to make slime from shampoo - it's quite simple and safe.

The photo shows that the slime is not very thick, it will literally blur in your hands. If you like this instruction for making a slime - feel free to use it - you will get a new one funny toy. For brighter colors, you can take a couple of drops of dye - and your friends will be delighted. In addition, it is not at all difficult to care for such a slime. Store it in the refrigerator in a closed bag or plastic box. And one more thing - the more often you knead the slime, play with it, the better it will look. IN last resort- you can always make a new one.

How to make a slime out of water: a master class

If you are not a fan of liquid slime, you can add more glue and make the same toy with PVA, sodium tetraborate and water. You will need:

In this recipe, the main thing is not to overdo it with sodium tetraborate, if you do not want to grow a very hard and non-plastic mass that will not stick anywhere later.

There are other ways to make a slime out of water - a video on this topic will show you all the subtleties and nuances of this process and help you prepare a very cool and cool toy.

Slime life cycle: what to feed and how to care

Lizun is a real living being. It needs to be fed, treated and taken care of in every possible way.. It may happen that your lizun became pregnant, then there is nothing left but to give birth to your pet. After all, regardless of gender, your slime may have a baby. This is such a small bubble or even several bubbles in which the life of a new slime is already emerging. Leave the slimes alone for 3-4 days, and then separate the babies from the "mom" or "dad".

Also, the slime must be fed (salt) and watered (water). Also for color, you can give him paint to eat (just a little bit). To prevent the slime from shrinking, put it in the refrigerator periodically.

How to make slime without sodium tetraborate

And now you will learn how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. For this method, you can use everything you find at home: glue, starch, flour, washing powder. That is, you will get a new exciting toy almost for free. And YouTube videos (at the end of the article), as well as our recommendations, will help you cope with this task.

The first way you can make a real slime is by using starch.

Washing gel slime

And in the preparation of this slime will help you household chemicals More specifically, washing gel. So you need to go to the store and buy stationery glue. Now you can easily and quickly prepare an amazing slime. Describing the whole process step by step.

How to make a slime - an unusual toy that easily changes shape, we will consider in detail in this article. You will learn various ways creating interesting fun from improvised means.

To make a glitter slime, you need to add some glitter to one of the recipes provided.

As kids, we threw slime with all our might at walls or doors and watched it flow down. Its prototype was the hero of a cartoon about ghost hunters, where there was a hero named Lizun: a creature that easily changed its shape. Also, the lizun was used not only for playing: it was easy for them to collect pile from clothes, because there were no special videos for this then in free sale.

Despite its rather old invention, slime (handgam, slime) is still popular. It develops imagination and fine motor skills and it's just fun to be around! Of course, you can buy ready-made slime in the store, but its composition is far from natural and safe, so often parents want to make it themselves in order to protect their child. Well, older children will be interested in making it themselves.

So, here are a few recipes that differ in composition and degree of difficulty in cooking.

How to make slime with shampoo and salt

This recipe is perhaps the easiest, but it requires patience and accuracy.

You only need two ingredients:

  • shampoo - 3-4 teaspoons
  • salt - quite a bit

It's simple: pour shampoo into a container and pour salt (on the tip of a spoon). Mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Voila! Slime is ready! However, it will not be the same as the store-bought one: it sticks to the hands a little and is more suitable for playing with the fingers.

Try to use a thicker shampoo. It is also better to take some beautiful color (fortunately there are many of them now) to get a beautiful result. And remember: there should be very little salt!

How to make slime from plasticine

This handgam is fluffy and viscous and pleasant to the touch.

You will need:

  • transparent stationery glue - 200 ml
  • "borax" (sodium tetraborate)
  • light plasticine or mass for modeling - 20 g

First, in a separate container, mix 0.5 teaspoon of borax and 350 ml hot water. Mix thoroughly so that the sodium tetraborate is completely dissolved. Let the liquid cool down.

Pour sodium tetraborate and fill it with hot water.

In the second container, mix 20 g of plasticine and 200 ml of glue. We tear plasticine into small pieces and add it to the glue. Mix until smooth. Little by little, we add a solution of borax to the resulting mass and, as it were, collect the slime in a pile. We do this until it stops sticking. If this does not happen, then lower the resulting mass into the remaining solution of borax and then remember it in your hands. Everything should work!

In a separate container, mix glue and plasticine.

It can also be done in another way.

You will need:

  • gelatin
  • plasticine

Dilute a bag of gelatin according to the instructions and leave for 1 hour. Heat 50 ml of water and pour plasticine into it in small pieces. Stirring constantly, heat until the plasticine dissolves.

Add gelatin to the resulting liquid, continuing to stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Let her cool down. Here is your handgam!

How to make slime with soap and salt

You will need:

  • liquid soap
  • dye

The recipe is similar to the shampoo recipe. In 3-4 teaspoons liquid soap add a little dye and a couple of salt crystals. All this is thoroughly kneaded and placed in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. After that, mix again and you can play! This handgam turns out to be slightly spreading.

In general, liquid soap will need the amount of what size slime you want to get. If the soap was of some beautiful color, then the dye can be omitted.

How to make slime out of shaving foam

You will need:

  • shaving foam
  • PVA glue
  • borax (sodium tetraborate)
  • dye

First, mix water with borax to dissolve it. Then we squeeze out as much shaving foam into another container as we want to get the size of the handgam, add 100 ml of PVA glue and mix until the foam becomes viscous and the mass is homogeneous. Add a couple of drops of dye and mix again. Now gradually add the borax solution, continuing to mix until the mass stops sticking to your hands.

How to make slime without:

Most recipes for "magic chewing gum" contain sodium tetraborate, aka "borax" - this is sodium salt. boric acid, the most common and used boron compound. This substance is sold in pharmacies, because. has bacteriostatic activity and is not absorbed through intact skin.

It is not expensive. However, what to do if this remedy is not in the house, you don’t want to go out, and the child insistently demands to make a slime? Let's look at alternative recipes.

How to make slime without sodium tetraborate

To make this toy at home, you will need:

  • corn starch - 1 cup
  • water at room temperature -1 glass
  • PVA glue - 5 teaspoons (25 ml)
  • food coloring
  • sequins (optional)

First you need to dissolve the starch. To do this, take ¼ cup of water, and pour starch into it, stirring slowly. You need to stir until you stir all the lumps. Bring the rest of the water to a boil in a saucepan and then add the starch obtained earlier. If you managed to immediately buy liquid starch, then all these manipulations do not need to be performed.

Now you will need plastic bag without holes. Put a third of the cooked starch into it, add a few drops of dye, glitter and pour in PVA. Close or tie the bag tightly and carefully "knead" (like dough) its contents until smooth. Drain the remaining liquid, and blot the resulting slime with a napkin.

If the slime sticks to your hands, then there is too much glue, if it is hard or crumbles, you need to reduce the amount of starch. Also, be careful with the dye: if you put too much of it, the toy will paint your hands. The remaining starch can be used to make magic chewing gum of a different color.

The received “goods” have a shelf life of about a week.

How to make slime without glue

Handgum prepared according to this recipe is very popular and is similar to butter.

You will need:

  • dry starch (any) - 3-4 tablespoons
  • dye
  • detergent (1 spoon)
  • body lotion - 1 spoon.

a) mix detergent and lotion; b) add starch

Mix all the ingredients until you get a mass that does not stick to your hands. If it turns out to be too liquid, then add starch, and if it is too loose, add detergent and body lotion.

a) paint the resulting mass and knead; b) the slime is ready!

How to make slime without starch

You only need one main ingredient: toothpaste. Pick some pretty color.

You can cook in two ways:

  1. On a water bath. We boil water. We squeeze out such an amount of paste into the container, what size we want to get magic chewing gum, put the container on water simmering over low heat and stir for 10-15 minutes. Evaporate from the paste excess moisture and it will become a little loose. We take the resulting mass in our hands, which we first lubricate with any oil (olive, sunflower or children's) and wrinkle. In a few minutes, the slime is ready!
  2. In the microwave. We again squeeze out such an amount of paste into the container, what size we want to get handgam, put the container in the microwave for 2 minutes. We take out, mix and put back in the oven for 3 minutes. Then everything is the same: we take the resulting mass in our hands, which we first lubricate with any oil and wrinkle. Voila!

As you can see, this wonderful toy can be made from almost everything that is at home. Successful experiments!

Slime is a sticky toy that can take on any shape. Loved by millions of children in the 90s, it is still popular to this day, although the "star of the slime" has long gone into decline. You can make a slime at home, but many of the Runet recipes presented present the creation of a toy using glue and chemicals, which of course can harm a child, and especially small children, which are dragged into their mouths. For example, a slime recipe with sodium tetraborate can be harmful if the substance is inhaled or if it enters the stomach.

Slime without "borax" (sodium tetraborate)

Read the instructions: how to make slime without sodium tetraborate:

Need to buy:

  • Starch (for example corn);
  • PVA glue (preferably white);
  • Dye (best of all food, you can use ordinary gouache).

Take a plastic bag and mix all the ingredients until you reach the desired consistency.

Slime is ready!

Removing glue from the recipe

To exclude any harm from the toy, there is an option to create a slime without glue and borax. For this you will need:

  • PVA (polyvinyl alcohol);
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • Gouache for coloring;
  • Bank of metal;
  • Water at room temperature.


  1. Pour water into a metal container
  2. Pour PVA into the water
  3. Put the container on the fire and cook for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Cool the mixture to a temperature of 21-25 degrees.
  5. Add two tablespoons of sodium tetraborate.
  6. Stir the resulting solution for 30 minutes until completely dissolved.
  7. Add gouache.

Lizun from soda and detergent

You'll need:

  • Baking soda;
  • Dish detergent (the more liquid, the more slime)
  • Gouache

Take a glass and mix the ingredients well.

Soda will create the density of the toy

An analogue of glue is dish detergent.

You can also make a toy if you add some shampoo and leave the slime in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Lizun "children's"

If you are worried that gel, glue or dish detergent can also harm you or your child, then there is a completely safe recipe that excludes all chemicals.


  • Hot and cold water;
  • Dye.

Take a small bowl and fill it with 2 cups of flour.

Pour 100-150 grams of cold water into the flour.

Add hot water of the same volume (not boiling water)

Mix until smooth. You can use a wooden spatula.