Well      08.03.2020

Bookshelves around the window in the room. Cabinets around the window: design features. Tips for organizing a student's work area

The location of the desk by the window in the children's room is not at all stylish design solution, but a manifestation of concern for the child's vision. If on workplace a sufficient amount of daylight gets in, the eyes are not so tired during long sessions.

Benefits of a table by the window

artificial lighting never can not be compared with daylight in its benefits to the human body:

  • natural light has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • promotes the production of vitamin D;
  • maintains clarity and health of vision;
  • gives positive energy.

Lighting plays an important role in the development of visual perception of a growing organism. And new trends in design allow you to combine business with pleasure. For example, combine desk with window sill. Modern window blocks perfectly retain heat and protect against extraneous noise from the street. This means that a study table instead of a window sill along the window will not only be comfortable and well lit, but also a safe place to study.

What to pay attention to?

A few rules that must be taken into account when creating countertops near the window.

  • If the windows face the sunny side, it is necessary to purchase blinds or curtains to adjust the intensity of lighting.
  • Thinking through the table under the window, you need to take into account the heating battery under it. So that it does not interfere with moving the furniture close to the window.
  • Installing a countertop will help save space and finances instead of buying a window sill and a desk separately.
  • The table should not be too wide so that it is convenient to open the window sashes to ventilate the room.

The table by the window in the nursery can be equipped with shelves for books and drawers for stationery. A large tabletop will allow you to place everything you need on it for board games and exciting learning new and unknown.

Table for two children in one nursery

Window seat - ideal for location working area for two children living in one nursery. The spacious table can be divided into two halves, each with shelves for individual use. Thus, each young tenant in the room will get his own work area. In the process of classes, children will not interfere with each other, and the material will be learned much easier. A desk built into a window niche instead of a window sill is unrealistic to purchase in furniture store. Such designs are made exclusively to order according to individual measurements. Most often ordered long corner model, which combines study and computer areas and has space to store everything you need for classes.

The window in front of the table does not need to be covered with curtains. Otherwise, the meaning of the location of the table near the window is lost. Maximum - translucent tulle on tiebacks or light Roman blinds that rise in the daytime to allow light into the room. Models built into the window sill can be absolutely any in design. Everyone decides individually what parameters and materials to use for the manufacture of the table.


Thinking over the model of a table to order, first of all, you need to proceed from the shape and area of ​​​​the room where one or two children live.

There are several standard, but interesting solutions.

  • A long countertop extending along the length of the window sill or occupying the entire space of the wall along the window.
  • Corner type model, advantageous in small rooms irregular shape.
  • Oval desk. A stylish move for spacious rooms in which there is no need to save square meters.

The option of the corner arrangement of the table allows you to add a convenient pencil case for books and souvenirs to the design. It is also often equipped with a wardrobe for things and shelves for equipment. Schoolchildren will need shelves for a printer, keyboard and system unit. Babies - drawers on wheels for storing and sorting toys.

Design and colors

Having decided on the design, the turn comes to choosing the color of the facades of the future table. For a girl and a boy, there are many separate ready-made solutions. But you can take the initiative and create a unique object for studying by the window. Where your child will be most comfortable and pleasant to do all their business.

Girls are most often happy with delicate, pastel shades or bright patterns on the facades and glass of cabinets and drawers in the table. Preferred are peach, white, mint, cream, pink and turquoise colors. Or the compatibility of these colors in one set of furniture. Models from natural wood, not painted in any of the listed colors, are also often chosen when arranging a desk in a girls' room.

Natural wood has a unique natural pattern and does not need additional decor. In addition, you can add grace to a girl's set not only with the help of color, but also with beautiful fittings and decorative elements. The frosted glass in the door of the bookcase looks beautiful in the sandblasting technique, decorated with a delicate pattern or intricate ornament. Drawer handles in the form of flowers or similar embossing on the front is a great move that any little princess or maturing schoolgirl will appreciate.

Boys also prefer natural color wooden facades or bright saturated shades of olive, blue, blue, orange and gray. Their tables often resemble pirate ships and space rockets. And older children make a choice in favor of minimalist forms and calm, discreet shades. Adding this working space with a comfortable chair, you can easily organize your teenager's favorite place to spend free time. When planning the design of the table in the children's room, in any case, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child and his hobbies. Then he will do it with pleasure and benefit.

Before you go to the store at the table or order it from the master, in addition to the quality of the product, you need to take into account such data as the child's gender, age, height and preferences. Colors also matter furniture facades and tabletops. Colors can influence a child's psyche. Which shade prevails in space will directly affect the mood and academic performance of the child.

Children's table staff according to the age of the student. Preferred for preschoolers simple models in the form of a tabletop and several drawers and shelves for books and board games. The school work area is given maximum attention. Carefully planned every 10 cm of space. After all, they can usefully accommodate a lot of necessary elements for a growing person. When designing a working area, the presence of green will be for the benefit of study. Especially if it is soft shades of green. Also, experts recommend, if possible, to arrange a desk in the northeastern part of the room. It is believed that it is in this area that the sector of knowledge and wisdom is located.

For the same reasons, it is better that the child is not facing a blank wall during class. Table in front of a window or balcony - great option to gain knowledge without psychological barriers and obstacles, to receive positive energy from the outside. A corner study table by the window will save space and make it possible to rationally arrange bookshelves and drawers for the necessary supplies at arm's length. Design Ideas on the design of the school zone will be an excellent incentive for learning new things in the world of science and the world around.

The writing table is an integral part of the children's room. It is necessary as an attribute of personal space and a place to do homework. It is best to place it near the window, because it is a source of natural light. Also, this arrangement will be a good option if you want to maximize the useful area of ​​​​the room.

Location Features

Choosing a place for a desk is one of the important points in planning a children's room. Some parents prefer to place such furniture against the wall. This option is convenient because working surface can be arranged a large number of hinged shelves for books and stationery. This solution will ensure the unloading of the table itself, but with this arrangement, the free space of the room is significantly reduced.

For the smallest bedroom good decision will be near the window. With this table, you can replace the window sill and significantly increase the usable space. In the children's room there will be more space for games and relaxation.

Important Points

Modern manufacturers of children's furniture offer various options tables for both one and two children, as everyone needs their own place where school supplies and other personal items will be located. Remember that in addition to textbooks and notebooks, the child needs space for a briefcase. good decision there will be special hooks or shelves under the table.

When placing the child’s workplace by the window, be sure to check all window fittings for serviceability:

  • windows should not blow;
  • the possibility of ventilation is necessary;
  • mechanisms must prevent accidental opening of windows.

next moment are batteries. Most often they are located in this part of the room. Consider their location when installing furniture, try not to block the heating places, the temperature in the room during the cold season will depend on this. If there are no other installation options, then use special protective partitions under the table so that the heating of the apartment does not interfere with the student doing his own business.

If the bedroom is small, then you should not buy a table with shelves and drawers. Such a modification will visually load the place near the window. Products that have thin metal legs or two flat ones will help ease the load. wooden poles along the edges. This design simplifies cleaning under furniture and leaves the right to choose a place to sit, which tables with side tables do not have.

For two children

When two children occupy one common room, necessary Special attention make room for study. Both children must have the same space, number of shelves, lighting fixtures and enough space on the table to place all the necessary supplies and do homework at the same time.

Make sure that in the nursery there is still room for games and recreation, since for the harmonious development of the personality it is necessary comfortable rest and chatting with friends. Choose furniture based on the personal needs of each child and taking into account the size of the room.

Installation options

Solid table top along the window. With this arrangement, the children will sit as if school desk. It is worth taking care of the separation of the personal space of each child, especially if this furniture will be used for a boy and a girl at the same time. Often in such cases, a cabinet is used between workplaces, a desktop bookcase or a transparent partition.

Choosing this option, pay special attention to the material of the countertop. It should be thick enough and strong enough, as this table experiences a double load. Check with the manufacturer what materials are used in the production of your chosen furniture and whether they can withstand heavy loads. Also, the surface should be unpretentious in maintenance and easy to clean.

Corner table. The essence of the design is that the table is located with the letter G in one of the free corners. Schoolchildren will be side by side and will not observe what is happening on the neighbor's table. This arrangement will allow you not to be distracted by trifles and take up relatively little space. Shelves for books and other accessories can be placed in the corner above the furniture. At the same time, in this position, children will be able to easily pass various objects to each other without leaving their chairs.

Two identical tables. This modification is good because there is a passage between the desks that naturally divides the space. It also opens up free access to the window without having to stand on the furniture. Very important point that the tables are the same and each child has an equal number of drawers and shelves for their personal belongings. Special attention should be paid to lighting, as the light will fall from different directions.

Two tables in the corners. A good option if the nursery is wide enough. Children are turned with their backs in the aisle and are at a distance. With their movements, they do not interfere with each other and everyone can do homework or creativity without distracting a neighbor. As in the option of identical tables along the window, the room has quick access to a source of fresh air.

An additional advantage is that you can use two corners for shelves, because different children have different hobbies. One will have flowers, figurines, photographs there, while the other may have cars, flags and others. needed by the child things.

Requirements for choosing a job

The desktop will be the place where the child will spend a lot of time during the entire period of schooling.. It should be comfortable, functional, practical. Its installation should not take up all the space in the room, it is necessary to leave enough space for games and morning exercises.

In an effort to streamline your life, to accommodate the maximum possible number of things and pieces of furniture on small area, owners of houses and apartments sometimes resort to such an option as a closet around the window. Let's take a look with RMNT to see how this arrangement of furniture might look like.

The advantages of installing a cabinet or shelves around a window are obvious:

  • Space is saved, because usually this wall is around window opening just empty;
  • The room gets original look;
  • This is very practical - under the window between the columns of the cabinets, you can place a computer or desk, making the most of the usable space;
  • Tall and narrow column cabinets will visually lift low ceiling;
  • The portal site brought you ideas for using a window sill in the interior. Between the cabinets, the window sill can also perform additional functions;
  • This arrangement of furniture can be used in any room of the house - in the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, living room, office.

What can be placed around the window? Anything:

  • In a nursery, these can be cabinets and shelves for books, toys, school supplies;
  • In the bedroom there are shelves for cute little things and spacious wardrobes for clothes;
  • In the kitchen, shelves and cabinets with doors for food supplies, utensils, household appliances and all kinds of utensils;
  • In the living room and study there are bookcases and shelves for useful items and souvenirs.

Designers urge not to get carried away by the depth of cabinets around the window. It is clear that you want to create the most capacious storage space for many items. However, this will negatively affect the natural light of the room, especially if the side is north. However, as you can see in the two photos above, sometimes the cabinets around the window opening can be made deep enough. But this is more the exception than the rule.

Design experts advise making cabinets and shelves around the window light so as not to clutter up the space. A good option is to paint them in the color of the walls, so that they generally “dissolve” against their background. By the way, in a rectangular room where the door is opposite the window, you can use the mirror version - cabinets around the window and around the doorways.

The style of cabinets should match the entire design of the room and can be almost anything - from laconic minimalism to elaborate baroque carvings.

The downside of this arrangement of cabinets is one - you have to make furniture to order, strictly according to your size. It can be case or built-in, but individual sizes and the wishes of the owners will raise the price.

Today, the school curriculum is such that even the youngest students have to sit at home at the table, doing homework for several hours in a row. We cannot change the education system, but we can help our child, equip his work area so that his studies at the table are convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Working area by the window in the nursery: photo of design options

Very often, parents are enthusiastically engaged in arranging a children's room, while resorting to the implementation of a wide variety of options. These options are not always correct in relation to the health of the baby, for example, if the choice of the working area for the child falls on some dark place.

The working area by the window in the nursery, the photo and video of which you will see below, very often attracts parents. They are guided by the fact that natural light is much safer for the eyes.

No light bulb will do that. quality lighting like natural sunlight. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that natural lighting is useful not only for vision, but also has a beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole. And the lack of daylight is especially acute for children.

Key benefits of natural light:

  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Provides the production of vitamin D in the body;
  • Maintains visual acuity;
  • Activates the body's internal, natural clock;
  • Charges with positive energy.

The location of the child's desk by the window also has a number of disadvantages that will have to be overcome. For example, the presence of batteries near the window, possible drafts, and just fuss street life outside the window will distract your child from doing homework.

Desk by the window in the nursery for two children

If not one, but two schoolchildren are growing up in your house, this task is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the question is how to arrange two desks in one room so that they look harmonious. Secondly, if it will be one table, then what size should it be so that the two children can do their homework without interfering with each other.

A desk by the window in the children's room can be placed even with two schoolchildren in the family. Observing the rules, make it at least 1.2 meters long.

In order to equip a workplace for two children by the window, you will have to do necessary calculations and seek help from furniture company which will help bring the right idea to life. Do not forget that along with the table, the children will need places to store school supplies. Consider immediately the presence of drawers, shelves or bedside tables at the table.

Rules to consider when creating a student work area near a window:

  1. In sunny weather, you will have to use curtains or blinds to adjust the intensity of lighting;
  2. It is better to replace an ordinary window sill with a countertop, which will become a continuation of the table and expand the working area;
  3. The battery should not interfere with moving the table to the windowsill; this nuance should be taken into account when making calculations;
  4. If the table is wide enough, it will be difficult to open a window to ventilate the room.

If your children are too active and temperamental, then it is better to organize separate work areas for them. This will avoid conflicts and improve learning productivity.

When choosing a table, chair and other accessories, in addition to the quality of these goods, it is simply necessary to take into account the age, gender, character and preferences of your child. Don't lose sight of the influence colors surrounding space on the child's psyche.

Children's desktop is completed taking into account the age of the student. A corner for preschoolers, as a rule, is a short-lived phenomenon. But the design of the school zone on the contrary requires a careful approach.

First of all, when choosing furniture, consider the gender of the teenager. The school zone for a girl and for a boy will be strikingly different from the very first school years. Over time, with the intensive growth of the child, it may be necessary to replace school furniture, so choose it in the primary grades from the middle price category.

Tips for organizing a student's work area:

  1. Green color awakens the child's interest in learning. Therefore, making out the working area, focus on the soft shades of this particular color.
  2. Experts advise placing a desk in the northeast region of the room. It is here that the sector of wisdom and knowledge is located.
  3. During the lessons, the child's face should not be against the wall. This will be the personification of a deaf obstacle. It is better to put the table along the window.
  4. You can move away from templates rectangular tables and buy a pair original form, designs and colors.
  5. The corner school table by the window is the most good option. This will help save space and rationally place shelves and all necessary accessories, including computer ones, next to the table.

A design approach to the design of the school work area will help stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

A convenient workplace for a schoolchild: a photo of the arrangement of a nursery

The task of parents is to competently and correctly equip the workspace of the student. It is worth paying special attention to the quality and environmental friendliness of the chosen furniture for the children's office. This will help keep your child healthy.

The student's workplace, the photo of which you will see below, is designed taking into account some rules. This approach to the layout of the nursery will help not to disturb the posture and preserve the child's vision.

When purchasing furniture for a child, give preference natural materials. Pay attention to the fact that she does not publish unpleasant odors. If, nevertheless, you decide to buy a table made of plastic, it will not be superfluous to ask the seller for a certificate for this product to make sure it is safe for children.

When choosing a table for a student, pay attention to the correspondence of the height of the desk to the height of the child:

  • Up to 130 cm height of the child, the height of the countertop is 52 cm;
  • From 130 to 145 cm countertop, 58 cm high will be correct;
  • With the growth of the child in the range of 145-165 cm, the height of the countertop should be 64 cm;
  • Ros 165-175 cm assumes a tabletop height of 70 cm.

When buying a table for a younger child school age, during a period of intensive growth, the ability to adjust the height of the countertop will be a big plus. The chair can be picked up separately, but its height should also be able to change. When the child is sitting, his feet should be free to stand on the floor.

Arrangement of a working area for a student by the window (video)

When a child becomes a schoolboy, childhood does not end. When designing a student's work area and following strict rules, do not overdo it. Give him the opportunity to choose the design himself, the wallpaper of the working area, the mischievous pattern of the chair and small pleasant trifles for general educational work. All this will help the baby to painlessly engage in routine school duties and make the learning process bright and exciting.

When decorating the interior, windows are often left without attention, at most, curtains are changed for them or the windows themselves are replaced. But the space around them can also be used as practical as possible. There really is where to roam, the range of ideas is so wide that we could not stop at one thing and decided to offer 25 wonderful ideas at once to transform your interior.

Ideas for a children's room

“The space near the window in the children's room.

The space near the window in the children's room.

There are never many storage systems in the nursery, toys fill the entire space and their number is only increasing. If you do not know where to put them already, then this item is for you. Make open or closed cabinets around the window, let it have a soft corner for the baby, and hidden storage systems under the windowsill. Such a complex looks stylish and the child will definitely like it.

Neat storage in the children's room.Home library storage

Home library.

Paper books take up a lot of space in any interior and, as a rule, their number does not decrease, but only increases. And book lovers begin to puzzle over where to put their favorite literature, where to find a place for a home library. Here, the space by the window will come in handy. You can use the upper part under the ceiling or organize the storage of books under the windowsill, and if there are two windows in the room, then take all the distance between them and make it an impromptu bookshelf. Another idea is to make open shelves on either side of the window and stack books on them.

Neat storage of books.

Storage of books under the windowsill.

Stylish storage books in the apartment.

Storage of books between two windows.

Stylish home library storage.

Reading nook

Cozy place to read.

Since we are talking about books, we cannot ignore the design of the reading corner. The window is ideal for this purpose. Use soft floor cushions, they will serve as a seat, and their decorative counterparts will go under the back. Create your own cozy corner where it will be pleasant to spend time on a day off. In case you read out and it gets dark outside, make sure that there is an additional source of artificial lighting nearby.

Window reading area.

Place to rest

Stylish place to relax.

When a beautiful view opens from the window, it is simply a sin not to make a place for rest and contemplation on the windowsill. Let calm colors prevail here, be sure to equip the seat with soft, do not forget to decorate the place with several decorative pillows, place a blanket nearby. Such an interior composition will delight the eye and fill the room with a special atmosphere. In addition, after a busy day, you can always relax and get aesthetic pleasure.

Place for rest.

Most cubby in the house.

Nice place to relax.

Neat and stylish.

Home Office

Home office by the window.

A good solution is to organize a working area near the window. Use the window sill as a countertop or put a side table on it, make convenient shelves for storing papers and stationery. Don't forget to pick up a chair comfortable height and do not hang curtains on the window, they will prevent the penetration of natural light into the room.

dining area

Dining area by the window.

When it comes to finding a place for a dining area, look at the window and the space around it, especially if there is a free corner next to it. A corner corner or a few comfortable chairs / armchairs will perfectly fit here. Choose for this zone concise and extremely simple furniture light shades. So the dining room will seem more comfortable.

Corner dining room by the window.

Cozy mini dining area.

Window in the kitchen

Practical use of the window in the kitchen.

The window in the kitchen is a godsend for the hostess, not only can the window sill be used as a working area, but also use the space by the window. Organize open shelves and put dishes, pots, cereals and spices in jars there.

In bathroom

Storage on the bathroom window.

If the bathroom has a window, this is a great success. Use it to the maximum, for example, store clean bath towels here. And if you make several shelves, you can easily place personal hygiene products or toilet paper here.

In the dressing room

Use of window space dressing room.

The window in the dressing room can also be used to good use. Place convenient open niches on both sides, put your favorite bags or shoes there, which should always be within a minute's reach. Do not forget to periodically wipe them from dust so that they do not lose their presentable appearance.

Storage systems in the bedroom

Storage systems in the bedroom.

Also useful in the bedroom open systems storage. Convenient to store here home clothes, bed linen, towels, personal hygiene items, books. For neat storage, use auxiliary accessories - boxes, plastic boxes, wicker baskets.
For aesthetic pleasure
The space near the window can be used not only for practical purposes, but also to make a kind of display stand out of it. beautiful decor. These can be souvenirs brought from travels, a collection of porcelain figurines, porcelain, vases and everything that pleases the eye. The main thing is not to overload the shelves, leave some free space for the effect of an airy interior.