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How to properly water flowers with succinic acid for their health and beauty. Succinic acid for indoor plants

Succinic acid is an organic water-soluble compound with a wide range of applications. In crop production, it has been used relatively recently, but this tool is becoming increasingly popular due to its availability and low cost. What is useful succinic acid for indoor plants, and how to apply it, is explored in the material below.

Numerous observations show that succinic acid exhibits the properties of a strong growth stimulant. But its usefulness is not limited to this.

The positive impact is also manifested in the following:

  • decrease negative impact on plants of stress factors - low or high temperatures, excessive watering or drought, insufficient lighting;
  • increasing plant immunity to fungal and bacterial infections;
  • stabilization of beneficial soil microflora and improvement of nutrient uptake by plants.

Growing plants indoors is always stressful. Limited volume of soil, insufficient amount sunlight, dry air is a serious test even for the most adapted to room conditions cultures. Therefore, the use of an agent that exhibits the properties of an adaptogen seems appropriate.

In addition, succinic acid can be used to achieve other goals:

  • emergency help with chlorosis, to restore the amount of chlorophyll;
  • restoration of the root system after transplantation, division of bushes, mechanical damage;
  • activation of root formation during cuttings;
  • resuscitation of plants that have been ill or damaged by pests.

Thus, succinic acid is used not as a top dressing, but as a stimulant and adaptogen.

How to breed correctly: proportions and nuances

Succinic acid for flowers is used in the form of an aqueous solution. Its concentration depends on the purpose of application:

Pre-sowing seed treatment 0,2 2 grams of acid dissolved in a small amount hot water and bring the volume of cold settled water to 1 liter.
Rooting cuttings, soaking the root system during transplantation, dividing bushes 0,02 Dissolve 0.2 grams of acid in a small amount of hot water and bring the volume to 1 liter. Or use a 0.2% solution as a mother solution and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10.
spraying on the leaf 0,002 Use a 0.02% solution as a mother solution and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Usually succinic acid is sold in tablets with a dosage of 0.1 grams. This means that to obtain 1 liter of a strong 0.2% solution, you need to take 20 tablets. For better dissolution, they can be crushed into powder.

If you want to get a 0.02% solution, just take 2 tablets per 1 liter of water. Means of lower concentration are more convenient to prepare by dilution of the mother liquor.

How to use nutrition tablets

It is not necessary to dilute succinic acid long before processing - aqueous solutions quickly lose their properties. It is better to use a freshly prepared composition. The maximum storage period is 3 days.

Spraying plants with a solution

Foliar spray treatment is the most fast way deliver the necessary substance to the plant tissue. Through the stomata, located on the lower surface of the leaves, the solutions are absorbed almost instantly.

Based on this, spraying with succinic acid is advisable to use in the following cases:

  • in early spring to bring the plant out of winter dormancy and stimulate vegetation;
  • after pruning to relieve stress and stimulate the awakening of the lateral buds;
  • after treatment with fungicides or insecticides to reduce their phytotoxicity;
  • after diseases, damage by pests, prolonged exposure to adverse conditions.

Succinic acid dissolves well, but individual grains of powder can remain in water and clog spray nozzles. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the sprayers with a filtered solution.

Processing should be done in the evening or morning, when direct drops do not fall on the plant. Sun rays. During the flowering period, spraying with succinic acid is not used.

Succinic acid for roots

Succinic acid is a very moderate root formation stimulator. Therefore, if you need to root a poorly cutting plant, it is better to give preference to stronger means - “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin”. But succinic acid is well suited for supporting and restoring the root system during transplants.

Root treatment is carried out in two ways - by soaking or watering. Soaking is done in a convenient wide bowl for 3-4 hours. Watering is done after transfer to a new pot.

Seed treatment before sowing

Houseplants are rarely propagated by seeds. This is a very laborious process, and germination seed usually leaves much to be desired. The use of growth stimulants in such a situation is more than justified.

Seed treatment with succinic acid is carried out by soaking.

You can do this in two ways:

  • put the seeds in a glass, pour the solution and hold with stirring for 1-2 hours, then dry until flowable;
  • moisten cotton pads with a solution, spread the seeds on them, cover with a second layer of moistened cotton pads, plastic bag and hold until pecking.

The material processed by the first method must be sown immediately. Seeds hatched according to the second method are carefully removed from the disks with tweezers and planted in the soil.

What plants and flowers benefit from succinic acid?

The practical experience of flower growers shows that succinic acid is an indispensable aid in the cultivation of orchids.

The following plants also respond well to treatment with this remedy:

  • begonias;
  • ficuses;
  • dracaena;
  • finger dates;
  • all kinds of palm trees;
  • roses;
  • all kinds of succulents.

The use of succinic acid makes the habitus of ornamental plants noticeably more magnificent, the brightness of the color of the leaves increases. Flower buds stop dying, buds open well, vegetative parts look healthy and strong.

Houseplants with pubescent leaves (for example, saintpaulias) do not need to be sprayed with succinic acid. But root watering from early spring to mid-summer fully compensates for the lack of leaf treatments.

Possible harm

In nature, succinic acid is found not only in amber. Small amounts of this substance are found in the tissues of all plants. Therefore, you can consider it as a “native” component for them, and not be afraid of any side effects.

Experiments with the use of solutions of succinic acid of various concentrations on indoor plants showed that even a small overdose does not cause any noticeable harm. Plants tolerate a non-critical increase in the strength of the solution during watering or soaking. Leaves may be more sensitive, especially when sprayed on sunny window sills.

Succinic acid is an inexpensive natural substance that is very useful for both garden and domestic plants. It is not a fertilizer as such, but only complements it. The purpose of this tool is to normalize the microflora of the soil and help the flowers to absorb the necessary minerals. This drug is suitable for absolutely all representatives of the fauna. A bright effect is achieved both as a result of watering and spraying plants.

When and how often to water flowers

Succinic acid cannot harm flowers in any way, but it is still recommended to use it no more than 3-5 times a month. This is especially necessary if the plant began to wither, became fragile, when it is necessary to strengthen its root and ground parts. The use of this tool is relevant to improve growth and increase the resistance of flowers to negative factors. environment(sun, wind, cold, etc.).

Succinic acid improves the condition of plants

Garden plants are best watered in the evening when the sun is no longer active. So they will dry out more slowly, and the drug will work much more efficiently.

For home flowers, there is no difference when they are watered, the main thing is not to leave them on the window after processing.

Particularly acute in succinic acid are plants in the spring, when they are practically deprived of all their strength. To strengthen them, it is advisable to use the drug 2-3 days before watering the flowers with plain water. It is very useful to apply it immediately after planting them (seedling treatment) and before they bloom (April-September).

What you need to work

You need to prepare:

  • succinic acid in the form of a powder (about 50 g) or tablets (10-15 pieces);
  • clean water - from 5 to 10 liters;
  • sprayer;
  • a small watering can;
  • cup;
  • spoon
  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • cosmetic cotton swab or piece of gauze.

General rules for working with the drug

Despite the safety of the drug, it is advisable to work with it with gloves and glasses. It is important to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. If this happens, you must immediately wash them with plenty of clean water. This will help to avoid inflammation and redness of the skin.

Most often, the drug can be purchased in the form of tablets.

During the preparation of the solution, it is not allowed to be near children. It is necessary to dilute the powder immediately before its use. The remains of the funds are stored for no more than 3 days in a cool place, otherwise it will not be so useful. Despite its effectiveness, watering with this acid for flowers cannot replace standard fertilizer. Therefore, it is very important to use it in combination.

Undiluted acid is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. The room must be dry and dark. Children, food and medicines are not allowed in the immediate vicinity.

Read this article: How Banana Peels Save Houseplants

Ways to use the solution

Treatment of plants with a solution of succinic acid is possible at all stages of their development. There are several options for it:

  • wiping leaves;
  • spraying;
  • watering the root part;
  • soil nutrition.

Ideally, for the full care of flowers, you need to go through all these stages. You can do this not at a time, but after a week break, but preferably in the same order as indicated.

During care, keep in mind that the taller and more lush the plant, the more solution will be needed for it.

How to prepare a concentrate

To obtain the initial concentrate, dissolve 1 g of powder in a glass of warm water. It is very important that nothing remains of the dry ingredient, it should not settle to the bottom. Therefore, before watering the flowers with succinic acid, stir the composition well and, if necessary, beat it. Next, you need to add to it such an amount of water room temperature, which will allow you to get a solution of the desired concentration.

Powder or tablets diluted in water

It is not at all necessary to dilute the solution with water, the initial one, prepared according to the proportions indicated in the table, is quite enough:

Most of all, the soil needs succinic acid; the minimum concentration is used to wipe the leaves and stems.

The prepared solutions can be diluted with water, but not more than 5 liters per 1 liter of concentrate, otherwise there will be no effect. This is quite enough to scare away beetles, caterpillars, slugs.

Processing in the bud formation phase is carried out with a 0.002% composition (prepared according to the table above). A solution at this concentration can be used for any purpose indicated in the same table. During and after flowering, the concentration for spraying should be 2-3 times greater than usual. In order to resuscitate plants, it is necessary to water the shoots, leaves and roots at the rate of 0.25 g of succinic acid (1 tablet) per 1 liter of water.

VIDEO: Succinic acid for orchids is a real doctor

How to use a ready-made drug

For preventive purposes, the corresponding areas are treated with the resulting solution. You should start watering the flowers from the leaves, then go to the stems, and then spray the entire plant. The final stage is the processing of the root part and the soil near it.

The order of work is usually the following:

  1. Rubbing leaves and stems

This can be done with a cotton pad or gauze cut. It is well moistened in the composition and, without squeezing, they pass from the top of the plant to the bottom. In this case, the movements should be circular and smooth so as not to injure the plant. For convenience, you can hold the leaf or stem at the base with your palm. Then it needs to be allowed to dry.

  1. spraying

Outdoor plants can be watered and sprayed from a garden watering can at the same time

To do this, use a hydraulic or manual sprayer. The latter is quite enough when processing domestic plants, but in the garden you can’t do without the former. If the flowers have inflorescences, you should try not to fall on them, otherwise they may wither. Between such processing, a pause of 3-4 weeks must be made. Eyes must be protected by goggles while working.

  1. Watering the root

It is carried out from an ordinary watering can. For home flowers, it should be smaller, and for garden flowers - more. It is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees and, without affecting the stem, moisten the soil. When watering flowers with succinic acid, you should not pour out the entire volume at once, you need to do it slowly, evenly distributing the liquid over the entire surface around the plant.

  1. Soil nutrition

Before that, it should be loosened a little. A diameter around the bush of 20-25 cm will be enough. It is very important that the solution penetrates deep into the ground, at least 5-10 cm. At about this distance from the surface of the earth are the roots of most flowers. Therefore, you can make recesses in it and partially fill them with concentrate. For 1 time it needs about 2-3 liters.

Using a solution for watering flowers with succinic acid in tablets or powder, you should not avoid feeding with special and standard fertilizers (humus, ash, biohumus-based products). Only in this way will the plant remain healthy for a long time and delight you with its appearance, and some even with its aroma.

VIDEO: Ways to use succinic acid

Succinic acid is a product obtained from the processing of natural amber. It is mined at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, but in small quantities this substance is an integral component of many plant and animal organisms. Its greatest concentrations are found in amber, as well as brown coal. Special processing maleic anhydride allows you to get it in artificial conditions. The release of this acid is in the form of tablets or powder crystals, which are easily dissolved in alcohol, water or ether.

Succinic acid has a number of useful properties, allowing to stimulate the growth of plants and provide nutrition for indoor flowers, due to which it has found wide application in home crop production.

Features and properties of succinic acid

Succinic acid is a natural component that ensures the healthy life of plants and organisms. Its unique composition can significantly improve the processes of their growth and development.

The use of this substance at home is associated with a number of its valuable properties:

  • succinic acid perfectly stimulates the growth of indoor flowers. Its action improves the quality of absorption of nutrients from the soil, helps to survive in stressful conditions and aggressive environments;
  • has normalization properties quality composition and the interaction of microorganisms in the microflora of the soil in which orchids grow;
  • does not have a harmful effect on the environment, special disposal is not required;
  • You can feed plants with succinic acid for various purposes. Watering flowers with succinic acid activates the growth of roots, accelerates the formation of the green part of the shoots;
  • knowing how to fertilize flowers with succinic acid, you can significantly help restore the disturbed process of plant life;
  • processing of seeds and cuttings increases their germination;
  • effective even at low concentrations;
  • acid is completely harmless to humans, animals and flora; completely absorbed by soil microflora.

Attention: Despite a wide range of useful properties, succinic acid does not replace conventional fertilizers.

The presence of useful properties allows the widespread use of succinic acid which may be involved in:

  • regulation and stimulation of plant growth;
  • increased synthesis of chlorophyll in foliage;
  • assimilation of added dressings;
  • creating a protective layer that prevents the harmful effects of excessive accumulation of nitrogenous substances and toxins;
  • improvement of soil microflora;
  • increasing the viability of plants under the influence of adverse factors;
  • reducing the risk of plant diseases.

Preparation of various succinic acid concentrates

Succinic acid can significantly improve plant growth.

Usually succinic acid is applied once every two or three weeks. The correct proportions for the preparation of a working solution are 2 g of the substance dissolved in one or two liters of water. In this case, the substance is first diluted in a small amount of slightly warm water, and only after that it is brought to the desired volume, diluted with water heated to room temperature.

Useful properties of the prepared solution is able to keep for three days. After this period, it is decomposed by microorganisms.

In addition to the basic instructions for use, there are a number of private rules, how to dilute succinic acid and use for various purposes:

  • for spraying orchids, a 1% solution is prepared, for this, 1 g of acid is added to a small amount of warm water, mixed thoroughly, waiting for the powder to completely dissolve. After that pour cold water up to a volume of 1 l;
  • it is possible to ensure rapid germination of seeds by first keeping them in a solution with diluted acid for one day; then dry thoroughly and plant in the soil. Seed germination can also be done directly in solution;
  • it is best to process flowers with a 0.02% solution. You can get this proportion by adding 0.2 liters of a 1% concentration solution, which was prepared in advance, to 0.8 liters of cold water;
  • feeding flowers with succinic acid can help a dying plant. This can be done by treating it with a more saturated solution, prepared in a ratio of 0.25 g of the substance per liter of warm water. Spraying and watering the soil in this case will help reanimate the flower.

Caution: When using succinic acid, you do not need to be afraid of overdose, because this substance is non-toxic.

Usage Methods

There are several methods for using this substance in crop and floriculture.:

  • spraying flowers with a solution of succinic acid even once every few weeks will significantly enhance their growth and development. To do this, spraying can be carried out before flowering, the treatment can be carried out several times. As a rule, with the time of plant growth, the number of treatments is noticeably increased, while increasing the concentration of the solution by 5-10 times;
  • the rapid growth of new roots will be facilitated by soaking the root system for 40 minutes in solution. After that, the roots are dried for 30 minutes and planted in the ground;
  • rooting of the cuttings will be more successful if the previously cut cuttings are soaked by immersion by no more than 2 cm in an acid solution during the day.

Attention: Storage of succinic acid in undiluted form should be carried out in a dark and dry place, at an air temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The proximity of food and medicine, as well as accessibility to children and animals, is strictly prohibited.

Rules for working with a solution of succinic acid

You can store prepared succinic acid for no more than 3 days.

Knowing how to use succinic acid for flowers can significantly improve them. appearance. At the same time, a number of necessary measures must be observed:

  • the prepared working solution is best used immediately, storage should not exceed 2 or 3 days;
  • too frequent top dressing is not recommended, especially for orchids;
  • during the preparation of the solution and the processing of plants, you should not drink or smoke, you should not do this in the presence of children;
  • all precautions should be taken to avoid getting liquid in the eyes, because. it is dangerous inflammation of the mucous membrane. In this case, a thorough rinsing of the eyes with clean water will be required.

How does succinic acid affect the plant

Succinic acid has a beneficial effect on plants, improving their growth, the absorption of nutrients from the soil, and increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

It can be used for prevention purposes at the risk of various, incl. fungal diseases. In this case, protection is carried out by stimulating cell growth, which helps to resist the permeability of bacteria. The acid significantly increases the amount of chlorophyll contained in the greens, which ensures lush and exuberant flowering.

How does it affect the soil

Succinic acid is most useful for improving the quality of the soil, normalizing its microflora. Helps to protect crops from extinction on especially poor soils, while reducing the harmful nitrogen accumulations contained in them. Acid destroys toxic substances of the soil, man-made pollution, accumulations of harmful microorganisms.

Succinic acid for indoor plants

The use of acid in home floriculture strengthens the immunity of flowers, increases resistance to bacteria and diseases, has an excellent effect on maintaining their health, accelerates natural processes vegetation and flowering.

Succinic acid enhances immunity in indoor plants and flowers.

It is useful to carry out processing under such adverse environmental factors as excessive humidity and overheating. Despite the fact that succinic acid is not a fertilizer, it significantly helps indoor plants.

Succinic acid is an environmentally friendly substance obtained from natural amber. In indoor floriculture, it is used as a biostimulant, as well as a disinfectant. Spraying with succinic acid on the aerial part of the plant is indicated in such stressful situations as drying out an earthy coma, hypothermia, burns on the leaves,.

Succinic acid is also used to stimulate seed germination, treat tubers before planting, enhance root formation, root cuttings, increase budding, and resuscitate a dying plant.

In contact with

The action of succinic acid:

  • improves the absorption and assimilation of nutrients by the plant;
  • stimulates photosynthesis;
  • activates energy metabolism in tissues, is an immunomodulator;
  • removes toxins;
  • reinforces chemical reactions in cells, which helps plants in stressful situations.

How to breed succinic acid for plants and flowers

The method of diluting succinic acid for watering and spraying flowers is slightly different. We will talk about breeding for irrigation a little lower, but here we will talk about breeding for spraying.

In order to prepare a solution of succinic acid for spraying plants, take 1 tablet or 0.5 g of powder per 1 liter of water. First, the drug is diluted in a small container with warm water, after which the amount of liquid is gradually increased to the required volume. The finished solution is stored for no more than three days in a dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Small errors in concentration do not lead to any serious consequences, since the plants absorb the amount of solution they need. But too strong a concentration can lead to burns of the foliage and root system. If the drug is in tablets, before buying it is advisable to read the composition and choose the option where there are no additional substances: talc, ascorbic acid, starch, etc. The presence of glucose in the composition is allowed.

Many people think that they use succinic acid as a fertilizer, but it should be remembered that succinic acid is a growth stimulator, not a fertilizer.

Important: it is advisable to spray the plant no more than two times in a row with an interval of 2-3 weeks. Excessive stimulation of metabolism can adversely affect his health. Some flower growers recommend using succinic acid no more than once every 2 years.

For watering flowers with succinic acid in tablets, you need to take 2 tablets (they are usually produced in 0.5 g each). If you dilute 1 g of succinic acid in 5 liters. water, you can water the flowers under the root. This stimulates the growth of new shoots, increases bud formation and foliage, enhances flowering, improves root nutrition and plant appearance. When introduced into the soil, the drug normalizes its microflora, positively affects the vital activity of the microorganisms in it. It contributes to the cleansing of those poisoned by toxic waste land plots, helps protect the soil from anthropogenic influence and prevents the accumulation of toxins in the plant.

Precautionary measures:

The tool can cause allergic reactions, so you need to wear gloves before working with it. If the solution or crystals come into contact with the skin, immediately rinse it with plenty of water. After completion of work, the remains of the drug are poured out; reusing an expired solution can harm the plant.

Application of succinic acid:

  • Under stress, the green part of the plant is sprayed.
  • To stimulate germination, the seeds are kept in solution for about a day, after which they are dried and planted in the ground. It is possible to germinate seeds in the solution itself.
  • To enhance root formation, the root system is soaked in the preparation for 40 minutes. After that, the plant is dried for about half an hour and planted in a permanent place.
  • The rapid rooting of the cutting is facilitated by immersing the lower part of the cut shoot in the solution for a day.
  • To stimulate growth, spray the top of the plant regularly in the morning or evening, at least twice a month.
  • Resuscitating a dying plant, a concentrated solution is prepared: 0.25 grams of succinic acid per liter of water, with which it is watered and sprayed.

Top dressing and resuscitation of indoor flowers with succinic acid

Regarding the use of succinic acid, flower growers have an ambiguous opinion. Some do not imagine caring for plants without it, others prefer traditional methods. But most orchid lovers use the drug as a growth stimulant, a means of resuscitation, and when the roots rot.

In case of rot on the roots or trunk of an orchid, it is necessary to clean it to living tissue and remove all affected areas by treating the sections with a fungicide. To stimulate the growth of new roots, the orchid can be fed on a leaf and cotton pads with a mixture of a concentrated solution of succinic acid (2 tablets per 0.5 l of water) and a complex of B vitamins diluted in 1 liter of water can be applied to the trunk.

Florists recommend using the same recipe when wrinkling leaves, for growing babies on peduncles. Some liquid ones, which are preferred by orchid lovers, already contain succinic acid, but its amount is not always indicated. Flower growers who deal with violets and gardenias also use this tool as a growth and flowering stimulator.

The effect of the use of succinic acid is not noticeable to all growers. After a single treatment of a plant, indoor flower lovers expect some miraculous result and are disappointed in the preparation if nothing happens. But most still see its positive effect: an increase in the number of buds or the appearance of a rich color in the leaves. It shows up best on young plants. Sometimes positive changes become apparent only after the second or third treatment with succinic acid.

Succinic acid for flowers: reviews

Elena, florist:When I first used succinic acid for my plants, I was pleasantly surprised at how good the result was. I had rather stunted seedlings of ageratums, which I did not dive in time. Because of this, the seedlings stretched out, but the stems were very thin and weak. In the meantime, it's time to plant the plants in the flower beds. And then one of the sellers advised me to use succinic acid, which I did.

Before planting in a flower bed, I processed the roots and the plants themselves, and after planting, my seedlings practically did not hurt, even despite the heat. Pretty quickly, the plants became strong, and after pinching, they began to bush perfectly. Although usually seedlings recover for a long time after transplantation. Since then, succinic acid has become my favorite plant restorer, especially in "particularly difficult" cases.

Watch the video: instructions for using succinic acid for plants:

In order for indoor plants, such as violets, to please with their appearance and flowering, they need not only good care, but also periodic top dressing. An assistant in this matter can be succinic acid, which has many useful properties and is absolutely easy to use, which is important for beginner flower growers. In this article, we will give you instructions for using the drug. We will tell you how to breed, how to apply, where to water and whether the drug has any harm.

The substance obtained after the processing of amber of natural origin is called succinic acid. Under natural conditions, it is quite common: in small quantities it is present in flowers, and is also produced by the human body. The highest concentration is found in amber and brown coal. IN industrial production it is obtained by treatment of maleic anhydride.

Features and benefits of acid for flowers

It works great on flowers. Among useful qualities substances are as follows:

  • improved growth;
  • disease prevention;
  • increasing resistance to adverse environmental factors;
  • the best digestibility of nutrients;
  • increase in the amount of chlorophyll;
  • extinction prevention.

It is also used to improve soil quality. She is capable of:

  • reduce the content of harmful nitrogenous accumulations;
  • normalize soil microflora;
  • destroy toxins and man-made pollution present in the earth;
  • destroy accumulations of harmful microorganisms.

And although acid is not a fertilizer, it, like a catalyst, participates in all metabolic processes that occur between the soil and the plant.

Application in horticulture

Due to a wide range of actions, succinic acid can be used for many purposes:

  • seed treatment before planting - to increase germination;
  • root formation in cuttings - a complete replacement for heteroauxin;
  • feeding dying flowers;
  • increase the survival rate of seedlings;
  • stimulating succulents for the appearance of children;
  • help with stress and transplantation.

Too frequent use or an increase in the concentration of the solution adversely affects both the health of the plant and the soil. Over time, the earth oxidizes, and in order to restore the balance, it is necessary to periodically add lime to it. This is especially true when using a solution for home cultures.

Instructions for use: how to dilute the tablets?

Sold in the form of tablets or powder. In what form it will be used - it does not matter, but it is better to purchase it in specialized stores. This will help to avoid the presence of impurities that are contained in pharmacy products.

cook amber solution very simple. To do this, dilute one tablet (100 mg) in 0.1 liter of warm water. After that, it is necessary to increase the volume of the prepared solution to two liters. If powder is used, then one gram of the content is dissolved in five liters of settled water.

  1. Plants can be watered no more than twice a month.
  2. Germination of seeds is carried out by placing them in a solution until sprouts appear.
  3. For root formation, it is necessary to place the cutting in a liquid for a day.
  4. Spraying can be done once a month.

In order to treat plants, spraying and watering is carried out with a more concentrated solution: one tablet of acid per liter of water.

Rules for working with a solution

When taking care of your flowers, it is important not to harm yourself or them. Therefore, using a solution of succinic acid, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Working with matter protect your hands with gloves. This will avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  2. Amber solution should be used immediately. IN last resort its storage period should not exceed three days;
  3. It is forbidden to eat at the time of processing the bushes. Also, the presence of a child or pets nearby is undesirable;
  4. Be careful with the solution, preventing it from getting on the face, and especially on the mucous membranes (nose, eyes, mouth). In case of carelessness, wash the contact points well with soap and water.

If inflammation occurs, immediately contact a specialist for help.

The place of storage of succinic acid should be dry and protected from light, where children and animals cannot reach.

Keeping acid near food is not recommended.

The use of succinic acid for indoor plants brings them great benefits. Helping flowers to survive the most difficult moments, it promotes their growth and development, so that people can enjoy the beautiful view of their home beauties.

Due to a wide range of useful properties, succinic acid is often used to care for indoor plants. Normalization of the natural microflora of the soil, regulation of flower growth, assistance in assimilation useful substances, protection from excessive humidity, overheating - all these are the merits of small acid crystals.

What is useful succinic acid for flowers

It is known that succinic acid is vital for indoor plants. The substance is present in most of them and is intensively consumed during the period of growth, when under unfavorable conditions. Therefore, additional doses of this agent contribute to an increase in tone and the ability to resist pathogenic factors. It is known that early, timely processing of a young plant with active growth is efficient.

What is succinic acid? It is a useful growth supplement, but by no means a fertilizer. Seeds can be soaked in its solution. It is also suitable as medicinal product for rotting roots. There were no negative and side effects from succinic acid for indoor plants, so you can not be afraid to use it everywhere. Its useful properties:

  • destruction of toxic substances, bacteria in the soil;
  • increased immunity: after prolonged use, the flower becomes more resistant to pests;
  • increase in the content of chlorophyll in the leaves when watering plants with water with the addition of a stimulant;
  • purification of soil from salts of heavy metals, surfactants, pesticides, etc.;
  • effective assimilation of nutrients during the flowering period;
  • improved seed growth after soaking.

How to apply

For the solution, you need to take 1 liter of warm water and 1 g of powder. The resulting concentrate is stored for no more than three days, then it loses all its properties. For the prevention and spraying of healthy stems and leaves, a weaker solution is recommended - 1 g per 2 liters, and for serious problems - 1 g per 0.5 liters. Below are various options concentrate application:

  1. For spraying healthy plants to aid growth. Use once a month.
  2. Resuscitation of affected flowers. Damaged parts of the plant are sprayed as needed, daily or less frequently.
  3. As a seed growth stimulant. Succinic acid in horticulture is used for soaking seeds: they must be soaked in a solution for a day, then dried before planting.
  4. Activation of root development. It is necessary to soak the roots for 1-4 hours, depending on the condition of the system.
  5. For the growth of shoots. It is necessary to spray twice for 3 weeks.
  6. To increase the production of chlorophyll in the leaves. Spraying should be done once a month.

Succinic (butanedioic) acid is a soluble organic compound. Available in powder, tablet, liquid form. Widely used in various fields. Let's figure out how to use succinic acid for indoor plants in tablets. In vegetable growing and floriculture, this substance has been used not so long ago. Useful properties and low price make it popular.

Succinic acid is an antioxidant for all living organisms, in addition, it regulates oxygen metabolism. Without affecting certain parts of plant physiology, it stimulates growth and improves immunity.

Beneficial features

Succinic acid has proven to be a strong growth stimulant. When this product is applied, the nutrients in the ground are better absorbed by the roots of plants, and their growth is accelerated. In addition, succinic acid is inherent whole line other useful properties, it:

  • fights with toxins accumulated in the substrate, destroying them;
  • evens out activity beneficial organisms in the soil;
  • improves adaptation, speeding up the recovery process after illnesses, transplants and various stressful conditions;
  • increases the content of chlorophyll, contributing to better growth, abundant flowering, improve the appearance of plants;
  • accelerates the process of root formation, which makes succinic acid indispensable for reproduction and transplantation in the absence of roots;
  • enhances immunity to various diseases.

In what cases is it better not to use

Due to the presence of acid in the composition of plants, there are no negative side effects when using succinic acid. Practice has shown that even exceeding the concentration of the solution used does not harm green pets during watering and soaking. A plant in direct sunlight should not be sprayed, because its leaves are too sensitive in the light and can get burned. Processing is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when there is no sun. Do not use spraying during the flowering period.

Regular use of the product can lead to acidification of the soil, so lime must be added.

Release form in tablets

Succinic acid is sold in powder form and in tablets. For indoor plants, solutions with a low content of the product are needed, because of this it is more convenient to use tablets. It is rational to prepare a small amount of the working solution, since the effectiveness lasts up to three days.

Solution preparation

How to dilute succinic acid for indoor plants in tablets? Each specific case requires a certain concentration of the substance. For plants, solutions with a low content of the agent are needed. First, prepare the base solution, then, adding water, bring the product to the desired concentration. Sequencing:

  • the water is slightly warmed up;
  • a small amount of water is poured into a liter jar;
  • the tablet should be crushed into powder and poured into water;
  • stir until the acid is completely dissolved;
  • add water until the jar is full.

The table shows the amount of acid to obtain the desired concentration (per 1 liter of water):

/> /> />
Number of tablets, pcs.Amount of acid, gConcentration, %
1 0,1 0,01
5 0,5 0,05
10 1 0,1
20 2 0,2

To obtain a solution 10 times lower in concentration (0.001; 0.005, etc.), the solutions given in the table should be diluted in a ratio of 1:10. Or take 1/10 of the volume of the solution, i.e. 100 ml of a solution of the appropriate concentration and add 900 ml of water, thus obtaining 1 liter of a solution whose concentration is 10 times less than the initial one. When preparing the solution, grains of the substance may remain in it, so it is filtered before use.

Always cooking required amount solution, because after 2-3 days it loses its properties.

Work Precautions

When working with the substance, it is recommended to use gloves. It is non-toxic, but high content In case of contact with the eyes or on the body, inflammation may occur. It is necessary to rinse all contact areas with plenty of water, drip eye drops with eye drops. Exceeding the concentration will not harm the plants, they consume the right amount of the substance, and the excess is processed by living organisms in the soil. Succinic acid does not harm plants, humans and animals.

Purpose of use and dosage

The tool is used to improve the growth of all plants. The concentration depends on the method and the desired effect. Spraying is used:

  • in early spring to bring out of dormancy and enhance growth;
  • to relieve stress after pruning;
  • after treatment with toxic agents from pests and diseases.

Spraying is the most common procedure. The desired substance enters the plant tissue very quickly. Spraying is used to treat healthy (1 time in two weeks), sick and weakened (daily, 3-4 times a day) specimens. Usually take a 0.01% solution. If the result is weakly expressed, then you need to dilute a new one, increasing the concentration. Spraying is used for:

  • prevention of various diseases;
  • pest control;
  • growth acceleration.

Soaking is used when treating seeds, cuttings, in which the roots are damaged. Soaking achieves that:

  • the germination of old seeds increases;
  • seedlings grow strong;
  • cuttings quickly grow roots;
  • grow bulbous;
  • reduces stress during transplantation.

According to those who used succinic acid, stronger plants were obtained from pre-soaked seeds and cuttings. Irrigation solves therapeutic and prophylactic tasks. For irrigation take a solution of high concentration. Excess bioadditive is processed by microorganisms living in the earth. Periodic watering with a solution serves:

  • restoration of soil microflora (1% solution, 1 time in 15-20 days);
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • prevention of fungal diseases;
  • restoration of damaged roots.

Depending on the type of plant, the concentration is increased or decreased. The best effect is observed when alternating spraying and watering.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

When indoor plants are propagated by seeds, difficulties arise due to poor germination. Therefore, the use of stimulants is desirable. Seeds are treated by soaking in a solution. For this:

  • the seeds are placed in a glass, poured with a solution, kept in it for a day, then dried and sown immediately;
  • seeds are laid out on a piece of cloth moistened with a solution, covered with a second moistened flap on top, kept until sprouts appear, and then planted.

For this purpose, a 0.2% solution is used: 2 gm of succinic acid is taken per 1 liter of water. To reject unsuitable seeds, they are placed in a saucer with a solution until they hatch. Seeds without sprouts are harvested, the rest are planted. The solution is taken 0.05%: for 1 liter of water - 0.5 g of acid.


Soaking the cuttings in the solution stimulates root growth. A cutting is placed in a container with a lid, the solution is poured, and kept for up to 24 hours. The solution used is 0.2% (2 g per 1 liter of water).

Stimulation of root formation

The tool moderately stimulates the formation of roots. For plantations that are poorly cut, strong stimulants are used, for example, Kornevin. And for the rehabilitation of the root system during transplantation, division of the bush and for its maintenance, succinic acid is suitable. Processing is done in two ways:

  • soaking, placing the plant in a wide bowl with a solution for 3-4 hours;
  • watering, after transplanting the plant into another container.

The solution requires 0.02% (0.2 g of succinic acid per 1 liter of water) or you can use a 0.2% solution by adding water in a ratio of 1:10.

top dressing

Succinic acid is not used as top dressing and fertilizer, it serves to deliver nutrients inside, accelerates the processes occurring in plants and the absorption of fertilizers.

The use of succinic acid does not replace top dressing, therefore, it is fertilized at the same time.


To restore diseased, weak specimens, they are completely immersed in a 0.025% solution (0.25 g of acid per 1 liter of water) and incubated for 10-15 minutes. After fifteen days, spraying is required.

Anti-stress treatment

Houseplants often experience stress. Soil limited in volume, lack of sun, dry air, transplanting, care errors - all these are causes of stress. Succinic acid is an adaptogen that can increase the resistance of a living organism to various harmful effects. Therefore, the use of the product is justified if the flowers have sluggish leaves or they fall off; there is no flowering and a poor appearance is observed. In this case, the roots and leaves are sprayed with a 0.2% solution. Spray should be small drops. Processing should be carried out once every 2-3 weeks until a noticeable result appears.

Application in the cultivation of different types of indoor plants

Succinic acid is widely used for growing vegetables, such as cucumbers. When sowing acid-treated seeds, germination increases. Spraying seedlings increases resistance to cold and dry weather. Thanks to watering, roots are better formed and grow, fruits develop faster. The use of succinic acid for indoor plants by spraying makes the plants lush, healthy, the leaves become juicy, and the death of flower buds does not occur. The presence of pubescent leaves (saintpaulia) in indoor plants excludes spraying, in this case they are watered under the root, from early spring to mid-summer. The product is suitable for various green pets:

  • ficuses;
  • begonias;
  • petunias;
  • hydrangeas;
  • palm trees;
  • violets.

Tropical orchid beauties immediately react to the introduction of this substance. The substrate is restored, the formation of flower stalks is accelerated. Succinic acid saves diseased and dying specimens. Spray the entire plant with the solution, avoiding contact with the flowers. To eliminate stress during transplantation, the roots are soaked in a solution. For frequent treatment of orchids, a solution is prepared from 1 g of acid and 5 liters of water, spraying 1 time in three weeks, watering the substrate with the rest. If this is done regularly, orchids will get sick less often and bloom constantly.

The above material gives reason to assert that the use of succinic acid for indoor plants is in many cases very useful and does not give negative consequences.