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How to make slime from cream and water. Lizun handgum at home with your own hands. Shampoo and Salt Slime

Surely you know what a lizun is ?! We were all children and we well remember the serial animated film "Ghostbusters". His brave heroes could hardly leave anyone indifferent, and, of course, a cute green ghost, whose name was Slime. Some time after the release of the film, the guys began to drag the prototype of the cute Lizunchik to school - a plastic mass of bright colors. What can you do with slime? He flew around the class at every break, he could easily be glued to walls, desks, and he just evoked a lot of delight and positive emotions in everyone. The only pity is that at that time for many such an acquisition was an unaffordable luxury, we did not know anything about the manufacture of lizuns.

Our children are the luckiest! Today, this fascinating trinket (handgam, slime) can be made at home. Do you want to know the composition of the slime? In fact, nothing unusual, it can be made in a liquid, floury consistency, from powder, from washing gel, detergent, without or with borax - there are many cooking recipes. Offer your child a fun business, tell them how to grow a slime, how to make a slug or how to make space snot - let him personally choose the desired variation and favorite products.

the participation of children in the manufacture of slime is a holiday for everyone

Cooking hendgam at home will be extremely exciting, and the choice of raw materials is simply huge. But before proceeding with the process itself, we advise you to carefully read all the recommendations, otherwise the toy may turn out to be of poor quality. In addition, you should know how to properly care for the slime.

Basic tips for preparing and caring for slime:

  1. Do-it-yourself slime must be stored in a closed container, for example, in a plastic jar with a lid.
  2. Remember that the toy is afraid high temperatures, so do not leave it under the sun and near heating appliances.
  3. To keep the mass soft and smooth, try not to put it on carpets and other fleecy materials, in order to avoid sticking.
  4. How to make a slime original? Add various sparkles to it at the time of preparation, a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and also, to improve the taste, add a little sugar or condensed milk.
  5. The vinegar in the composition is useful if you want to make a craft with good plasticity, in addition, it will not follow on various surfaces.
  6. How can you make slime even more natural? It's easy too! Add some glycerin to the composition, which will give it slipperiness.
  7. If you use a hydrogen peroxide slime recipe, it will come out airy.
  8. It is easy to get a real “superhero” by sticking eyes and a nose to the jumper, for example, from small buttons or buttons. Imagine and you will succeed!

How to make slime at home: recipes

Well, let's get down to this interesting event! Below you will find the best proven ways to make slime slime. But, having made these wonderful things, do not forget how to care for slimes, and then they will please you for a long time.

How to make slime out of water

Making a slime at home in this way is very simple, in addition, the jumper will come out quite elastic and will be able to perfectly spring and bounce off various surfaces. In addition, he will not care for water, so you can wash the toy without fear.

PVA glue is the simplest basis for the experiment
  • coloring matter, best of natural origin (manganese, brilliant green);
  • fresh PVA - 100 g;
  • water - one glass;
  • four percent sodium tetraborate (borax) - a tablespoon.

If you haven’t found borax on your shelves, don’t look for how to make sodium tetraborate, purchase the product in one of the pharmacies, it is sold both in solution and in powdered consistency, or use recipes without this component.
How to make slime out of water:

Combine slightly tepid water with PVA and your dye, then gradually pour in borax, gently stirring the composition. The liquid must acquire dark color and thicken - now you know how to make your own slime.

How to make handgum without sodium tetraborate

And now we will give one of the easiest solutions on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. Slime from starch, which can replace sodium tetraborate, will turn out no worse than slime from boric acid. The toy will be of the same quality and reminiscent of the original.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • fresh PVA - 1/4 share;
  • diluted starch - 1/3 share;
  • coloring matter.

Doubt how to make liquid starch? Stir the starch powder in cool water - a slightly thick homogeneous mass should form.

And now, how to make handgum without tetraborate:

Pour starch into a pre-prepared bag, drip a little dye, add glue. It is important to thoroughly knead the resulting mass, it should reach uniformity, and place the package with the composition in the refrigerator for approximately four or five hours. After this period, you will get a new funny "friend", and now you can tell your friends about how to grow a slime.

How to make slime from shampoo or slime from liquid soap

When using this easy method, remember that the shampoo and shower gel slime has to live in the cold between games, and be sure to keep it out of your baby's mouth.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • shower gel or detergent for dishes;
  • shampoo.

Necessary steps on how to make slime from shower gel and detergent:

Mix in a bowl using the same proportions of the above products. To thicken the composition, set aside for half a day in the refrigerator.

It matters a lot!!! Want to grow a "cast" transparent? Use products with a similar consistency and without the presence of granules.

Handgam should be stored in a jar with a screw cap. Such a shower gel slime can “live” no more than three weeks, but this is unlikely to be a problem, because you already know how to make slime at home.

Slime from washing powder or how to make a slime in 5 minutes

And this recipe will tell you how to make slime in a different way. It is prepared quickly, in about five minutes, but remember that you cannot use similar products, such as soap or gel, instead of liquid laundry powder, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • PVA - 50 ml.;
  • washing powder (liquid) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coloring matter.

How to make a jumper at home:

Stir the PVA with a few drops of paint, add the powder there and stir again. A sticky solution should form, similar to putty. If necessary, it can be further diluted with liquid powder.

Remove the composition from the bowl and knead like a dough until the formed droplets of liquid are gone. It is advisable to use rubber gloves!

Well, you know another method on how to make a slime with your own hands from simple products. Just remember to keep it in a sealed container. When the craft begins to lose some of its abilities, it should be properly cooled.

How to make slime from flour

Want to learn how to make snot? Even the most spoiled child will be delighted with their appearance! And note that all the ingredients here are natural, with such a handgam, leaving a baby alone is not at all scary.

Prepare the following foods:

  • flour - 400 ml;
  • hot water - 50 ml;
  • cold water - 50 ml;
  • natural dye.

We put the sifted flour in a saucepan and add cool water to it, then hotter, but not boiling. The mass should be properly kneaded, crush all lumps, add food pigment, and mix well again. And in the end, we put the resulting composition in a cold place for half a day.

So that the baby does not get bored, two or three such slimes can be made at the same time, painting them in different bright colors.

How to make a slime from soda or how to make a jumper without alcohol

This “superhero”, just like a soap slime, can only be offered to children for games with parents due to the presence of dishwashing detergent in it. After indulging in them, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly.

And you know that such a slime for cleaning the keyboard is a real find, it will gently remove hard-to-reach dirt, including animal hair.

Making a slime at home from the products available in the kitchen of every housewife is very simple. We will need:

  • liquid detergent for dishes;
  • water;
  • coloring matter;
  • sodium carbonate (soda).

In this instruction, we do not give specific dosages, just gradually mix the ingredients until the composition gains density, if necessary, dilute it with dishwashing detergent or water. Sodium carbonate can initially take a couple of tablespoons. And don't forget to stir everything well, it's extremely important!

We hope you quickly mastered how to make slime from soda. The recipe is quite simple, the slime does not even need to be refrigerated.

How to make handgum without glue

This cooking recipe, of course, is lengthy, but it will surely please you with an excellent result.

But, if you decide, and want to check in practice how to make a slime without glue, prepare the following components:

  • borax;
  • polyvinyl alcohol (PVA);
  • warm water);
  • coloring matter.

The toy is made in this way:

Alcohol is diluted with water (see the attached instructions for PVA), then the solution is boiled over low heat for about half an hour. Borax in the amount of two tablespoons is diluted in water and filtered through a bandage, we need thick, which will remain on top. We combine the alcohol solution with borax (3: 1) and bring the mixture to a thick consistency. Add dye.

How to make a slime at home so that the toy does not dry out? In this case, it is enough just to place it for four hours in warm water.

How to make a slime from stationery glue or a slime from silicate glue

This method is used infrequently, since the slime is prepared on an alcohol basis.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • stationery or silicate glue;
  • coloring matter;
  • alcohol.

And now, step by step, how to make a slime from silicate glue:

Combine alcohol with glue (1:1) and pour in the pigment. Stir thoroughly and hold under running water cold water before the composition hardens. Glue slime is ready!

How to make slime from glue stick? Use the same recipe, only pre-dissolve the glue in the microwave.

How to make a slime with liquid soap and salt

How to increase slime

It is possible that at some point your “friend” may begin to dry out and tear, follow these steps to “revive” him:

Place it in a cup of water for three hours, it should break into pieces. Then add some salt there, mix and add any cream, for example, for the body. After that, the handgam will become larger and improve its characteristics.

Life is Beautiful! Let this little slime fill her with new bright and positive emotions!

Let's talk about the favorite toy of all children - the slime! A toy with such an unattractive name is a sticky-wet, jelly-like mass of bright color and odorless. Lizun does not mold like plasticine, although it has a certain plasticity, but it adheres well to surfaces, slowly sliding off them. This ability and pleasant to the touch texture have made this seemingly unremarkable mass one of the most famous inventions in the gaming industry.

The history of handgam

The ancestor of the substance, known in the countries of the former USSR under the name "lizun", was an acid-green slime toy, which was produced by the Slime company.

The name "lizun" stuck to the slime after the release of the film "Ghostbusters" on television. The ghost, after whom this jelly-like toy was named, had a shape similar to it.

The beneficial effect of handgam on the development of the child

Another of the names of this sensational sticky plasticine is hendgam, which means "hand" and "chewing gum" in translation.

Scientists who have studied handgam claim that playing with it has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and can serve as a relaxing massage.

So, how to please a child with such a wonderful toy that develops imagination and motor skills? Of course, you can go and buy it in almost any store, but it's safer and more interesting to make it yourself.

About how to make a slime at home without or with it with your own hands, and will be discussed in our article.

Safety rules for the manufacture of handgam

Before you learn from sodium tetraborate, let's get acquainted with the basic safety rules, as their failure to comply can be fraught with serious health problems:

Wear an apron (or clothing that you don't mind) and gloves, as you will be using dyes when working.

If you are making "smart" plasticine together with your child, make sure that glue and borax do not get into his stomach. If these ingredients are ingested, rinse and consult a physician.

For the mixture of ingredients, use dishes from which, after the completion of the process, you will not eat.

The shelf life of a homemade slime can be from a week to two weeks, depending on the ingredients that make up its composition.

Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after playing.

How to make such a toy with your own hands at home? Slime without sodium tetraborate or with it is made in approximately the same way, as will be described later in the article. The safety precautions are the same for all methods.

We make "smart" plasticine from sodium tetraborate

There are many ways to make handgam yourself, today we will analyze the most common of them.

Lizun from sodium tetraborate is considered the most durable. To increase its shelf life, strictly follow the manufacturing technology and choose the highest quality materials.

By the way, tetraborate itself is an antiseptic, so if a child drops a slime, which includes this substance, you don’t have to worry.

You can buy a solution of borax in a pharmacy, in hardware stores, in stores for creativity, and even in the construction market.

There are two ways to create a handgam from sodium tetraborate - with water and without water. In the first case, your slime will turn out a little transparent, in the second - more matte.

Method without using water

Materials and ingredients you will need:

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour the glue into the container (all or only part, depending on how many and what size slimes you want to get).

While constantly stirring the glue with a wooden stick, add 1 drop of borax solution to it until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Add a couple of drops of gouache or and mix thoroughly with rubber-gloved hands.

Slime from sodium tetraborate, made according to this recipe, if necessary, can be washed with water.

Water method

The materials you will need to make a toy like a slime from sodium tetraborate:

A glass of cold water.

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Sodium tetraborate (aka borax solution), it is better that it be its solution in glycerin, - a few drops.

Food coloring or gouache.

A container in which you will mix everything.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Mix glue and water in a container at the rate of 1:1.

Pour in a lot of dye.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add two drops of borax solution and stir until smooth.

If the mass is too liquid, then add a little more sodium tetraborate.

Slime from sodium tetraborate is stored in the refrigerator, in an air-tight package. When your homemade "smart" plasticine hardens, add some water to it.

If you want to receive transparent slime, replace the PVA glue in this recipe with stationery transparent glue.

Slime, which includes glue and starch

If you think a toy that includes sodium tetraborate is unsafe and unsuitable for playing with a child, or if you couldn’t buy a solution of borax, then your option is a slime at home without sodium tetraborate.

Materials required to make handgam:

Liquid starch for washing clothes (if you do not find starch in liquid form, dilute it yourself in a ratio of 1: 3).

Food coloring or gouache.

Tight file.

Cooking method:

Pour 85 ml of liquid starch into a clean, dry file.

Send a little gouache or a couple of drops of food coloring to the starch.

Pour 30 ml of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

Knead the mixture in the file with your hands, stirring it carefully.

After most of composition will turn into a thick slippery clot and a little liquid will remain at the bottom of the bag, remove the slime from the bag and remove excess moisture from it with paper or a cloth.

Slime is ready.

If you see that the slime is too sticky or completely non-plastic, then you have calculated the proportions incorrectly (in the first case there is an excess of glue in it, in the second - starch).

Remember that in addition to harmless starch, such a toy contains glue, so make sure that the child does not put it in his mouth.

It is important to know not only how to make slime without sodium tetraborate, but also how and how much to store it in the future: store it in a closed container at room temperature for no more than a week.

Lizun from soda and detergent

There are a huge number of ways to create "smart" plasticine, similar in its properties to the world famous slime toy.

If your goal is a slime without sodium tetraborate and glue, then we have a couple more options, here is one of them.

Materials and tools you need:

Dishwashing liquid (like Fairy).

Baking soda.

Food coloring or gouache.

Wooden stick (a sushi stick works great).

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of detergent into the container.

Add 1 tbsp. l. soda.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

In the resulting mixture, add as much water as needed so that the resulting consistency suits you.

Add a few drops of dye (this item is optional, because often the dishwashing detergent already has a fairly bright color, which is transferred to the slime).

Lizun without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate is ready. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Slime with the longest shelf life

As you probably already noticed, all the homemade slimes described above have a rather short shelf life (no more than 2 weeks), this is due to the fact that they contain almost no preservatives and substances that will protect them from drying out.

If you want to make a handgam with a longer shelf life, then we have such a recipe. The duration of the existence of "smart" plasticine, the manufacturing method of which we will now describe, is from 1 to 2 months.

By the way, for this recipe you will need very few ingredients, and you almost certainly have them at home:

Transparent bright color without granules.

Transparent shampoo of bright color.

Mixing container.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of shampoo into a container.

Add 150 ml of shower gel to the shampoo.

Stir the ingredients thoroughly and gently, making sure that foam does not form.

Put the container with the future slime in the refrigerator for a day.

Such a slime must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will simply melt. As in all other cases, make sure that your child does not taste hendgam and thoroughly wash his hands after playing with him.

The safest slime

If all the above methods do not seem safe to you and do not inspire confidence in you, but you want to please the child, then we suggest you make a beautiful and interesting toy(Slime) without sodium tetraborate and starch, without shampoo and dishwashing detergent, without glue and washing powder.

The shelf life of such a toy is not very long, and it differs markedly from the original in terms of appearance, but it is safe, and you can be sure that nothing will happen to your child, even if he takes handgams in his mouth.

So, here are the ingredients that you need to make safe "smart" clay:

Wheat flour.

Hot water.

Boiling water.

Container for mixing ingredients.

Fork or whisk.

Food coloring (you can even use beet juice or, for example, spinach).

Cooking method:

Pour 4 cups of flour into the container prepared in advance, sifting it through a sieve.

Add half a glass of ice water to the flour.

Pour half a glass of boiling water there.

Mix everything as thoroughly as possible, the mixture should be smooth and without lumps.

Now it's the turn of the dye: add a few drops to the mixture and mix everything again.

Put your future safe slime in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Lizun is ready, now you can be calm for your child.

other methods

There are many more ways to make slimes. Here are some of them: from washing powder, from a solution of borax and dry (but such a handgam needs to be boiled), from plasticine and gelatin, magnetic, etc.

In this article, we tried to describe in as much detail and clearly as possible several completely different, but at the same time very simple ways slime making. We hope we were able to answer all your questions.

In 1997, a cartoon called "Ghostbusters" appeared. One of the characters in the cartoon was a ghost called Lizun. It was green in color and could fly through walls and leave behind a sticky green liquid.
He became a popular character and this played into the hands of the American company Matell. Since 1976, this company has begun producing toys that resembled this character.

The green ghost really liked the little viewers and sales of this toy skyrocketed.

During the game with the slime develops fine motor skills, vestibular apparatus and physical activity. And it has long been known that fine motor skills are associated with nervous system, attention, vision, memory and perception of the child.

Children need to be told that when playing with a slime, they should not be thrown at walls painted water-based paint. And also on those surfaces that cannot be washed, as it leaves a greasy trace after it.

How to make a slime from sodium tetraborate (borax) and glue with your own hands

Made from borax, it turns out the same as the one that is sold in stores.


Stages of production of toys from borax and glue:

Slime prepared according to this recipe should not be taken by mouth. You need to store it in a closed jar.

How to make a slime from starch and glue with your own hands.


  • PVA glue;
  • small plastic bag;
  • liquid starch;
  • food coloring.

If you do not have food coloring, you can replace it with natural or plain gouache.

PVA glue is better to buy a new one and it should be white color.

Stages of making a toy from starch and glue:

If the toy turned out to be very sticky, then you used a lot of glue or a little starch. Redo it a little by adjusting the amount of glue or starch.

If the slime is hard or crumbly, then too much starch has been used.

A toy prepared according to this recipe should be stored in a closed jar and its shelf life will be about a week. Also remember that you can not take it in your mouth and after playing with it you need to wash your hands.

How to make a DIY slime out of water and baking soda


  • soda;
  • water;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • dyes as desired.

Steps for making a toy from water and soda:

How to make a slime from shampoo with your own hands.

This is one of the easiest ways to make slime. Every time after the game it needs to be cleaned in the refrigerator. It must not be taken by mouth and hands must be washed after playing with it.


  • shower gel or dishwashing liquid.

Steps for making a shampoo toy:

Do-it-yourself slime from washing powder.

To make a slime according to this recipe, we will need to take not an ordinary dry washing powder, liquid.


  • PVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • liquid washing powder;
  • latex gloves.

Steps for making a toy from liquid laundry detergent:

A toy prepared in this way should be stored in a closed jar. If it changes its appearance, you can put it in the refrigerator.

How to make a slime from flour with your own hands

To make a slime that is relatively safe for kids. You can use the recipe which includes flour. Replace food coloring with natural ones.


  • flour;
  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • dyes;
  • apron.

Stages of making toys from flour:

How to make a DIY magnetic slime

According to this recipe, you can make a magnetic slime that will glow in the dark.

We will need:

  • water;
  • borax;
  • iron oxide;
  • glue;
  • Neodymium magnets;
  • phosphor paint.

Steps for making a magnetic slime:

So your magnetic slime is ready. If you bring a magnet close to it, it will be attracted to it.

If you can't make a slime

It happens that it does not turn out quite the way you wanted. It may depend on the quality, the ingredients you use to make it. Because of this, the proportions that are indicated in the methods described above may be incorrect. Therefore, you need to try to find the right proportions when producing this toy.
The correct slime is taken out of the container in a single mass. It may be uneven in some places, but after you knead it for two minutes in your hands, it will become viscous, relatively sticky and uniform.

If it sticks strongly to the fingers, and it takes effort to clean your hands. In this case, it may help to add liquid starch or just water to thin the slime. It depends on the recipe you made it with.

And if, on the contrary, it does not stick to your hands at all, but simply slides off them. This means that it contains a lot of liquid. To fix this, you need to remove excess liquid and add a little glue, flour or borax solution. The ingredients to be added depend on how the slime is made. After adding the right material mix this mixture well.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist

All children remember such a wonderful cartoon called "Ghostbusters" and its outstanding hero Lizun. After all, he served as a prototype for creating a strange, but captivating toy for children with the ability to stick to surfaces, hands, and bring a lot of delight. It is interesting for children to play with such a toy, and it is even more exciting to learn how to make a slime with their own hands. Take advantage of the moment to spend pleasant and useful time with your child, creating an unusual toy together.

How to make slime at home and what you need for this

Making a slime at home is very easy. Homemade option cartoon character, will not glow in the dark, like a real one, but it will spread, stick, change its shape. There are many options for creating this unpretentious toy, as well as a variety of materials for its manufacture: for example, chewing gum, starch with water, glue, flour, gouache, alcohol, some even use condensed milk if they want to make an edible toy. You can choose a variety of colors, using food coloring or, for example, gouache.

All you need is to prepare the necessary materials in advance, choose the way in which you will act and enjoy the very process of creating a slime. This is very interesting, even if you do not have children, and you have long grown out of childhood.

To prolong the life of the product and give your child the joy of playing, study following points:

  • necessary condition storage of a toy is a closed dish (for example, a small jar with a tight-fitting lid);

  • do not leave the slime in the open sun, on heaters, batteries: he loves coolness;
  • do not put the toy on fleecy surfaces, such as carpet, clothes, because micro hairs will stick to it, and a non-uniform surface will result;
  • to make the toy original, use essential oils during manufacture, which will give a pleasant aroma to the craft;
  • for a slime with a “twist”: it is interesting to pour cosmetic glitter into the mass being produced and get a “glamorous” cartoon character;

  • to add flavor to the toy: add salt, sugar, condensed milk to the rest of the ingredients during the creation process;
  • add a couple of drops of vinegar to the paint solution - the slime will stretch better, it will not smear;
  • with the help of glycerin, it will turn out slippery, vile, just like a real one;
  • use hydrogen peroxide to make the homemade cartoon character light, airy;
  • if you want the toy to look more alive, stick rubber button or paper eyes on.

Ways to make a slime with your own hands - instructions with a photo

There are both primitive and harmless ways to create a sticky toy - for the smallest children (for example, an edible slime), and more "professional" ones. Some of the methods will be covered in detail in the creation instructions, using comprehensive illustrations. Here you will find a list of necessary materials, information about where it is all purchased. Let's start step by step description making slime with your own hands.

From PVA glue, borax and water

This fast way make a sticky toy without much effort. A craft made in this way will turn out elastic, it will be able to bounce off surfaces, almost like a jumper, it will remain soft. A slime made in this way is not "afraid" of water (you can safely wash it).

Source materials:

  1. Pure white PVA glue, with an up-to-date expiration date (this is important because it will affect the quality of your slime), in an amount of 100 g;
  2. One glass of water room temperature;
  3. Borax (sodium tetraborate under the medical term or borax). Buy it at any pharmacy, radio or chemical stores, special conditions or restrictions on its sale. Ask for either a 4% solution or regular powder.

  1. Zelenka, food coloring, gouache, acrylic paints- to make a cartoon character colored;
  2. Any tank (with a volume of 0.5 liters), in which mix it all and a stirrer stick.


  • mix a quarter of the water with the same amount of glue, adding the dye of your choice, for example, brilliant green;

  • then prepare one tablespoon of borax;
  • gradually add borax to the previous ingredients, stirring constantly, as a result of which the liquid will gradually begin to become thick, you will get a viscous substance - slime.

Plasticine and gelatin

An easier way to make a slime with your own hands is with the help of improvised tools such as plasticine and gelatin. The toy will not last you long, but will create any shape that you give it. It is recommended for the youngest toy lovers as able to develop motor skills of small hands. Required Ingredients:

  1. Plasticine of any color, approximately 100 g;
  2. Two packs of edible gelatin, 25 g each;
  3. Warm water, at least 50 ml;
  4. Two containers: one metal for heating certain components, the second plastic for manufacturing;
  5. Mixing container.

Let's start the manufacturing process:

  • in a metal container, dissolve gelatin in cold water, leave to brew for an hour;
  • after the specified time, put the gelatin on the fire, bring to a boil with steam (heat in a water bath), remove from heat;
  • V plastic container mix plasticine with warm water, use for this wooden stick;

  • after the gelatin has cooled, add this liquid to the plasticine, then mix thoroughly until a thick uniformity is obtained;
  • we send the resulting substance to the refrigerator until it hardens - the slime is ready.

From starch and soda

This type of making a cartoon character is easy to make, the ingredients for it will always be found at home, you don’t need to purposefully go after them, spend additional funds. However, the result of the resulting toy will not please you very much, because. its properties will not be the same as we would like: the slime will turn out to be hard, but there is a plus here: he knows how to jump well. Craft Ingredients:

  1. Water at room temperature, about a glass;
  2. Starch (100 grams), which can be replaced with soda and you get the same effect;
  3. PVA glue, 100 gram jar.
  4. Any dye: brilliant green, gouache, food coloring, acrylic paints.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • take starch / soda and mix with water 1: 1 until a jelly-like consistency of the substance is obtained;
  • add glue and mix thoroughly;
  • even when the consistency is liquid, while stirring, add the selected dye, for example, gouache;
  • in order for the slime to turn out to be close to a cartoon ghost, the part of the added water should be more in comparison with the part of the starch or soda.

From shampoo and gouache

Another way to make a sticky hero: with shampoo, super glue certain brand and gouache. Why do you need to use a certain brand of glue, because only this type has the necessary properties that give the toy softness, the effect of sticking and spreading. So the main ingredients are:

  • 90 g super-glue "Titan";
  • 30 g of shampoo of the desired color, which is only available (take an inexpensive one);
  • Gouache, any dye to give a multi-colored effect;
  • Gloves for accuracy of work;
  • A small package in which our ingredients will be mixed.

How to do:

  • mix glue and shampoo together in a bag;
  • proceed from the proportions of 3: 2 glue and shampoo, vary the amount of added ingredients as desired;
  • it is not at all necessary to adhere to proportions if you want to experiment and get the desired properties: add more shampoo - the toy will be more elastic, more glue - it will turn out denser;
  • in the course of mixing, add gouache to give the slime a shade, or to make the color more saturated;
  • if you used a transparent shampoo, then the finished slime will be translucent, and if the shampoo was white, then gouache will come in handy.

How to make liquid slime without sodium tetraborate

If there is a desire to tinker a little and additional cash allowing stocking up necessary materials, then make a slime without sodium tetraborate, and it will turn out to be of very high quality, it will be vague, as close as possible to that which is produced in the factory. To achieve this result, stock up on the following tools:

  1. One fourth of unexpired PVA glue;
  2. One third of liquid starch. Please note that this tool belongs to the number of economic and household chemicals and is used during washing clothes;
  3. Preferred coloring agent: gouache, acrylic paints, brilliant green, food coloring;
  4. Small plastic bag as a mixing container.

Step-by-step instruction for manufacturing:

  • pour the indicated amount of starch into the bag;
  • there, drop a couple of drops of your chosen coloring agent, for example, gouache;
  • pour in the specified amount of glue;
  • mix the resulting consistency thoroughly with your hands until uniform and obtain the desired color;
  • leave the almost ready slime in the cold for 3-4 hours to lie down, for example, in the refrigerator;
  • after the specified time, remove the substance;
  • the version of the perfect slime is ready!

Video tutorials for the phased creation of a slime

For a comprehensive guide on making your own slime, watch the video tutorials below. They will help you prepare for this interesting activity, show you step by step the manufacturing steps, and tell you some tricks to create the perfect slime. You will be convinced that the creation process itself will not take much time, and the result will please not only your child, but also yourself.

Step by step slime recipe:

We make slime from flour and water:

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I want to entertain the child original toy? At home, in several ways you can make him a slime!

Many people remember from childhood an amazing toy - a jelly-like slime. It looks like slime, but for some reason, children simply adore it. It coolly sticks to surfaces, spreads on them into a puddle, and in the hands takes its former shape. I've always wondered what slime is made of.

As part of the store - organic compounds, including polysaccharides. The toy can also be made with my own hands from improvised means.

Lizun is a toy that has been enjoyed by more than one generation of children.

Interestingly, the first slime was made back in the 80s by Mattel, the same company that produces Barbie dolls. For some time he was not popular. The situation was changed by the release of the film "Ghostbusters", one of the heroes of which was the funny ghost Lizun. It was in his honor that the toy was named.

How to make a slime from starch, paint and water with and without PVA glue?

IMPORTANT: This slime is not intended for children under 5 who can taste it

To make a toy, you need to have on hand:

  • liquid starch (the one used for washing clothes)
  • PVA glue
  • food colorings
  • thick plastic bag

A slime made of PVA glue and starch is indistinguishable from a store-bought one.
  1. Starch is added to the bag first. Liquid is preferred. But if it is not there, you can dilute ordinary food in water, in a ratio of 1: 2. Total starch needs 70 ml
  2. Dye is added to the starch. You can take those that are used for painting Easter eggs, any other food. If they are not, you can dilute gouache. Dye is added literally a couple of drops so that the slime does not get dirty
  3. Paint in starch needs to be shaken well
  4. At the next stage, PVA glue is added, it needs 25 ml
  5. Mix the contents of the package again. There should be a clot - slime. It is possible that a little liquid will stand out, it can simply be drained
  6. The slime is removed from the bag, the remaining moisture is blotted from it with a napkin

IMPORTANT: Be very careful with the proportions of glue and starch. If you add more PVA, the toy will stick to your fingers. Excess starch will give the slime excessive hardness.

The shelf life of a slime made from starch and glue is 5-7 days. Store it in a tight bag or jar with a lid so that dust does not settle on it.

To make the “slug” more natural, you can exclude PVA glue from the recipe. You need to mix 100 ml warm water with 100 g of food starch, add dye to the mixture. Such a slime will be less attractive than a store-bought one. But if a child eats a piece of it, nothing terrible will happen. You just need to give the baby two glasses of water to drink.

How to make a slime from shampoo and water with and without glue?

Very simple, but, again, the chemical version of the slime - from shampoo and glue.

IMPORTANT: This recipe will no longer use PVA, but Titan construction adhesive, which has sufficient viscosity


  • thick plastic bag
  • 50 ml shampoo
  • 150 ml glue "Titan"

Slime can be made from shampoo and titanium glue.

The components of the toy are randomly poured into the bag, the bag is closed and shaken well so that a homogeneous mass is obtained from the shampoo and glue.

IMPORTANT: If the shampoo is colored, for example, on herbs, green, and the toy will turn out to be colored. A clear shampoo will make the slime look even more like slime. You can also experiment with dyes

Slime recipes with and without sodium tetraborate

At home, you can make a slime, similar in composition to the store. You need to pre-purchase components:

  • polyvinyl dry (in powder) alcohol
  • sodium tetraborate (borax)
  • food colorings
  • essential oils

IMPORTANT: Sodium tetraborate, or borax, is a salt of weak boric acid, which is widely used in various industries, including jewelry, household chemicals and cosmetics.

Making a toy takes place in several stages:

  • polyvinyl alcohol should be diluted according to the instructions
  • diluted alcohol is heated over low heat and constantly stirred
  • cool alcohol
  • in 250 ml of warm water, dilute 2 tbsp. borax spoons
  • in one container, polyvinyl alcohol and borax are mixed in a ratio of 3 to 1, dyes and essential oils are added to the mixture (optional, so that the toy smells good)

As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous, the slime will be ready.
Without sodium tetraborate, cool slime is obtained from hydrogen peroxide. It even looks more not like a "slug", but like a bouncy ball.
Need to:

  • 100 ml water
  • 50 g food starch
  • 50 g PVA glue
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • dyes

In a bowl, starch is diluted with water until smooth. Then add glue, mix. Add perhydrol (literally 1 teaspoon) and dyes, mix again.

VIDEO: How to make LIZUNA at home. HANDGUM. DIY magic slime

How to make slime from plasticine. How to make slime from gelatin

Something similar to a slime can be made from plasticine and gelatin. It will not be the same as the store "Snot" both externally and in consistency. But the child will definitely like it.

You will need:

  • packet of edible gelatin
  • plasticine

Gelatin is diluted according to the instructions and left for 1 hour. 50 ml of water is heated, small pieces of plasticine of the color in which the slime should be obtained are placed in it. Plasticine is heated to a liquid state with constant stirring. Further, gelatin is introduced into it, at this time the stirring does not stop. The slime will be ready when the mass has cooled.

VIDEO: Slime from flour without sodium tetraborate

How to make slime from flour

For a small child, you can prepare the safest version of the slime - from flour and natural dyes. The toy will turn out to be dim and short-lived, but it is very easy to update it.

  • wheat flour
  • cold and hot water
  • dye from onion skins, beetroot juice, other
  1. 400 g flour sifted into a small bowl
  2. First add 50 ml of cold water to the flour, then 50 ml hot water(but not boiling water)
  3. Stir until smooth, add a small amount of dye
  4. 4 hours cool in the refrigerator

VIDEO: How to make a slime (5 different options)